June 2009 Houston Business Connections Newspaper

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Published By Aubrey R. Taylor • Serving The Houston Community Since 1998 •


Email: news@houston-businessconnections.com • PROMOTIONAL ISSUE!

RECKLESS: Gates Calls North Korea’s Actions ‘Reckless, Ultimately Self-destructive’ HOMEPAGE

ON PAGE TEN: Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, center, shakes hands with Japanese Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada, left, and South Korean Defense Minister Lee Sang-Hee as they prepare for their trilateral meeting on the sidelines of the “Shangri-La Dialogue” Asia security summit in Singapore. In some of his strongest words on the subject to date, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates today said the United States will not accept North Korea as a nuclear weapons state and promised to defend U.S. allies in the region. DoD photo by Air Force Master Sgt. Jerry Morrison

DON’T MISS OUT: If you missed getting your hard copy of Aubrey’s Quarterly Magazine, you may still download a copy online at:www.peopledoingbusiness.com. Our next issue will be released this month. Call (832) 212-8735 for inclusion.

QUOTE There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. — Machiavelli


President Calls Biofuels One of U.S.’s Most Important Industries he National Corn Growers Association recently thanked President Obama for his statement that advanced renewable transportation fuels will be one of the nation’s most important industries of the 21st Century, and that corn-based ethanol must remain viable to achieve this vision. “With oil prices on the rise, ethanol’s critical role in the U.S. economy, especially promoting energy security, is more important than ever,” NCGA President Bob Dickey said. “We are pleased to hear the president’s clear statement of corn-based ethanol’s pivotal role in the nation’s future energy strategy, and we will continue to make sure the Administration understands the current and future value of corn ethanol.” In a recent letter to the Governors’ Biofuels Coalition, President Obama noted


KRBE 104 FM presents David Cook live in concert at the Moody Gardens Outdoor Amphitheater on Sun., July 5th!

President Barack Obama that improved energy efficiency combined with biofuels provide “the primary near-term option for insulating consumers against future oil shocks and for lowering the transportation

sector’s carbon footprint.” “The president clearly believes first-generation biofuels have an important role to play in meeting our energy needs,” Dickey said. “This also reinforces his previous position that artificial barriers to market expansion need to be addressed in order for large volumes of renewable fuels to find a place in America's transportation fuels system.” The ethanol industry has experienced robust growth, and today produces 10 billion gallons of clean, renewable ethanol while providing more than $20 billion in economic activity and supporting or creating nearly 500,000 jobs here in the United States. Increasing yields and record corn crops on the nation's farms have made this ethanol growth possible while continuing to service all its customers in the feed, food, and fuel markets both in the United States and abroad.



This Month Marks the Beginning of Hurricane Season


know I don’t have to remind you of the importance of preparing for the 2009 Hurricane season. You are already prepared. Right? However, it never hurts to make you aware of the fact that one of the most dreaded times of the year is here. With this in mind, please be aware that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) continues to work with our great state; our local leaders; and its federal partners to increase preparedness and coordinate response and recovery in the case of a hurricane or disaster. FEMA is urging all Americans to use the annual start of hurricane season as a reminder to assess your personal readiness to respond to emergencies. Note from FEMA: “If you live a hurricane prone area, ensuring your family is prepared is common sense,” said Craig Fugate, FEMA Administrator. “We never know where the next hurricane or disaster will strike, but we know that the more we do now to prepare, the better the outcome will be. FEMA will continue to work with our state, local, and federal partners to ensure that we are prepared, but it is also important that all Americans take the necessary steps now- like developing a family disaster plan - before a hurricane or disaster strikes.” Everyone, even, those living outside of hurricane-risk areas, should check personal preparations such as emergency kit supplies (enough to last at least 72 hours), note messages from local emergency officials, and rehearse emergency evacuation routes. Please be safe this hurricane season. And enjoy this issue of our newspaper!

Aubrey R. Taylor, Publisher Houston Business Connections Newspaper Direct: aubreyrtaylor@houston-businessconnections.com Press: news@houston-businessconnections.com Place Ad: advertise@houston-businessconnections.com

Contact The Publisher: 832.212.8735

ENTREPRENEURS CREDO I do not choose to be a Common man It is my right to be UNCOMMON...If I can I seek Opportunity - not Security I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the “Calculated Risk” to Dream and to Build, to fail and to SUCCEED. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of Life to the “Guaranteed existence”, the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia. I will not trade FREEDOM for Beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid, to think and act for myself, to enjoy the benefit of “MY CREATIONS” and to face the world boldly and say: “This with God’s help, I have done. All this is what it means to be a ENTREPRENEUR”

Are You Ready For The Next Disaster: Make Your Property More Flood And Wind Resistant Hurricane season and the potential for considerable wind and flood damage is here, so do not wait to make your home more hazard resistant. It’s important to begin with a plan. Walk around your home or business and take note of possible causes of damage or vulnerability. Contact your local emergency manager to find out about the 100-year flood levels and where you are in the floodplain. Here are some tips from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s Mitigation experts.

Protect your home against flood damage * Raise Electrical Boxes, Major Appliances, and HVAC components at least one-foot above the 100year flood level. • Circuit Breaker Boxes - Short circuits in flooded systems pose a significant fire danger. The likelihood of a flooded electrical system can be reduced by raising all electrical components. • Appliances - Washers and dryers can be elevated with pressure-treated lumber, or moved to a higher floor; and • HVAC - Exterior HVAC equipment should be elevated by a professional contractor. • Anchor fuel tanks - When floodwaters move an unanchored tank, the supply line may tear. Additionally, filling and ventilation tubes need to be above flood level so that water cannot get inside the tank. Anchor inside and outside tanks with properly sized ground anchors. For safety's sake, consult local officials and building professionals about the best methods for anchoring fuel tanks. • Install sewer backflow valves - Flooding can cause sewer lines to back up into houses through drainpipes. Backflow valves are designed to block drainpipes temporarily and prevent flow into the house. Have a licensed plumber or contractor install the valves.

