“When I think of freedom, I think of a ‘free will’ to make decisions that are good and righteous God gave us a ‘free will’, and surely our American ancestors had the opportunity to make decisions freely right or wrong, but true freedom will teach you the difference
True freedom is a variety of all colors and many options in life then you get to choose what is best for you Freedom never binds us to one area or selection It allows us to exhibit an untamed idea captured by wisdom and love ” -
TThe late great Congresswoman Barbara Jordan once said, “But this is the great danger America faces. That we will cease to be one nation and become instead a collection of interest groups: city against suburb, region against region, individual against individual Each seeking to satisfy private wants.”
Truer words have never been spoken than those so eloquently released into the universe by the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, who went on to become the first Black Member of the United States Congress from the State of Texas
As we pause to celebrate “FREEDOM” for Juneteenth, and Independence Day, Tuesday, July 4, 2023, we must remember that we are only as free as we are in our minds “There is no obstacle in the path of young people who are poor or members of minority groups that hard work and preparation cannot cure,” said Congresswoman Barbara Jordan – my hero And she was right!
The time has come for a “TRUE EMANCIPATION” to occur in Black America As a people, we are losing ground, because we’re allowing the wrong people to attach their struggle to our ongoing struggle And beyond that, we must break free of the “MENTAL CHAINS” that career politicians have used to keep us in bondage for far too long “If you’re going to play the game properly, you’d better know every rule,” proclaimed the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan ” And she was correct
Now, what we’re seeing play out in Texas politics right now, is what’s called a “POLITICAL PARADIGM SHIFT” that’s about to change the political game forever That being said if we “BLACK PEOPLE” don’t wake up, we’re going to become irrelevant when it comes to our political strength and socioeconomic status
is Not Free.”
“It is a precious commodity of liberty, rights, and opportunities While "free" is the root of the worda precious price has been and will continue to have to be paid to keep and maintain the right to speech, education, justice, socioeconomic opportunities, and the expression of religious beliefs and freedoms We do not all have the same beliefs, values, or norms But the continued price of freedoms demands we exhibit a level of respect, compassion, empathy, forgiveness and the strength to stand up against injustice- even if we have to stand alone.”
By Mike Knox Houston City Council - At-Large Position #1GGive me LIBERTY or Give me Death! These words are attributed to Patrick Henry from a speech he made to the Second Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775 What was he talking about? Are these words relevant today?
The words Freedom and Liberty are often used interchangeably in conversation, and I will use them interchangeably in this article Realistically they amount to the same thing Both mean, in the broadest of terms, the absence of hindrance, restraint, confinement, or repression Both Liberty and Freedom mean you can do whatever you want to do Did Patrick Henry mean that Americans should be completely without restraint – I don’t think so
Our Founding Fathers were avid readers of philosophy, logic, and apologetics They studied Socrates, Aristotle, John Locke, and of course, the Bible Many were in the habit of discussing serious issues like Freedom and Liberty as a source of evening entertainment They came to understand that Freedom and Liberty meant individuals were free to do as they pleased provided; they did not hinder another person’s Freedom or Liberty To put it in modern language, “your freedom to swing your arm ends where my nose begins ”
These founders of our country recognized that government authority (laws) inevitably leads to the tyranny of the people and places humans in an unnatural state of servitude to the will of the ruling class They set about inventing a new form of government not a Democracy, but rather a Republic
Our founders understood that Democracy was flawed because it de-
pended on the rule of the masses or majority rule They understood the majority would always favor the larger group over the individual A Republic, on the other hand, is based on the rule of law designed to protect the freedoms of the individual over the will of the majority Unless, of course, the Republic was taken over by a despot, tyrant, or king Their solution was brilliant A democratically elected governing body, which could be managed by the majority, confined by the law enacted by the people through their elected representatives The purpose of the whole exercise was to free the individual to have the liberty to pursue their definition of happiness through the exercise of individual free will
We have all been engaged in this grand experiment for well over two hundred years, and we have not perfected it yet Some would argue we have steadily yielded our Liberty to gain safety and security, that we are stifling free speech with political correctness and are losing the ability as a nation to disagree without being disagreeable It seems our schools have stopped teaching the classics in favor of the convenient Perhaps all this is true However, I like to think these struggles are not new to the United States and that Liberty and Freedom will ultimately prevail Freedom and Liberty are, to me, the light at the end of the tunnel The goal to which we must constantly struggle to achieve Americans have died in places near and far attempting to obtain this “Holy Grail” we call Freedom From the first person killed in the Boston Massacre, Crispus Attucks, to the next person who gives their full measure of devotion in service to this nation and all who have sacrificed in past conflicts so we can continue to seek Freedom, Americans would rather have Liberty than life itself So, it would appear to me, Patrick Henry’s words in 1775 are as true today as they were then I, for one, agree Give me Liberty or Give me Death!
COUNCILMAN MIKE KNOX AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “I would like to thank Councilman Mike Knox, and the Honorable Jacquie Baly for finding value in my request to share their thoughts on “FREEDOM” and what it means to them Councilman Mike Knox is running for Harris County Sheriff in the 2024 Republican Party PrimaryREAL-LIFE EXPERIENCE. ROCK-SOLID INTEGRIT Y.
Native Texan Julian Ramirez, 58, is a licensed attorney who has worked in the Harris County criminal courts for more than 32 years A second-generation U S citizen, Julian’s story epitomizes the American Dream Julian’s great-grandfather was recruited to the U S from Mexico in 1908 to help build railroads The move ensured a better life and security for his family and generations to follow Julian’s grandparents became sharecroppers raising their children on a Fort Bend County farm during the Great Depression Like many Mexican Americans of the time, his parents attained only a grade school education However, the value of an education coupled with hard work was not lost on his parents They raised seven children in a two-bedroom house without air conditioning “across the tracks” on Rosenberg’s working-class north side They faithfully attended Our Lady of Guadalupe Church every Sunday and made sure each of their seven children graduated from high school and attended college
Growing up, Julian and his siblings stocked shelves and worked the cash register in the small family grocery store to help support the family The experience taught him the value hard work and the importance of providing a service to the community
Julian received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1986 and his Doctor of Jurisprudence in 1989 from the University of Texas at Austin Julian’s dedication to public service led him to a 27-year career at the Harris County District Attorney s Office
Julian prosecuted thousands of felony cases and tried more than 150 first chair jury trials for crimes ranging from death penalty capital murders to DWI’s He was promoted to chief felony prosecutor in 1994 managing large dockets of felony cases and division chief in 2007 He has overseen multiple felony courts the public corruption unit and the civil rights division He has also handled many gang cases, high-profile matters, and complex investigations
His retirement from the DA’s Office in December 2016 was a short one When the current DA recused her office from handling hundreds of cases, district court judges appointed Julian to prosecute more than 50 of them He has continued to try violent crime cases including capital murder and murder, to guilty verdicts
Julian has been asked many times to share his expertise by teaching police officers at the Houston Police Academy and prosecutors at the DA s Office and across the state Julian has taught thousands of police and prosecutors on various criminal and investigative topics
Julian is active in the Memorial Park 1st Ward congregation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and his son’s boy scout troop He lives in Houston with his wife Caroline Dozier, their 13-year-old son, and their two dogs
BY DR. KAREN KOSSIE-CHERNYSHEVJuneteenth, June 19, 1865, marks the day enslaved men and women in Texas, learned that they were free from physical bondage The Juneteenth document promised them “absolute equality” (sociopolitical progress) and the “right to earn wages for their work” (economic progress) No longer the properties of others, they could now own property a gateway to all the rights and privileges that came with being citizens of the United States of America Accordingly, they began to build homes, churches, educational institutions, businesses, and entire communities to enjoy their inalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Freedmen and women soon learned, however, that their freedom was perceived to be a social, political, and economic threat to others Accordingly, Black Codes and Plessy v Ferguson (1896) quickly rose to put limits on their freedom As human nature and Newton's third law of motion dictated, they responded by joining forces with other reasonable Americans and initiated a long civil rights movement to demand that the nation make good on its promises
Today, as an African American born after Brown v Board (1954) and a beneficiary of its fruits, I can affirm that some promises have indeed been kept I am nonetheless certain that others need to be reviewed, renewed, or created Today, every citizen needs access to quality healthcare and education, and safety from violence
Today, every American should have the freedom to make medical decisions about their bodies Today, every American has the right to pursue financial freedom
Today, every American should be free from the tyranny of any kind or expression
Today, every American has a right to have their vote counted However, maintaining each of these freedoms requires intentionality and strategic planning Step one is voter registration; step two is voter education; and step three, is voter determination Without each of the three being effectively implemented and protected, as we have learned in recent history, the freedoms we have grown to expect and appreciate can be easily stripped away
Put succinctly, freedom is “ours” to “keep” and never to “lose” or “abuse ” As the suffix “-dom” implies, “freedom” is our “domain ” We own it; therefore, we must cherish and protect it The idea of freedom that is for some but not others will never be sustainable As a nation, we have already learned that all of humanity regardless of race, creed, color, or gender is bent toward self-determination and actualization For this reason, together, we must strive to respect, love, protect, and make peace with each other so that we can join forces to create a nation and world where all humanity can live and thrive freely For citizens of the United States of America, “freedom” is truly our “home ” And we all know deep down in our heart of hearts that there is no “place” better than “freedom,” and there is certainly no place like home! God Bless the United States of America, Our Home Sweet Home!
For me an African American woman and native Texan, five generations deep the word “freedom” is chocked full of meaning. It is multilayered, multidimensional, and most important, it is intentional
“Freedom is “ours” to “keep” and never to “lose” or “abuse.”
