No Limits Fall Winter 2012 Edition

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NOLIMITS The Hotchkiss Science & Technology Magazine

Fa l l Winter 2012



SCIENCE @ HOTCHKISS 04 Science Club’s Maker Faire Trip

The club visits an inventor’s fair

06 Summer Research at RPI Students detail their summer work 08 Dr. George F. Cahill Jr.

Commemorating a Hotchkiss alum

ARTICLES 09 Psychopath Brains

What makes theirs different?

10 Hypnosis: Healer or Hack? Is it a viable treatment?

11 Schwann Cell Migration

Daniel Lee ‘12’s summer research

12 Elephant Intelligence

Why they are smarter than we think

14 The New Gene

Meme theory and society today

16 Chem Mysteries

The top ten unsolved mysteries

FEATURES 18 Typography

The hidden science behind text

22 Higgs Boson

Its mystery unraveled


The funding crisis.

28 The Science of Fly Fishing

Part-physics & part-biology

31 Works Cited

2 • No Limits • Fall 2012

FROM THE EDITORS No Limits began as a small group of students who met to share and discuss articles relating to scientific discoveries that they were interested in. Eventually, this passionate group of students, under the guidance of Mr. Jim Morrill, became a magazine and saw its first publication in 1988. Besides his involvement with No Limits, Mr. Morrill’s contributions to the Hotchkiss community have been numerous. From the establishment of Eco Day to the day to day teaching of AP Biology, Mr. Morrill’s greatest addition to Hotchkiss is our AP Environmental Science Curriculum, which he single-handedly introduced to this school. He leaves with us a legacy of one of the school’s most distinguished science faculty.

Editors-In-Chief Eric Li ‘13 & Sara Schroer ‘13

With Mr. Morrill as the club advisor, No Limits grew and flourished for over 25 years. But at the same time, the magazine never strayed far from its original intentions “to arouse your interest in science,” as Victor Chu ’89, the first editor, put it. Mr. Morrill helped to foster an environment where people interested in science at any level could just come and write about their passions and share it with the community. As time passed, the activity of the magazine diminished and publications often strayed away from the original purpose of the club. This issue marks the beginnings of a rebirth of the club. With this, we hope to bring No Limits into the 21st century while still retaining much of the club’s ideals that were fostered under Mr. Morrill. Our mission statement is to “Bridge the gap between classrooms and the real world, humanities & science, advanced student research-

Managing Editor Sejin Park ‘13

Art Editor Vivian Xiao ‘15

Contributing Writers Austin Kim ‘13 Margaret Lederer ‘13 Daniel Lee ‘12 Martie Ogle ‘14 Ashley Park ‘13 James Post ‘15

ers and beginners, and much more.” To accomplish this while still keeping the spirit of the magazine alive, we will be extending the breadth of our articles beyond science to the fields of technology, engineering, and mathematics. We will be concurrently publishing the print edition as well as an online edition to make it accessible to anyone. New articles will also be posted to our online blog and on our Facebook page so as to really share our passions and “arouse your interest in science” as readers. Of course, none of this would have been possible if it weren’t for the leadership of Mr. Morrill. Thus, with much pride and gratitude, the

Faculty Advisor Dr. Susan Park

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No Limits staff would like to dedicate this issue to him as an honor of

Comments may be sent to:

his significant contributions to not only the magazine itself, but also

Eric Li ‘13 Sejin Park ‘13 Sara Schroer ‘13 Vivian Xiao ‘15

the Hotchkiss community. We hope you enjoy! The Editors

FRONT COVER Launch of Space Shuttle Endeavour. © NASA.

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 3




4 7

1 Eepy Bird gives a demonstration with Coke Zero and Mentos. 2 Robots from the FIRST Robotics Competition. 3 David Pogue, NYT Columnist, speaking on science in the media. 4 Stephen Wolfram discussing the use of Mathematica in education. 5 A 3D printer. 6 An AI bot named Hubo. 7 Towers made of toothpicks. 8 A 3D wood printer. 9 A life size mousetrap. Images taken by Sejin Park ‘13, Eric Li ‘13, Vivian Xiao ‘15.

4 • No Limits • Fall 2012





n the early hours of September 30th, 2012, the Science Club headed down to the New York Hall of Science in Queens, NY to attend the annual World Maker Faire. This is an event that

“celebrates arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset”. Every year, the world’s makers, inventors, engineers, artists, scientists, and hackers all gather at this space to showcase their work. In addition to strolling around to many exhibits, the students also had a chance to participate in handson workshops and demonstrations. In the auditorium, names such as Stephen Wolfram and David Pogue educated visitors about the uses of Mathematica, a computer algebra system, and scientific education in public television. “It was a way for me to see all of the different cool projects that people around the world are working on,” said Franton Lin ‘14, the co-head of Science Club, “we really hope for the Maker Faire to become a great



introduction trip to the club, and get people psyched about science in general.” □



Science club meets every Friday from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Science Building. The club heads are Eric Li ‘13 and Franton Lin ‘14 advised by William Fenton.

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 5



For the month of July this past summer, a group of 9 Hotchkiss students went to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. There, they

Dou Dou ‘13 I worked in the Lakshmi lab researching on Photosystem ll in the

lived in dormitories and did research in the labs of different pro-

cells of plants, and in a bigger context of bio-solar energy trans-

fessors. For this issue, we asked each of them to discuss their

duction study. We also worked on synthesis of the manganese

experiences working in a lab environment.

water-splitting center, EPR(Electron Paramagnetic Resonance),

Jessica Chen ‘13 I studied the ability of the freshwater fern Azolla to uptake and metabolize estrogenic compounds from the water. It was im-

and the inhibition of oxygen evolution in PS ll.

Austin Kim ‘13 I worked on a biomedical engineering project that studied the

portant to environmental issues because phytoremediation is

effects of alginate-based hydrogels to mitigate spinal cord

a promising and uninvasive way to remove dangerous environ-

injury. In this study, four types of hydrogels prepared with bovine

mental pollutants from watersheds and aquifers.

serum albumin (BSA) were monitored for BSA release in artificial

Emily Silva ‘13

cerebral spinal fluid (aCSF) over the course of two weeks. The gels are injected onto a well plate through a syringe in order

This summer I worked in Dr. Corr’s lab at RPI with a masters

to replicate the administration of injectable alginate hydrogels

student, Hsin Dat Li. I was working in Biomedical engineering on

in situ. A major part of this study was to apply the release of

growing tendon fibers. We tested different variables to find the

BSA as a model for the release of small interfering RNA (siRNA).

optimal conditions and best methods for successfully growing

siRNA works in the RNA interference pathway where it prevents

the fibers. Although I will not be able to continue the research

the translation of certain proteins, effectively “silencing” them.

because I do not have the resources away from RPI, I had an

A final goal of this project is to eventually have the hydrogels

amazing experience. Everything was exciting, even the simple

carry siRNA that will use its gene silencing properties to block

tasks, because I felt like I was doing something important. I defi-

synthesis of proteins such as GFAP and disrupt formation of the

nitely plan on seriously continuing science in college, and hope-

glial scar to enhance regeneration outcomes.

fully pursuing a career in the sciences.

