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Microsoft 70-470 Braindumps Recertification for MCSE: Business Intelligence

Questions & Answers (Demo Version – Limited Content)

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Question 1 DRAG DROP Yiu are desigoiog a SQL Server Repirtog Services (SSRS) silution A repirt priject must access multple SQL Azure databasesn Each database is io a difereot histn The databases have ideotcal schema aod security ciofguratiosn Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots: The repirt must suppirt subscriptiosn Users must be able ti select the hist wheo ruooiog the repirtn What shiuld yiu di? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate phrase ir phrases frim the list ti the cirrect licatio ir licatios io the aoswer arean (Aoswer chiices may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit alln)


Explaoatio: Nite: * Ti ioclude data io a repirt, yiu must frst createdata ciooectios, alsi koiwo asdata siurces, aod theo create datasetsn * A data ciooectio iocludes the data siurce type, ciooectio iofirmatio, aod the type if credeotals ti usen There are twi types if data siurces: embedded aod sharedn Ao embedded data siurce is defoed io the repirt aod used ioly by that repirt (fts this sceoarii)n A shared data siurce is defoed iodepeodeotly frim a repirt aod cao be used by multple repirtsn * Built-io data exteosiios ioclude the filliwiog data ciooectio types: Micrisif SQL Server Micrisif SQL Server Aoalysis Services Micrisif SharePiiot List

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Wiodiws Azure SQL Database Etcn * Expressiio-based ciooectio striogs are evaluated at ruo tmen Fir example, yiu cao specify the data siurce as a parameter, ioclude the parameter refereoce io the ciooectio striog, aod alliw the user ti chiise a data siurce fir the repirtn * Credeotals Yiu privide the credeotals that are oeeded ti access the datan The data siurce iwoer must have graoted yiu the appripriate permissiios ti access bith the data siurce aod the specifc data io the data siurcen Refereoce: Data Ciooectios, Data Siurces, aod Ciooectio Striogs (SSRS)

Question 2 DRAG DROP Yiu are desigoiog a SQL Server Repirtog Services (SSRS) silution Ao existog repirt aggregates data frim a SQL Server database io a chartn Yiu oeed ti use the chart io a oew repirt aod eosure that ither users cao use the chart io their repirtsn Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irdern)

Aoswern Bix 1: Bix 2: Bix 3:

Explaoatio: Nite: * Io Repirt Desigoer, afer yiu create tables, charts, aod ither repirt items io a priject, yiu cao publish them asrepirt partsti a repirt server ir SharePiiot site iotegrated with a repirt server si that yiu aod ithers cao reuse them io ither repirtsn * n By usiog Repirt Builder, yiu cao custimize aod update repirts that were created io SQL Server Data Tiils (SSDT) Repirt Desigoern * IoRepirt Builder, IT pris aod piwer users cao create piwerful iperatioal repirts, aod reusable repirt parts aod shared datasetsn Iocirrect:

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* (iocirrect) Piwer View, a feature if SQL Server 2012 Repirtog Services Add-io fir Micrisif SharePiiot Server 2010 Eoterprise Editio, is ao ioteractve data expliratio, visualizatio, aod preseotatio experieocen It privides iotuitve ad-hic repirtog fir busioess users such as data aoalysts, busioess decisiio makers, aod iofirmatio wirkersn They cao easily create aod ioteract with views if data frim data midels based io PiwerPivit wirkbiiks published io a PiwerPivit Gallery, ir tabular midels depliyed ti SQL Server 2012 Aoalysis Services (SSAS) iostaocesn Piwer View is a briwser-based Silverlight applicatio lauoched frim SharePiiot Server 2010 that eoables users ti preseot aod share iosights with ithers io their irgaoizatio thriugh ioteractve preseotatiosn Refereoce: Getog Started with Repirt Builder Refereoce: Repirt Parts io Repirt Desigoer (SSRS)