Three-Term Waller County
Precinct #3 Constable (2013-Present)
CEO of Miracles in Motion (Drug Treatment Rehab Facility — served hundreds of men and women (1980-2000)
Owner, Holy Smoke BBQ
Native of Waller County, Resident of PV Community Activist/Organizer(35-years)
“I’m from this community; I live in this community; and I will always fight for and protect this community.”
AMERICA: Land of the Free ... “WHAT FREEDOM M E A N S T O M E . ”
Dr. Nissi Hamilton Discusses
What Freedom Means to Her
Because “It takes a village” – that was a collective responsibility, but it has turned into an excuse to be in violent tyranny. Productive competence builds productive communities with confidence We ain’t free when our children don’t feel connected and confident about where they come from
Freedom to me today means being an influencer and a first responder but being responsible and respectful in both positions, because at the end of the day when my house is on fire; I don’t want an influencer to show up; I need a first responder to show up But if I need to find a missing kid I become that first responder by influencing people to trust that finding this kid matters.
Freedom to me also means putting the Word of God back in education so that our children can stop killing each other and selling their bodies ”
AMERICA: Land of the Free ...
Vince Duncan Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
W“When the United States of America was a struggling Republic, en route to becoming a Nation that was offering ‘Refuge’ from any and every form of ‘Oppression’ and ‘Offering Opportunity’ and Freedom to people from all over the world – My Ancestors were a part of America's permanent ‘Underclass’ as Enslaved Africans: Who were forced to Build America's Infrastructure from New York To Massachusetts building the Ports that would dock the ships and building the railways that would transport immigrants from East to West
A Conversation with my Grandfather (Elwood Livingston) would change my whole perspective on Freedom when I asked him if he was a Republican or Democrat. He told me that he supported Mr Lincoln's Party because they Freed his Grandfather (George Livingston) and his Father (Charles Livingston) and his mother (Sylvia Gamble) from Slavery. He went on to tell me that his debt to Mr. Lincoln had been paid I asked my Grandfather, “What am I?” He responded that I was “FREE” to make choices and decide for myself And from that moment I was “FREE” to have Dreams as “High as the Sky” and as “Wide as the ocean ”
A n d o n t h e “ E v e o f J u n e t e e n t h ” a r m e d w i t h t h e k n o w l e d g e t h a t m y G r e a t G r e a t G r a n d p a r e n t s a n d G r e a t G r a n d p a r e n t s w e r e a m o n g t h e f i r s t c o l o n y o f F r e e B l a c k s i n Te x a s , I f e e l a t r e m e nd o u s s e n s e o f p r i d e
F r e e d o m f o r m e i s r e a d i n g a n a r t i c l e w r i t t e n b y A u b r e y Ta y l o r a n d t h e n g o i n g o u t a n d c o l l e c t i n g “ P e t it i o n S i g n a t u r e s ” t o h a v e m y n a m e p l a c e d o n t h e b a l l o t t o r u n f o r t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s C o n g r e s s T h a t ' s F r e e d o m t o m e , k n o w i n g t h a t m y a n c e s t o r s w e r e n o t l e g a l l y a l l o w e d t o r e a d , w r i t e , o r v o t e , b u t I a m
Freedom to me is having the “Faith and Courage” to follow the path that God created for me Being the first person in the line to do what no one has done and blazing a trail that many can follow – that’s real FREEDOM ”
“As American citizens we have a right to freely exercise our first Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech..”
AMERICA: Land of the Free ...
JJUDGE KYLE CARTER: “We are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness Freedom is the ability to exercise those rights However, this freedom is not something that just happens. Our forefathers made it possible for us to experience the American dream of freedom and we must, as part of our generational duty continue to fight against those who would take our freedoms away and to ensure opportunity exists for all Americans. A s P r e s i d e n t F r a n k l i n D . R o o s e v e l t a p t l y s t a t e d "In the truest sense, freedom
cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved."
HHONORABLE JACQUIE BALY: “ M y p a r e n t s m i g r a t e d t o A m e r i c a m a n y y e a r s a g o t o g i v e t h e i r o n l y c h i l d a b e t t e r l i f e a n d a c h a n c e o f a c h i e v i n g t h e A m e r i c a n D r e a m . A s a r e s u l t , f r e e d o m e m b o d i e s h a v i n g t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o p u r s u e a g r e a t e d u c a t i o n , p u r s u i n g a p r o m i s i n g c a r e e r a n d b e c o m i n g a n a c c o m p l i s h e d b u s i n e s s o w n e r a n d e n t r e p r e n e u r I a m b l e s s e d t o a c h i e v e t h e s e g o a l s a n d s o m u c h m o r e . B u t F r e e d o m d o e s n o t s t o p t h e r e . I t a l s o e n c o mp a s s e s b e i n g a d e d i c a t e d p u b l i c s e r v a n t a n d g i v i n g b a c k t o o u r w o n d e r f u l c o m m u n i t y t h a t h a s g i v e n s o m u c h t o m e . I a m n o w a p r o u d m o t h e r o f t w o v e r y a c c o m p l i s h e d y o u n g m e n . F r e e d o m
n o w h a s n e w m e a n i n g s a s t h e y f o l -
l o w i n m y f o o t s t e p s i n p u b l i c s e r v -
i c e a n d h e l p m a k e o u r
c o m m u n i t y e v e n b e t t e r t h a n
i t i s t o d a y. C r e a t i n g a p o s i -
t i v e l e g a c y a n d p r o m o t i n g
g o o d w i l l , o u r f r e e d o m
a s A m e r i c a n s w i l l c o n -
t i n u e f o r m a n y g e n e r a -
t i o n s t o c o m e . ”
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
With a continued record of shattering glass ceilings, State Representative Shawn Thierry is the first, and only, woman to serve in the historic Texas House District 146 seat She is an alumna of Howard University and Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University Representative Thierry has been a licensed attorney for 27 years and is a principal at Hardwick Law Firm, LLC, practicing in the area of public finance
Serving in her fourth term at the Texas Legislature, Rep Thierry is Vice-Chair of the influential House Ways and Means Committee and was recently appointed to the House Energy Resources Committee She is regarded as a “voice for the voiceless” and is credited nationally for raising awareness on the maternal mortality and morbidity crisis, including its disproportionate impact on women of color
Affectionally described as a "policy powerhouse", Rep Thierry has authored over 80 bills, tackling a range of issues including: school safety, human trafficking, mental health, and maternal care She successfully renamed part of State Highway 288 after her childhood hero, the late Congresswoman Barbara Jordan Rep Thierry formally unveiled The “Barbara Jordan Memorial Parkway” before the Houston community on March 8, 2022
Representative Shawn Thierry is honored to be named one of the Top 30 Most Influential Women in Houston.
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
State Rep. Thierry will be up for re-election in 2024.
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
“It is my humble honor to be named as the 2023 Barbara Jordan Impact Award Honoree for Community Service! Thank you so much to the Barbara Jordan Houston Section of the National Council of Negro Women for this incredible r e c o g n i t i o n a n d f o r y o u r d y n a m i c y e a r s o f service!” — STATE REP. SHAWN THIERRY
Texas Governor Greg Abbott was joined by Gallery Furniture Owner Jim "Mattress Mack" McIngvale (second from right), two-time World Heavyweight Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist George Foreman (third from right), The R O C K Founder and Senior Pastor Dr Dana Carson (second from left), The Imani School Founding Head and Executive Director Patricia Williams (not pictured), Booker T Washington Initiative Director Dr Richard Johnson (far left), Texas Public Policy Foundation Campaign Director Mandy Drogin (not pictured), Lynden Rose, Harris County Sports Authority Board Director (far right), and other parent empowerment advocates as he proclaimed his commitment to expanding educational freedom for all Texas students at a Parent Empowerment Night held at Reflections of Christ's Kingdom World Outreach International (The R O C K ) that was packed with over 350 parents, students, educators, and parent empowerment advocates in Houston
Protecting Free Speech
Governor Abbott has long championed freedom of speech for all Texans Working with the Texas Legislature, the Governor has fought to protect the
tween Newsmax and DIRECTV
Governor Abbott will continue to lead efforts to secure the freedom of speech, especially in online forums, by protecting minors from harmful online content and providing increased protection of consumers’ personal data
— CONGRESSWOMAN BARBARA JORDAN First Black Member of Congress from the State of Texas
“Governor Greg Abbott has long championed freedom of speech for all Texans. Working with the Texas Legislature, the Governor has fought to protect the First Amendment rights of Texans. ”
“If the society today allows wrongs to go unchallenged, the impression is created that those wrongs have the approval of the majority.”