Meghana Koduru ‘14

Eric Li ‘13 My research at RPI involved the effective transformation of Bacil-

I worked in Dr. Patrick Maxwell’s lab on aging yeast cells. We es-

lus megaterium using electroporation. I worked under Nicholas

sentially gave the yeast cells a certain amount of food to start

Marchand in the lab of Cynthia Collins. Together we attempted

with and once they ran out, they stopped growing. At this point

to explore the method of using electroporation to insert an en-

we counted how many cells were still living and also how many

fuvirtide plasmid into the cell. Enfuviritde is an HIV inhibitor, and

could grow to form colonies if given more food. Aging yeast cells

the point of this research would be to find a cheaper more ef-

help us understand how different animals age because there are

ficient way of producing HIV medicine rather than the currently

many similarities in the genome of yeast and mammals.

expensive treatment regimen. Electroporation involves applying a high voltage shock to the cell, opening microscopic pores and allowing the plasmid to enter the cell.

6 • No Limits • Fall 2012

Priyanka Sekhar ‘13

Sejin Park ‘13

I studied stem cell alignment and differentiation during my time

My research had a very application-oriented goal: to redesign a

at RPI. The purpose of my project was to find a more efficient

sequence of peptides that is used to detect the onset of acute

way to culture stem cells for applications in the field of tissue

myocardial infarction, a lethal heart condition. To produce pep-

engineering. I used micropatterned surfaces to direct the growth

tides with better affinity to Troponin I, the protein that needs to

of the C2C12 cells. I then looked at deviations from the pattern

be detected, I took the single amino acid mutagenesis approach,

(compared to the control) to determine which micropatterned

a technique of substituting an amino acid in the sequence with

surface and what conditions allowed for the most efficient and

other naturally occurring amino acids. After synthesizing, print-

directed stem cell growth.

ing, and screening peptides, some of the new sequences were

Peter Moon ‘13

found to perform better than the original wildtype sequence. In the long run, my research will be helpful in understanding more

I studied processes in photosynthesis. My lab focused on the ac-

about protein-peptide affinity on the amino acid level. I have

tivity of the protein complex Photosystem II (PSII) and, specifical-

learned not only how to use many specific scientific instruments,

ly, a cubane manganese-based structure within this complex that

but also important lab techniques and approaches in research

oxidizes water. My work involved the synthesis and purification

and engineering in general.

simplified versions of this structure, bonded to terpyridine molecules, to be studied via Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Analysis of these EPR studies allowed us to observe the effects of the bonded ligands on the efficiency and structure of the synthesized manganese compounds and compare the results to EPR studies of the naturally occurring manganese catalysts in PSII.

LEFT Dou Dou ‘13 and Peter Moon ‘13 working in the Lakshmi Lab BELOW Back: Paul Oberto, Eric Li ‘13, Sejin Park ‘13, Peter Moon ‘13, Dou Dou ‘13, Austin Kim ‘13. Front: Emily Silva ‘13, Meghana Koduru ‘14, Jessica Chen ‘13, & Priyanka Sekhar ‘13. Images provided by Paul Oberto

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 7


© Associated Press

8 • No Limits • Fall 2012

r. George F. Cahill Jr. ‘44, a prom-

is the “primary mover” in determining

inent Hotchkiss Alum in the

human starvation, which interestingly

field of medicine, passed away

parallels a diabetes patient, who lacks

on July 30, 2012 as a result of complica-

insulin, and a starving person, accord-

tions due to pneumonia at the age of 85.

ing to Dartmouth biology professor Lee

He was an unsurpassed diabetes expert


who clarified the role of insulin in human

Dr. Cahill also found the later stages of

metabolism, especially during starvation.

prolonged starvation, in which the body

Dr. Cahill entered The Hotchkiss School

breaks down protein from the liver to use

in 1940 barely 13, the youngest in class.

as a fuel. This can be life-threatening as

He immediately distinguished himself

it impacts many vital organs and muscles.

as a bright scholar, receiving the Phillips

Dr. Cahill authored more than 300

Prize for excellence in plane geometry

scientific articles and reviews in the field

as well as being the head of the Chem-

of metabolism, many of them seminal

Physics club. After receiving his BS in

discoveries. The studies transformed sci-

biology from Yale University, he complet-

entists’ understanding of starvation and

ed medical school at Columbia College

the way insulin regulates metabolism,

of Physicians and Surgeons, where his

said Dr. Joseph Avruch, a professor of

father was on the faculty as a uro-

medicine at the Harvard Medical School,

logic surgeon. At the Peter Bent Brigham

as referenced by the New York Times in

Hospital (now Brigham and Women’s),

its August 17 tribute.

Dr. Cahill began lifelong research on the

Former headmaster George Van

metabolism of glucose and amino acids

Santvoord described Dr. Cahill as “a vig-

during feeding and fasting, as well as in

orous young man of fine physique, good

obesity and diabetes. His studies set forth

intellectual ability, and excellent char-

many of the tenets that form the basis of

acter.” Dr. Cahill’s legacy lives on in not

our classic understanding of these pro-

only his works, but also with generations

cesses, said Dr. C. Ronald Kahn, the chief

of researchers he impacted during his

academic officer at the Joslin Diabetes

teaching, administrative, and research

Center in Boston, where Dr. Cahill was

career at Harvard Medical school, Joslin

research director from 1962 to 1978.

