2 minute read
JJ u d g e I s r a e l B . G a r c i a , J r. w a s b o r n a n d r a i s e d i n A u s t i n , Te x a s . H i s f a t h e r w a s a n e m i g r a n t f r o m M e x i c o w h o b e c a m e a U n i t e d S t a t e s c i t iz e n w h e n J u d g e G a r c i ́ a w a s 1 0 y e a r s o l d T h i s r e m a i n s a v e r y p r o u d m o m e n t f o r t h e G a r c i ́ a F a m i l y. J u d g e G a r c i ́ a ' s m o t h e r w a s b o r n a n d r a i s e d i n A u s t i n , Te x a s .
Judge Garcia attended public schools and attended The University of Texas at Austin where he majored in Government and earned his Bachelor's Degree Upon graduation, Judge Garcia attended Thurgood Marshall School of Law where he earned his Juris Doctorate Judge Garcia was the first member of his family to graduate from a University and obtain a professional license
Judge Garcia began his legal career as a sole practitioner with offices in Austin, Dallas and Houston Judge Garcia has worked on cases ranging from traffic tickets, divorces, commercial litigation, criminal cases and serious personal injury cases For over 28 years as a practicing Attorney, Judge Garcia has been a true general practitioner
Judge Garci ́ a is active in several community groups and civic clubs, including serving as legal counsel to LULAC Council 402 LULAC Council 402 is known as the "Education" Council and has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving Harris County area students Assisting young students and working with children remains a passion of Judge Garci ́ a
Judge Garcia ran as a first-time candidate for and was elected as Justice of the Peace Precinct 5, Place 1 in the 2020 Presidential election
Judge Garcia has focused his attention on providing 21st Century customer service to the citizens of Harris County through state-of-the-art technology and a highly experienced staff to deliver the best possible service in a timely and efficient manner since taking office
2,400 years ago, Socrates aptly described the essential qualities of a good judge: "Four things belong to a judge: To hear courteously; to answer wisely; to consider soberly; and to decide impartially " These words remain as true today as they were when Socrates first spoke them
Judge Garcia continues to strive daily to employ these ideals
JUDGE ISRAEL GARCIA is a true public servant who must be reelected He frequently volunteers his time with legal and community organizations he belongs to and speaks to students of all ages about topics ranging from the importance of obtaining a higher education, volunteering in the community and career day among other topics