HOUSE Issue 1 Volume 1 2019

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CONTENTS HOUSE Issue 1 Volume 1 2019

On The Cover Deborah Martin delights with this comprehensive project to create a complete design extravaganza that begins on page 30

FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Full Amenity Listing in East Hampton


By Deborah Martin Designs


Kallista...Four decades Green Art Showrooms

The Byram House Sag Harbor Ramona Albert Architects create jewel


MID Bidoli Awards


A Formal Dining Room

The Metropolitan Institute of Design announces its winners for 2019


Home Again!


Everything You Wanted to Know About Keith Mazzei


Tween Age Dream

The Rug Showroom You Need To Know


A Custom Bath


German Kitchen Center


Jo Machinist


Historic Home - Redux


By New Age Interiors

Designer rugs & capret by Peykar


Modern Farmhouse Kitchen Showcase Kitchen creates rustic design


Condo Living At Its Best Natalie Weinstein asks, “Who says condos mean downsizing?”

By Christine Conte Interiors

By Jenny Tzakas Interiors

by Grunberger Interiors

Dazzles with modern kitchen

Designs on Piermont-on-Hudson


Marilyn Rose recreates a classic residence

Volume 1, Issue 1, HOUSE on Long Island, is published quarterly by HOUSE on Long Island. Subscriptions available at the following rates: U.S., one year $10; two years at $18. Single copy price $5.00. For subscription assistance, call (631) 702-5411. For change of address include old address as well as new address with both old and new zip codes. Allow four to six weeks for address change to become effective. Periodicals postage at Westhampton Beach and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address change to HOUSE on Long Island, Box 826, Westhampton Beach, NY 11978. Contents ©, 2019 by HOUSE on Long Island, Andrea Niflis, publisher. Printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved. Unsolicited material will be handled with care, but the magazine assumes no responsibility for it. Real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

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CONTENTS HOUSE Issue 1 Volume 1 2019

DEPARTMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Health & Fitness by Drew Kelly


The Garden Spot


Go with the Flow


Ask a Millennial


Dental Checkup


The Culture of Color


Long Island Focus

by Ken Muellers

by Pamela Laurence

by Alex J. Boughton

by Alice Urbankova, DDS

by Nikki Parnell

by Natalie Weinstein

FEATURES cont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

76 80

86 OUT & ABOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Q & A with Richard Sirlin Lakeville Kitchen & Bath


Lakeville Grand Opening


Swatched Design Competition


Plesser’s CEU for outdoor kitchens

A Whole New Level Melissa Sacco Interiors Delights


A Dream Space Comes To Life


Transitional Kitchen Under a Floating Beam

By Irina Nikolaenko

Lakeville Kitchen & Bath opens its newest showroom

IDS Long Island chapter giving back

Hosted at Southampton location

By Hilary Grossman


66 East 11th Street By Yoram Zioni

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From the Chief





Dear Readers,

Welcome to our interior design issue featuring the outstanding work and professional advice of award-winning designers backed by years of study and experience displayed in the creation of the beautiful homes you will see in our pages. Our cover story captures the over-the-top design by Deborah Martin of award-wining Deborah Martin Designs of a magnificent home in East Hampton that took two years and top talents to complete. Beautiful living areas, eight bedrooms and eleven baths replete with every comfort were addressed in this amazing project. Read all about it beginning on page 30. Architect Ramona Albert of Ramona Albert Architecture has renovated the 1862 Byram House in Sag Harbor respecting its original spirit while updating worn and outmoded areas. The redesign features the home’s important antique furnishings and art. Share in its fascinating history and update beginning on page 52. Congratulations to the winners of the annual Best Interior Design on Long Island (BIDOLI) Awards. See the exciting designs of new talents on the rise and those of established producers beginning on page 56. HOUSE was privileged to share in the celebration of Lakeville Kitchen and Bath’s grand opening of the biggest kitchen and bath showroom on Long Island. Their new showroom offers Lakeville’s legendary customer service and the best of the best in kitchen and bath cabinetry and materials. Have a peek inside and share our interview with Lakeville president, Richard Sirlin, starting on page 76. A must read section for you home lovers begins on page 26 with the wisdom of using a professional interior designer. Learn how the advice of our celebrated experts will actually save you money by getting your project done right the first time. The multi-talented designer and writer, Natalie Weinstein, has written the fascinating story of visionary and genius Nikola Tesla on the occasion of his 163rd birthday. The details of his life will surprise you. Read it on page 92. The fourth annual Interior Design Society of Long Island SWATCHED design game competition was a fun evening which raised money for five charities. NBC star George Oliphant of “George to the Rescue,” Cathy Hobbs and Keith Baltimore of Baltimore Design Center served as judges with Irina Nikolaenko’s entry winning first place. See page 82. Enjoy this beautiful issue and the upcoming Holiday Season




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Work, Rest, Repeat


Let’s dive into this simple but very popular gym routine. A person goes to the gym Monday through Friday working out for an average of one and a half hours each time. This person also probably does the same thing every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…etc. Can you blame them? Humans are creatures of habit. Am I saying this is a bad habit? No, but what these people are doing on those days will make all the difference in their end goal and how long it takes them to get there. Working out Monday through Friday is the general goal and routine for most fitness enthusiasts. But, one cannot go into the gym every day, do the same thing and expect to see an improvement or change in muscularity or leanness without a plan to get stronger. Yes, you can go into the gym and put some time in and walk out satisfied because “you did something” but did you really place enough demand on your body to change? Losing weight, dropping body fat percentage, shredding inches or “getting bigger” doesn’t come along with simple cardio and weightlifting. At some point, you’re going to have to sweat a little bit or do something that might be outside of your comfort zone. Increasing the stimulus demands your body

8 HOUSE Issue 1 Volume 1 2019

to change, but you do not have to do it every day. Let’s look at a better gym routine. On Monday, a client comes in from having the whole weekend off and does a 45 minute HIIT/cardio class. Great! This person should now focus on some sort of strength training routine for Tuesday. A workout routine could include a focus on the upper body and some core if they aren’t too tired from Monday’s class. Now it’s Wednes-

“Working out Monday through Friday is the general goal and routine for most fitness enthusiasts. But, . . . . . .” day and this client performs some low intensity walking on the treadmill with maybe some lower body exercises afterwards to keep the body balanced. Thursday could be a routine with some high intensity cardio or some running and throw in a little more lower body exercises. Finish the week off on Friday with a fully-body circuit to get you ready for the two days that you have off. Nothing really overlaps with a workout routine like this and it gives the body time to rest and recover. If you do not give your body proper time to recover from each workout there is the risk of injury, burnout/overtraining or “plateau.” “Plateau” is a common word in the fitness industry which

simply means you’ve been giving it your all in the gym and you are no longer seeing results. How do we recover from a plateau? We change up the whole routine. Maybe now we take off Tuesday and Thursday and workout the rest of the days focusing more on weightlifting or focusing more on cardio. Changing up your routine every two to three months will force your body to adjust to the change and not get overly comfortable with the intensity of your fitness regime. Additionally, changing up your workout routine will help keep your mental game and motivation on the up and up. It’s important to stay motivated and positive through the process because you are the one that is doing it! Another suggestion to help you stay on track is to hire a personal trainer that is organized and motivated to get you to the finish line. Functional fitness facilities like BodyRite Training are great because the workouts for every class are very specific and filled with motivated clients that can help you stay on track. Drew Kelly is a certified personal trainer and group instructor at BodyRite Training. His motivation and enthusiasm for fitness is infectious and inspiring! Drew recently completed his first marathon in Prague and looks forward to the next challenge!

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Great American Comebacks- The Elm and Chestnut The trees at Penn State, Photo by Bob Lambert


Over the last century America has lost many great icons: Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, and Marylin Monroe to name but a few. Two icons we lost were not famous people, but great American trees-- the American elm and the American chestnut. Now, thanks to science, and a lot of hard work, both these trees may be making a comeback. One hundred years ago American elms (Ulmus Americana) graced main streets all over the United States. Their vase shaped canopies formed a beautiful gothic arch over street after street. Unfortunately, a fungus causing Dutch Elm Disease (DED), was brought over from Europe and spread from tree to tree. Within decades DED had wiped out over 40 million elms. It turned out that the American elm lacked resistance to this fungus that was spread by 45elm bark beetles and through root grafts between trees that were adjacent to each other. Since the 1970s plant scientists have been working on developing American elms that are resistant to DED. Working with both “survivor trees” that may have natural

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resistance, and by cross breeding American elms with Chinese elms that are naturally resistant, they hope to return these graceful trees to our neighborhoods. This hard work has finally started to pay off with new cultivars of elms such as ‘New Harmony’, ‘Valley Forge’, ‘Princeton’, and ‘Jefferson’ now being available in nurseries. The next challenge is to re-introduce more varieties to restore greater genetic diversity, so these elms will be less likely to suffer a fate similar to that of their ancestors (being killed off in mass due to monoculture). Unlike the American elm that thrived on main street, American chestnuts (Castanea dentata) were denizens of the forest. Billions of chestnuts dominated the eastern woodlands with huge sixfoot-wide trunks and provided food for animals and people alike. (Yes, chestnuts roasting on an open fire was a thing.) The wood from these trees was prized for its rot resistance and strength and had many uses including furniture making. But in the early 1900s a fungus from Asia causing

Chestnut Blight killed American chestnut trees to the ground. In a cruel twist, the roots of the trees still survive and try to push new shoots, only to be killed back by the blight. Within decades the trees were all but gone from the forest. Attempts to breed new blight resistant chestnuts including crossing them with Chinese chestnuts that had natural resistance, took many years and were not very successful. Then along came the magic of genetic engineering. Scientists determined a certain enzyme found in wheat was able to provide resistance to the blight. By genetically modifying the chestnut trees to produce this enzyme, they have been able to produce blight resistant trees. After years of testing they are awaiting government approval to release these GMO’s into the forest. Hopefully some day in the future, chestnuts will again grace our woods and we will have a chance to experience the smell and taste of roasted chestnuts. Maybe even under an arch of soaring elms. Ken Muellers is an ISA Board Certified Master Arborist and can be contacted at

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Self Help



Interior Design Looking without I see within.

