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Turtle Flight
120 Endangered Sea Turtles Fly to Texas for Medical Treatment & Care
In December, 120 sea turtles flew south to Texas after being found on Cape Cod, Massachusetts beaches suffering from hypothermia and other complications. They received treatment and care from seven facilities in Texas, including the Houston Zoo.
– Kate Sampson, NOAA Fisheries sea turtle stranding and disentanglement coordinator for the Greater Atlantic Region
NOAA Fisheries sea turtle stranding and disentanglement coordinator for the Greater Atlantic Region Staff from NOAA Fisheries and the New England Aquarium helped load the turtles into the plane. Of the 120 turtles that made the journey, 118 were Kemp’s ridleys, one green sea turtle, and one loggerhead. The Houston Zoo Sea Turtle Hospital keepers were responsible for daily care of the 19 Kemp’s ridleys and the loggerhead turtle, and the Zoo’s veterinary team oversaw their treatments. The Houston Zoo’s veterinary team also assisted the Texas A&M University at Galveston team with veterinary care.