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Howler Costa Rica Magazine July 2023
Don’t Leave Conservation
up to Someone Else
Step Up and Make a Difference
We are lucky to live in Costa Rica, one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world, with rainforests, cloud forests and mangrove swamps, as well as 12 different climate zones. Costa Rica makes up just 0.03% of the earth's surface; it's home to more than 5% of the planet's species. This staggering level of biodiversity is due in part to the country's location and topography, as well as its strong conservation efforts.
Costa Rica is home to over 500,000 plant and animal species, including jaguars, monkeys, toucans, sloths, and sea turtles, among others. Its ecosystems range from dry tropical forests to mangroves to high-altitude cloud forests. The country also has a particularly high level of endemism, with many unique species found nowhere else in the world.
We need to cherish what we have and work together to make more places on our planet healthier.
Biodiversity, a term that refers to the variety of living organisms on earth, is one of the most important aspects of our planet. It is essential to our survival, providing us with many of our most basic needs, such as air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat. Protecting biodiversity is more than just an environmental issue; it is a fundamental human responsibility.
Unfortunately, over the past century, human activity has caused the most severe decline in biodiversity in human history. The loss of biodiversity is not only a tragedy in itself but also has far-reaching ecological and economic implications. Therefore, it is crucial that we take action to keep the world's biodiversity.
by John Quam

One of the most important ways to preserve biodiversity is to protect habitats. Habitats are the natural environments in which different species of plants and animals live, and they are essential for the survival of those species. Unfortunately, many of these habitats are threatened with destruction due to activities such as deforestation, urbanization, industrialization and farming. Therefore, it is critical that we take steps to protect these habitats. This may involve setting aside areas of wilderness or rewilding areas that have been damaged by human activities. It may also include strict regulations on land use and development.
Another essential step to protect biodiversity is to prevent the introduction of invasive species. Invasive species are non-native species that have been introduced to a new environment and can cause significant harm to the local biodiversity. Invasive species can outcompete or even prey on native species, causing population declines or even extinction. Therefore, it is necessary to control the movement of non-native species, ideally by preventing their introduction in the first place. It is also important to have systems in place to quickly detect and respond to the presence of invasive species.
Reducing pollution is another key step to preserving biodiversity. Pollution can have a severe impact on ecosystems and the species that depend on them. For example, some species of fish and other aquatic creatures are highly sensitive to pollution and can suffer heavily when exposed to toxic chemicals. Furthermore, air pollution can impact pollinators like bees and butterflies, crucial for the propagation of plant species. Therefore, we must take steps to reduce pollution, including by regulating industries and encouraging the use of cleaner technologies.
Climate change is also a significant threat to biodiversity. As the planet warms, different ecosystems may no longer be viable, and species may be unable to adjust quickly enough to survive. Therefore, taking steps to address climate change is an essential part of preserving biodiversity. This may include reducing our use of fossil fuels, increasing our use of renewable energy and adapting to changing climatic conditions.
Finally, we must work to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity. Too often, biodiversity is viewed as a luxury that we can afford to lose. In reality, it is essential to our survival and well-being. Therefore, it is critical to educate people about the value of biodiversity and the risks of neglecting it. This may involve teaching people about the ecological and economic benefits of biodiversity or encouraging them to take action to protect it, such as by supporting conservation organizations or reducing their own environmental impact.
In our area, conservation has been at the forefront. Costa Rica implemented important policies in the 1970s and was one of the first in the world to incorporate the concept of sustainable development into its national plans.
Many of the country's forests are protected areas, and there are strict laws in place to prevent deforestation and protect wildlife. In addition, ecotourism has become a major industry in the country, providing incentives for locals to keep their natural resources intact.
Challenges remain, however, including habitat destruction and climate change. Nevertheless, through its diversity of species and strong conservation mindset, Costa Rica serves as a model

for other countries seeking to protect their natural heritage.
Respecting and being real stewards of the environment goes a long way in correcting environmental issues. With the influx of people moving here to enjoy what Costa Rica offers, there have been many impacts on the regional microenvironment. I have heard many say it’s just progress. Well, progress comes in many forms, and progress can be detrimental.
Protecting our earth is the job of each and everyone of us. Take the initiative and do something in your world. Every little bit helps.