Sports individuals field fact sheet

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Team talk



wealth planning

disputes assets

building on your brand

reputation contracts




sports individuals field

To get the best results requires incisive forward thinking, skill, discipline and a solid defence. Success in life is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to tackle every challenge, both on and off the pitch with a legal team alongside you that will offer you the very best protection, formation and tactics to ensure your lasting success.

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Team sheet

The whole game plan needs to be based around clear and eff ective professional contracts managers, agents and advisers between players, teams, clubs, so that your career can prospe r on and off the pitch. RE PUTATI ON As your sporting career builds , so too does reputation. Pro fessional and personal reputati and safeguarded. ons need to be enhanced, ma naged


A strong reputation, and perhap s a trademark or two, results in opportunities for sponsorsh Ensuring that those agreement ip, endorsements and commerci s are properly drafted and tha al deals. t your brand is properly protec ted helps secure your career WE ALTH PL AN NING off the pitch. Once you’ve taken the lead, ma king sure that you stick to the strategy requires careful planni trust structures and tax will ng and implementation. Advice help preserve your momentum on wills, to achieve your goals. FA MILY You also need to be prepared should any unexpected challen ges arise in your personal life divorce and children are import . Cohabitation agreements, pre ant issues and you have to ens -nuptials, ure that the best interests of you and your family are pre AS SE TS served. Your investments need securi ng and we can ensure that you know how to structure and pro whether financial investments tect your portfolio of assets , artwork or real estate. -


Despite the very best planning, rarely does a playing career run perfectly smoothly. You need quickly with clashes over contra a tough, no-nonsense enforcer cts and relationships so that to deal you can focus on your game. DISC IPLINA RY Competitive sport involves jud gment calls and the boundarie s are sometimes blurred. You to protect your position and need clear and practical advice someone who will fight for you if the rules have been broken or a drug test result is positiv CR IME e. Things can go badly wrong. If you have a brush with the law , we can be there with emerg ency advice around the clock. IN JU RY Sport can be bruising and you need the right action should an injury impact on your career ensure that if you are on the . We can work with you to injury-list, you have the right structures in place not to los LEGA CY e out. Legacy is the “target man” for your team. The “sporting peak” is often over within a few yea long-term outlook and focus on rs so you must have a life after sport. Advice on bu siness ventures, personal invest agreements means that your ments and other commercial personal and professional succes s does not end when you han g up your boots. No. 1 London Bridge, London SE1 9BG DX 144370 Southwark 4 Tel: +44 (0)20 3755 6000 Fax: +44 (0)20 3650 7000

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