Design Portfolio | HoYin Lui
Educational Background University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Arts in Architectural Studies
RIBA Part 1
Shrewsbury School GCSEs & A-Levels
Professional Experience Pride Heros Development Ltd Year Out Pratice
P & T Group Architects
Year Out Pratice
HKIA Internship
HKIA Internship
2015 I want to give special thanks to Mr. K.P. Cheung for supporting me as a tutor from HKU.
K.P. Cheung Research Group Internship
In these two years of practice, I worked in two architectural firms in Hong Kong, I appreciate all the experience the companies have given
me to learn about the field.
Design Competition & Award
Innovative Minds Competition Transition City
Top 10 Hornable Mention
Building Technology Exhibition Ming Dynasty Window Frame
Top 12 Elected Design for Exhibition
Young Architects Competition Green Academy
Young Architects Competition Lamborghini Road Monument
+852 6435 0183
001 Transition City
P. 1
002 Green Academy
P. 9
003 Lamborghini Road Monument
P. 17
004 Sunken Spectrum
P. 25
RIBA Part 1
005 Urban Landscape
P. 29
RIBA Part 1
006 SH Communal Centre
P. 39
RIBA Part 1
007 Spiral House
P. 45
008 Art Works
P. 47
009 Frame Works
P. 49
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
001 - Transition City
TransitionCity Innovation Minds Competition Top 10 Honarable Mention Group of 2 (Leader) Mongkok (Hong Kong)
Prologue : Virtual Epoch Mongkok, the place with the highest population density in the world. It is a district in Hong Kong that currently accommodates people at 130,000 per square kilomoters. The density boom is yet show a trace of slowing down. A possible solution to this problem is suggested in this project through a rethinking of the terms “ground” and “openness”. What we propose is to open up as much ground as possible by pulling the busy transport track up into mid-air, to separate leisure users from busy users. Rather than the user conforming to their space the environment will bend to help the user.
001 - Transition City
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
001 - Transition City
More than 50% of the buildings contained within the site were built in the early 1940s. Currently these buildings are considered to be inhibiting living space. Rather than replacing those ruins with new skyscrapers, we intend to keep the emptiness. A recreation of a more natural environment should occur in this scenario.
We restructured the conventional definition of building, by dissolving the giant boxed-up space into fragments of occupation. This is convenient for adding and replacing space without demolishing existing buildings. Thus, more emptiness for sharing on ground level and an increased extension of living in the sky.
001 - Transition City
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Existing circulation
Existing demolition
Empty remains
From the previous century of urban planning, Mongkok contains a wild range of buildings, high-rise skyscrapers and mid-rise housing units. The circulation on ground is not enough to support the population on site.
The site contains over 40% of old structure buildings, which are scheduled to be removed in 30 years time. Rather than replacing the buildings with new skyscrapers, which would perpetuate the sites problems, the space would be kept open.
The circulation route is constantly compromising the living space as it encloses the buildings. This impedes people's interactions with one another and quality of life.
Rearrangement of circulation
Recognition of occupation
Transitional city
By moving the rapid circulation vertically, an open space can be obtained separate from traffic. It would also shorten the distance for people to travel to work, because the public circulation starts in the mid-level of buildings.
Through breaking down the giant boxes into smaller fragments of occupation, we want to optimize living space. Simultaneously the creation of voids in-between units will allow sun light to hit the open ground.
A combination of fragmental occupation and mid-level circulation, the goal is to fulfill the high demand for living space while accepting no limitations. To recreate open space on ground, a natural space for people to share.
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
001 - Transition City
Existing Structure
Rearragement of circulation
Occupation and circulation
Recognising the orientation of ground circulation, resulting in the replacement of traffic in different levels.
Inserting a new tunnel type of circulation into occupation of living in mid-level.
Prototype of fragmental living and in air circulation.