Reinforce Vulnerable Areas to Minimize Wind Damage

• Strengthen Entry Doors and Windows Install storm shutters over all exposed windows and glass surfaces. If replacing an entry door, use an approved, impact-tested door and install a dead bolt lock long enough to penetrate the 2X4 framing of the door. Also ensure the strike plate is installed with screws long enough to penetrate the door frame. • Brace garage doors - A garage door can be reinforced by adding braces across the back of the door and by strengthening the glider wheel tracks. If you are building a home, consider purchasing a garage door built to withstand high winds. • Gable End Walls - Anchor and brace the bottom of the gable end's triangular wall to the ceiling joists or ceiling framing. Strengthen the gable end wall studs and brace the top of the gable end wall by tying it to the rafters or tops of the trusses. • Keep Outdoor Gear from Becoming Windborne Missiles - Securely anchor all storage sheds and other outbuildings, either to a permanent foundation or with straps and ground anchors. Bolt outdoor furniture and barbecue grills to decks or patios, or attach them to ground anchors with cables or chains. Secure trash cans with cables or chains attached to ground anchors or to wood posts firmly embedded in the ground. • Trees and Landscaping Tips - Proper care of trees can also prevent storm damage. Plant trees at the correct depth by making sure the roots are at the soil surface. Trees planted too deep could snap off at the stem-girdled point during forceful winds. Avoid wounding trees by banging them with a lawn mower or cutting them with a weed trimmer. Wounds lead to decay, a condition that leads to storm-damaged trees. Prune trees to correct defects such as multiple leaders and weak branch attachments. It is important to insure all reconstruction work meets state and county building codes. A professional homebuilder, architect, contractor, or building supply retailer may provide valuable information. Go online to FEMA’s “How To” series at www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/howto/index.shtm or order copies by calling 800-480-2520. Florida residents can also find helpful tips at www.floridadisaster.org and www.disastersafety.org. Another source of helpful information is available from the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes - FLASH Inc. at www.flash.org. U. S. Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loans are the primary form of federal assistance for non-farm, private sector disaster losses. Disaster loans from SBA help homeowners, renters, businesses of all sizes, and non-profit organizations fund repair and replacement of disaster damaged real and personal property. These disaster loans cover uninsured and uncompensated losses and do not duplicate benefits of other agencies or organizations. For information about SBA programs, applicants may call 800-659-2955 or go online at www.sba.gov. When disasters occur, federal, state, and local governments along with non-profit disaster-relief organizations help many people, but residents should do their part to prepare. Making homes and businesses more resistant to wind or flood damage and having flood insurance can help you in any future wind or flooding events. FEMA leads and supports the nation in a riskbased, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation, to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the nation from all hazards including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters.

JUNE 2009 PROMOTIONAL Houston Business Connections Newspaper is published by AUBREY R. TAYLOR. All right reserved. No articles may be copied, rewritten, published, or otherwise distributed without the prior written approval of the publisher. For special requests please call: 832.783.1113 or call the publisher directly at: 832.212.8735.




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COMMENTARY LISTEN TO THE PRICE OF BUSINESS Term Limits are not a Panacea or years, many conservatives have been pleading for limits on how long people can serve in office. They are tired of the rampant corruption, the influence of money, and the “cronyism” pervasive in politics today and they feel the need to do something...anything. Term limits are among the most popular of promoted “solutions.”


It seems to make sense, keeping people in office for a limited period of time, instead of them becoming too comfortable, complacent and, most importantly, too powerful. We have politicians who have money in the freezers, with bridges to “no where,” and inappropriate relationships with interns. Something has got to change. On the surface, term limits seems like a brilliant proposition. However, this idea mandates that we dig a little deeper. Term limits are a fairly simple concept. Members of the US House would likely serve up to four terms, according to most term limit proponents (eight years), while US Senators would serve two, six year terms. According to the theory, these politicians would serve their time and since it is short, they would hurriedly run back to their home town and go back to contributing to their communities and economies. Unfortunately, the theory doesn't seem to hold up against the harsh realities. When I use to work for Senator Gordon Humphrey (R-NH) back in the 1980s, I had a surprising experience one day that humorously displays how difficult it is to get traction as a legislator in Washington. I was busy away typing a response to a constituent's question when an exasperated Rudy Boschwith (then, a Senator from Minnesota), flew into the room and with a dazed look, asked where the rest room was. He looked shocked and he acted as though he was going to a public rest room. It wasn't, but one of the many ones in the offices of US Senators for their staff. He was a Senator, I wasn't going to correct him, but the story has drawn many a laugh from other Hill staffers who have enjoyed their own new Member story. What is most amazing is that this happened in 1983. Boschwitz had been in the Senate for five years and still didn't know where the rest rooms were. I know tons of stories like this. There is the new Congressman who told M. Stanton Evans how much he enjoyed his articles with Robert Novak (wrong Evans). I also cannot forget the member who insisted on not wearing her Congressional pin and expected every member of the Capital Hill police to recognize her. The list continues. My contention is simple, Congressional bureaucrats would rule Capitol Hill and Members of Congress would largely blindly follow. The stock of those who represent us would crash, while the unelected bureaucrats would grow in influence. An even bigger problem is its potential impact on government spending. Take the lowly citizen (whom we will call "Mr. Smith") who decides to run for his state's legislature. It takes an enormous amount of time, energy, and money to get elected. Upon getting to the House, he realizes he wants to do more and help more people, and do it without the pressure of having to run again every two years. He gets elected to his state Senate

and before he knows it, Smith wants to put his sights on the US House in Washington, DC. Once he gets there, he notes the new term limits and he knows that eight years will be here in no time and he immediately begins to focus on statewide office... the US Senate, Governor, or other office. In order to have “a name” through out the state and favors to bear, Mr. Smith will send pork to the entire state from day one. As candidates feel forced to run for higher office, they will feel forced to share the wealth. Instead of solving the "power problem" common in Washington, term limits will likely make it worse. Since the problem is power, solutions should be found in the way they govern. This could be seen in "super majorities" required for new taxes and spending, sunset commissions that require all spending bills to be reevaluated every two years, required changes in both committees and chairmen over certain time frames (this would certainly disrupt the influence of lobbyists). Most importantly, such reforms would address the real problem, which is power and not the length of time they are in office. Power limits, not term limits, is the right answer to government out of control. They should be the priority for anyone who is serious about getting government under control. Kevin Price is Host of the Price of Business, the longest running show on AM 650 (M-F at 11 am) in Houston, Texas and on AOL Radio. Eric Bolling of Fox News and Fox Business says that Price's Blog “is very influential and moves the blogosphere.” Steve Moore of the Wall Street Journal calls Price the “best business talk show host in the country.” Find out why and visit his blog at www.BizPlusBlog.com and his show site at www.PriceofBusiness.com. You can also find Price on Strategy Room at FoxNews.com.

