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Even the healthiest men should be checked regularly to help ensure they stay that way. Schedule a physical exam with your doctor every two years until age 50 and annually after that.
The following screenings will help keep you in top shape:
■ Blood Pressure: Every two years, more often if it’s high.
■ Cholesterol & Heart Disease: Every five year after age 34, more often with certain conditions.
■ Diabetes: Every three years after age 45, sooner if you are overweight or obese.
■ Colorectal Cancer: Starting at age 45, earlier if you have a family history of colon cancer or polyps.
■ Prostate Cancer: Talk with your doctor starting at age 45 if you’re African American or have a family history. Starting at age 50 otherwise.
■ Lung cancer: Every year starting at age 50 if you have a 20 pack a year smoking history and currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years.