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tribute to Black History Month and the month of love, I present our Black Love Dynasty Couples.”
By Jameer Baptiste
Photos By Tony Brown of Royal Brown Photography
Love yourself first they say. It's shouted from the rooftops, and from the valleys below. Love yourself first they say, and you'll be able to love others. Well, we sure know how to love because it's fair to say that with the power of love, we endured the test of humanity. And although we have ways to go, we remember our history with the strength of Black Love.
It's Black History Month, and as we continue the yearly repetitious education of the battles, we as Black and Brown individuals have overcome both then and now, and as we march on for true equal rights, we do so with love in our hearts. Love for our culture, Love for our endurance, Love for others. And now it's time to shower Black Love upon ourselves.
A self-love not to be forced but reciprocated with love from others. Because they say, when you love yourself, you'll be able to love others. In tribute to Black History Month and the month of love I present our Black Love Dynasty Couples, local LGBTQ Black couples that are cloaked in Black Love.

By Scott Holland
Valentine's Day is one of my favorite holidays, as it celebrates love.
I have written about many items that I am sure you or your loved ones would appreciate. If you are single, then buy some for yourself. I wish everyone a wonderful Valentine's Day!