Free CE Seminar for Realtors on Credit, plus Great Information on Marketing and More Kevin Price, Host of the Price of Business (M-F at 11 AM on CNN 650 on AOL Radio) announced a free seminar for Realtors to receive two CE Credits on the first week of June. Jay Pirrote of Ball Park Mortgage will provide a two hour seminar on how Realtors can help clients improve their credit scores. In addition there will be short presentations by Kevin Price (marketing), Wanda Reyna (title insurance), EON Business Line of Credits, and others. For more information email info@HoustonBusinessShow.com. Women are the Focus in New Panel In the next two weeks we are formally announcing our new Women in Business Panel and this new segment of our show will be an important contribution to our program. Our members include entrepreneurs, marketing executives, financial advisors, and more. Two of our new panelists include Margo P. Geddie, a Senior Vice President for Wealth Management at Smith Barney and Dina McCain, a professional marketing consultant. Both of these women have decades of experience in their respective industries and listeners will enjoy their knowledge, insights, and experiences that they will bring to each program. Detailed biographies of both of these women will be released in the next few weeks. If you are a woman in business and believe that you can make a contribution to our program, we want to hear from you. Email info@HoustonBusinessMediaGroup.com and put “Women in Business” in the subject line. We want to hear from you.

The PRICE of Business

with Kevin Price Monday Through Friday at 11 AM on CNN 650 and AOL Radio Sponsored by the Bank of Houston

Your Business Wants You to Listen! Some of the leading personalities you will find at Price of Business and

PriceofBusiness.com • Kathy Bowersox of QuantumLeapSuccessCoach.com • Rick Ray at WealthDesignGroup.net • Quincy Long of theEntrustGroup.com • Ron Delo of ThePublicAdjusters.Biz • And many others!

Kevin Price’s BizPlusBlog.com Sponsored by Swiss America, “Surviving the Financial Storm” Kevin Price's articles on BizPlusBlog are syndicated on Reuters.com, Chicago Sun Times, USA Today, and other national publications. Find out why by visiting Business Plus Blog!

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Know Where to Find Your Next Job? HoustonBusinessJobs.com is waiting for you. With over 1.5 million jobs and over 8,000 in the Houston area alone, HoustonBusinessJobs.com is the place to go to find a job or to find an employee. Now continued on page, P.6 is a




Term Limits are not a Panacea continued from page, P.5 great time to look for a new job. People simply don't know if there job is secure, it can make good sense to go seek companies that are actively hiring rather than merely wait to see if you have a job tomorrow. In addition to postings, readers will also find great tools, including current salaries for many positions and the means to learn how to get your resume in front of decision makers. Currently there is a five part series on the job search at HoustonBusinessDaily.com.

Price of Business Launches new Lifestyle Program For several months the Price of Business, in cooperation with LookingSuccessful.com, has been developing a new, lifestyles oriented radio show. Kevin Price, Host of the Price of

Business (M-F at 11 am on CNN 650) said “that my daily show has become increasingly more hard news, business, and politics oriented, but the need for lifestyle programming is huge! We found it odd that on one segment we would be discussing the economy crashing or innovative techniques of networking, and then talking about the need for watching your diet. Although this is common on some programs, we felt it made sense to separate it from the larger business and politics show.” This new show will be on Sundays at 2 PM on CNN 650. The title of that show has yet to be announced. This will be a huge boost for the new show's title sponsor, LookingSuccessful.com. This health and beauty website has been looking for an excellent branding opportunity and it feels that this is a powerful vehicle - at an excellent time - to increase audience awareness. “On the weekends, people are thinking more about their lives,

homes, health, and beauty. It is the perfect time for a program such as this and I could not be more excited about it,” Price said. The new program’s name will be announced within the next week. In spite of the new show, some lifestyle related programming will remain on the Price of Business because Real Estate, hurricane recovery, and other issues that transcend beyond lifestyle. Furthermore, news is news, and some of the things that will happen on our new weekend program, will need to be covered on the Price of Business. Think you have great information you would like to contribute to this show? Or are you interested in more information, if so, send an email to: info@HoustonBusinessMediaGroup.com.

Kevin Price to Launch Web Based TV Show Kevin Price will be launching a new web

based TV show starting in July with a very unique politics and business perspective. Kevin Price, Host of the show, said the “program is similar to Strategy Room on FoxNews.com meets Happy Hour, with a political and main street emphasis.” The comparison doesn't end in style; Price will have personalities from the Fox Business Network. Eric Bolling, David Asman, Cody Willard, Rebecca Diamond, and Brian Sullivan are some of the personalities that have been on Price's radio program and they promise to be on this web project as well. Price said that “I am a huge fan of the Fox Business Network and am delighted to work with them in such a direct role.” Furthermore, Price will work with numerous leaders in the Tea Party movement as well in providing a high quality program that empowers the audience and provides them a voice. Keep up to date on the show’s progress by visiting PriceofBusiness.com often.