Kathleen Haynes Discusses
What Freedom Means to Her
“Freedom to me, is being able to go where you want to go with whom you want when you want This seems so trite and obvious but many people in this world are not free to move around or do as they wish
I grew up in Miami, Florida during the Cuban Missile Crisis era and I saw firsthand what families were willing to risk to escape tyranny Many of the Cuban immigrants escaped with the shirts on their back's and many others perished They had a dream of freedom and they were willing to risk everything to pursue it
Miami today is a model city and many of the leaders are second-generation Americans who treasure freedom dearly because of their family history
America was founded on the belief that we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Many people have died to protect those rights
Freedom isn't free, that's what Memorial Day is all about
Freedom to me is being able to teach the next generation about our treasured history and principles President Dwight Eisenhower, once said, "a People that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both "
Freedom to me, is being able to sing, "God Bless America" and mean it
Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabaz z Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
“ F r e e d o m i s t h e f u e l t h a t d r i v e s u s t o a c h i e v e o u r g r e a t e s t p o t e n t i a l a n d m a k e a p o s i t i v e i m p a c t i n t h e w o r l d I t l i b e r a t e s u s f r o m t h e c o n s t r a i n t s o f f e a r a n d o p p r e s s i o n , a ll o w i n g u s t o p u r s u e o u r p a s s i o n s a n d l i v e l i f e t o t h e f u l l e s t W i t h f r e ed o m a s o u r g u i d i n g f o r c e , w e c a n b e c o m e t h e b e s t v e r s i o n s o f o u rs e l v e s a n d i n s p i r e a n d h o p e f u l l y h e l p o t h e r s t o d o t h e s a m e ”
Gloria D. Wiggins Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
“Freedom, as originally intended from the founding of this nation, is the right to exercise my religious beliefs without interference from the government and the right to participate in how I am governed Freedom is a word that is used so loosely today that it has lost its true meaning Our freedoms are not free there is a cost I was never so appreciative of what it means to be an American until my freedoms were disrupted, threatened, and sometimes taken during the pandemic response Freedom carries a different meaning for me today It means I have a right to be fairly considered for employment based on my skills and experience and not some preemptive, arbitrary, or sub-
“As American citizens we have a right to freely exercise our first Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech..”
jective requirements
Freedom means I have the right to choose how I protect my body from sickness and disease Freedom means I have a right to choose my course of action and/or activities to keep me and my family safe Freedom means I have a right to all information to inform my opinions and direct my decisions Freedom means I have a right to say no to usurping my God-given rights; rights as a citizen and as a constituent of my community without being penalized or ostracized that’s true freedom to me in 2023!”
Tony Buzbee Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
"Freedom means to me “free from ” Free from artificial and outdated barriers Free from being held back by old small thinking and petty beliefs Freedom to me also means “free to ” Free to dream Free to try Free to even fail Free to try, and keep trying "
Richard Nguyen Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“Half a century ago, my parents defiantly stared the grim reaper in the eyes and warned the angel of death to keep away Despite the danger, famine, and sickness, with five young children and nothing but the
"Our kids should have access to the number one education system in the United States, and we will do that by empowering parents..."
“There is no obstacle in the path of young people who are poor or members of minority groups that hard work and preparation cannot cure.”
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
— CONGRESSWOMAN BARBARA JORDAN First Black Member of Congressfrom the State of Texas
clothes on their backs, they escaped a wartorn country and a communistic tyrannical government and crossed the largest ocean to come to the United States of America
Empty-handed, my parents arrived at the one place they knew where they could live, build and thrive, not just exist or survive They knew hard work and sacrifice would bring success and comfort They dared not wish for abundance nor luxury, only to have hopes and to be free
Half a century later, all their children have university degrees and are contributing to society, only because they dreamed of freedom, fought for freedom, found freedom, cherished freedom, and kept freedom And when they die, they will die for freedom Freedom is a treasure not everyone is fortunate enough to find and only a few can afford it Millions paid for it with their lives ”
Jerr y Ford Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“In my opinion, freedom means guaranteed rights and protections of American citizens to provide for themselves and their communities without the government over taxation and regulations ”
Dr. Cynthia Lenton-Gar y Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
When I thought about what freedom means to me, I immediately thought of Galatians 5:1
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery "
Webster's dictionary defines freedom as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint Dr Martin Luther King, Jr wrote in his letter from a Birmingham jail that "Freedom is never given voluntarily by the oppressor It must be demanded by the oppressed " I must also add that freedom is what you perceive it to be in your heart, body, and soul
Freedom means to make a choice without hesitation Freedom means to speak openly in conversations Freedom means to move freely without procrastination
Freedom means you are loved and can receive love in an abundant amount of adoration
Freedom is also having the peace of mind to choose what is best for you without the fear of being ridiculed or ostracized I pray that each of you has some form of freedom within to avoid becoming captive or enslaved in your own personal being We can choose to be FREE!”
Willie Davis Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“I learned at an early age, the appreciation and privilege of freedom My family roots were founded in a rural town, called Navasota, Texas, where my father, mother, and siblings worked, and lived on cotton farms My parents picked and shopped cotton, making a living in very tough conditions They were not slaves but had to survive the best way they could, back in those days and times
I learned to have a greater appreciation of freedom, because of the opportunity given to me by the work ethics of my roots I volunteered for the United States Army during Vietnam and served with the green beret (special forces) in eastern Asia During my military training and experiences, it was all about freedom for my family and for others back in America I served so that Americans could continue to live with the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint Freedom in America is proof that your past does not have to be your final destination ”
Rodrick Smith Jr., Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“Freedom is the state of being free from external control or influence, and the ability to act, speak, or think without being constrained by arbitrary restrictions or limitations It is the ability to exercise one's own will and make choices without coercion or undue influence and to pursue one's own goals and aspirations
Freedom is considered a fundamental human right and is essential for the devel-
opment of individual autonomy, creativity, and self-expression It is also a necessary condition for the establishment of democratic societies, where citizens are free to participate in the political process and express their opinions and beliefs ”
Ar thur Smith Jr., Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“To me, freedom is about having a piece of mind, and being available to be about GOD Our Father ’s BUSINESS at all times without compromise! My dad (Leroy Smith) and my mom (Evelyn Smith) always trained and instructed me to do the right thing, and they both always encouraged me to allow my actions to show how much I respected myself
Now, I will always feel "The Freedom of Free" as long as GOD our Creator can see that my thoughts in His presence (What I Am Thinking) are more important to me than what humanity gets to see from my actions! I am a changed man for real from a (Convicted) troubled youth who lost respect for all human life as a teenager to a grown man who is committed to living the rest of my days respecting, helping, and nurturing others while loving myself and life for the betterment of all mankind! I only get involved in things I am passionate about, that are never monetarily driven – to me that’s real FREEDOM ”
Cindy Siegel Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
“Freedom to me is the opportunity that we are given in this country to use our Godgiven talents to accomplish whatever our dream is Freedom is having a government that doesn't stand in the way of people accomplishing their dreams Freedom is what men and women have fought for in our country from its beginning The price of freedom is one we all bear - and that is to fight for it and be accountable for how we exercise our freedom ”
www.aubreyr taylor.blogspot .com
“As American citizens we have a right to freely exercise our first Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech..”
"Texas wants to see all of our children well-educated and the best way to do it is by empowering parents to choose the best education option for their child We can have the best of both worlds by fully funding public education and school choice — and in the best of both worlds, mom and dad are in charge of their kids.”
First Black Member of Congress from the State of Texas
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
“Education remains the key to both economic and political empowerment.”
John Stanford Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“Freedom is not free if you live in a country or society on earth But if you are a believer in Christ freedom is a gift In America, we live in a “free” society, but we are not free to do whatever we want to whenever we want to do it Freedom from oppression is a good thing ”
Chris Daniel Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“Freedom is exactly that, freedom In an age, where we are often redefining terms, it is no surprise that many come to think freedom means, freedom FROM something I would politely argue that being free from anything means that we are not free to be or enjoy that thing that we are running from
Quite simply, freedom is freedom
What are the rights of freedom? While many have written on this, I find the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to be a good guideline
Created in the wake of World War II, it enumerates more than 30 rights and duties of us as humans But again we fight for freedom Not freedom from, but freedom in its purity and also in its entirety And I fight for YOUR freedom ”
Jared Woodfill Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint However, it is so much more than the definition found in the dictionary Throughout history, freedom has inspired individuals to fight against those who would trample upon their God-given inalienable rights Freedom motivated revolutionaries to topple an arrogant King George Freedom inspired civil rights activists to expand our democracy to all people regardless of race Freedom motivates many of us to challenge the radical leftist agenda being pushed on our children
Let us never forget that over 2000 years ago our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ gifted us with eternal freedom when He gave his
life on the cross Freedom is not free It was purchased through the sacrifice of those who have gone before us We now carry the mantle of freedom Let us be faithful!”
Charles Stamps Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“Freedom to me is one's ability to exercise and fulfill all God-Given abilities unimpeded by a system that does not believe in the same God that I do – although they think that they do ”
Jimmy I León Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“FREEDOM means Fair Elections, Equitable Schools, Not being falsely Imprisoned/Enslaved, No government medical Mandates, the absence of necessity, No Coercion, and the FREEDOM to be who we are predestined to be!” Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and the right to petition the government, together, these five Guaranteed FREEDOMS make the People of the United States the FREEST people in the World Making America a ‘Promised Land’ to the World! However, everyone's FREEDOM must be Respected and Not infringed upon ”
Alex Wallenwein Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“Freedom is our ability to decide “for” or “against” God while we live Ironically, those who used that freedom to decide “against” God doesn’t want the rest of us to have God ”
Bishop K .J. Brown Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
“It is with great humility I thank God for the freedoms that we enjoy as Americans The ability to exercise simple freedom of speech is a true blessing In sharing my definition of freedom, my expressions are multifaceted; but the foundation rests on my Christian principles
Spiritual freedom stands as the hierarchy of all the freedoms I enjoy The political freedoms that we enjoy as citizens of the United States of America have come with a great price and much sacrifice Philosophically, I view all freedoms as being limited and restrictive in some aspect We have freedoms, but wisdom says we must exercise our freedoms within the guidelines of the laws of God and man Therefore, freedom at its best is to endeavor to enjoy our degree and expressions of freedom as best as we can in a certain balance as we live our lives in total obedience to the will of God ”
Deirdre Dickson-Gilber t Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
“Freedom is never given voluntarily by the oppressor; it is demanded by the oppressed: “Martin Luther King”
“As a people, we have struggled for so long for “freedom ” We have whispered that we were not free, but I am reminded of the looseness of the shackles, reminded that we have been gifted with the sounds of knowledge and that we are now able to walk into places of the unknown I believe that our mindsets keep us in bondage and we must seek recovery to find wholeness in a world of uncertainty
Bondage was the condition, but Freedom is our cure Although we walk in a world that wants to stunt our freedom, we are the makers of our destiny We are history and we can choose to walk in the light or we can continue to walk in darkness Martin Luther King, Jr said it best, “oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever ” The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself You are FREEDOM, WALK IN IT!”
