2005 Annual Report

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The mission of The Houston A+ Challenge is to promote an academically rich and purposeful education for more of our children and to demonstrate how such an education could become possible for all our children.






“Without collaboration, our knowledge goes unleveraged, our data unused.” These thoughts, uttered by a participant at one of The Houston A+ Challenge’s professional development sessions, capture the essence of our organization. Houston A+ Challenge builds leadership capacity by bringing together educators and community members and coaching them on ways to improve public schools. The goal: that all students eventually graduate ready for college or the workplace. It is a critical goal, as 90 percent of students in the United States attend public schools. We help educators question their own practices, turn an objective eye toward what works and doesn’t work on their campuses and understand that learning achievement goes beyond standardized test data. We help community members understand that they, too, are responsible for what goes on behind school house doors. We give them ways to understand and assist with schools’ needs that go beyond the traditional one-time donation. Nine years after opening our doors in 1997, we see significant signs of progress. Educators throughout the metropolitan area who have been through the various professional development sessions we offer are teaching their colleagues what they have learned. Schools are being reorganized to use their size – including structure, resources, space and time – to create personalized learning environments for students. Student achievement is on the rise, as measured by both the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills and the Stanford Achievement test. The lessons learned in Houston are spreading across the state. And the nonprofit watchdog group Charity Navigator selected Houston A+ as one of the five most efficient charities in Texas. The scarcest commodity at any organization is leadership. In the following pages, you will read about the thousands of people working to energize public education in the Houston area. They are the new faces of education. We are thankful for their hard work, their creativity, their energy, their donations and their commitment. Very Truly Yours,

Harry M.Reasoner Chairman of the Board

Michele Pola, Ed.D. Executive Director

High School Redesign Initiative

Houston Schools for a New Society


teadily, Houston ISD’s large high schools are redesigning

While there are variations in the redesign among the 24 large high

themselves in partnership with Houston A+ Challenge so

schools, common among all are these fundamental principles:

that all students graduate ready for college or the workforce. This Houston Schools for a New Society high school redesign initiative – funded by The Annenberg Foundation, The Brown Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation through Houston A+ Challenge – seeks to move schools from the farm/factory models of the Industrial Age, where one size fits all, into more personalized, student-focused learning environments. Key to this redesign is a network of advocates – real people, real faces, who coordinate continual improvement in teacher instruction, as well as student achievement and support. The goal is for each student to be a bright, new face in education and possess the eight key qualities outlined in the Profile of a Graduate.

■ Shared goal to embrace change among schools, districts and communities ■ Smaller learning communities within the large high schools that offer theme-based instruction in career areas designed by all stakeholders and into which students self-select based on their interests ■ Common group of teachers, administrators and staff members within the learning community working together to personalize student learning and improve student achievement ■ Advocacy programs that include teachers, family members and community partners joining with students in small groups and one-on-one sessions to reduce their isolation and dropout rates ■ Campus literacy coaches that help teachers embed literacy instruction into all core content areas to promote improved student achievement


■ Inclusion of real-world experiences, like student internships and community service, into the curriculum to prepare students for the workplace and the world

Proficient problem-solver Efficient technology-user Effective communicator Cooperative team member Culturally aware in a global world Responsible citizen Self-directed worker and thinker Knowledgeable of worldwide issues

■ Ongoing professional development and mentoring for teachers to deepen subject area knowledge and increase understanding and use of effective teaching strategies

Schools During the early years of this initiative, literacy coaches were trained by Houston A+ and placed on each campus. In 2004-2005, these coaches focused on literacy instruction in all ninth grade classes in an effort to increase student promotions to the 10th grade. The 25 coaches attended weekly trainings, provided individual coaching to teachers, and helped co-teach lessons. The New Jersey Writing Project in Texas, a 90-hour institute, was completed by 18 coaches. This increased emphasis on literacy resulted in the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) passing scores in reading for ninth graders increasing at 21 of the 24 HSNS high schools and math scores for ninth graders increasing at 18 of the schools. For example, TAKS ninth grade reading improved seven percentage points while math increased 15 percentage points at Waltrip High School due to the focus on ninth grade literacy. Furr reported a 20-point gain in TAKS exit level science scores that the school attributed to its increased emphasis on literacy coaching. Similar improvements were made by ninth graders on the national Stanford 10 assessment with 15 schools reporting students’ scores above the national average in reading and 22 schools reporting gains in math. An independent evaluation by the University of Texas of the high school initiative found that more students were being promoted from ninth to 10th grade in 2004-2005 compared to the previous year, adding new faces to education. The UT researchers also found that more students were staying in school and that teachers’ expectations had increased for what their students should achieve.

2004-2005 Highlights Increased offerings of Advanced Placement (AP) courses at all grade levels and offering of SAT Prep classes for 75 percent of 11th graders at Austin High School. Improved attendance, discipline and school climate after implementation of four-year career academies at Chavez High School. More parent participation in school activities following the creation of an adult advocacy class at Davis High School. Plans made to open Empowerment High School in partnership with the Coalition of Essential Schools in 2005-2006 so students could receive dual credit in high school and college for their high school classes and take AP classes. Increased campus pride at Jones High School after establishing partnerships with Texas Southern University and the Mexican American Bar Association of Houston. Creation of school-wide advocacy program at Bellaire High School including weekly advocacy meetings between students and their mentors with lessons focused on academic goals/ successes, healthy behaviors, accountability, and school involvement. Adult advocacy program implemented at Madison High School with weekly meetings between faculty and student groups. Also, more than 85 percent of the staff was AP trained and 28 teachers were trained in Princeton Review/SAT strategies. Weekly meetings between every student and his or her adult advocate at Scarborough High School, plus the introduction of co-teaching to strengthen instructional program. A common test for Sharpstown High School students each six weeks and for final exams, based on curriculum alignment, to assess their knowledge in all subject areas. Three percent increase in attendance at Worthing High School. Source: HSNS schools

Austin Bellaire Challenge Early College Chavez Davis Empowerment Furr Jones Jordan Kashmere Lamar Lee Madison Milby Reagan Sam Houston Scarborough Sharpstown Sterling Waltrip Washington Westbury Westside Worthing Wheatley Yates

Regional High School Network

Schools Aldine ISD Aldine Senior High School Alief ISD Elsik 9th Grade Elsik High School Hastings 9th Grade Hastings High School Taylor High School Humble ISD Humble 9th Grade Humble High School Kingwood 9th Grade Kingwood High School Spring Branch ISD Memorial High School Northbrook High School Spring Woods High School Stratford High School


dditional funding from the Annenberg Foundation and the

Leadership teams also developed specific action plans for

Brown Foundation expanded the Houston A+ high school

2005-2006, including the development of school portfolios to

redesign efforts to other school districts in the Houston

demonstrate progress on their goals.

metropolitan area in 2003. Thirteen schools in three school

Hastings Ninth Grade Center (Alief) developed and used a

districts were awarded grants to increase student achievement

standard process for teachers to evaluate professional

through smaller learning communities, reducing isolation, and

development activities in which they participated.

increasing teacher learning. In the fall of 2004, Houston A+

Taylor High School (Alief) has developed a differentiated staff

Challenge added Aldine High School to the network at the request

development process to ensure that the different types and

of the Aldine ISD administration.

levels of learning needs of each staff member are met.

2004-2005 Highlights

Elsik High School (Alief) has positions called “interventionists” who work with teachers to improve instruction, partic-

Creation of a network of all 14 high school principals, one

ularly through the collection, analysis and use of student data.

assistant principal from each campus and district

Spring Woods High School (Spring Branch) has significantly

representatives to meet monthly to learn new tools for

increased the number of students taking AP courses through a

leadership, to collaborate and share reform plans, to reach

variety of activities.

consensus on models for change, and to define critical

Humble High School (Humble) began advisories for the first

attributes for student advocacy programs.

time this year, primarily as a result of their participation in this

Creation of leadership teams at each high school, which

project. The school involves students in evaluating the

participated in a full-day conference to develop collaborative


relationships across schools and districts and to identify desired outcomes for graduates. The schools held cross-site visits to every campus in October and November. Ten-member teams were composed of teachers and administrators from each of the 14 high schools. The teams each spent a day in a high school visiting classrooms and looking for evidence of the school’s progress. The data collected during the day was presented to the host school for its use in continuous planning and improvement.

“We are collaborating so much more this year. It is really helping me grow and develop as a leader.” Alief principal

2004-2005 Highlights

To continue the whole school reforms begun by Beacon and Lamplighter schools, as they were called from 1997 to 2002,

86 percent of campuses scored higher than their district

Houston A+ Challenge provides funding through the Focused

average in TAKS math at panel recommendation.

Impact Award. Just as the early initiative produced significant

57 percent of campuses scored higher than their district

increases in student achievement among 74 Challenge Network

average in TAKS reading at panel recommendation.

schools in six Houston area districts, the Focused Impact Award

New and expanded partnerships with Columbia, Harvard and

continues this legacy.

Rice universities, plus the University of Houston and University

Focused Impact Award


All original Beacon and Lamplighter schools not already

of St. Thomas, are bringing best practices to the classrooms.

receiving funding from Houston A+ Challenge were eligible to

Continued partnerships with local fine arts organizations like

apply for this award based on established criteria. Schools could

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH); Society for the

receive up to $40,000, $50,000 or $60,000 at the elementary,

Houston ISD

Performing Arts; Houston Grand Opera; and Multicultural

middle and high school levels, respectively. The award was granted

Browning Elementary

Education and Counseling through the Arts to infuse fine arts

to 14 schools in four school districts in 2004-2005.

into daily instruction.

Port Houston Elementary

The primary goal of the Focused Impact Award is to increase student achievement. As evidenced by standardized test results, this goal that is being met, reflecting the new face of education in Houston.

Roberts Elementary

Select TAKS Reading Results

Scott Elementary

Percentage meeting Panel Recommendation

Twain Elementary



Helms Community Learning Center 69%



Lanier Middle School

Scott Elementary/Middle



McReynolds Middle School

parental and community participation at school events designed to highlight student work.


Johnston Middle School

Pershing Middle School

Schools select at least one content area – math,

Sharpstown Middle School

literacy or fine arts – on which to focus. They must show

Debakey High School

progress in delivering The Houston A+ Challenge

Select TAKS Math Results

imperatives of personalized student instruction, reduced

Percentage meeting Panel Recommendation

Humble ISD

student isolation, and quality professional development 2003



Sharpstown Middle




Port Houston Elementary/Middle




experiences. Community partnerships must be established or expanded to help deliver these imperatives

Whidby Elementary


Also evident is increased teacher collaboration across departments and grade levels, as well as increased

Helms Community Learning Center

and meet the goal of increased student achievement.

Source: Texas Education Agency

Quest High School

K-5 Mathematics Initiative


egun in 2000 and generously funded by the ExxonMobil Foundation, the K-5 Mathematics Initiative is showing

In 2004, Sutton used the journals in summer school classes for underachieving fourth grade students. At the end of the summer,

particular success with economically disadvantaged students.

the students demonstrated impressive growth in their post-test

In 2005, 66 percent of these students passed TAKS in schools

passing scores on the school’s benchmark test compared to their

participating in the initiative compared to 57 percent of

pre-test results. The students also went from little or no

economically disadvantaged students in non-initiative schools in

understanding at the beginning of the course to writing complete

the West Region of Houston ISD (see chart).

analysis of and accurate solutions to their math problems. Seeing

Fundamental to this program is the training and placement of K-5 math specialists in elementary schools. These specialists coach teachers in nationally recognized instructional methods

these results, most of the other initiative schools began to use the journals in 2004-2005. The problem-solving journals are part of the new face of

and co-teach mathematical concepts to students. They also

mathematics instruction that the schools report resulted in other

coordinate campus-based family programs, like Math Nights,

notable outcomes in 2005, including:

where students and their parents enjoy learning together.

â– Ninety-five percent of a Sutton Elementary third grade class

The K-5 Mathematics Initiative has grown from five math

passing the TAKS math test compared to 85 percent for third

specialists at eight elementary schools to 13 math specialists

grade overall.

at 14 elementary schools in 2004-2005. One particularly promising instructional method that has

â– More than 75 percent of a Benavidez Elementary fourth grade class, composed primarily of new U.S. immigrants who could

produced significant gains in student achievement is the use of

speak little English, passing the English-language version of the

mathematics problem-solving journals. These journals were first

TAKS math test on their first attempt. Overall, 66 percent of

introduced at Sutton Elementary in 2002. For two years, teachers

Benavidez fourth graders passed.

fine-tuned the journals, condensing them to a one-page, userfriendly format, and shared applications problems that aligned with the mathematics curriculum for third through fifth grade.

