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Each month we'll highlight one of Fred's amazing bird photographs. Click lower right for more information.
Bird in Brief
Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus)
• Found from northwestern Oregon, California, American southwest and western Mexico, through the Central American highlands into northern Colombia Andes
• Prefers pine-oak woodlands where oak trees are plentiful, but also found in tropical hardwood forests with nearby oak trees
• Medium-sized, black and white clown-faced bird with a red crown, glossy black and white head, white eyes, white rump and wing patches, and usually at least one red or yellow-tipped feather on the throat
• Highly social and usually live year-round in social units, with tropical populations often moving together
• Monogamous mating in some populations and cooperative polygyny in others
• Nest cavities drilled into large dead or living tree limbs may contain granaries, and are lined with fresh wood chips; may be reused for several seasons
Source: animaldiversity.com
This acorn woodpecker was photographed in December 2022, at an elevation over 8,000 feet in the mountains south of Cartago, Costa Rica.