There is a melodic justice to my soul.

I walk on pathways of eternal harmony


Past, Present and Future – It is all the same. I swim and fly with That which Is Beauty.


Before you hire an interior designer, ask yourself what nourishes you. (I am not speaking of nourishment you receive from your mouth though that is significant too). In this current world of fast paced information, spin doctors and anxiety producing news events it becomes even more vital to find time to cultivate your personal inner life of balance, joy and serenity. This is not a selfish thing to do. If you are not fully nourished you are not good for yourself and certainly not good for anyone else. Sit down right now and think about what sincerely nourishes you. Write it down. When you are joyous, serene and centered, you are whole and complete. No matter if you are

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rich or poor - you will find that you will not get pulled into false, meaningless tides of what others think you should think. Intentionally choose to make a space where you take time out to design your home and yourself. With this approach, you can begin by asking questions such as: How do you get your spiritual (not necessarily religious) nutrition and what nourishment do you give to others? What habits of anger do you express and from where does it come? What practices of love and understanding do you express do these practices feel real to you? Take a look at your life and ask yourself truthfully if there is any place in your life that does not feel nourished. Look at your

actions and choices. Look at your friendships and your personal, intimate relationships. How do you speak with your parents and your children? How do they speak to you? Do you like your career or work? What regrets do you have? How can you face those regrets to create a positive future? Realize if you can, that all of this is baggage that you carry around and it affects your sense of self. See if you can let it all go. Imagine in your mind a space where you are living: sitting, walking, talking – where you feel completely at ease. Begin your interior design there – begin to set that space in motion - even if it is with a throw pillow or a color of a wall. What you think you are – Continued on page 89

Manhasset 1200 Northern Boulevard

Massapequa 5340 Merrick Road




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ASK A MILLENNIAL View from Generation Y




The Tidy Bowl: is there really a place for a man in the bowl?


The summer season serves not just as the best time for more outdoor relaxation and vacation fun, but often as a reflective period to effect positive change in one’s life. For some that might mean a new job or career direction and for others it may mean taking up an additional hobby or sport. It may also inspire the opportunity to revisit past mistakes or shortcomings and seek new ways to either apologize or reconcile. For many younger Millennials the summer transition includes the return to college or graduate school. For those who completed their schooling, it can be a very restless time, especially when trying to create a captivating resume and a persuasive interview. The labor market continues to be highly competitive for those seeking their best first job and the most rewarding new career opportunities. Unfortunately, Millennials constantly remain under fire from the media and the close eye of big analytics firms for the many life choices to be made. Pew Research discovered Millennials choose to stay in their parents’ home, making it look as though we don’t know how to control our destiny. Sadly, those living home probably can’t afford

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to move out. They may not have been able to find a fulfilling first job, internship or sustainable occupation in this continuing sluggish economy. Maybe their college debt doesn’t allow them to afford a place to live on their own. College expenses continue to increase each year. A good, four-year, private college can cost over a quarter of a million dollars for tuition, room and board, but the expenses don’t end there. During college recess, those who want to stay competitive and secure the best jobs know it’s important to complete several good internships and include an international class or semester abroad. So consider not judging all Millennials too harshly until you truly understand that you can’t just judge us by what you see or read about in the media. Did you know many graduates elect to work for non-profits for up to 10 years in exchange for reducing their college loans? Did you know many grads can’t find gainful employment and have no choice but to live at home? Many have set realistic goals in their lives only to find they simply can’t be reached.

On the bright side, the future of Millennials continues to look better than ever. With breakthroughs in technology anyone with access to the internet can more easily expand their repertoire. Go to YouTube and see myriad low-cost ways to advance your career, learn a new hobby or heal your mind and soul. In this time of transition from summer to fall take a moment to reflect on how to motivate youself in order to make life much more worthwhile. Take up that activity you’ve been pushing off or make that business change with the many low to no cost educational/tutorial materials obtainable on-line. Most importantly, do what makes you happy now that you’ve had the less hectic days of summer to help move forward a new you! Alex is a motivational speaker and advocate for lifestyle skills and home safety training, a free-lance journalist, and the co-founder of the National Kids Construction Club. He holds a Master of Science in Real Estate from American University’s Kogod School of Business. Alex welcomes your questions and the opportunity to speak to your organization. He can be reached at

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Accent on Health



How NOT to get “color of autumn” stains on your teeth


Everybody likes white teeth; a white clean smile is attractive and a sign of good health. But how do you achieve it? Tooth discoloration or staining can be caused three different ways: 1) The enamel is stained (usually by color additives found in certain foods and drinks or by smoking). This is called extrinsic staining. 2) The dentin (inner part of the tooth) is stained. This is called intrinsic staining and is due to reasons such as fluorosis (too much fluoride during tooth development), trauma during development of the tooth, or use of certain medications during pregnancy or early childhood. Some intrinsic stains can be caused by injury to the tooth nerve resulting in a tooth that is pink, brown, or even blue. 3) Combination stains that result from such things as tooth wear, chipped teeth, thinning of enamel, or receding gums that reveals more dentin which is naturally more yellow than enamel.

16 HOUSE Issue 1 Volume 1 2019

Also as we age, fillings that used to be tooth colored, may darken or turn yellow or brown. How can we prevent or remove these “color of autumn” stains from getting on your teeth? Regular tooth brushing two to three times a day and flossing is a “must” place to start. Choosing the right toothbrush (preferably electric rather then manual) can help to achieve a better result. By the way, it is important to change brush heads periodically, preferably every two to three months. The best time to brush is before meals to remove the bacteria film making teeth smoother and less likely to collect new stains. We also recommend to rinse with plain water (non-sparkling) after meals. Light brushing is recommended 30 minutes after meals. Individualized professional advice from a dentist or dental hygienist can help. A dentist can also provide professional guidance on tooth whitening options and advise on the best products to use so as not to weaken but protect tooth enamel in the process. Small tooth chips and enamel wear of

the incisal (biting) edges of front teeth can be corrected with noninvasive bonding repairs that can be well adapted to the tooth and polished so that they last and do not stain. Those not only enhance the esthetic appearance of your smile but strengthen teeth as well. Aged and stained fillings in between teeth can be carefully replaced. Well-placed white fillings can blend in with the other teeth and enhance your smile. All together, these small changes where “less is more” can improve your smile, health and stay on budget. Alice Urbankova DDS, PhD is a graduate of Columbia University College of Dental Medicine and served as Director of the Division of Operative Dentistry at Stony Brook University School of Dental Medicine, and has been Clinical Assistant Professor at New York University College of Dentistry. She maintains a private practices in East Setauket, NY and in Manhattan at Rockefeller Center. Her practice focuses on prevention of oral diseases, general dentistry, periodontics and regenerative dentistry.

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Sensational Spaces for Beautiful Living Sensational Spaces for Beautiful Living T: 631.335.4226 T: 631.335.4226 ASID & NKBA affiliated

ASID affiliated

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Denis Sheahan Founder and Publisher Emeritus Andrea Sheahan Publisher Erin Crawford Editor Sally Gilhooley Managing Editor

Denis Sheahan Jr. Art Director Barbara Peavy Graphic Designer Alice Chapman Special Events Andrea Sheahan Marketing/Advertising/Director

Contributing Writers Dwight Andrews Jim Ashby Tim Cree Jan Cohen Gail Flug Davis Gaffga Eric Hagenbruch Mike Hales Timothy Hursley Gilbert McCarragher Norman McGraff Ken Muellers Ron Papageorge Prism Imagery Denis Jr. & Andrea Sheahan Katerina Pak Story

Contributing Photographers

licensed & insured

residential commercial

SOUTHOLD PAINTING George Niflis C: 631.765.3636 | free estimates

Jim Ashby Timothy Barry Alexander J. Boughton Gail Flug Hilary Grossman Michele Knapp Pamela Laurence Ken Muellers Bruce Nagel Paige Romanowski Charles A.Testa Natalie Weinstein Alexandra Stanton

interior & exterior painting | powerwashing | deck repairs & sanding

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Why you should NOT DIY and hire an interior designer Five interior designers give their advice

Keith Mazzei Some of my greatest clients are people who thought they could design their own homes. First they start out with watching all the do it yourself television shows, which all make it look so easy on a half hour production. They never run into problems such as budget, inspections and/or delays due to items that are not in stock or just not available when you need them. Usually I'm called in when the job or the vision for the space

