Keep an eye on Judge Dedra Davis between now and the 2022 Democratic Primary. In case you don’t know, Judge Dedra Davis would have still defeated Republican Judge Brent Gamble in the race for Judge, 270th Civil District Court – even without the 105,158 straight-ticket voting cushion she received from Democratic voters in Harris County, Texas back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the midterm election. Here’s why: Dedra Davis received 651,843 overall votes. When you subtract the 515,812 straight-ticket votes, you come up with 136,031 votes. Comparatively speaking, if you subtract the 410,654 straight-ticket votes, Judge Brent Gamble received from his overall vote total of 530,480 you come up with 119,826 votes. So, in essence, even if you stripped away the straight-ticket votes received by Judge Dedra Davis back in 2018 she would have still hypothetically unseated the incumbent by approximately 16,205 votes back on Tuesday, November 6, 2018, in the midterm election in my opinion.