3 minute read
Letter from the Editor On the cover
In a world that is not only kinetic but also chaotic, it’s easy to lose focus on those activities and people that are working for the greater good. Our news cycle is filled with doom and gloom as well as divisiveness. This constant barrage of negativity often leaves us depressed or depleted. At times, it feels as though we are barely keeping up and surviving, which is exactly when we need a touch of light in our lives: a generous, positive-minded, hardworking example of the goodness in life. That reminder of the good, the giving, the best among us is the focus of this August Philanthropy & Heroes issue.
The Gift Of Giving
What makes a city great is the people who call it home and Houston is fortunate to have many giving souls in our midst. In particular, stray, abused or neglected animals need a voice and compassion for survival. Without those caring people, many more animals would perish. In this issue, we are celebrating the philanthropists and heroes of the Houston pet community. Our cover couple, Tracy and Harry Faulkner, lead the way in the importance of giving to a cause. Meet them and other heroes nominated by the community beginning on page 26.
Setting the pace for generosity, kindness and a positive spirit is our cover couple Tracy and Harry Faulkner. This duo gives, gives, and gives some more of their time and treasure to many causes, some of which are animal welfare. They represent the ideal of giving back to humanity for the greater good, otherwise known as philanthropy. Learn all about their endeavors in our feature story.
We also highlight the many other heroes in our Houston community that have taken action to help animals in need or in the case of animal heroes, help humans! From transporting animals, saving them from the streets, fostering, vetting and more, to the animals that have assisted humans in lifethreatening missions, we celebrate them all on pages 30-37. Join us in a collective thank you to these heroes and perhaps it will inspire you to lend your time and love to a cause that is meaningful to you as well.

Next up in this issue, check out our product section on healthy products and cat-themed goodies. We always encourage you to shop locally with our pet supply retailers. It’s easy to just hit that buy now button on Amazon, but once you set up an account with local retailers that sell online, it’s just as easy! I shop online for all of my pet needs at Hollywood Feed. There is not a location near me (otherwise I would shop there because I like taking my dog on shopping trips) so I order online and it arrives in just 2 days. They have every product and brand I need and I get to support a Houston store! I also should point out that the same philosophy goes for using services from all of our sponsors. Without our advertising partners, PetTalk is not possible. If you want our publication to continue, that’s the only way it can…by advertising partners getting a ROI on their expenditure. So PLEASE shop with them, use their services and be sure to tell them you found them in PetTalk!
As summer fun begins to wane in August, there is still time to have some last minute joy in our expansive city. My suggestion is to visit the Houston Zoo’s new Galápagos Island exhibit. Check out my story in the conservation section on the 290,000 gallon aquarium that is only one part of the overall exhibit. It’s so beautiful and mesmerizing! I love getting to be literally face to face with a shark, sea turtle and even a cute little puffer fish. And the best part? It’s 90% indoors and climate controlled. Very ideal in Houston! The zoo also does a great job of showing how plastics are literally killing our sea life and how we can change our behaviors to help in this global problem. Climate change typically gets the headlines, but plastics in the oceans is a horrific problem we must solve. It not only kills sea life, it affects birds that eat the fish and more. Read all about this topic at the exhibit and hopefully you will not only enjoy the beauty of the animals, but find ways to conserve their environment too.
14781 Memorial Drive, Ste. 510, Houston, Texas 77079 281-556-6560