Norma Ovalle Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
“I believe that “freedom” is universal! ALL species should be free! Humans, animals (small and large), whether on land, up in the sky, underground, or in water i e ponds, lakes, oceans, or tanks
But, above all and most important, was and is America’s liberation from the evil of human slavery!”
www.aubreyr taylor.blogspot .com
“As American citizens we have a right to freely exercise our first Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech..”
“For nearly 200 years, Texas has stood for freedom, personal liberty, and self-reliance. We must ensure Texas remains the freedom capital of America.”
“For God hath notgiven us the spirit of fear; but ofpower , and of love, and of a sound mind. ” - 2nd Timothy 1:7 K JV
“A government is invigorated when each of us is willing to participate in shaping the future of this nation.”
— CONGRESSWOMAN BARBARA JORDAN First Black Member of Congressfrom the State of Texas
T"The First Amendment (1791) prohibits Congress from obstructing the exercise of certain individual freedoms: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and right to petition. Its Free Exercise Clause guarantees a person's right to hold whatever religious beliefs they want, and to freely exercise that belief, and its Establishment Clause prevents the federal government from creating an official national church or favoring one set of religious beliefs over another. The amendment guarantees an individual's right to express and to be exposed to a wide range of opinions and views. It was intended to ensure a free exchange of ideas, even unpopular ones. It also guarantees an individual's right to physically gather or associate with others in groups for economic, political, or religious purposes. Additionally, it guarantees an individual's right to petition the government for a re-
“A patriot is a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.”
"Patriots, Rise Up And Restore Our God-Given, Unalienable Constitutional Rights. ” - Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
AMERICA: Land of the Free ...
GEORGIA D. PROVOST: “Freedom to me means -- enjoying personal, civil and political liberty. Enjoying our entitled to citizenship and other special privileges. That is why I speak and stand up for what is right, and I call them out who are in a position to do so. What the world needs now is God, prayers, and an extra dose of love and unity Love you!”
AMERICA: Land of the Free ...
JJeralynn Manor was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana Her mother was a nurse, and her father, a career officer with the New Orleans Police Department There he set the bar high for his daughter He attained numerous awards and accommodations, including various achievements, such as becoming the first African American counter-sniper for the SWAT department and the first African American diver on the dive team Manor ’s hard work and high goal standards are certainly founded in her bloodline Jeralynn Manor ’s service to all mankind” mantra and dedication to her craft is evidenced in her career achievements
Jeralynn studied philosophy at Xavier University in New Orleans before finishing her undergraduate studies in Administration of Justice at Texas Southern University She went on to Thurgood Marshall School of Law, where she earned the American Juris Prudence Award in Bankruptcy under the tutelage of the Honorable Justice Manual Leal of the Southern District of Texas Bankruptcy Court Jeralynn also and won 1st place in the Mock Trial competition In 2001 Manor earned her Juris Doctorate and became a licensed attorney by the Texas Supreme Court In her 18 plus years of practicing law, attorney Jeralynn Manor has worked in several areas She concentrated her early career as a closing attorney for 3 major title companies In this area practice, Jeralynn played an integral role in helping thousands of Texans achieve the dream of home-ownership
Jeralynn Manor currently practices in the areas of Personal Injury, Mass Tort, Civil Rights, Immigration and, Employment Law Attorney Jeralynn Manor is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc , Texas Trial Lawyers Association, the Pro Bono College of the Texas State Bar, and a member of the Champions of Justice Society of the Texas Equal Access to Justice Jeralynn is also an NAACP- Life Member and has been in leadership roles with Boy Scouts of America as Den Mother to her son’s pack She is also on the board of directors of The Black Heritage Society/Original MLK Parade Foundation Jeralynn Manor enjoys being a mother to her three children Taft, Rogdrick, and Brooklynn Jeralynn Manor instills into her children the same values of hard work, dedication, service to all mankind, and love, passed on to her by her father, the late Sgt Jerome M Dupre
Judge Jeralynn Manor will be up for re-election in 2024.
“ Fr e e d o m to m e m e a n s th a t I c a n e x p r e s s m y s e l f a n d o p i n i o n s w h i l e e x e r c i s i n g d i p l o m a c y. H a v i n g t h e f r e e d o m t o p u r s u e p o s i t i o n s t h a t h a v e b e e n h i s t o r i c a l l y u n h e a r d o f a n d u n a t t a i n a b l e . F r e e d o m a l l o w s m e t o e n h a n c e m y c r e a t i v i t y a n d a p p r e c i a t e m y u n i q u e n e s s , u n a b a s h e d .
Freedom also means overcoming obstacles
d e s p i t e l a c k i n g w h a t o t h e r s p e r c e i v e a s
a b s o l u t e , a l l o w i n g m e t o c o n t i n u e m y daily responsibilities of serving my community w h i l e b e i n g c o m p a s s i o n a t e a n d k e e p i n g m y i n t e g r i t y i n t a c t . F r e e d o m a l l o w s m e t o c o m p e t e w i t h m y s e l f a n d a l w a y s
r e m e m b e r i n g w h o p a v e d t h e w a y t o m a k e m y i m p o s s i b i l i t i e s p o s s i b l e
Judge Sandra Peake will be up for re-election in 2026.
J U D G E S A N D R A J . P E A K E : “ W h a t d o e s f r e e d o m m e a n t o m e ? F r e e d o m t o d a y l o o k s m u c h d i f f e r e n t t o m e t h a n i t u s e d t o . F r e e d o m i s a f e e l i n g o f o p t i m i s m , o f t h e c o n f i d e n c e t h a t a d v e r s i t y c a n b e o v e r c o m e , t h a t t h e p e o p l e a r o u n d y o u a r e a b l e t o d e f i n e t h e d r e a m o f f r e e d o m f o r t h e m s e l v e s i n d i v i d u a l l y, a n d , t o b e a b l e t o v i s u a l i z e , a c t u a l i z i n g t h o s e d r e a m s f o r t h e m s e l v e s a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s F r e e d o m i s r e f l e c t e d i n a f e e l i n g o f h o p e a n d e m p o w e r m e n t i n o r g a n i z a t i o n s t h a t I a m p r o u d t o m e a m e m b e r o f a s t h e o r g a ni z a t i o n s s t r i v e t o s e r v e t h e c o m m u n i t i e s i n w h i c h w e l i v e , r a i s e o u r f a m i l i e s , w o r s h i p a n d w o r k i n I t a l s o m e a n s t h a t I c a n e x p e r i e n c e f r e e d o m i n s e e i n g p r o g r e s s I m p r o v e m e n t s i n o u r j u s t i c e s y s t e m , h o u s i n g , e d u c a t i o n a l a c h i e v e m e n t s d e m o n s t r a t e d b y g r a d u a t i o n s a t v a r i o u s l e v e l s , s c h o l a r s h i p o p p o r t u n i t i e s , e mp l o y m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s , a n d a m o r e e q u a l p l a y i n g f i e l d w h i l e c o m p e t i n g f o r e v e n g r e a t e r o p p o r t u n i t i e s . A l l o f t h e s e t h i n g s p o i n t t o s i g n i f i c a n t p r o g r e s s a n d g r e a t e r f r e e d o m s f o r m o r e p e o p l e a n d i m p r o v i n g t h e q u a l i t y o f l i f e f o r a l l Vi s i b l e a n d s t e a d y p r o g r e s s t o w a r d s t h e s e g o a l s m e a n s f r e e d o m t o m e ”
AMERICA: Land of the Free ...
KKevin’s passion for being involved in the local politics started in 1992 Kevin was appointed to the City of Pearland Planning & Zoning Commission in 1994
Kevin then ran for City Council in 1995 and was successful He served a single term to 1998 Kevin will tell you his biggest accomplishment while on Council was being a part of a Council that secured long-term water rights for the City
Kevin made the decision to run for City Council again in 2004 and was elected He served 2 terms ending in May 2010 Kevin had several major accomplishments during this time
Cowart s Creek diversion project was an item he ran on and was able to make it a part of the 2007 bond program Today, it is complete and will help a large area of the City’s drainage
The Lower Kirby area has developed because the Council made the decision to focus on a market-based approach to the area Kevin was able to utilize the skills as a real estate developer and help lead the Council to perform a market analysis followed by a market-based land plan This led to rezoning the area based on the market and the Lower Kirby area finally took off The City had become the de facto developer in that area by putting in the infrastructure but the zoning really was difficult to deal with So the City needed to act like a developer in performing this
The City was successful in the 2007 bond program election This was the largest program in the City s history and covered roads, drainage, fire stations, parks, and the natatorium/rec center When the real estate economy collapsed in Sept 2008, parts of the bond program were able to be implemented quicker Several roads were moved up to take advantage of better pricing
He was elected Mayor of Pearland on November 3 2020 and reelected in May of 2023
MAYOR KEVIN COLE: “Freedom – I believe freedom is the ability to say or think according to ones’ beliefs without duress. I also believe we all have the free will for our own pursuit of happiness in this world. I have lived my life in a way to be in a position to have freedom of my time, freedom of my thought, freedom to live my faith and long for everyone to do the same.”
“Putting People Over Politics in Texas.”
“I Believe in Freedom and Liberty for Every American. ”
Mayor Kevin Cole, Pearland, Texas
AMERICA: Land of the Free ...
By Steven F Hotze, M DThe Bible clearly teaches that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God ” (Romans 3:23) This means that everyone has chosen to violate God’s standards, as written in the Scriptures, and is enslaved to sin and under God’s righteous judgment. God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ,
to redeem us from the penalty of our sins and to give new life to anyone who would accept Him.