Problem-solving journals contain 2004-2005 Highlights Approximately 12,700 participants took part in Family Math and Science Nights, Parent Math Nights, Family Math Adventure at the Children’s Museum of Houston, and TAKS Talks to improve math skills. 2,340 elementary teachers attended 1,100 hours of in-service seminars presented by the math specialists. 156 teachers attended a spring mathematics summit, where they learned how to integrate mathematics instruction into science and literature, along with the benefits of hands-on learning. Math specialists logged more than 4,950 hours co-teaching throughout the school year. Source: Mathematics specialists

K-5 Math TAKS Results Economically Disadvantaged Students, Grades 3-5, West Region, Houston ISD Percentage meeting Panel Recommendation Non Initiative

Schools Anderson Argyle Benavidez Braeburn Elrod Foerster Fondren Halpin Milne Red Rodriguez Shearn Sutton Tinsley

story problems in which students must integrate their knowledge of mathematics concepts to calculate solutions. Through an established format, students identify known and unknown information, name the appropriate problem-solving strategies, solve the problem to the extent that they can, and write


a short narrative to explain why 2004






Source: Houston ISD, Texas Education Agency

their solutions are reasonable.

K-5 Fine Arts Initiative


esearch continues to support the positive correlation between student success and fine arts education. Through

Representatives from four Houston area school districts, MFAH, Houston A+ Challenge and other arts and education professionals

the arts, students learn differentiation, sequencing, and cause and

have developed several successful, collaborative models to do this.

effect, all of which lead to the development of higher order and

The result has been Artist in Residency programs, Opera to Go

critical thinking skills. Many students gain newfound self-esteem

exhibitions on campus, increased number of field experiences in

with success in the arts, and this translates into more motivation,

the arts for students, Writers in School programs, and the Learning

better school attendance and improved academic success in all

through Art program that brings works from the MFAH collection

subject areas. Also of significance are the life skills students gain

into math, science, language arts, social studies and art classes.

through participation in fine arts programs – skills like selfdiscipline, self-motivation, cooperation and respect.


“Our school has begun to look, sound and feel different. Our teachers are collaborating across subject areas and grades.� Stacia Gower, Pine Forest Elementary

Aldine ISD Aldine Elementary Houston ISD Neff Elementary Humble ISD Pine Forest Elementary Spring Branch ISD Pine Shadows Elementary

The Houston A+ Challenge K-5 Fine Arts Initiative, begun in 2003, is having substantial impact. This initiative, in partnership with MFAH, provides teacher training and program funding to integrate fine arts into all content areas (mathematics, science and language arts) to help students connect with these critical core subjects and their schools.

2004-2005 Highlights

K-5 Fine Arts TAKS Results

Integration of theatre, music, dance and art into classroom lessons. Integration of fine arts into content is evident in student work,

READING Percentage meeting Panel Recommendation

such as graphs, diagrams, maps, poems and other projects on





Neff Elementary



Pine Forest Elementary



Pine Shadows Elementary



Cumulative for K-5 Fine Arts Schools



display at the schools. Integration of fine arts into content also visible in student art performances. Campus level fine arts teams coordinate these efforts. These teams consist of two teachers in the fine arts disciplines of drama, art, music and dance, plus at least one non-arts teacher, and the campus principal, another administrator, and a representative from an outside arts organization.

Aldine Elementary

Continued increase in TAKS reading and math scores, which exceed those of other students in their respective school districts. 191 teachers trained in MFAH’s Learning Through Art. Pine Forest Elementary received the Gold Medal Award from

MATH Percentage meeting Panel Recommendation

the Texas Education Agency in Reading and Writing. The school





Neff Elementary



Pine Forest Elementary



Pine Shadows Elementary



Cumulative for K-5 Fine Arts Schools



credits the infusion of arts into these core subjects as the reason for the achievement.

Aldine Elementary

Source: Texas Education Agency

Leadership Initiatives


he new faces of education include leaders who will drive student achievement and establish strong professional learning

communities among teachers and staff. This is a fundamental building block of the work of Houston A+ Challenge. Effective teachers in the 21st century no longer work in isolation, but in

Fondren Reforming Schools Summer Institute (FRSSI) The Fondren Reforming Schools Summer Institute brings together teachers, administrators, university faculty, parents, students and community members to share successful strategies for the whole school around improved student learning. During the 9th annual

collaborative teams that share best practices and plan together to

FRSSI, more than 300 attendees participated in whole-group

teach students core concepts in multiple subject areas. They also

learning, interactive seminars, and small learning communities. For

evaluate student progress on an individual basis to determine better

nearly three-quarters of the participants, this was the first time they

ways to reach students to prepare them for college or the workforce.