Obama Touts Solar Power at Air Power Hub By Jim Garamone American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama recently held up Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., as an example for America to follow toward energy independence. The air base - a huge facility outside Las Vegas best known as the “Home of the Fighter Pilot” - also is the site of the largest solar electric plant of its kind in the Western Hemisphere, and the president would like to see more such facilities around the country. The array has more than 72,000 solar panels built on part of an old landfill. The facility provides about a quarter of the electricity for the 12,000 people who live and work at the base. “That’s the equivalent of powering about 13,200 homes during the day,” Obama said. “It’s a project that took about half a year to complete, created 200 jobs, and will save the U.S. Air Force, which is the largest consumer of energy in the federal government, nearly $1 million a year.” The Nellis facility reduces harmful carbon pollution by 24,000 tons a year - the

equivalent of removing 4,000 cars from the roads, Obama noted. “Most importantly, this base serves as a shining example of what's possible when we harness the power of clean, renewable energy to build a new, firmer foundation for economic growth,” he said. Nellis’ system covers 140 acres of land, including 33 acres of capped land-

fill. The array comprises more than 72,000 solar panels that track the sun to maximize renewable solar energy. Obama said he would like to see this technology - and others that harness wind and geothermal energy - duplicated around the United States “because in this case, what happens in Vegas should not stay in Vegas.”

“We’ll invest in the development and deployment of solar technology wherever it can thrive,” he said, “and we’ll find the best way to integrate solar power into our electric grid.” The Nellis solar power system is a joint venture among the Air Force, Renewable Ventures, SunPower Corp. and N.V. Energy.

Statement of the Attorney General on Murder of Doctor George Tiller “The murder of Doctor George Tiller is an abhorrent act of violence, and his family is in our thoughts and prayers at this tragic moment. Federal law enforcement is coordinating with local law enforcement officials in Kansas on the investigation of this crime, and I have directed the United States Marshals Service to offer protection to other appropriate people and facilities around the nation. The Department of Justice will work to bring the perpetrator of this crime to justice. As a precautionary measure, we will also take appropriate steps to help prevent any related acts of violence from occurring.”




6565 West Loop South, Ste. 114A I Bellaire, Texas 77401 WWW.HOUSTON-BUSINESSCONNECTIONS.COM • 832.212.8735 •



An Introduction to the Texas Margin Tax Recently, the comptroller has been mailing to legal entities delinquent tax statements as related to margin tax. If you have received one of these notices your entity is no longer in good standing. To check to see if your legal entity is in good standing visit the Texas State Comptroller’s Taxable Entity website at http://ecpa.cpa.state.tx.us/coa/Index.html.


For those of us who are unaware, margin tax is a tax on the gross income of legal entities. The margin tax is relatively new, as it was signed into law on May 18, 2006. The first taxable period for the margin tax began on January 1, 2007 and ended on December 31, 2008, resulting in the first returns being due as of May of 2008. Generally, any legal entity doing business in the state of Texas with some form of limited liability protection must pay the margin tax. Therefore, corporations, limited partnerships (LPs), limited liability companies (LLCs), limited liability partnerships (LLPs), banking corporations, savings and loan associations, business associations, professional associations, and some joint ventures may be subject to this tax. In contrast entities, doing business without limited liability are not subject to margin tax. Therefore, sole proprietorship and general partnerships only having natural persons as partners do not have to pay margin tax. Other exempt entities include, entitles with gross receipts of $300,000 or less (inflation adjusted), entities that owe less than $1,000 in franchise tax, tax-exempt entities, grantor trusts where all parties are natural persons, estates, escrows, family limited partnerships that are passive entities and do not operate a business, insurance companies, non-profits, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and real estate mortgage investment conduits (REMICs). In addition passive entities that meet the following requirements are exempt: 1) are a general or limited partnership, or a trust other than a business trust where 2) at least 90% of federal gross income must arise from a specific list of sources, and 3) no more than 10% of the entity's federal gross income can be received from conducting an active trade or business. A particular interesting fact about the Texas margin tax is that even though your entity may be exempt under federal law it still may be subject to the Texas margin tax. After figuring out whether or not your business is subject to the margin tax, you may be wondering how it is calculated. Margin tax is calculated based on your “taxable margin.” Taxable margin is the lower of total revenue minus cost of goods sold, total revenue minus employee compensation and benefits, or 70% of total revenue. After calculating the “taxable margin” it is apportioned by the percentage of the entity's gross receipts from business done in Texas. For example if your business operates in at least two states, one being Texas, you would take your Texas gross receipts and divide them by your total gross receipts, which yields the margin percentage. If this is not confusing enough, different types of businesses are taxed at different rates. The tax rate for retail and whole-


sale trade is a half of a percent. For all other entities it is one percent. If the entity has less than $10 million in revenues the tax may be calculated at .575% of revenue with no deduction allowed, which

is known as the EZ method. In addition, there are discounts available based upon the size of the business and deductions for small businesses. This article is only meant to serve as a basic guide to


the Texas margin tax, if your entity is not in good standing please or you are delinquent on your margin tax please consult a licensed professional.


Aaron Gabriel Adams is a practicing attorney in the Houston area focusing on Business, Intellectual Property, and Real Estate Law. Have a margin tax question? or Do you have a general Legal Question? Contact him at aaronadams@aalawoffice.com or his office at 713-566-1990.





Gates Calls North Korea’s Actions ‘Reckless, Ultimately Self-destructive’ By Fred W. Baker III American Forces Press Service

In some of his strongest words on the subject to date, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates today said the United States will not accept North Korea as a nuclear weapons state and promised to defend U.S. allies in the region. “We will not stand idly by as North Korea builds the capability to wreak destruction on any target in the region - or on us,” Gates said at the opening of the “Shangri-La Dialogue” Asia security summit here. This comes on the heels of yet another reported missile test by North Korea yesterday. North Korea reported conducting both nuclear and missile tests this week and threatened to attack U.S. and South Korean warships. The secretary called North Korea's quest for nuclear weapons and intercontinental ballistic missiles “reckless, and ultimately selfdestructive.” The United States, he said, would not bend under the pressure or provocation of North Korea. “North Korea’s nuclear program and actions constitute a threat to regional peace and security,” Gates said. “The transfer of nuclear weapons or material by North Korea to states or nonstate entities would be considered a great threat to the United States and our allies. And we would hold North Korea fully accountable for the consequences of such action.” On the military flight here, Gates told reporters traveling with him that there are no plans for military action against North Korea and that diplomatic measures are the first option for dealing with the country's developing nuclear threat. He said he hopes any sanctions, however, would target the country’s leaders and not strike at its impoverished people. In coming weeks the United States will send senior officials to talk with leaders of South Korea, China, Japan and Russia. All are original members of the Six-Party Talks, put in place to attempt a