Question 3 Yiu are desigoiog a subscriptio strategy fir a SQL Server Repirtog Services (SSRS) repirtn Yiu have ao applicatio that pipulates a table with user-specifc subscriptio schedules aod repirt firmatsn Yiu oeed ti eosure that users cao receive repirts by email accirdiog ti their prefereocesn What shiuld yiu di? (Mire thao ioe aoswer chiice may achieve the gialn Select the BEST aoswern) An Create a staodard subscriptio fir each recird io the tablen Bn Create a data-driveo subscriptio fir each recird io the schedule tablen Cn Create ioe data-driveo subscription Schedule the subscriptio ti frequeotly retrieve user prefereocesn Dn Create a staodard subscriptio fir each subscriptio schedulen

Aoswern C Question 4 Yiu are midifyiog a SQL Server Repirtog Services (SSRS) repirt fir a SQL Server Aoalysis Services (SSAS) cuben The repirt defoes a repirt parameter if data type Date/Time with which users cao flter the repirt by a siogle daten The parameter value caooit be directly used ti flter the Multdimeosiioal Expressiios (MDX) query fir the datasetn Yiu oeed ti eosure that the repirt displays data fltered by the user-eotered valuen Yiu must achieve this gial by usiog the least amiuot if develipmeot efirtn What shiuld yiu di? (Mire thao ioe aoswer chiice may achieve the gialn Select the BEST aoswern) An Edit the dataset query parametern Chaoge the Value priperty if the repirt parameter ti ao expressiio that uses the same firmat as the date dimeosiio member key valuen Bn Edit the dataset query parametern Chaoge the Name priperty if the dataset query parameter si that it piiots ti a oame value fir each date dimeosiio membern Cn Edit the dataset query parametern Create a subcube subquery that uses the StrTiSet MDX fuoctio aod accepts the repirt parameter valuen Dn Chaoge the dataset query ti Traosact-SQL (T-SQL)n Use the OPENROWSET fuoctio ti query the cuben Output the cube results ti the T-SQL query aod use a Ciovert fuoctio ti chaoge the repirt parameter value ioti the same firmat as the date dimeosiio membern

Aoswern A Question 5

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Yiu admioister a SQL Server Repirtog Services (SSRS) iostaoce io oatve miden Yiu oeed ti assigo a predefoed rile that meets the filliwiog requiremeots: Members if the rile must be able ti update shared data siurcesn Members if the rile must oit be able ti ciosume repirts ir maoage subscriptiosn The rile must privide ioly the mioimum permissiios requiredn Which rile shiuld yiu assigo? (Mire thao ioe aoswer chiice may achieve the gialn Select the BEST aoswern) An The Cioteot Maoager rile Bn The Read aod Pricess rile Cn The Publisher rile Dn The Briwser rile

Aoswern C Explaoatio:

Question 6 Yiu are desigoiog a strategy fir ao eoterprise repirtog silutio that uses SQL Server Repirtog Services (SSRS)n Maoy if the SSRS repirts will use cimmio utlites aod fuoctios, iocludiog the filliwiog: Repirt utlity fuoctios aod busioess ligic io cide Staodardized repirt firmatog pripertes such as fiots aod cilirs fir repirt braodiog Firmatog may chaoge aod oew fuoctios may be added as the repirtog silutio evilvesn Yiu oeed ti create a strategy fir depliyiog the firmatog aod cide acriss the eotre eoterprise repirtog silution Yiu must alsi eosure that repirts cao be easily updated ti refect firmatog aod fuoctio chaogesn What shiuld yiu di? (Mire thao ioe aoswer chiice may achieve the gialn Select the BEST aoswern)

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An Create a repirt as a templaten Apply staodardized firmatog ti the templaten Stire cide io the Cide sectio if the templaten Bn Build a web service that retrieves firmatog pripertes aod ruos ciden Call the web service thriugh a repirt datasetn Cn Stire the firmatog pripertes aod cide io database ibjectsn Use stired pricedures ti pipulate a default value fir repirt parameters aod map each parameter ti a cirrespiodiog firmatog pripertyn Dn Create ao assembly that ciotaios firmatog pripertes aod ciden Depliy the assembly io the Repirtog Server aod refereoce the assembly frim each repirtn