Natalie Weinstein Are designers expendable? Why not use the internet? It seems

26 HOUSE Issue 1 Volume 1 2019

doesn't come out the way they thought it would. Then they realize, “they should have called an expert.” Most of the time when I, -as an interior designer or a space planner- meet with clients, it is to absorb their ideas, likes and dislikes. As a design expert, one of hardest moments is when you are walking through a client’s home for the first time -after they themselves have renovated or are in the middle of the renovation- and everything seems wrong. They feel its wrong and that is why they call in a professional. Usually at that point there is a lot of money that has been allocated to the job and it’s very hard to undo what is been already done. That is why I feel that even though you think you can do it yourself, for the most part you can't. And if you are working with a limited budget and you feel you

to be an easy, painless, less expensive “do-it-yourself” solution. Lovely past clients fell into that trap and it cost them – big time! After several years, and not wanting to bother me for a simple sofa, chair and rug replacement in their den, they figured “how hard can it be?” Find an online store, not a cheap one, pick items that were the same size they had in lighter colors, place order, wait for the delivery and done. Seventeen thousand dollars later, I got the call! Ashamed and embarrassed they asked for my help – the sofa, too deep, cushions wrinkled the second day; swivel chair so uncomfortable no one wanted to sit on it; white area rug (oi!) already

cannot afford an interior designer for the whole project, maybe just a consultation is the way to go. Sometimes an unbiased opinion is a better solution than the person or persons who live there. Most professionals see the space with a different kind of feeling. We look at the ceiling heights, the natural light or the lack of natural light, the wall space, the flow of the space based on the use of the space. This is all before the design even starts. There are many different images that flow through my creative side before it gets to the final design and this process is very important before execution There is a way to go about the do it yourself design. It can be achieved by a special few, but I think your vision will be much more beautiful earning a WOW from an interior designer who will get it done right.

soiled. What now?? We salvaged the pieces by putting them in a large upstairs area recently vacated by their parents, but not without having to cut the large sectional in half to get it up the stairs and then put back together! End of story – new, comfortable sofa and rug has arrived; new chair coming for the holidays after they actually sat in one in a different color. Lesson learned, but it was an expensive one. Professionals are hired by intelligent clients who know they can count on a designer’s expertise, quality and service with a safety net that gives them the best value for their money, their home and their peace of mind.

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Why you should NOT DIY and hire an interior designer

Christine Conte “Never regret anything that made you smile.” Mark Twain. A simple and sentimental statement. But what about the things that don’t leave you smil-

Claudia Grunberger With the rise of HGTV, Instagram and Pinterest, homeowners feel more empowered than ever to undertake their own home renovation and decoration projects. Sure, the prospect of saving a few

ing. In your home, these are often the choices that get an interior designer called upon. For instance, choosing a paint colors. Seems like a simple enough task. You go to the paint store, pick a color you love or try to match a paint color sample to something in your room and you’re done. Afterwards, you are left to wonder why it looks so wrong. The reason is most people are unaware of the role a paint color plays in a room. Look through a shelter magazine. The paint color in some of the best rooms is rarely an exact match to anything else. A paint color can function as a supportive player whose purpose is to showcase the contents of a room. A paint color can be a part of a classic color scheme, all of which have predetermined results on how they make a room feel. Paint

colors either absorb or reflect light, reacting to changes and shifts of the day, contributing to the mood of a room. Paint colors can introduce a subtle secondary color when chosen for their undertone, which can remain hidden until the right pairing, finish or light brings it forward. Paint colors can provide rhythm and a sense of connection in a room or throughout a house, leading the eye to follow the hues that have been masterfully selected and applied. A paint color can be the star and a focal point or a peaceful expanse that provides the brain a chance to rest as it surveys a room. Paint may be the first thing applied in a room but it is often one of the last things I confirm in a design. Why? To make sure it’s a perfect fit for the role it will play.

bucks sounds alluring. But are you really saving money? With a good interior designer, you can have peace of mind knowing your next home project will be done right – the first time. They know whether a contractor or vendor is giving you a good deal. And they can snuff out costly and time-consuming issues before they arise. In short: interior designers aren’t just – well – designers. They are price negotiators and advocates for their clients. Designers know what to buy, where to buy it and how to put it together. And because they have a network of contacts in the industry, they are privy to resources and vendors that aren’t accessible to public. That means you get the hottest trends for the best price. Through renovations and home decor projects, homeowners

not only seek to create the home of their dreams, but also to add value to their property. I have been called in to fix design mistakes on many occasions. Common complaints include: it doesn’t fit, the quality didn't hold up, it’s too dark, the experience was very stressful, and the person I used was a “disaster.” I believe homeowners should feel confident in how they invest in their own homes. The experience should be fun and they should be able to choose from the best that the design industry has to offer, whatever the budget. Design mistakes are costly. So if you are contemplating any type of home design project, get the job done right the first time and hire an interior designer.

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Why you should NOT DIY and hire an interior designer Five interior designers give their advice

Melissa Fenigstein

Many people have a little bit of “designer� in them. However, it is important to remember that good taste does not transcend knowledge and design experience. In today’s world with the plethora of DIY and HGTV shows, the perception of interior design is that of a quick and easy redo. In reality, it takes experience, planning, technical knowledge and deep vendor relationships to achieve the desired result. Consider the many areas that designers are trained in such as scale and proportion, balance, shape and mass, lighting, texture and color.

Investing money in a professional designer will likely save you thousands of dollars trying to repair costly mistakes that a homeowner may make because of that lack of knowledge. Designers also manage the very time consuming elements such as installs and coordination of sub-contractors like electricians, painters, etc., on the project. Your good taste will steer a designer in the right direction, but always remember that designers are trained to see the big picture and create interiors that make a space physically comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

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Full Amenity Listing

in East Hampton 00 HOUSE, Summer 2017

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Deborah Martin Designs defines a luxury approach to creating the perfect atmosphere


With its enviable location within walking distance of the tony village of East Hampton, this luxury residence affords its owners the very best in indulgent living. Architect Kevin Paul demonstrated his exceptional talent for innovative functional design with this new construction residence built to the highest standards on a verdant shy two acres. Luxury builder Jack Brady of Jack Brady Construction led a team of highly-skilled contractors and master craftsmen for just over two years to complete this legacy 13,690 square foot single-family home in the summer of 2018. Award-winning, widely-published Deborah Martin Designs was awarded the project in June of 2016. Uniquely qualified and experienced to create the quintessential Hamptons home, this eponymous full-service interior design firm incorporated exquisite original details in the design of the stunning interior which sets it apart from other properties of this size. A neutral color palette was implemented to connect the full-amenity spaces in this home and succeeds in creating an elegantly welcoming coastal vibe. Deborah Martin and Amanda D’Orazio are quick to point out that a project of this magnitude does not come without its challenges. Deborah Martin shares, “There wasn’t a single day that we did not wake up and go to sleep with this project on our minds during our two plus year involvement from initial design to staging.” Working with the project’s designers, custom millwork, vanities, authentic profile

An elegant courtyard entrance

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moldings, sophisticated wall and ceiling paneling, and illuminated architectural ceiling details were created and installed by premier fabricator, Wood & Co. Uniquely designed marble, porcelain and glass wall and floor installations, wide plank select oak flooring and sensational decorative lighting contribute to making this home a veritable masterpiece of design and craftsmanship. Five distinctively designed marble fireplaces ensure warmth and coziness in the cooler seasons. No expense was spared for the environmentally mindful geothermal heating and cooling systems, heated shower benches and flooring, as well as climate, sound and security system automation. Laundry facilities are conveniently located on both the main and second floors. A formal, private courtyard entrance leads to a soaring two-story arrival foyer with its sweeping curved double staircase. The grand double-height entry leads gracefully to open floor plan living spaces. Spacious rooms on three floors in which to gather and entertain are connected by three separate staircases and a custom hydraulic elevator. Eight bedrooms of which all but one are suites and eleven bathrooms ensure comfort and privacy. Two fully appointed master suites on the first and second floors feature marble bathrooms and opulent walk-in closets. The second floor master suite includes an enormous wraparound private deck. Guests need not be too covetous, however, as three more bedroom suites on the second floor also have private decks. The vast professional chef’s kitchen is A soaring staircase welcomes

A fireplace warms a cozy space

One of eleven marble bathrooms

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A sunny living room beckons

fully equipped with a long list of luxury brand appliances and has two marble topped islands for effortless food preparation and serving. Within the kitchen, the butler’s pantry and wet bar conveniently serve the adjacent dining room and family room with bar sinks, refrigeration, coffee prep and customized storage. Casual kitchen dining takes place on island counter stools and a large table that seats 12. Two separate sets of French doors lead outside to the country club backyard and to a spacious covered porch with views of the expansive open lawn and pool. The lower level is designed around a long, full-height window gallery hall that connects spectacular accommodation and entertainment spaces all bathed in natural light. The home theater was professionally designed and installed with an acoustic ceiling featuring a color changing LED night sky constellation, color changing LED acoustic fabric paneled walls and three tiered rows of leather European armchair seating which include two chaises for full-on lounging. A full size gym

Full amenities grace the kitchen

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Deep tub comfort awaits

Beautiful floor tiles accent

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with mirrored walls and large windows is served by a steam shower and dedicated sauna. Designed with the serious collector in mind, the wine cellar was customized with floor to ceiling, wall-wide bottle storage accessed by a wheeled library ladder, a long tasting counter with its own sink and artisanal cabinetry. A concealed door leads to a case storage room. The adjacent lounge with its massive bar area takes entertainment to new heights. Marders of nearby Bridgehampton succeeded in translating the splendor of the luxe interior to the professionally landscaped grounds by creating a welcoming park-like setting using native plantings that include mature trees and flowering perennials. The exterior is a magnificent oasis with yearround color and texture that can also be enjoyed from strategically placed windows that

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Wine cellar Home theater

frame vista landscape views. Designed and installed by Pristine Pools, the outdoor kitchen and heated gunite saltwater pool with sundeck lounging are steps away from the kitchen, family room and back porch. A separate cabana, bathhouse and outdoor shower opposite the pool contribute to the ultimate outdoor experience. The product of masterful collaboration among a cadre of talented professionals focused on architectural sensibility, inspirational design and flawless execution, this majestic yet welcoming estate home is certain to bring years of enjoyment to its owners. The sensational full-amenity residence personifies the fabled Hamptons lifestyle— beautifully functional living comes home.

