1 minute read
Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
They say NO I don’t like that food it smells of rotten fish, And while you’re at it can you wash my dish?
They say NO I don’t want to play with that silly old toy, If you would just leave me alone that would give me joy
They say NO I don’t want to run or exercise in any shape or form, I prefer to curl up in the windowsill and lay where it’s warm
They say NO I don’t want to be social with those people that stopped by, Having them pet me would be worse than a stick in my eye
They say NO I will not get in that crate to go visit the vet, To that idea I am very dead-set
They say NO you don’t own me so don’t get confused, And please don’t wallow in self-pity and let your ego get bruised
So, I wonder why someone would want such thankless creatures, It defies understanding because they have no good features
They’re filled with NO’s and snooty personalities, Finicky habits and formalities
Why would one choose this species that’s aloof, When they could have a dog that’s a big silly goof?
As the YES’s of the world I declare an end to this spat, Dogs reign supreme because we rarely say NO - only to a cat!