“Government can help secure and protect our freedom, but it’s not the source of our freedom.”
Justice Jeff Brown
Freedom is a Gift of God Says Texas Supreme Court Justice Jeff Brown — Texas Supreme Court Justice Jeff Brown
JUDGE KYLE CARTER: “We are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom is the ability to exercise those rights. However, this freedom is not something that just happens. Our forefathers made it possible for us to experience the American dream of freedom and we must, as part of our generational duty continue to fight against those who would take our freedoms away and to ensure opportunity exists for all Americans. As President Franklin D. Roosevelt aptly stated "In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved."
“OUR FOREFATHERS MADE IT POSSIBLE FOR US TO EXPERIENCE THE AMERICAN DREAM.” Political Advertising paid for by Kyle Carter for Judge 125th Court, Melanie Carter, Treasurer, In compliance with the voluntary limits of the Judicial Campaign Fairness Act. EARLY VOTING WILL BEGIN ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2020, AND END ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2020
Land of the Free...
“Aubrey R. Taylor Communications will host an “AMERICA” Land of the Free - SUMMIT in Houston, Texas in 2020. Please call (281)788-3033 if you would like to learn more about this summit.” AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “When I think of freedom, I can’t help but reflect back over my life, my struggles, my triumphs, my clients, and my life-long friends. Especially, clients/friends like Judge Sandra J. Peake, and countless others who stuck it out with me during the truly trying times I’ve faced over the years. No man is an island. To accomplish anything in life we must accept God’s plan for us as individuals and a corporate body. And we must also embrace God’s vision as it continues to unfold during these trying times in America. Coming to this realization has liberated me and made me a free man in these United States of America. However, it has taken me some time to come to grips with the fact that my success and fulfillment in life can only be attained through my willingness to help others achieve their goals, hopes and dreams. But, I’ve accepted my assignment. What about you?”
Aubrey Taylor
Judge Peake
Judge Sandra Peake will be up for re-election in 2022.
Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Discusses What Freedom Means to Him With Aubrey
STATE OF TEXAS COMPTROLLER GLENN HEGAR: “Freedom is anyone’s opportunity to achieve their goals without fear of an oppressive government standing in their way. It’s the idea that you get to choose how to run your business, what religion to practice, what moral guidelines you want your children to follow, and many other personal decisions that government shouldn’t be regulating. It is about living in a society without over-burdensome and forced government mandates that try to dictate the details of daily life and instead is when an individual is the sole arbiter of their decisions. In Texas, we have shown that the more liberty, or freedom, you give the people, the more likely they are to achieve success. This is why Texas continues to lead the nation in fastest growing cities and job growth. As Americans, we are given the privilege to follow our dreams and are allowed to do so without fear of an oppressive government holding us back.”
“In case you don’t know, Comptroller Hegar is a sixth generation Texan, who grew up farming land that has been in his family since the mid-1800s. His upbringing taught him the core values of character, honesty, integrity and hard work. These are the same values that he and his wife, Dara, work to instill in their three young children: Julia, Jonah and Claire.”
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Judge Bert Richardson Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE BERT RICHARDSON: “I was raised in a military family and understand firsthand the sacrifices that others have made so as citizens of this State & Country we enjoy freedoms in many aspects of our lives that others throughout the world do not have. At an early age my uncle (my father’s brother) was killed in a crash of a F-106 USAF fighter jet. Not long after that my father left for Vietnam and flew over 160 missions as a fighter pilot. During that year many of his fellow pilots did not return home from that war. I knew several of the children from those families. My brother recently retired from the USAF and is a veteran of over 300 air missions in the Middle-east conflicts with the Special Ops Squadrons. I have heard many stories of those brave soldiers he protected during his flights. Without such sacrifices throughout our Country’s history, we as American citizens would not enjoy the blessings to worship according to the dictates of our own conscience, or enjoy the many benefits and opportunities offered in our country to better ourselves through education, hard work and to support our families. I have lived overseas for over 10 years and am painfully aware of the fact that others do not have these great opportunities available to them.” JUDGE BERT RICHARDSON TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS - PLACE 3
Harris County Clerk Diane Trautman Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom DR. DIANE TRAUTMAN: “Freedom comes in many forms – the ability for each of us to practice our chosen faith, share our differing opinions, and vote for candidates that represent us. Elections are one way we celebrate freedom beyond Independence Day, and I believe each citizen should earnestly exercise that right and responsibility in every election, large or small.” DR. DIANE TRAUTMAN HARRIS COUNTY CLERK
Judge Angela Graves Harrington Discusses Freedom
JUDGE ANGELA GRAVES HARRINGTON: “Freedom is the absence of mental or physical enslavement. Freedom is the ability to boldly walk into your destiny without being tied to the expectations or doubts of others. Freedom is the realization of one’s full potential and the right to exist in authenticity. Freedom is “an absolute equality of personal rights.” Freedom is, quite simply, being free.”
Judge Genesis Draper Discusses What Freedom Means JUDGE GENESIS DRAPER: “Many of us think of freedom as being free from physical confinement, but true freedom is being free from oppression and having the opportunity to reach your full potential. Our right to assemble, right to vote, right to free speech and right to religion all serve one purpose…to guard against oppression. As we celebrate Juneteenth and the physical freedom it granted, let us also celebrate the power in our voice, our vote and our values. It is the use of these tools that opens the doors of possibility for our children and our children’s children.” JUDGE GENESIS DRAPER HARRIS COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW #12
Judge Toria J. Finch Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE TORIA J FINCH: “Notwithstanding of the fact that the literal meaning of freedom is defined as the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved, when I think of what freedom means to me personally, I immediately think of sacrifices. Freedom never stands alone in my mind, but it is accompanied with thoughts of longsuffering and sacrifices. Since the beginning of time, the freedoms that we at times carelessly possess, whether it is the freedom of physical liberties, the freedom of thought, the freedom of religion, the freedom to love, or the freedom to simply exist in a space and time without inequality or injustice, it all has been achieved at the expense of the many sacrifices of those that came before us, and the many women and men that continue to fight for us on the grand stages of the battlefields of the world and our local communities. Although, easily taken for granted, freedom is something that if we don’t continue to vigorously protect, we stand to lose, because unfortunately freedom is just not free.” JUDGE TORIA J. FINCH HARRIS COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW #9