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Kallista …

Four Decades of Distinctive Design Featured at Green Art Showrooms


To live artfully. For 40 years, Kallista kitchen and bath products have articulated a certain “je ne sais quoi,” -a sense of style and fashion upon which Kallista has built its brand,

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combining passion with a profound sense of aesthetic and functional efficiency. Meticulously crafted, every Kallista design is made from the finest materials available and

incorporates such exquisite details—from blown and handetched crystal, to semi-precious stone, marble and cloisonné details. From classic forms to those that embrace the very latest

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Geometric shape with cutting edge style

Elegant details, graceful design

in technology, Kallista carefully executes each of its products to express a simple, singular elegance. Kallista was founded in 1979 by two entrepreneurs who recognized a lack of luxury bath products and color options offered in the United States. The brainchild of Anthony Pontin and Norman Bell, they named their new endeavor Kallista, a Greek word that translates to “most beautiful, most excellent.” Clients could choose any number of finishes and materials to create one-of-a-kind works of art, including hand-carved handles honed from stone and marble. Acquired by Kohler Co. in 1989, the secret behind the success of Kallista’s product portfolio was—and remains— multi-faceted in approach. Partnerships with renowned

artisans such as Saint-Louis of France to internationally renowned designer collaborations have all added to the depth and breadth of the Kallista offering. Building upon its range of solution-driven products is its talented team of internal designers, creating some of its most acclaimed designs, including the Circe tub, which after two decades remains one of its most enduring forms. Kallista is known for its designs of luxury plumbing products, offering faucets and fixtures thoughtfully created for tasteful, kitchen and whole-bath solutions. Kallista is available in fine showrooms in major cities throughout the world. Visit a Green Art Showroom on Long Island to find the right Kallista products for your next vision.

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Home Again! with New Age Interiors


Sometimes, we need to be reminded of how lucky we are. We work and rush around all day, often not taking a moment of gratitude on a daily basis. Your life can completely change in just an instant. This Long Island family was harshly reminded of how fast their lives can change when a spark on their outside deck led to a Lexxi’s new home 38 HOUSE Issue 1 Volume 1 2019

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raging fire that leveled their home. Thankfully, the family and their beloved dog escaped without injury. And luckily, the homeowners knew immediately who they would call to help design and rebuild their home— Melissa Fenigstein of New Age Interiors Inc., Syosset, New York—and she was the perfect match. With extensive design/build experience, they began the building material selections and the interior design of the family’s new home. The words “welcoming, comforting and serene” were top of the list when asking the homeowners to describe how they wanted their family and guests to feel

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in their renewed space. The original home, filled with earth/land tones would be replaced with a bright and cheerful new color scheme. The new floor plan was an open-

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concept with vaulted ceilings, new roof lines and some added square footage. After anxiously awaiting their return to the place they called home for over 20 years, they

were welcomed with cozy, yet upscale furniture, beautiful architectural appointments and the dramatic horse portrait which completes their living room. This family is now back “home.�

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Everything You Wanted To Know About Keith Mazzei But Were Afraid To Ask


Keith Mazzei is a design-build interior designer with offices in Syosset, New York and South Florida. Unlike other interior designers, Keith becomes involved with the builders, contractors and architects at the beginning of the job, enabling him to guide them and have a strong say in the architectural details and aesthetics making a seamless transition into the design of the interiors.

HOUSE: Have you ever made recommendations to an architect to change something that would make a big difference in the interior aesthetic?

HOUSE: Keith, how does being involved at the early stage of building help shape the interior design?

HOUSE: If a designer does not come in until the home is done being built or renovated, what struggles does an interior designer face?

Keith Mazzei: When you are involved in the early stages of building, you can work with the architects and builders so that the floor plans and interior design ideas all work together in the building phase, with fewer changes and redos down the road.

KM: I often make changes with architects. And if you have a good working relationship with them, they will expect changes. It’s my job to work with them cohesively. I see the finished product and the architect just sees the lines. Most of the time it's a simple change that we both can agree on.

KM: When the designer comes in at the end it’s not an impossible task, but it’s also not your vision. It's either the architect’s or the builder’s ideas and likes. I like to see it from the beginning and grasp the homeowners taste, not everyone else's.

Dining with a waterview

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HOUSE: Are people spending more time designing exterior spaces or “bonus spaces?”

HOUSE: We all want to know……….what is your pet peeve when it comes to interiors?

KM: I think the BONUS SPACES are more popular here in the Northeast than in the South. Up here, we spend much more time indoors so we need to get creative with indoor spaces. With the popularity of spin bikes and treadmills in the home, gym spaces are often requested. Of course, media rooms with all the technology are super popular with movie-style seating and so are indoor sport courts for the kids.

KM: I have a lot of pet peeves! But I guess my biggest one is when the finishes in a room don't match or coordinate. For example, bathroom finishes should be all one style. If you choose chrome stay with chrome. Another pet peeve of mine is not finishing a space with beautiful art. Art truly makes a space nice or outstanding. Oversized art, any style, makes such an important statement in a room.

HOUSE: What kind of interesting “bonus” spaces have you done recently? KM: I just recently designed a music room for a family, a space to allow the kids to be iPhone and iPad free. They all play a musical instrument so I created a specific space for them to do so. I think it’s great that they all can be together and enjoy what they love in music.

HOUSE: What is your very favorite part of interiors: rugs, lighting, furniture, fabric, countertops or accessories and why? KM: My favorite part of interiors would be the furniture. We all work hard and lead very busy lives so there's nothing more satisfying than being able to relax or enjoy the feeling of laying down or sitting in your perfect piece of furniture. I'd like to think when my clients find that comfy space they think of me!

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HOUSE: Are people spending more time designing exterior spaces or “bonus spaces?”

HOUSE: We all want to know……….what is your pet peeve when it comes to interiors?

KM: I think the BONUS SPACES are more popular here in the Northeast than in the South. Up here, we spend much more time indoors so we need to get creative with indoor spaces. With the popularity of spin bikes and treadmills in the home, gym spaces are often requested. Of course, media rooms with all the technology are super popular with movie-style seating and so are indoor sport courts for the kids.

KM: I have a lot of pet peeves! But I guess my biggest one is when the finishes in a room don't match or coordinate. For example, bathroom finishes should be all one style. If you choose chrome stay with chrome. Another pet peeve of mine is not finishing a space with beautiful art. Art truly makes a space nice or outstanding. Oversized art, any style, makes such an important statement in a room.

HOUSE: What kind of interesting “bonus” spaces have you done recently? KM: I just recently designed a music room for a family, a space to allow the kids to be iPhone and iPad free. They all play a musical instrument so I created a specific space for them to do so. I think it’s great that they all can be together and enjoy what they love in music.

HOUSE: What is your very favorite part of interiors: rugs, lighting, furniture, fabric, countertops or accessories and why? KM: My favorite part of interiors would be the furniture. We all work hard and lead very busy lives so there's nothing more satisfying than being able to relax or enjoy the feeling of laying down or sitting in your perfect piece of furniture. I'd like to think when my clients find that comfy space they think of me!

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The Rug Showroom You Need to Know


The rug industry is crowded. Often times, there are multiple showrooms in a small area and, as a homeowner or designer, the differentiator between showrooms is not always obvious especially when referencing products only. Most have good, better, best options and many have rugs, carpet and flooring to choose from. But, if you haven’t gone to Designer Rugs and Carpet by Peykar in Syosset, you are

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The Peykar Team

missing out on the clear differentiator. The “family” makes the difference. And when you work with anyone on the Peykar team, you immediately know that you are in the right showroom. The knowledge and top-tier service is why, as a designer, you will want to work with Robert and his team. You certainly will experience the luxury accommodations and service with the cozy family feel. Peykar’s experts—Connie, Carmen, George and Arto—will work personally with you as a designer, making sure to present numerous options including new lines that may not be on display yet. They will bring samples to you and/or your client when needed. As a homeowner, you will enjoy not just a beautiful showroom with an array of rug and carpet options, but the knowledge and reputation of this

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family-owned business on Long Island for over 40 years. Peykar prides themselves on the array of custom options available and can often create a one-of-a-kind rug for designers and clients alike in shorter time frames than most because of their relationships with the rug weavers themselves. Always staying ahead of the curve in the industry, you will find anything you need, including their exclusive rug line, or you can create your own custom rug. Get to know Designer Rugs and Carpet by Peykar.

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Wood inserts and floating shelves were used to create a modern farmhouse look. To add to the style, oil-rubbed bronze hardware and lighting were selected. The flooring is wide-plank oak. The range and steam oven are Wolf. Side-by-side refrigerator and freezer are Sub Zero.

Modern Farmhouse Kitchen By Hilary Grossman


Moving from York City to Long Island, the couple wanted an open and airy kitchen and living space that their young children could grow into. To create this loft-like feel, numerous walls were removed. The area between the kitchen and dining room was opened up and a closet was transformed into the banquette alcove. The family partnered with John Starck of Showcase Kitchens of Manhasset, interior designer Iris Dankner and architect Alan Cooper of AJC Architects to transform their dreams into reality. “This was an awesome project to work on,” John Stark stated. He continued, “We had a

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The end-grain butcher block counter top and island add-on adds both style and functionality.

