1 minute read
from Summer 2021
Publisher’s Letter
LISA HOLTHOUSE Executive Publisher
t’s summer!
And this time, it actually feels like summer! Unlike last year, which seemed like some wacky, distorted, alternate universe version of summer.
The world feels right again. Across the city and even the country, facemasks are the new weird, whereas last summer, a mask-less face was considered weird.
Planes are flying abroad. Weddings that were postponed two and three times are now triple the original size and happening in full force — indoors! People are throwing parties, attending parties, raising money at events and dancing close into the wee hours of the night. We are on the other side of this crazy rollercoaster pandemic, and we are better because of it.
In years past, summer in Houston might be a slow season. But because of what we have all endured for the past 15 months, Houston
Iis on fire this summer. The restaurant, art and real estate scenes are sizzling hot. So to those who aren’t ready to take the big travel plunge quite yet: You couldn’t have picked a better time to enjoy the local opportunities to frolic and play. Our editors have covered much of it in their fun “Summer Agenda” report in this issue! I don’t know about you, but I’m happy. I’m just flat out happy and content to be alive and thriving and free. Everything I do is enjoyable — down to the menial moment of driving my moody, nonverbal teenage son to football practice at 8am. Houston is open for business! Enjoy every moment of your summer. I’m hoping our magazine — whether online or print — gives you plenty of ideas to become reacquainted with all of our city’s great treasures. With gratitude…