Diabetes Center, Howard Hughes Medical

During human starvation, the body

Institute (HMMI), Dartmouth College, and

initially uses glucose as its main fuel if it

many more. Especially in Dartmouth, he

is available. If glucose supply is depleted,

is remembered as a gifted teacher who

insulin is secreted to break down gly-

“could reduce the most complex bio-

cogen into glucose. Dr. Cahill’s research,

chemical phenomena down to the under-

which often involved test subjects such

standing of a philosophy major,” wrote an

as hibernating bears or divinity students

August 14 tribute from Dartmouth.

who were paid to fast for a week, shed

In 1990, Dr. Cahill was awarded

light on the next step of metabolism. He

Alumnus of the Year at Hotchkiss to

explained that a drop in level of insulin

celebrate his illustrious career. In this

leads to breakdown of fatty acids into

issue No Limits commemorates him as a

ketones, which can cross the blood-brain

distinguished alumnus. □

barrier and feed the brain as an alterna-

Special thanks to the alumni office for pro-

tive fuel. His studies revealed that insulin

viding us with with invaluable information.




ccording to a new study

light on the source of this dysfunction

chopathy. Those two structures in the

led by University of Wis-

and strategies for treating the problem.”

brain, which are believed to regulate

consin-Madison Research-

The results could explain the heart-

emotion and social behavior, seem to

ers, the images of the

less and impulsive antisocial behavior

not be communicating as they should.”

brains of those who are

of most psychopaths. The study showed

The University of Haifa conducted a

diagnosed as psychopaths and those who

that psychopaths have reduced con-

similar study on psychopath brain struc-

aren’t show significant differences. The


ture. “Our findings show that people who




study discovered reduced

have psychopathic symp-

connectivity between an

toms behave as though

area of prefrontal cortex

they are suffering frontal

(PFC) and the amygdala.

brain damage,” said Dr.

The study took place in



a medium-security prison


in Wisconsin. Dr. Kent

study. The study assessed

Kiehl from the University

17 people who are diag-

of New Mexico and the

nosed as psychopathic,

MIND Research Network

but not suffering from

brought a mobile MRI

any brain damage; and

scanner to the prison


and scanned the prison-

als who are experienc-

ers’ brains. Then another

ing frontal lobe injury.








Each of the subjects

Koenigs and his graduate

underwent a computer-

student, Julian Motzkin,

ized test examining the

analyzed the brain scans.




The analysis com-

another’s thoughts and

pared the brains of 20

emotions and show em-

prisoners with a diagno-

pathy for another’s emo-

sis of psychopathy with

tions. The results showed

the brains of 20 other

that both psychopaths

prisoners who committed similar crimes but

The Joker from Batman: The Dark Knight. By Vivian Xiao ‘15.

with no brain damage and



were not diagnosed with psychopathy.

prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), the part of

frontal lobe damage demonstrated a sim-

UW-Madison psychology Professor

brain that controls the sentiments of

ilar difficulty of showing empathy. “Seeing

Joseph Newman claimed, “The combina-

empathy and guilt, and the amygdala,

as psychopathic behavior is similar to that

tion of structural and functional abnor-

which is responsible for fear and anxiety.

of a person with brain damage, it could be

malities provides compelling evidence

Assistant professor of psychiatry in

that it could benefit from similar forms of

that the dysfunction observed in this

the University of Wisconsin School of

treatment,” Dr. Shamay-Tsoory noted.

crucial social-emotional circuitry is a

Medicine and Public Health asserted,

stable characteristic of our psychopathic

“This is the first study to show both struc-

offenders. I am optimistic that our ongo-

tural and functional differences in the

ing collaborative work will shed more

brains of people diagnosed with psy-

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 9



hen one thinks of the

it appears only as a quasi-science or fancy



magic trick. Despite this, the art of hyp-

ages of polished pen-


nosis has actually been proven benefi-



cial to patients undergoing post-surgery

chants, or even The Professor from Gil-

rest and recovery. A study by radiologists

ligan’s Island come to mind. For centu-

at Harvard Medical School, published in

ries, hypnotism has always garnered the

2000, found that patients who received

attention of many, ranging from the de-

hypnosis before and after surgery re-

voted occult to the hopeful practitioner.

quired less medication, had fewer com-

Hypnotism began with the work of Franz

plications, and underwent drastically

Anton Mesmer in the 18th century. A sim-

shorter recovery procedures than patients

ple Austrian physician, Mesmer believed

who did not undergo hypnosis. In a 2002

that he had discovered a phenomenon he

follow-up study, the radiologists con-

dubbed Animal Magnetism. He believed

cluded that if every patient having sur-

that he could summon a healing wave of

gery were to receive hypnosis the sav-

bodily fluid controlled by the cosmos, and

ings would amount to $338 per patient.

that Animal Magnetism, which accumulat-

However, one must take caution in

ed in his own body, could be passed on to

agreeing to such a risky treatment. There

others. Mesmer therefore thought he had

is no universal licensing process for hyp-

the power to cure people in a hypnotic

nosis practitioners. Edward Frischholz, a

ritual that became known as mesmerism.

clinical psychologist in Chicago who has

In the early 19th century, James Braid,

written more than 50 papers on clini-

a Scottish surgeon, developed hypnosis

cal and experimental hypnosis, said that

which was based on Mesmer’s primi-

“hypnosis is like a surgeon’s knife: in the

tive work. By investigating and later

right hands it can be life-saving, but in the


wrong it could cause harm.” (Lesley B6) □




techniques, Braid created a crude form of hypnotism to be used as a rudimen“Gentle Hypnosis” ©2012 leetSpaz (Deviantart).

tary form of anesthetic during surgeries. But what role does hypnosis play in the world of modern medicine? To many,

10 • No Limits • Fall 2012



ver the summer of 2011,

However, applications of electrical

I worked in a biomedical

stimulation in the human body pose chal-

engineering lab at Rensse-

lenges because electrical signals may get

laer Polytechnic Institute

trapped in the adjacent connective tissue

that researches nerve re-

before reaching the target site. Thus, an

generation. The goal of my project was

inclusion of an electrically conductive

to investigate the migration of Schwann

biomaterial may effectively focus the

cells following electrical stimulation in

electrical cues to the injury site, allowing

a 3D, carbon nanotube-embedded con-

for a more effective treatment.


