Houston Academy 2021-2022
Last Updated:
COVID Protocol
Houston Academy 2021-2022 School is open with limited restrictions.
The community will follow specific health precautions that are in accordance with our local, state, and federal recommendations. As of now, the following policies and procedures will be in place. Athletic protocols will be determined by Alabama High School Athletic Association recommendations and requirements. Students and all faculty members are encouraged to wear masks. Gaiters are not allowed. Houston Academy will continue to thoroughly clean classrooms and surfaces, daily, throughout the school. Students will be asked to bring sanitizing wipes, disinfecting spray, and hand sanitizer as a part of their supply list so that teachers may routinely clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched. This may include cleaning objects/surfaces not ordinarily cleaned daily (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, countertops). Classroom seating will be modified to comply with social distancing guidelines, where possible. Classroom meetings and other gatherings will be moved outdoors, whenever possible. The faculty and staff will teach and reinforce healthy hygiene practices, including, but not limited to: . Enforcing hand-washing strategies which include washing with
soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. . Providing ready access to alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Masks are Optional (Grades 3P-12) Masks are optional and recommended unless circumstances dictate a mandate. Students may wear any type of mask that is appropriate for school. Gaiters and shields are not permitted.
General Illness If your child has a general illness, please keep your child at home and monitor symptoms (fever, runny nose, headache, vomiting, diarrhea etc). It is highly recommended to consult with your local physician if symptoms persist. The child MUST be fever free without medication and any symptoms of a virus for a full 24 hour period before returning to school following an illness.
If you test positive for COVID-19: Everyone, regardless of vaccination status.
Provide evidence of positive test via email to appropriate head of school. Quarantine for a minimum of 5 days. If you are fever free, have no symptoms, or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, and you present a negative test, you may return to school. Upon return to school, you will wear a mask on campus (indoors and outdoors) and at all HA events for an additional 5 days and adhere to school guidelines.
If you were exposed to someone with COVID-19: FULLY VACCINATED AS DEFINED BY THE FOLLOWING: Have been fully vaccinated and boosted
Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months
Completed the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last 2 months You may attend school and must wear a mask on campus (indoors and outdoors) and at all HA events for 10 days and adhere to school guidelines. Test on day 5 and provide evidence of a negative test to the appropriate head of school. If you develop symptoms, stay home and get a test.
PARTIALLY VACCINATED OR UNVACCINATED: Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over 6 months ago and not boosted
Completed the primary series of J&J over 2 months ago and not boosted
Are unvaccinated Quarantine for a minimum of 5 days. Test on day 5 and provide evidence of a negative test to the appropriate head of school. If you are fever free, have no symptoms, or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you may return to school. You must wear a mask on campus (indoors and outdoors) and at all HA events for an additional 5 days and adhere to school guidelines. Please note that these guidelines are subject to change. Sources used: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) | National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS)