Obama Amnesty Would Hurt Black Americans
DR. GORDON H. HANSON University of Calfornia, San Diego
Report Provided by
Stacy Swimp DR. HARRY J. HOLZER Georgetown University
Report Provided by
Aubrey R. Taylor
DR. VERNON M. BRIGGS, JR Professor Emeritus in Labor Economics at Cornell
02 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
Thank You! MESSAGE FROM AUBREY R. TAYLOR: "On behalf of Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine, I want to thank the following community, business and political leaders for finding value in our ONE AMERICA - "Leaders Celebrating Freedom Series" currently being published inside Houston Business Connections Magazine through January 2015. Here are a few of our contributing "THOUGHT LEADERS" who have valued our request to share their insights on freedom and why they're proud to be American as part of our ONE AMERICA - "Leaders Celebrating Freedom Together Series" inside Houston Business Connections Magazine: Republican Harris County Treasurer (Orlando Sanchez), Democratic City of Houston Controller (Ronald C. Green), Republican 8th Congressional District U.S. Congressman (Kevin Brady), Democratic Congressional Candidate (Niko Letsos), Republican 18th Congressional Candidate (Lt. Col. Sean Seibert), Democratic Candidate for Texas Attorney General (Sam Houston), Republican Supreme Court Justice (Jeff Brown), Republican Justice 14th Court of Appeals (Ken Wise), Republican State Representative HD-126 (Patricia Harless), Democratic Candidate for State Rep. (Laura Nicol), Democratic State Representative HD-144 (Mary Ann Perez), Republican Candidate for State Rep. (Chris Carmona), Republican 234th Judicial District Court Judge (Wesley Ward), Democratic Judicial Candidate Judge (Steven Kirkland), Republican Judicial Candidate (David Newell), Republican Judicial Candidate (John Schmude), Democratic Judicial Candidate (Farrah Martinez), Businesswoman (Stephanie Boutte), Political Consultant (Philip Owens), Democratic Judicial Candidate (Mack McInnis), Republican Candidate for State Rep. (David Hamilton), The Spirit of Freedom Republican Women's PAC (Debbie Fancher), The Houston Republican Liberty Caucus (Rusty Kuciemba), Political Consultant (Phillip Webb), Democratic Judicial Candidate (Ramona Franklin), Attorney (Sean Roberts), Lone Star Republicans (Diane Peirson), Democratic Judicial Candidate (Kim Bohannon Hoesl), Republican County Criminal Court No. 8 Judge (Jay Karahan), Democratic Candidate for Harris County District Attorney (Kim Ogg), Democratic Judicial Candidate (Nikita Harmon), Republican 55th Judicial District Court Judge (Jeff Shadwick), 269th Judicial District Court Judge (Dan Hinde), Republican 190th Judicial District Court Judge (Patricia J. Kerrigan), Republican 334th District Court Judge (Grant Dorfman), Republican Candidate for Comptroller of Public Accounts (Glenn Hegar), Judge for the 125th Civil District Court (Kyle Carter running for Chief Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District), Republican State Representative HD-135 (Gary Elkins), Pierpont Communications Senior Vice President (Nancy Simms), Harris County Democratic Party Chairman (Lane Lewis), Harris County Judge (Ed Emmett), Republican Judge, Harris County Probate Court No. 1 (Loyd Wright), Republican Judge, Harris County Probate Court No. 4 (Christine Riddle Butts), Democratic Candidate for U.S. Congress 36th Congressional District (Michael K. Cole) more to come...
CONTENTS PEOPLE YOU SHOULD KNOW 14. 14. 15. 20. 20. 21.
Meet U.S. Congresswoman Lee Meet DeLoyd Parker Meet Charles X White Meet U.S. Senator Thad Cochran Meet State Senator Chris McDaniel Meet JewDon Boney
PEOPLE ASKING FOR YOUR VOTE IN HARRIS COUNTY 28. 30. 32. 34. 35. 36. 37. 49.
U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady Attorney John Schmude Judge Kyle Carter Judge Loyd Wright Judge Christine Riddle Butts Judge Jay Karahan Lt. Col. Sean Seibert Judge Wesley Ward
Houston Business Connections Magazine is published by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications. 957 NASA PARKWAY #251 HOUSTON, TX 77058
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Obama Amnesty Would Hurt Black Americans Report Provided by
Attorney Keryl L. Douglas Bishop Anthony A. Allen Bishop K.J. Brown HCC Trustee Dave Wilson
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Obama Amn Hurt Black A
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Stacy S
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nesty Would Americans
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Swimp - www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 07
Obama Amnesty Would Hurt Black Americans Washington, DC - If President Barack Obama takes unilateral executive action to grant work permits to millions of illegal aliens, he will hurt black Americans, say experts with the Project 21 black leadership network.
How Black Americans Will Be Hurt by an Obama Amnesty Black Americans will be hurt because the President will flood the labor market with workers who compete disproportionately with black Americans. This will increase black unemployment and discourage some blacks from entering the labor market, and, according to some studies, increase black incarceration rates.
Facts and Figures • Black Americans are already suffering from higher-than-average unemployment. The 2013 unemployment rate for blacks with no high school diploma was 20.5 percent; for those with such a diploma, 12.6 percent. By contrast, the rate was 7.4 percent for all races and 6.5 percent for whites. • 7.1 million black citizens age 25-54 have a high school education or less; if President Obama succeeds in unilaterally granting work permits to illegal aliens, 6.2 million aliens aged 25-54 with a high school education or less will be able to compete legally for work with those 7.1 million blacks. • Other than the illegal immigrants themselves, employers are the most likely to benefit financially from amnesty, yet black Americans are disproportionately unlikely to own business equity. Equity in businesses accounts for less than four percent of assets for black households, compared to 18 percent for white, according to Pew Research, which also reports that ownership value in business assets declined slightly from 1983-2010 for black families but increased by 106 percent during the period for whites. • Illegal immigrants and black Americans in the workforce have a similar median age (approximately 36 and 39 years 08 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
of age, respectively, with non-Hispanic whites six years older than the illegal immigrants, at 42 ), making illegal aliens more likely to compete head-to-head for age-sensitive employment opportunities. • Illegal alien migration within the United States tends toward major metropolitan cities and, increasingly in recent years, to urban and rural areas in southeastern states, which tend to have higher black populations. This is putting more immigrants in direct competition with black Americans for jobs. Dr. Vernon M. Briggs, Jr. of Cornell wrote in 2010: "...some of the fastest growing immigrant concentrations are now taking place in the urban and rural labor markets of the states of the Southeast -- such as Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia... Indeed, about 26 percent of the nation's foreign-born population are now found in the states of the South... many of these new immigrants in this region are illegal immigrants." • The recession took a particularly harsh toll on black America, with the black unemployment rate rising to a high of 16.7 percent twice (March 2010 and August 2011) during the Obama Administration, and remaining high during the second quarter of 2014, when 11 percent of blacks in the workforce aged 16 and older were unemployed compared to an overall unemployment rate of 6.1 percent.
What Project 21 Members Say About Amnesty's Impact on Black Americans "Under Barack Obama, high rates of poverty and unemployment have become the status quo for all-too-many blacks. Yet this president is willing to facilitate the importation of yet more poverty into our nation in the form of low-skilled illegal aliens from Central America and Mexico. In the face of already depressed wages and scarce jobs, blacks now face the specter of increased pressure from millions of illegal immigrants to whom Obama HICKS
- PROJECT 21 -
threatens to grant amnesty, further depressing wages and job opportunities for black men and teenagers -- guaranteeing lives of poverty well into the foreseeable future." Joe R. Hicks, Project 21 member and a former executive director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. "Intentionally allowing millions of illegal immigrants into an already-stressed economy
will further decrease wages while increasing competition for economic opportunities that don't exist, particularly among low-skilled black Americans. It's bad economic policy. Official government measures say just under ten million Americans are unemployed, and the labor force participation rate is near historic lows. The economy has averaged a growth rate of under one percent over the past two
quarters and more than 11 million people left the workforce altogether during President Obama's tenure. We can't create enough jobs for citizens who need them, yet Obama wants to act alone to add millions of illegal aliens to that troublesome equation?" - Project 21's Derryck Green, who blogs on the economy for the black leadership network.
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What Others Say about Amnesty's Impact on Black Americans • The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights concluded in 2010 that, "Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for lowskilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men." • A joint paper by professors at the University of California, University of Chicago and Harvard for the National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that immigration has measurably lowered black wages. One author, Dr. Gordon H. Hanson of UC San Diego, said, "Our study suggests that a 10 percent immigrant-induced increase HANSON in the supply of a skill group is associated with a reduction in the black wage of 4.0 percent, a reduction in the black employment rate of 3.5 percentage points, and an increase in the black institutionalization [incarceration] rate of 0.8 percentage points." Dr. Hanson also testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that, "The economic adjustments unleashed by the large 1980 - 2000 immigrant influx, a labor supply shock that increased the number of workers in the United States by nearly 10 percent and the number of high school dropouts by over 20 percent, reduced the employment rate of low-skill black men by about eight percentage points. Immigration, therefore, accounts for about 40 percent of the 18 percentage point decline in black employment rates. Similarly, the changes in economic opportunities caused by the 1980 - 2000 immigrant influx raised the incarceration rate of black high school dropouts by 1.7 percentage points, accounting for about 10 percent of the 20 percentage point increase observed during that period." • Vernon M. Briggs, Jr., professor emeritus in labor economics at Cornell, has noted that both illegal immigrant and black workers tend to "cluster in metropolitan areas," thus increasing the likelihood that they will compete for the same jobs. Dr. Briggs adds, "there is little doubt that there is significant overlap in competition for jobs in this BRIGGS sector of the labor market. Given the inordinately high unemployment rates for low-skilled black workers (the highest for all racial and ethnic groups for whom data is collected), it is obvious that the major loser in this competition are low-skilled black workers. This is not surprising, since if employers have an opportunity to hire illegal immigrant workers, they will always give them preference over legal workers of any race or ethnic background. This is because illegal immigrant workers view low-skilled jobs in the 10 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
American economy as being highly preferable to the job opportunities in their homelands..." Dr. Briggs further states, "As for wage suppression, all studies show that the large infusion of immigrants has depressed the wages of low-skilled workers. It is the illegal immigrant component of the immigration flow that has most certainly caused the most damage... the unemployment rates in the low-skilled labor market are the highest in the entire national labor force. This means that the low-skilled labor market is in a surplus condition. Willing workers are available at existing wage rates. By definition, therefore, illegal immigrants who are overwhelmingly present in that same labor market sector adversely affect the economic opportunities of legal citizen workers because the illegal workers are preferred workers. No group pays a higher penalty for this unfair competition than do low-skilled black Americans, given their inordinately high unemployment levels." Dr. Briggs concludes, "The continued reluctance by our national government to get illegal immigrants out of the labor force -and to keep them out -- by enforcing the existing sanctions at the work site against employers of illegal immigrants is itself a massive violation of the civil rights of all low-skilled workers in the United States and of low-skilled black American workers in particular." • Dr. Harry J. Holzer of Georgetown University and the Urban Institute has addressed evidence from two studies showing that employers may have a preference for hiring immigrants over black citizens, noting the studies show "that employers perceive stronger work ethic among the immigrants, and a HOLZER greater willingness to tolerate low wages... Some of these perceptions and the hiring behavior they generate might well reflect discrimination, especially against black men whom employers generally fear..." • Labor attorney Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, testified before the U.S. Senate in 2012 that, "...recent history shows that granting amnesty to illegal immigrants will encourage more people to come to the United
States illegally. The 1986 amnesty did not solve the illegal immigration problem. To the contrary, that amnesty established the precedent that if you come to America illegally, eventually you will obtain legal status. Thus, it is likely that if illegal immigrants are granted legal status, more people will come to America illegally and will further crowd African-American men (and other low-skilled men and women) out of the workforce." So far in 2014, Project 21 members have been interviewed or cited by the media over 1,000 times on issues including civil rights, entitlement programs, the economy, race preferences, education and corporate social responsibility. Project 21 has participated in cases before the U.S. Supreme Court regarding race preferences and voting rights and defended voter ID laws at the United Nations. Its volunteer members come from all walks of life and are not salaried political professionals. Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives for over two decades, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research. Contributions are tax-deductible and appreciated.
Note: For sources for the information cited in this release, please see the copy on our website. http://www.nationalcenter.org
ABOUT PROJECT 21 Project 21 is an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research to promote the views of African-Americans whose entrepreneurial spirit, dedication to family and commitment to individual responsibility has not traditionally been echoed by the nation's civil rights establishment. Project 21 participants have been interviewed by hundreds of media outlets, including the O'Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, the CNN Morning News, Black Entertainment Television's Lead Story, America's Black Forum, the McLaughlin Group, C-SPAN's Morning Journal and the Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan, Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Larry King shows, as well as in newspapers such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The Washington Times and many others. Project 21 participants live all over the U.S. and have a variety of careers. What they have in common is a desire to make America a better place for African-Ameri-
cans, and all Americans, to live and work. Project 21 members do this in a variety of ways in their own communities, and, through Project 21, by writing opinion editorials for newspapers, participating in public policy discussions on radio and television, by participating in policy panels, by giving speeches before student, business and community groups, and by advising policymakers at the national, state and local levels.
ABOUT STACY M. SWIMP In addition to his role as a spokesman for the Project 21 black leadership network, Stacy Swimp is the president of the Frederick Douglass Society — a nonpartisan public policy and education institution that promotes free market solutions and advocates for labor freedom and school choice. Stacy also serves as the chairman and national liaison for the Diversity Chapter of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of Greater Michigan. Helping fulfill ABC’s commitment to being the leader of diversity in the construction industry, Stacy plays a key role in helping to develop the resources and tools to assist ABC members and chapters in working with an increasingly diverse workforce, client base and subcontractor/supplier base. Stacy is the host of "Contagious Transformation," a weekly radio show focused on conservative political commentary. He is a 2009 graduate of the Great Lakes Bay Region African-American Leadership Training Institute and a 2011 Graduate of the Henry Marsh Institute of Public Policy. His commentaries have appeared in the Washington Times, Miami Times, Orlando Sun, Philadelphia Tribune and Buffalo Criterion.
SWIMP - www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 11
Federal p HISD schoo moves f
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Robert S 12 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
probe into ol closures forward
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Stanton - www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 13
- COMMUNITY This report was written by:
U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
Community Leader DeLoyd Parker
“It’s a conspiracy. Believe that,” Parker said. “A conspiracy is not just when somebody is out to get you, but they create conditions that allow you to be gotten, and they know it.”
Federal probe into HISD school closures moves forward By Robert Stanton ON ASSIGNMENT FOR HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS MAGAZINE
he stakes are high for minority children in Houston as federal officials launch an investigation into the closure of two inner-city schools by HISD. “Houston ISD as it presently exists and the way it operates, inversely impacts minorities and people of color,” said DeLoyd Parker, executive director of S.H.A.P.E. Community Center in Houston. “It’s wrong, and it’s criminal.” Last month (July), the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR) agreed to investigate the Houston Independent School District’s decision to close Jones High and Dotson Elementary. HISD officials said that Jones would be converted to a specialty vocational school, while Dotson would see its doors closed next year. Community activist Charles X. White, who filed the complaint challenging the closures, said HISD’s “vague” board policies consistently discriminate against black and Hispanic students and hurt the communities where they live. “HISD used a board policy to close Jones for low enrollment, but they removed programs that would attract students,” said White, president of the Sunnyside/South Park Super Neighborhood Council. “As programs were removed from Jones, students migrated to the campuses where programs were in abundance.” Meanwhile, Dotson Elementary had a waiting list of students and “there was an administrative decision to stop accepting students, which triggered the policy to enact the closure of Dotson based on the enrollment,” White said. “The money follows the students.” HISD is fully cooperating with the federal investigation, the district officials said in a prepared statement. “HISD is in the process of responding to a request made by the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) regarding complaints of discrimination in the district's process and application of board policies and procedures in the school closure and repurposing proposal presented last spring,” the statement read.
Charles X White
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Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston) said HISD’s decision – coupled with the state’s closure last year of North Forest ISD – “raises questions about the process of making decisions to close neighborhood schools.”
“HISD takes these complaints very seriously and is responding in full to the OCR's request for data. We believe that once the OCR has all the information it needs, HISD's intent of providing the best schools for all children will be clear,” according to the statement. Since 2001, HISD has closed or repurposed 75 schools, of which 42 were located in two trustee districts. Mostly recently, 23 schools were closed in Trustee Rhonda Skillern-Jones’ district, and 19 in Trustee Paula Harris’ district, White said. “The total number of black and brown schools closed or repurposed is 63 out of 75,” he said. Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Houston) said HISD’s decision – coupled with the state’s closure last year of North Forest ISD – “raises questions about the process of making decisions to close neighborhood schools.” “I am disappointed in the (HISD) Board’s decision to close the Dodson Elementary-Montessori School,” Lee said in prepared remarks. “The students of that
school are doing very well and their teachers and administrators are dedicated to educating the school children. To close this school without careful reflection and analysis of the tangible and intangible costs would be a short sighted action with long-term consequences.” The decision to repurpose Jones and its STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Academy was also “disappointing,” Lee said. “The communities in which these schools are located are the least able to absorb the loss of a valuable neighborhood school.” Parker, of S.H.A.P.E., agreed. “The trend lends toward adversely impacting minorities when it comes to the closing of black and Hispanic schools, and it’s devastating,” he said. “You’ve got gentrification taking place and the underfunding of schools. “It’s a conspiracy. Believe that,” Parker said. “A conspiracy is not just when somebody is out to get you, but they create conditions that allow you to be gotten, and they know it.”
About Robert Stanton Robert Stanton is a former Houston Chronicle reporter. He served as a reporter for the Houston Chronicle, Houston’s only daily newspaper from 2000 to 2013. He also served an urban affairs reporter for the Houston Post from 1988 to 1995. Robert Stanton served as a breaking news reporter at the Houston Chronicle 2000 to 2013. Stanton is a veteran journalist with over 30 years in the news business. He began his career in 1982 at The Galveston Daily News, and in 1987 joined The Houston Post as a general assignment reporter, covering police, criminal courts and minority affairs. He also has worked on the assignments desk at KHOU-11 News, was news editor at The Houston Defender, and has written freelance articles for publications that include Agence France-Presse, Minority Business News, BETWeekend, Inside Houston and The Houston Press. He lives in Galveston, Texas.
- Community Leader -
16 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
- Public Servant -
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GOP mo lands bla to seal in Miss
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Robert S 18 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
oderate ack votes victory sissippi
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Stanton - www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 19
- COMMUNITYThis report was written by:
U.S. Senator Thad Cochran
State Sen. Chris McDaniel
“It shows to a degree that Cochran’s political team realized that he had a case to make for African-American support.” - Jew Don Boney
GOP moderate lands black votes to seal victory in Mississippi By Robert Stanton ON ASSIGNMENT FOR HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS MAGAZINE
s his hotly contested primary run-off election fast approached, Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) needed nothing short of a miracle to fend off Tea Party challenger State Sen. Chris McDaniel. McDaniel, a former conservative talk show host, was named a “Rising Star” in 2012 in the Republican Party by The ClarionLedger, centering his message on two big issues: federal spending and the conservative credentials of both candidates. The race was shaping up to be a tough fight for Cochran, who was elected in 1972 to represent the Mississippi’s Congressional Fourth District. He needed a magic wand – and fast. Cochran’s wish came true on June 24, with his victory over McDaniel, thanks to the unlikely support of black Democrats who didn’t want to see an extreme Tea Partier walking away with the Senate seat. When the dust settled from the closely watched primary race, Cochran had boosted his vote total by more than 38,000 votes, while McDaniel managed to pull off an additional 30,000. With the pivotal support from black voters, Cochran garnered enough votes to top McDaniel, 51 percent to 49 percent. The election sent shockwaves through the GOP, with conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham accusing Cochran of “race-baiting’ and Sarah Palin threatening to leave the Republican Party altogether. Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh added to the conservative disgust, with Beck going so far as to fire a rifle on his show and Limbaugh labeling the black supporters as “the black Uncle Tom voters.” While it’s unusual for black voters to come to the rescue of a conservative candidate, the election was not unprecedented, said former Houston Councilman and Mayor Pro Tem Jew Don Boney. “It was a rare political event but I don’t
Political Consultant & Form City of Mayor Pro-Tem
Jew Don Boney, Jr. and his wife Dorca
- www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 21
It was a rare political event but I don’t think it’s necessarily indicative of a trend. It shows to a degree that Cochran’s political team realized that he had a case to make for African-American support says Jew Don Boney.
think it’s necessarily indicative of a trend,” he said. “It shows to a degree that Cochran’s political team realized that he had a case to make for African-American support.” Cochran, he said, is a moderate who has supported historically black colleges and universities and other black causes in the past. Blacks and Hispanics “have often had to vote the lesser of the two evils,” Boney said. “In Mississippi they were facing the reelection of an incumbent moderate Republican senator or a radical Tea Party Republican who is antithetical” to the interests of minority voters. That stark choice, Boney said, was enough to mobilize black voters to support Cochran. “It (election) shows a degree of sophisti-
cation that African Americans can vote their interests,” he said. “We have to understand what is going on in Washington. The Tea Party wants to see further cuts in food stamps and Pell loans, and no extension of federal unemployment benefits. There is nothing in the Tea Party that addresses our interests at all.”
About Robert Stanton Robert Stanton is a former Houston Chronicle reporter. He served as a reporter for the Houston Chronicle, Houston’s only daily newspaper from 2000 to 2013. He also
State Senator District 42
Chris McDaniel (R-MS)
22 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
served an urban affairs reporter for the Houston Post from 1988 to 1995. Robert Stanton served as a breaking news reporter at the Houston Chronicle 2000 to 2013. Stanton is a veteran journalist with over 30 years in the news business. He began his career in 1982 at The Galveston Daily News, and in 1987 joined The Houston Post as a general assignment reporter, covering police, criminal courts and minority affairs. He also has worked on the assignments desk at KHOU-11 News, was news editor at The Houston Defender, and has written freelance articles for publications that include Agence France-Presse, Minority Business News, BETWeekend, Inside Houston and The Houston Press. He lives in Galveston, Texas.
U.S. Senator
Thad Cochran (R-MS)
- www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 23
Freedom 2014
Mayor Allen Owen is Missouri City’s 10th mayor since the city’s incorporation in 1956. Mayor Owen and his family have lived in Missouri City more than 36 years. “I love this city. I have dedicated my life as a committed husband, father, business leader, and civic volunteer to making Missouri City the best city imaginable.” - Mayor Allen Owen
24 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
Fall Tennis Program Schedule for Missouri City Starting Sept. 2, Missouri City will be kicking off the Fall 2014 Junior Tennis Program with a series of classes designed to engage young Missouri City residents through proper instruction and by keeping the game entertaining. Major emphasis will be placed on basics and improvements.
Class Levels: Tiny Tots: For ages 4-7, this class will meet Monday – Thursday from 4 to 4:30 p.m.; this class is aimed to teach the basics of Tennis.
Grand Slam 1: For ages 7-10, this class will meet Monday – Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.; this class is aimed at improving children’s swings and keeping them interested in the game.
Grand Slam 2: For ages 7-10, this class will meet Monday – Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.; this advanced class is dedicated to preparing youth for initial tournament competition.
Elite Level 1: For ages 11-18, this class will meet Monday – Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.; the goal of this class is to maintain participant interest and prepare students for middle school and high school team competition.
Elite Level 2: For ages 11-18, this class will meet Monday – Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.; these advanced classes are for tournament, high school and middle school players to improve their match play skills. Cost: Drop in: $20 1x/week: $60 2x/week: $120 Additional day: $15 Sessions: Session 1: Sept. 2- Sept. 25 Session 2: Sept.29- Oct.23 Session 3: Oct. 27- Nov. 20 Session 4: Dec. 1- Dec. 18 Students will start by completing an individual assessment of their tennis fundamentals and then be placed in appropriate classes based on their respective ability levels. For more information about Missouri City, please watch the City website: www.missouricitytx.gov, like us on Facebook—fb/MissouriCityTX, follow us on Twitter—@MissouriCityTX, and watch Missouri City Television (Ch. 16 on Comcast).
Aubrey R. Taylor Publisher Direct: (832)894-1352
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FOCUS ON FREEDOM This "FREEDOM" acronym has been developed by Aubrey R. Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Magazine for people of faith; but it can be used by anyone looking to make an informed and empowered decision in any given election. THE (F) REPRESENTS – The (F) in “FREEDOM” represents our “FAITH”. We should be trying to identify the candidates whom we believe are governed by the same guiding principles of “FAITH” that we're governed by. Using our “FAITH” as our guide will provide each of us with a much greater chance of selecting the “PUBLIC SERVANTS” who best identify with our core values and beliefs on issues, concerns and causes that are near and dear to our heart.
THE (R) REPRESENTS – The (R) in “FREEDOM” represents “RESPECT”. We should be trying to do as much research as possible on each campaign before we go to the polls to vote. In our research, we should be trying to identify the most respectful candidates. During this process, we should also be trying to identify the candidates who are doing nothing but running negative campaign advertisements in their attempt to destroy their opponent/opponents. Identifying the most “RESPECTFUL” candidate may seem like a daunting and time consuming task; but taking this crucial step will aid you in selecting the candidates who are more likely to “RESPECT” your position on issues, causes and concerns that are near and dear to your heart.
THIS (E) REPRESENTS – The first (E) in “FREEDOM” represents “EXPERIENCE”. We should be trying to identify the candidates who have the relevant “EXPERIENCE” needed to faithfully perform the duties required for the office or position they’re seeking. By selecting the most experienced candidate, we will also be getting the candidate most qualified and prepared to represent us on issues, causes and concerns important to us and our futures.
THIS (E) REPRESENTS – The second (E) in “FREEDOM” represents “EDUCATION”. We should be trying to identify candidates who have the educational background needed to perform the duties required to faithfully serve us from day one. This is especially important in judicial races. It is not in our best interest to elect someone who is a plumber by trade as the next Supreme Court Justice for the State of Texas. Selecting the candidates with the relevant educational background to match the duties required for the office for which they're running is crucial in any election.
THE (D) REPRESENTS – The (D) in “FREEDOM” represents “DEBATE”. Some candidates run from debates. But debates play a crucial role in helping us to relate to candidates; find out where candidates stand on crucial issues near and dear to us; and enable us to identify the areas of strength a candidate may or may not posses. All candidates should be open to debates. Debates are also a very good way for us to identify how a candidate we're thinking about supporting responds under pressure; how quickly they can think on their feet; and whether or not they're knowledgeable and well-rounded. If you select the best debater, you could very-well be getting the person you want to be speaking on your behalf on issues near and dear to your heart.
THE (O) REPRESENTS – The (O) in “FREEDOM” represents “OBJECTIVITY”. Objectivity is something we should be looking for in every “PUBLIC SERVANT”. More often than not, the most objective or open-minded candidate may also be the candidate who will work the hardest for all of their constituents once elected to office. By selecting the most “OBJECTIVE” candidates we stand the best chance of getting the candidates who are more likely to work for what’s best for America, rather than what’s best for their own political career or the special interest groups backing them.
THE (M) REPRESENTS – The (M) in “FREEDOM” represents “MONEY”. You should take a moment to look up this scripture: 1 Timothy 6:10. In the King James Version of the Bible this scripture reads: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” If we can identify the candidates who are the most transparent whereas their campaign, professional and personal finances are concerned, we're probably going to discover candidates who have nothing to hide from us. Following the money trail will oftentimes lead you to answers that will help you understand why a given candidate is supporting a specific issue, cause, legislative agenda, or special interest group. This is not always the case; but oftentimes, following the money trail is the clearest way to uncover why a "PUBLIC SERVANT" may be choosing to support special interests over our interests.
VISIT: www.kevinbrady.house.gov FOR MORE INFO
Congressman Kevin Brady:
VISIT: www.johnschmude4judge.com FOR MORE
John Schmude for Judge Campaign, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Valoree Swanson, Treasurer
John Schmude:
Bishop ALLEN
VISIT: www.judgecarter.com FOR MORE INFO
Judge Kyle Carter:
Freedom Political Advertising paid for by Kyle Carter for Justice 14th Court of Appeals District, Melanie Carter, Treasurer, In compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.
Bishop Brown
VISIT: www.loydwright.vpweb.com FOR MORE INFO
Judge Loyd Wright
Freedom F Paid Political Advertisment by the Judge Loyd Wright Campaign, In compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.
VISIT: www.buttsforjudge.com FOR MORE INFO
Riddle BUTTS
Freedom Pol. Adv. Christine Riddle Butts Campaign, Michael C. Riddle, Treasurer, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act.
VISIT: www.judgejaykarahan.com FOR MORE INFO
Political ad paid for by the Judge Jay Karahan Campaign in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Linda Dewhurst, Treasurer
Judge Jay Karahan:
VISIT: www.seanseibert.com FOR MORE INFO
Seibert Political Ad Paid for By The Sean Seibert for Congress Campaign. Sean Seibert is a member of the Army Reserve. Use of his photograph, rank, and uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.
DECISIO The Candidates Who Want The Vote of Harris County Voters on Tuesday, November 4, 2014 U. S. Senator John Cornyn, Republican VS. David M. Alameel, Democrat -*Neither candidate is asking your vote in the race for United States Senator at this time. Rebecca Paddock is a Libertarian candidate also running for U.S. Senator for Texas. ----------------------------
United States Representative District 2 Ted Poe, Republican VS. Niko Letsos, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking your vote in the race for the 2nd Congressional District of Texas at this time. Cecil Anthony Ince is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for District 2. ----------------------------
United States Representative District 7 John Culberson, Republican VS. James Cargas, Democrat -*Neither candidate is asking your vote in the race for the 7th Congressional District of Texas at this time.Gerald Fowler is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for District 7. ----------------------------38 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
Let’s bring Sean Seibert’s leadership to Washington to champion our issues in Congressional District 18. POLITICAL AD PAID FOR BY THE SEAN SEIBERT FOR CONGRESS CAMPAIGN
---------------------------United States Representative District 8 Kevin Brady, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in SEE the Midterm Election for P.28 United States Congress for the 8th Congressional District of Texas. Ken Petty is a Libertarian candidate also running for United State Congress for District 8. Congressman Kevin Brady is the only candidates asking for your vote in this race. ---------------------------United States Representative District 9
Midterm Election for United States Congress for the 9th Congressional District of Texas. Johnny Johnson is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for District 9. *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in this race. ----------------------------
United States Representative District 14 Randy Weber, Republican VS. David Brown, Democrat, and John Weider, the Libertarian candidate. This is one of our featured races taking place outside of Harris County, Texas. -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for the 14th Congressional District of Texas at this time. ----------------------------
United States Representative District 10 United States Representative District 18 Michael McCaul, Republican VS. Tawana Walter-Cadien, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for the 10th Congressional District of Texas at this time. Bill Kelsey is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Congress for District 10.
Al Green, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the
"My fellow Houstonians of District 18. I am seeking your support to be your reasonable voice in Congress. I will champion the causes that are important to you, my constituents. I’m listening to you, I will take your concerns forward, and I will fight for the causes that best serve you. I appreciate your support to become your advocate and leader in Washington."
Sean Seibert
Freedom 2014
Sean Seibert, Republican VS. Sheila Jackson Lee, Democrat -- *Sean Seibert (R) is the only candidate asking for your vote in the race for the 18th Congressional District of Texas at this time. SEE ----------------------------
United States Representative District 22
Pete Olson, Republican VS. Frank Briscoe, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking your vote in the race for the 22nd Congressional District of Texas at this time. Rob Lapham is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Representative for District 22.
United States Representative District 36
Lieutenant Governor
Brian Babin, Republican VS. Michael K. Cole, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for the 36th Congressional District of Texas at this time. Rodney Veach is a Libertarian candidate also running for United States Representative for District 36.
Dan Patrick, Republican VS. Leticia Van de Putte, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Lieutenant Governor of Texas at this time. Robert Butler is a Libertarian candidate also running for Lieutenant Governor of Texas.
United States Representative District 29
Gene Green, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for United States Congress for the 29th Congressional District of Texas. James Stanczak is a Libertarian candidate also running for United State Representative for District 29. *Neither candidate is asking for your vote.
Governor of Texas
Attorney General
Greg Abbott, Republican VS. Wendy R. Davis, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Governor of Texas at this time. Kathie Glass is a Libertarian candidate also running for Governor of Texas in the 2014 Midterm Election.
Ken Paxton, Republican VS. Sam Houston, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking your vote in the race for Texas Attorney General at this time. Jamie Balagia is a Libertarian candidate also running for Attorney General of Texas.
---------------------------Comptroller of Public Accounts Glenn Hegar, Republican VS. Mike Collier, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts at this time. Ben Saunders is a Libertarian candidate also running for Comptroller of Public Accounts. ----------------------------Commissioner of the General Land Office for the State of Texas George P. Bush, Republican VS. John Cook, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking your vote in the race for Commissioner of the General Land Office at this time. Justin Knight is a Libertarian candidate also running for Commissioner of the General Land Office. ---------------------------Commissioner of Agriculture Sid Miller, Republican VS. Jim Hogan, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Commissioner of Agriculture at this time. Rocky Palmquist is a Libertarian candidate also running for Commissioner of Agriculture. ---------------------------Railroad Commissioner Ryan Sitton, Republican VS. Steve Brown, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Texas Railroad Commissioner at this time. Mark Miller is a Libertarian candidate also running for Texas Railroad Commissioner. ---------------------------Chief Justice, Supreme Court Nathan Hecht, Republican VS. William Moody, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Chief Justice, Supreme Court at this time. Tom Oxford is a Libertarian Candidate also running for Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Texas. ---------------------------Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6 (Unexpired) in Texas Jeff Brown, Republican VS. Lawrence
Edward Meyers, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 6 (Unexpired) at this time. Mark Ash is a Libertarian candidate also running for Supreme Court Justice Place 6, Texas. ---------------------------Justice, Supreme Court, Place 7 Jeff Boyd, Republican VS. Gina Benavides, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 7 at this time. Don Fulton is a Libertarian candidate also running for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 7. ---------------------------Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8 Phil Johnson, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8 in Texas. Roberto Koelsch is a Libertarian candidate also running for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 8. *Neither candidate is asking for your vote. ---------------------------Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3 Bert Richardson, Republican VS. John Granberg, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3 at this time. Mark Bennett is a Libertarian candidate also running for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3. ---------------------------Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 4 Kevin Patrick Yeary, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 4 in Texas. Quanah Parker is a Libertarian candidate also running for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 4. *Neither candidate is asking for your vote at this time. ---------------------------Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals Place 9 David Newell is the Republican in this race. -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, Court of Criminal Appeals, Place 9 at this time.William Bryan Strange III is a Libertarian candidate also running for Judge,
42 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
Court of Criminal Appeals Place 9. ---------------------------Member, State Board of Education, District 4 Dorothy Olmos, Republican VS. Lawrence A. Allen Jr., Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Member, State Board of Education, District 4 at this time. ---------------------------State Senator, District 7 Paul Bettencourt, Republican VS. Jim Davis, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Senator, District 7 at this time. Whitney Bilyeu is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Senator for District 7. ---------------------------State Senator, District 15 Ron Hale, Republican VS. John Whitmire, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Senator, District 15 at this time. Gilberto Velasquez, Jr. is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Senator for District 15. ---------------------------State Senator, District 17 Joan Huffman, Republican VS. Rita Lucido, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Senator, District 17 at this time. George Hardy is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Senator for District 17. ---------------------------State Representative House District 126 Patricia Harless, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 126 in Texas. Chris Hernandez is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Representative for House District 126. *Neither candidate is asking for your vote at this time. ---------------------------State Representative House District 127 Dan Huberty, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in
the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 127 in Texas. ---------------------------State Representative House District 128
State Representative House District 134
State Representative House District 142
Sarah Davis, Republican VS. Alison Ruff, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 134 at this time.
Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 142 in Texas.
Wayne Smith, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 128 in Texas. Ken Lowder is a Libertarian candidate also running for State Representative for House District 128. *Neither candidate is asking for your vote at this time.
Gary Elkins, Republican VS. Moiz Abbas, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 135 at this time.
------------------------------------------------------State Representative House District 135 State Representative House District 143 Ana Hernandez, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 143 in Texas. ----------------------------
State Representative House District 129
State Representative House District 137
Dennis Paul, Republican VS. John Gay, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 129 at this time.
Morad H. Fiki, Republican VS. Gene Wu, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 137 at this time.
State Representative House District 144
Gilbert Pena, Republican VS. Mary Ann Perez, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 144 at this time.
---------------------------State Representative House District 130
---------------------------State Representative House District 138
Allen Fletcher, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 130 in Texas.
State Representative House District 145 Dwayne Bohac, Republican VS. Fred R. Vernon, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 138 at this time.
Carol Alvarado, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 145 in Texas.
---------------------------State Representative House District 131
---------------------------State Representative House District 139
Alma A. Allen, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 131 in Texas. ---------------------------State Representative House District 132 Michael Schofield, Republican VS. Luis Lopez, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 132 at this time.
State Representative House District 146 Sylvester Turner, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 139 in Texas. ----------------------------
Borris L. Miles, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 146 in Texas. ----------------------------
State Representative House District 140
State Representative House District 147
Armando Lucio Walle, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 140 in Texas.
Garnet F. Coleman, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 147 in Texas.
---------------------------State Representative House District 133 Jim Murphy, Republican VS. Laura Nicol, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 133 at this time.
State Representative House District 141
State Representative House District 148
Senfronia Thompson, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for State Representative for House District 141 in Texas.
Chris Carmona, Republican VS. Jessica Cristina Farrar, Democrat -*Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for State Representative House District 148 at this time.
------------------------------------------------------- www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 43
State Representative House District 149 Al Hoang, Republican VS. Hubert Vo, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for State Representative House District 149 at this time. ---------------------------State Representative House District 150 Debbie Riddle, Republican VS. Amy Perez, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for State Representative House District 150 at this time. ---------------------------Chief Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District Kem Thompson SEE Frost, Republican VS. P.32 Kyle Carter, Democrat -*Judge Kyle Carter is the only candidate asking for your vote in the race for Chief Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District at this time.
Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 7
---------------------------District Judge, 184th Judicial District
Ken Wise, Republican VS. Gordon Goodman, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 7 at this time. ----------------------------
Jan Krocker, Republican VS. Mark Thering, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 184th Judicial District at this time. ----------------------------
District Judge, 55th Judicial District
District Judge, 185th Judicial District
Jeff Shadwick, Republican VS. Kay Morgan, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 55th Judicial District at this time.
Susan Brown, Republican VS. Mack McInnis, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 185th Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 113th Judicial District
District Judge, 189th Judicial District
Michael Landrum, Republican VS. Steven E. Kirkland, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 113th Judicial District at this time.
Bill Burke, Republican VS. Ursula A. Hall, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 189th Judicial District at this time. ----------------------------
District Judge, 190th Judicial District District Judge, 157th Judicial District
Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 3 Russell Lloyd, Republican VS. Jim Sharp, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 3 at this time.
Randy Wilson, Republican VS. Jim Peacock, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 157th Judicial District at this time.
Patricia J. Kerrigan, Republican VS. Farrah Martinez, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 190th Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 180th Judicial District
District Judge, 208th Judicial District
Catherine Evans, Republican VS. Randy Roll, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 180th Judicial District at this time.
Denise Collins, Republican VS. Chuck Silverman, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 208th Judicial District at this time.
---------------------------Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 5 Laura Carter Higley, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 5 in Texas.
District Judge, 182nd Judicial District
District Judge, 209th Judicial District
Jeannine Barr, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 182nd Judicial District in Harris County.
Mike McSpadden, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 209th Judicial District in Harris County.
---------------------------Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 4 (Unexpired) Marc Brown, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 4 (Unexpired) in Texas.
District Judge, 183rd Judicial District
District Judge, 228th Judicial District
Vanessa Velasquez, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 183rd Judicial District in Harris County.
Marc Carter, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 228th Judicial District in Harris County.
44 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
---------------------------District Judge, 248th Judicial District
Judicial District at this time. ---------------------------
District Judge, 230th Judicial District Brad Hart, Republican VS. Greg Glass, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 230th Judicial District at this time.
Katherine Cabaniss, Republican VS. Shawna L. Reagin, Democrat -*Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 248th Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 232nd Judicial District
District Judge, 257th Judicial District
Mary Lou Keel, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 232th Judicial District in Harris County.
Judy Warne, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 257th Judicial District in Harris County.
District Judge, 234th Judicial District
District Judge, 262nd Judicial District
Wesley Ward, Republican VS. Barbara Gardner, Democrat -- *Judge SEE Wesley Ward is the candiP.49 date asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 234th Judicial District at this time.
Denise Bradley, Republican VS. Jules Johnson, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 262nd Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 281st Judicial District Sylvia Matthews, Republican VS. Tanner Garth, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 281st Judicial District at this time. --------------------------District Judge, 295th Judicial District Caroline E. Baker, Republican VS. Latosha Lewis, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 295th Judicial District at this time. ---------------------------
District Judge, 308th Judicial District James Lombardino, Republican VS. Jim Evans, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 308th Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 263rd Judicial District ----------------------------
District Judge, 245th Judicial District Roy L. Moore, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 245th Judicial District in Harris County. ----------------------------
Jim Wallace, Republican VS. Herb Ritchie, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 263rd Judicial District at this time. ---------------------------
District Judge, 309th Judicial District Sheri Y. Dean, Republican VS. Kathy Vossler, Democrat -- *Neither candidate asking for is seeking your vote in the race for District Judge, 185th Judicial District at this time.
District Judge, 269th Judicial District ---------------------------
District Judge, 246th Judicial District Charley Prine, Republican VS. Sandra Peake, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 246th Judicial District at this time. --------------------------District Judge, 247th Judicial District
Dan Hinde, Republican VS. George H. Arnold, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 269th Judicial District at this time. ---------------------------District Judge, 270th Judicial District
P.30 John Schmude, Republican VS. Clinton "Chip" Wells, Democrat -- *John Schmude is the only candidate seeking your vote in the race for District Judge, 247th Judicial District at this time.
Brent Gamble, Republican VS. James Hippard, Jr., Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 270th Judicial District at this time. --------------------------District Judge, 280th Judicial District Lynn Bradshaw-Hull, Republican VS. Barbara J. Stalder, Democrat -*Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 280th
District Judge, 310th Judicial District Lisa Millard, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 310th Judicial District in Harris County. --------------------------District Judge, 311th Judicial District Alicia Franklin, Republican VS. Sherri L. Cothrun, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for District Judge, 311th Judicial District at this time. --------------------------District Judge, 312th Judicial District David Farr, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in
- www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 45
the Midterm Election for District Judge, 312th Judicial District in Harris County. --------------------------District Judge, 313th Judicial District Glenn Devlin, Republican VS. Tracy D. Good, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 313th Judicial District at this time. --------------------------District Judge, 314th Judicial District John F. Phillips, Republican VS. Natalia Oakes, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 314th Judicial District at this time. --------------------------District Judge, 315th Judicial District Michael Schneider, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for District Judge, 315th Judicial District in Harris County.
Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 1 Debra Ibarra Mayfield, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #1 in Harris County. --------------------------Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 2 Theresa Chang, Republican VS. Scot "Doli" Dollinger, Democrat -*Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #2 at this time. --------------------------Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 3 Linda Storey, Republican VS. Gloria Cantu Minnick, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #3 at this time.
--------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No. 4 John Clinton, Republican VS. Nikita "Niki" Harmon, Democrat -*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #4 at this time. --------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No. 5 Margaret Stewart Harris, Republican VS. Ramona Franklin, Democrat -*Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #5 at this time. --------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No. 6 Larry Standley, Republican VS. Linda Geffin, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #6 at this time.
----------------------------------------------------Judge, County Civil Court at Law No. 4 Judge, County Criminal Court No. 7
---------------------------District Judge, 334th Judicial District (Unexpired) Grant Dorfman, Republican VS. Daryl Moore, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for District Judge, 334th Judicial District at this time. --------------------------Harris County District Attorney (Unexpired Term) Devon Anderson, Republican VS. Kim Ogg, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Harris County District Attorney (Unexpired) at this time. ---------------------------
Roberta Lloyd, Republican VS. Damon Crenshaw, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Civil Court at Law #4 at this time. ---------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No. 1 Paula Goodhart, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #1 in Harris County. ----------------------------
--------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No. 8
P.36 Jay Karahan, Republican VS. Kelli Johnson, Democrat - *Judge Jay Karahan is the only candidate seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #8 at this time.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 2 --------------------------Bill Harmon, Republican VS. Harold J. Landreneau, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is seeking your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #2 at this time.
Harris County Judge --------------------------Ed Emmett, Republican VS. Ahmad Robert Hassan, Democrat -- *UPDATE: Ahmad Robert Hassan has pulled out of the race for Harris County Judge. Judge Ed Emmett will now only face a Green Party candidate in the Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Midterm Election in Harris County.
Pam Derbyshire, Republican VS. Shelia Acosta, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #7 at this time.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 9 Analia Wilkerson, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #9 in Harris County.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 3 --------------------------Natalie C. Fleming, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #3 in Harris County.
46 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 10 Dan Jeffrey Spjut, Republican VS.
George Barnstone, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #10 at this time. ---------------------------
Judge, County Probate Court No.2 Mike Wood, Republican VS. Josefina Tendon, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Probate Court #2 at this time.
Judge, County Criminal Court No. 11
candidate is asking your vote in the race for County School Trustee, Position 5, AtLarge at this time. ---------------------------County School Trustee, Position 7, At-Large
--------------------------Diane Bull, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #11 in Harris County. --------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No. 12
Judge, County Probate Court No. 3 Rory Robert Olsen, Republican VS. Jerry Simoneaux, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Probate Court #3 at this time.
Don Sumners, Republican VS. Melissa Noriega, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for County School Trustee, Position 7, At-Large at this time. ---------------------------County Commissioner, Precinct 2
Robin Brown, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for Judge, County Criminal Court #12 in Harris County. --------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No. 13 Don Smyth, Republican VS. Jason Long, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #13 at this time.
--------------------------Judge, County Probate Court No. 4 Christine Riddle Butts, Republican VS. James Horowitz, Democrat SEE -- *Judge Christine Riddle Butts is the candidate P.35 asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Probate Court #4 at this time. ---------------------------
Jack Morman, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election for County Commissioner for Precinct 2, in Harris County. ---------------------------County Commissioner, Precinct 4 R. Jack Cagle, Republican VS. M.I. Badat, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for County Commissioner for Precinct 4, at this time.
District Clerk Judge, County Criminal Court No. 14 Mike Fields, Republican VS. David L. Singer, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #14 at this time. --------------------------Judge, County Criminal Court No.15 Jean Spradling Hughes, Republican VS. Raul Rodriguez, Democrat -*Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Judge, County Criminal Court #15 at this time.
---------------------------Chris Daniel, Republican VS. Judith Snively, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Harris County District Clerk at this time. --------------------------Harris County Clerk Stan Stanart, Republican VS. Ann Harris Bennett, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Harris County Clerk at this time. --------------------------Harris County Treasurer
--------------------------Judge, County Probate Court No. 1 Loyd Wright, Republican VS. Kim Bohannon, Democrat -- *Judge Loyd Wright is SEE the candidate asking for P.34 your vote in the race for Judge, County Probate Court #1 at this time. ---------------------------
Orlando Sanchez, Republican VS. David Rosen, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Harris County Treasurer at this time. ---------------------------County School Board Trustee, Position 5, At-Large Mike Wolfe, Republican VS. Debra "Debby" Keener, Democrat -- *Neither
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1, Place 2 David M. Patronella, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 1, Place 2, in Harris County. ---------------------------Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2 Leonila Olivares-Salazar, Republican VS. George E. Risner, Democrat -- *Neither candidate is asking for your vote in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2, Place 2 at this time. ---------------------------Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3, Place 2 Don Coffey, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 3, Place 2, in Harris County. ----------------------------
- www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 47
Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 2 Laryssa Korduba, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 4, Place 2, in Harris County. ---------------------------Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 2 Jeff Williams, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 5, Place 2, in Harris County. ---------------------------Justice of the Peace, Precinct 6, Place 2 Armando V. Rodriguez, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Jus-
tice of the Peace for Precinct 6, Place 2, in Harris County. ---------------------------Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7, Place 2 Zinetta Burney, Democrat *No Republican Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 7, Place 2, in Harris County. ---------------------------Justice of the Peace, Precinct 8, Place 2 Louie Ditta, Republican *No Democratic Opponent on November 4, 2014 in the Midterm Election race for Justice of the Peace for Precinct 8, Place 2, in Harris County. ----------------------------
“Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.�- Proverbs 31:9 JUDGE CARTER IS THE RIGHT CHOICE Judge Kyle Carter has served as Judge of the 125th District Court since his election in 2008. In his time on the bench, Judge Carter has made it a rule that everyone who enters the 125th District Court is treated with fairness, dignity, and respect. Judge Carter has been honored by his colleagues to serve as chair to the Civil Court Committee on Special Dockets, as well as Secretary to the Civil Court Board of Judges.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 EARLY VOTING STARTS: Monday, October 20, 2014
EARLY VOTING ENDS: Fri., October 31, 2014
Political Advertising paid for by Kyle Carter for Judge 14th Court of Appeals, Place 1, Melanie Carter, Treasurer, In compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act
VISIT: www.wesleyward.com FOR MORE INFORMATION
Judge Wesley Ward
PROUD AMERICANS Q&A With Congressman Kevin Brady
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Congressman Brady, can you share your thoughts on freedom and what it means to you? CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY: Freedom is everything. But what Freedom will never be is free. Freedom is a precious gift that our veterans and our fallen have secured for us and continue to secure for us. Being an American is about being free. Martin Luther King, Junior said “we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.” He was so right that “a man can't ride you unless your back is bent.” As Americans we must always stand proud and tall for freedom and against injustice. We must have faith to take the harder path with the greatest rewards. Being a servant leader will never be the easy path, but it is the most rewarding path. Serving my constituents and my state in Washington, DC is an honor that I do not take lightly. It’s my duty to preserve freedom for all Americans. As Dr. King said “The time is always right to do what is right.” That time is now. AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Congressman Brady, why are you proud to be an American? CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY: I first understood why I’m proud of being American from my mom. In 1967, my world changed when dad took on a difficult case for our local church. While helping an elderly woman escape an abusive marriage, we were repeatedly threatened. Mom even learned to use a gun, just in case. When the trial started, this angry man burst into the courtroom, killed his wife, killed my father and shot the judge – who thankfully lived. His actions left our mom to raise five children by herself – ages 14 to 3. I tell you this because being an American is about making my fiercely independent and determined mother proud. She kept five kids on the straight and narrow with a good offensive. She had us serving our community from morning to night. For me, it was Boy Scouts, altar boy at two churches, year-round sports and student government. In our community, if a club or activity existed, it was a good bet you’d find a Brady kid there. She taught each of us to be independent, optimistic, to have faith in God and to give back. Everything I am. Everything I know about being an American, I owe my mom.
Are you worried that your children and grandchildren won't have the same freedom and opportunities that you enjoy? Then let's all go to the polls and bring our principles, values and our knowledge.
Tuesday, November 4th
Election Day!
Freedom 2014 CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY is a pro-family, pro-small business conservative fighting for free enterprise, limited government, a balanced budget, secure border, more American-made energy and an innovation economy that leads the world. Are you worried that your children and grandchildren won't have the same freedom and opportunities that you enjoy? Then let's all go to the polls and bring our principles, values and our knowledge. POLITICAL AD PAID FOR BY KEVIN BRADY FOR CONGRESS
MEET JOHN SCHMUDE Candidate running for District Judge, 247th Judicial District in Harris County, Texas
Freedom 2014
Early voting for the Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Midterm Elections will begin on Monday, Octob 20, 2014 and end on Friday, October 31, 2014.
John Schmude resides with his wife and two children in Spring. John is a lifetime Republican with a strong record of service to children and to families - especially those children and families who have faced substantial challenges involving extreme poverty and abuse. John's wife, Kelly, was employed by Lockheed Martin Space Operations at NASA and MD Anderson Hospital before becoming a full time homemaker. John's commitment to family law is motivated by his strong faith and his recognition that families are the first and firmest foundation upon which any healthy society is built. John is an active member in Annunciation Catholic Church in downtown Houston.
John Schmude is endorsed by: Texas Right to Life, Frederick Douglass Society, Texas Alliance for Life, Dave Welch, Robin Bennett (from Robin's Haven of Hope), Melanie Flowers, Dr. Robin Armstrong, Katy Christian Magazine, Texas Home School Coalition, Christian Legal Society, RW Bray.
FEATURED SUPPORTER John Schmude for Judge Campaign, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Valoree Swanson, Treasurer
4 ber .
713.819.9945 PRACTICE AREAS: aADR aBusiness aConsumer aCreditor-Debtor aCriminal aEthics-Legal Malpractice aFamily aGovernment/Administrative aIntellectual Property aLabor-Employment aLitigation aPersonal Injury aWills-Trusts-Probate aElder Law aEntertainment aImmigration aSchool Law aAppellate aCivil Law
The Law Offices of
KERYL L. D 3730 Kirby Drive, Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77098 Phone: 713-819-9945
Message from Judge Loyd Wright On November 2, 2010, I had the honor and privilege of being elected Judge of Harris County Probate Court No.1, one of the busiest probate courts in the United States of America. I am a native Houstonian and life-long conservative. I am now in my fourth year as judge and it has been the greatest experience of my professional career. As an attorney with over 27 years experience in probate, guardianship, estate planning, trust and elder law, I developed a reputation for handling the matters entrusted to me with diligence and integrity. I often represented administrators, executors, guardians, trustees and beneficiaries in complex probate proceedings, and recovered millions of dollars in assets lost through fraud and breach of fiduciary duty. Over the years, I was also appointed by the probate judges to handle both contested and uncontested estate and guardianship matters. The experience I garnered over the last thirty years has served me well on the bench. Prior to coming to the bench, I was licensed to practice in all Courts in the State of Texas, the United States District Court (Southern District), the United States Court of Appeals (5th Circuit), and the United States Tax Court. I also served two terms as a member of the District 4A grievance committee (which disciplines attorneys) and served as Chair in 1994. I am a member of the State Bar of Texas Real Estate, Probate and Trust Section, Taxation Section and Litigation Section and the Houston Bar Association Probate, Trusts and Estate Section, Taxation Section and Litigation Section. I also belong to the Houston Business and Estate Planning Council and the Houston Estate and Financial Forum. I received my JD from the University of Houston in 1981, and a BBA (1977 - accounting) and MBA (1980 - accounting/taxation) from the University of Texas. By the time my opponent received her law license, I had THE WRIGHT FAMILY been practicing probate law for two decades. This race is a choice between my combined 30 years of probate and guardianship experience and my opponent's 11 years of legal experience and minimal probate experience. My race is just one example of the consequences of judicial elections. I welcome the opportunity to continue to earn your trust and support as Judge of Harris County Probate Court No. 1.On November 4th, I would be honored and privileged to have your vote.
