Open a Locked Interior Door Without Key
When you have a lot of interior doorknobs along with key locks on them, there are chances of losing the key or lock them inside the room. Here are some suggestions that might help you to get back in. I have learned all the facts I had ever wish to know about doorknob and lock-picking assembly when I had face problems with one of my interior doors was locked with keys inside the room. Being expensive I did not use locksmith. So, let me know you everything I have done and eventually was able to open the door. How to pick locks? Most of the time, in case of a simple push-button affair doorknob all you need to do is punch a paperclip in the hole and push on the locking mechanism. A butter knife is enough to do the trick if the doorknob is just with slit on the outside handle. Although keyed locks are a little bit trickier, it can be done as well. All you need is to grab tension wrench and a paperclip. A very small (about same diameter of paperclip) hex key is sufficient, in case you do not have a tension wrench handy. Flatten the end of a paperclip as much as possible by using a hammer, now grab your makeshift lock-picking tools and head to the door. Here I explain what to do next: Push in the flattened end of the paperclip on top of the tension wrench. Until you feel the resistance pushes it in. It is the first pin of the lock. With the paperclip push up on the pin and try to move it out of the way. The tension wrench will turn little further if it works. Holding the wrench in same position, apply pressure so the pin does not drop back down. Take out the paperclip and push back it again. As soon as you feel the resistance from the next pin, push up on it as well until it shift and the tension wrench is turned. Continue this procedure again and again with the rest of the pins until the lock opens. Credit-card treatment works nicely in response to some lever-type doorknobs pretending you as a secret agent while you get to open the door. Just slide the card into the crack in the door right in the place where the lock is. Tilt the card so that it is almost or is touching the doorknob. Press on it until you feel it slide in more. While doing this, leaning against the door is a good idea which may help it to pop open. Sometimes the lock just won’t budge. Then it is time to remove the entire assembly. Use a butter knife and slide it under the collar where the doorknob meets the door and try to loose the screws holding the doorknob together. The doorknob will come apart when the screws are removed.