19 minute read
A curated look at the Greater Houston’s upcoming events and culture offerings.
All events listed are FREE unless otherwise noted. Check out our online calendar at https://houstonfamilymagazine.com/events-calendar/
October 1
Birding Hike
Brazos Bend State Park is home to over 300 species of birds making it the perfect place to bird-watch all year round! Meet at 40-Acre Lake to enjoy a guided hike focusing on the diverse bird population inhabiting the area. Learn to identify different species by sight and sound. This trail is 1.2 miles long, relatively flat, and graveled, and easily accessible for anyone that wants to join us! Don’t forget to bring your binoculars, field guides, hat, and plenty of water!
8-10a. Ages 12+. Free. www.tpwd.texas.gov/calendar/ brazos-bend
Sunday Family Studio
Create and learn in this workshop for families. Explore a work of art in the galleries, then make your own masterpiece in the studio.
1-3p. All ages. Free. www.mfah.org
Sing Along Sundays
Join Us Every Sunday for a great sing along show.
5-9 p. Adult. Free. www.visitgalveston.com
Those who like their morning coffee with a side of fast cars will be pleased to know that The Woodlands Car Club is back with monthly Cars & Coffee for a Cause at Market Street.
6:30-10a. All ages. Free. www.visitthewoodlands.com
October 2
Tyke Hikes
Encourage your child’s curiosity about nature and spend time with them exploring outdoors! Children with an adult companion can join a Naturalist for a story reading, a simple nature activity or craft, and a stroller-friendly hike on the beautiful Arboretum trails. Enjoy an interesting new nature experience each week with themes such as bees, wildflowers, and lizards!
18 months +. 9:30-10:15a, 10:30-11:15a. Free member / $7 nonmember. Also, Oct 9 & 23. www.houstonarboretum.org
Story Time
Children and parents enjoy time together while being introduced to books in a pre-school social group. Each unique themed session offers a complimentary take-home craft.
10:30-11a. Ages 2-5. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG
October 3
Gentle Yoga Flow And Sound Meditation
Strengthen your body, relax your mind and find your center with this dynamic flow yoga and sound healing. Led by Farida Meguid with crystal sound bowls played by Saumil Manek.
Adult. 6:30-7:30p. Free. Also, every Tuesday in the month. www.discoverygreen.com
Join the education department for a focus topic on our favorite felines. Featuring a 3D Theater showing, an ambassador animal presentation, and exploring the Rainforest Pyramid with interactive hands-on education stations. This month – Helping hands: Obscure Octopuses.
9:30a-12:30p. Ages 3-17. $15 / person non-member, $10 / person member. www.visitgalveston.com
October 4
Toddler Storytime
Toddle around with us for stories, songs, and activities that will help develop your toddler’s social, motor, and literacy skills.
Intended for children ages 18-36 months and their caregivers.
10:30-11a. Ages 18-36 months. Free. Registration required. Heights Neighborhood Library www.houstonlibrary.org/
Teen Gaming
Let’s play board games like Superfight, Pandemic, Settlers of Catan, and Sheriff of Nottingham. Never heard of those? That’s fine - we’ll teach you how it works! Come dance to Just Dance, race other teens in Mario Kart, and be the ultimate champion in Super Smash Bros. on our Nintendo Switch!
Ages 13-18. 4:30-6:30p. Free. rosenberg-library.org
October 5
Meet your friends at the MFAH for happy hour on Thursday, when general admission is free. Explore the campus, visit the galleries, and get a drink at the bar.
5-8p. Adult. Free. (Weekly) www.mfah.org
Meet your friends at the MFAH for happy hour on Thursday, when general admission is free. Explore the campus, visit the galleries, and get a drink at the bar.
5-8p. Adult. Free. (Weekly) www.mfah.org
Experience Hughes Landing on scenic Lake Woodlands with live music Thursday evenings! Rock the Row features local and regional bands playing a variety of favorites from pop and rock to country during the spring, summer and fall.