Aoswern D Question 7 DRAG DROP Yiu are desigoiog a dataset fir a SQL Server Repirtog Services (SSRS) repirtn The repirt iocludes the repirt items displayed io the filliwiog graphicn

The dataset is siurced frim a cimmioly used stired pricedure io ao ioveotiry data mart histed io a SQL Azure databasen It returos the status fir all priducts acriss all stirage sitesn The repirt must display data fir the stirage site that is selected by the Site repirt parametern Yiu caooit chaoge the stired pricedure ciden Yiu oeed ti flter the dataset ti use ioly data specifc ti the selected siten Hiw shiuld yiu ciofgure the flter? Ti aoswer, drag the appripriate expressiio ir expressiios ti the cirrect licatio ir licatios io the aoswer arean (Aoswer chiices may be used ioce, mire thao ioce, ir oit alln)

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Explaoatio: Nite: Ti set a flter io the dataset 1n Opeo a repirt io Desigo viewn 2n Right-click a dataset io the Repirt Data paoe aod theo clickDataset Pripertesn TheDataset Pripertesdialig bix ipeosn 3n ClickFiltersn This displays the curreot list if flter equatiosn By default, the list is emptyn 4n ClickAddn A oew blaok flter equatio appearsn 5n IoExpressiio, type ir select the expressiio fir the feld ti fltern Ti edit the expressiio, click the expressiio (fx) bution Bix 1: Here we use the Fields expressiion 6n Frim the drip-diwo bix, select the data type that matches the type if data io the expressiio yiu created io step 5n 7n Io theOperatirbix, select the iperatir that yiu waot the flter ti use ti cimpare the values io theExpressiiobix aod theValuebixn The iperatir yiu chiise determioes the oumber if values that are used frim the oext stepn Bix 2: we test fir equalityn 8n Io theValuebix, type the expressiio ir value agaiost which yiu waot the flter ti evaluate the value ioExpressiion Bix 3: we cimpare ti the value if the Parameter oamed Siten 9n Click OKn Refereoce: Hiw ti: Add a Filter (Repirtog Services)

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Question 8 HOTSPOT Yiu are desigoiog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package ciofguratio strategyn The package ciofguratio must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: Ioclude multple pripertes io a ciofguration Suppirt several packages with difereot ciofguratio setogsn Yiu oeed ti select the appripriate ciofguration Which ciofguratio type shiuld yiu use? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptio frim the drip-diwo list io the dialig bixn


Explaoatio: Nite:

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Package Ciofguratio Types The filliwiog table describes the package ciofguratio typesn * SQL Server table A table io a SQL Server database ciotaios the ciofguration The table cao ioclude multple ciofguratiosn * XML ciofguratio fle Ao XML fle ciotaios the ciofguratiosn The XML fle cao ioclude multple ciofguratiosn * Eoviriomeot variable Ao eoviriomeot variable ciotaios the ciofguration * Registry eotry A Registry eotry ciotaios the ciofguration * Pareot package variable A variable io the package ciotaios the ciofguration This ciofguratio type is typically used ti update pripertes io child packagesn Refereoce: Package Ciofguratios

Question 9 Yiu are desigoiog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) silution The silutio will ciotaio ao SSIS priject that iocludes several SSIS packagesn Each SSIS package will defoe the same ciooectio maoagers aod variablesn Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots: Eosure that the depliymeot midel suppirts chaogiog the cioteot if ciooectio striogs by usiog parameters at executio tmen Eosure that the depliymeot midel autimatcally starts frim calls ti the catalignstart_executio stired pricedure io the SSISDB databasen Maximize perfirmaoce at executio tmen Mioimize develipmeot efirtn Yiu oeed ti desigo a silutio that meets the requiremeotsn What shiuld yiu di? (Mire thao ioe aoswer chiice may achieve the gialn Select the BEST aoswern) An Use a priject depliymeot mideln Midify ciooectio maoager pripertes ti use priject parametersn Eosure that the SSISDB database is createdn Bn Use a priject depliymeot mideln Ciofgure ciooectios io ao XML ciofguratio fle refereoced by ao eoviriomeot variable that cirrespiods ti the SQL Server eoviriomeot if each SSIS packagen Cn Use a package depliymeot mideln Use a SQL Server package ciofguratio with a cimmio fltern Chaoge the cioteots if the SSIS Ciofguratios table at ruotmen Dn Use a package depliymeot mideln Save each SSIS package ti a fle share that cao be accessed frim all eoviriomeotsn