My hypothesis was that the addition of

The peripheral nervous system (PNS)

single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT)

is made up of all nerves outside the brain

in conjunction with electrical stimulation

and the spinal cord, and it serves to con-

will cause the Schwann cells to migrate

nect the central nervous system to limbs

further than samples without SWCNT. In

and organs. In the event of a peripheral

my experiment I embedded rat Schwann

nerve injury, due to a car accident, for ex-

cells in a hydrogel construct with SWCNT

ample, the severed nerve can only regen-

and stimulated these constructs for eight

erate under optimal circumstances. Nerve

hours under 50mV/mm. Then, I stained

regeneration is impeded by factors such

these constructs, imaged them using a

as cell scarring, apoptosis (programmed

light microscope, and measured the dis-

cell death), and a lack of a permissive en-

tance migrated using the images.

vironment. The role of Schwann cells is

I showed that the Schwann cells with

critical in creating this permissive envi-

both electrical stimulation and electri-

ronment for axonal regrowth.

cally conductive nanotubes displayed

Schwann cells are the support cells

further migration compared to cells with

of the PNS. They promote nerve regen-

either one cue or none.This study is a

eration by clearing scar tissue, releasing

first step in examining the feasibility of

soluble factors and expressing surface li-

using electrically conductive biomate-

gands, and thus allowing for the severed

rial for nerve injury. Future work includes

nerve to reconnect. Thus, the migration of

increasing the sample size, studying the

Schwann cells to the injury site may be

differences in the physical properties of

critical in aiding nerve regeneration. Pre-

the SWCNT-laden hydrogel due to the

vious studies in the lab has shown that

inclusion of the nanomaterial, enhancing

in a 3D construct, electrically stimulated

the dispersion of the nanomaterial within

Schwann cells migrate 68% further than

the construct, and evaluating migration

unstimulated cells.

over a wider range of electrical stimuli. □

Schwann cells growing on tubules taken by researchers at Purdue University. ©2012 Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University.

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 11

Elephant researchers have found that the way these animals interact with their environment and each other could be proof of intelligence.”

12 • No Limits • Fall 2012

© Prince Eleazer, National Geographic




ost people would include

past, they will pause and exhibit signs of

as well. Like a human, the elephant’s

humans, apes, and dol-


brain develops over many years giving

phins on the list of most

Besides personal memory, elephants

the elephant a span of 10 years to ac-

intelligent animals. How-

appear to retain cultural memory as well.

quire knowledge. This ability to learn is

ever, a much larger mammal belongs on

This taught culture is one of the biggest

quite unique in the animal kingdom. Re-

this list as well: elephants. Through nu-

supporters of elephant intelligence. In

searchers have also found that elephants

merous studies, scientists have collected

herds that have been hunted in the past

depend on these learned behaviors rath-

both physical and behavioral evidence

display an intense fear of humans. How-

er than instinctual ones.

for their intelligence.

ever, herds that haven’t been hunted re-

More physical evidence towards el-

spond to humans in curious and friendly

ephantine intelligence is that the brain of


an elephant is highly convoluted. This in-

Elephant researchers have found that the way these animals interact with their environment and each other could be

One way scientists gauge animal in-

tricate folding increases the surface area

proof of intelligence. One of the main

telligence is through the complexity of

of the brain, as it does in other intelligent

reasons is that, like primates, elephants

their communication. Elephants interact

species such as humans and dolphins.

use tools. They grip sticks, stones, and

with each other both through body lan-

Scientists believe that there is a direct

other objects with their trunks to intimi-

guage and verbally. However, their range

correlation between the amount of brain

date enemies, scratch themselves, and

of hearing goes to a much lower decibel

folding and the intelligence of the mam-

shoo away insects. Also, elephant calves

than humans. Because of this ability, el-


will play with found objects from their

ephants can communicate at the lower

However, because elephants are dif-


frequency and make seismic “noises” that

ferent species than humans, we must

travel as vibrations in the ground.

be careful not to give their actions and

Another reason scientists believe in elephant intelligence is that they mourn

Lastly, the strongest case for elephant

intelligence our motives. Their need to

their dead. When a member of their herd

intelligence is that they are self-aware.

communicate or use tools, while funda-

dies, elephants will gather around the

They are capable of recognizing them-

mentally similar, is very different from our

dead. They will watch over the body for

selves in mirrors. If an elephant sees dirt

own need. The possibility of understand-

days, only leaving for food. Elephants are

on itself in the mirror, it will try to rub the

ing this unique intelligence would be lost

migratory animals, traveling hundreds of

smudge off.

if we tried to inflict it with our own expe-

miles a year, but when they pass a spot

Besides behavioral evidence, scientists

where a family member has died in the

have found physical proof of intelligence

rience. □

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 13




hroughout the history of man, one thing has been

“What is it about the idea of god [or any meme] that gives it its stability and penetrance in the cultural environment?”

and propagates further using the cells as vectors.

passed on through generation after generation: cul-

In a more specific example, let us discuss the idea of God. In

ture. Similar to a gene, ideas that follow this type of

and of itself, it is a very, very old concept. Yet, this concept has

cultural transmission, coined “memes” are similar to

been able to withstand countless generations and now exists in

genetic transmission in that they both survive multiple genera-

various forms. But how has it been able to be passed on through

tions, so to speak.

so many people while other ideas have failed to withstand the

Coined by Richard Dawkins, the author of his 1976 book The

test of such a transfer from one generation to another?

Selfish Gene, meme comes from the Greek root Mimeme, which

The question now becomes, “what is it about the idea of god

basically means imitation. In essence, a meme is an idea, behav-

[or any meme] that gives it its stability and penetrance in the

ior, or concept that spreads from person to person within a cul-

cultural environment?” (193). As Dawkins puts it, “The survival


value of the god meme in the meme pool results from its great

Unlike genes, which modify the phenotype of an organism and are passed on physically via DNA, memes often concern a

psychological appeal. It provides a superficially plausible answer to deep and troubling questions about existence,” (193).

person’s mind, and are passed from person to person through speech or other extracellular methods. Such examples of this type of spread include tunes, ideas, fashions, and even the idea of God, all of which originated from an individual or group of individuals, and propagated throughout the course of history. What is interesting to discuss here, is the spread of such ideas and their further effects on society. Simply put, a meme “propagates [itself] in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation,” (192). If a person hears, reads about, or sees a good idea, he or she will pass it on to his friends, and this process continues, until eventually, a large group of people learns about it and it becomes a meme. The brain basically becomes a vector in which the meme is allowed to propagate, much like a virus takes over bacteria with its own phage DNA,

14 • No Limits • Fall 2012

Most of what is unusual about man can be summed up in one word: ‘culture.’ ” - Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene (p.89)

Richard Dawkins speaking at a Writers Conference in Dublin.