10 •

peaceful resolution to the security concerns of North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. The talks have been stalled since the United Nations Security Council condemned North Korea in April for a failed missile test. Following the condemnation, North Korea expelled U.N. inspectors from the country. The talks will center on developing a unified approach to North Korea’s actions, and will include discussion of military posturing

should diplomatic sanctions fail, a ior military official from China, the senior defense department official country that Gates says has the most said, speaking on background. influence on North Korea. Gates recently met with top Significant international coopdefense officials from Japan and South eration is needed to pressure North Korea, the first time he’s met with Korea into abandoning its nuclear them simultaneously. weapons program, and the conseCustomarily, Japan quences of a military SINGAPORE and South Korea have conflict in region are met with the United “enormous to contemStates separately, but Gates is reaching plate,” the secretary said. At this out for more multilateral approaches to point, however, North Korea's security issues in the region. nuclear program does not pose a He also met briefly with a sendirect military threat to the United

States, he added. “I think what is central to multilateral efforts ... is to try and peacefully stop those programs before they do in fact become ... a clear and present danger,” Gates said during the question and answer session after his speech. “If they continue on the path they’re on,” he said, “I think the consequences for stability in the region are significant, and I think it poses the potential ... for some kind of an arms race here in this region.”

Hours of Operation: The Museum opens and conducts tours Monday thru Friday from 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m. and on Saturdays from 10:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. the Museum is closed on Sundays. www.buffalosoldiermuseum.com 1 8 3 4 S o u t h m o r e , H o u s t o n , Te x a s 7 7 0 0 4 I Te l e p h o n e : 7 1 3 - 9 4 2 - 8 9 2 0



TSU Host Transportation Institute for High School Students The Center for Transportation Training and Research will host the 2009 Houston Area National Summer Transportation Institute for high school students June 8 - July 3 at Texas Southern University. The purpose of this institute is to create awareness and stimulate interest in

high school students to take full advantage of the opportunities that exist in the transportation industry. The four-week program is sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and is an extremely intense and structured learning opportunity for youth in the high

school systems of Texas. The curriculum will expose students to new frontiers and adventures such as highway design, transportation of people and cargo, intermodalism, laws, regulation, safety, environmentalism and career opportunities. In addition, students will partic-

ipate in academic enhancement activities, field trips and student projects. Approximately 18 rising 9th, 10th and 11th-grade students will receive full scholarships to participate in the four-week summer program. Scholarships will include tuition, equipment and supplies, trav-


el (field trips), workshops and handouts, facility usage and speakers. Applications are now being accepted. Space for this extremely intense learning opportunity is limited to the first 18 qualified applicants. For more information call Tasjah Hall, project coordinator, at 713-313-1959.


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Wolff Center Students Go to Omaha to Visit Warren Buffett Students Reflect on Rare Opportunity


Students from the Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship, the nation's top-ranked undergraduate entrepreneurial program at the University of Houston C. T. Bauer College of Business, were given the chance of a lifetime when one of the world’s most respected and successful investors Warren Buffett - extended a highly coveted invitation to Berkshire Hathaway Inc. headquarters in Omaha, Neb.

diverse research university in the country, stands at the forefront of education, research and service with more than 35,000 students. About the Bauer College of Business The C.T. Bauer College of Business has been in operation for more than 60 years at the University of Houston main campus. Through its five academic departments, the college offers a full-range of undergraduate, masters and doctoral degrees in business. The Bauer College is fully accredited by the AACSB International - the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. In August 2000, Houston business leader and philanthropist Charles T. (Ted) Bauer endowed the

College of Business with a $40 million gift. In recognition of his generosity, the college was renamed the C.T. Bauer College of Business.

UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON PROUD: Ernesto Manrique and Lauren Valinoti not only get a photo opportunity but also a meeting of a lifetime with Warren Buffett.

The Center’s namesake, Melvyn Wolff (BBA '53), is Chairman of Star Furniture, a Berkshire Hathaway company. Twenty-seven students from the program, along with a select group of students from Harvard, MIT and other top universities were invited to spend time with Buffett April 16 and 17. The Wolff Center was named the best undergraduate program for entrepreneurs in the U.S. by The Princeton Review and Entrepreneur magazine. Buffett’s invitation is yet another indication of how highly regarded the program is, said Daniel Steppe, Director of WCE. “This was an amazing opportunity for the students, and I know they left a wonderful impression with Buffett and everyone else who was there with their enthusiasm, skills and entrepreneurial spirit,” Steppe said. “The students already grasp what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur, but this opportunity to talk with Warren Buffett about some of the challenges he's faced and the decisions he has made is something they'll learn from and remember throughout their lives.” UH Bauer students had the opportunity to visit some of the Berkshire Hathaway subsidiaries and participated in a Student Q&A Session with Buffett during the twoday visit. Other schools invited include Harvard, MIT, Columbia, University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and the University of Minnesota. According to Steppe, most schools invited are business graduate programs, making Wolff Center one of the only undergraduate business programs to be included. Some of the topics students prepared for Buffett included the best entrepreneurial opportunities in a negative business cycle, maintaining integrity in business, the global outlook during this downturn, his views on the nationalization of the auto industry and his projections for a Wall Street recovery.