Judge David C. Newell Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE DAVID C. NEWELL: “At the risk of stating the obvious, "freedom" means a lot of different things to different people. People find its meaning in the inspirational words of Martin Luther King, Jr. or maybe even a popular song. But one thing that I have observed about freedom is that people, including myself, do not seem to think specifically about what it means to them on a regular basis. If you look at the dictionary definition it can mean the quality of being free as in the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action. It certainly means that to me as I often marvel at little things many of us take for granted such as the ability to catch a quick bite to eat at a fast-food restaurant. But I also see it quite often in the big things like the ability to vote for who will be my voice in passing the laws that will govern my daily life. And that leads me to another definition of freedom, that of a political right. It is a great paradox that our freedoms are based upon our responsibilities as citizens of the United States to participate in the process of self-governance. You can feel that responsibility not only in those little reminders such as a notice for jury duty, but also in the eyes of soldiers returning from foreign soil where they fought to bring freedom to others and preserve it for us at home. So perhaps that is what freedom means most to me. Those dictionary definitions and real life examples serve as humbling reminders of how truly blessed I am to live in a country with so much freedom that I rarely have to question my access to it. And they also serve to obligate me to exercise that freedom in a way that preserves that liberty for my family, my friends, and my fellow citizens.” JUDGE DAVID C. NEWELL TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS - PLACE 9
Judge Beau Miller Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE BEAU MILLER: “We have a complicated relationship with freedom in this country, because the Enlightenment values on which we were founded, while progressive at the time, only applied to land-holding men. Women, people of color, of differing cultural and economic backgrounds, of different sexual orientations, and people of diverse faiths all had to fight not just for liberty, but for basic equality. “We, the people”...., means everyone. What freedom means to me is the upholding of laws that advance personal freedoms, and which embrace the joyous diversity we all share. It is how a person acts that gives their true measure: acting without prejudice, discrimination, or harm, but acting with openness, generosity, and goodness. As the Transcendentalist Theodor Parker so memorably said, who inspired Martin Luther King, Jr. and I believe his words now more than ever, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice”. Justice and the law are freedom.” JUDGE BEAU MILLER 190TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT -- HARRIS COUNTY
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Constable Herschel Smith Discusses What Freedom Means to Him CONSTABLE HERSCHEL SMITH: “When I think of freedom I imagine all the slaves and activists who fought and died for me. Now I have the freedom and right to act and speak as I want without physical hindrance or enslavement. One may ask are we really free though? I would say good question because in order to really be free we have to break chains from the inside by freeing our minds from bondage and be bold enough to take that first step. We have the right to stand up for ourselves and what we believe in. Standing up for ourselves allows our light to shine so that others can imitate that power. As a veteran who served in the U.S. Army, I have seen the good and indifferences in people of all dimensions. I now understand that we are so much more alike than different, but in most cases our circumstances determine the outcome of the choices we make. I am empowered because I have the ability to make choices and face the consequences of my decisions – which is my responsibility. Freedom for me begins from within. So, let’s start there and not allow anyone to take that away from you.” CONSTABLE SMITH WALLER COUNTY - PRECINCT 3
Judge Kevin Patrick Yeary Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE KEVIN PATRICK YEARY: “Freedom is the power to act according to one's own judgment. It carries with it the duty to be responsible for one's own actions. It includes the ability to seek one's own path in life, the right to choose the good or the bad, and the ability to prosper or fail. It requires the will to accept consquences, be they good or bad. Real freedom, understood properly and exercised appropriately, leads people to a sense of gratitude and to a spirit of charity and joy.” JUDGE KEVIN PATRICK YEARY TEXAS COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEALS - PLACE 4
Judge Michelle Moore Discusses What Freedom Means JUDGE MICHELLE MOORE: “Freedom to me means being your true authentic self. It means to live life on your terms without restrictions or being confined to what others think you should be. Freedom to me means being able to pursue your dreams and make your own life choices without the fear of condemnation.” JUDGE MICHELLE MOORE 314TH JUVENILE DISTRICT COURT - HARRIS COUNTY
Attorney Chris Carmona Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
ATTORNEY CHRIS CARMONA: “Freedom is different things to different people depending on their background and what struggles they went through growing up. For me, Freedom is having the ability to pursue any goal or dream I choose in a country that stands for building your own destiny. Freedom is the ability to be me without feeling that I will be persecuted for not fitting a typical mold of another. Freedom is the ability to sleep at night without fear that injustices that occur else where around the world, don’t make it into our neighborhoods because of the sacrifices that our soldiers make to keep us safe. To me, Freedom is the essence of being an American.” ATTORNEY CHRIS CARMONA FORMER CANDIDATE FOR HARRIS COUNTY ATTORNEY
Judge Sandra J. Peake Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE SANDRA J. PEAKE: “What does freedom mean to me? Freedom today looks much different to me than it used to. Freedom is a feeling of optimism, of the confidence that adversity can be overcome, that the people around you are able to define the dream of freedom for themselves individually, and, to be able to visualize, actualizing those dreams for themselves and their families. Freedom is reflected in a feeling of hope and empowerment in organizations that I am proud to me a member of as the organizations strive to serve the communities in which we live, raise our families, worship and work in. It also means that I can experience freedom in seeing progress. Improvements in our justice system, housing, educational achievements demonstrated by graduations at various levels, scholarship opportunities, employment opportunities, and a more equal playing field while competing for even greater opportunities. All of these things point to significant progress and greater freedoms for more people and improving the quality of life for all. Visible and steady progress towards these goals means freedom to me.” JUDGE SANDRA J. PEAKE 257TH FAMILY DISTRICT COURT - HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
Angelique Bartholomew Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
ANGELIQUE BARTHOLOMEW: “As an African American Female being asked what freedom means to me is a challenging question to address. Freedom symbolizes a multitude of things. As a women, Freedom is the right to choose and control my own destiny, make choices and participate in society on any level without any ceiling. As an African American it means to be able to perform at my greatest potential and not worry that I will be judged or overlooked for my skin color and hair texture before having the chance to prove that I am great! Freedom is not personalizing the many misconceptions that strangers or family members may have of who they envision me to be and being sure of who I AM. Being Free is in so many ways to, just be authentically you. Freedom is continually breaking chains that have locked away my confidence; breaking my own invisible mental and emotional limitations. Freedom is learning but even more important, unlearning the ways of the world. Being on the receiving end of growth and change. Even Rosa Parks road the back of the Bus before making History. Freedom to Me is making my mark in History.” ANGELIQUE BARTHOLOMEW, JD VICE PRESIDENT OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MPACT STRATEGIC CONSULTING
Former Harris County Judge Ed Emmett Discusses Freedom
FORMER HARRIS COUNTY JUDGE ED EMMETT: “As a boy, I lived in East Texas. The son of an oil field worker and a housewife, I was the first in my family to graduate from college. As a grown man, I have had the privilege of holding elected and appointed offices, and I have traveled the world. As I saw the world, I reflected upon my growth and realized that the one factor most responsible for my success was being born an American. The United States of America provides the fertile ground from which an East Texas boy can become educated and play on the world stage. And if the United States provides the fertile ground for accomplishment and progress, it is the freedom given to each individual that nurtures their growth. Every day, I am grateful that I was born an American.” HONORABLE ED EMMETT FORMER HARRIS COUNTY JUDGE
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Congressman Kevin Brady Shares His Thoughts on Freedom
CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY: “Freedom is everything. But what Freedom will never be is free. Freedom is a precious gift that our veterans and our fallen have secured for us and continue to secure for us. Being an American is about being free. Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior said “we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.” He was so right that “a man can't ride you unless your back is bent.” As Americans we must always stand proud and tall for freedom and against injustice. We must have faith to take the harder path with the greatest rewards. Being a servant leader will never be the easy path, but it is the most rewarding path. Serving my constituents and my state in Washington, DC is an honor that I do not take lightly. It’s my duty to preserve freedom for all Americans. As Dr. King said “The time is always right to do what is right.” That time is now.” CONGRESSMAN KEVIN BRADY UNITED STATES CONGRESSMAN FOR THE 8TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS
Tracy Y. Scott Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
TRACY Y. SCOTT: “Freedom is unapologetically Black. William Madison McDonald, the first Black millionaire in Texas, died on July 4, 1950. In my opinion, he lived and died free. Mr. McDonald orchestrated, during an immediate post slavery era, wealth and built the Fort Worth Black business community including the first Black owned bank in Texas, Fraternal Bank. Mr. McDonald used a business model we should mirror today. He maintained three positions: business (entrepreneur) , politics (kingmaker) and a brotherhood (fraternalist). Today, the same model works if applied with trust and integrity. Freedom is when we (Black folks) create collective models that generate collective wealth, influence and power without allowing the guilt associated with healthy selfishness to block progress. Today, we have more money, education and access than ever before. Freedom is in how we apply and unify all three privileges. Freedom is Pro Black isn't Anti _______. Freedom is Black women and men seeing past society's narrative to shape and live our own existence. Freedom is Black women collectively owning our crafted "2 boxes checked" presence to lift and secure a place for Black men beside, behind and out front of us. Freedom is unapologetically Black.” TRACY Y. SCOTT THE BLACK WOMEN’S PAC
Dr. Carla Brailey Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
DR. CARLA BRAILEY: “Harriet Tubman once said, “Home is where freedom is...” My parents migrated, as a newly married couple, to Houston from a small rural town called Abbeville in Louisiana. They were free to pursue opportunities and they found great opportunities in the form of employment and their first home. In my parent’s home, I remember growing up as a young girl feeling free to develop my intellectual potential and to be expressive with a voice. And when freedom transfers to our intellectual being, it finds our soul and spirit and nurtures peace and passion, love and legacy, heart and happiness, fire and fantasies, vulnerabilities and victories, and dreams and destiny. At the same time, freedom will manifest as a core attribute to develop our moral compass, to seek justice for humanity, and to recognize prejudice and bias. In the end, it is freedom that advances our potential and guides our journeys. If we do not develop the strengths of freedom, both our minds and our souls are enslaved.” DR. CARLA BRAILEY VICE CHAIR, TEXAS DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Judge Shannon Baldwin Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE SHANNON BALDWIN: “Freedom means the ability to have choices without restraint. Typically, I’ve always associated freedom of choice with education. The better education, the better your choices are and the more freedom you achieve. While that is true, I’ve learned that we still have a long way to go to achieve real freedom. Our society must strive to achieve freedom of ALL of our marginalized communities. We should eliminate homelessness, focus on mental health and wealth should not determine a person’s value. One’s sexual preference or identity should not be life threatening! Your rights end where the next person’s rights begin!” JUDGE SHANNON BALDWIN HARRIS COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW #4
Councilwoman Martha Castex Tatum Discusses Freedom
COUNCILWOMAN MARTHA CASTEX TATUM: “Freedom is a beautiful and powerful word. The meaning of freedom for each person is shaped by their environment and their sphere of influence. My parents encouraged me to never stop learning and to value education and life lessons. I was encouraged to sacrifice and work hard during my early years so I would have a knowledge base leading me to recognize the importance of being free from enslavement of the mind, potential bad jobs, unhealthy relationships, unnecessary debt or anything that threatens your peace and hope. Freedom is also about knowing when to push and pull for yourself and others. It is the limitless thoughts that allow you to live without boundaries while being keenly aware that decisions have consequences. Freedom is my desire to inspire others to limitless thinking and the preservation of being free. Freedom is a state of mind and we were chosen to be free. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” COUNCILWOMAN CASTEX-TATUM HOUSTON CITY COUNCIL MEMBER FOR DISTRICT K
Judge Sonya Heath Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE SONYA HEATH: “I am so blessed to be raised in our great Country. Being able to choose my elected officials who govern me, being able to run for office, all are part of what freedom means to me. The power to choose who I love, who I marry, and if I marry at all is important. To have a voice, to choose what I do for a living, what I do with my own body or where I go to school. Freedom is being able to raise my children in a free country. Freedom is also being able to practice my religion without any interference from the government. Being able to learn from and correct my mistakes. Each one of us are unique human beings with God-given talents. Freedom to be able to develop those talents, to become the person you see yourself to be. This is what freedom means to me.”
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Former Missouri City Mayor Allen Owen Discusses What Freedom Means
HONORABLE ALLEN OWEN: “It has been said that freedom is a powerful word in and of itself. It can and does mean a lot of different things to different people. In democracy and government it means having the right to speak, to act, to be independent, and to be yourself. I believe that I was given that freedom by our forefathers and by those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in serving our Country and those still serving today. Freedom comes with sacrifices and is not to be taken lightly. I am fortunate to live in a Country that has freedoms. As we are seeing in today’s times, that is not true for everyone. Freedom to worship, to vote, to hold office, to own a home, get an education, and to live without the fear of persecution is freedom by definition alone. I pray that those freedoms will continue for many years to come and wish that other nations and countries had those same freedoms. Maybe someday they will.” HONORABLE ALLEN OWEN FORMER MAYOR OF MISSOURI CITY, TEXAS
Judge Scot “dolli” Dollinger Discusses What Freedom Means
JUDGE SCOT “dolli” DOLLINGER: “Freedom is living life without being mistreated by others and having equal opportunity to strive for happiness and to fulfill one’s destiny.” JUDGE SCOT “dolli” DOLLINGER 189TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT - HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
Trustee Danyahel Norris Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
DANYAHEL NORRIS: “The word “freedom” is generally defined as a lack of any restriction. In the social and personal context, it means so much more. In the social context, it means the ability for each person to pursue their dreams and passions, without any hindrances. I believe it’s what the founding fathers had in mind when they included the phrase “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence. While there are a variety of things that have derailed these plans for many in our society, like slavery, racism, poverty, and a variety of other factors, I believe it is the society we should strive to be. A society which removes any hindrances from citizens as they use their God-given abilities to make this world a better place. Personally, the word freedom represents even more. It represents a long line of ancestors who came to this country several generations ago. Some willingly, and some in bondage. I think of my 4th great-grandmother, Judy Crocker, who was born a free negro around the same time and same county as Nat Turner. I think of my parents, who were the first generation in their families to go to college. I think of long conversations between myself and my wife, regarding the dreams we are still pursuing. Last, but not least, I think of my children’s dreams and aspirations, as they grow and prepare to make their mark on this world.”
