The Hair Removal for Women
The desire of eliminating unwanted hair on our bodies isn’t new to women. Hair removal for women had been practiced for hundreds of years now. Time and technology have developed different methods in defeating unwanted growth. As women, I have mastered the art of hair removal; there are various techniques that I practice whenever I remove unwanted hairs on my legs. I prefer shaving when it comes to removing hair from my underarms. But studies have proved that shaving can cause darkening of the underarms. This is the reason why I don’t wear sleeveless at all, i have a discoloration in my underarms and I really don’t like to expose it to the public. Local drugstores offer numerous products that offer hair removal for women. The problem with these products is that they all have side effects and it’s up to you to choose your personal choice of side effects. I just don’t understand the logic in paying for a product that offers excruciating pain. If I wanted to torture myself I can do it for free. I pay my local saloon for weekly painful treatments. I even asked my doctor about permanent hair removal. I had to choose between electrolysis or laser treatments. Both sounds exciting cause it painless but the price is just too much for me. So I was left without any choice but to continue my painful treatments at our local saloon. My sister emailed me about a hair removal product that she had been using for months now. She said that it is very effective, affordable and pain-free. She claimed that the NoNo device has helped here in decreasing the growth of hair and I should buy one as soon as possible. I researched some facts about the NoNo online and i even watched their infomercials over and over again. I was convinced in buying the NoNo because I believe that it’s the latest technology that can help in hair removal for women.