Similarly, a cultural meme such as jeans has spread because

Going back to the meme of religion- the idea of God has

the masses have found them comfortable and convenient. Thus,

played a crucial role in societal development throughout history.

memes are spread when people find them appealing and then

Early colonial America was purely based off of this meme. Nowa-

they are shared with others. Alternately, not all ideas will be able

days, Internet memes and societal memes help to define our so-

to replicate. Such concepts are not popular in public opinion, and

ciety, its rules and ideologies, and each person as an individual.

after all: “[a meme’s] spread will depend on how acceptable it is

Inventions are probably one of the most important memes of

to the population, “(194). This type of weeding out of the bad

our society today. Inventions such as the light bulb and cars have

memes is analogous to natural selection of genes: the bad ones

lasted generations, giving proof to the survivability of memes.

simply do not propagate forward. Thus, memes really are “analo-

Memes function very similarly to genes, in that they both

gous to genetic transmission in that… it can give rise to a form of

provide a ways for things to replicate themselves. Memes are

evolution,” (189), albeit a slightly different form than the form of

special because they require absolutely no tangible vectors in

natural selection that is the characteristic of gene evolution.

order to replicate. The only vectors that are required by memes

There are also some memes that achieve short-term success in propagating themselves rapidly, but do not last for much time in

are people’s minds. When you consider what you do in everyday life, it will almost always relate back to one or more meme. □

the meme pool. Popular music is an example, satiating people’s tastes until the next great hit comes out. Then, the older song is

Richard Dawkins is a world renowned evolutionary biologist and au-

simply forgotten. It is ideas that have meme potential that influ-

thor. His books, most famously The Selfish Gene, have sold over two

ence our society as a whole and the future of our society.

million copies and been translated into over 31 languages.

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 15




How Did Life Begin?

cloud with opposing electrostatic forces surrounds the atom’s nucleus and the electrons are constantly moving. Computers

Scientists believe the first molecule to self-

simulations can now calculate, with accuracy, the properties and

replicate was similar to RNA, beginning the

structures of molecules with relatively few electrons from quan-

process of evolution. Researchers at Georgia

tum first principles. The problem arises when the reaction’s elec-

Institute of Technology having been working

tron count exceeds a few dozen, so modeling complex reactions,

for more than a decade to understand how non-living molecules

like biomolecular processes, is still impossible.

combined to form the very first life. They have discovered that small molecules may have acted as “molecular midwives” by assisting the building blocks of genetic material in forming the first short polymers of nucleic acids and by originally matching the base pairs of the DNA double helix.



How Does the Environment Influence Our Genes? The control of gene activity seems to involve chemical events happening at the mesoscale, a scale greater than those of at-

How Do Molecules Form?

oms and molecules. Chromatin, the mixture of proteins and DNA

Scientists continue to disagree on what the

that makes up chromosomes, has a structure greatly influenced

most accurate representation of a molecule

by the cell. The double helix of DNA is wound around histones,

is since they are basing models on assump-

which are bundled up into higher-order structures that are still

tions and approximate data. An electron

poorly understood. The way a gene is packed into this structure

16 • No Limits • Fall 2012

determines whether or not it is active. Scientific understanding

leaf that would produce fuel from solar energy by splitting water

of this process can help in the research and use of stem cells in

into hydrogen and oxygen gas. The difficulty is finding a cheap

regenerative medicine and a greater understanding of genetic

photocatalyst that does the splitting. Currently, a cobalt-based


catalyst is being used, but it is not ideal.


How Does the Brain Think and Form Memories? Although scientists have a basic understanding of the formation of habitual re-

What is the Best Way to Make Biofuels?


The creation of biofuels is, as of now, incredibly inefficient and impractical. To be

flexes and everyday declarative memories

more feasible, mostly solid biofuels would

(people, places, etc.), there are still many gaps in brain sciences.

need to be converted into liquid fuels for easy transportation

For example, we still do not understand how a memory is re-

along pipelines. This conversion would need to happen on site

called once it is stored. Learning about the chemistry of memory

(where the plants are harvested). There is, however, no general

making creates the controversial prospect of pharmacological

consensus on the proper way to perform the creation of biofuels,

enhancement of memory.

but the solution undoubtedly will be found with chemistry.


How Many Elements Exist? The periodic table continues to grow as scientists use particle accelerators to crash atomic nuclei together to form new “su-

Can We Devise New Ways to Create Drugs?


In the 1990s combinational chemistry was the hope of creating new medicines by

perheavy” elements. The nuclei are incred-

randomly assembling molecules and then

ibly instable and decay radioactively within a tiny fraction of a

testing to see which ones held potential – it produced virtu-

second. The studies on these new elements test the conceptual

ally nothing useful. Due to modern developments, combi-chem

limits of the periodic table – do the superheavy elements still

could make a return to biotechnological research. Scientists can

display the trends in chemical behavior that originally shaped

now refine the library of candidate molecules by using a kind of

the periodic table? Some do, but some don’t. Is there a limit to

Darwinian evolution is a test tube. Another possibility is protein

the size of the superheavy elements? Simple calculations limit

synthesis in cells to tailor new drugs.

the nuclei to 137 protons, but more sophisticated calculations show it to be limitless.


Can Computers Be Made Out of Carbon?


Can We Continuously Monitor Our Own Chemistry? Biosensors that use chemical reactions to monitor the concentration of glucose

In 2010, the Nobel Prize in Physics was

date back to 1960s. But increasingly, sci-

awarded for the discovery of graphene, a

entists want to create faster, cheaper, more sensitive and more

web of carbon atoms arranged in a chicken

ubiquitous chemical sensing to aid in detecting food and water

wire-like pattern. Being an electrical conductor, hollow, extreme-

contaminants, monitor pollutants in the air, and biomedical ap-

ly strong and stiff, graphene promised applications ranging from

plications, such as chemical sensors that would recognize the

high-strength carbon composites to tiny wires and electric de-

products of cancer genes circulating in the bloodstream long

vices. The problem is finding the right techniques to use this new

before normal clinical tests could diagnose it. Chemists foresee

molecule; the key might be precise atomic-scale engineering to

continuous, unobtrusive monitoring of all biochemical markers

build the molecule from the bottom up with hexagonal carbon

of health and disease to provide real-time information to sur-


geons and to automated systems for delivering remedial drug


How Do We Tap More Solar Energy? We are expansively and inefficiently using solar energy since we are incapable of harvesting vast amounts. The conventional


IMAGE CREDIT Solar Array © Saginaw Future (top left), Microscopic Surface of CD © Chris Supranowitz (middle left), DNA Gel Electrophoresis © Micah Baldwin (bottom left), & Chemistry Glassware © Nicholas Rigg, Getty Images (right).

photovoltaic panels made of silicon are extremely expensive, restricting their use. Biology shows us, however, that solar cells do not have to be incredibly efficiently if they can be made cheaply and abundantly. A group of scientists are creating an artificial

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18 • No Limits • Fall 2012


ypography is the art and technique of arranging ‘type’ – letters and characters – to communicate an idea. Though not officially a branch of science, typography is essential to the study and creation of good design.

