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Inspiring Lifelong Readers

Ways to Get Your Boys Reading

It is a great occasion for parents to address one of It is a great occasion for parents to address one of the most vexing the most vexing questions: how do we inspire our questions: how do we inspire our boys to enjoy reading as much as our girls? boys to enjoy reading as as our girls? Experts suggest that parents do the following to Experts suggest that parents do the following to make boys into lifelong readers: make boys into lifelong readers:

Make Reading Material Available Make Reading Material Available

One way to inspire boys to read, says Dr. Patricia

One way to inspire boys to read, says Dr Patricia Furstenberg, a medical doctor and children’s book Furstenberg, a medical doctor and children’s book author, is simply to “leave reading material around author, is simply to “leave reading material around the house ” Melissa Fenton, a children’s librarian, the house.” Melissa Fenton, a children’s librarian, agrees She recommends that parents “keep agrees She recommends that parents “keep books all over the house, in all the places your boys books all over the house, in all the places your boys will be; by their bedside, on the breakfast table to will be; by their bedside, on the breakfast table to encourage reading over cereal, on coffee tables, encourage reading over cereal, on coffee tables, end tables, and even in the bathroom ” She even end tables, and even in the bathroom.” She even suggests that parents create a book display corner suggests parents create a book display corner and highlight seasonal and holiday titles, like and highlight seasonal and holiday titles, like bookstores do to entice customers. The message bookstores do to entice customers The message should be clear: reading is fun, and there’s a lot of should be clear: reading is fun, and there’s a lot of it to be enjoyed it to enjoyed.

Help Find Interesting Things To Read Help Find Interesting Things To Read

Help your sons find reading materials that Help your sons find reading materials that interests them

Drs Paula Schwanenflugel and interests them. Drs. Paula Schwanenflugel and Nancy Knapp, the authors of The Psychology of Nancy Knapp, the authors of The Psychology of Reading, say that parents should “let boys choose, Reading, say that parents should “let boys choose, and help them find, the kind of books and other and help them find, the kind of books and other materials they want to read ” While you don’t want materials they want to read ” While you don’t want to unnecessarily limit your sons’ reading interests, to unnecessarily limit your sons’ reading interests, studies show that boys prefer to read about topics studies show that boys prefer to topics that relate to their lives, interests, and imagination. that relate to their lives, interests, and imagination

Dr. Jeff Wilhelm, a professor of English Education, Dr Jeff Wilhelm, a professor of English Education, sums it up well: “boys like to read what’s toolish, sums it up well: “boys like to read what’s toolish, not schoolish,” meaning that “boys prefer reading not schoolish,” meaning that “boys prefer reading things that have something they can immediately things that have something they can immediately use, talk about, argue about, or do something use, talk about, argue about, or do something with.” with ”

Take Them To The Library Take Them To The

As Dr. Furstenberg says, “let your son wander As Dr Furstenberg says, “let your son wander around the library, pick a book and sit down to around the library, pick a book and sit down to page through it ” Ms Fenton agrees, suggesting page through it ” Ms Fenton agrees, suggesting that parents should make visit to the library “a that parents should make visit to the library “a family habit, and as common as a regular visit to family habit, and as common as a regular visit to the grocery store.” Young boys can browse shelves the grocery store ” Young boys can browse shelves with picture books on their own, while older boys with picture books on their own, while older boys can read book summaries and use the electronic can read book summaries and use the electronic catalogue to search for books that they find to search for books that they find interesting In a nutshell, going to the library interesting. In a nutshell, going to the library shouldn’t be something for rare or special shouldn’t be something for rare or special occasions, but rather a regular activity that your occasions, but rather a regular activity that your entire family looks forward to doing together entire family looks forward to doing together

Let Your Sons See You Read Let Your Sons See You Read

Dr. Margaret Merga, a literacy researcher, says that Dr Merga, a literacy researcher, says that parents serve as role models for their sons: “let parents serve as role models for their sons: “let them see you read for pleasure ” Dr Furstenberg them see you read for pleasure.” Dr. Furstenberg agrees: “children often mimic what they see, not agrees: “children what they see, not what they hear and we, as parents, are our what they hear and we, as parents, are our children’s mirrors.” Instead of reading just when children’s mirrors ” Instead of reading just when you’re alone having a quiet time, let your sons see you’re alone having a quiet time, let your sons see you absorbed in reading a book or magazine It’ll you absorbed in reading a book or magazine. It’ll inspire them to read, too inspire them to read, too.

Expand Your Idea Of What Counts Expand Your Idea Of What Counts As Reading As Reading

Take them to the library and let them explore

Take them to the library and let them explore available books and collections. available books and collections

Finally, but not least importantly, don’t think that Finally, but not least importantly, think that only “serious” literature counts as reading. Ms. only “serious” literature counts as reading Ms Fenton says that “just because your son isn’t Fenton says that “just because your son isn’t devouring thick fiction chapter books at all times devouring thick fiction chapter books at all times doesn’t mean he isn’t reading quality material For doesn’t mean he isn’t reading quality material. For boys, consider many different forms of written boys, consider many different of written word as reading; comic books, manga, joke books, word as reading; comic books, manga, joke books, magazines, and even blogs.” Jon Scieszka, a magazines, and even blogs ” Jon Scieszka, a children’s book author, agrees: “let boys know that children’s book author, agrees: “let boys know that nonfiction reading is reading Magazines, nonfiction reading is reading. Magazines, newspapers, websites, biographies, science books, newspapers, websites, biographies, science books, comic books, graphic novels are all reading comic books, graphic novels are all reading material.” Accept newer, alternative forms of material ” Accept newer, alternative forms of reading, like audiobooks “If your son insists on reading, like audiobooks “If your son insists on having earbuds in his ears all the time,” says Ms having earbuds in his ears all the time,” says Ms. Fenton, “have him try an audiobook ” Fenton, “have him try an audiobook.”

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