Sunshine Summit Lodge - How Drugs and Alcohol affect the Foetus

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Let me put it this way - when you abuse drugs or drink alcohol during pregnancy; it is as if the unborn baby is also doing the same thing. Research has proved that consumption of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy can cause birth defects, miscarriage, low birth-weight, premature labour and even maternal death. Babies who are exposed to alcohol and drugs while they are in the womb also suffer from learning and behavioural difficulties when they grow up.


Drug abuse during pregnancy puts the life of the child at high risk. The toxins generated in the body of the mother are passed on to the child via the umbilical cord. These toxins negatively impact the development of the foetus. Following are the effects of a couple of them:


Smoking marijuana while pregnant greatly reduces the supply of oxygen to the foetus. This is due to the increase in the level of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide within the blood. As a result, the growth of the baby slowed and one of the first sign is slow weight gain. Usage of marijuana while pregnant has also been known to cause premature delivery. Additionally babies who were exposed to marijuana in the womb will face certain behavioural and learning difficulties. Mothers addicted to this drug should seek help from a rehabilitation centre like the Sunshine Summit Lodge.


Cocaine makes its entry into the body of the child through the placenta. It remains a lot longer in the child’s body than in the body of the mother. Usage of cocaine during pregnancy greatly increases the chances of miscarriage, bleeding from the vagina, birth defects and placental abortion. It also rises the chances of the baby becoming addicted to cocaine and will undergo withdrawal symptoms like sleeplessness, muscle spasms and reduced appetite. Additionally, there is also the high risk of SIDS or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. As per Sunshine Summit Lodge, the child may also face learning difficulties and may develop defective brain and genitals.


Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a big no. Whether it is beer or wine or any other light alcohol drink, it should be strictly avoided. Absolutely no amount of alcohol is considered safe during pregnancy. This is because; it gets into the blood and makes its way to the foetus through the placenta. And while the mother is able to effectively metabolize the alcohol, it stays in the blood of the child for a long time and greatly hampers the growth of the foetus.

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