“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death ” (Romans 8:2)
Biblical Christianity instructs us that in Christ we are free to practice whatever is good, right, honorable, holy and pure Our liberty in Christ Jesus does not give us license to do as we please “Live as free people, and do not use your freedom as a covering
for evil, but use it as a servant of God ” (1 Peter 2:16)
Atheistic Communism rejects God and His law, and exists in direct opposition to the revealed truth in the Bible Communism exalts the totalitarian state and its rulers as the final arbiters of right and wrong Biblical Christianity exalts God as the Sovereign Ruler of the universe His laws and standards have the ultimate authority on how an individual should conduct himself
Freedom and liberty for an individual, and for society at large, can only exist as we submit under the Sovereignty of Almighty God “His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom, and His dominion rules throughout all generations ” (Psalm 145:13)
Where God’s law is forsaken, there is tyranny
“Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive with them ” (Proverbs 28:4)
Opposition to tyranny is obedience to God
Christians must demonstrate the liberty that they have in Christ by opposing the forces of evil and wickedness that are seeking to destroy both Christianity and our American Constitutional Republic
“Putting People Over Politics in Texas.”
“I Believe in Freedom and Liberty for Every American. ”
Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
AMERICA: Land of the Free ...
FIVE STAR GENERAL: “Freedom, generally, is having the ability to act or change without constraint. A person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory, or in practice, be prevented by other forces. Outside of the human realm, freedom generally does not have this political or psychological dimension. Freedom means African Americans not being murdered unjustly by law enforcement. Freedom is quality education for every person...”
AMERICA: Home of the Brave...
Judge Ber t Richardson Discusses
What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE BERT RICHARDSON: I was raised in a military family and understand firsthand the sacrifices that others have made so as citizens of this State & Country we enjoy freedoms in many aspects of our lives that others throughout the world do not have At an early age my uncle (my father ’s brother) was killed in a crash of a F-106 USAF fighter jet Not long after that my father left for Vietnam and flew over 160 missions as a fighter pilot During that year many of his fellow pilots did not return home from that war I knew several of the children from those families My brother recently retired from the USAF and is a veteran of over 300 air missions in the Middle east conflicts with the Special Ops Squadrons I have hea ries of those brave soldiers he protected during his f out such sacrifices throughout our Country’s history American citizens would not enjoy the blessings to w according to the dictates of our own conscience, or many benefits and opportunities offered in our coun ter ourselves through education, hard work and to s our families I have lived overseas for over 10 years painfully aware of the fact that others do not have th opportunities available to them ”
FORMER Harris Count y Clerk Diane Trautman Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
DR DIANE TRAUTMAN: “Freedom comes in many forms – the ability for each of us to practice our chosen faith, share our differing opinions, and vote for candidates that represent us
Elections are one way we celebrate freedom beyond Independence Day, and I believe each citizen should earnestly exercise that right and responsibility in every election, large or small ”
DR DIANE TRAUTMAN HARRIS COUNTY CLERKJudge Angela Graves Harrington Discusses Freedom
JUDGE ANGELA GRAVES HARRINGTON: “Freedom is t h e a b s e n c e o f m e n t a l o r p h y s i c a l e n s l a v e m e n t F r e e d o m i s t h e a b i l i t y t o b o l d l y w a l k i n t o y o u r d e s t i n y w i t h o u t b e i n g t i e d t o t h e e x p e c t a t i o n s o r d o u b t s o f o t he r s F r e e d o m i s t h e r e a l i z a t i o n o f o n e s f u l l p o t e n t i a l a n d t h e r i g h t t o e x i s t i n a u t h e n t i c i t y F r e e d o m i s a n a b s o l u t e e q u a l i t y o f p e r s o n a l r i g h t s ” F r e e d o m i s , q u i t e s i m p l y, b e i n g f r e e ”
Judge Genesis Draper Discusses
What Freedom Means
JUDGE GENESIS DRAPER: Many of us think of freedom as being free from physical confinement, but true freedom is being free from oppression and having the opportunity to reach your full potential Our right to assemble, right to vote, right to free speech and right to religion all serve one purpose to guard against oppression
Just like we celebrate Juneteenth and the physical freedom it granted, let us also celebrate the power in our voice, our vote and our values It is the use of these tools that opens the doors of possibility for our children and our children s children
u d g e T o r i a J . F i n c h D i s c u s s e s
What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE TORIA J FINCH: Notwithstanding of the fact that the literal meaning of freedom is defined as the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved, when I think of what freedom means to me personally, I immediately think of sacrifices Freedom never stands alone in my mind, but it is accompanied with thoughts of longsuffering and sacrifices Since the beginning of time the freedoms that we at times carelessly possess whether it is the freedom of physical liberties, the freedom of thought, the freedom of religion, the freedom to love, or the freedom to simply exist in a space and time without inequality or injustice, it all has been achieved at the expense of the many sacrifices of those that came before us and the many women and men that continue to fight for us on the grand stages of the battlefields of the world and our local communities Although, easily taken for granted, freedom is something that if we don’t continue to vigorously protect, we stand to lose, because unfortunately freedom is just not free ”
Judge David C. Newell Discusses
What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE DAVID C NEWELL: At the risk of stating the obvious, "freedom" means a lot of different things to different people People find its meaning in the inspirational words of Martin Luther King, Jr or maybe even a popular song But one thing that I have observed about freedom is that people including myself do not seem to think specifically about what it means to them on a regular basis
If you look at the dictionary definition it can mean the quality of being free as in the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action It certainly means that to me as I often marvel at little things many of us take for granted such as the ability to catch a quick bite to eat at a fast-food restaurant But I also see it quite often in the big things like the ability to vote for who will be my voice in passing the laws that will govern my daily life
And that leads me to another definition of freedom, that of a political right It is a great paradox that our freedoms are based upon our responsibilities as citizens of the United States to participate in the process of self-governance
You can feel that responsibility not only in those little reminders such as a notice for jury duty but also in the eyes of soldiers returning from foreign soil where they fought to bring freedom to others and preserve it for us at home
So perhaps that is what freedom means most to me Those dictionary definitions and real life examples serve as humbling reminders of how truly blessed I am to live in a country with so much freedom that I rarely have to question my access to it And they also serve to obligate me to exercise that freedom in a way that preserves that liberty for my family, my friends, and my fellow citizens ”
JUDGE DAVID C NEWELLJ u d g e B e a u M i l l e r D i s c u s s e s
What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE BEAU MILLER: “We have a complicated relationship with freedom in this country, because the Enlightenment values on which we were founded, while progressive at the time, only applied to land-holding men Women, people of color, of differing cultural and economic backgrounds, of different sexual orientations, and people of diverse faiths all had to fight not just for liberty, but for basic equality “We, the people” , means everyone
What freedom means to me is the upholding of laws that advance personal freedoms, and which embrace the joyous diversity we all share
It is how a person acts that gives their true measure: acting without prejudice, discrimination, or harm, but acting with openness generosity and goodness
As the Transcendentalist Theodor Parker so memorably said, who inspired Martin Luther King, Jr and I believe his words now more than ever, The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice” Justice and the law are freedom ”
Constable Herschel Smith Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
CONSTABLE HERSCHEL SMITH: When I think of freedom I imagine all the slaves and activists who fought and died for me Now I have the freedom and right to act and speak as I want without physical hindrance or enslavement One may ask are we really free though? I would say good question because in order to really be free we have to break chains from the inside by freeing our minds from bondage and be bold enough to take that first step We have the right to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in Standing up for ourselves allows our light to shine so that others can imitate that power As a veteran who served in the U S Army I have seen the good and indifferences in people of all dimensions I now understand that we are so much more alike than different, but in most cases our circumstances determine the outcome of the choices we make I am empowered because I have the ability to make choices and face the consequences of my decisions – which is my responsibility Freedom for me begins from within So, let s start there and not allow anyone to take that away from you
Judge Kevin Patrick Year y Discusses
What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE KEVIN PATRICK YEARY: “Freedom is the power to act according to one's own judgment It carries with it the duty to be responsible for one's own actions It includes the ability to seek one's own path in life, the right to choose the good or the bad, and the ability to prosper or fail It requires the will to accept consequences, be they good or bad
Real freedom, understood properly and exercised appropriately leads people to a sense of gratitude and to a spirit of charity and joy ”
TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS - PLACE 4Judge Michelle Moore Discusses What Freedom Means
JUDGE MICHELLE MOORE: “Freedom to me means being your true authentic self It means to live life on your terms without restrictions or being confined to what others think you should be Freedom to me means being able to pursue your dreams and make your own life choices without the fear of condemnation ”
What Freedom Means to Him
ATTORNEY CHRIS CARMONA: “Freedom is different things to different people depending on their background and what struggles they went through growing up
For me Freedom is having the ability to pursue any goal or dream I choose in a country that stands for building your own destiny Freedom is the ability to be me without feeling that I will be persecuted for not fitting a typical mold of another Freedom is the ability to sleep at night without fear that injustices that occur else where around the world don’t make it into our neighborhoods because of the sacrifices that our soldiers make to keep us safe To me, Freedom is the essence of being an American ”
JUDGE SANDRA J PEAKE: What does freedom mean to me? Freedom today looks much different to me than it used to Freedom is a feeling of optimism, of the confidence that adversity can be overcome, that the people around you are able to define the dream of freedom for themselves individually, and, to be able to visualize actualizing those dreams for themselves and their families Freedom is reflected in a feeling of hope and empowerment in organizations that I am proud to me a member of as the organizations strive to serve the communities in which we live, raise our families, worship and work in It also means that I can experience freedom in seeing progress Improvements in our justice system housing educational achievements demonstrated by graduations at various levels scholarship opportunities, employment opportunities, and a more equal playing field while competing for even greater opportunities All of these things point to significant progress and greater freedoms for more people and improving the quality of life for all Visible and steady progress towards these goals means freedom to me ”
A n g e l i q u e B a r t h o l o m e w S h a r e s
H e r T h o u g h t s o n F r e e d o m
m e r i c a n F e m a l e b e i n g a s k e d w h a t f r e e d o m m e a n s t o m e i s a c h a l l e n g i n g q u e s t i o n t o a d d r e s s F r e e d o m s y m b o l i z e s a m u l t i t u d e o f t h i n g s A s a w o m e n F r e e d o m i s t h e r i g h t t o c h o o s e a n d c o n t r o l m y o w n d e s t i n y m a k e c h o i c e s a n d p a r t i c i p a t e i n s o c ie t y o n a n y l e v e l w i t h o u t a n y c e i l i n g A s a n A f r i c a n A m e r i c a n i t m e a n s t o b e a b l e t o p e r f o r m a t m y g r e a t e s t p o t e n t i a l a n d n o t w o r r y t h a t I w i l l b e j u d g e d o r o v e r l o o k e d f o r m y s k i n c o l o r a n d h a i r t e x t u r e b e f o r e h a v i n g t h e c h a n c e t o p r o v e t h a t I a m g r e a t !
