1 minute read
Kittenpalooza: A Big Success

Best Friends Animal Society recently hosted Kittenpalooza on June 11 and July 2 to help find more kitties a forever home. Houstonians came out to not only support but to adopt, making the events a wild success. Between both Kittenpaloozas, 72 cats and kittens were adopted, with an additional 17 leaving as foster-to-adopts. If you are thinking of bringing home a new cat or kitten, the adop- tion option is a great way to find the perfect furry friend. Plus, two kittens are better than one - consider bringing home not one but two kittens so they’ll never be alone (plus you'll have twice the love and purrs).

Best Friends is located at 901 Pinemont Drive, Houston, 77018. To learn more about adopting and fostering, visit BestFriends.org/ Houston for more information.