Judge Ramona Franklin Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE RAMONA FRANKLIN: “Freedom reminds me of a beautifully handcrafted quilt. Each patch in the quilt symbolizes the uniqueness of one being permitted to live the way a person chooses to live without unlawful restraints. One patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom stands for one to live in the United States with the opportunity to lawfully speak his or her mind without being censored. Another patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the right of religion. The third patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom allows a woman the right to make decisions for her own body. The fourth patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom allows a law abiding citizen to live anywhere they desire to live. The fifth patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the ability to receive an education. The sixth patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the ability for one to think as one wants without constraints. The last patch that is crafted in the quilt of freedom is the right of choice. Freedom symbolizes the complete handcrafted quilt that has all of its unique and beautiful patches woven together.” JUDGE RAMONA FRANKLIN 338TH DISTRICT COURT - HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
Burt Levine Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
BURT LEVINE: “Freedom isn’t free. It means the world to me. Freedom is what my father’s grandfather as a young man came here for 110 years ago from Minsk, Russia after Cossacks (East Europe terrorists) caused a Pogrom in their Jewish Ghetto burning homes and businesses, capturing him and putting him on a train to fight for the Czar. Freedom is what my mother’s father came here for 90 years ago from Bialystok, Poland before Nazis locked most of his family in their congregation, lit it on fire and killed them. Freedom is what my wife’s father, grandfather and greatgrandfather fought for in the US Navy in World War I, World War II and Vietnam. It is why my father served in the US Navy in Vietnam and why I served in the Navy in the First Gulf War and later in the Texas Army National Guard. Freedom is our ability to pray how much, and how we want, where we want, pledge allegiance to our Flag when and where we want, and to vote for who we want from whatever political parties we want or don’t want. It’s our ability to love our faith, family, free enterprise, and to build our business as we want, speak our mind and protect our family without fear from others. Freedom isn’t free. It never will be.” BURT AND SANDRA LEVINE TEXAS CAMPAIGNS
Dr. Karla Brown Discusses What Freedom Means to Her DR. KARLA BROWN: “Freedom is knowing, understanding, and accepting the sovereignty of God. It is living my "Best Life" according to His will knowing that obstacles are inevitable but not out of His control. And, open doors represent His grace. It is under standing that everything is working to manifest the best version of me. It is accepting that I am not in control of anything or anyone. It is living in the moment, seizing opportunities, releasing rigid attachments to ideals, and enjoying the independence of it all...” DR. KARLA BROWN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR THE PROMINENCE ON SOUTHMORE, INC.
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Dr. Cynthia Lenton Gary Discusses Freedom and What it Means to Her
DR. CYNTHIA LENTON GARY: “According to the dictionary, freedom is the act of being free or at liberty instead of being in confinement or under physical restraint. In January of 1941, Franklin D. Roosevelt addressed what freedom means to him during his State of the Union Address. He said that every American has four basic freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom from want and freedom from fear. However, in my opinion, Nelson Mandela stated it better. He said, “For to be free is not merely to cast off ones’ chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” Freedom entitles us to quality of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It presents us with opportunities that were nonexistent for our ancestors. I can recall being in the fifth grade; my parent, my siblings and I went to visit my uncle in Fort Polk, Louisiana. My sister was a baby at the time, and she needed more milk. We stopped at a store and on the door was a sign that read, “COLOREDS ENTER IN THE BACK”. That sign worried me because in my heart I thought because we were living in America, a country known as the land of the free, the owner of that store should not have been allowed to put that sign up. From that day, I was determined to pursue a field of study that very few African American considered. I received my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry/ Mathematics and worked as a Chemist for many years. As an African American female, and a citizen of the United States, I was able to receive a quality education that resulted in a bachelors, a masters and a doctorate degree. The lack of confinement and the lack of being restrained by racism and inequality also gave me the opportunity to be the first African American female to service on Missouri City council, the first African American female appointed to Fort Bend Independent School District board of trustees and it gave me the opportunity to service on the board of directors of the Houston Galveston Area Council (H-GAC). I have been blessed with many other opportunities that would not have existed had I not been free. As the mother of sons, I can proudly say that freedom of education and opportunity is why all my sons are college graduates who are working to pursue their dreams to ensure a successful future. I thank GOD for the most important characteristic of our lives and that’s FREEDOM.”
Judge LaShawn A. Williams Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
JUDGE LASHAWN A. WILLIAMS: “I cannot help but think of Freedom in two contexts: one as a free black woman, descendent of slaves; and the other as having freedom of thought and spirit... both essential to who I am and how I live. As a free black woman in what I consider to be the best country in the world, I appreciate what it took to create our system of government, for me to be an elected official now, to love whom I choose, to care for my body as I choose, and to be able to worship the God I serve in the way that I choose. So I am conscious of protecting all that has been won, lost and yet to be, in the name of freedom in the world. In terms of my freedom of mind and spirit, I try to live my life free from mindsets that restrict or vex my spirit. As we celebrate Independence Day, I do so gratefully and fully appreciating that I am entirely free! We cannot celebrate freedom without Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who said: “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic…Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” Therefore we are free to love, fight for justice and pursue “power correcting everything that stands against love”...and I would add freedom.” JUDGE LASHAWN A. WILLIAMS HARRIS COUNTY CIVIL COURT AT LAW #3
State Rep. Mary Ann Perez Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
STATE REP. MARY ANN PEREZ: “Freedom means something different to all of us, but for me—the definition is very clear. Freedom is the ability to adequately provide for my children, having the right to make my own choices, and being entrusted to hold leadership roles within my community. Freedom, to any individual, is a hardsought goal and the ability to achieve it by whatever means necessary. Freedom is not found without struggle, determination and sacrifice but it is a fight that’s worthy of the journey. Freedom is having the capacity to enrich your community and be involved in the electoral process.” STATE REP. MARY ANN PEREZ HOUSE DISTRICT 144 - STATE OF TEXAS
State Rep. Senfronia Thompson Discusses What Freedom Means to Her With Aubrey R. Taylor
STATE REP. SENFRONIA THOMPSON: “In the United States, freedom is heralded throughout our land because of the liberation from the British, the freedom granted to slaves after the Civil War, and our sovereignty as a nation after various battles. For me, freedom is more than being emancipated on paper. It is about being free in all aspects of life. It is about being free from the control of another. We know freedom is not free. Many have paid the price for the rights and comforts that we possess today, and we must ensure that the rights we have attained are not eroded. I want my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and other families, to grow up without being judged by the color of their skin, who they love or where they grew up. As a state representative, that is why I am so passionate about making laws that protect the lives of all Texans. I want us to celebrate our own expressions of religion without fear of bombings or retaliation because our beliefs may differ from the convictions of others. I want us to be able to express our love, our speech, our thoughts, as well as our votes without suppression. Ideologically, we are free, but we must continue to fight for the preservation of our freedom.” STATE REP. SENFRONIA THOMPSON TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - DISTRICT 141
Manish Seth Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