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Pursley Law Firm Responds To News Of Recent $12 Million Mesothelioma Settlement Pursley Law Firm was glad to see justice for a retired Navy machinist with malignant Mesothelioma. The man was awarded $12.1 million dollars in a lawsuit settled recently in California. HOUSTON – Pursley Law Firm, a leading Houston law firm for mesothelioma and asbestosis cases, was pleased to see courts around the country continue to award just settlements to victims of employer negligence. Because of being exposed to asbestos during the course of their regular employment, millions of people now suffer from mesothelioma, which can only be caused by exposure to the toxic fibers. Law firms like Pursley are fighting to help victims hold employers accountable and reclaim the damages that they deserve. In this case, Mr. Charles Cundiff, a retired United States Navy machinist, brought suit against the company that had supplied and manufactured a product containing asbestos. While working at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, the machinist was repeatedly exposed to toxic asbestos fibers and was never warned of the danger. The company that supplied the materials was Lone Star Industries, and the manufacturer was John Crane, Inc. Both were found to have failed Mr. Cundiff by not providing information crucial to his health and safety while working with asbestos. Mr. Cundiff was involved in the repair of gaskets in engine rooms aboard vessels, in particular the USS Kitty Hawk. While working aboard the Kitty Hawk, he was repeatedly exposed to toxic asbestos dust and fibers, but was unaware that any precautions needed to be taken. He wore no protective equipment and did nothing to stop ingestion or inhalation of the asbestos. Unfortunately, Mr. Cundiff developed malignant mesothelioma as a result of this exposure. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops almost exclusively due to asbestos inhalation. Malignant mesothelioma is very aggressive and incurable. It affects the body's mesothelium, which is the lining between skin and around organs. Tumors grow, impeding function and causing pain. Because of the way the illness develops, mesothelioma is

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typically dormant for years after the lioma causes for victims and their exposure, leading to lawsuits that go families,” said Jack Pursley, Firm to trial decades after the incident. Manager of Pursley Law Firm PLLC. Nevertheless, with diligent research, Pursley Law Firm has some of lawyers are usually able the top Houston perto recover fair compensonal injury attorCOMMENTARY sation for those injured neys, including many by asbestos exposure due to compa- who specialize in mesothelioma and ny negligence. asbestos. The firm also offers “I am always glad to see courts Houston truck accident lawyers, perdealing fairly with the victims of sonal injury attorneys, business asbestos exposure. We believe in lawyers, and more. They serve fairness, and we are always pleased clients in the state of Texas, but also to see settlements awarded that rec- throughout the United States. Their ognize the serious harm mesothe- Houston divorce lawyers and other

attorneys all share a sense of dedication to fairness for the client. That’s why the law firm was so glad to see Mr. Cundiff receive fair treatment from the California court. “Whenever there is a mesothelioma case, the ultimate goal is for it to be fair. It doesn't matter who's involved, or where it takes place. You always want the victim to get fair treatment,” concludes Pursley. About Pursley Law Firm: Pursley Law Firm is a top Texas legal consulting agency offering a team of

premier Houston personal injury attorneys, truck accident lawyers, divorce lawyers and more. Pursley Law Firm offers free initial consultations to help determine whether or not your case can go to court.



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THE PRICE OF BEING YOURSELF What does it mean to be yourwakes up. The moment there is self? For me, it means being consomeone hitting on your significant scious of the past and not allowing other, “The Critic” jumps into the negativity to action. The moment that a person mocks affect who you are COMMENTARY today. There is someyou, laughs at you, thing within us that stops that from or insults your pride, “The Critic” is there. happening, I call - “The Critic”. There are a number of accusations Hold up, who is “The Critic,” you might be asking. “The Critic” is that come from “The Critic” that are just waiting to trigger you into the part of yourself that you have action. The moment someone quessubconsciously hired as a guard to tions your character, The Critic build a fortress around your person-





















ality and heart. However, the cost of deconstructing that fort is expensive, so it remains, guarding you with the old values, beliefs and



expectations that you assigned to “The Critic” a long time ago. Each time someone questions your individual self, “The Critic” is there to let that person know that you are not afraid of defending yourself. Each one of us holds onto a particular set of standards that makes up the person we know to be “ME”. The moment something causes us to take a footstep outside of those standards, “The Critic” jumps in. Suddenly, we have to



defend ourselves to ourselves for survival – the sense of being “ME” that must be defended at all costs. We have to understand that “The Critic” can be our greatest friend or our greatest enemy. Trust yourself. If you can’t trust who you are – the naturally valuable, brilliant, unique and magnificent person you were born to be – why should anyone else? True freedom lies in simply being yourself.


– Michelle



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SPOTLIGHT PeopleDoingBusiness.Com • Interview

ELECTION DAY IS JUNE 13TH! Aubrey R. Taylor submitted the following questions to both candidates in the June 13, 2009 runoff to become the City of Houston District H Council member TAYLOR: How does it feel to be one step away from possibly becoming the Houston City Councilmember representing District H? CANDIDATE WELSH: I am very proud of the work we have done in our campaign. I have personally blockwalked every neighborhood in District H. I feel that it is important for a candidate to go into neighborhoods himself in order to truly represent the people. This is a grassroots campaign that is about putting people above politics. The residents of District H are tired of business as usual and are ready for something new and I totally represent that. TAYLOR: Can you tell my readers and your potential constituents a little about you and why you want to serve on Houston’s city council? CANDIDATE WELSH: I am a former public high school History and Government teacher that successfully taught in two major District H schools. I am also the former president of the City's largest historic district and my neighborhood association in addition to having served as a Chief of Staff at City Council. I know that I have the experience necessary to hit the ground running for District H because of my hard work ethic and established relationships with the Mayor, City Controller, City Council Members, and City Department Heads. I have had a lifetime of public service and would be honored to serve the residents of District H on Houston City Council. TAYLOR: In the special election you gained approximatedly 26.9 percent of the vote to make your way into the upcoming June 13th run-off. However, we both know the voter turnout was extremely low. Why do you think the turnout was so low? And what are you doing to change that? CANDIDATE WELSH: As a former public high school Government teacher I found the low turnout to be appalling. I believe the turnout was low because of the fact that this is a May/June special election and there were large parts of District H that had no access to early voting locations. I absolutely believe that every community should have full access to early voting locations. My campaign is doing everything we can to make sure that every person is informed about and votes in this election. TAYLOR: If you could speak directly to the voters in District H about the importance of turning out on June 13th what would you say to them in one sentence? CANDIDATE WELSH: Don't vote if you are happy with business as usual and the status quo; vote for me if you are ready for change and want somebody with new ideas and a passion for ALL of the neighborhoods of District H.