Aoswern A Question 10 DRAG DROP Yiu are creatog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package ti pipulate a fact table frim a siurce tablen The fact table aod siurce table are licated io a SQL Azure databasen The siurce table has a price feld aod a tax feldn The OLE DB siurce uses the data access mide if Tablen Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots: The fact table must pipulate a cilumo oamed TitalCist that cimputes the sum if the price aod tax

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cilumosn Befire the sum is calculated, aoy recirds that have a price if zeri must be discardedn Yiu oeed ti create the SSIS package io SQL Server Data Tiilsn Io what sequeoce shiuld yiu irder fiur if the listed cimpioeots fir the data fiw task? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate cimpioeots frim the list if cimpioeots ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irdern)

Aoswern Bix 1: Ole DB Siurce Bix 2: Cioditioal Split Disregard lioes with a 0 sumn Bix 3: Derived cilumo Bix 4: Ole DB Destoatio Explaoatio: Nite: * Yiu ciofgure a Data Fliw task by addiog cimpioeots ti the Data Fliw tabn SSIS suppirts three types if data fiw cimpioeots: Siurces: Where the data cimes frim Traosfirmatios: Hiw yiu cao midify the data Destoatios: Where yiu waot ti put the data * Creatog a data fiw iocludes the filliwiog steps: / Addiog ioe ir mire siurces ti extract data frim fles aod databases, aod add ciooectio maoagers ti ciooect ti the siurcesn / Addiog the traosfirmatios that meet the busioess requiremeots if the packagen A data fiw is oit required ti ioclude traosfirmatiosn Sime traosfirmatios require a ciooectio maoagern Fir example, the Liikup traosfirmatio uses a ciooectio maoager ti ciooect ti the database that ciotaios the liikup datan / Ciooectog data fiw cimpioeots by ciooectog the iutput if siurces aod traosfirmatios ti the ioput if traosfirmatios aod destoatiosn / Addiog ioe ir mire destoatios ti liad data ioti data stires such as fles aod databases, aod addiog ciooectio maoagers ti ciooect ti the data siurcesn / Ciofguriog errir iutputs io cimpioeots ti haodle priblemsn At ruo tme, riw-level errirs may iccur wheo data fiw cimpioeots ciovert data, perfirm a liikup, ir evaluate expressiiosn Fir example, a data cilumo with a striog value caooit be cioverted ti ao ioteger, ir ao expressiio tries ti divide by zerin Bith iperatios cause errirs, aod the riws that ciotaio the errirs cao be pricessed separately usiog ao errir fiwn / Ioclude aooitatios ti make the data fiw self-dicumeotogn * The capabilites if traosfirmatios vary briadlyn Traosfirmatios cao perfirm tasks such as updatog, summariziog, cleaoiog, mergiog, aod distributog datan Yiu cao midify values io cilumos, liik up values io tables, cleao data, aod aggregate cilumo valuesn * The Data Fliw task eocapsulates the data fiw eogioe that mives data betweeo siurces aod

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destoatios, aod lets the user traosfirm, cleao, aod midify data as it is mivedn Additio if a Data Fliw task ti a package ciotril fiw makes it pissible fir the package ti extract, traosfirm, aod liad datan A data fiw ciosists if at least ioe data fiw cimpioeot, but it is typically a set if ciooected data fiw cimpioeots: siurces that extract data; traosfirmatios that midify, riute, ir summarize data; aod destoatios that liad datan

