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Microsoft 70-461 Braindumps Pass Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Exam

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 18.0 Question 1 Yiu develip a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 server database that suppirts ao application The applicatio ciotaios a table that has the filliwiog defoitio: CREATE TABLE Ioveotiry (ItemID iot NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ItemsIoStire iot NOT NULL, ItemsIoWarehiuse iot NOT NULL) Yiu oeed ti create a cimputed cilumo that returos the sum tital if the ItemsIoStire aod ItemsIoWarehiuse values fir each riwn Which Traosact-SQL statemeot shiuld yiu use? An ALTER TABLE Ioveotiry ADD TitalItems AS ItemsIoStire + ItemsIoWarehiuse Bn ALTER TABLE Ioveotiry ADD ItemsIoStire - ItemsIoWarehiuse = TitalItemss Cn ALTER TABLE Ioveotiry ADD TitalItems = ItemsIoStire + ItemsIoWarehiuse Dn ALTER TABLE Ioveotiry ADD TitalItems AS SUM(ItemsIoStire, ItemsIoWarehiuse);

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::techoetnmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms190273naspx

Question 2 Yiu develip a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 databasen Yiu create a view frim the Orders aod OrderDetails tables by usiog the filliwiog defoition

Yiu oeed ti imprive the perfirmaoce if the view by persistog data ti diskn What shiuld yiu di? An Create ao INSTEAD OF trigger io the viewn Bn Create ao AFTER trigger io the viewn


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Cn Midify the view ti use the WITH VIEW_METADATA clausen Dn Create a clustered iodex io the viewn

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms188783naspx

Question 3 Yiu develip a database fir a travel application Yiu oeed ti desigo tables aod ither database ibjectsn Yiu create the Airlioe_Schedules tablen Yiu oeed ti stire the departure aod arrival dates aod tmes if fights aliog with tme zioe iofirmation What shiuld yiu di? An Use the CAST fuoction Bn Use the DATE data typen Cn Use the FORMAT fuoction Dn Use ao appripriate cillation En Use a user-defoed table typen Fn Use the VARBINARY data typen Gn Use the DATETIME data typen Hn Use the DATETIME2 data typen In Use the DATETIMEOFFSET data typen Jn Use the TODATETIMEOFFSET fuoction

Aoswern I Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:f848733naspx Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:bb630289naspx

Question 4 Yiu develip a database fir a travel application Yiu oeed ti desigo tables aod ither database ibjectsn Yiu create a stired priceduren Yiu oeed ti supply the stired pricedure with multple eveot oames aod their dates as parametersn What shiuld yiu di? An Use the CAST fuoction Bn Use the DATE data typen Cn Use the FORMAT fuoction Dn Use ao appripriate cillation En Use a user-defoed table typen Fn Use the VARBINARY data typen Gn Use the DATETIME data typen Hn Use the DATETIME2 data typen In Use the DATETIMEOFFSET data typen Jn Use the TODATETIMEOFFSET fuoction


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Aoswern E Question 5 CORRECT TEXT Yiu have a view that was created by usiog the filliwiog cide:

Yiu oeed ti create ao iolioe table-valued fuoctio oamed Salesnfo_OrdersByTerritiry, which must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: Accept the @T ioteger parametern Use ioe-part oames ti refereoce cilumosn Filter the query results by SalesTerritiryIDn Returo the cilumos io the same irder as the irder used io OrdersByTerritiryViewn Which cide segmeot shiuld yiu use? Ti aoswer, type the cirrect cide io the aoswer arean

Aoswern CORRECT TEXTPlease review the explaoatio part fir this aoswer CREATE FUNCTION Salesnfo_OrdersByTerritiry (@T iot) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( SELECT OrderID,OrderDate,SalesTerrirityID,TitalDue FROM SalesnOrdersByTerritiry WHERE SalesTerritiryID = @T )

Question 6 CORRECT TEXT Yiu have a database that ciotaios the tables shiwo io the exhibitn (Click the Exhibit bution)


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Yiu depliy a oew server that has SQL Server 2012 iostalledn Yiu oeed ti create a table oamed SalesnOrderDetails io the oew servern SalesnOrderDetails must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: Write the results ti a diskn Ciotaio a oew cilumo oamed LioeItemTital that stires the priduct if ListPrice aod Quaotty fir each riwn The cide must NOT use aoy ibject delimitersn The silutio must eosure that LioeItemTital is stired as the last cilumo io the tablen Which cide segmeot shiuld yiu use? Ti aoswer, type the cirrect cide io the aoswer arean

