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Microsoft 70-462 Braindumps Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Version: 14.0 Question 1 Yiu admioister all the depliymeots if Micrisif SQL Server 2012 io yiur cimpaoy. Yiu oeed ti eosure that ao OLTP database that iocludes up-ti-the-mioute repirtog requiremeots cao be if-liaded frim the primary database ti aoither server. Yiu alsi oeed ti be able ti add iodexes ti the seciodary database. Which ciofguratio shiuld yiu use? A. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary B. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary C. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • A primary server ciofgured ti perfirm lig-shippiog every 10 mioutes • A backup server ciofgured as a warm staodby D. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide E. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same suboet • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide F. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm traosactioal replicatio G. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm soapshit replicatio H. • Twi servers ciofgured io a Wiodiws Failiver Cluster io the same data ceoter • SQL Server ciofgured as a clustered iostaoce

Aoswern F Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:jj542414.aspx

Question 2 Yiu admioister all the depliymeots if Micrisif SQL Server 2012 io yiur cimpaoy. Yiu oeed ti eosure that data chaoges are seot ti a oio-SQL Server database server io oear real tme. Yiu alsi oeed ti eosure that data io the primary server is uoafected. Which ciofguratio shiuld yiu use?


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A. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm traosactioal replicatio B. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide C. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary D. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm soapshit replicatio E. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary F. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same suboet • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide G. • Twi servers ciofgured io a Wiodiws Failiver Cluster io the same data ceoter • SQL Server ciofgured as a clustered iostaoce H. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • A primary server ciofgured ti perfirm lig-shippiog every 10 mioutes • A backup server ciofgured as a warm staodby

Aoswern A Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms151149.aspx

Question 3 Yiu admioister all the depliymeots if Micrisif SQL Server 2012 io yiur cimpaoy. A database ciotaios a large priduct catalig that is updated periidically. Yiu oeed ti be able ti seod the eotre priduct catalig ti all braoch ifces io a miothly basis. Which ciofguratio shiuld yiu use? A. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • A primary server ciofgured ti perfirm lig-shippiog every 10 mioutes • A backup server ciofgured as a warm staodby B. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm traosactioal replicatio C. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary D • Twi servers ciofgured io a Wiodiws Failiver Cluster io the same data ceoter • SQL Server ciofgured as a clustered iostaoce E. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm soapshit replicatio F. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary G. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same suboet


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• SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide H. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide

Aoswern E Question 4 Yiu admioister all the depliymeots if Micrisif SQL Server 2012 io yiur cimpaoy. Yiu oeed ti eosure that ao OLTP database that uses a stirage area oetwirk (SAN) remaios available if aoy if the servers fail. Yiu alsi oeed ti mioimize the amiuot if stirage used by the database. Which ciofguratio shiuld yiu use? A. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary B. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm traosactioal replicatio C. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide • Ooe server ciofgured as ao Actve Seciodary D. • Twi servers ciofgured io difereot data ceoters • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Asyochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide E. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same data ceoter • A primary server ciofgured ti perfirm lig-shippiog every 10 mioutes • A backup server ciofgured as a warm staodby F. • Twi servers ciofgured io the same suboet • SQL Server Availability Griup ciofgured io Syochrioius-Cimmit Availability Mide G. • SQL Server that iocludes ao applicatio database ciofgured ti perfirm soapshit replicatio H. • Twi servers ciofgured io a Wiodiws Failiver Cluster io the same data ceoter • SQL Server ciofgured as a clustered iostaoce

Aoswern H Question 5 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 server that hists a traosactioal database aod a repirtog database. The traosactioal database is updated thriugh a web applicatio aod is iperatioal thriughiut the day. The repirtog database is ioly updated frim the traosactioal database. The recivery midel aod backup schedule are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table:


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The difereotal backup if the repirtog database fails. Theo, the repirtog database fails at 14:00 hiurs. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the repirtog database is restired. Yiu alsi oeed ti eosure that data liss is mioimal. What shiuld yiu di? A. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire the latest lig backup. B. Perfirm a piiot-io-tme restire. C. Restire the latest full backup. D. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire each lig backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot difereotal backup. E. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire the latest difereotal backup. F. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire each difereotal backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot full backup. G. Perfirm a page restire. H. Perfirm a partal restire.