The term ‘typography’ isn’t commonly used in everyday life, but the technique of typography is used everywhere. Science textbooks, the headlines of The Record, and even history papers, all involve typography. Typography allows us to read things clearly, and good typography can convey a message ‘in between the lines.’ All typefaces have their own personality and purpose. Although a deep understanding of typography isn’t necessary to score an A+ on an English essay, typography can still be useful to enhance a piece of writing.

The Periodic Table of Typefaces The Periodic Table of Typefaces was created by graphic designer Cam Wilde. It is composed of 100 of the most popular, influential, and notorious typefaces of today and is organized into groups of typefaces: sans-serif, serif, script, blackletter, glyphic, display, grotesque, realist, didone, garalde, geometric, humanist, slab-serif, and mixed. Each cell of the table contains the name of the typeface, the symbol, the designer, and the year it was designed. The typefaces are arranged in order of relative rankings. Some typefaces were omitted to keep families of typefaces together. To find out more about the Periodic Table of Typefaces, visit http://www.behance. net/gallery/Periodic-Table-of-Typefaces/193759.

Typography in Math and Science Many science and math textbooks are often printed in similar typefaces. This is because only a few typefaces are compatible with mathematical symbols, Greek letters, and other ‘special’ texts throughout math and sciThe Periodic Table of Typefaces by Cam Wilde.

ence; these publications typically use Computer Modern or New Century Schoolbook. Such typefaces allow for

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maximum clarity of numbers, letters, and symbols. TeX (pronounced ‘teck’) is a text-formatting program used for typesetting complex mathematical formulae and other technical material attractively and consistently. It is commonly used in mathematics, computer science, economics, engineering, physics, statistics, and quantitative psychology.

Typography for Essays Teachers often set guidelines for font size, line spacing, margins, and page limits for writing essays, and it can be a hassle to edit an essay to meet the right requirements. Typography can be helpful in these situations. If an essay is over the page limit, Times New Roman will shrink it down. Or, if the essay is a little too short, Verdana will stretch it out. The tracking of the text can also be adjusted by right clicking and going to font > advanced > spacing > condensed or expanded.

Typography in Graphic Design Typography is used in many different areas of graphic design, including posters, advertising and logo design. Type is combined with negative space and graphic images to form relationships between words and images. Graphic designers’ favorite typefaces include Helvetica (e.g. the Microsoft logo), Futura (e.g. the Adidas logo), Garamond (e.g. The Harry Potter books), Trajan (e.g. the movie poster of Titanic), Myriad (e.g. Apple advertisements), Franklin Gothic (e.g. the movie poster of The Dark Knight), and Gill Sans (e.g. the London Underground logo). Popular typefaces for display on screen include Lucida Grande, Verdana, and other sans serif fonts. The graphic designers’ worst nightmare is the abuse of Comic Sans MS. Some other misused and tacky typefaces include Papyrus, Brush Script, Curlz MT, and Bradley Hand.

Terminology When going into an in-depth study of typography, it is necessary

Economics of Typography Ink is expensive. When it comes to printing large amounts of text, the typeface that saves the most ink is Century Gothic, which uses 30% less ink than Arial. However, Century Gothic wastes more paper, so the best way to save money and the environment is to avoid printing. Microsoft switched their default typeface from Times New Roman to Calibri and Cambria because of their higher readability on the screen. They believed that the more pleasing that the text looks on the screen, the less tempted someone will be to print out a document.

20 • No Limits • Fall 2012

to know some key terms to identify different features of typefaces. Here are a few basics to get started. Font vs. Typeface: The most common misconception about typography is the definition of the word ‘font’. Most people would explain font as a style of letters, such as Times New Roman, Georgia, or Comic sans. However, these names refer to a specific typeface, while font refers to the collection of typeface, size, weight or style. Serif & Sans-serif: Serif refers to typefaces with a ‘decorative’ finishing stroke (called a Serif) at the end of character stems.

Sans Serif are typefaces with a lack of any Serifs.

An illustration on the anatomy of typefaces by Vivian Xiao ‘15.

Tracking and Kerning: Tracking is the adjustment of spacing between characters of a whole group of characters (in a paragraph or article), while kerning is the adjustment of spacing between individual characters. Leading: More commonly known as line spacing, leading is the vertical line spacing between lines of text. Weight: the thickness or width of strokes – light, medium, bold, heavy, ultra, etc. □

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article physics is vital to our understanding of the world. It explains and explores the building blocks of everything. This field of science gives us insight to the origin and workings of the universe. Despite particle physics’ important role in science,

however, it doesn’t attract much attention from the average person, or the media. Recently, though, the Higgs Boson has gained a great amount of publicity. Perhaps this is due to its sensational title as “The God Particle”, or perhaps it is due to the creation of CERN’s technologically advanced Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. The particle is known to be nature’s most elusive particle, and most important subnuclear particle. In any case, however, the Higgs should explain mass itself, and fill a large gap in what we know about particle physics. The Standard Model is a sort of chart that is used to explain particle physics. Like the Periodic Table for chemistry, it provides a foundation and structure for this field of study. Made up of particles, the model is mainly divided into up, down, bottom, top, strange, and charm quarks (some of which make up protons and neutrons), and leptons (which include electrons). It is known, however, that there are many particles missing, and spaces needing to be filled, in this model. The Higgs Boson is expected to fill a gap in our knowledge of the major forces of the universe, which are gravity, the electromagnetic force, and the strong and weak radioactive forces. In brief, it is believed that each of these forces has a respective particle called a boson, through which the forces can be transmitted, and affect matter. Despite finding the W and Z bosons corresponding to the strong and weak radioactive forces, and photons for the electromagnetic force, physicists were missing the boson for the gravitational force. It is believed that the Higgs will fill this role. (Atteberry). Peter Higgs, a British physicist after whom the Higgs Boson’s name originates, theorized about the particle in the 1960s. He postulated that there was a Higgs Field, and proposed that in this field, the Higgs boson transferred mass to a particle such as a quark, electron, W, or Z particle. (“Origins CERN Ideas,”). One analogy is often used to explain this field and how the Higgs Boson gives particles mass. Imagine a fancy cocktail party

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© Energy Services Network

in a large room. Suddenly, a movie star enters the scene, and the

poses in a fraction of a second. Physivcists don’t have the

people nearest to the celebrity pack in around him, eager for

equipment to know that they’ve found it in that split second, so

conversation. Particles such as the W and Z boson particles act

they must look for what they believe the Higgs decomposes into.

as these movie stars, and the flock of people around the celeb-

Millions of measurements and tests must also be performed,

rity represent a particle’s mass. When the star passes through

because sufficient is needed to show graphical evidence of the

the Higgs Field, they gain mass. The Higgs boson particle acts

Higgs Boson (it appears as a tiny bump on the graph). (Anthony).

as the eager party guest; it is a manifestation of the Higgs Field.