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TAYLOR: What do you think is your greatest strength? CANDIDATE WELSH: My greatest strength is that I care about every community in District H. I believe that a City Councilman should represent everyone and not just favor certain communities. My career as a teacher at Jefferson Davis High School in the Northside and Reagan High School in the Heights gave me a chance to work in many of the great neighborhoods in District H. I know this district, I have taught in this district, and I know I will do a great job representing this district. TAYLOR: This is my final question. What do you hope to accomplish for the people of District H before the November (2009

Citywide) election when you will have to do this all over again? CANDIDATE WELSH: As a Councilman for District H I plan on using my experience as a high school Government teacher to conduct town halls all over the district in order to learn what the concerns of residents are. I have been blockwalking in all of the neighborhoods of District H for months and people have told me that they feel like their voices haven't been heard in a long time. I want to listen to the residents of the district and fight for them. I absolutely hope to be an agent of change for improving public safety, the quality of our schools and neighborhoods, and making sure that every community in District H has a Councilman that cares.

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INFORMATION PeopleDoingBusiness.Com • Briefs Texas Business Alliance Announces Officers and Board of Directors HOUSTON – The Texas Business Alliance (TBA), a small business development nonprofit organization, announced its 20092010 officers and board members. “I’m delighted with the energy and expertise our officers and board members bring to the Texas Business Alliance,” said TBA Founder and CEO Jeffrey L. Boney. “The board is dedicated to the mission of TBA and delivering results for the organization’s members and supporters.” Leading the board is Chairman Timothy L. Smith, principal of The Plaid Group. The 2009-2010 officers and board members are Vice Chair Andrea D. Smith, CPMS, CSMS, ITEC, CEO, AbiDawn Holistic Therapies, LLC; Secretary Sharon Phillips, president and CEO, MultiCultural Connections; Treasurer Tracy Taylor-Smith, president and CEO, Taylor Smith Consulting, LLC; Assistant Treasurer Rajiv Bhavsar, vice president lending and branch manager, United Central Bank; Parliamentarian Mark LeCrone, Southern Texas sales consultant, Lightspeed Technologies; General Counsel Jeffery K. Malonson, partner, Vinson & Elkins; and board members Winston Labbe’, vice president community development lending, AmegyBank and George N. Wyche Jr., executive vice president, ConcordisRyland. To guide achievement of the TBA mission and vision, the board has developed the organization’s five-year strategic plan and 20092010 plan of action slated for rollout to the public in summer 2009.

out of retirement to help the Comptroller implement changes in PTAD operations, launch new local outreach efforts and push for legislative changes in the property tax system. “Art’s experience and expertise in local property tax issues have been invaluable,” Combs said. “I am very grateful that he agreed to work with us.”

County Judge Ed Emmett holds News Conference To Discuss Hurricane Preparedness Updates HOUSTON – Harris County Judge Ed Emmett and representatives of the Office of Emergency Management and the Federal Communications Commission

recently met with the news media to discuss updates in the way Harris County and its residents need to prepare for this year's hurricane season. Judge Emmett had this to say: “Although forecasters with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have projected a near-normal season for 2009, those of us who live along the Texas Gulf Coast know it only takes one hurricane to create a disaster,” Emmett said. “A recent poll showed that 55 percent of those living in hurricaneprone areas had no family disaster plan. While it’s true that we can’t control the weather, we can - and we must - prepare for it.”

Tom Melsheimer Named Among Best Lawyers in Texas

him to their list of the nation’s Top 500 lawyers. Mr. Melsheimer’s trial practice includes complex civil and criminal litigation in state and federal courts, emphasizing intellectual property, antitrust, and False Claims Act litigation. He served as an Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas from 1990 to 1993, and during his tenure was honored by the Justice Department as one of the nation’s top prosecutors. Representing 78 specialties of law in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., the annual Best Lawyers list is compiled through a survey in which thousands of the top lawyers in the United States confidentially evaluate their professional peers. More than two million detailed evaluations are reviewed in making the selections.


THINKING ABOUT ADOPTING A CHILD? Our Mission: At The Rainbow of Love Adoption Agency, Incorporated, we believe that every child deserves to have love, stability and permanence in their life!

New Director to Oversee State Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division AUSTIN – Texas Comptroller Susan Combs has named Deborah Cartwright the new director of the Property Tax Assistance Division (PTAD). Cartwright will oversee ongoing changes in the way the state monitors local property taxes, helps local governments comply with property tax laws and informs property owners about the tax process. “Deborah shares my commitment to make property taxes more transparent for the hardworking Texans who pay the tax and the local governments that appraise property and set tax rates,” Combs said. Cartwright is an attorney whose background includes working with the Legislature, the Bexar Appraisal District and the Comptroller’s office from 2002-06. She returned to the Comptroller’s office as assistant director of the Property Tax Assistance Division in January 2009. Cartwright earned a bachelor's degree from Howard Payne College in Brownwood, a master’s degree from the University of Texas LBJ School of Public Affairs and a law degree from the University of Houston. Cartwright replaces Property Tax Assistance Division Director Art Cory. Cory was the longtime chief appraiser for the Travis County Appraisal District. He came

DALLAS - Noted Dallas trial lawyer Thomas M. Melsheimer, the managing principal for the Dallas office of Fish & Richardson P.C., has again been named among the state’s top attorneys in the 2009 edition of Texas’ Best Lawyers. The Texas’ Best Lawyers listing comes from the annual Best Lawyers in America guide. The 2009 edition marks the third consecutive year that Mr. Melsheimer has been included in the prestigious listing of the nation’s top attorneys in commercial litigation. Mr. Melsheimer, who D Magazine described as one of the city's top “courtroom fighters,” has several times been named in the magazine’s annual round-up of “The Best Lawyers in Dallas.” In 2008 he was named one of the best defense attorneys in North Texas by the Dallas Business Journal and the legal publication LawDragon has previously named

