1 minute read
HOT PUZZLE Remembering Robert
4 It can cut your pole
5 “The Jungle Book” star
6 Sergei of _The Opposite of Sex_
7 Russian River deposit
8 Hibernate with the bears
9 Statistic in David Kopay's sport
10 Douglas Fairbanks, by birth
11 They're not homo sapiens
12 Pub offering
13 Place for a cruising sailor
21 Hit the ground
22 Shakespearean prince
26 Miner concern
27 Not remain straight
28 Paid for a hand
30 "___ now our gay apparel..."
31 Come as far as
32 Affirm orally
33 Animal groups cruising with Noah 34 Do damage to 35 It comes before sum 36 Ophidian opening?
>>>>>> To see answers, visit hotspotsmagazine.com/crossword

Last year when we were in our editorial meeting thinking about how we would pick Hotspots' hottest bodies in South Florida it dawned on us that some of the hottest guys have been on the covers of Hotspots, so now each year we will let the readers vote on who you think is the hottest. We have narrowed it down to the top 10 for you, so begin voting now at Hotspotsmagazine.com/Vote.

You can vote for as many guys as you want but you can only vote once from each device. The voting will be open from now until July 22 (one month), and we will announce your favorite in our August 3rd edition.
The winner will receive a free cruise on our 39th anniversary cruise in December and all voters are entered into a pool where one lucky person will win 2 VIP tickets to Pridefete 2023, so...Start voting now!
By Scott Holand
By Dennis Dean & Dale Stine
27 | Aries Q/Banebang23
Daniel Montoya