Finally, on Wednesday, July 4, 2012, physicists from the LHC

Some particles, however, such as photons, attract much less

announced that they had found evidence of a particle that had

attention at the party, and act as unimportant guests. When they

the predicted mass of the Higgs Boson. With a one in a million

pass through the Higgs Field, they don’t create any ‘distortion’ in

chance that they were wrong, they knew it had to be the God

the field, which renders them massless. (“Origins CERN Ideas,”).

Particle itself. The scientific community rejoiced, and physicists

The search for the Higgs has been going on for decades. Physicists use particle accelerators to search for particles like

likened the probable discovery to the unearthing of the DNA sequence in the human body. (Perlman).

the Higgs Boson. Throughout the 1990s, CERN’s Large Electron-

Despite the excitement many scientists felt at confirming the

Positron Collider (LEP) and Fermilab, near Batavia, Illinois, have

Standard Model and our knowledge of Particle physics and the

been the sites for countless tests and experiments to find this

universe, others were somewhat disappointed. As Ian Hinchliffe,

particle (“Origins CERN Ideas,”). At LEP, it was thought that they

who leads a research team at the LHC, commented, “It would be

found traces of the Higgs Boson, but scientists weren’t sure

even more exciting [if it turned out not to be the Higgs Boson],

and the accelerator was shut down in 2000. In 2005, however,

because then it would be something we hadn’t predicted at all,

CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, was completed, and is known to

and that’s what science is all about - finding your predictions are

be the world’s largest, and highest energy particle accelerator.

wrong and starting all over again.” (Perlman).

The LHC, like other particle accelerators, attempts to create

Physicists are still working to completely confirm that this

enough energy to form new particles, using strange ‘quantum

particle is, in fact, the Higgs Boson, a process that will take

properties’. These massive underground rings fire bundles of

another few years. Unanswered questions remain. Why do some

particles in opposite directions. When these bundles collide at

particles gain plenty of mass in the Higgs field? And why do oth-

extremely high speeds, many of the particles are annihilated.

ers pass through the field without gaining any mass? (Anthony).

This annihilation releases energy, and strangely enough, this

Nonetheless, we should greatly appreciate what was announced

energy simply converts to new particles that may be completely

on July 4th of this year. In the future, we’ll surely look back

unrelated to the particles annihilated. Some particles need

on this event as a breakthrough in science and an important

more energy than others to form, however, explaining the need

moment in history. Who knows what this discovery could lead

for larger and larger particle accelerators. The more energy you

to? □

have, the more particles you can create and discover (Anthony). Even if a Higgs Boson is created in a test, however, it decom-

1995 The top quark is discovered by Fermilab in Batavia as predicted by Higgs’s mechanism. 1964 Peter Higgs predicts the particle’s existence.

2004 Fermilab places the mass of the Higgs particle between 117 GeV & 251 GeV.

2001 CERN rules out the existence of the Higgs with a mass below 115 gigaelectronvolts (GeV).


2008 The Large Hadron Collider becomes operational for the first time.

2007 CERN further reduces the upper limit to a mass of 153 GeV.

FEBRUARY 2012 JULY 4 2012 CERN boosts colli- CERN announces sion energy from 7 to evidence of the exis8 teraelectronvolts tence of the Higgs, (TeV), increasing sen- with a one in a milsitivity by 35%. lion chance of error.

2011 The ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC show hints of the Higgs at around 125 GeV.

MARCH 2012 Fermilab further places the Higgs as between 115 & 152 GeV.

Scientists at CERN and Fermilab used acelerators to smash particles together at high speeds. This collision, if done at high speeds, results in the production of smaller particles, one of which could be the Higgs Boson. The fingerprint of this particle left behind after it decays can be measured in gigaelectronvolts and will also give an indication of the mass of the particle (as heavier particles would have a higher voltage). An upper limit means that the Higgs Boson’s fingerprint is below that specified voltage. A lower limit means that the fingerprint is above that specified voltage.

24 • No Limits • Fall 2012

ABOVE The 16 particles that make up the standard model of particle physics and their dates & places of discovery. ©2009 Symmetry Magazine. RIGHT An artist’s rendition of a Higgs boson erupting from a collision of protons. © Moonrunner Design Ltd., National Geographic.

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“As a former astronaut and the current NASA Administrator, I’m here to tell you that American leadership in space will continue for at least the next half-century because we have laid the foundation for success—and failure is not an option.” Charles Bolden, NASA Administrator





and Space Administration (NASA), the





Committee for Aeronautics, was created in 1958 as the Cold War and the race to the moon began. Since then, NASA has been behind a multitude of initiatives, from supporting the International Space Station to further exploration of the Solar System and beyond. In addition, NASA has dedicated itself to promoting further research in physics. Recently, the federal government severely decreased the funding for NASA. The planetary science division budget was cut down by almost 300 million dollars. The money lost by NASA is instead being used to privatize space travel, cre-

26 • No Limits • Fall 2012

ating “space taxis.” The Mars exploration

and many other probes. Beyond the

as 2017, the allure of sending a human

program was one of the most affected

Solar System, the Hubble Telescope

into space is lost. This creates a down-

programs. NASA was in talks with the

was restored and is now being used to

ward spiral for NASA: less money creates

European Space Agency (ESA) to invest

observe the most distant parts of our

slower results in an increasingly impa-

in a joint mission to Mars to bring back

galaxy. Furthermore, NASA announced

tient nation. Clearly, investing in space is

soil samples. As a direct result of this

the emergence of the new Space Launch

not necessarily a top priority right now,

budget reduction, the initiative has been

System, a uniquely American method

especially with our plunging economy

postponed indefinitely. Consequently, the

of launching rockets farther than ever

and high unemployment, but investing in

Space Shuttle program was discontinued,

before. So maybe NASA isn’t in decline,

space can create jobs and spur interest.

marking an enormous decrease in public

and this is merely the calm before the

This popularity can flourish, exposing

interest in space exploration and in NASA

resurgence of interest in space. A recent

thousands of people to an exciting new

overall. Sending humans into space is the

article in Scientific American argued

interest and a possible field of work.

most exciting aspect of space travel, and

that NASA’s space exploration program

As humans, we are inherently curious.

without it, the public’s ephemeral inter-

is actually flourishing unbeknownst to

We are driven to answer unanswerable

est is waning.