had attended the FRSSI. They represented 66 school campuses from

Houston A+ provides several opportunities for educators and the community to learn how to build these collaborative teams.

six school districts. In addition to exchanging ideas about what quality teaching and learning look like and how to build leadership capacity in learning communities, participants attended workshops covering a variety of issues. These included topics such as how to evaluate student work

“When teachers are empowered to learn together, share their best practices, build community and bring dilemmas and student work to the table, the rewards are passed down to the students.” Mary Matthews, Best Elementary

through portfolio assessments, gathering and using test data to direct instruction, how to benefit from peer coaching and observation, and how to increase involvement by parents and community members. Follow-up seminars, including a four-part “Taking the Next Steps” series, were planned for the 2005-2006 school year to allow participants to build on what they learned at the FRSSI.

New Visions in Leadership Academy Many Houston A+ initiatives focus on building leadership on individual campuses. The New Visions in Leadership Academy concentrates on building leadership among campus principals and developing a whole school commitment to reform.

The Leadership Academy begins with a three-day summer

with a trained coach, to support each other in increasing student

institute and continues with monthly small-group meetings

achievement. Their collaborative efforts include establishing goals

of principals and trained coaches during a two-year period.

for student learning, analyzing student work, learning how to

Additionally, principals attend retreats and special presentations

improve teaching methods, and gaining a deeper knowledge of the

with nationally-renowned speakers. Through these offerings,

academic subjects they teach. The CFGs also look at their school

principals are coached on how to establish and nurture

culture and how it affects student achievement.

personalized learning communities that lead students to learn at higher levels. Created in 1999, the New Visions Leadership Academy has

Since Houston A+ began CFGs in Houston in 1997, about 600 educators have taken part in the on-going seminars that help them

graduated 151 Fellows in four classes. One in four Fellows has

develop the collaborative skills

received a job promotion following completion of the Academy.

needed to build campus-level

Moreover, a review of the experience of Houston ISD’s executive

professional learning

principals shows that 68 percent (13 of the 19) have participated

communities. For the last four

in professional development with A+. Four of the five regional

years, Houston A+ also has

superintendents are either graduates or coaches of the Houston A+

provided CFG training to Teach

Leadership Academy, have been through Critical Friends training or

for America corps members. This

are members of Houston A+ Challenge Regional Senior Fellows.

year’s group included 21 corps

Follow-up research among graduates indicates that the majority

members and TFA program

of participants feel the Leadership Academy was one of, if not the,

directors from six states, including

best professional development experience of their careers. Most


encouraging to them is the ongoing professional development and

“Far and away, FRSSI was the single most valuable professional development experience I have attended in 15 years of teaching.”

Preliminary research findings by CFG coaches show that these

networking that enables them to explore ideas, learn alternate

groups do impact student achievement. At Best Elementary, for

strategies, and discuss common issues they face.

example, students of teachers in a CFG performed better on the Alief ISD district common assessment and state tests than students

Critical Friends Group Ongoing professional development for teachers is an essential component of school reform. Critical Friends Groups provide this structure for K-12 teachers and administrators to join together,

of teachers not involved in a CFG. Sixty-six percent of the students at Best whose teachers are involved in a CFG were reading at grade level in 2004-2005 compared to 54 percent of students whose teachers were not involved in a CFG.

Keith Fickel, Fort Bend ISD

Community Engagement


ncreased student achievement is a key element in producing

Development of a Parent & Community Network (PCEN) to

knowledgeable, contributing members of the workplace and

identify key elements needed to create a Parent/Community

society. That’s why the community has an investment in being

Profile to complement the “Profile of Houston’s 21st Century

among the new faces of education that prepare all students for

Graduate” created in 2000. James Vollbracht, author of

the technologically-intense 21st century. With this in mind,

“Stopping at Every Lemonade Stand” led a discussion on how

Houston A+ Challenge partners with dozens of community

to re-forge the bonds that connect families, neighborhoods and

organizations and businesses to develop educational outreach

communities to create a culture that cares for kids.

programs to increase connectivity between students, parents, and

Inclusion of more business world experiences into their

the larger community.

curriculum by 45 teachers from four Houston area school districts following their participation in the week-long

2004-2005 Highlights 100 former students came back to school in 2004 after 400 volunteers went door-to-door around eight Houston ISD high schools during “Reach Out to Dropouts.” A year later, more than 300 students agreed to return to school following the second annual walk that brought together over 1,400 volunteers who visited with students from 16 HISD high schools. Nearly 100 people, including representatives from at least nine organizations that work in parent, community and youth engagement, were challenged at a June 2005 community forum moderated by Kathleen Cushman, author of “What Your Teen Can’t Tell You,” to hold similar forums in their communities. Increased parent involvement and improved teacher/parent relationships as a result of Parent Academies held by The Metropolitan Organization at Lee, Davis, Sam Houston and Washington high schools.