“My mission is to serve families in times of crisis in a thoughtfu and deliberate way, whether that crisis involves the loss of a lo for a guardianship, or a mental health issue.� - JUDGE CHRISTINE
aExperience aIntegrity Dedication a
ul, compassionate, oved one, the need E RIDDLE BUTTS
Christine Butts was raised in Houston and graduated from Westfield High School. While in high school, she worked with her father, a probate lawyer, in his small law firm. She went on to graduate from the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor of business administration degree. Soon after college, she married Donald Butts and studied law at the University of Houston. After graduating from law school, Christine joined her father's boutique estate planning and probate firm. Serving clients in a private practice has enabled her to learn a great deal about probate, guardianship, and mental health issues. More importantly, private practice has given her a balanced perspective and a view into how these issues impact families. In 2010, Christine was elected as the judge of Harris County Probate Court 4, where she, along with the other probate judges, developed the following enhancements designed to improve the courts' service to the public and increase efficiency for the attorneys practicing in the probate courts: • The Guardianship Handbook was created and published in English and in Spanish. It is now given to every person appointed as a guardian • The courts offer a free Continuing Legal Education program every quarter • The Standards for Attorney Fees were updated and clarified • Helpful Guidelines designed to assist attorneys seeking help with less common probate procedures were published to the court’s website and are offered in the offices of the court free of charge Throughout her legal career, Christine has been dedicated to the mission of helping families in crisis, as evidenced by the following professional accomplishments, recognition, and leadership: • Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization since 2003 • Attorney ad Litem appointed by the probate courts in probate and guardianship matters • Former Partner in the boutique probate and estate planning firm, Riddle, Butts & Akiens, LLP • Texas Rising Star (2008, 2009, 2010) (As published in Texas Monthly Super Lawyer Magazine) • Houston’s Top Lawyers for the People (2007-2009) (As published in H Texas Magazine) • Houston’s Top Lawyers (2007-2009) (As published in H Texas Magazine) • Former Board Member Planned Giving Council of Houston • Member of Attorneys in Tax and Probate • Member of Disability and Elder Law Attorneys Association • Member of Pasadena Bar Association • Member Association of Women Attorneys • Board Member of National College of Probate Judges • Published works located at www.buttsforjudge.com Christine is dedicated to her community. She is a sustaining member of the Junior League of Houston and served as a seamstress for many years making blankets and diaper bags for young mothers. She and her husband enjoy raising their four children, raising money for MS through bike riding, and hiking in the Hill Country.
Texas Supreme Court Judicial Intern
■ Appointed by the Governor in November 2012 ■ Formal Investiture in December 2012 ■ Confirmed in a unanimous vote of the Texas Senate in February 2013 ■ Ranked in the top tier of all Harris County Civil District Judges in various categories
■ Highly-rated in the 2013 HBA Judicial Evaluation Poll “Outstanding” rating in all areas evaluated: - Follows the law - Rules decisively and timely - Courteous & attentive - Demonstrated impartiality - Uses attorneys’ time efficiently - Works hard and is prepared ■ Captain on Houston Livestock Show Team Penning & Ranch Sorting Committee ■ Past Chair of Associates’ Roundtable, Rice’s James A. Baker III Center for Public Policy ■ St. Luke’s United Methodist Church – Sunday school teacher, usher, member of Board of Stewards, youth soccer coach ■ Married 17 years to the amazing Molly Ward, with 3 awesome children – Lily, Ava, and Wylie
EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND & COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES ■ Eagle Scout ■ Texas A&M, BBA-Accounting, National Merit Scholar ■ Certified Public Accountant since 1995 ■ Graduate of UT Law School, with Honors Order of Barristers Niemann Cup as top advocate
www.wesleyward.com Pd. Pol. Ad by Wesley Ward Campaign, in compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act, Kaye T. Goolsby, Treasurer.
“I care about every single litigant and attorney who appears before the 234th, and I work very hard to ensure that all parties receive the justice to which they are entitled. I work hard to prepare for hearings and trials, to know and follow the law in cases before me, and to apply the law fairly and promptly. Thank you for the opportunity to serve and I ask for your vote in the November 4th Midterm Election.“ – Judge Wesley Ward
Judge Wesley Ward with his wife, Molly, and their three children.
FEATURED SPONSOR The Honorable Frank D. Jackson has served as the City of Prairie View's Mayor Since May 4, 2002 ABOUT MAYOR JACKSON Mayor Frank D. Jackson was born and raised in Luling, Texas and is the second of three sons born to Robbie Jackson Sr. and Willie Louise Jackson. He graduated from Luling High School in 1969 and entered Prairie View A&M College during the Fall Semester of this same year. Frank D. Jackson majored in Geography and earned a 4-year Scholarship as a Naval Science student. He graduated from Prairie View A&M University in 1973 with a Bachelors of Arts Degree and was Commissioned and Ensign in the United States Navy. During his Eight years of Active Duty, Frank D. Jackson served aboard the Nuclear Powered Cruiser USS Long Beach CG (N) 9, the USS Coral Sea CV 43 and the USS Inchon LPH 12. He ended his active duty service at Prairie View A&M University in 1982 as Assistant Professor for Naval Science – Navigation and Ship-handling Instructor. Frank D. Jackson immediately accepted a Commission in the US Naval Reserves and was promoted to the rank of Captain in 1995 (Officer Grade 06). He began his employment at Prairie View A&M University in 1982 as Associate Counselor for Admissions. Frank D. Jackson has served the University as Director of the Memorial Student Center, Assistant Director of University Centers, Director for Auxiliary Services, Director of Student Initiatives and Development and currently serves as Governmental Relations Officer for Prairie View A&M University. He served on the City Council – City of Prairie View for 12 years, and 8 years as County Commissioner Precinct 3, Waller County, Texas. Frank D. Jackson was elected Mayor for the City of Prairie View, Texas on May 4, 2002. He was re-elected to serve a second term May 8, 2004, re-elected to serve a third term on May 13, 2006, re-elected to serve a fourth term on May 10, 2008, re-elected to serve a fifth term on May 8, 2010 and re-elected to a sixth term on May 12, 2012. In addition, Frank D. Jackson is President and Fire Chief of the Prairie View Volunteer Fire Fighting Association, Inc., and Past Master of Lone Star Lodge #85 – Hempstead, Texas and currently serves as Grand Junior Warden for the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and is a 33º Mason. He is an active member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Epsilon Tau Lambda Chapter – Prairie View, Texas. Frank D. Jackson was inducted into Prairie View A&M University’s Sports Hall Of Fame with the Hall Of Fame Class of 2010. He is a 2012 recipient of the Texas Conference of the NAACP’s President’s Award. He is the author of five books: A Brief History of The City of Prairie View, Texas; A Brief History of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas & Jurisdiction; Juneteenth In the Brazos River Valley; His-Story – A History of Africans in America; Down That Road – A Pictorial History of Prairie View A&M University. Mayor Jackson is married to the former Marian Elaine Jones and is the father of four children, Tracy, Ayanna, Cheikh & Okofo. The Jackson’s have two grandchildren Chazrel & Simone.
“A city at the point on the frontiers of change”
PRAIRIE VIEW, TX Frank D. Jackson
MAYOR OF PRAIRIE VIEW, TEXAS City of Prairie View, Texas 44500 Business Highway 290 P.O. Box 817 Prairie View, TX 77446 City Hall...................936-857-3711 Municipal Court.......936-857-5327 Police Department...936-857-3521
Freedom 2014
Regardless of the phenomenon we encounter in this life; it would be a whole lot better if we just do it together” – Mayor Frank D. Jackson
- www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 63
A CITY OF CHARACTER City Hall 1125 Austin Street Hempstead, TX 77445 P: (979) 826-2486 F: (979) 826-6703
Public Works 1405 8th Street Hempstead, TX 77445 P: (979) 826-8313 P: (979) 826-3557 F: (979) 921-0085
Municipal Court 1015 11th Street Hempstead, Texas 77445 P: (979) 826-8838
Economic Development 733 12th Street Hempstead, Texas 77445 P: (979) 826-2900 F: (979) 826-2037
Street Department 1820 14th Street Hempstead, Texas 77445 P: (979) 826-8313 P: (979) 826-9392
Police Department 1015 11th Street Hempstead, Texas P: (979) 826-4972
Michael S. Wolfe, Sr.
Mayor of Hempstead Te “I am Michael S. Wolfe, Sr., the Mayor of Hempstead, Texas. I graduated from Hempstead High School. I received my B.A. in Political Science and my Master’s in Counseling at Prairie View A&M University. I am the Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church. My loving wife Deborah and I have two children; Demetria, and Michael S. Wolfe, Jr. We also have six grandchildren. I am dedicated to making Hempstead the best city anyone would want to reside in.”
Freedom 2014
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Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
A tradition of valor... 3816 Caroline Street Houston, Texas 77004 Contact: (713)942-8920 The Buffalo Soldiers National Museum (BSNM) a non-profit 501(c)(3) institution was founded in the year 2000 by a Vietnam veteran and African American military historian, Captain Paul J. Matthews. The museum’s Historian is Dr. Franklin D.B. Jackson, a highly decorated Vietnam veteran. Currently, Major Charles Williams, Historian and former member of the United States Army, serves as the Museum’s Chief Docent. The Buffalo Soldiers National Museum is a proud member of the Houston Museum District. We are the only Museum dedicated primarily to preserving the legacy and honor of the AfricanAmerican soldier, in the United States of America. The museum is also a proud member of the Greater Houston Conventions and Visitors Bureau, and the Greater Houston Partnership.