Freedom is not personalizing the many misconceptions that strangers or family members may have of who they envision me to be and being sure of who I AM Being Free is in so many ways to, just be authentically you
Freedom is continually breaking chains that have locked away my confidence; breaking my own invisible mental and emotional limitations Freedom is learning but even more important, unlearning the ways of the world Being on the receiving end of growth and change Even Rosa Parks road the back of the Bus before making History Freedom to Me is making my mark in History ”
E d E m m e t t D i s c u s s e s F r e e d o m
FORMER HARRIS COUNTY JUDGE ED EMMETT: “As a boy I lived in East Texas The son of an oil field worker and a housewife, I was the first in my family to graduate from college
As a grown man, I have had the privilege of holding elected and appointed offices, and I have traveled the world As I saw the world I reflected upon my growth and realized that the one factor most responsible for my success was being born an American The United States of America provides the fertile ground from which an East Texas boy can become educated and play on the world stage
And if the United States provides the fertile ground for accomplishment and progress, it is the freedom given to each individual that nurtures their growth
Every day, I am grateful that I was born an American ”
Former Missouri Cit y Mayor Allen
Owen Discusses What Freedom Means
HONORABLE ALLEN OWEN: “It has been said that freedom is a powerful word in and of itself It can and does mean a lot of different things to different people In democracy and government it means having the right to speak to act to be independent and to be yourself I believe that I was given that freedom by our forefathers and by those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in serving our Country and those still serving today Freedom comes with sacrifices and is not to be taken lightly I am fortunate to live in a Country that has freedoms As we are seeing in today’s times that is not true for everyone Freedom to worship, to vote, to hold office, to own a home, get an education, and to live without the fear of persecution is freedom by definition alone I pray that those freedoms will continue for many years to come and wish that other nations and countries had those same freedoms Maybe someday they will ”
D e m e t r i a S m i t h D i s c u s s e s
W h a t F r e e d o m M e a n s
DEMETRIA SMITH: “To me, FREEDOM means INDEPENDENCE – people making their “OWN” choices, and their “OWN VOICE” to speak truth to power In my opinion, NO MAN or WOMAN should be the ruler over another man or woman Freedom means that, we have the free-will to make the choice for all races to come together for a cause – if we choose to do so Freedom means building your “OWN” wealth for “YOUR” family Freedom means that “YOU” are able to choose to serve God “OUR CREATOR” which means that we are “ALL FREE” to pursue life, liberty, and our “OWN” happiness "
Trustee Danyahel Norris Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
DANYAHEL NORRIS: “The word “freedom” is generally defined as a lack of any restriction In the social and personal context it means so much more In the social context it means the ability for each person to pursue their dreams and passions without any hindrances I believe it’s what the founding fathers had in mind when they included the phrase “life liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence While there are a variety of things that have derailed these plans for many in our society like slavery racism poverty and a variety of other factors I believe it is the society we should strive to be A society which removes any hindrances from citizens as they use their God-given abilities to make this world a better place
Personally, the word freedom represents even more It represents a long line of ancestors who came to this country several generations ago Some willingly, and some in bondage I think of my 4th great-grandmother, Judy Crocker, who was born a free negro around the same time and same county as Nat Turner I think of my parents, who were the first generation in their families to go to college I think of long conversations between myself and my wife, regarding the dreams we are still pursuing Last, but not least, I think of my children’s dreams and aspirations as they grow and prepare to make their mark on this world ”
Judge Ramona Franklin Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE RAMONA FRANKLIN: “Freedom reminds me of a beautifully handcrafted quilt Each patch in the quilt symbolizes the uniqueness of one being permitted to live the way a person chooses to live without unlawful restraints One patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom stands for one to live in the United States with the opportunity to lawfully speak his or her mind without being censored Another patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the right of religion The third patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom allows a woman the right to make decisions for her own body The fourth patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom allows a law abiding citizen to live anywhere they desire to live The fifth patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the ability to receive an education The sixth patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the ability for one to think as one wants without constraints The last patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the right of choice Freedom symbolizes the complete handcrafted quilt that has all of its unique and beautiful patches woven together
B u r t L e v i n e D i s c u s s e s W h a t
F r e e d o m M e a n s t o H i m
BURT LEVINE: “Freedom isn’t free It means the world to me Freedom is what my father ’s grandfather as a young man came here for 110 years ago from Minsk Russia after Cossacks (East Europe terrorists) caused a Pogrom in their Jewish Ghetto burning homes and businesses, capturing him and putting him on a train to fight for the Czar Freedom is what my mother s father came here for 90 years ago from Bialystok, Poland before Nazis locked most of his family in their congregation, lit it on fire and killed them
Freedom is what my wife’s father grandfather and greatgrandfather fought for in the US Navy in World War I, World War II and Vietnam It is why my father served in the US Navy in Vietnam and why I served in the Navy in the First Gulf War and later in the Texas Army National Guard
Freedom is our ability to pray how much, and how we want where we want pledge allegiance to our Flag when and where we want, and to vote for who we want from whatever political parties we want or don’t want It’s our ability to love our faith, family, free enterprise and to build our business as we want, speak our mind and protect our family without fear from others
Freedom isn’t free It never will be ”
BURT AND SANDRA LEVINE TEXAS CAMPAIGNSD r. K a r l a B r o w n D i s c u s s e s W h a t
F r e e d o m M e a n s t o H e r
DR KARLA BROWN: Freedom is knowing, understanding, and accepting the sovereignty of God It is living my "Best Life" according to His will knowing that obstacles are inevitable but not out of His control And open doors represent His grace It is under standing that everything is working to manifest the best version of me It is accepting that I am not in control of anything or anyone It is living in the moment seizing opportunities releasing rigid attachments to ideals and enjoying the independence of it all ”
Congressman Kevin Brady Shares
His Thoughts on Freedom
CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY: “Freedom is everything But what Freedom will never be is free Freedom is a precious gift that our veterans and our fallen have secured for us and continue to secure for us
Being an American is about being free Dr Martin Luther King, Junior said “we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom ” He was so right that “a man can't ride you unless your back is bent ”
As Americans we must always stand proud and tall for freedom and against injustice We must have faith to take the harder path with the greatest rewards Being a servant leader will never be the easy path but it is the most rewarding path
Serving my constituents and my state in Washington, DC is an honor that I do not take lightly It s my duty to preserve freedom for all Americans As Dr King said “The time is always right to do what is right ” That time is now ”
Tracy Y. Scott Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
TRACY Y SCOTT: “Freedom is unapologetically Black William Madison McDonald, the first Black millionaire in Texas, died on July 4, 1950 In my opinion, he lived and died free Mr McDonald orchestrated, during an immediate post slavery era, wealth and built the Fort Worth Black business community including the first Black owned bank in Texas, Fraternal Bank Mr McDonald used a business model we should mirror today He maintained three positions: business (entrepreneur) politics (kingmaker) and a brotherhood (fraternalist)
Today, the same model works if applied with trust and integrity
Freedom is when we (Black folks) create collective models that generate collective wealth, influence and power without allowing the guilt associated with healthy selfishness to block progress
Today, we have more money, education and access than ever before Freedom is in how we apply and unify all three privileges
Freedom is Pro Black isn't Anti Freedom is Black women and men seeing past society's narrative to shape and live our own existence Freedom is Black women collectively owning our crafted "2 boxes checked" presence to lift and secure a place for Black men beside, behind and out front of us Freedom is unapologetically Black ”
Dr. Carla Brailey Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
DR CARLA BRAILEY: “Harriet Tubman once said, “Home is where freedom is ” My parents migrated, as a newly married couple, to Houston from a small rural town called Abbeville in Louisiana They were free to pursue opportunities and they found great opportunities in the form of employment and their first home In my parent’s home, I remember growing up as a young girl feeling free to develop my intellectual potential and to be expressive with a voice And when freedom transfers to our intellectual being, it finds our soul and spirit and nurtures peace and passion, love and legacy, heart and happiness, fire and fantasies, vulnerabilities and victories, and dreams and destiny At the same time, freedom will manifest as a core attribute to develop our moral compass, to seek justice for humanity, and to recognize prejudice and bias
In the end, it is freedom that advances our potential and guides our journeys If we do not develop the strengths of freedom, both our minds and our souls are enslaved ”
DR CARLA BRAILEY VICE CHAIR, TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTYJ u d g e S h a n n o n B a l d w i n D i s c u s s e s
What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE SHANNON BALDWIN: “Freedom means the ability to have choices without restraint Typically I’ve always associated freedom of choice with education The better education, the better your choices are and the more freedom you achieve While that is true, I’ve learned that we still have a long way to go to achieve real freedom
Our society must strive to achieve freedom of ALL of our marginalized communities We should eliminate homelessness, focus on mental health and wealth should not determine a person’s value One’s sexual preference or identity should not be life threatening!
