New year´s eve 2014 2015

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NEW YEAR´SEVE20142015 T h a n k sf o rs t a y i n gwi t hu si nt h i sc o z yCh r i s t ma s . Ha p p yNe wY e a r ! ACCOMMODATI ON+DI NNER+PARTY eRoom. ceDoubl nani oni i Accommodat uxe nnerDel aDi Gal h: t y2015wi t comeNew YearPar Wel

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Wel comeNew Par t y2014wi t h:

LuckyGr apes+BagSur pr i sewi t hconf et t i +Fr eeBar .

Bi gpar t yonNew Year ´ sEvet i l l5am. DJayDi scomusi c Labelr equi r ed.Ladi es:Cockt ai lDr ess. Gent l emen:Jacketandt i e. 50€/ per son


Gal aDi nnerDel uxe. Wel comeNew YearPar t y2015wi t h:

LuckyGr apes+BagSur pr i sewi t hconf et t i +Fr eeBar .

I ndi vi dualt abl e.

105€/ per son


( bet ween2and12year s) Chi l dr en´ sGal aDi nner . Chi l dr en´ spar t yf r om 00: 15hunt i l01: 30h. Fr eesof tdr i nks&j ui ces.

35€/ per son AvdaAnt oni oQuesada,53 DñaPepa.Ci udadQuesada,Al i cant e Tl f :965725577 Fax:965725855 r eser vas@hot el l al aguna. com

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