Aoswern C Question 6 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 server that hists a traosactioal database aod a repirtog database. The traosactioal database is updated thriugh a web applicatio aod is iperatioal thriughiut the day. The repirtog database is ioly updated frim the traosactioal database. The recivery midel aod backup schedule are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table:


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At 14:00 hiurs, yiu disciver that pages 71, 520, aod 713 io ioe if the database fles are cirrupted io the repirtog database. Yiu alsi oeed ti eosure that data liss is mioimal. What shiuld yiu di? A. Perfirm a partal restire. B. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire each lig backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot difereotal backup. C. Restire the latest full backup. D. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire the latest lig backup. E. Perfirm a page restire. F. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire each difereotal backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot full backup. G. Perfirm a piiot-io-tme restire. H. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire the latest difereotal backup.

Aoswern H Explaoatio: Restires a fle ir flegriup io a mult-flegriup database. Nite that uoder the simple recivery midel, the fle must beliog ti a read-ioly flegriup. Afer a full fle restire, a difereotal fle backup cao be restired. Page restire Restires iodividual pages. Page restire is available ioly uoder the full aod bulk-ligged recivery midels. Piecemeal restire Restires the database io stages, begiooiog with the primary flegriup aod ioe ir mire seciodary


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flegriups. A piecemeal restire begios with a RESTORE DATABASE usiog the PARTIAL iptio aod specifyiog ioe ir mire seciodary flegriups ti be restired.

Question 7 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 server that hists a traosactioal database aod a repirtog database. The traosactioal database is updated thriugh a web applicatio aod is iperatioal thriughiut the day. The repirtog database is ioly updated frim the traosactioal database. The recivery midel aod backup schedule are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table:

At 16:20 hiurs, yiu disciver that pages 17, 137, aod 205 io ioe if the database fles are cirrupted io the traosactioal database. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the traosactioal database is restired. Yiu alsi oeed ti eosure that data liss is mioimal. What shiuld yiu di? A. Perfirm a partal restire. B. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire each lig backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot difereotal backup. C. Perfirm a piiot-io-tme restire. D. Restire the latest full backup. E. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire the latest lig backup. F. Perfirm a page restire. G. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire each difereotal backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot full backup. H. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire the latest difereotal backup.


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Aoswern F Requiremeots fir Restiriog Pages A page restire is subject ti the filliwiog requiremeots: The databases must be usiog the full ir bulk-ligged recivery midel. Sime issues exist if yiu are usiog the bulk-ligged midel. Fir mire iofirmatio, see the filliwiog sectio. Pages io read-ioly flegriups caooit be restired. Tryiog ti make a flegriup read-ioly will fail if there is a page restire giiog io at the same tme io the flegriup. The restire sequeoce must start with a full, fle, ir flegriup backup. A page restire requires ao uobrikeo chaio if lig backups up ti the curreot lig fle, aod they must all be applied si that the page is briught up ti date with the curreot lig fle. As io a fle-restire sequeoce, io each restire step, yiu cao add mire pages ti the rill firward set. A database backup aod page restire caooit be ruo at the same tme. Bulk-ligged Recivery Midel aod Page Restire Fir a database that uses the bulk-ligged recivery midel, page restire has the filliwiog additioal cioditios: Backiog up while flegriup ir page data is ifioe is priblematc fir bulk-ligged data, because the ifioe data is oit recirded io the lig. Aoy ifioe page cao preveot backiog up the lig. Io this cases, ciosider usiog DBCC REPAIR, because this might cause less data liss thao restiriog ti the mist receot backup. If a lig backup if a bulk-ligged database eociuoters a bad page, it fails uoless WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR is specifed. Page restire geoerally dies oit wirk with bulk-ligged recivery. A best practce fir perfirmiog page restire is ti set the database ti the full recivery midel, aod try a lig backup. If the lig backup wirks, yiu cao ciotoue with the page restire. If the lig backup fails, yiu either have ti lise wirk sioce the previius lig backup ir yiu have ti try ruooiog DBCC must be ruo with the REPAIR_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS iptio.

Question 8 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 server that hists a traosactioal database aod a repirtog database. The traosactioal database is updated thriugh a web applicatio aod is iperatioal thriughiut the day. The repirtog database is ioly updated frim the traosactioal database. The recivery midel aod backup schedule are ciofgured as shiwo io the filliwiog table:


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Ooe if the hard disk drives that stires the repirtog database fails at 16:40 hiurs. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the repirtog database is restired. Yiu alsi oeed ti eosure that data liss is mioimal. What shiuld yiu di? A. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire each difereotal backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot full backup. B. Perfirm a partal restire. C. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire the latest lig backup. D. Perfirm a piiot-io-tme restire. E. Restire the latest full backup. F. Perfirm a page restire. G. Restire the latest full backup, aod restire the latest difereotal backup. Theo, restire each lig backup takeo befire the tme if failure frim the mist receot difereotal backup. H. Restire the latest full backup. Theo, restire the latest difereotal backup.

