The March edition of the Howler features the little-known story of how U.S. intelligence operatives under the direction of Oliver North built a secret airstrip in Costa Rica to supply weapons to Nicaraguan rebels in the 1980s. North’s plans went south when journalists discovered and photographed the airstrip, forcing the Costa Rican government to acknowledge its existence and blowing the cover of what would balloon into the Iran-Contra scandal.
In our Travel and Adventure, Lifestyle and Community sections, we’ll also take you fishing on a wild river, cycling around Lake Arenal and birdwatching in the boondocks. We also explore a heart-shaped lake renowned for an honest-to-goodness picture of a UFO. Plus there’s the amazing story of a man who hailed a gypsy cab and ended up in a high-speed police chase. And, as always, we feature fashion, restaurants, historical photos, legal advice, pet tips and community happenings in Costa Rica’s premier English-language magazine