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INFORMATION GALVESTON COUNTY ANNOUNCEMENTS Sonar Used To Detect Hurricane Ike Debris In Texas Bays And Lakes TEXAS CITY, Texas – With most of the debris removed from public roads and highways in areas affected by Hurricane Ike, the push now is to complete cleanup operations in bays and lakes along Texas’ upper Gulf Coast, officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Governor's Division of Emergency Management (GDEM) said Friday. When Hurricane Ike blasted Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula on Sept. 13, 2008, countless volumes of debris ended up floating or submerged in the Galveston Bay system and area lakes, including splintered wood, chunks of concrete and broken glass from homes and businesses. Also deposited in the water were stoves, refrigerators and other household appliances; beds and mattresses; vehicles, boats, barges and much more. “You only have to look at a map, and the placement of communities affected by Ike, to see why so much debris from Galveston Island and Bolivar Peninsula ended up in the bays,” said Kelly Huck, supervisor of FEMA’s Debris Group. “Anything you can imagine in a household went into the water.” A good deal of the debris became embedded in the silt and mud of the bays' floors, including a 70-foot steel-hulled shrimp boat that crews will attempt to free near Goat Island - once they locate equipment capable of handling such a job. To expedite the cleanup mission, state contractors are using technology to pinpoint submerged debris. Utilizing side-scan sonar, the state’s contractors are mapping sunken debris throughout the Galveston Bay system as well as in Clear Lake and Sabine Lake. In all, the state is scanning more than 357,000 acres of submerged land for Ike-created “wet debris,” debris of any kind that is floating or below the water’s surface. Using sonar, the contractors can search large areas quicker than they could with divers alone, while not putting divers at unnecessary risk. FEMA’s debris specialists are working side by side with the Texas General Land Office (GLO), which has jurisdictional authority over the state’s submerged lands and thus is the primary applicant for FEMA Public Assistance grants to help pay for the cleanup work. The FEMA specialists also are monitoring the operations on land and on the waterways. “Cleaning up wet debris from our bays and lakes is a massive, time-consuming and costly undertaking,” said Joan Haun, the GDEM’s state coordinating officer for the Ike recovery effort. “Federal grants for this work will provide vital financial assistance to the state.” To date, nearly 85 percent of the 357,000 acres has been surveyed and 55 percent of the identified wet debris has been removed. (The GLO has said the removal of wet debris from areas eligible for federal assistance in the Gulf of Mexico is complete). The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cleared federally maintained navigable channels such as the Intracoastal Waterway and the area ship channels within weeks of the disaster, while the U.S. Coast Guard and the Environmental Protection Agency took charge of the swift cleanup of hazardous debris in area waters. Meanwhile, debris removal is progressing in Galveston Bay, Trinity Bay, East Bay and West Bay, as well as the two large lakes. “FEMA strongly supports the state’s efforts to ensure eligible waters are cleared of debris as soon as possible and no longer present a health and safety threat to the public,” said Federal Coordinating Officer Brad Harris. FEMA leads and supports the nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation, to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the nation from all hazards including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters.

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CONGRATULATIONS: Galveston Veterinarian Honored with Good Samaritan Award Dr. Ken Diestler of the Animal Clinic in Galveston, has earned The Good Samaritan Award in the Visionary category, recognizing his efforts as a first responder during Hurricane Ike.

Galveston. He's done volunteer work in the veterinary community there, he serves on the 2008-2009 Board of Directors for the Texas Veterinary Medical Association, and has served as president of both the Galveston County Veterinary Medical Association and the Galveston Island Humane Society of which he has been a board member for more than 20 years. The Good Samaritan Program is an annual awards program put into place by the Texas Veterinary Medical

Foundation to recognize those who do exceptional things for animals, the community, and the profession of veterinary medicine. Through this recognition, the Foundation intends to educate the public about veterinary medicine, teach animal owner responsibility, and use the program as a public relations vehicle. The persons recognized are given the opportunity to name an animal charity of their choice to receive a $5,000 contribution in their name.

For two weeks, Dr. Diestler, along with his veterinary technician Lucy Click, took refuge at the clinic with no electricity, no gas and no running water. For food, they ate instant meals distributed by military personnel and the American Red Cross. The two veterinary professionals drove around Galveston searching for lost or sick animals. They also gave out free bags of food, flea control, medications and examinations, only replying to payment inquiries with, “If you can,” because so many had lost so much. Aside from his aide during Hurricane Ike, Dr. Diestler had already had a longstanding relationship with the city of



ABOUT THE FOUNDATION: ------------------------------------The Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation was established in 1978 as a charitable and philanthropic organization. The Foundation is dedicated to promoting the health and well being of animals through owner education programs, veterinary student scholarships and emergency funds, and continuing education programs, which is described in the Foundation’s Mission Statement.











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Set Your Appointment Today!: advertise@houston-businessconnections.com Stanley Consultants Opens Houston Office HOUSTON, Texas - Stanley Consultants, Inc., provider of engineering, environmental, and construction services worldwide, has opened an office in Houston, Texas. Located at 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 3300, the office will provide a local presence to clients, as well as access to the nationally-recognized engineering firm's full spectrum of services. Stanley Consultants has been providing engineering services in Houston since 1998, primarily through the company's Austin office. An increasing volume of work at the Texas Medical Center and other higher education, health care, and industrial clients, created the demand for a permanent office. This also facilitates an expansion of power, energy, infrastructure and land development services to Eastern Texas. John Goetzmann is the office manager. He brings over 35 years of professional experience to his role, including mechanical engineering and project management. “Houston is such a vibrant place,” says Goetzmann. “The city's metropolitan nature and Stanley Consultants' worldwide experience fit together handin-glove. I'm thrilled to be a part of this exciting new venture.” Stanley Consultants, Inc., a Stanley Group Company, provides engineering, environmental, and construction services worldwide. Offices are located in Austin, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Boise, Idaho; Chicago, Illinois; Denver, Colorado; Des Moines, Muscatine and Iowa City, Iowa; Houston, Texas, Las Vegas, Nevada; Minneapolis, Minnesota; Naples, Sarasota and West Palm Beach, Florida; Phoenix, Arizona; Salt Lake City, Utah; St. Louis, Missouri, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, as well as select international locations. Since 1913, The Stanley Group has successfully completed more than 23,000 engagements in all 50 states, U.S. territories, and in 98 countries.

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