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French Bulldog

Recently replacing the Golden Retriever as the most popular dog breed in America, the French Bulldog, or Frenchie as most folks call them, are full of personality and that includes our model, Trixie. Named for Trixie Mattel because of her cream coloring reminiscent of Trixie Mattel’s stage make-up, this version of Trixie is known to be a sassy little girl, just like her namesake. At only 6 months old, Trixie already owns two humans who spoil her… and why shouldn’t they? Have you seen that face? We took her word for her world domination at home but we did have to check in with mom and dad, Christie and Ben Alcala, to see the extent of Trixie’s rule. Dad confirmed, “Yes, it’s Trixie’s world for sure. She sleeps wherever she wants, be it the sofa, floor, in our lap or in our bed. She demands games of tug-o-war and even at her young age, she wins. She kisses us earnestly and frequently, whether we want her to or not. So yes, like I said, it’s Trixie’s world.”
It makes total sense that a French dog would think they are superior and we knew just how to figure that out. We asked Trixie if she could channel any famous person, who would it be and she replied, “Isn’t it obvious? Marie Antoinette of course. It’s not just because she’s French, but I see myself as royalty as well. However, I would also be a dog of the people (I know this because of the popularity I’ve gained walking down my street daily), so when I say “let them eat cake”, I would really want everyone to have some cake, provided I get the first piece and probably the last because I would have finished my slice before the cake had been fully distributed and would need another slice to enjoy with the masses.” What a humble little dog!
We had to check one last time with mom and dad on the whole “Trixie is the greatest thing ever” mantra so we decided to see what they thought of her overall talents. When posed the question, “Does Trixie have any special talents?”, their response was, “Is being adorable a talent?” It’s settled. They are smitten!
French bulldogs often have problems giving birth, so many must undergo a C-section. The operation ensures the dog will not have to weather too much stress and prevents future health complications. Frenchies are also a brachycephalic breed, meaning they have shorter snouts than other dogs. These pushed-in faces can lead to a variety of breathing problems. This facial structure, coupled with high stress and uncomfortably warm temperatures, can lead to fatal situations for dogs with smaller snouts. Many breeds like bulldogs and pugs have perished while flying, so as a result, many airlines have banned them. Perhaps all Frenchies should fly private? Trixie agrees!