Teacher Externship Program, a partnership of Houston A+ Challenge and the Greater Houston Partnership. A total of 26 businesses from the financial, educational, energy, retail, communications, service, government, and nonprofit sectors hosted the teachers, giving them insights into how to better prepare students for the workplace. Introduction of current technology and collaboration between students and practicing journalists at the Houston Chronicle and Yates HIgh School. A grant from the American Society of Newspaper Editors and the Houston Chronicle, and matched by Houston A+ Challenge, provided Yates’ journalism classes and newspaper program with computers, scanner, digital cameras, printers and up-to-date software, but also gave students a newfound purpose and commitment to achieve more.

Partnership for Quality Education


ouston A+ Challenge continues to collaborate with representatives from four local universities, a community

college system and six Houston area school districts to improve K-16 education through the Partnership for Quality Education (PQE). Post-secondary educational institutions include the University of Houston, University of Houston-Downtown, the University of St. Thomas, Texas Southern University and the Houston Community College System. Houston area school districts are Aldine, Alief, Houston, Humble, North Forest and Spring Branch. Partial funding for this five-year initiative, which began in 2000, is provided through a United States Department of Education grant. The grant is co-directed by representatives from UH, TSU and Houston A+. University of Houston is the fiscal agent. PQE builds networks of university faculty and teachers to redesign teacher preparation programs to improve teaching methods, particularly in the use of technology. Already, arts and science teams have redesigned curriculum for English composition and literature, as well as mathematics. History curriculum is currently being redesigned. The PQE initiative is transforming the way pre-service teachers think, learn and instruct. It lies at the heart of long-term improvements and is among the many new faces of education being led by Houston A+ Challenge.

2004-2005 Highlights Significant increase in the use of technology.

Higher Education Initiative

Several colleges require laptop computers and more computer classes for students majoring in education. Other colleges added e-folios as a graduation requirement. Students are collaborating with their peers from other colleges and are becoming self-directed learners.


Universities are seeing higher pass rates for students on the Texas state teacher exams. More field-based observations and student teaching for pre-

Aldine ISD Bethune Academy

service teachers. School districts find that student teachers are able to write lesson plans that integrate content from multiple subject areas. Pre-service teachers more adept at bringing technology into their teaching. Mentoring and collaboration between college professors and their

Alief ISD Alexander Elementary Boone Elementary Hicks Elementary Martin Elementary Smith Elementary

students in greater numbers. Texas A&M is using materials developed by the PQE political science design teams. A pre-service mentoring program has been developed and put in place to support student teachers.

Humble ISD Hamilton Middle North Belt Elementary Timberwood Middle Forest Brook High Whispering Pines Elementary North Forest ISD B.C. Elmore Spring Branch ISD Buffalo Creek Elementary

Summer Science Internship

Regional Faculty Creating a Regional Faculty to ensure that education for students

High school science teachers and students update their knowledge

from pre-K to college and beyond keeps pace with the needs of an

of science and research by working in state of the art research

ever-changing society was one of the original goals of Houston A+

laboratories at Baylor College of Medicine. The Houston A+ Challenge/Baylor College of Medicine Summer

when it was founded in 1997 as Houston Annenberg Challenge. This year, The Houston A+ Challenge Board of Trustees approved the governing structure for the Regional Faculty, which includes an

Science Internship expanded to three additional high schools in 20042005 to send a total of six teacher-student pairs on the internship.

executive committee and groups of faculty academies focused on building the future of education. The Regional Faculty is organized into eight initiatives. They are: Deans Leadership Council, New Visions in Leadership Academy, History/Social Studies Taskforce, University/School Research Faculty Academy, Teacher Education Graduates Tracking Faculty Academy, Summer Science Internship, Teacher Induction Partnerships (TIPS) Academy and Transition Team.