7p-9p. All ages. Free. Every Thursday through Nov 9. www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov
October 6
Children 4 and younger, and their adult caregivers, are invited to enjoy a multi-sensory experience in the galleries with songs, stories, games, and activities.
11:30a-12:30p. Ages 4-. Free. www.mfah.org
Join us for a creative and collaborative play experience that will help prepare your child for school readiness. Engage with your child as you create and build with a variety of building blocks!
All ages. 10:15-11a. Free. Jesse H Jones Library www.houstonlibrary.org
October 7
Korean Festival showcases the best of Korean food, music, performing arts, and culture. Featuring vendors and performers from all over the world. This festival reaches a broad array of Houstonians, including foodies, KPop fans, families, and regular Houstonians hoping to experience Korean culture in the heart of Houston.
Adult. 11a-9p. Free. www.discoverygreen.com
First Saturday Nature Walk
Enjoy the diverse plants and animals found at our park every first Saturday of each month. Join us in A guided Nature Walk that highlights some of the common species of plants and animals representing the three distinct ecosystems present within the park.
Stephen F. Austin State Park. 10a-11a. Adults are $5 per person, Children 12 and under are Free. www.tpwd.texas.gov/calendar/ stephen-f-austin
Books On The Bayou
Join us for a fun, free story time event for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and their parents/caregivers! In conjunction with this year’s Summer Species highlighting birds, there will be silly stories, rhymes, and songs all related to our feathered friends.
9-9:45a. 6 months to 4 years. Free. ww.buffalobayou.org
Trail Mix
Features live music, magic, and more! Join us trailside as Andy Roo takes you on an adventure through the AndyRooniverse along with magicians Dave and Jake Rangel. Enjoy unique hands-on pop-ups and giveaways to amp up the fun! Sessions are outdoors, weather permitting.
10a-11a. All ages. Free. www.themkt.com
Beginning Birding
Join us for a grounding yoga practice surrounded by the beautiful sounds and sights of nature! Taught by Carolina Vennie of Yogaleena, this class will be a Vinyasa Flow that is accessible to all levels. Please bring your own mat and water. This class is weather dependent and pre-registration is required.
12+. 10a-12p. Member $25, nonmember $50. www.houstonarboretum.org
Destination Exploration
Destination Exploration follows the stories of the people and events that shaped the island and Galveston Island State Park. Bringing together outdoor skills, hands-on activities, and storytelling, Destination Exploration will transport visitors to the age of exploration. 10a-11a. All ages. Free. tpwd.texas.gov/calendar/galvestonisland/destination-exploration
Join us outside the Nature Center to listen to a story about our nighttime friends, the bats! Learn about these awesome creatures and make your own bat puppet to take home. 11a-12p. All ages. Free. https://tpwd.texas.gov/calendar/ brazos-bend/copy_of_childrens-storytime-and-craft-2022-bats2
Hatha Yoga
A basic vinyasa yoga class for enhanced awareness and a strong, healthy body led by Andria Dugas. This Saturday class is a perfect way to start the weekend strong.
Adult. 9-10a. Free. www.discoverygreen.com
Beginning Birding

OCTOBER 7 oin us for a grounding yoga practice surrounded by the beautiful sounds and sights of nature! Taught by Carolina Vennie of Yogaleena, this class will be a Vinyasa Flow that is accessible to all levels. Please bring your own mat and water. This class is weather dependent and pre-registration is required.
12+. 10a-12p. Member $25, non-member $50. www.houstonarboretum.org
October 8
Little Artists
An exciting art adventure at MFAH for families.
1-2:30p. All ages. Free. www.mfah.org
Bubble Science
Curious about bubbles? From smoldering lava to foaming snails and spittlebugs, bubbles pop up in some pretty cool places. Come discover the magic of nature’s bubbles while creating your own bubbly fun! This is a handson, messy class. Please come dressed for the outdoors, including closed-toe shoes. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
All ages. 1:30-2:30p & 3-4p. Member $10, non-member $12. www.houstonarboretum.org
Magic Workshop is recommended for 7-12 year-olds. John O’Bryant unlocks a safe of magic secrets using items that can be found around your house. Free, with pre-registration required.
