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Over 55 and Searching for a Retirement Community?
In the past two months, we have made tremendous new subdivision, Vista Alta, with land moving shaping. The trade-off is that this has opened which need to be closed and sealed before the earnest, and the workers are focused on exactly the work—sporadically, with crossed fingers and well-positioned for erosion control for the rainy have begun.
Vientos Bajos Apartments
Heliconia, a top-floor walk-in apartment in Vientos Bajos is now available for long-term rent—minimum of six months. Buganvilla, on the third floor, but also a walk-in with no steps, becomes available in late April. Buganvilla and Heliconia are both twobedroom/one-bathroom apartments, fully furnished with utilities, including internet, and both provide covered and secure parking. Heliconia rents for $1,000/month and Buganvilla, which has an expanded deck and a bathtub, rents for $1,100/month. If interested, please call for a showing.
Vista Alta
As mentioned last month, the big news for purchase and joining of the property connecting subdivision with the original Jardin La Torre has been spent cutting and building two roads The goal is to have these streets asphalted are making progress on a caretaker cottage by April. Damage caused during last rainy season Fifteen lots for single residences are now available Lots, beginning at $50,000 USD, include septic potable water to the lots.