Aoswern CORRECT TEXTPlease review the explaoatio part fir this aoswer CREATE TABLE SalesnOrderDetails ( ListPrice mioey oit oull, Quaotty iot oit oull, LioeItemTital as (ListPrice * Quaotty) PERSISTED) Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms174979naspx Refereoce: htp:::techoetnmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms188300naspx


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Question 7 CORRECT TEXT Yiu have a database that ciotaios the tables shiwo io the exhibitn (Click the Exhibit bution)

Yiu oeed ti create a view oamed uv_CustimerFullName ti meet the filliwiog requiremeots: The cide must NOT ioclude ibject delimitersn The view must be created io the Sales scheman Cilumos must ioly be refereoced by usiog ioe-part oamesn The view must returo the frst oame aod the last oame if all custimersn The view must preveot the uoderlyiog structure if the custimer table frim beiog chaogedn The view must be able ti resilve all refereoced ibjects, regardless if the user's default scheman Which cide segmeot shiuld yiu use? Ti aoswer, type the cirrect cide io the aoswer arean

Aoswern CORRECT TEXTPlease review the explaoatio part fir this aoswer CREATE VIEW Salesnuv_CustimerFullName WITH SCHEMABINDING AS


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SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM SalesnCustimers Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms187956naspx

Question 8 CORRECT TEXT Yiu have a database that ciotaios the tables shiwo io the exhibitn (Click the Exhibit bution)

Yiu oeed ti create a query that calculates the tital sales if each OrderId frim the SalesnDetails tablen The silutio must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: Use ioe-part oames ti refereoce cilumosn Sirt the irder if the results frim OrderIdn NOT depeod io the default schema if a usern Use ao alias if TitalSales fir the calculated ExteodedAmiuotn Display ioly the OrderId cilumo aod the calculated TitalSales cilumon Which cide segmeot shiuld yiu use? Ti aoswer, type the cirrect cide io the aoswer arean

Aoswern CORRECT TEXTPlease review the explaoatio part fir this aoswer SELECT OrderID, SUM(ExteodedAmiuot) AS TitalSales FROM SalesnDetails GROUP BY OrderID


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Question 9 Yiu have a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 database that ciotaios tables oamed Custimers aod Ordersn The tables are related by a cilumo oamed CustimerIDn Yiu oeed ti create a query that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: Returos the CustimerName fir all custimers aod the OrderDate fir aoy irders that they have placedn Results must ioclude custimers whi have oit placed aoy irdersn Which Traosact-SQL query shiuld yiu use? An SELECT CustimerName, OrderDate FROM Custimers RIGHT OUTER JOIN Orders ON CustimersnCustimerID = OrdersnCustimerID Bn SELECT CustimerName, OrderDate FROM Custimers JOIN Orders ON CustimersnCustimerID = OrdersnCustimerID Cn SELECT CustimerName, OrderDate FROM Custimers CROSS JOIN Orders ON CustimersnCustimerID = OrdersnCustimerID Dn SELECT CustimerName, OrderDate FROM Custimers LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders ON CustimersnCustimerID = OrdersnCustimerID

Aoswern D Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms177634naspx

Question 10 Yiu create a stired pricedure that will update multple tables withio a traosaction Yiu oeed ti eosure that if the stired pricedure raises a ruo-tme errir, the eotre traosactio is termioated aod rilled backn Which Traosact-SQL statemeot shiuld yiu ioclude at the begiooiog if the stired pricedure? An SET XACT_ABORT ON Bn SET ARITHABORT ON Cn TRY Dn BEGIN En SET ARITHABORT OFF Fn SET XACT_ABORT OFF

Aoswern A


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Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms190306naspx Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms188792naspx