MANISH SETH: “I am free to ….” those are powerful words. We are fortunate to live in a country in which not only can we state those words but we can act upon them as well. I am reminded of this daily, when I watch the news and see people in other countries who do not have the freedom to live life to the fullest and enjoy the freedoms we have in the United States. I appreciate that we have the privilege to be ourselves and do what makes us happy. Freedom to me is the ability to be who we are and to be the best we can be. My parents came here from India so that their kids would be free to learn in good schools, free to make friends of their choice, and free to choose the careers of their own choosing. I was fortunate in that I had the opportunity to attend a university in which I could make choices and follow my interests and passions. Whether it was helping with student campaigns, run for office of student organizations, or choose the field of study that was most appropriate for me, I had the freedom to pursue my dreams. It didn't stop there for me. The freedoms provided in our country have allowed me to follow my dreams and work in an industry where I am able to impact lives and help others to achieve their dreams as well. While being able to choose your own professional path is important, our freedoms also allow us to meet people of different backgrounds and discuss our differences. We live in a great country in which we have the freedom to have different thoughts and ideas but still come together. Freedom allows us to be us, and we can continue to say, “we are free to…” MANISH SETH CANDIDATE FOR STATE REP. HD-27
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Precinct Chairwoman LaShelle Scott Discusses Freedom
PRECINCT CHAIR LASHELLE SCOTT: “Freedom means the ability to explore and create with endless roads. Do I believe African Americans have achieved freedom? Yes and no, while we have made significant gains we are still a great distance from being free. Our ancestors have provided a foundation: the end of slavery, Civil Rights and segregation. However we are reminded at various points in current affairs that we are not free. The mass incarceration of our people; our voting rights still being challenged; housing discrimination and being profiled by those who should be protecting us must be eradicated. We will not achieve freedom until the total liberation of African Americans in this still very much racist society achieved.” CHAIRWOMAN LASHELLE SCOTT HARRIS COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRECINCT CHAIR FOR PRECINCT #559
TRAVIS MCGEE: “Freedom means a lot of things to a lot of different people, but freedom should mean the same for all people. When I think of freedom I think of affordable housing, livable wages -- innocent until proven guilty. I think of fair, quality, equitable education with options of affordable higher education. I think of a better quality of life for every man, woman, and child regardless of their race, color, or creed without the fear of deportation. Freedom is transparent leadership for “We the People” vs. “Sellout” or dictatorship for everything, but “We The People.” Freedom is the right to be afforded a fair trial in a court of law regardless of one’s economic, geographic or demographic status. Freedom is representation equal to taxation. Freedom is a world without racism, classism or anything else that discriminates and/or causes division among us. Freedom is a judicial system that is for all people vs. continuous injustice for “just us”. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor it must be demanded by the oppressed.” TRAVIS MCGEE COMMUNITY LEADER/ACTIVIST -- HARRIS COUNTY
Oscar Gonzales Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
OSCAR GONZALES: “My first reflection is that I come from poverty and struggle. My maternal side was from Mexico. My maternal grandfather built his home with his own hands in 5th Ward. He was a proud man who didn't believe in accepting handouts; worked all his life as a longshoreman. He raised his children after my grandmother passed away. He was a Conservative Democrat, if you can believe those existed back then. I learned a lot from him. My paternal side is Native. My dad’s family worked the farms and fields, picking cotton and watermelons. My dad believes in hard work too. I spoke English and Spanish, and in the 70's I was beat up for that. I learned to question everything because that was the battle cry of the Hippies during the 60's and 70's. Freedom to me is, being raised in poverty, and having the freedom to achieve and surpass the dreams and expectations you have for yourself. As a child I feared and admired Police. However, I dreamed of being an officer one day. So, I applied for the Sheriff’s Department at the age of 25-years old, and was accepted a year later, near my 26th birthday. My acceptance made me the very first Peace Officer on either side of my family. However, my only nephew also became a Peace Officer, but he unfortunately passed away two days before his 25th birthday. I served the citizens of this great city, state, and country, for a couple months short of 30 years. I want you to know that it was indeed an honor and privilege to serve.” OSCAR GONZALES THE FIRST PEACE OFFICER IN HIS FAMILY
Carey Lashley Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
CAREY LASHLEY: “Many members of my family moved from New Orleans to California in the 70’s to create a better future for themselves. I was born in California and then my family moved to Houston, Texas in 2001 seeking better opportunities and growth. Freedom to me means, we always have the opportunity to “Energize and Empower” not only ourselves, but, our community. Freedom to me means we always have the opportunity to “Educate Ourselves” and our community. As far as I am concerned, true freedom is realized when we Energize, Empower and Educate ourselves, our family, and our community.” CAREY LASHLEY CANDIDATE FOR STATE REP. HD-131
Community Leader Travis McGee Discusses What Freedom Means
Former State Rep. Gary Elkins Discusses What Freedom Means
FORMER STATE REP. GARY ELKINS: “Freedom is defined as the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint. Therefore our first amendment to the U.S. constitution is the foundation of our political and religious freedom. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Ayn Rand said, “Intellectual Freedom cannot exist without political freedom; Political Freedom cannot exist without economic freedom; A free mind and a free market are corollaries”. I believe that it is necessary for people to know my world view because our world view is what defines our beliefs about Freedom. I possess a Judeo-Christian world view. I believe like our founding fathers that all men are created equal and are endowed with inalienable rights that come from God and not the State. So my world view is that our rights are granted to us by God Almighty, and not the state (i.e. government). I believe that men should be free to make good decisions and bad decisions without interference from government. In today’s political environment, government tries to protect people from their bad decisions. In a free society, men who make bad decisions will suffer the consequences of those decisions and hopefully learn from them and not repeat them. When government interferes and tries to keep people from suffering the consequences of their bad decisions, then they never learn from their mistakes.” GARY ELKINS FORMER STATE REPRESENTATIVE HOUSE DISTRICT 135
Sheree Harris-Fisher Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
SHEREE HARRIS FISHER: “Freedom is an absolute right to be uninhibited, unlimited and unapologetic in expression -- whether expression of thought or emotion. Freedom is empowering, shameless, and fearless. Without it, people remain bound to other people’s expectations of them, suppressed by conformity, and stunted by the limits created by the doubts and fears in their own minds. Freedom is power. The more freedom a person has, the more powerful they are in several aspects. The most important aspect relates to self. Freedom gives people power to be their authentic selves.”
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Justice Ken Wise Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUSTICE KEN WISE: “Freedom means the ability to achieve whatever you want and live however you want based on your own talent and willingness to work hard. The United States of America was founded on this ideal. Our founders desired a society with a very limited government designed only to protect the nation and foster the commerce that would help everyone succeed. Our founders wanted to avoid a big government, which restricts freedom. Our founders want to avoid oppressive and voluminous laws, which restrict freedom. I pray for a return to the idea that each of us can succeed if we respect each other, work hard and develop our talents.” JUSTICE KEN WISE TEXAS 14TH COURT OF APPEALS -- PLACE 7
Judge Lucia G. Bates Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE LUCIA G. BATES: “Freedom to me means that I can express myself and opinions while exercising diplomacy. Having the freedom to pursue positions that have been historically unheard of and unattainable. Freedom allows me to enhance my creativity and appreciate my uniqueness, unabashed. Freedom also means overcoming obstacles despite lacking what others perceive as absolute, allowing me to continue my daily responsibilities of serving my community while being compassionate and keeping my integrity intact. Freedom allows me to compete with myself and always remembering who paved the way to make my impossibilities possible.”