Your rights end where the next person s rights begin!
Councilwoman Mar tha Castex Tatum Discusses Freedom
COUNCILWOMAN MARTHA CASTEX TATUM: “Freedom is a beautiful and powerful word The meaning of freedom for each person is shaped by their environment and their sphere of influence My parents encouraged me to never stop learning and to value education and life lessons I was encouraged to sacrifice and work hard during my early years so I would have a knowledge base leading me to recognize the importance of being free from enslavement of the mind, potential bad jobs, unhealthy relationships, unnecessary debt or anything that threatens your peace and hope Freedom is also about knowing when to push and pull for yourself and others It is the limitless thoughts that allow you to live without boundaries while being keenly aware that decisions have consequences Freedom is my desire to inspire others to limitless thinking and the preservation of being free Freedom is a state of mind and we were chosen to be free In the words of Nelson Mandela, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others ”
J u d g e S o n y a H e a t h D i s c u s s e s W h a t F r e e d o m M e a n s t o H e r
JUDGE SONYA HEATH: “I am so blessed to be raised in our great Country Being able to choose my elected officials who govern me being able to run for office all are part of what freedom means to me The power to choose who I love, who I marry, and if I marry at all is important To have a voice, to choose what I do for a living, what I do with my own body or where I go to school Freedom is being able to raise my children in a free country Freedom is also being able to practice my religion without any interference from the government Being able to learn from and correct my mistakes Each one of us are unique human beings with God-given talents Freedom to be able to develop those talents to become the person you see yourself to be This is what freedom means to me
Justice Ken Wise Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUSTICE KEN WISE: “Freedom means the ability to achieve whatever you want and live however you want based on your own talent and willingness to work hard
The United States of America was founded on this ideal
Our founders desired a society with a very limited government designed only to protect the nation and foster the commerce that would help everyone succeed Our founders wanted to avoid a big government, which restricts freedom Our founders want to avoid oppressive and voluminous laws, which restrict freedom I pray for a return to the idea that each of us can succeed if we respect each other, work hard and develop our talents ”
Judge Lucia G. Bates Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE LUCIA G BATES: “Freedom to me means that I can express myself and opinions while exercising diplomacy Having the freedom to pursue positions that have been historically unheard of and unattainable Freedom allows me to enhance my creativity and appreciate my uniqueness unabashed Freedom also means overcoming obstacles despite lacking what others perceive as absolute, allowing me to continue my daily responsibilities of serving my community while being compassionate and keeping my integrity intact Freedom allows me to compete with myself and always remembering who paved the way to make my impossibilities possible
Judge Steven Kirkland Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE STEVEN KIRKLAND: Whenever, I ponder that question, I hear the voice of Barbara Jordan rumbling across the prairie I had the good fortune to hear Ms Jordan mark the Sesquicentennial of the battle at San Jacinto It was a sunny morning in March, and her voice echoed across the battleground, her words
“Freedom that was what it was all about freedom We are revolutionaries we Texans we Americans, born of revolution Born of a desire for the God-given right of the individual be he brown, white, yellow to live his own life as he chooses
While I will never be as eloquent as she, I will build on what she offered that morning I find freedom in many places and ways
Whether it is hiking up Emory Peak in Big Bend or riding a bike along Buffalo Bayou, sitting in quite contemplation in a Buddhist temple or singing hymns in a Baptist church holding my partner ’s hand as we walk down the beach or playing ball with my nephew, casting a ballot, or reading a good book For me, the freedom to choose my own destiny means the freedom to explore new ideas without fear of reprisal or retribution and to use those ideas to build my life As Congresswoman Jordan so eloquently put it, that is what our revolutions were about
J u d g e S e d r i c k T. W a l k e r D i s c u s s e s
W h a t F r e e d o m M e a n s t o H i m
JUDGE SEDRICK WALKER: “At its core, freedom means the ability to speak your mind and live your life as you see fit However, in our constantly evolving society, the notion of freedom applies in so many different areas The pursuit of achieving freedom for everyone is a centuries-old battle that continues today As a criminal court judge I deal with the issue of freedom in its most literal sense on a day-to-day basis As we pause to celebrate our freedoms, I believe it’s important that we reflect on the steps our ancestors took to fight for the liberties we currently enjoy ”
Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallwor th Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
DR PRETTA VANDIBLE STALLWORTH: Freedom is Catharsis – LIBERATION! The greatest challenge in public service is the freedom and courage to stand up for what is just, fair, and right As public servants we must have freedom and courage to speak on behalf of the people A good public servant must be the voice of the people must address the needs of the populace and must remain steadfast in the work of community relief
As a public servant I choose to exercise my blood-bought freedom by engaging in catharsis for my community I choose courage- to liberate my people While I’ve chosen to liberate my people, I’ve come to the full realization that my choice comes at a great price My chosen path makes me a moving target, a political pariah if you will However, being a moving target does not matter to me I believe the work of community relief must be done and I’m committed to doing it The needs of the populace must be addressed, and I m making it my mission to address them
Choosing the path of public service requires freedom and courage Freedom and courage bring about catharsis (the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong repressed emotions) in my opinion Catharsis is necessary for the education of the community Education leads to the liberation of the minds of the people ”
J u d g e L i n d a D u n s o n D i s c u s s e s
W h a t F r e e d o m M e a n s t o H e r
JUDGE LINDA DUNSON: “Freedom means being truly unshackled Unshackled so that my mind can dream dreams; Unshackled so that opportunity is an open door; Unshackled so that I can embrace humanity in all of its gore; Unshackled so that I am seen instead of looked at; Unshackled so that I am not one of a few; Unshackled so that I can love freely; Unshackled so that I may serve my God without offending; Unshackled so that wealth, health and justice are not kept from me; Unshackled so that "all men are created equal" is a truth instead of an ideal; Unshackled so that the chains are forever shattered to the point that I don t ever even remember being shackled That's FREEDOM ”
Dr. Cynthia Lenton Gar y Discusses Freedom and What it Means to Her
DR CYNTHIA LENTON GARY: “According to the dictionary, freedom is the act of being free or at liberty instead of being in confinement or under physical restraint In January of 1941, Franklin D Roosevelt addressed what freedom means to him during his State of the Union Address He said that every American has four basic freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want and freedom from fear However, in my opinion, Nelson Mandela stated it better He said, “For to be free is not merely to cast off ones’ chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others ” Freedom entitles us to quality of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness It presents us with opportunities that were nonexistent for our ancestors I can recall being in the fifth grade; my parent, my siblings and I went to visit my uncle in Fort Polk, Louisiana My sister was a baby at the time, and she needed more milk We stopped at a store and on the door was a sign that read “COLOREDS ENTER IN THE BACK” That sign worried me because in my heart I thought because we were living in America a country known as the land of the free, the owner of that store should not have been allowed to put that sign up From that day, I was determined to pursue a field of study that very few African American considered I received my bachelor ’s degree in Chemistry/ Mathematics and worked as a Chemist for many years
As an African American female and a citizen of the United States I was able to receive a quality education that resulted in a bachelors, a masters and a doctorate degree The lack of confinement and the lack of being restrained by racism and inequality also gave me the opportunity to be the first African American female to service on Missouri City council, the first African American female appointed to Fort Bend Independent School District board of trustees and it gave me the opportunity to service on the board of directors of the Houston Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) I have been blessed with many other opportunities that would not have existed had I not been free As the mother of sons, I can proudly say that freedom of education and opportunity is why all my sons are college graduates who are working to pursue their dreams to ensure a successful future I thank GOD for the most important characteristic of our lives and that s
JUDGE LASHAWN A WILLIAMS: “I cannot help but think of Freedom in two contexts: one as a free black woman, descendent of slaves; and the other as having freedom of thought and spirit both essential to who I am and how I live As a free black woman in what I consider to be the best country in the world, I appreciate what it took to create our system of government for me to be an elected official now to love whom I choose to care for my body as I choose and to be able to worship the God I serve in the way that I choose So I am conscious of protecting all that has been won, lost and yet to be, in the name of freedom in the world In terms of my freedom of mind and spirit, I try to live my life free from mindsets that restrict or vex my spirit As we celebrate Independence Day, I do so gratefully and fully appreciating that I am entirely free! We cannot celebrate freedom without Dr Martin Luther King Jr , who said: “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love ” Therefore we are free to love, fight for justice and pursue power correcting everything that stands against love” and I would add freedom ”
JUDGE LASHAWN A WILLIAMS HARRIS COUNTY CIVIL COURT AT LAW #3S t a t e R e p . M a r y A n n P e r e z S h a r e s
H e r T h o u g h t s o n F r e e d o m
STATE REP MARY ANN PEREZ: “Freedom means something different to all of us but for me the definition is very clear Freedom is the ability to adequately provide for my children, having the right to make my own choices, and being entrusted to hold leadership roles within my community Freedom, to any individual, is a hardsought goal and the ability to achieve it by whatever means necessary Freedom is not found without struggle, determination and sacrifice but it is a fight that’s worthy of the journey Freedom is having the capacity to enrich your community and be involved in the electoral process
State Rep. Senfronia Thompson Discusses What Freedom Means to Her With Aubrey R. Taylor
