1 minute read
Matarrita, Paralegal, GM Attorneys at Law
The HOA administrator must collect the HOA dues per Article 30 of Law No. 7933:
"The administration shall be responsible for the care and surveillance of the common goods and services, the care and operation of the facilities and general services, all acts of administration and conservation of the condominium, and the execution of the resolutions of the Condominium Owners' Assembly. It shall collect the corresponding dues from each owner for the common expenses. It shall ensure compliance with the provisions of this law and the regulations; it shall also have the other powers and obligations established by the law and the regulations. Said dues will be used to maintain the infrastructure in good condition and the proper functioning of the condominium project, whether for sidewalk repairs, replacement of exterior lighting, green areas, payment of insurance, personnel, cleaning, gardening, among others."
The non-payment, according to Article 20 to Law No. 7933, generates consequences for the condo owners:
The dues corresponding to the common expenses owed by the owners, as well as the fines and interest they generate, shall constitute a mortgage lien on the subsidiary property, only preceded by the lien referring to the real estate tax. A certified public accountant shall issue the certification of the amounts owed by the owners for these concepts; this certification shall constitute a mortgage executory title."