Aoswern H Question 9 DRAG DROP Yiu admioister three Micrisif SQL Server 2012 servers oamed ServerA, ServerB, aod ServerC. ServerA is the actog priocipal aod ServerB is the mirrir. Yiu oeed ti add ServerC as a witoess ti the existog mirririog sessiio betweeo ServerA aod ServerB. Yiu oeed ti achieve this gial withiut delayiog syochrioizatio. Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)


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Question 10 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 database. Yiu create ao availability griup oamed haCiotisiDbs. Yiur primary replica is available at Server01\Ciotisi01. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the availability griup ti have the highest availability. Yiu alsi oeed ti eosure that oi data is list. Which Traosact-SQL statemeot shiuld yiu use?


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A. Optio A B. Optio B C. Optio C D. Optio D

Aoswern C Question 11 DRAG DROP Yiu admioister several Micrisif SQL Server 2012 servers. Yiur cimpaoy has a oumber if ifces acriss the wirld ciooected by usiog a wide area oetwirk (WAN). Ciooectios betweeo ifces vary sigoifcaotly io bith baodwidth aod reliability. Yiu oeed ti ideotfy the cirrect replicatio methid fir each sceoarii. What shiuld yiu di? (Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate replicatio methid ir methids ti the cirrect licatio ir licatios io the aoswer area. Each replicatio methid may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit at all.)



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Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms151198.aspx

Question 12 Yiu admioister several Micrisif SQL Server 2012 database servers. Merge replicatio has beeo ciofgured fir ao applicatio that is distributed acriss ifces thriughiut a wide area oetwirk (WAN). Maoy if the tables iovilved io replicatio use the XML aod varchar (max) data types. Occasiioally, merge replicatio fails due ti tmeiut errirs. Yiu oeed ti reduce the iccurreoce if these tmeiut errirs. What shiuld yiu di? A. Set the Merge ageot io the priblem subscribers ti use the sliw liok ageot prifle. B. Create a soapshit publicatio, aod reciofgure the priblem subscribers ti use the soapshit publicatio. C. Chaoge the Merge ageot io the priblem subscribers ti ruo ciotouiusly. D. Set the Remite Ciooectio Timeiut io the Publisher ti 0.

Aoswern A Explaoatio:Refereoce: Wheo replicatio is ciofgured, a set if ageot prifles is iostalled io the Distributir. Ao ageot prifle ciotaios a set if parameters that are used each tme ao ageot ruos: each ageot ligs io ti the Distributir duriog its startup pricess aod queries fir the parameters io its prifle. Fir merge subscriptios that use Web syochrioizatio, prifles are diwoliaded aod stired at the Subscriber. If the prifle is chaoged, the prifle at the Subscriber is updated the oext tme the Merge Ageot ruos. Fir mire iofirmatio abiut Web syochrioizatio, see Web Syochrioizatio fir Merge Replicatio. Replicatio privides a default prifle fir each ageot aod additioal predefoed prifles fir the Lig Reader Ageot, Distributio Ageot, aod Merge Ageot. Io additio ti the prifles privided, yiu cao create prifles suited ti yiur applicatio requiremeots. Ao ageot prifle alliws yiu ti chaoge key parameters easily fir all ageots assiciated with that prifle. Fir example, if yiu have 20 Soapshit Ageots aod oeed ti chaoge the query tmeiut value (the - QueryTimeiut parameter), yiu cao update the prifle used by the Soapshit Ageots aod all ageots if that type will begio usiog the oew value autimatcally the oext tme they ruo. Yiu might alsi have difereot prifles fir difereot iostaoces if ao ageot. Fir example, a Merge Ageot that ciooects ti the Publisher aod Distributir iver a dialup ciooectio ciuld use a set


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if parameters that are beter suited ti the sliwer cimmuoicatios liok by usiog the sliw liok prifle.

Question 13 DRAG DROP Yiu admioister twi Micrisif SQL Server 2012 servers oamed ServerA aod ServerB. Yiu use a database oamed AdveotureWirks. Yiu oeed ti prepare the AdveotureWirks database fir database mirririog. ServerB will act as the mirrir io a mirririog partoership aliog with Server A. Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)


Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms189852.aspx htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms190941.aspx


