FSC Certifcaat Bakker dé Houthandel

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Certificate SGS-COC-007776

Tlrc manaçment system of

Bakker Dé Houthandel B,V. Oostenrijzend 1a, Hoogkarspel, 1616 LE, Netherlands

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has been assessed and certified as meeling the requiæmenb of

Chain-of-Gustody g,.#i:ffi.ä8.'tx'lñ'åif l'ü.iHi:ltf ü


for the products detailed in the scope below Purchase and saþs otsott- an¿ hardwood timber, board materials and doors (FSG Pure, FSC Mixed) using thetransftrsystem. This ærtificate is valid from 28 June 2010 until 27 June 2015 lssue 1. certified since


Autnrised by

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SGS Souh Afica (Pty) Ltd, Qualifor Programme P0 Box 82582 Souürdale 2135, 58 Melvil¡ Street Booysens Johannesbug 2091 Souh Rfiica

t +27 (0) 1't 681:2537 f +27 (0)'l





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FSC aæredited FSC


Trad€marftg 1996

Stffirdshlp Cenct AC. FSCACCÆ15

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