Ages 7-12. 10:30-11:30a. Free www.rosenbery-library.org
October 10
Toddler Tuesday
Toddlers and their caretakers enjoy a morning of interactive story time, costumed character meet and greets, activities, and soft play equipment from Toddler Towns. Every week features a themed story time with crafts to help toddlers discover the joy of reading and imagination.
Toddlers. 10:30a & 12:30p. Free. Oct 10, 17, 24 & 31. www.discoverygreen.com
This beginner-friendly, one-hour hike through Mercer’s gardens and forest is for those who believe in the restorative power that nature has on the mind, body and spirit. For women 18 and older. Consult your physician before starting any exercise program.
8-9a. Ages 18+. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG
October 11
Lunch And Learn
Expand your horizons by learning something new while meeting fellow garden enthusiasts. Bring a lunch and meet inside the Mercer Visitor Center. “Herbs 101” will be taught by Kim Perry, Director of Education for Urban Harvest.
12-2p. Ages 16 and up. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG
We have kayaks and paddleboards for all ages and abilities! We offers single, tandem, and fishing kayaks, as well as adaptive paddling equipment. We also offer beach services cabana/umbrella rental, Ebikes and bicycle rental. Times vary. All ages. Prices based upon rental time.
October 12
The Bryan Museum Book Club
The Bryan Museum Book Club is a monthly group who studies books about Texas and the American West. Our primary focus is non-fiction works, with the occasional fictional work included. The club meets on the second Thursday of every month in the Library at The Bryan Museum. This month – No Country for Old Men.
3p-4p. Adults. Free. www.thebryanmuseum.org/the-bryanmuseum-book-club/
Bring the kiddos and join our Levy Park team for Children’s Bingo! This 30-minute program is a fun way for children to practice their letters and numbers while earning prizes. Levy Park provides the Bingo cards, markers, and prizes.
4:30p. Ages 4 to 12. Free. www.levyparkhouston.org
October 13
Mercer Garden Tour
Would you like to know about the history of Mercer Botanic Gardens, what’s in bloom and explore the ‘roots’ less taken with a guided tour? Join Mercer staff for an approximately one-mile walking tour of the gardens.
12-2p. Ages 6 and up. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG
Home School Days
This incredible event provides a discount for home-schooled families to learn about space exploration and engage in an unforgettable day of inspiring STEM activities. Every Home School Day this year begins at 9 a.m., which means Home School Day guests get an extra hour to explore before the center opens to the public.
9a-12p. 5 and up. $14.50 per person. Registration required. www.spacecenter.org
October 14
Bayou City Art Festival
More than 220 national and international artists will come together with 20,000 art-loving patrons for a dynamic weekend full of art, food, music, and entertainment. The BayouCity Art Festival is one of the largest and most prestigious juried Fine Art Festivals in the nation and is produced by Art Colony Association, Inc.
All ages. General Admission $20, 12free. October 15 also. www.bayoucityartfestival.com
Galveston Greek Festival
The Annual Galveston Island Greek Festival returns to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary Greek Orthodox Church, 1824 Ball St. Come for a visit and stay for a while, there’s no party like a Greek party. 11a-7p. All ages. Free. www.visitgalveston.com
Fall Forest Festival
Stephen F. Austin’s Spooktacular Fall Forest Festival in the park is making its debut! We welcome you and your family to visit the park for festive themed family games, science fun, arts & crafts for kids, & live animal exhibits. Meet with community exhibitors, listen to great music, and enjoy local food trucks! Costumes are encouraged!
5:30-9:30p. All ages. Free. www.tpwd.texas.gov/calendar/ stephen-f-austin
Bayou City Art Festival October 14

More than 220 national and international artists will come together with 20,000 art-loving patrons for a dynamic weekend full of art, food, music, and entertainment. The BayouCity Art Festival is one of the largest and most prestigious juried Fine Art Festivals in the nation and is produced by Art Colony Association, Inc.
All ages. General Admission $20, 12- free. October 15 also. www.bayoucityartfestival.com
Second Saturday Bird Survey
Work on your bird watching skills while helping the Arboretum monitor bird populations on a fun, relaxed morning walk. Join us on the second Saturday of each month in the courtyard behind the building for a two-hour bird survey led by Arboretum staff members, Kelsey Low and Theo Ostler. We welcome all levels of bird watching skill and all ages (as long as you’re quiet) – but no dogs, please!
Monthly, Second Saturdays from 8a-10a. All ages. Free.
Bark In The Park
Join us on Saturday October 14th for our annual salute to pet rescue and carers. Dog costume contest, Doodle Dogs, and more!!!!
All ages. 11a-6p. Free. www.towncenterevents.com/ barkinthepark.html
Memorial Market
Immerse your senses in a fusion of flavors, artisan crafts, and one-of-a-kind produce. Shop from award winning artisan vendors including a 30ft organic veggie & fruit table during our Memorial Market Harvest Festival. Join our Fall Celebration with autumnal vendors, themed free kids craft classes from Kids Create Studios, and complimentary pumpkin patch benefitting Kids Meals. All ages. 9a-1p. Free. www.memorialcity.com
Family Zone
Visit the MFAH Family Zone for engaging gallery activities with coloring sheets, colored pencils, books, and more. 1-4p. All ages. Free. www.mfah.org
Pumpkin Patch Fall Festival
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for our annual Pumpkin Patch Fall Festival. We’ll have plenty of pumpkins, fun festival games, crafts and activities, scrumptious foods, family photo ops, meet the animals, and more!
All ages. 11a-4p. Free. www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Sensory Friendly Day
Children with autism spectrum disorder, sensory processing disorder, and various learning differences, and their families are invited to experience the Museum with dimmed lights, limited extra sounds and no distracting motions during this private event. Extra signage is added to help visitors determine things not to climb on, and entrances between exhibits where it is good to stop and wait for an adult before continuing. 10a-2p. All ages. $8 per person. www.cmhouston.org
Splatter Room At Pinspiration
Experience the Jackson-Pollock-Inspired Splatter Room™! Suit up in protective gear and fling paint at a canvas to create a unique masterpiece. The Splatter Room™ can only accommodate up to 6 guests at a time (call for large group options). Date night packages available. Dates/Times vary. All ages. Pricing depends on projects chosen. www.pinspiration.com
October 17
In this performance, Classical Indian Dance, Storytelling, Music, Dance, and Flamenco artists bring the cultures of India and Spain together in this collaborative and educational cultural performance for audiences and students of all ages.
This unique artistic collaboration with a message of hope and light brings vocals, guitar, violin, narration, percussion (mridangam), and classical Indian dancers together in a new work of art. All ages. 11 am. Free. www.milleroutdoortheatre.com
Make handmade pottery using the pottery wheel. No experience needed. BYOB. Book now and choose your project whelm you arrive.
Thur, Fri, Sat 11a-11p, Sun 11a-9p, MonWed by appointment only. 21+. Projects starting at $54.
October 18
Buffalo Bayou Park Wellness Walk
Join Buffalo Bayou Partnership on a free Wellness Walk led by Laura Conely, founder of Urban Paths. Anyone and everyone is invited to walk through the paths of Buffalo Bayou Park while discussing topics including mental and physical health as well as the benefits of being exposed to nature.
6:30p. Free. All ages. www.buffalobayou.org
Coffee Cake Book Club
Coffee Cake Book Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at 11:00 a.m. This month’s book will be In the Midnight Room by Laura McBride. Adults. 11a. Free.
October 19
A bilingual (English/Spanish) interactive show about a young Latina who travels back in time to meet the composer, Antonio Vivaldi, just finishing his masterpiece, The Four Seasons. With live musical accompaniment by members of Ars Lyrica Houston.
All ages. 11 am. Free. www.milleroutdoortheatre.com
Join us at the shop for storytime every Thursday at 9:30 AM! We read stories, sing songs, and do an art activity. The themes change weekly. This storytime is great for toddlers and preschoolers. Ages toddlers and preschoolers. 9:30a. Free.
Hocus Pocus Pops
Around here, Hocus Pocus Pops might be an even bigger deal than Halloween Itself! There’s all the trick-or-treating and kiddos in costumes and ghastly guy and ghouls…..plus the haunting Houston Symphony in all its sinister splendor. All ages. Gates open 6p, show at 7:30p. $25 seating, lawn free. www.woodlandscenter.org

Karankawa People Of The Gulf Coast
Please join us at the Galveston County Museum for this fascinating presentation by Tim Seiter, who has traced the history of the Karankawa people from the mid-nineteenth century to present day. 10a-12p. Adult. Free. www.visitgalveston.com
Mkt Sunset Market
M-K-T Sunset Market puts a weeknight, family-friendly spin on the typical farmer’s market. Enjoy charcuterie on M-K-T’s wave deck, enjoy live music and face-painting on the lawn, or grab a made-to-go meal by one of Houston’s favorite chefs. There is something here for all ages.
12-5-9p. All ages. Free. M-K-T, Trailside, 600 N Shepherd Dr, Houston, TX 77007 www.themkt.com
Parachute Play Time
Parachute Play Time is back! Join the British International School of Houston on the third Friday of every month from March - October with fun craft activities and games - don’t miss out on the big parachute! It’s sure to start your Friday off right!Tuesday, October 4 from 7 - 10 PM: The After Party (Country & Pop) & 10-minute fireworks spectacular at 9:30p.
9-11a. Toddlers / Pre-K. $6 / child. www.citycentrehouston.com
October 17
n this performance, Classical Indian Dance, Storytelling, Music, Dance, and Flamenco artists bring the cultures of India and Spain together in this collaborative and educational cultural performance for audiences and students of all ages.
This unique artistic collaboration with a message of hope and light brings vocals, guitar, violin, narration, percussion (mridangam), and classical Indian dancers together in a new work of art. All ages. 11 am. Free. www.milleroutdoortheatre.com
Bee movie provides a fun introduction to the importance of pollinators in the global ecosystem. It shows that without bees (and other pollinators) the world will eventually end. Come join Barry the honeybee as he shows us just how important bees really are.
All Ages. 6:30p. Free. www.thewoodlandstownship-tx.gov
Halloween Stories At The Pavilion
Meet at the Sealy Pavilion on the south side of the library to enjoy Halloween stories.
Child. Every hour for 20 minutes, 10a4p. Free. rosenberg-library.org/events/
October 21
Our annual Halloween in the Park is back! Like in previous years, we welcome you and your family to come out to the park to enjoy festive themed crafts, meet with our community exhibitors, try and find bats on top of the 82’ John Jacob Observation Tower, and try our Spooky Trail - if you dare!
All ages. 5-9p. tpwd.texas.gov/calendar/sheldonlake/sheldon-spooktacular-100-yearcelebration
History Boat Tour
Look back at Houston’s history while cruising Buffalo Bayou on a 90-minute tour with a local historian. Your guide will share stories of the Allen brothers and provide historical information about the people, places, and events along the bayou that helped shape Houston.
6:30p. Free. Ages 4+. 10-11:30a. $40 per person. www.buffalobayou.org
ARToberFEST is a fine arts festival located on Galveston Island in the historic downtown cultural arts district. The two-day festival showcases the works of over 120 of the finest artists in the United States.
10a-6p. All ages. Free.
Continues Through Oct 22. www.visitgalveston.com
Flea By Night
Enjoy live music and food trucks while treasure hunting for one-of-a-kind local goods. Musical entertainment.
Adult. 6-10p. Free. www.discoverygreen.com
Pumpkin Planters
What better way to celebrate our fall bounty than with pumpkins and wildflowers? Join us for this fun and creative family class to make a festive pumpkin planter. We’ll learn how to properly plan, plant, and care for three species of native plants in a cute artificial pumpkin container, and then we’ll decorate our mini gardens with ribbons, glass pebbles, and more.
Ages 5+. 1-2:30p. Member $55, nonmember $65. www.houstonarboretum.org
Nature Walking Tour
Learn about native plants and the insects that pollinate them along Buffalo Bayou! Follow along this discovery tour of Houston’s historic waterway ecosystem with Nancy Greig, an avid natural historian “jack of all trades”, she has particular interest in plants and insects, but birds, mammals, herps and fish are all on her radar.
9-10:30a. $5. All ages. www.buffalobayou.org
Scuderia Exotic Car Show
Join us on every third Saturday of the month for a collection of Exotics, European/American-JDM Classics and much more!
All ages. 8-11 am. Free. www.visitthewoodlands.com
George Ranch Frontier Days
The Fort Bend History Association is proud to present the George Ranch Frontier Days festival, held at the George Ranch Historical Park. Bring the whole family to discover more than 150 years of Texas history! Enjoy hands-on activities, battle re-enactments, live entertainment, first-person costumed interpreters, historic home tours, games, cowboys, vintage vehicles, food, craft vendors and more. George Ranch Frontier Days is our biggest living history event of the year — you don’t want to miss it! 9a-5p. All ages. $15 Adults (ages 13-64), $12 – Seniors (ages 65+), $10 – Children (ages 4-12), Children ages 3 and under are free.
Tweens Read 2023
Mark your calendars for Tweens Read 2023, the amazing festival that connects middle grade readers with authors! A complete line up of authors and the schedule for the day can be found at the TeenBookCon website. This month’s book – Eb & Flow.
Tweens. 9:30a. Free. www.bluewillowbookshop.com
October 22
Yoga On The Lawn
Join us for a grounding yoga practice surrounded by the beautiful sounds and sights of nature! Taught by Carolina Vennie of Yogaleena, this class will be a Vinyasa Flow that is accessible to all levels. Please bring your own mat and water. This class is weather dependent and pre-registration is required. 16+. 9-10a. Free member / $15 nonmember. www.houstonarboretum.org
Glow Ride
City Lights, Summer Nights & Glowing Bikes! Join Island Bicycle Company every third Thursday as we ride into the night “Glow Ride” style.
6:30p-9p. All ages. Free. www.islandbicyclecompany.com
The Panto Company USA present “Cinderella”. Bullied by her two mean Step Sisters, Cinders’ future looks bleak until her Fairy Godmother casts a spell and sends her to the ball. How will the Prince ever find her when she flees at midnight, leaving behind a single glass slipper? A true-to-story play full of original songs and bursting with more hilarity than you can imagine. And of course, there’s the perfect happy ending!
All ages. 11 am. Free. www.milleroutdoortheatre.com
Garden Naturalist
Led by Mercer’s Education Staff and Precinct 3 Park Programs, Garden Naturalists is an exciting new program, combining engaging classroom lessons with hands-on outdoor garden adven-
ARToberFEST is a fine arts festival located on Galveston Island in the historic downtown cultural arts district. The two-day festival showcases the works of over 120 of the finest artists in the United States.

10a-6p. All ages. Free.
Continues Through Oct 22. www.visitgalveston.com tures. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Ages 7-13. 10 am. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG
Tough Broads Book Club meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. This month’s book will be Trust by Hernan Diaz.
Adults. 7p. Free. www.bluewillowbookshop.com
Interested in bird watching? Whether you are a novice or an expert, join our FREE guided bird walks through Russ Pitman Park. Warblers, vireos, thrushes, flycatchers, tanagers & hawks are just a few of the types of migrants you may see. If you bring your lunch, plan to eat it before or after the walk.
Adult. 12p. Free. www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Experience the Life and History of a WWII Sailor, by visiting the USS Stewart & the USS Cavalla today.
9a-6p daily. All Ages. Children $8, Adult $13, Senior $10, Veteran $7 www. www.galvestonnavalmuseum. com/general-1
Discover everything the Museum has to offer as we open our doors for two extra hours. From minds-on exhibits to experiments, bilingual story time and more, there’s lots to discover on Thursday night!
All ages. 5-8p. Free. www.cmhouston.org
Enjoy The Addams Family on the lawn, join our Battle of the Wednesdays costume contest and dance lesson, and shop for spooky wares from artisan vendors at a trailside Shop Local Market!
The movie (1991, PG-13) will start at 7 PM! BYO seating and picnic blankets are encouraged.
All ages. 5-9p. Free. www.themkt.com
October 27
Join us for a fun and interesting night of creepy nature stories, games, and a night hike through the park. We will serve snacks and adult beverages, and this program is just for adults! Come and celebrate Halloween with us this year! Adult. 7-9p. $25 per person. www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Get ready for a hair-raising experience this Halloween Family Movies Night. All ages. 7:30 pm. Free www.levyparkhouston.org
Island Oktoberfest
This fun, family weekend will feature continuous live entertainment on two stages, an expanded menu of authentic German food and libations, Cake Wheel, shopping for fine arts, crafts and gifts in the historic 1860 Lyceum; more fun contests, beer and wine events, and fun, family children’s activities – plus much more.
10a-6p. All ages. Free. Friday 5-9p, Saturday 11a-7p. First Lutheran Church, 2415 Winnie, Galveston TX www.visitgalveston.com
Costumes will be judged based on originality, execution, and overall appearance. Contest prizes include tickets to Green Mountain Energy Ice at Discovery Green, gift cards to The Grove, an H-E-B Celebration Zone reservation and more. There are six costume categories: infant to 8 years old, 9 years old to 18 years old, best male over age 18, best female over age 18, best family costume and best dog costume.
All ages.7-9:30p. Free. www.discoverygreen.com
Fall Plant Sale
Fall is one of the best times to garden in Houston, so get ready during our Fall Plant Sale! A variety of Texas natives will be featured, including perennial and annual wildflowers (including milkweed), grasses, shrubs, and trees – perfect for attracting butterflies, bees, and other pollinators to your yard or garden while helping to conserve water, reduce mowing, protect the soil, and save money on fertilizer and pesticides. Plant Sale proceeds benefit the Arboretum’s conservation and education efforts. Members receive discounts on all plant sale purchases!
9a-2p. All ages. Free. Oct 28 also. www.houstonarboretum.org
Free Days
Houston Museum District
5-8pm • 1500 Binz St. www.cmhouston.org
**FREE Admission for Bank of America cardholders the first FULL weekend of the month.
2-7pm • 1515 Hermann Dr. www.thehealthmuseum.org
10am-9pm • 1001 Bissonnet www.mfah.org
**FREE MFAH admission Saturdays & Sundays for all kids 18 & under with a library card
2-5pm • 5555 Hermann Park Dr. www.hmns.org
1-5pm • 3816 Caroline St. www.buffalosoldiermuseum.com
6-8pm • 4807 Caroline St. www.hmaac.org
2-8pm • 5401 Caroline St. (Free Thursdays thru August 24th) www.hmh.org

11am-7pm • 1533 Sul Ross Street www.menil.org
1-5:30pm • The Water Works at 105 Sabine Street • Age: 9+ www.buffalobayou.org
Tuesday-Friday 10am-7pm, Sat.10am-6pm, Sun. 12-6pm • 5216 Montrose Boulevard www.camh.org