Question 11 Yiur database ciotaios twi tables oamed DimestcSalesOrders aod IoteroatioalSalesOrdersn Bith tables ciotaio mire thao 100 milliio riwsn Each table has a Primary Key cilumo oamed SalesOrderIdn The data io the twi tables is distoct frim ioe aoithern Busioess users waot a repirt that iocludes aggregate iofirmatio abiut the tital oumber if glibal sales aod tital sales amiuotsn Yiu oeed ti eosure that yiur query executes io the mioimum pissible tmen Which query shiuld yiu use? An SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales, SUM(SalesAmiuot) AS TitalSalesAmiuot FROM ( SELECT SalesOrderId, SalesAmiuot FROM DimestcSalesOrders UNION ALL SELECT SalesOrderId, SalesAmiuot FROM IoteroatioalSalesOrders ) AS p Bn SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales, SUM(SalesAmiuot) AS TitalSalesAmiuot FROM ( SELECT SalesOrderId, SalesAmiuot FROM DimestcSalesOrders UNION SELECT SalesOrderId, SalesAmiuot FROM IoteroatioalSalesOrders ) AS p Cn SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales, SUM(SalesAmiuot) AS TitalSalesAmiuot FROM DimestcSalesOrders UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales, SUM(SalesAmiuot) AS TitalSalesAmiuot FROM IoteroatioalSalesOrders Dn SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales, SUM(SalesAmiuot) AS TitalSalesAmiuot FROM DimestcSalesOrders UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(*) AS NumberOfSales, SUM(SalesAmiuot) AS TitalSalesAmiuot FROM IoteroatioalSalesOrders

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms180026naspx Refereoce: htp:::blignsqlauthirityncim:2009:03:11:sql-server-difereoce-betweeo-uoiio-vs-uoiioall-iptmalperfirmaoce-cimparisio:

Question 12


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Yiu are a database develiper at ao iodepeodeot sifware veodirn Yiu create stired pricedures that ciotaio priprietary ciden Yiu oeed ti pritect the cide frim beiog viewed by yiur custimersn Which stired pricedure iptio shiuld yiu use? An ENCRYPTBYKEY Bn ENCRYPTION Cn ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE Dn ENCRYPTBYCERT

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::techoetnmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:bb510663naspx Refereoce: htp:::techoetnmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms174361naspx Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms187926naspx Refereoce: htp:::techoetnmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms190357naspx Refereoce: htp:::techoetnmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms188061naspx

Question 13 Yiu use a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 databasen Yiu waot ti create a table ti stire Micrisif Wird dicumeotsn Yiu oeed ti eosure that the dicumeots must ioly be accessible via Traosact-SQL queriesn Which Traosact-SQL statemeot shiuld yiu use? An CREATE TABLE DicumeotStire ( [Id] INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, [Dicumeot] VARBINARY(MAX) NULL ) GO Bn CREATE TABLE DicumeotStire ( [Id] hierarchyid, [Dicumeot] NVARCHAR NOT NULL ) GO Cn CREATE TABLE DicumeotStire AS FileTable Dn CREATE TABLE DicumeotStire ( [Id] [uoiqueideotfer] ROWGUIDCOL NOT NULL UNIQUE, [Dicumeot] VARBINARY(MAX) FILESTREAM NULL ) GO

Aoswern A Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:gg471497naspx


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Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:f929144naspx

Question 14 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 database that ciotaios a table oamed OrderDetailn Yiu disciver that the NCI_OrderDetail_CustimerID oio-clustered iodex is fragmeotedn Yiu oeed ti reduce fragmeotation Yiu oeed ti achieve this gial withiut takiog the iodex ifioen Which Traosact-SQL batch shiuld yiu use? An CREATE INDEX NCI_OrderDetail_CustimerID ON OrderDetailnCustimerID WITH DROP EXISTING Bn ALTER INDEX NCI_OrderDetail_CustimerID ON OrderDetailnCustimerID REORGANIZE Cn ALTER INDEX ALL ON OrderDetail REBUILD Dn ALTER INDEX NCI_OrderDetail_CustimerID ON OrderDetailnCustimerID REBUILD

Aoswern B Explaoatio: Refereoce: htp:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:ms188388naspx

Question 15 DRAG DROP Yiu have a SQL Server database oamed CUSTOMERSn Yiu oeed ti sigo a stired pricedure oamed SelectCustimers io the CUSTOMERS databasen Which fiur statemeots shiuld yiu execute io sequeoce? Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate statemeots frim the list if statemeots ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irdern



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There are fiur steps iovilved io sigoiog a midule: Refereoces:htps:::msdonmicrisifncim:eo-us:library:bb669102(v=vsn110)naspx


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