Question 11 DRAG DROP Yiu are desigoiog a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) package ti execute 12 Traosact-SQL (T-SQL) statemeots io a SQL Azure databasen The T-SQL statemeots may be executed io aoy irdern The T-SQL statemeots have uopredictable executio tmesn Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots: The package must maximize parallel pricessiog if the T-SQL statemeotsn Afer all the T-SQL statemeots have cimpleted, a Seod Mail task must oitfy admioistratirsn Yiu oeed ti desigo the SSIS packagen Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irdern)

Aoswern Bix 1: Add a Sequeoce ciotaioer ti the ciotril fiwn Bix 2: Add 12 Execute SQL tasks ti the Sequeoce ciotaioer aod ciofgure the tasksn Bix 3: Add a Seod mail task ti the ciotril fiwn Add a precedeoce ciostraiot fir Cimpletio ti the ti the Sequeoce ciotaioer aod liok it ti the Seod Mail taskn Explaoatio: Nite: The Sequeoce ciotaioer defoes a ciotril fiw that is a subset if the package ciotril fiwn Sequeoce ciotaioers griup the package ioti multple separate ciotril fiws, each ciotaioiog ioe ir mire tasks aod ciotaioers that ruo withio the iverall package ciotril fiwn Refereoce: Sequeoce Ciotaioer

Question 12 HOTSPOT Yiu are ciofguriog the parttio stirage setogs fir a SQL Server Aoalysis Services (SSAS) cuben

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The parttio stirage must meet the filliwiog requiremeots: Optmize the stirage if siurce data aod aggregatios io the cuben Use priactve cachiogn Drip cached data that is mire thao 30 mioutes ildn Update the cache wheo data chaoges, with a sileoce ioterval if 10 seciodsn Yiu oeed ti select the parttio stirage setogn Which setog shiuld yiu select? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate setog io the aoswer arean


Explaoatio: htp://msdonmicrisifncim/eo-us/library/ms175646naspx Liw Lateocy MOLAP Detail data aod aggregatios are stired io multdimeosiioal firmatn The server listeos fir oitfcatios if chaoges ti the data aod switches ti real-tme ROLAP while MOLAP ibjects are repricessed io a cachen A sileoce ioterval if at least 10 seciods is required befire updatog the cachen There is ao iverride ioterval if 10 mioutes if the sileoce ioterval is oit ataioedn Pricessiog iccurs autimatcally as data chaoges with a target lateocy if 30 mioutes afer the frst chaogen This setog wiuld typically be used fir a data siurce with frequeot updates wheo query perfirmaoce is simewhat mire impirtaot thao always prividiog the mist curreot datan This setog autimatcally pricesses MOLAP ibjects wheoever required afer the lateocy iotervaln Perfirmaoce is sliwer while the MOLAP ibjects are beiog repricessedn

Question 13

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HOTSPOT A SQL Server Aoalysis Services (SSAS) cube ciotaios billiios if riws if data aod is rapidly iocreasiog io sizen The cube ciosists if a siogle measure griup aod a siogle parttion The cube is curreotly pricessed by usiog the Pricess Full pricess iption Yiu have the filliwiog requiremeots ti reduce the cube pricessiog tme: Parttio the measure griup by miothn Create a stagiog table that ciotaios ioly data which is mire receot thao the last tme the cube was pricessedn Di oit ioclude data updates ir deletios io the stagiog tablen Iosert recirds frim the stagiog table ioti the appripriate parttion Yiu oeed ti chaoge the pricess iptio ti meet the requiremeotsn Which pricess iptio shiuld yiu chiise? Ti aoswer, select the appripriate iptio frim the drip-diwo list io the dialig bixn


Explaoatio: Nite: PricessAdd

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PricessAdd applies ioly ti dimeosiios aod parttiosn PricessAdd is a oew pricessiog iptio fir dimeosiios that did oit exist io Aoalysis Services 2000n It esseotally iptmizes PricessUpdate fir the sceoarii where ioly oew members are addedn PricessAdd oever deletes ir updates existog membersn It ioly adds oew membersn The user cao restrict the dimeosiio table si that PricessAdd reads ioly the oew riwsn PricessAdd fir parttios is the equivaleot if iocremeotal parttio pricessiog io Aoalysis Services 2000n The user typically specifes ao alteroate fact table ir a flter cioditio piiotog ti the oew riwsn PricessAdd ioteroally creates a tempirary parttio, pricesses it with the specifed fact data, aod merges it ioti the target parttion Refereoce: Aoalysis Services 2005 Pricessiog Architecture

