2 minute read

By Chauncey Simmons/ BlackDoctor.Org
Mental health has become a prevalent topic in today’s world, especially after the effects of the pandemic. More specifically, Black men have been hit very hard due to the economic hardships resulting from the shutdowns.
This article will discuss the three most common mental health disorders that plagued Black men and how you can fight back against the symptoms and take control of your mind. Let’s begin.
Depression is a huge mental health issue that affects Black men. Worse, most men won’t seek help due to stigma and pride. Given the recent hardships most people went through during the pandemic, depression has run rampant through many households. Fighting depression can be tough, especially when everything seems to be against you. However, the best way to start your fight against this mindset is to focus on the positives in your life.
You can also change your diet and introduce more omega-3 fatty acids into your system. That will allow you to see the brighter side of life, giving you the chance to change your circumstances for the better. There are also numerous helplines people can call when they need to talk to somebody about their current situation and grievances. These trained professionals can often give you insights into your situation that you didn’t think about before, positively changing it for the better.
Consider changing your environment as well, which could mean moving to a new city or looking for a new job. Surrounding yourself with new people or different stimuli can refresh your brain and eliminate most negative thoughts.
Anxiety is another big downer for Black men in America. With all the perils and twists and turns that life can have, it is only natural to be anxious to walk out your door every day.
Of course, ensuring every aspect of your life is safe and secure can significantly help your anxiety, whether it be your physical protection or financial status. Due to the pandemic, many jobs are hiring at higher rates and can promise a good future for most Back men.
Another way you can fight your anxiety is to stay active and avoid alcohol because wine and spirits can often lead to bad situations when you have an anxious mind. As for the benefits of activity, being active can get your endorphins flowing, which is a natural stress reliever.
A good night’s rest can go a long way toward clearing your mind when you have anxious thoughts. That may not necessarily mean getting the total 8 hours, but as long as you are on a consistent sleep schedule, you will see good results.
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder is another significant ailment affecting most Black men’s minds. Unlike the previous two entries on this list, this mental affliction has external ramifications, as mood swings can sometimes be violent and damaging.
Both relationships and physical items can feel the wrath of someone experiencing a violent outburst due to their disorder. While medication can be a huge help, a more natural way to fight back is to talk to someone you trust.
This trusted individual can be a therapist, family member, or best friend as long as it is someone who you do not mind looking vulnerable in front of. Even though there aren’t too many Back therapists in the field today, roughly 8,000 are available across the US.