Photos: Creepwalk Media

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Additional cabinetry was added in the seating area of the breakfast nook, which is located off the side of the kitchen. “We put extra storage wherever we could,” Iris Dankner explained.

great team and a great client. We are really pleased at the outcome which includes a mixture of textures and materials in order to create a super clean look.” “It was a true pleasure to work with John and the entire Showcase Kitchens team,” designer Iris Dankner raved. “We collaborated every step of the way.” Cooper echoed Dankner’s statement, “This project was a true team effort.” He also added, “I love working with Showcase Kitchens. John Starck is extremely creative. We approach our design the exact same way. John has a creative vision and does all his designs in front of his clients. His style insures the end result meets all their desires and needs.” Iris Dankner further explained, “The family initially was looking for the typical white kitchen. However, it was essential to everyone involved in the project that the kitchen that they created today would continue to stay current over the next 10 years.” The result was everything the team and the homeowners hoped.

A farmhouse sink with hard maple inserts underneath were selected to complete the design. The wine refrigerator is Sub Zero.

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Condo Living At Its Best Who says condos mean downsizing Natalie Weinstein, Allied ASID, IDS

Photography by Jack Ader/Images for Presentation

A new kitchen is accomplished by matching wood flooring to the rest of the space, new appliances, cabinetry, counter top, backsplash and counter stools


Today’s Long Island housing scene has never been more populated by condo living or more popular! They are often more spacious than ever before and offer many amenities as well. Since now countless LI’ers choose to stay here and certainly are happy to lower their taxes and give up snow shoveling and lawn mowing, even older condo communities have been given a second look by today’s savvy buyers. My clients were fortunate to locate such a gem bordering Nassau and Suffolk Counties and right off the parkway. Nestled in this gated community are two story attached condos approximately 3000 square feet each. With the master bedroom suite advantageously lo-

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cated on the main floor, the second level boasts two guest rooms as well as a large loft space open to below. When homeowners see the potential of a space rather than the older dated kitchen and baths, a real transformation can occur. Great “bones” of a structure always make for good design, with a little help from the designer, of course. This project required a kitchen redo, new flooring, taking down some walls and putting in some doors - all in a day’s work (in plan, of course). With a little more time for implementation, and a fresh coat of paint, these changes all are in the recipe for a brand new, very personal space. With more living space than in

many single family homes and less work in upkeep, these hardworking and busy homeowners found their solutions to less stress and a more enjoyable “at home” time in an environment in which they can relax and enjoy life. Here’s what they had to say about their new home and the transformation that occurred by creating this more modern space: “When we told friends we were “upsizing,” they didn’t understand. That is, until they saw the flow of layout, coupled with the results of the renovation and Natalie’s design. Our home is everything we always wanted, but waited for until this time in our lives. It is gracious, comfortable and a definite “wow!”

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A cozy breakfast area in the bay of the kitchen near the coffee bar is perfect for viewing the outdoors and the change of seasons

An existing powder room is updated with textural wallcovering and an unusual vanity and mirror

The comfortable den/living room is accented by a colorful area rug and accents of color in the accessories

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The Byram House Sag Harbor

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By Ramona Albert


Located in the Hamptons, in the historic village of Sag Harbor, NY, the house was designed and built in 1852 by Ephraim Byram, and was inspired by Andrew Downing’s designs in “Victorian Cottage Residences.” Byram was a clockmaker, astronomer and self-taught inventor.

The home is designed in the Italianate style with a tower (campanella), and has an irregular geometric shape. Byram used the tower for his astronomical observations, but the current uses of the tower are as a library and quiet reading space.

On the ground level of the house, Byram’s original office was outfitted with skylights and did not have a window to the street. A unique element for that period, it was meant to keep the street noises away from the workspace. The home is surrounded by a

Ceiling Light: Art Deco, Czech Republic, 1920’s Table: Marquetry Table, American, 19th Century. Chairs: 1820’s Portuguese Palisander Chairs. Dining Set: Fayence Dining Set, 1750; Doris Duke Collection; Christie’s 2004. Candleholders: Cast Brass, Ramona Albert, 2019. Dresser: Japanese Kimono Dresser, 19th Century, Doris Duke Collection, Christie’s 2004. Flooring: Solid Pine, original to the home from 1852. Woodwork: Oak, original to the home, 1852.

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Ceiling Lights: Foscarini Aplomb suspension lights, white concrete, by Lucidi Pevere. Cabinetry: Custom, solid wood cabinets with white Carrara countertops with beveled edges. Appliances: Gaggenau (Oven, Steam Oven, Warming Drawer, Dishwasher, Stovetop and Hood). Ceramic Dishes: Handmade ceramic from Korund Transylvania, circa 1970s.

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Wall Sconces: Bec Brittain Aries, 2018. Painting Above Fireplace: Cornelius Dusart, 1670. Flooring: Solid Pine, original to the home from 1852. Woodwork Trim: Oak, original to the home, 1852. Vase: Traditional Ceramic from Korond, Transylvania, 1970s.

Lights: Josef Hoffmann Design, Woka Lamps, Vienna, 1903. Flooring: Solid Pine, original to the home from 1852. Woodwork: Oak, original to the home, 1852. Desk: Partner’s Desk, China, 1820s, from Doris Duke Collection, Christies, 2004.

mature garden containing dozens of oak trees that are older than the home, and a shade garden filled with ferns and mosses. Because every room in the house is completely open to the garden, the interior spaces have an intimate connection to the exterior from every angle, always in a dialogue with nature. In the morning, mist rises from the pond in the backyard, while afternoons fill the house with golden sunset light. The renovation of the home was done with great respect for its spirit. All original elements including flooring, fireplaces, stair and brickwork were carefully restored, while the kitchen area and bathrooms were modernized. The end result was a symbiosis between old and new. The design includes collaborations with unique high-end fixture and appliance companies and features a collection of important furniture and fine art that spans many periods and geographies, creating a harmony of the new with the old.

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The Metropolitan Institute of Design


The Metropolitan Institute of Design has announced the winners of the 2019 BIDOLI Awards. Best Interior Design on Long Island, the Institute’s most distinguished honor. BIDOLI recognizes design professionals who have shown dedication and professionalism through their creations in both residential and commercial excellence. The locations of the designs covered all corners of Long Island, from a stately library in Westbury, NY, to a kitchen on the South Shore. The awards ceremony took place in late October. The projects were judged by three jurors in the fields of art and education. The jurors were: Kitti Dadi, freelance photographer, ASID, Vinnie Impennato, president of Rai Design Imports and Anthony Maceli, president of Metropolitan Institute of Design.

Vincenzo Impennato, Nadia Vee, Anthony Maceli, and Deborah Batterson

Angelique Vizirgianakis, Stephanie Cohen and Anthony Maceli

The winning categories: Dining Room Design’s primary goal was to design a house that focused on the property’s bay side water view and allow clients to easily entertain. A design-build project located in Asharoken, NY, the new home is a traditional New England style residence with transitional interior features. The room is equipped with symmetrical wine racks and coastal accessories, and the contrast from the zig zag pattern on the chair fabric immediately catches the eye. Living Room Design developed a charming space with timeless, classic finishes and fabrics on trend, successfully combining warm and cool tones. The large window was treated with the intention of allowing natural light to pour into the space. The fireplace is a focal point with bright shelving on each side. It’s a perfect room for hosting friends and family.

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Kitchen Design was to create a modern kitchen with a traditional heart, while optimizing the beautiful sweeping water views that this home has to offer. This space presents an area for traffic flow in a room that conventionally requires it. The details in the cabinetry are elegant and the tiles in the backsplash produce a fun pop. The seating area nearby features swivel club chairs on either side of an elongated cocktail table. They have impressionable metallic motifs on the backs adding gorgeous texture. Bathroom Design provided geometric consistency in the vanity, mirrors, sconces and art. The hardware in the free standing tub makes a statement as it sits across the shower, which boasts impeccable craftsmanship with Spanish gray marble. The room is bright and airy and resembles a bathroom at a luxurious resort, with

Claudia Grunberger of Grunberger Interiors, winner of bathroom design, and Sandra Tremblay

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Sijia Lu, Abigail Guignard and Rachal Lachow

Abigail Guignard and Tony Maceli

Jenny Tzakas of Jenny Tzakas Interiors winner of bedroom design, and Sandra Tremblay

lines and contrast evenly distributed making a connection throughout the space. Sitting Room Design created for cocktails and great conversation! The jewel of this room is the iconic rock table in silver foil nesting an amazing collection of design books. With ample seating and a plush high-low area rug, the room invites you to relax and catch up with friends or a great book. Bedroom Design created safety, serenity and good luck charm. The accessorized armoire and application of blues with grays make this room inviting and cozy. With the use of various styles and textures, featuring tufted ottomans and a faux fur butterfly chair, the chandelier is the icing on a delightful cake!

Commercial Small Office Space Design at North Shore private high school lounge. The school restrictions and lack of a proper budget posed a challenge for the designer. The final outcome was a cool space for the students to hang out in during their free periods. Spin bikes and a living room atmosphere enhance the space and allow for conversation. Unique Conceptual Design created at library located in Old Westbury, which honed in on the client’s love of literature and biographies. Space was created to reflect the energy in The Library of Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. This was achieved by hanging a photo mural wall covering onto a single wall in the 17 foot high space, accenting the vaulted ceiling. Truly a reader’s paradise.