001 - Transition City
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
The living
Mid Level Occupation
The city
Open Ground
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
001 - Transition City
Section A-A"
001 - Transition City
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
002 - Green Academy
Green Academy Young Architects Competition Paticpated Group of 2 (Leader) Bologna (Italy)
Prologue : Redevelopment The competition called for the redevelopment of a disused paper factory on behalf of the Dismeco company. Dismeco wanted to reactivate the space without demolition of the existing structure, as the company is well known in green recycling. The ulimate goal is to introduce environmentally friendly programs into the existing area, and to protect the factory remains from the elements. The project also had to cope with noise pollution from the nearby trains. A multifunctional space was to connect three different areas of use. These are the business incubator, science museum and academy centre.
002 - Green Academy
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
002 - Green Academy
Study Space
Transformation of an old paper factory requires understanding of its structural core. To create a flexible and sustainable environment while preserving and adapting to the existing column system is the ultimate goal of the project. With the newly introduced movable module system in the existing architecture, flexible space is created, making the design proposal highly economically sustainable. While the flexible module system introduces a new way of using space, an envelope cover system is also introduced to protect and activate the site. 11
Work Space
002 - Green Academy
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Old Structure
Academy Centre
New Programs
Taking into consideration the core value of the plant and the feasibility of the proposal, the design focuses on creating a flexible use of space while adapting to the existing rigid reinforced concrete frame structure. Besides renovating the existing architecture, a new block is introduced on the West side of the existing building to serve as the business incubator.
Multifunction Space
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
002 - Green Academy
Wall Panel System
In the wide open space without non-structural elements, a module system is introduced which replaces fixed partition walls with movable panels. The panels facilitate full utilization of space as the space can transform based on the users needs, from a small meeting room to a widely opened exhibition space. This flexible space use of space contributes towards economic sustainability. 13
002 - Green Academy
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Buiness Incubator
Buiness Incubator
Science Museum
Academy Centre
Science Museum
Ground Plan
The ground floor plan allows for the easy circulation of traffic between the three areas. The main entrance is located near to the science museum, as this will become the main attraction for visitors. The museum will also function as a boundary between the working area for adults and study area for teenagers.
Academy Centre
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
002 - Green Academy
Section A-A"
002 - Green Academy
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
Lamborghini Road Monument Young Architects Competition Paticipated (Individual) Bologna (Italy)
Prologue : Steel Art "Lamborghini" commissioned designs to create two road monuments near to their home museum in Bologna. The designs are to occupy two roundabouts, both located adjacently on the motor way SP255, which is the sole access to the museum. The goal is to translate the iconic image of Lamborghini into two monumental designs. These designs take their abstracted forms from the Lamborghini bull. The monument is not only to be a repetition of the companies own icon but also to illustrate the mechanics in their cars, the way in which complex mechanics harnesses thrust from chaotic combustion.
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
Pettarella Museo Lamborghini
Roundabout B
Roundabout A
per Rastellino
21 Aprile 1945
Roundabout B
Roundabout A
The image of the bull is taken as the starting point of the design process to communicate the power of Lamborghini design. "SP255" is the main entrance of Museo Lamborghini, which includes two designated roundabouts. In this proposal the bulls face the Museum from opposing directions, simulating strong powers gazing at each other and towards home. 19
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
Roundabout A is located at the centre of two highways, "SP255" and "SP16". As a roundabout combines two lanes of traffic at speed, the bull statue encourages a comparison between this and the balance of forces present in a turning car. It should represent an image of a set of calm and balanced force ready for "Charge!", a force that simulates the mechanics of a "Lamborghini". 20
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
The openness of the design gives the structure integrity and generates visual effects on the ground, and in so doing interacts with its environment. The shadows cast on the ground mimic the powerful motions of a bull running. Structurally the body is formed by curved steel pipes. Stainless steel is used because of its qualities as a longlasting and sustainable material. The truss-type system supports the engine while the core functions as a light at night, appearing as a power source giving momentum to the bull. 21
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
Roundabout B located next to the Sant'Agata Bolognese segment sets a turning point from the town centre to Museo Lamborghini. Two bulls are designed for "B" and represent motions in "Gain, and Charge". The reason is that the junction controls a connection between Road "21 Aprile 1945" to "SP255", a slow speed roadway from town to a rapid speed highway. 22
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
Ele . v S o ut h
E l e.v E a s t
R ound a b out A
Ele . v We st
E l e.v S out h
R ound a b out B
A circularity is applied to the design so that all elements of the sculpture are connected back to its central plinth, this creates a cohesive form. 23
003 - Lamborghini Road Monument
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
LED light rings Carbon fibre framework Primary pipes (Main supports) Secondary pipes (Electricity cables included)
Lights in the heart of the sculpture take on the appearance of an engine. Electricity is directed up steel tubes from the plinth, rooting the sculpture in its environment.
