Ecotourism in Costa Rica takes center stage in the July Howler, with a cover story that explores the meaning of this sometimes misunderstood word, along with its next of kin, sustainable tourism. We profile Rafael Gallo, the pioneering founder of whitewater rafting giant Ríos Tropicales, and pay a visit to the pristine Osa Peninsula, the wildest place in Costa Rica. We also do a road trip in Sarapiquí, one of Costa Rica’s least known greatest places, and discuss the challenges of Diamante Eco Adventure Park’s efforts to win five leaves for sustainable tourism.
Carlos Hiller, a brilliant local artist who turns painting into performance art, is profiled in A&E, and we have our humor columnists Johnny Lahoud and Jesse Bishop, who are funny even when they’re not trying to be. There are two “mini-mags”: Surfing and Dining guide is a separate magazine on issues with a feature on Sentido Norte. And we have our regular columns on hot topics — fashion, Spanish, history, photography, and more