“This was the chance of a lifetime to interface with real science and current technology in the research field.� Jonez Harlan, Reagan High School

D O N O R S $4 Million The Annenberg Foundation $2 Million The Brown Foundation $1 Million to $1.9 Million The Carnegie Corporation of New York $100,000 to $150,000 ExxonMobil Foundation The Fondren Foundation $50,000 to $99,000 Coalition of Essential Schools M. D. Anderson Foundation U.S. Department of Education *WEDGE Group Inc. $25,000 to $49,999 Jenard and Gail Gross Fund at the Greater Houston Community Foundation Rockwell Fund, Inc. $10,000 to $20,000 Baylor College of Medicine Duke Energy Public Education Network/JP Morgan Chase

$1,000 to $6,000 *Birraporetti's Restaurants El Paso Corporate Foundation Enbridge Energy Partners Friedman Foundation Houston Chronicle Wells Fargo Gay A. Roane The Samuels Foundation The Wachovia Foundation Watson Family Foundation Vinson and Elkins LLP The Newfield Foundation Houston Texans Foundation $999 and below Baker Hughes Foundation Jack and Annis Bowen Foundation Centerpoint Energy City of Houston-Combined Municipal Campaign Janet Covington Dillard's, Inc. Duke Energy Jenard and Gail Gross Mary Garrett Heimbinder Family Foundation Audrey T. MacLean Maconda B. O'Connor Sterling Bank Allan and Laurie Van Fleet Mayor Bill and Andrea White Elizabeth D. Williams * Denotes in-kind contribution


713.658.1881 / 713.739.0166 (FAX)


F I N A N C I A L S The following information was extracted from financial statements that were audited by an independent accounting firm. A complete set of audited financial statements is available upon request. Houston A+ Challenge is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization.


JUNE 30, 2004

$2,309,622 41,544 188,792 18,000

$5,067,779 37,162 72,362 47,950

$ 2,557,958

$ 5,225,253

Donated Use of Facilities 2%

Interest Income 7% Training Fees 1%

REVENUE Grants and Contributions Donated Use of Facilities Interest Income Training Fees Total Revenue

EXPENSES Program Services Administration Fundraising

7,325,529 156,652 95,763

8,705,188 167,498 96,027

Total Expenses



$ (5,019,986)

$ (3,743,460)

Grants and Contributions 90%

REVENUE Changes in Net Assets

Administration 2%


Fundraising 1%

AS OF JUNE 30, 2005 AND 2004 Cash and Cash Equivalents Grants Receivable Other Assets

$10,688,238 13,874,842 133,639

$9,559,478 19,612,793 37,588



Grants Payable Other Payables

$4,781,573 238,458

$4,167,655 345,530

Total Liabilities Net Assets

5,020,031 19,676,688

4,513,185 24,696,674



Total Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

Program Services 97%


THE HOUSTON A+ CHALLENGE Board of Trustees Harry M. Reasoner, Chairman Senior Partner, Vinson & Elkins L.L.P. Joe Foster, President Founder, Newfield Exploration Company Ann Friedman, Ph.D., Secretary Civic Volunteer Board Members Jack S. Blanton President, Eddy Refining Company Leonel J. Castillo City Hall, Mayor’s Office Jonathan Day Co-Chair, Andrews & Kurth, L.L.P. David A. French Division Vice President & General Manager, Coca-Cola Bottling Company Roberto Gonzalez Vice President, Employment & Training Centers, Inc. H. Devon Graham, Jr. President, R.E. Smith Interests, Inc. Jenard M. Gross Gross Investments Steven L. Miller Chairman & President, SLM Discovery Ventures, Inc. Karol Musher, M.A., CCC-SLP Speech & Language Pathologist, Texas Children’s Hospital Maconda Brown O'Connor, Ph.D. Chairman, The Brown Foundation, Inc. J. Victor Samuels Chairman, Victory Packaging, Inc. Yava D. Scott Community Volunteer H. Michael Tyson Vice Chairman (retired), Texas Commerce Bank Andrea White Community Volunteer Randa Duncan Williams President, Enterprise Products Company Rosie Zamora President, Houston Wilderness, Inc. Executive Director Michele Pola, Ed.D. C r e d i t s: Editor Nan Powers Varoga


Henry Hunt/New Pencil Design

1415 LOUISIANA, BOX 9 HOUSTON, TX 77002 713.658.1881 / 713.739.0166 (FAX) WWW.HOUSTONAPLUS.ORG






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