Night view
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
004 - Sunken Spectrum
Sunken Spectrum eVolo Skyscrapers Competition (In Process) Group of 2 (Leader) Admiralty (Hong Kong)
Prologue : Skyscraper Prototype The designated tube station has the largest occupation in city over 150,000 population flow per day. Hong Kong is one of the most populated city in world. I n h i s t o r y, t h e r e a c t i o n t o t h i s population boom was to build a tremendous number of skyscrapers. Current problem; over-development of skyscrapers has done harm to existing areas by blocking natural light and also creating an over-occupied environment. The aim of prototype is to re-open the space using spectrum type skyscraper, also to lighten the environment by using natural sun light. Section 1:1000
004 - Sunken Spectrum
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Skeleton Frame
004 - Sunken Spectrum
Sunken Spectrum
Steel Truss
Ground Plan
The project takes the opportunity of the current re-developing tube station as a start to introduce a prototype - an open zone of natural lighting environment for the local area. The project is highly inspired by the iron and steel structure from the Eiffel Tower, a construction of bridge system has created a success in sustainability and aesthetic appearance for the tower. The project translates the structural language into a functional prototype, by introducing magnifying lens inbetween voids of structure to re-direct sunlight into the tube station, and encapsulating green programmes into the tower for benefits of future generations. Considering the designated site is situated near to the Victoria Harbour, where it is widely exposed to natural light, it is the best opportunity to test out the prototype. 27
004 - Sunken Spectrum
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Sun Path In consideration with change in climate, adjustment of lens adapts to the climate in order to achieve full functionality.
Projection A curved structural skeleton is designed to maximize exposure to sunlight while refracting the light into the tube station.
Circulation A direct circulation from the underground tube station connects t o t h e t o w e r, a n d multiple accesses from ground for the users would be essential. Tube Station 28
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
005 - Urban Landscape
Urban Landscape RIBA part 1 Year 3 Housing Project (Individual) Taipei (Taiwan)
Prologue : Prototype Housing A housing project which creates a unique way of living centered on the transformative movement of the sun. In the project the built environment takes on the look of the natural landscape. At the core of the project is a harnessing of the way in which a buildings appearance is altered as the sun charts its progress across the sky. To this end each living unit must capture the light at different times of the day. The existing environment is also respected through maintaining the current circulation of traffic.
005 - Urban Landscape
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
005 - Urban Landscape
Traffic High Way
Alley Way
Green space is maximized. In the design, each family will have their own private green area for planting, creating a natural living spot is another fundamental idea for the project. The diagram on the right shows the affect of inserting the design into the existing environment, along with its relationship to the path of the sun. This demonstrates the idea of openness in-between walls, so that natural lighting can penetrate into the interior and also into the inner courtyard. I want to enhance the experience of living through the rotation of sunlight. Starting from the lower floor units facing direct natural light from the afternoon, walls rotate 20 degrees from each floor, resulting with top floor units to face sun light from early morning. 31
005 - Urban Landscape
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
005 - Urban Landscape
Overa l l S t ruct ure
005 - Urban Landscape
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Li ght i ng a f f ect on uni t s
Pub lic Circulat io n
P ri v a te U n i ts
Living units are connected by the circulation zone in the center ring, which is surrounded by open space. Users will travel using the lift core on the left, then while entering the ring they will have more communication with their neighbors as it is an open space between units. 34
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
005 - Urban Landscape
Ini t ial St ruct u r e
Fi na l S t ruct ure
A transformative process takes place from existing regular blocks into the landscape form of residential units. Each change of core structure determines the life style in every unit, there are numbers of testing structures, starting from a singular column system to a cross wall-column system, to create openings above ground level in order to achieve the result of receiving the maximum amount of sunlight from different directions. 35
005 - Urban Landscape
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Scale 1 : 50 model
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
005 - Urban Landscape
Section A-A"
005 - Urban Landscape
Section B-B"
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
006 - SH Communial Centre
SH Communial Centre
New SH Rail Line Traffic
RIBA part 1 Year 2 (Individual) Commercial Project Shanghai (China)
Prologue : Analytical Development The existing site has a rich content of culture revolution over time, Shanghai is one of the fastest growing cities in China, including a rapidly increasing number of vehicles on the city roads. Air pollution from industrial factories and traffic has adversely affected the health of locals. To allow an enjoyment of shared space some existing conditions need to change. These are air quality, space and circulation.