Christine Conte of Christine Conte Interiors, winner of dinning room design, and Sandra Tremblay

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The 2019 Annual BIDOLI Awards

A Formal Dining Room By Christine Conte Interiors

with Modern Verve


The clients purchased a teardown cottage next door to their current home and demolished both to build the home of their dreams. The new home is a traditional New England style with transitional interior features. The primary goal was to design a home that focused on, and took full advantage of, the property’s bayside waterview and allowed the clients to entertain easily. The first floor is a series of connecting spaces that comfortably flow into one another while maintaining their own identity. The formal dining room is

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Sponsored by Metropolitan Institute of Design

A contemporary twist for classic seating

situated off of the kitchen and can be closed off by utilizing two pocket doors. It has large double exterior doors along with side and transom windows to take full advantage of the water view. White 3/4-height wainscoting topped with a navy blue grass cloth is used on the walls. The vintage dining table is reminiscent of an Italian countryside farmer’s table and is a solid surface that can seat 14 people. The table is paired with chevron-upholstered host and hostess benches at both ends, along with linen side chairs with nailhead accents. The ceiling has a white lacquer finish that reflects and highlights the John Pomp contemporary chandelier that was chosen for its organic seaside nature. Flanking the entrance to the living room are two custom-designed wine storage closets with glass doors and interior lighting, used for perfectly housing and regulating red wine in one and white wine and champagne in the other.

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The 2019 Annual BIDOLI Awards

Tween-age DREAM By Jenny Tzakas Interiors

C Chilhood Dresser Grows Up

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Combining my 11-year-old client’s two favorite things— the color turquoise and elephants—created the perfect tween girl room! Walls were painted Jamaican Aqua from Benjamin Moore. Starry Night rug from Stanton gave the space a cozy feeling. A custom

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Sponsored by Metropolitan Institute of Design

Cozy Moroccan-styled bedding

headboard in creamy beige and Moroccan-inspired bedding make the perfect place to end the day. Roman shades featuring a fabulous elephant pattern were

custom made and created a statement. The client’s childhood hutch/dresser was upcycled using grey Annie Sloan chalk paint and finished in a metallic glaze. Himalayan faux fur chair

from Pottery Barn is a perfect reading nook and the shaded crystal chandelier is the frosting on the cake! Don’t you wish you had a room like this as a kid? I do.

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The 2019 Annual BIDOLI Awards

A Custom Bath from Grunberger Interiors

Claudia Grunberger established Grunberger Interiors to provide personalized designs, quality products, and exceptional customer care to Long Islanders seeking to create their dream home. Whether purchasing a single item or renovating an entire house, clients can expect white-glove

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Sponsored by Metropolitan Institute of Design

service and beautiful solutions to their design challenges. There was nothing distinctive about the 13 foot x 11 foot master bathroom that Claudia Grunberger was tasked to renovate. Her clients complained that it was dark and confined; and they longed for a bathroom that felt like a modern, upscale retreat. Since her clients did not want to modify the existing floor plan, Grunberger knew the biggest transformations lay in the finishes, materials, lighting, and color scheme. To achieve the desired look, Grunberger selected Calacatta Gold marble, a luxury stone that

adds warmth and elegance to any room. A large-scale waterjet, accented by a Spanish gray mosaic border, creates a gorgeous tile rug. The plumbing trims are rich polished nickel with a fluid, twisted silhouette. The organic, freestanding stone air bathtub comfortably fits two people. A small wall divider conceals the toilet for added privacy. The custom vanity is designed to look like fine furniture. Three elegant sconces are set within the mirror, further opening up the space. Prints of pearlized shells complete the look.

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The 2019 Annual BIDOLI Awards

Lynn Rosenblum of Devon Rose Interiors winner of kitchen design category and Sandy Tremblay

Deborah Lempert of Deborah Lempert Interiors winner of commercial small office design category and Sandy Tremblay

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Sponsored By MID

Teresa Scudero of TDS Designs winner of living room design category and Sandy Tremblay

Jen Long and Sanam Zubli of Luxe Design winner of sitting room design category

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The 2019 Annual BIDOLI Awards

Joy Lee of Joy’s Journey in Design winner of unique conceptual design category and Sandy Tremblay

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The Culture of COLOR By Nikki Parnell


I have always had a deep love and appreciation for world culture. As a language and linguistics major, I not only studied the multiple roots of communication, I explored the people and lands from which they emerged. We, in this business, know: COLOR evokes so many things. There is the psychology of color, which has proven true for decades throughout interior design. WHITE—In the U.S., white is the color of purity, innocence and peace and traditionally, symbolizes marriage. Throughout the eastern world, specifically Asia, white can represent death and mourning as well as unhappiness and misfortune. BLACK—Black often depicts sophistication and formality in the U.S. It also is our primary color for mourning and death. In the Middle East, black signifies evil, mystery, and sometimes mourning. In China, for young boys it means good health and

prosperity, but in Japan it emits mystery and feminine energy. In India, black is almost seen as a bad omen and is thought of as evil, rebellion or death. PURPLE—Here in the U.S., purple has always been a sign of royalty, wealth and fame, as it has in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. In Latin America (specifically Brazil), purple is the color of mourning or death. BLUE—Blue depicts trust and authority as well as tranquility and sadness in the U.S. In the Middle East, it means safety and protection and evokes spirituality. In India it is the color of Lord Krishna (indicates strength). In Turkey and Greece, the blue eye wards off evil spirits and protects your loved ones. In Asia it represents immortality, healing and relaxation. GREEN—In the U.S., green represents luck, environmental awareness, wealth, health and jealousy. In the Middle East it signifies fertility, money, good fortune and is the color of Islam.

In Asia green is all about nature, fertility, and youth, while in China, green means infidelity. Green is a national color in Mexico and is considered patriotic. It is the color of death in other Latin American countries. YELLOW—In the U.S., yellow symbolizes happiness, welcoming hospitality and sunshine. In Germany and France it depicts envy and in the Middle East it signifies positive energy. Egyptians and Latin Americans see it as the color of mourning; in Asia it means positivity and in Japan it is a royal color representing courage and prosperity. Throughout Africa yellow depicts wealth and status. ORANGE—The color orange Continued on page 71

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Simply Elegant German Kitchen Center dazzles with modern kitchen

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This kitchen is striking and was designed by Yoram Zion, and features Leicht cabinets and tops from Neolith; along with appliances by Gaggenau and Miele. Materials used in the cabinetry are silk, lacquere, and glass. An island in the kitchen offers extra dining space, while the expansive porcelain countertops offer a clean look. The space provides a seemless integration between the two rooms that is neither overwhelming nor intrusive to the integrity of the kitchen.

Additionally, the chandelier floats above the dining table; providing this modern space with a naturalistic tone. Such a tone is accentuated by the white oak flooring that spans all the way into the living room; where the blue tones blend in.

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The Culture of Color Continued from page 69 represents the long-awaited fall harvest in the U.S. and signifies rejuvenation. Throughout the Middle East it can depict danger, mourning and loss. In Japan and China orange means courage, happiness, prosperity and good health. Saffron orange is sacred in India,

as well as other Hindu or Buddhist cultures. RED—Red, here in the U.S., is all about love, passion, danger, energy and intensity. In the Middle East, this color often means danger or caution. In Asia, red is very lucky as it represents long life, happiness, and is a common wedding dress color. In India it depicts purity, wealth, love, power and beauty.

Red is all about passion and love in South America, yet it signifies mourning and sacrifice in South Africa. Nikki Parnell is a color, finish and paint consultant that assists in home design with interior designers, painters, home builders, GCs, and realtors. She has worked with the A+D community for ten years and started her own business, Indigo East Design, in 2019.

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Jo Machinist designs in Piermont-on-Hudson

Riverfront view allowing for scenic vistas of the Hudson River

Dining room with warm textures and modern kitchen with stainless steel accents 72 HOUSE volume I issue I 2019

From the foyer the natural light and large spatial floor plan are enhanced by the hardwood floors

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Open central stair and atrium


Designed by architect Jo Machinist in the historic Village of Piermont-on-Hudson this home is nestled between the river’s edge and the Palisades. The 1/5 acre waterfront property with 75 feet of river frontage sits on the western shore of the Hudson River and after construction delights the new owners. The house is a 3,500 square foot three bedroom and two 1/2 bath residence that also contains kitchen and dining room, study and library and music stu-

dio. The scenic river can also be viewed from the decks and terraces. While the architect draws on the arts and crafts idiom for inspiration the house is decidedly today. Sitting on the river’s edge, sea and sky are an integral part of the design, as much a part of the house as any fixture or furnishing. Daylight interacts with the corner recesses while roof trelliswork and balcony railings create a sun dial of shifting shadows.

Transitions from exterior to interior are fused through the repetition of materials, the color palette and forms. Soft mustards and sage colors are used and transform themselves into other elemental colors of the river such as fog and reflect the river’s changing moods. This is combined with fir flooring on the interior and cedar, mahogany and ipe rain forest decking outside.

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Historic Home - Redux Marilyn Rose recreates a classic residence Photography by Stacey Walker

W The exterior of the home, turret and carriage house have been whitewashed to create a softer feeling in European style

We are extremely fortunate to still have many wonderful historic mansions on the North Shore of Long Island. “Ebbin” is a living monument to the survival of several Gold Coast estates that are enjoying a second heyday after many have been destroyed. In a time when everyone seems to want very modern decor, that style would be totally inappropriate given the architecture of this project. “Although we are also doing many contemporary jobs at the moment, we had to address what the client and home dictates,” states Marilyn Rose. “This project wasn’t to be contemporary, we needed to take a very classic approach to the period of the home. Historic research was necessary and we feel that the exterior and interior blend beautifully. Today “Ebbin” is one of those rare North Shore mansions that stands as a living testament to the determination, enterprise and cleverness of its proud owners whose efforts have seen to it that it will endure for decades to come.

