1 minute read
Do You Know A HUMAN Or ANIMAL HERO In Houston?

If so, nominate them to be featured in PetTalk’s August Philanthropy & Heroes Issue.

We know there are many citizens in Houston that dedicate their time and resources to animal welfare in our community AND there are animals that use their talents to help humans. If you know of someone that has dedicated themselves to making Houston a better place for animals, or an animal that works to make Houston safe or assist people in need, we want to hear about them and celebrate their greatness and sacrifice in our August Issue.
Please email ggarcia@houstonpettalk.com for a nomination form. All forms must be submitted by June 20. A select few will be featured in our August issue.
Help PetTalk celebrate the giving and heroic nature of our community by submitting a nomination. Your contribution is much appreciated!
1st Place Winner!