Judge Steven Kirkland Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE STEVEN KIRKLAND: “Whenever, I ponder that question, I hear the voice of Barbara Jordan rumbling across the prairie. I had the good fortune to hear Ms. Jordan mark the Sesquicentennial of the battle at San Jacinto. It was a sunny morning in March, and her voice echoed across the battleground, her words… “Freedom, that was what it was all about, freedom…We are revolutionaries, we Texans...we Americans, born of revolution. Born of a desire for the God-given right of the he brown, white, live his own life as he chooses. ...While I will never be as eloquent as she, I will build on what she offered that morning. I find freedom in many places and ways. Whether it is hiking up Emory Peak in Big Bend or riding a bike along Buffalo Bayou, sitting in quite contemplation in a Buddhist temple or singing hymns in a Baptist church, holding my partner’s hand as we walk down the beach or playing ball with my nephew, casting a ballot, or reading a good book. For me, the freedom to choose my own destiny means the freedom to explore new ideas without fear of reprisal or retribution and to use those ideas to build my life. As Congresswoman Jordan so eloquently put it, that is what our revolutions were about.”
Judge Sedrick T. Walker Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
JUDGE SEDRICK WALKER: “At its core, freedom means the ability to speak your mind and live your life as you see fit. However, in our constantly evolving society, the notion of freedom applies in so many different areas. The pursuit of achieving freedom for everyone is a centuries-old battle that continues today. As a criminal court judge, I deal with the issue of freedom in its most literal sense on a day-to-day basis. As we pause to celebrate our freedoms, I believe it’s important that we reflect on the steps our ancestors took to fight for the liberties we currently enjoy.” JUDGE SEDRICK T. WALKER II HARRIS COUNTY CRIMINAL COURT AT LAW #11
Dr. Pretta VanDible Stallworth Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
DR. PRETTA VANDIBLE STALLWORTH: “Freedom is Catharsis – LIBERATION! The greatest challenge in public service is the freedom and courage to stand up for what is just, fair, and right. As public servants we must have freedom and courage to speak on behalf of the people. A good public servant must be the voice of the people, must address the needs of the populace, and must remain steadfast in the work of community relief. As a public servant I choose to exercise my blood-bought freedom by engaging in catharsis for my community. I choose courage - to liberate my people. While I’ve chosen to liberate my people, I’ve come to the full realization that my choice comes at a great price. My chosen path makes me a moving target, a political pariah if you will. However, being a moving target does not matter to me. I believe the work of community relief must be done, and I’m committed to doing it. The needs of the populace must be addressed, and I’m making it my mission to address them. Choosing the path of public service requires freedom and courage. Freedom and courage bring about catharsis (the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong repressed emotions) in my opinion. Catharsis is necessary for the education of the community. Education leads to the liberation of the minds of the people.” DR. PRETTA VANDIBLE STALLWORTH HCC BOARD TRUSTEE -- DISTRICT IX
Judge Linda Dunson Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE LINDA DUNSON: “Freedom means being truly unshackled. Unshackled so that my mind can dream dreams; Unshackled so that opportunity is an open door; Unshackled so that I can embrace humanity in all of its gore; Unshackled so that I am seen instead of looked at; Unshackled so that I am not one of a few; Unshackled so that I can love freely; Unshackled so that I may serve my God without offending; Unshackled so that wealth, health and justice are not kept from me; Unshackled so that "all men are created equal" is a truth instead of an ideal; Unshackled so that the chains are forever shattered to the point that I don't ever even remember being shackled… That's FREEDOM.” JUDGE LINDA DUNSON 309TH FAMILY DISTRICT COURT - HARRIS COUNTY
AMERICA:Land of the Free...
Judge Nikita Harmon Discusses What Freedom Means to Her
JUDGE NIKITA HARMON: “No idea is more fundamental to me as an American and as an individual than freedom. Freedom means the power or right to act, speak, or think freely without governmental hindrance or restraint. It means that you can have your own opinion and that you can share that opinion with other people even if they don’t agree with you. Freedom does not mean the absence of authority or the right to do whatever one pleased—far from it. However, it entails the privileges enumerated in the Bill of Rights—freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and religion.” JUDGE NIKITA V. HARMON 176TH DISTRICT COURT HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
Orlando Sanchez Shares His Thoughts on Freedom FORMER HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER ORLANDO SANCHEZ: “Freedom means the liberty to live one's life in a country that, as a matter of law, protects our God given natural rights. As a refugee from communism, the USA means freedom for me.” ORLANDO SANCHEZ FORMER HARRIS COUNTY TREASURER
Philip Owens Discusses What Freedom Means to Him
PHILIP OWENS: “Freedom is more than an idea, it is an ideal. The Declaration of Independence begins with the fundamental truth that “we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights -- life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. Jefferson and the Founding Fathers recognized that no man or Government can take away what God has given. These are rights we have not just at the beginning of our nation’s life or when we may become a citizen. But something that we are given at our individual creation and even more so at the beginning of the creation of life itself. Consider that at the very beginning of man, and at the beginning of our life, we have the freedom to live a free life in pursuit of what makes us happy. America itself was founded upon that notion. In fact, these freedoms are so important that brothers went to war with brothers to ensure every American had these. I take that notion and the ideal of freedom very seriously and very personally. For me, freedom is not only my right, but the right of others. And it’s my duty to protect those rights; because, if freedom can be taken from someone else, it can be taken from me. Now people may forfeit their right to freedom by violating the rights and freedoms of others; but that is the consequence of their choosing. Government itself should protect our rights, but not interfere with or limit them. That’s why I think as we celebrate freedom we must also recognize the responsibility of being free. It is our duty to protect those rights by the wise exercising of them. But we cannot protect people from the outcome of poor choices by protecting or compensating them for making poor choices. Freedom means that I can make my life better by taking advantage of those rights, but not by taking advantage of others or their rights. Nelson Mandela said: “For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” PHILIP OWENS POLITICAL CONSULTANT/STRATEGIST
Dr. Rhonda Skillern Jones Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
HISD TRUSTEE RHONDA SKILLERN JONES: “Freedom is POWER. It is a state of mind and body, an individual's mental and physical power to act, speak and think without hindrance, restraint or control. It is our right as Americans granted by the Constitution and protected by our brave sisters and brothers in the military. Freedom means every person regardless of their beliefs, affiliations, physical presentation, affinities and or life station can and must have full self governing authority over their life and life choices. It is the ability to define ourselves and live in our truth unabashedly and without conforming to prescribed constraints. The goal of freedom is independence and the key is education. America must ensure it lives up to its promise of freedom by ensuring each and every person is afforded the opportunity to exist independently on their own terms and provided the education to do so. My freedom comes from the confidence my parents instilled in me to be unafraid to live my life bold and unafraid. My mother set an example of what it is to exercise your freedom as a black woman in this country. My father raised me with the fortitude to stand up to infractions against my rights. They never stopped reinforcing that education in this country makes the difference in one's ability to experience freedom in its purest form. I live in those principles and pass them down to my own children and those around me. If freedom is to be realized, it must be actively exercised.” DR. RHONDA SKILLERN JONES HISD BOARD TRUSTEE FOR DISTRICT II
Former Judge Grant Dorfman Discusses What Freedom Means
FORMER JUDGE GRANT DORFMAN: “Freedom is the natural state of Man, gifted to us by God as a cornerstone of our covenant. Freedom allows us to explore and develop our God-given talent and to become whatever our ability and hard work can conspire to achieve. But like the covenant more generally, our inheritance of freedom entails responsibilities too. The French philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau famously wrote of his time that "Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains." As a public official, I tried to be mindful always that government should be the servant of the people and never their master. I believe that is what our Founders intended, and the basis upon which they built our Constitution. And I believe that all of us have a special role and duty as citizens to police our government and ensure that it strives always to work within the limits imposed by the Constitution and our laws, so that Ronald Reagan's words remain true: "We are a nation that has a government -- not the other way around." HONORABLE GRANT DORFMAN FORMER JUDGE FOR THE 334TH CIVIL DISTRICT COURT
Kathy Blueford Daniels Shares Her Thoughts on Freedom
KATHY BLUEFORD DANIELS: “Freedom means not being imprisoned or enslaved -- mentally or physically. To believe that blacks, browns, and LGBTQ+ people receive equality. That everyone is able to achieve prosperity and greatness without hindrance or judgment from others. Freedom means assurance that our black and brown children are provided equal educational opportunities as children attending suburban schools. Freedom means our legal system and the religious beliefs of others does not “continue” to the minimize Constitutional Rights of those based on skin color or economic status. Freedom also means picking up the baton from those who bled and died for future generational opportunities. As a Gold Star aunt, I know freedom is not FREE!” KATHY BLUEFORD DANIELS COMMUNITY/CIVIC LEADER
Freedom is a gift of God Says Justice Jeff Brown AUBREY R. TAYLOR: What does freedom mean to you?