Right, Functional credenza with wildlife artwork above it brightens this space Far right, the elegant entryway of this historic house has a beautiful impressionist mural around the entire area with antique accents This formal living room, with draperies designed with French thematic elements includes the placement of antiques to create the perfect mood

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The fireplace in the dining room with fireplace was original to the house as were the herringbone wood floors

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Lakeville Kitchen & Bath Grand Opening


For over three generations, the core philosophy of Lakeville Kitchen & Bath has remained unchanged. Complete dedication to our customer. We treat every client with the respect and courtesy they deserve, and provide decades of experience, creative kitchen and bath design ideas, quality cabinetry, and unparalleled service. In 1935, Lakeville began manufacturing metal cabinets as Long Island began its explosive growth. Originally starting operations in New Hyde Park, quickly moving to Floral Park, Great Neck, Hicksville, and finally, in 1955, to Lindenhurst. The Lindenhurst location was Lakeville’s home for over sixty years until its recent move, in January, 2019, to Farmingdale. Richard Sirlin, president of Lakeville for over forty years, believes its continued success and growth is primarily due to the unwavering dedication to the philosophy of complete customer satisfaction. Lakeville truly understands the complex process of a

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dence and comfort. When not in the office, Richard Sirlin remains active with numerous philanthropies and notfor-profit organizations. Additionally, he is an avid golfer and occasional tennis player. Most important, his wife Arlene of 38 years, four daughters, four son-inlaws, and seven grandchildren… the true loves of his life. They are the ones who make his world perfect.


kitchen renovation along with all of its challenges. Lakeville’s new showroom, located at 140 Broadhollow Road, Farmingdale, is its new design showcase that demonstrates the design talent, creativity and extensive selection of cabinetry. Leading domestic manufacturers such as Medallion Cabinetry, Crystal Cabinetry, Plain & Fancy, DesignCraft and Wolf along with the beautiful setting and atmosphere a showroom offers a client confi-

Q & A with Richard Sirlin, president and owner of Lakeville: What is the most satisfying aspect of your business? And the least? For most satisfying aspect, we have a tie for first place. The kitchen has evolved over the years to become the true heart of the home and the center for social gatherings. It gives us immense satisfaction to help our clients

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imagine and bring to life those special places in which to share many beautiful memories and meals. But just as rewarding to me, and to Bruce Wechsler (vp of operations), is seeing our employees and their families grow both professionally and personally. A true “work family” feeling has developed and continues among us. The unavoidable every day frustrations of this industry are balanced and kept in perspective by the camaraderie, smiles and laughter shared among us. The most dissatisfying element of our business? That’s an easy one: Anything that results in project delays for our trade or retail clients. Can you give us an example of when you have to think outside of the box for a project?

Almost every project requires (or can at least benefit from) some outside of the box thinking. Our designers combine their experience in crafting a kitchen with the expressed needs and wants of the

client to develop a design that is both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. That design process is, by its very nature, “outside of the box.” Combined with our dedication to service, it is what distinguishes Lakeville in our industry. What is the plan for Lakeville’s future? Two things combined about four years ago that played a huge role in charting the course for Lakeville’s future. First, was my decision to sell the Lindenhurst real estate (which included our main showroom and head office for 60 years.) The second was Bruce Wechsler joining me on the executive team. I have known Mr. Wechsler since he was a young teenager (my wife’s first cousin) and I got to know him even better when he lived with us and drove a truck for Lakeville for a year in his early twenties. Bruce had a successful 20+ year career as a corporate attorney, but he was looking for a change that would

better utilize and develop his leadership skills. He is a natural, with a good wit and charisma, and quickly earned the respect and admiration of the entire Lakeville family. We are currently taking a brief moment to enjoy a collective and well-deserved sigh of relief at having completed our relocation and new amazing showroom and offices in Farmingdale. But “brief” is the key word there as we are poised and excited to continue our growth and success into the future. As Bruce says, “What we do is important and there are plenty of clients and homes on Long Island that will benefit from our services. Let’s do it. And let’s have some fun while we do!” I look forward to a continued alliance with Bruce over the coming years, with Bruce taking on more and more of the executive and operating responsibilities, and me having more time for my wife, family, grandkids and, yes, the challenging but delightful game of golf.

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Grand Opening PHOTOS BY ANDREA SHEAHAN Lakeville Kitchen & Bath celebrated the grand opening of its beautiful, new state-of-the-art design center. More than 300 guests walked through the door into the largest kitchen and bath showroom on Long Island. The more than 10,000 square foot showroom elegantly showcased the creativity of its award winning designers. Innovations in style and design are featured in the craftmanship cabinetry of luxurious domestic brands. Proceeds from the event benefited the Variety Child Learning Center.


Arlene Sirlin, Samantha Rogers, Richard Sirlin, Carly Sonenshine, Stacey Kogel, Brittany Akkerman

Chris Harley, Scott Fettig,Tom Samanic, Sue Haines ACPI Executives

Morris Sirlin of Lakeville Kitchen & Bath and Andrea Sheahan of HOUSE behind is a picture of the original Lakeville’s building in Lindenhurst

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Unique collections of Medallion silhouettes bath vanities

Picturesque kitchen island with seating for four

Dynamic styling with mosaic backsplash

Rich Coulton, Kathy Sladky and Sue Ollen

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A Whole New Level of Melissa Sacco Interiors


In the case of this elegant Melville home, Melissa and her expert team converted a basement to upper-level status using the clients’ vision to create a private home office along with an extraordinary entertainment area. From the first moment Melissa entered the space, she envisioned a brilliant bar as the focal point. In order to achieve the open-floor plan the clients

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agreed on, several columns that supported the rotunda on the first and second level were removed by Saxon Park Development and reinforced with massive beams and a newly created basement entrance. Melissa’s goal for the interior design was to use elegant materials that are easy to maintain and would withstand the traffic of two teen boys and a

young girl as well as the many guests her clients entertain. She achieved that and more by blending her clients’ traditional taste with her flair for modern simplicity. The result is a stunning, timeless design that includes Melissa’s knack for utilizing high-end fixed pieces and bargain items that are interchangeable. To enhance the open feel,

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Photos: Kimberly Gorman Muto Photography

Melissa used large-scale rectified porcelain bordered off with porcelain wood tile to create a classic pattern. The custom-made walnut bar was crafted by Hunter Cabinets in Bellmore. The bar area features a full refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, large pantry, stainless sink and chef-style faucet. The bar top has a marinegrade finish and a Chicago bar rail with mercury glass pendants lining the entire bar. Never compromising aesthetics, Melissa maintained the same vision for the functional rooms of this exceptional renovation with a proper home office, fitness room, game room and full bathroom. The last time Melissa spoke to her delighted client, he had installed a coffee machine in the bar and now he rarely leaves his upgraded lower level.

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SWATCHED Design Competition PHOTOS BY ANDREA SHEAHAN The Fourth Annual IDS SWATCHED Design Game, a competition presented by the Interior Design Society's Long Island chapter was a huge success. The goal of the event was to create something where guests participate in its play for charity - play for fun theme with an emphasis on bringing interior design professionals together for an evening of competition. The industry event combined a mix and mingle with celebrity judges and the interior design community. To win interior designers competed with one another to create the perfect layout. The proceeds of the event were donated to charities and a good time was had by all. Irina Nikolaenko, the winner of this year’s SWATCHED was formerly vice president of the IDS Molloy Student Chapter. She first entered the SWATCHED competition as a student and this year won as a professional. “It was a very hectic, but fun filled night. Inspired by nature, I designed the Studio, selecting colors and finishes pretending my daughter was my client. The judges said that they understood how everything was used, including the mystery materials. It had lovely colors and was a creative, beautiful room.”

Jeanne Campana - 2nd place winner, George Oliphant, Keith Baltimore, Cathy Hobbs, Irina Nikolaenko - 1st place winner, Ashley Warren - 3rd place winner and Jackie McManus - student winner

Carmen Traversa, Melissa Fenigstein of New Age Interiors, Connie D’Angelo, Robert Hakimi of Designer Rugs & Carpet, Susan Cohen, Carolyn Walkin, and Jennifer McGraw of Jennifer McGraw Marketing

Nanette Hill, Marliana Teich, Suzanne Sokolov and Debbie Viola

Times up and hands up for interior designers, last walk for the audience to view the projects before judges survey George Oliphant , Andrea Sheahan of House and Alan Kennemer of Cosentino

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Cathy Hobbs of Cathy Hobbs Design and Meg Gilmartin of National Kidney Foundation

Keith Baltimore and John Belzer of Songs of Love

Tomiann Naso of Wolf Sub Zero Cove and Katie Berbenich of Appliance World

Teresa Passeretti, Donna Stalworth, Dean Camastro, Marie Byrne, Isabel Melo, Nava Salvin, Joe Calise, Cathy Petoske, Bonnie Reich, Carmen Traversa, Lisa Aiello, Dee Manicone, Nancy Ganzekaufer, Alison Solar, Mary Blanthorn and Sheree Jeanes

George Oliphant of NBC’s “George to the Rescue”

Swatched winner Irina Nikolaenko with Marie Byrne

Nancy Ganzekaufer and Isabel Melo holding check in the name of Stephen Fanuka’s charity Autism Speaks

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A Dream Space Comes to Life By Irina Nikolaenko


In the home of a young father, I worked on the design of this living space while employed at Be Still Design Inc. The client showed us a picture of his dream space which gave us insight and a good starting point in creating a space he ultimately loves. Considering the light sources both natural and artificial. Irina selected Benjamin Moore’s Dior Gray as the main color for the walls and Patriot Red for the accent wall. She selected light fixtures and accessories to provide the sparkle such as

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crystal entry chandelier and surface mounted fixture in the kitchen. Irina put her sewing skills to work in fabricating the pillows in the living room. She purchased the fabric while on vacation in Russia. “I take some of my inspiration from traveling to places that are rich in historical architecture and culture. “I believe a designer should look for psychological clues in order to catch what is unspoken by the client.” In order to help clients

understand the vision for the project, Irina can provide 3D visualization by hand or through computer software, service she also provides to other designers. “I draw my inspiration mainly from observing the beauty of nature. Yoga and meditation play a huge role in my daily routine. Both help me to extend my ability to feel the moment and connect with the beauty and harmony of nature” In this future master bedroom, Irina’s inspiration comes from walks on the beach

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the pallet of blue with grey undertones, the warmth of the wood and lighting replicating the setting sun. Irina believes that the kitchen is a place of creation. In this kitchen project with

its clean, simple, sleek and modern design, appliances are tucked away to protect them from dust. Along with the addition of warm woods and colors this space can inspire just the right mood.