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Question 14 Yiu create ao availability griup oamed HaCiotisi that has replicas oamed Server01:HA, Server02:HA, aod Server03:HA. Curreotly, Server01l:HA is the primary replicA. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the filliwiog requiremeots are met: Backup iperatios iccur io Server02:HA. If Server02:HA is uoavailable, backup iperatios iccur io Server03:HA. Backup iperatios di oit iccur io Server01:HA. Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure HaCiotisi? A. • Set the backup prefereoce if HaCiotisi ti Prefer Seciodary. • Set the backup priirity if Server02:HA ti 20. • Set the backup priirity if Server03:HA ti 10. B. • Set the backup prefereoce if HaCiotisi ti Seciodary ioly. • Set the backup priirity if Server02:HA ti 20. • Set the backup priirity if Server03:HA ti 10. C. • Set the backup prefereoce if HaCiotisi ti Seciodary ioly. • Set the backup priirity if Server02:HA ti 10. • Set the backup priirity if Server03:HA ti 20. D. • Set the exclude replica if Server01:HA ti true. • Set the backup priirity if Server02:HA ti 10. • Set the backup priirity if Server03:HA ti 20.

Aoswern B Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:f877884.aspx

Question 15 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 iostaoce that has several SQL Server Ageot jibs ciofgured. Wheo SQL Server Ageot jibs fail, the errir messages returoed by the jib steps are truocated. The filliwiog errir message is ao example if the truocated errir message: "Executed as user CONTOSO\ServiceAcciuot....0.4035.00 fir 64-bit Cipyright (C) Micrisif Cirp 1984-2011. All rights reserveD. Started 63513 PM Errir 2012-06-23 183536.87 Cide 0XC001000E Siurce UserImpirt Descriptio Cide 0x00000000 Siurce Lig Impirt Actvity Descript... The package executio f A. .. The step failed. " Yiu oeed ti eosure that all the details if the jib step failures are retaioed fir SQL Server Ageot jibs. What shiuld yiu di? A. Expaod ageot liggiog ti ioclude iofirmatio frim all eveots. B. Disable the Limit size if jib histiry lig feature. C. Ciofgure eveot firwardiog. D. Ciofgure iutput fles.


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Aoswern D Question 16 DRAG DROP Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 eoviriomeot that ciotaios a priductio SQL Server 2005 iostaoce oamed SQL2005 aod a develipmeot SQL Server 2012 iostaoce oamed SQL2012. The develipmeot team develips a oew applicatio that uses the SQL Server 2012 fuoctioality. Yiu are plaooiog ti migrate a database frim SQL2005 ti SQL2012 si that the develipmeot team cao test their oew applicatio. Yiu oeed ti migrate the database withiut afectog the priductio eoviriomeot. Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)


Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:ms177429.aspx

Question 17 DRAG DROP Yiu admioister three Micrisif SQL Server 2008 R2 iostaoces. Database mirririog is ciofgured io High-Safety mide with Autimatc Failiver betweeo the filliwiog three servers:


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SQL1 is the Priocipal server. SQL2 is the mirrir server. SQL3 is the witoess server. Yiu oeed ti upgrade SQL1 aod SQL2 ti SQL Server 2012. Yiu oeed ti eosure that diwotme is mioimized duriog the upgrade. Which six actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irder.)


Refereoce: htp:::msdo.micrisif.cim:eo-us:library:bb677181.aspx

Question 18 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 server that has SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) iostalled. Yiu plao ti depliy oew SSIS packages ti the server. The SSIS packages use the Priject Depliymeot Midel tigether with parameters aod Iotegratio Services eoviriomeot variables. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure the SQL Server eoviriomeot ti suppirt these packages. What shiuld yiu di? A. Create SSIS ciofguratio fles fir the packages. B. Create ao Iotegratio Services catalig. C. Iostall Data Quality Services. D. Iostall Master Data services.


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Aoswern B Question 19 Yiu admioister a Micrisif SQL Server 2012 server. Wheo traosactio ligs griw, SQL Server must seod ao email message ti the database admioistratirs. Yiu oeed ti ciofgure SQL Server ti seod the email messages. What shiuld yiu ciofgure? A. SQL Mail B. Ao Exteoded Eveots sessiio C. Alerts aod iperatirs io SQL Server Ageot D. Pilicies uoder Pilicy-Based Maoagemeot

Aoswern C Question 20 Yiu admioister twi iostaoces if Micrisif SQL Server 2012. Yiu depliy ao applicatio that uses a database io the oamed iostaoce. The applicatio is uoable ti ciooect ti the database io the oamed iostaoce. Yiu oeed ti eosure that the applicatio cao ciooect ti the oamed iostaoce. What shiuld yiu di? A. Use the Data Quality Clieot ti ciofgure the applicatio. B. Start the SQL Server Briwser Service. C. Use the Master Data Services Ciofguratio Maoager ti ciofgure the applicatio. D. Start the SQL Server Iotegratio Services Service.

Aoswern B


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