Exhibit Hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Free Admission on Thursday 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM General Admission: $10.00 per adult $5.00 per student(including college W/ID), Senior 60-older, military, children 5-under-FREE
Museum Booking Allow the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum to assist you with planning your next meeting, social outing, or business networking event. For more information call(713) 942-8920 or send us an e-mail at info@buffalosoldiermuseum.com
Freedom 2014 Captain Paul J. Matthews Founder of the Buffalo Soldiers National Museum
www.buffalosoldiermuseum.com - www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 67
Multi-Millionaire Blue Diamond Edwin Haynes Is On A Mission to Create More Millionaires Edwin Haynes is a successful entrepreneur, international business consultant, motivational speaker, best-selling author, and multi-millionaire who has experienced the highs and lows of success. After a successful 13-year career as an Entertainment Executive, Haynes experienced a devastating setback that crippled him personally, professionally and financially. As result of a series of setbacks Haynes hit rock bottom, free-falling from millionaire status into foreclosure, bankruptcy and repossession. When everything seemed to be crashing down around him, including emotional and physical health; at his worst moment, Haynes would not let his circumstances consume him. He knew that he innately possessed the mindset of a millionaire, and the tools that would lead him to his true purpose. Although Edwin’s journey on the road to success was paved with obstacles that would normally sideline the average person, Haynes prepared for change and climbed his way back up the ladder by utilizing the “nine mile markers to success” outlined in his current book, “You Have Permission to Succeed.” Blessed with the gift of captivating audiences with his seemingly effortless down to earth and honest style, Haynes positively changes the lives of thousands daily through powerful messages of faith, encouragement and empowerment. Today, he continues to dominate his industry while empowering individuals worldwide to advance on both personal and professional levels.
WANT TO BE A PART OF EDWIN’S TEAM IN 2014? A “Blue Diamond” is an individual with over $30,000 per week “Dual Team” earning potential in ORGANO GOLD. Organo Gold is on a mission, spreading the knowledge of Ganoderma to the four corners of the world. By using the cost effective network distribution system to deliver these Ganoderma products, more of every dollar is shared with our growing Organo Gold family world-wide. Think about your future. Where will you and your family be in 5 years from right now? You may know where you want to be, but do you know how you are going to get there? Do you have a plan? Now more than ever it’s up to you to define your future. That’s where Organo Gold comes into the picture. Organo Gold is a global family that is growing and thriving every day. A family that is caring and compassionate and believes that the knowledge of Ganoderma should be in the hands of people world-wide. It’s a family that cares about you.
YOU CAN BE A PART OF TEAM HAYNES Edwin is looking to Coach and Mentor 10 NEW individuals in his current business venture. If you are serious about the secrets of a millionaire and creating wealth and want to know more Edwin Haynes visit www.edwinhaynes.com today!
Edwin & Andrea Haynes
2470 S. Dairy Ashford, Ste. 217 I Houston, TX 77077
Phone: 832-405-7187 68 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
Freedom 2014
www.edwinhaynes.com Start with what you have and where you are. Don't wait for something big to occur.” – Edwin Haynes - www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 69
Freedom 2014
We’re A+ Rated with the Better Business Bureau. So you can count on Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Inc. to get your taxes done right.” - Jimmy Coleman
70 HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS - www.thebulletinboard.biz -
FEATURED SPONSOR LET GREATER HOUSTON CONSULTING & TAX SERVICES, INC. HANDLE YOUR TAX RELATED NEEDS TODAY Since 1980, Jimmy Coleman and his fine team of Tax Professionals at Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Inc. (GHCT), has been helping Houstonians to rest a little easier when it comes to knowing that their tax related business has been taken care of. That's because Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Inc, has a firm stated commitment that they are governed by: to always put the needs of their customers first. GHCT specializes in Tax Preparation, IRS Representation, Business Start-up/Consulting, and Bookkeeping Services. Conveniently located at 12606 Hillcroft, GHCT is uniquely positioned to service the needs of individuals living in southwest Houston, as well as those having to travel down South Main Street from Missouri City, Sugarland, Richmond, Rosenberg and other parts of Fort Bend County to get to and from work in the Houston area – and other parts of Harris County.
GHCT HAS AN A+ RATING WITH THE BBB Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Inc., currently has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau with no complaints having ever been filed against it. So, if you're looking for an independent Tax Preparation Service, where honesty, integrity, and putting you first is the order of the day: you should seriously consider calling Jimmy Coleman and his team of professionals at Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Incorporated at (713)723-2005 to schedule an appointment today!
GHCT HAS A CUSTOMER FIRST POLICY What Cynthia Stewart had to say about Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Incorporated: "I have used Greater Houston Consulting and Tax Services to prepare my taxes for at least the last 20 years. They are prompt and dependable. I appreciate their honest approach to my taxes and the thoroughness employed in helping me pay only what is owed or ideally to receive a refund when appropriate. Jimmy Coleman's advice and counsel concerning my personal finances and retirement planning has been invaluable. Cheryl and Nicole are very helpful, efficient and personable, also. You will be well served by any of their staff. I highly recommend this business." What Tammy Michelle Davis had to say about Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Incorporated: "Loyal, Professional, and Honesty at its BEST! ... I've been a very satisfied client of Greater Houston's Consulting and Tax Services for over 5 years. Each member of their staff are very professional, loyal and I can count on their dependable and hardworking efforts to get the job done! Thanks Greater Houston!" Another satisfied customer said this about Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services Incorporated: "This is tax service that cares about people. Greater Houston Tax Service has "great" employees that knows previous and current customers by their names. Some customers decide to seek other tax services, but they always manage to come back to Greater Houston Tax Service to prepare their taxes the correct way and to fix, what mistakes that was made from other tax services."
GREATER HOUSTON CONSULTING & TAX SERVICES, INC., IS READY TO PUT YOUR NEEDS FIRST For more information on Greater Houston Consulting & Tax Services, Inc., you should call Jimmy Coleman or one of his fine Tax Professionals at (713)723-2005, or feel free to stop by 12606 Hillcroft at South Main, Houston, Texas 77035. Email: taxburger@aol.com and expect to receive a fast, friendly, and educated answer to any tax related questions you may have today!
- www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 71
We’re Building W “Older Men and Women teach the young children and the young adults that will listen. Each generation should start on our shoulders as we encourage,support and teach . We need finance,education and wisdom but we also need to pass down values.” - Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries TITUS 2:1-5 IN THE NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION - You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. 2). Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance. 3). Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4). Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5). to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.
“I am the founder of Bishop K.J. Brown Ministries and The Pastor of Zion Tabernacle Church. We’re located at 13155 Westheimer in Houston, Texas. ( Between Eldridge and Synott in the Wind Chimes Shopping Plaza ). We meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 12:15pm-2pm.” - Bishop
Winning Lives...
Freedom 2014 - www.thebulletinboard.biz - HOUSTON BUSINESS CONNECTIONS 73
Anthony A. Allen President/Apostle - (281)210-8374 Bishop Anthony A. Allen is an apostolic leader who also serves the community at large as a businessman, entrepreneur, investor, author and entertainer. He is the founder and president of Anthony Allen Ministries, a ministry called to serve the urban community. In 2001 Bishop Anthony A. Allen received a word from the Holy Spirit instructing him to create systems that will keep and grow God’s people. Giving up his dream of one day becoming a head coach for the NFL he set out to pursue the call of God on his life. The first system he set out to create evolved from the first message he preached entitled: “Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus.” This message which came from the book of St. Luke 9:23 lead Bishop Anthony A. Allen to begin designing a church operation system entitled Total Control. After years of development, his spiritual father the late Pastor Noah Newcoste and his mother Evengelist Christine Newcoste handed over the responsibility of carrying on their ministry, House of Hope International Church. Once given this responsibility he was directed to implement the Total Control system. The first instructional book entitled: “Total Control 101” (You Are In Total Control) was released in February of 2013, and the system was launched. Total Control 101 serves as the first of a thirteen instructional book series that ranges from you taking total control of you, to you taking total control of your community duties abroad. Now that the book which serves as the foundation to the system has been released, Bishop Anthony A. Allen serves the Kingdom of God eagerly awaiting a word from the Holy Spirit on when to release the next book from this series along with other material associated with the system. Beyond his ministerial duties, Bishop Anthony A. Allen is also the owner of Allen Hip-Hop Enterprise LLC, a company aimed at gaining the attention of the urban community at large with subsidiary companies like MBBG Records, D.O.C FA LIFE (Urban Wear) and Bishop A Enterprise (Production Company). He is also a licensed T.V. Producer with the Houston Media Source, a music producer and music artist (TPK BISHOP A) with the group Hip-Hop Party League. His music group has been featured on several reality shows, T.V. competitions and sitcoms. He is a former collegiate football and track athlete for Texas A&M Commerce who gives back to the future of athletics by serving as an assistant coach with the Mainland Jaguars out of Galveston County. He is also the proud husband to First Lady Matishe R. Allen and the father of a combined family of 12 outstanding children and grandfather to 6 blessed grandchildren. Soon to celebrate 16 years in ministry, Bishop Anthony A. Allen looks forward to getting involved in his passion of ministering economic growth to the masses. A business major and licensed financial services agent, Bishop Anthony A. Allen plans to empower people around the globe with the knowledge of how their economy works verses how it really should work and how to get it to work for them. His philosophy to life is “He that owns the darkness controls the darkness”.
Allen Ministries
Freedom 2014
“The primary focus of Anthony Allen Ministries is to empower people with the knowledge on how to achieve economic success within any society despite the current hardships at hand.� - Bishop A.