Photo: Irina Nikolaenko

during sunset hours. “Walking into this bedroom you feel the soothing and cooling sensation helping you relax at the end of the day,�she said. This is accomplished with

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Transitional Kitchen Under a Floating Beam Written by Hilary Grossman Photographed by Creepwalk Media


Seeking more space and an open and airy feel, the homeowners had a choice. They could either add a second floor to their boxy ranch home or build out and add cathedral ceilings. The family chose the latter. They opted to use the new space to create the kitchen of their dreams. With the main sink on the center island, plenty of counter space is left for food prep. Globe lights are from Urban Electric. The natural oak floors add warmth. The countertop is quartz versus marble for the durability.

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Showcase Kitchens, and John Starck designer and principal, came highly recommended by multiple sources including the homeowner’s architect and designer. ”John is my go to kitchen person,” designer Anne Mandelkern explained. “We speak the same language and we share the same thoughts about symmetry and balance. He’s a true master of his trade.” Dark gray Quartz countertops and 4X12” ceramic tile from Walker Zanger were utilized on the main wall. The light oak beam

is open ended on over the breakfast table to allow maximal natural light. John Starck, designer and principal of Showcase Kitchens, led the project. “We had a wonderful experience working with John,” the homeowners raved. “He was extremely creative and very openminded. Also, he was a terrific problem solver.” Fifteen feet above the white kitchen is a flying beam structure. Decorative elements include a 3” thick honed Quartz countertop, stainless hood, and vinyl chairs

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Showcase Kitchens delivers a gem

from Safavieh. Starck maximized the cabinet space and created room for all the appliances while achieving a symmetrical concept with an open and spacious feel. A veneered clad “flying beam.” Architect Louis Colalillo elaborated, “The beam serves two functions. First, it supports the structure, allowing for fifteen-foot cathedral ceilings. Second, the beam also is aesthetic in nature, and it frames the space where Showcase created their masterpiece.” “Everyone we interacted with at Showcase Kitchens was so helpful and professional,” the homeowner concluded. “We not only had a great experience we now truly have the kitchen of our dreams.”


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as cottons, silks and wools on your chairs, sofas and drapes. Use furniContinued from page 12 ture of healthy materials and artwork that upon reflection, adds to your sense of well-being. you are. The interior design of you In your home, move your furniis a mirror image of the interior de- ture around to create new settings – sign of your home. perhaps cozier with added accesCreate a space in your home sories. Accent your rooms and furwhere you feel safe, relaxed, nishings with family keepsakes or peaceful and happy. Make this create new ones for yourself and space a meditative-type space family that you will cherish through where you can reflect upon your the years. Design a new focal point life and “let go” of its pressures. in your home with art work that Use colors and fabrics that reflect a may reflect the season or a holiday quality of serenity and calmness to table which comes alive with abunyou. Bring some of the outside in- dant platters and bowls of foods side by using healthy plants and and sweets. Use all your senses: fill placing some meaningful stones or your home with scented candles seashells on your tables. Bring in a and seasonal flora. Hang bells and fresh vase of flowers each week. chimes on doorknobs and have Try to keep from using harsh light- music playing to enhance and suping. Use candles along with the port your mood. Surround yourself natural light from the windows. In with sights that fill you with a sense this special room of yours, avoid of self. Create a space where you unnatural materials such as vinyl. feel loved and protected – a space Work only with natural fabrics such where you love yourself.

Go With The Flow

Your home is a place where you can count your blessings of the past and present and create new blessings for the future. See your home clearly as it is at the moment without blinders. Create a home of love and joy – protecting and nurturing you and your family and friends. A good interior designer will want to help you create that space. You will find that you find real happiness and joy when you are not looking to create happiness you simply are happiness. Be the joy that you are – let your creative nature flow from inside out into your world. Pamela Laurence of Face Your Self®, offers professional training, coaching and consultations in healthy lifestyles. Contact her at

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German Kitchen Center designs chic upscale layout

66 East 11th Street Kitchen Desinger: Yoram Zioni Kitchens cabinets: Leicht Wood veneer doors: Topos Counter tops: Calcatta gold marble Appliances: Miele Custom stone sink Floors: White Oak

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The Genius At Shoreham


This past July 10th was the 163rd birthday of Nikola Tesla, a man whose name one might know because of the now famous electric car bearing his name. The man, however, who was a genius and visionary in his time was truly the unsung hero of the modern electronics age. Dying in near-poverty and forgotten by many, he held almost 300 patents and was the inventor of the alternating current system for generating electricity and pioneered the development of radio, x-ray technology, remote control, fluorescent lighting and numerous other innovations that were often laid claim to by others. Nikola Tesla, born in the Austro-Hungarian Military Frontier, now modern-day Croatia, in 1856, was the son of an uneducated but highly intelligent inventive mother and orthodox priest father. He was a child prodigy with a photographic memory. He studied electrical and mechanical engineering and came to America with four cents in his pocket in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison. He was given the assignment to completely redesign current generators to be more efficient. Tesla was allegedly promised $50,000 if he could do this and was instead

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offered a $10 weekly raise on top of his $18 weekly salary. Resigning and eventually teaming up with George Westinghouse, he pioneered the AC current design that became the electrical distribution system of choice because of its efficiency and lower cost. While Tesla was a true genius, he was never a businessman. He made others rich and when he came to them for help, they refused – partially because of some of his failed experiments, the economic times and what some considered his outlandish ideas. Establishing a laboratory in Colorado Springs in 1899, he then came to Shoreham, Long Island in 1900 to begin his work on establishing a trans-atlantic wireless communications facility in Wardenclyffe. Lack of funds and liens on the property forced him to relinquish this 200-acre site around the time of World War I and forced him to give up his dream of creating a community called Radio City (no relationship to Radio City Music Hall) for his workers. Dying in poverty and almost forgotten for his contributions to modern life, his followers and supporters are now working to see that he receives the recognition he was

due. On July 4, 1917, the tower he built, designed by Stanford White, at Wardenclyffe was leveled and parts sold off to pay Tesla’s debts. Later, the land became a contaminated industrial site and was federally mandated for clean up in the 80s. But, plans were in the works to preserve the remaining laboratory and acreage and in 1996, Friends of Science East, Inc., later to be known as Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe was formed. In 2012, funds were raised through a crowd funding effort and the popular comic website, “The Oatmeal.” A recordbreaking $1.37 million dollars was raised. This funding was later further enriched by a $1 million dollar pledge from Elon Musk. Jane Alcorn, president of the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe, and her team are on a mission to create a Nikola Tesla museum and global science center that empowers all through education, research, and entrepreneurship. They, along with many dedicated followers, are raising awareness as well as dollars. Through events in the past year such as Teslamania, which is an annual event for physics and science teachers at

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A genius at work, Nikola Tesla pioneered research in electrical science

Stony Brook University, a screening of the film, “Tower To The People” at the Cinema Arts Center in Huntington and Gallery North in Setauket, a musical presentation at The Staller Center at Stony Brook University, food tastings and fairs, a Tesla Coil Night at Wardenclyffe and an upcoming gala at Flowerfield at the end of September, ambitious plans continue to roll out. Here’s what the organization has to say about the future of the Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe and its importance: “It is our goal to create a global science center at Wardenclyffe Nikola Tesla’s last remaining laboratory anywhere in the world, where we will preserve, restore and promote Tesla’s legacy of invention and perseverance through education and innovation.”

Nikola Tesla Tesla’s tower

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Plesser’s CEU class for outdoor kitchens Photos by Andrea Sheahan Story by Lisa Rodriguez

Plesser's Appliances and Kalamazoo Outdoor Gourmet co-hosted a continuing education class on Winning Outdoor Kitchen Design – one of today's biggest home trends. Twenty local trade professionals, including architects, builders and designers, learned about the key principles to follow when creating fuctional kitchens and livable spaces outside the home.

Toni Cinquemani and John Packard of Packard Cabinetry

Gina Marano of Plesser’s Appliances, Gina Armetta of Kalamazoo, Robert Nielsen of Plesser’s Appliances and Lisa Rodriguez of Kalamazoo

Coastal Cabinet Works Eric Vogel, Madison Young, Kelly Bailey, Keith Cammarata and Alexandra Stanton

Bryan Zachmann and Diana Russo

Andrew Sparby landscape architecture

Manhasset 1200 Northern Boulevard

Massapequa 5340 Merrick Road




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