Taiton Village district
To resolve the current problems the city must create a new image of itself as a green city. This project takes the sustainable step of creating a school to promote knowledge of environmental issues and to generate solutions to these problems in the minds of its students.
006 - SH Communial Centre
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Xhaiwu Village district SH Communial Centre
Wingon Village district
Hongkou New Station
Wangyui Village district
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
006 - SH Communial Centre
Time Frame
Traffic Stream Analysis (1 day : 08:00 - 20:00)
Occupation On Site
Population Flow Analysis (1 day : 08:00 - 00:00)
Hongkou district located at the North of Huangpu River. The former International Settlement has a strong cultural heritage. The existing site has a rich history of cultural revolution over time. The residential area is surrounding by 3 main traffic streams in Shanghai. The population has a ratio of 30% of elderly people to 37% children. 41
006 - SH Communial Centre
Private Public Mixed The idea of a healthy growing environment should be introduced into the site. The studio design becomes a barrier for the residential housing blocks in order to isolate the noise pollution from traffic. The lab will serve as a breathing spot not only for students but for the locals as well. The design has 2 open ground circulations for the locals, a mixture of components in private and public, students will have direct access from the right hand side on the ground up to the top floor studio. The lecture hall will be utilized for public use in order to disseminate ideas on green technology and environmental health.
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
006 - SH Communial Centre
Studio Libary Meeting Room Meeting Room
Corridor Exhibition Hall
Public Circulation
Lecture Hall
Common Space
The lecture halls, open space, library and exhibition hall will be public space. Studio space, workshop and computer labs will remain private for student use. A quiet environment for students to learn and a platform to share ideas to the public. 43
Security Room
006 - SH Communial Centre
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
Programmes on ground level serve as public space.
Shared platform for locals and students.
Sandwich of private and public programmes.
Private area, a quiet environment for students to work.
H.Y Lui's Portfolio
007 - Spiral House
Spiral House RIBA part 1 Year 1 (Individual) Housing Project Guangzhou (China)
Prologue : Housing A house located at the front of a village, where accessibility for public is necessary in order to maintain a public through route. The concept is of floor slabs ascending upwards, a formation of staircases connected between slabs creating the sense of a spiral. Public circulation on ground provides access for the villagers, whilst at the same time creating a protected indoor area. An environment with opened indoor space will be multifunctional. It can work at different times of the day as a work zone or a space for outdoor leisure time. Column supports are designed between the exterior and interior in order to handle the vertical load of the slabs. Four main columns are located around the centre grid in the house.
007 - Spiral House
Communial Space
The project runs as an exploration experience for the villagers, floor slabs split in different levels creating divisions in space, the ground level functions as a public walkway and playground for children as the space is divided in three. The upper level will function as a slow paced environment, which allows adults to occupy the space to read, dine and to relax. Minimum diameter of 4m x 6m between floors allow small families to occupy and use the space one at a time.
The structure simulates the ancient Chinese wooden architecture. This is the structure of a load-bearing timber frame, a network of interlocking wooden supports which forms the skeleton of the building. 46
H.Y Lui's Portfolio