All About Windows Web Hosting Web hosting is an assistance provided to organizations, businesses or people who don’t have their own web servers. This service is run by individuals or companies who equip the businesses or people with server space, web services, file maintenance and new technologies for websites. All these services can be catered by Web Hosting Companies. In simple words, this duty helps you to post a website or web page on the internet, hosting these posts on a computer called server. The visibility of your website is set over the internet by the unique DNS assigned to one of the servers. There are various hosting options available, they are: 1. Shared hosting. To make hosting more affordable, one server is shared among several website owners; therefore the cost is shared among all the subscribed users. 2. Dedicated hosting. For better performance and speeding up, you can use this kind of hosting which offers you the entire web server. 3. Collocated hosting. Want to control all the server activities, and then this will be the best option for you. This is an in- house server having all facilities on a purchase. 4. Website builders. This is best suitable for the new comers as it helps the people with technicalities, new updates, which make the set up handy and accessible. Windows is a brand designed by Microsoft. Windows and Linux are the operating systems over which windows server hosting can be implemented. This hosting provides a potential of hosting websites using frameworks such as ASP (Active server pages), ASP.NET, .NET, AJAX, ATLAS along with MS SQL and MySQL database network. Windows has an advanced user interface which allows almost all applications to integrate effectively and easily. This is one of the most reliable platforms of hosting. Though this hosting is expensive but there are certain features which will give evidence against being an efficient one. 1. Compatibility and employable. With advancements and upgrades in frameworks or technologies, Windows always sounds to be compatible which results in an easier approach to access and operate. 2. Robustness and versatility. It is scalable, that is, adaptive in nature and thence can work on different platforms. 3. Integration is effortless including heavy security. The assimilation of windows with any application is easy and does not involve any kind of intricate steps. 4. User- friendly. It is an attraction from a beginner to a very professional as its accessibility is smooth and simple.
Ranging functionalities and versatilities for the website is certainly important and in India, these can be provided by numerous Windows Shared Hosting service providing companies. To build your website in an excellent way contact that offers you a number of plans and packages at reasonable pricing.