JUSTICE JEFF BROWN: “Freedom is a gift of God. Government can help secure and protect our freedom, but it’s not the source of our freedom. And government can just as easily deprive us of our freedom. God intends for us to live freely—to worship Him as our conscience directs us, to speak fearlessly against oppression and tyranny, and to be free to work and provide for our families. Living freely is the only way each of us can become the complete person God wants us to be. But freedom cannot be taken for granted; it must be protected and nourished. Perhaps Ronald Reagan said it best: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: Why are you proud to be an American?
JUSTICE JEFF BROWN: “I’m proud to be an American because our country is an exceptional place. It’s a place where big dreams can come true for those willing to work hard to achieve them. Being an American is not about belonging to one ethnicity; it’s about buying into a collection of ideas about how people should live their lives: freely, dutifully, and according to the rule of law. And I’m proud to be an American because more often than not, America has stood up for goodness and decency and fair play. America and Americans are far from perfect, but we are exceptional because of the ideals we strive to realize, both for ourselves and the whole world.”
AUBREY R. TAYLOR: “I would like to take this moment to personally thank Justice Jeff Brown for honoring our request to share his thoughts on “FREEDOM’ and what it means to him with the readers of Houston Business Connections Newspaper©” “It’s imperative that we make it our business to elect the “BEST-QUALIFIED” candidates who value “US” whenever we go to the polls to cast our ballot.”
Texas Supreme Court — Place 6
Jeff Brown has been a judge since 2001, serving at all three levels of the Texas judiciary. He has served on the Supreme Court of Texas since his appointment by Gov. Rick Perry in 2013. In 2014, he won a statewide election to retain the seat. Before reaching the high court, Jeff served six years each as a trial judge and an appellate justice. A sixth-generation Texan, Jeff was born and raised in Dallas County and grew up the son of a 35-year Dallas police officer. Jeff received a B.A. in English from the University of Texas at Austin and his law degree, magna cum laude, from the University of Houston. While in law school, Jeff served as Chief Note & Comment Editor of the Houston Law Review. After law school, Jeff worked as a law clerk on the Supreme Court of Texas, first for Justice Jack Hightower, a Democrat, then for Justice Greg Abbott, a Republican (Jeff is just the fourth person to serve as a law clerk on the Supreme Court of Texas and later become a justice on the Court). Jeff then worked for Baker Botts in Houston. He had a diverse civil-litigation practice, trying jury cases throughout Southeast Texas. He is board-certified in civil trial law. In 2001, Gov. Perry appointed Jeff to the 55th District Court. From the beginning, Jeff was consistently ranked near the top of the Houston Bar Association’s judicialevaluation polls. During his six years on the trial bench, Jeff won an opposed election in 2002, was unopposed in 2006, and received two judge-of-the-year awards. In 2007, Gov. Perry appointed Jeff to the Fourteenth Court of Appeals. As an appellate justice, Jeff authored hundreds of opinions. He also remained at or near the top of the bar poll. In 2011, Jeff was named Appellate Judge of the Year by the Texas Association of Civil Trial & Appellate Specialists. He won opposed elections to keep his seat in 2008 and 2012. In 2013, Jeff’s colleagues chose
him to serve as interim chief justice of the court. Jeff is co-editor of the Texas Rules of Evidence Handbook, an 1,100-page scholarly treatise published by O’Connor’s. An elected member of the American Law Institute, Jeff serves as an adviser for the Restatement of the Law Third, Conflicts of Laws. Jeff has been published in several law reviews and journals and is a frequent speaker on law and ethics. He is on the editorial board of The Advocate, the quarterly journal of the State Bar of Texas’ Litigation Section, and the board of the
Houston Law Review, having recently served as chairman. He has worked as an adjunct law professor at the University of Houston and taught constitutional law at the National Judicial College. He is also a longtime member of The Federalist Society and a frequent speaker at the society’s events. In 2009, Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson appointed Jeff to the state's Multi-District Litigation Panel. He also served on the State Bar’s Pattern Jury Charge Committee. He is a trustee of the Texas Supreme Court Historical Society. While serving on the court of appeals, Jeff also volunteered every Monday afternoon as a judge for Harris County's STAR Drug Court ("Success Through Addiction Recovery"). STAR is a program for non-violent felony offenders who suffer from drug addiction. Through a combination of intensive drug treatment, community supervision, and accountability to the courts, STAR turns drug-addicted offenders into productive citizens. Jeff is active in his community. He serves on the advisory board of LifeHouse, a Christian maternity home for unwed expectant mothers, and on the board of the Texas Historical Foundation. In recognition of his professional accomplishments and community service, the Texas Young Lawyers Association named Jeff Outstanding Young Lawyer of Texas in 2006 and the Texas Jaycees named him one of Five Outstanding Young Texans in 2008. At age 16, Jeff became an Eagle Scout. A longtime adult volunteer for the Boy Scouts of America, Jeff received the Outstanding Eagle Scout Award from the National Eagle Scout Association in 2016. In 2016, Jeff was also presented the Rosewood Gavel Award by St. Mary’s University School of Law. It is awarded annually to an outstanding jurist in recognition of his or her contribution to our system of constitutional democracy. Jeff and his wife, Susannah, a high-school English teacher, live in Kyle, Texas, and have three children: Kathleen, a recent graduate of the University of Texas at Austin; Rob, a student at the University of Texas; and Gus, in high school. They attend The Journey Church in Buda. Justice Brown’s term ends December 31, 2024.
