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grant to supplement the needs of its students. Funding for the enrichment curriculum is approved by Harris County Commissioners and administered to vetted programs by HCDE’s Center for Afterschool, Summer, and Enrichment for Kids (CASE for Kids).
In the heart of the Fifth Ward, J.C. Hester House partners with community members for an eight-week program that keeps pre-K to fifth-grade students engaged in literacy and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) activities.
Every week throughout the summer, the camp’s more than 40 students enjoy visits from the Houston Museum of Natural Science, Harris County Precinct One Constable deputies, and the Harris County Public Library’s Curiosity Cruiser. The mobile library offers a free book every week to each student in the camp. The collaborations positively influence students, expose them to career opportunities, and provide a nurturing environment for learning and growth.
“We try to keep their minds stimulated throughout the summer,” said Ashley Khan, the youth service manager at J.C. Hester House. “This program
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isn’t just a refresher course. It’s where we challenge our students and prepare them for the next level.”
Khan describes the 2023 County Connections grant as essential to their program. “I’m not sure we would be able to keep the doors open without the help of CASE for Kids and the County Connections grant,” said Khan. “We consider it a privilege to help our kids.”
Grant funds allowed the program to supplement staffing, purchase materials and supplies for activities, and create field trip opportunities to places such as Discovery Green, Lake Houston Wilderness Park, and the visit to Prairie View A&M.
“Our kids are young, but they already have college on their minds,” exclaimed Khan. “This grant allowed us to expand our students’ minds to a world outside of Fifth Ward. They were excited to visit Prairie View A&M, and that gives me hope for their future!”
To prevent learning loss between academic school years, known as the “summer slide,” Khan works with district teachers to gauge where her students need extra help and provide daily instruction on reading, writing, and mathematics. The curriculum proves successful for students.
“I was struggling with long division when I got here, but not anymore,” said Win. “We’ve been doing minute math problems, and they really helped. Now when I go back to school, I won’t get stuck on as many problems.”
J.C. Hester House’s youth development program imparts valuable skills and knowledge to benefit students in the upcoming school year and exposes them to paths for a brighter future.
“I’m always helping my friends with their work, so I’m going to be a teacher like Mrs. Ashley,” Win smiled. “They make learning fun here, and I want to do that for students one day.”
To learn more about County Connections, visit hcde-texas.org/county-connections.