most of us, and its potential for an immi-

questions: How did we get here? What

nent groundbreaking discovery is huge if

will happen to us? Are we alone in

ample funding continuous.

this world? It is our natural instinct to

However, as Bolden said, NASA is not giving up. NASA’s vision remains “to reach for new heights and reveal the unknown

Despite attempting to highlight its

explore, and we must not ignore this. We

so that what we do and learn will benefit

human involvement, NASA, along with

need to realize that these answers won’t

all humankind.” (NASA mission statement)

many other space agencies, is work-

come easily, but we need to invest in

NASA is also working in conjunction with

ing to make rockets solely operated by

order to continue gathering the pieces of

the Next Generation Air Transportation

machinery. While it is much safer and the

an answer. □

System (NexGen) to discover more envi-

expected release date could be as soon

ronmentally friendly ways to build and launch aircrafts. NASA is continuing to be one of the global leaders in support of advancing the International Space Station. This space station relies on six astronauts, all of whom are American, who live in space for years at a time. NASA has clearly not given up on the ideas of humans in space, and even has long-term goals of sending humans to Mars and beyond. Currently, NASA is supporting the two Mars rovers, Cassini (orbits around Saturn), Juno (on its way to Jupiter),

LEFT A US flag being waved in the air as Space Shuttle Atlantis rolls to its new home at Kennedy Space Center on Nov. 2, 2012. The spacecraft, which carried out 33 spaceflights, closed out the Space Shuttle Program era with its final landing on July 21, 2011. ©2012 NASA RIGHT Skylab: U.S.’s first space station, which orbited the Earth from 1973 to 1979. Numerous experiments were conducted. ©2011 James Vaughan

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© Tim Harris




ather than luring fish with

cision and physics of fly fishing. On one

leader, in turn, is attached to a thicker

bait, a fly-fisherman uses arti-

day, you may try ten different kinds of

and longer line, that is reeled in and

ficial man-tied flies to trick

flies—dry flies, streamers, and nymphs—

attached to the fishing rod. A common

fish into biting it. He needs

just to realize that trout jump in the air to

misconception is that casting relies on

to let his fly imitate not only the looks of

feed on everything but the flies you offer.

the fly; the truth is that you cast the line

the favorite dish of the day, but also the

However, aside from reading tempera-

while the fly just goes along for the ride.

characteristic movement and behavior of

ture, current, location, and weather—as

When casting the rod, the line is lifted

a real insect, whether it is a caddis fly or

much as they are important—the biggest

and brought over your head behind you.

mayfly nymph.

difference between a master fly-fisher-

After letting the line “load” behind your

man and a novice is the act of casting.

back while the rod stops in the air, the

You may think it is easy because

rod is brought forth in front and the

fish may seem dimwitted, but that is

Casting is the core pride of fly fishing.

line unrolls to gently place the fly on

all relative. A novice fly-fisherman will

To catch a fish, a fisherman sends out a

water. The trick to casting is effectively

soon abandon his/her sense of human

fly attached to a 7-15 feet long leader,

controlling many feet of leader and line

superiority and learn to cherish patience,

a polyamide monofilament fishing line,

so that the fly lands in a desirable spot

humbleness on the river, along with pre-

which is virtually invisible in water. The

of the river, causing gentle ripples, which

28 • No Limits • Fall 2012

leader (transparent)


fly rod

© Louis Cahill

Rainbow Trout © Flick Ford

It is an art that is performed on a four-count rhythm between ten and two o’ clock.”

attract fish to bite. While practicing intri-

the line as it is cast forward in front.

cate precise mechanics of casting, the

Specifically, elastic potential energy is

most common phrase a novice fisherman

what is stored in the elastic material of a

will hear is “accelerate to a sudden stop.”

fly rod. A similar situation can be found

How does that relate to the explosive

in a slingshot; if you stretch back the

power of casting? How does a graphite

band in a slingshot to propel a small rock

or bamboo rod let 9 feet of line unroll

through the air, the slingshot will then

so straight?

have potential energy. Once the band is

- Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It (1976)

Potential & Kinetic Energy

released, that potential energy becomes kinetic energy or energy of motion, which snaps the band and transfers energy to

The key of the physics behind casting

the rock, which then flies through the

is in the “stop” at “2 o’clock,” as Norman

air. The same concept holds true for a

McLean calls it. As the line comes to a

fishing rod. Because graphite or bamboo

stop behind you before you swing for-

rods are flexible, letting the weight of

ward, potential energy is stored in the

the lines bend them as they are being

rod. That energy is then transferred into

“loaded” behind your head stores energy

No Limits • Fall 2012 • 29

Cody Cintron ‘13 mending his fishing line. Photo by Emily von Weise ‘15. in the rod. This then provides the power

not disturb the natural drift of the fly on

for a clean unrolling of lines.

the current. □


Fly fishing is part-physics, part-biology, and of course, part-ecology. Mastering

When the physics of casting is done, biol-

mechanics of overhead casting and

ogy plays another key role in the success


of casting. The flies are essentially a type

increase success of your fishing trips.

of biomimicry—man-tied flies attempt

However, personal experience transcends

to imitate the visuals and behavior of

the science and adds the component

common aquatic insects. Artificial flies

of art to this unique sport. Every time

are tied with natural (eg. feathers) and

I fish with the fly fishing crew in the

synthetic materials (eg. rubber, plastic,

Housatonic River, I feel the force of load-

and mylar) to represent a wide range

ing and unrolling in the handle of my rod,

of insects. Different materials are put

see the line draw infinity signs as it sails

together to configure certain weights

through the sky, and hear the fish flop-

and behaviors of three big categories

ping on the surface or the trickling water.

of flies, depending on where they are

Only experience will teach a novice how

targeted. Dry flies float on the surface,

to truly immerse in the river, and engage

partially submerged emergers resemble

in the art of “active meditation.”




newly emerging insects, and nymphs, streamers, and wet flies are purpose-

This article is dedicated to Mr. Damon

fully made heavier or less buoyant to

White, who left school at the end of last

resemble insects in water. All of these

year. He introduced many students to fly-

generally imitate natural insects, though

fishing through literature.

it is the fisherman’s ability to drift and mend the lines well enough for the fly to seem natural to a fish underwater; to be effective at catching fish, the lines should

30 • No Limits • Fall 2012

WORKS CITED Table of Contents (page 2) Images from top to bottom, left to right: © Radial Info. © CERN. © Andrea Hill. © Eric Li. © NASA’s Marshall Space Center. ©2012 Alaska Salmon

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