As his wife, Susannah, holds the Sam Houston Bible, Justice Jeff Brown takes his oath from Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Hecht.
Composed of the chief justice and eight justices, the Supreme Court of Texas is the court of last resort for civil matters in the state. The Supreme Court is in Austin, immediately northwest of the state Capitol.
Cadillac to Increase Super Cruise Compatible Highway Network
70,000 additional miles to be available for hands-free driving by Q4 2019
Cadillac is expanding the availability of Super Cruise™1 to an additional 70,000 miles of compatible, divided highways in the United States and Canada. This expansion will make the industry’s first true hands-free driver assistance feature available on more than 200,000 total miles of compatible highways by the fourth quarter of 2019. To date, Super Cruise has been available on more than 130,000 miles of limited-access freeways. The expansion builds on Super Cruise’s unique combination of precision LiDAR map data, highprecision GPS, a state-of-the-art Driver Attention System and a network of camera and radar sensors. Some of the divided highways added will include limited intersections and traffic control devices. In the cases of railroad crossings, pedestrian crossings, stoplights or stop signs, Super Cruise will alert drivers to take back control of the vehicle. As always, it remains important for drivers to stay engaged and vigilant at all times while Super Cruise is engaged. To enable the expanded functionality, an enhancement to the Super Cruise system will be available to 2018 and 2019 model year Cadillac CT6 owners through their Cadillac dealer. Following the completion of the system enhancement, the new, additional map miles will be sent to customer vehicles over the air throughout the summer and fall. In addition to the mileage expansion, the software update will also include performance improvements, enhancements to increase Super Cruise availability and enhancements to the Driver Attention System. “We are constantly working to make
2019 Cadillac CT6 with Super Cruise engaged. Super Cruise the most beneficial system for our customers,” said Mario Maiorana, Super Cruise chief engineer. “Expanding our offering of compatible highways will allow people the ease and convenience of traveling handsfree more often.” Last year, Cadillac made updates to its Super Cruise driver assistance feature based on customer feedback, including making Super Cruise activation easier for the driver and adding dynamic lane offset so that a CT6 with Super Cruise activated can adjust slightly over in its lane for driver comfort when passing large vehicles. Gauge cluster messages were also added, to inform drivers why Super Cruise may be not be available in certain instances. Customers have traveled 2.5 million
miles using Super Cruise since its launch. Super Cruise is currently available on the 2018 and 2019 model year Cadillac CT6 and will be available on the 2020 model year CT6 later this year. Super Cruise will be available on Cadillac’s all-new CT5 sedan next year. For further information about Super Cruise and its operation, please visit
Even while using the Super Cruise driver assistance feature, always pay attention while driving and do not use a hand-held device. Visit for compatible highways and more information. Requires active OnStar plan, active Wi-Fi Hotspot, working electrical system, cell reception and GPS signal.
Katie Downey Coordinator, Advanced Technology Communications Mobile 313-421-9024
CADILLAC CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Phone 1-800-333-4223 Contact Us | @Cadillac Cadillac Customer Assistance Center P.O. Box 33169 Detroit, MI 48232-5169 “In case you don’t know, Cadillac is a division of the American automobile manufacturer General Motors (GM) that designs and builds luxury vehicles.”
Cadillac Eases the Stress of Public Parking with New Embedded Parking Capability
Drivers Can Now Find, Book and Pay for Parking from the In-Vehicle Touchscreen Eligible Cadillac drivers can enjoy the convenience of locating, reserving and paying for parking from their invehicle touchscreen before reaching their destination, bringing a new level of luxury to every drive. The new parking capability, powered by ParkWhiz (an Arrive brand), is now included in Cadillac Marketplace1, the industry’s first in-vehicle commerce platform. “Cadillac’s new parking experience in Marketplace enables drivers to enjoy the journey without wondering where they will park when they reach their destination,” said Scott Goddard, Marketplace line of business leader, Cadillac. “This is another example of how Cadillac is integrating technology that elevates the driving experience.” To use the new parking capability through Marketplace, users first need to set up a ParkWhiz account online or through the ParkWhiz mobile app. The account will include preferred payment method and vehicle details such as make, model and license plate number. Once it’s set up, users can link their ParkWhiz account within Marketplace to find nearby parking options, see details about the lot or garage, book parking and access their entry/exit parking pass with just a few taps on the in-vehicle touchscreen. ParkWhiz has thousands of spaces available in more than 250 cities across the U.S. “As every driver knows, parking is a core component of the driving experience. In fact, people often spend the same amount of money on parking each month as they do on gas, but with more frequent transactions,” said Dan Roarty, president and COO of Arrive, ParkWhiz’s parent company. “We are thrilled to power parking in Cadillac vehicles, making it simpler for their drivers to reach their destinations.” General Motors launched Marketplace in December 2017 in connected Chevrolet, Buick, GMC and Cadillac vehicles and has added new merchants to continue to make every drive more productive and enjoyable. Marketplace works independently of the driver’s mobile device and is available on nearly 325,000 properly equipped model year 2017 and newer Cadillac vehicles. Valid offers can vary. For latest offers, check Marketplace through the vehicle mobile app or your vehicle’s infotainment system (if available). Third-party trademarks are the property of their respective third-party owners and used under agreement.
(Photo by John F. Martin for Cadillac)
Eligible Cadillac drivers can enjoy the convenience of locating, reserving and paying for parking from their in-vehicle touchscreen before reaching their destination, bringing a new level of luxury to every drive. Katie Minter Cadillac Communications Mobile 313-505-7547 Stephanie Lang Assistant Manager, OnStar and Connectivity Communications Mobile 313-515-1192
CADILLAC CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Phone 1-800-333-4223 Contact Us | @Cadillac Cadillac Customer Assistance Center P.O. Box 33169 Detroit, MI 48232-5169 “Just in case you don’t already know, Cadillac's bold and innovative range of prestige vehicles appeal to those who dare to drive the world forward.”
CADILLAC CROSSOVERS & SUVS Cadillac crossovers and SUVs are as versatile as they are iconic.
A Cadillac vibrant in design and purpose, like the people who drive it. Meet the crossover made for a generation of crossovers.
A confident, streamlined stance. An ingenious cabin as spacious as it is beautifully crafted. The XT5 makes a statement wherever it goes.
Imagined through innovation. Engineered to stand out. Make your move into three rows of finely crafted comfort with a comprehensive suite of safety and driver assistance features designed to give you peace of mind. The first of its kind: the Cadillac XT6. Available mid-2019.
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Unmistakable design. Precision craftsmanship. A powerful command of the road. And up to 121 cubic feet of cargo space.† The Escalade ESV is everything a luxury SUV should be, and more.