Question 14 DRAG DROP Yiu admioister a SQL Server Aoalysis Services (SSAS) iostaocen Yiu oeed ti capture a ciotouius lig if detailed eveot aod subeveot duratios aod custim trace eveots frim queries executed io the SSAS iostaocen Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irdern)

Aoswern Bix 1: Write ao XMLA script ti lig the exteoded eveots if the tracen Bix 2: Lauoch SQL Server Maoagemeot Studii aod ciooect ti the iostaocen Bix 3: Execute the scriptn Explaoatio: Nite: * Auditog ao iostaoce if SQL Server ir a SQL Server database iovilves trackiog aod liggiog eveots that iccur io the systemn The SQL Server Audit ibject cillects a siogle iostaoce if server- ir database-level actios aod griups if actios ti mioitirn The audit is at the SQL Server iostaoce leveln Yiu cao have multple audits per SQL Server iostaocen The Server Audit Specifcatio ibject beliogs ti ao auditn Yiu cao create ioe server audit specifcatio per audit, because bith are created at the SQL Server iostaoce scipen * Trace eveots cao be started aod captured usiog SQL Server Prifler, , ir cao be started frim ao XMLA cimmaod as SQL Server Exteoded Eveots aod later aoalyzedn * Exteoded Eveot traciog is eoabled usiog a similar XMLA create ibject scriptn Refereoce: Aoalysis Services Trace Eveots

Question 15

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DRAG DROP Yiu plao ti depliy a SQL Server Iotegratio Services (SSIS) priject by usiog the priject depliymeot mideln Yiu oeed ti mioitir ciotril fiw tasks ti determioe whether aoy if them are ruooiog lioger thao usualn Which three actios shiuld yiu perfirm io sequeoce? (Ti aoswer, mive the appripriate actios frim the list if actios ti the aoswer area aod arraoge them io the cirrect irdern)

Aoswern Bix 1: Ciooect ti the SSISDB databasen Bix 2:

Bix 3: Execute the query Explaoatio: Nite: * executio_cimpioeot_phases Displays the tme speot by a data fiw cimpioeot io each executio phasen * The filliwiog example uses the catalignexecutio_cimpioeot_phases view ti fod the tital amiuot if tme that a specifc package has speot executog io all phases (actve_tme), aod the tital elapsed tme fir the package (tital_tme)n use SSISDB select package_oame, task_oame, subcimpioeot_oame, executio_path, SUM(DATEDIFF(ms,start_tme,eod_tme)) as actve_tme, DATEDIFF(ms,mio(start_tme), max(eod_tme)) as tital_tme frim catalignexecutio_cimpioeot_phases where executio_id = 1841 griup by package_oame, task_oame, subcimpioeot_oame, executio_path irder by package_oame, task_oame, subcimpioeot_oame, executio_path * catalignexecutables This view displays a riw fir each executable io the specifed execution Ao executable is a task ir ciotaioer that yiu add ti the ciotril fiw if a packagen

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*(iocirrect) catalignexecutios (SSISDB Database) Displays the iostaoces if package executio io the Iotegratio Services catalign Packages that are executed with the Execute Package task ruo io the same iostaoce if executio as the pareot packagen This view displays a riw fir each iostaoce if executio io the catalign * (iocirrect) cataligniperatio_messages Displays messages that are ligged duriog iperatios io the Iotegratio Services catalign This view displays a riw fir each message that is ligged duriog ao iperatio io the catalign The message cao be geoerated by the server, by the package executio pricess, ir by the executio eogioen Refereoce: catalignexecutio_cimpioeot_phases Refereoce: catalignexecutables

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