Warming winter squash juice

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Warming Winter Squash Juice

It’s freezing here in Manchester. Especially in our house..it’s in the middle of being renovated…VERY slowly renovated. We have no radiators, I got so excited about getting new radiators fitted that I took off all the old ones a bit too soon, I called a scrap metal van to come and collect them. I felt very proud of myself . Then it dawned on me that I still have a few months of saving to do…I’d got a tiny bit carried away..oh well..it’s all part of the fun. I’ll definitely appreciate them when I do get them. Today I’m on a ‘Cold Day’ – which means the majority (at least 80%, often 100%) of the food I make today will be raw. Everything I eat and drink will be bursting full of live enzymes. Even though I love juicing I’m not always sure I fancy a raw juice first thing in the morning when its freezing cold. But this morning I couldn’t wait to try a new recipe. Annie, my friend has an allotment. She’s kind, inspiring and always seems to have a nonstop supply of fantastically fresh vegetables. The best thing is the allotment stories she tells. It makes me feel like a child again, I want to get all wrapped in a duvet listening to her……

Annie gave me three different types of Winter Squash to experiment with… I spent ages on the internet last night trying to identify them, every time I thought I’d identified it I found another one similar – but slightly darker or slightly lighter. I didn’t realise there were so many different varieties. WOW. Anyway, it all made me far too excited, hungry and a tiny bit stressed attempting to find exact replicas of my personal Squash collection on Google images, so I decided it doesn’t matter. As I mentioned in the about me page, it’s my 2015 resolution, don’t think too much, just do it, it doesn’t matter. Who cares what the exact variety is for now, just looking at the wonderful colors you know immediately they are going to be good for you and I’m happy in the knowledge that they are all slightly different varieties of winter Squash. That’s good enough for me, I just want to eat and drink them. For my first winter squash recipe I just couldn’t resist making a raw juice, A new one that I haven’t tried yet. Well, It was absolutely, unexpectedly, completely delicious. It was taken straight back up to bed to enjoy watching the almost matching Mancunian orange sunrise…cosy…. Even though it’s a cold juice, the spices I added makes sure you feel really warm inside out..You can’t help but smile when you drink it and I really can’t believe I’ve never made this before. thanks Annie!

The thing I love about it the most is it’s colour. It’s so SO orange. I’ve always loved orange, it’s a warm, enthusiastic and energetic colour that excites me… It also feels very smooth and luxurious, it has a kind of rich natural ‘crema’ on the top. Maybe I should call it natures coffee instead. It’s certainly as warming and energising.

Warming Winter Squash Juice This delicious Winter Squash Juice has a mildly sweet and slightly earthy taste that works perfectly with the ginger, turmeric and cinnamon. A warming winter juice - ANY type of Winter Squash will work well. • CuisineJuic e, Raw Prep Servings Time 2 People 5 minutes Ingredients

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1/2 Orange Winter Squash 1 Apple

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1 Celery Stick 1 Cucumber 1/2 inch piece Turmeric 1 inch piece Ginger 5 Carrots 1 Lemon Tiny pinch Cinnamon

Servings: People Instructions


Juice all the ingredients together, making sure you alternate between juicing soft and raw ingredients to extract the maximum juice available. Either stir in a pinch of Cinnamon before drinking or mix everything together in a blender. Enjoy..I bet you'll want another one immediately and you'll have a lot more energy.

Recipe Notes Latest UPDATE from Annie..... The type of Squash she grew is called a Jasper De Vendee. Beautiful. I tried it raw this morning, it's so sweet and will make a brilliant raw salad. Recipe coming soon... Share this Recipe

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