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What Is Mantrailing?
Mantrailing is a sport training dogs to find people by following their unique scent trail. All dogs have a natural ability to hunt and therefore Mantrailing provides them with an outlet to do this in a safe, controlled and constructive way. At Dog Gone Fun Agility, we teach them how to harness their amazing sense of smell and turn it into a super fun activity to do together as a sport.
Our approach is all positive reward based training and is accessible to all dogs regardless of age, breed or disability.
Dogs are always worked one at a time which means even dogs with confidence and reactivity issues can take part. Mantrailing also relies heavily on teamwork and it’s important to have a line of communication between you and your dog at all times. Therefore, dogs are kept on a long-line throughout the training session, meaning that even dogs with a poor recall can take part.
Mantrailing is also a low impact sport, which unlike some dog sports, means there is less pressure and stress on your dogs joints allowing puppies, older dogs and those who need more careful exercise management to participate in the fun.
You and your dog need no previous training to get started in Mantrailing. Your dog doesn’t even need to know how to walk on lead. The progress of each dog is based on their natural ability for the game and finding the best reward for that dog.
Dogs with no training are welcome to come, as are dogs from other sports. Mantrailing allows dogs to use their nose in a natural way to find their hidden person.
You can get started on your Mantrailing journey with a Mantrailing Global Instructor. The instructors are based across the USA, UK, Ireland, and Canada.
An introduction workshop is the place to start. After you’ve attended your introduction, you’ll be able to attend progression classes and workshops to continue developing your skills with any Mantrailing Global Instructor in the world.
All you need to get started is a harness which fits your dog, and a long lead (22 to 33 ft). Your instructor will help you with the rest.
You can find details on instructors at MantrailingGlobal.com or Mantrailing-USA.com.
To learn more about the classes here locally at Dog Gone Fun Agility, go to DogGoneFunAgility.com and click on Classes/Mantrailing.
About Mantrailing Global
Mantrailing Global has supported Mantrailing Instructors across Europe and beyond since 2017, teaching the sport of Mantrailing to pet dog & owner teams.
Mantrailing Global was originally born as 'Mantrailing UK' after Founder, Lisa Gorenflo, discovered Mantrailing in Germany and quickly became hooked. Upon returning home to the UK, she began searching for this kind of training but was disappointed to not find anything
By: Kathryn Jones, Dog Gone Fun Agility, DogGoneFunAgility.com
available. There was only one option: to start a Mantrailing club. At the time, Lisa already had an established dog training business so she began introducing Mantrailing as a new service to offer her clients, all the while continuing her training in Germany gaining her status as a Certified Mantrailing Instructor.
As it received more and more interest, Lisa saw the benefits that Mantrailing was having on the participating dogs and their owners. She then made the decision to begin offering Mantrailing Introduction courses to her already thriving dog-training business. Very quickly, Mantrailing took off as a new dog sport and began to take up all of Lisa’s time! Not only did she have pet owners travelling across the country to participate, but other dog trainers became addicted and wanted to offer it to their clients also.
Eventually, Lisa made the decision to coach and train new instructors which developed into the esteemed Mantrailing UK Instructor course, or as it stands today, and has spread internationally across the globe.
BARC knows you love your pets and want to make sure if they are ever lost or stolen, they can always come back home.

Microchipping can make that happen. And it’s easy and inexpensive.
Take your pets to BARC’s low-cost wellness clinic or your vet, who will implant the microchip and explain how it works and how to register your information on HoustonBARC.com . That way, an animal welfare organization that finds your pets can scan their microchips and arrange for their safe return.
Microchipping is now mandatory in the City of Houston. Please comply to avoid possible fines. So, if ever your pets roam, they can find their Way Home