STATE REP SENFRONIA THOMPSON: “In the United States, freedom is heralded throughout our land because of the liberation from the British, the freedom granted to slaves after the Civil War and our sovereignty as a nation after various battles For me, freedom is more than being emancipated on paper It is about being free in all aspects of life It is about being free from the control of another
We know freedom is not free Many have paid the price for the rights and comforts that we possess today, and we must ensure that the rights we have attained are not eroded
I want my children grandchildren great-grandchildren, and other families, to grow up without being judged by the color of their skin, who they love or where they grew up As a state representative, that is why I am so passionate about making laws that protect the lives of all Texans I want us to celebrate our own expressions of religion without fear of bombings or retaliation because our beliefs may differ from the convictions of others I want us to be able to express our love, our speech, our thoughts, as well as our votes without suppression
Ideologically, we are free, but we must continue to fight for the preservation of our freedom
M a n i s h S e t h D i s c u s s e s W h a t
F r e e d o m M e a n s t o H i m
MANISH SETH: “I am free to ” those are powerful words
We are fortunate to live in a country in which not only can we state those words but we can act upon them as well I am reminded of this daily when I watch the news and see people in other countries who do not have the freedom to live life to the fullest and enjoy the freedoms we have in the United States I appreciate that we have the privilege to be ourselves and do what makes us happy
Freedom to me is the ability to be who we are and to be the best we can be My parents came here from India so that their kids would be free to learn in good schools, free to make friends of their choice, and free to choose the careers of their own choosing I was fortunate in that I had the opportunity to attend a university in which I could make choices and follow my interests and passions Whether it was helping with student campaigns, run for office of student organizations, or choose the field of study that was most appropriate for me, I had the freedom to pursue my dreams It didn't stop there for me
The freedoms provided in our country have allowed me to follow my dreams and work in an industry where I am able to impact lives and help others to achieve their dreams as well
While being able to choose your own professional path is important our freedoms also allow us to meet people of different backgrounds and discuss our differences We live in a great country in which we have the freedom to have different thoughts and ideas but still come together Freedom allows us to be us and we can continue to say “we are free to ”
Judge Nikita Harmon Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE NIKITA HARMON: “No idea is more fundamental to me as an American and as an individual than freedom Freedom means the power or right to act, speak, or think freely without governmental hindrance or restraint It means that you can have your own opinion and that you can share that opinion with other people even if they don’t agree with you
Freedom does not mean the absence of authority or the right to do whatever one pleased far from it However, it entails the privileges enumerated in the Bill of Rights freedom of speech the press assembly and religion ”
Orlando Sanchez Shares His Thoughts on Freedom
FORMER HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER ORLANDO SANCHEZ: “Freedom means the liberty to live one's life in a country that as a matter of law protects our God given natural rights As a refugee from communism, the USA means freedom for me
Philip Owens Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
PHILIP OWENS: “Freedom is more than an idea, it is an ideal The Declaration of Independence begins with the fundamental truth that “we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights -- life liberty and the pursuit of happiness” Jefferson and the Founding Fathers recognized that no man or Government can take away what God has given
These are rights we have not just at the beginning of our nation’s life or when we may become a citizen But something that we are given at our individual creation and even more so at the beginning of the creation of life itself Consider that at the very beginning of man, and at the beginning of our life, we have the freedom to live a free life in pursuit of what makes us happy America itself was founded upon that notion In fact these freedoms are so important that brothers went to war with brothers to ensure every American had these
I take that notion and the ideal of freedom very seriously and very personally
For me, freedom is not only my right, but the right of others And it s my duty to protect those rights; because, if freedom can be taken from someone else, it can be taken from me Now people may forfeit their right to freedom by violating the rights and freedoms of others; but that is the consequence of their choosing
Government itself should protect our rights, but not interfere with or limit them That s why I think as we celebrate freedom we must also recognize the responsibility of being free It is our duty to protect those rights by the wise exercising of them But we cannot protect people from the outcome of poor choices by protecting or compensating them for making poor choices
Freedom means that I can make my life better by taking advantage of those rights, but not by taking advantage of others or their rights
Nelson Mandela said: “For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others ”
Discusses What Freedom Means
T R AV I S M C G E E : “ F r e e d o m m e a n s a l o t o f t h i n g s t o a l o t o f d i ff e r e n t
p e o p l e b u t f r e e d o m s h o u l d m e a n t h e s a m e f o r a l l p e o p l e W h e n I t h i n k o f f r e e d o m I t h i n k o f a ff o r d a b l e h o u s i n g , l i v a b l e w a g e s - - i n n o c e n t u n t i l p r o v e n
g u i l t y I t h i n k o f f a i r, q u a l i t y, e q u i t a b l e e d u c a t i o n w i t h o p t i o n s o f a ff o r d a b l e h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n I t h i n k o f a b e t t e r q u a l i t y o f l i f e f o r e v e r y m a n , w o m a n , a n d
c h i l d r e g a r d l e s s o f t h e i r r a c e , c o l o r, o r c r e e d w i t h o u t t h e f e a r o f d e p o r t a t i o n F r e e d o m i s t r a n s p a r e n t l e a d e r s h i p f o r “ We t h e P e o p l e ” v s “ S e l l o u t ” o r d i c t a t o r s h i p f o r e v e r y t h i n g , b u t “ We T h e P e o p l e ” F r e e d o m i s t h e r i g h t t o b e a ff o r d e d a f a i r t r i a l i n a c o u r t o f l a w r eg a r d l e s s o f o n e ’s e c o n o m i c , g e o g r a p h i c o r d em o g r a p h i c s t a t u s F r e e d o m i s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n e q u a l t o t a x a t i o n F r e e d o m i s a w o r l d w i t h o u t r a c i s m c l a s s i s m o r a n y t h i n g e l s e t h a t d i s c r i m in a t e s a n d / o r c a u s e s d i v i s i o n a m o n g u s F r e ed o m i s a j u d i c i a l s y s t e m t h a t i s f o r a l l p e o p l e v s c o n t i n u o u s i n j u s t i c e f o r “ j u s t u s ” D r M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g , J r o n c e s a i d , “ F r e e d o m i s n e v e r v o l u n t a r i l y g i v e n b y t h e o p p r e s s o r i t m u s t b e d em a n d e d b y t h e o p p r e s s e d ”
Discusses What Freedom Means
FORMER JUDGE GRANT DORFMAN: “Freedom is the natural state of Man gifted to us by God as a cornerstone of our covenant Freedom allows us to explore and develop our God-given talent and to become whatever our ability and hard work can conspire to achieve But like the covenant more generally, our inheritance of freedom entails responsibilities too
The French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau famously wrote of his time that "Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains " As a public official I tried to be mindful always that government should be the servant of the people and never their master I believe that is what our Founders intended, and the basis upon which they built our Constitution And I believe that all of us have a special role and duty as citizens to police our government and ensure that it strives always to work within the limits imposed by the Constitution and our laws, so that Ronald Reagan's words remain true: "We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around
K a t h y B l u e f o r d D a n i e l s S h a r e s
H e r T h o u g h t s o n F r e e d o m
KATHY BLUEFORD DANIELS: “Freedom means not being imprisoned or enslaved -- mentally or physically To believe that blacks, browns, and LGBTQ+ people receive equality That everyone is able to achieve prosperity and greatness without hindrance or judgment from others Freedom means assurance that our black and brown children are provided equal educational opportunities as children attending suburban schools Freedom means our legal system and the religious beliefs of others does not continue to the minimize Constitutional Rights of those based on skin color or economic status Freedom also means picking up the baton from those who bled and died for future generational opportunities As a Gold Star aunt, I know freedom is not FREE!
JJ u d g e I s r a e l B . G a r c i a , J r. w a s b o r n a n d r a i s e d i n A u s t i n , Te x a s . H i s f a t h e r w a s a n e m i g r a n t f r o m M e x i c o w h o b e c a m e a U n i t e d S t a t e s c i t iz e n w h e n J u d g e G a r c i ́ a w a s 1 0 y e a r s o l d T h i s r e m a i n s a v e r y p r o u d m o m e n t f o r t h e G a r c i ́ a F a m i l y. J u d g e G a r c i ́ a ' s m o t h e r w a s b o r n a n d r a i s e d i n A u s t i n , Te x a s .
Judge Garcia attended public schools and attended The University of Texas at Austin where he majored in Government and earned his Bachelor's Degree Upon graduation, Judge Garcia attended Thurgood Marshall School of Law where he earned his Juris Doctorate Judge Garcia was the first member of his family to graduate from a University and obtain a professional license
Judge Garcia began his legal career as a sole practitioner with offices in Austin, Dallas and Houston Judge Garcia has worked on cases ranging from traffic tickets, divorces, commercial litigation, criminal cases and serious personal injury cases For over 28 years as a practicing Attorney, Judge Garcia has been a true general practitioner
Judge Garci ́ a is active in several community groups and civic clubs, including serving as legal counsel to LULAC Council 402 LULAC Council 402 is known as the "Education" Council and has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving Harris County area students Assisting young students and working with children remains a passion of Judge Garci ́ a
Judge Garcia ran as a first-time candidate for and was elected as Justice of the Peace Precinct 5, Place 1 in the 2020 Presidential election
Judge Garcia has focused his attention on providing 21st Century customer service to the citizens of Harris County through state-of-the-art technology and a highly experienced staff to deliver the best possible service in a timely and efficient manner since taking office
2,400 years ago, Socrates aptly described the essential qualities of a good judge: "Four things belong to a judge: To hear courteously; to answer wisely; to consider soberly; and to decide impartially " These words remain as true today as they were when Socrates first spoke them
Judge Garcia continues to strive daily to employ these ideals
JUDGE ISRAEL GARCIA is a true public servant who must be reelected He frequently volunteers his time with legal and community organizations he belongs to and speaks to students of all ages about topics ranging from the importance of obtaining a higher education, volunteering in the community and career day among other topics
Judge Israel Garcia will be up for re-election in 2024.