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HReopening of the Eldorado Ballroom at Project Row Houses

HThe historic Eldorado Ballroom opened with a 1940' retro theme. Legends honored Horace Grisby, Jewel Brown, and Lizette Cobb, for her father, Arnett Cobb, per reformers for the Eldorado Ballroom. Project Row Houses also gave keys to its founder's artists Jesse Lott, Floyd Newsum, George Smith, and Bert Samples. In attendance Chairs Anita Smith and Hasty Johnson, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Councilwoman Carolyn Shabazz, HCC Board member Reagan Flowers, and Percy and Cheryl Cruezot.

Specialized Assessment & Consulting is bidding on Project 22-10-09-A Special Education Services, for the Houston Independent School District. We are looking for possible M/WBE subcontractors to provide the following services:
● Licensed Specialists in School Psychology
● Educational Diagnosticians
● Speech-Language Pathologists
● Occupational Therapists
● Physical Therapists
● Licensed Professional Counselors

● Orientation and Mobility Providers
● Teachers for students with auditory and visual impairments
● Social Workers
● Interpreters

● Translators
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact Specialized Assessment & Consulting at: contracts@specializedtx.com.