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Grading Policy
required study group, academic conference or tutorials) at least once in the first week of the course, the Office of the Registrar is required to assign a grade of “WN” to the student’s record for the course.
Certified Statements
Certified statements, required for such things as proving current or past enrollment, may be obtained without charge upon filing an application with the Office of the Registrar. Note: The College reserves the right to withhold all information on the record of any student who has not fulfilled financial obligations and other responsibilities to the College, including payment of student loans.
Withdrawal from the College
Students who find it necessary to withdraw from the college must drop or withdraw from their courses online via CUNYFirst. An unofficial withdrawal will result in the student receiving a grade of “F” or “WU”, which will be computed in the cumulative grade point average as a grade of “F” (effective Fall 2021, the WU grade will not factor into the grade point average). Students that never attended will receive a grade of “WN”. Official withdrawals will receive grades of “W”. Students may officially withdraw until the end of the tenth week of classes; filing dates are posted each semester and are also printed in the Academic Calendar.
Total Withdrawals after the Official Deadline for Medical Reasons
Students seeking to withdraw totally from the College for medical reasons after the official withdrawal deadline may appeal for a special leave through the Office of the Vice President of Student Development and Enrollment Management. Requests for medical leave are reviewed by an Appeals Committee, and subject to approval of the Dean of Student Development and Enrollment Management.
Total Withdrawal for Military Reasons
The Board of Trustees policies on the treatment of students who leave CUNY to fulfill military obligations established the following rules:
I. Students called to the reserves or drafted before the end of the semester: a. Grades. In order to obtain a grade, a student must attend 13 weeks (5 weeks for summer session). b. Refunds. A student called up to the reserves or drafted who does not attend for a sufficient amount of time to qualify for a grade is entitled to 100% refund of tuition and other fees except application fees. II. Students who volunteer (enlist) for the military: a. Grades. Same provision as for students called up to the reserves. In order to obtain a grade a student must attend 13 weeks (5 weeks for summer session). b. Refunds. The amount of the refund depends upon whether the withdrawal is before the 5th week of classes. i. Withdrawal before the beginning if the 5th calendar week (3rd calendar week for summer session): 100% refund of tuition and all other fees except application fees. ii. Withdrawal thereafter: 50% refund. III. Other Provisions for Military Service: Please consult with the Veterans Liaison in the Office of Student Life.
Grading Policy
Hostos Community College awards letter grades to denote the level of achievement for each course. Effective FALL 2006, the grading system is as follows:
Letter Grade Range Point Value
A 93-100 4.0 A- 90-92 3.7 B+ 87-89 3.3 B 83-86 3.0 B- 80-82 2.7 C+ 77-79 2.3 C 70-76 2.0 D 60-69 1.0 F Failure 0.0
Grade Point Average (GPA)
To compute the Grade Point Average, multiply the number of points shown for the letter grade by the number of credits for that course. Divide the total number of points earned in all courses by the total number of credits. (Refer to above chart.) For example: