1 minute read
Pembroke Welsh SAMMY WALES Corgi
Known for their short legs and big heart, “Sammy” the Corgi doesn’t disappoint!
Mom, Lily Conine, admits that Sammy is short for Ice Cream Samwich, which she chose because she wanted a fun introduction when they compete in agility shows. “I could just imagine the announcer saying, “Here comes Ice Cream Samwich”, or, “Ice Cream Samwich is in the lead!” Mom already knew early on that Sammy was going to excel at competing! As proof, Sammy has multiple AKC titles for tricks, and for dog sports. She loves to run in agility and Fast CAT and was one of the top 100 fastest Corgis in the country last year. Wow! Could we expect anything less than AMAZING abilities for Queen Elizabeth’s (R.I.P.) favorite canine?
Now, one would think with that cute face and fluffy little butt that Sammy would be all cuddles. Nope, mom says she is not affectionate at all. We found this interesting so we asked Sammy her reasoning for this behavior and she told us, “I see my role in the household of multiple dogs, a cat, and two humans as the fun police. I mean seriously, the cat attempts to play with toys to which I say NO. Mom tries to do these weird exercises in the living room to which I say NO. And dad...well, that’s another story. He actually tries to use the water hose in the backyard to which I say NO, NO, NO!”
Ok, so that is kinda strange but can we expect anything less from a dog who sleeps in bed with her legs straight in the air like a dead cockroach? To this, we say NO. But we also say Sammy is one cool canine!
Corgis, despite their dwarfism giving the illusion of small slow legs, can reach up to 25 mph if they are healthy and fit. This is because Corgis tend to use more upper body strength to run than most dogs, giving them enhanced abilities with such activities as agility and herding and racing.