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CUTTING EDGE: Competition focuses on chain-saw art . 1B

April 9, 2010 126th year No. 99

BUDGET FOCUS: Commissioners consider additional funds. 2A

www.hpe.com High Point, N.C.

MAD DASH: Winston-Salem’s minor league team races to finish. 1D

50 Cents Daily $1.25 Sundays

Ah-choo! Pollen reaches record levels BY PAM HAYNES ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER




The N.C. Department of Environment and Natural ReTRIAD – It may be hard to sources issues these tips to fight allergies caused by see the joys of spring’s arrecord levels of pollen in the state: rival when a thick, yellow blanket of pollen is covering • Limit your time outdoors, especially in the morning: Peothe eyes – and vehicles. ple who are bothered by allergies may want to limit their And there’s little relief in time outdoors until pollen levels subside, particularly dursight. ing early morning hours and when it is windy outside. Record levels of pollen have been recorded both • Rely on air conditioning until pollination subsides: in the Triad and across the Keeping doors and windows shut with air conditioners state this year with the highrunning will help reduce pollen levels indoors. est concentrations since air quality agencies started measuring pollen in the late and Natural Resources. per cubic meter on Wednes1990s, according to the N.C. The pollen count in RaPOLLEN, 2A Department of Environment leigh reached 3,524 grains


Spent “pollen worms” lie in the gutter along Eastchester Drive.


Former state treasurer Richard H. Moore is a new board of directors member for First Bancorp, the parent company of First Bank. Moore serves as a managing director of Relational Investors, a registered investment adviser.




TRIAD – Property owners in High Point and Davidson County who suffered damages from the March 28 tornadoes will be eligible to receive state disaster relief assistance, Gov. Beverly Perdue’s office announced Thursday. Perdue issued a state disaster declaration for Davidson and Guilford counties to help pay for home repairs for families who incurred damage from the three tornadoes. Two tornadoes struck parts of Davidson County, while one cut through sections of north High Point. The state disaster declaration means residents who suffered qualified losses can receive grants to help cover housing repair or replacement costs, as well as to pay for replacement clothing and medical expenses. The maximum eligible amount is $29,900 per applicant, the governor’s office reports. The governor’s office also requested and received a U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster declaration, which makes lowinterest loans available to help pay for repairs. The SBA disaster declaration allows low-interest federal loans of up to $240,000 to homeowners and up to $40,000 to renters, the governor’s office reports.

PICK IT UP: High Point to host citywide cleanup day. 1B OBITUARIES



Scene at house on Hampton Park Drive and Silverstone Court after the tornado came through on March 28. Anyone who doesn’t qualify for the loans may be eligible for a state individual assistance grant, according to the governor’s office. “These were damaging storms that impacted hundreds of families in the Triad area. We’re going to do everything we can to ensure that those residents who suffered losses from the storm will qualify for some type of financial assistance if they need it,” Perdue said. The governor’s office an-


The Thomasville City Council currently is considering a policy that would require all department heads to live within the city. The High Point Enterprise has asked for general information on how many, or what percentage, of employees live inside the city vs. outside. Thomasville officials have steadfastly refused to release any information concerning residency, saying it is illegal to release information from individual employees’ files. The High Point Enterprise, however, has not requested specific information from individual employees’ files, only general information as to how many employees live inside the city. The city of High Point released similar information to The High Point Enterprise in 2006.

nounced that more than 460 homes were deemed to have qualified as damaged in the two counties, making them eligible for assistance. Damage assessment teams determined that 40 homes were destroyed. In addition, three businesses were destroyed and 18 more damaged, the governor’s office reports. High Point City Manager Strib Boynton said city officials appreciate Perdue’s quick response. “It will speed up the process of making financial

State Emergency Management officials will be available from today through April 15 to meet with tornado victims and help them complete state disaster relief loan applications. Disaster recovery centers will be open 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. daily, except Sunday, in the West Jefferson Government Complex at 555 W. Center St. in Lexington and at Fire Station 12 at 4538 Barrow Road in High Point. assistance available to the Emergency Management Agency on direct federal families,” he said. Boynton said local of- relief aid. ficials are awaiting a decision from the Federal pjohnson@hpe.com | 888-3528






Truell: Thomasville should be more open THOMASVILLE – A Davidson County commissioner who served 14 years as Thomasville’s police chief said this week he believes Thomasville should be more transparent when it comes to discussions and information about employee residency. Responding to Thomasville’s refusal to release general information concerning the residency of employees to The High Point Enterprise, such as the number of employees who live in Thomasville, Don Truell, who retired as the city’s police chief in 1994, said he still believes local governments should operate openly. “When I operated my police department and all, I believed in transparency,” he said. “Naturally, if you came up and asked me to give you the telephone number for every man I had, no, I wouldn’t do that. However, the questions that you’re asking should be public record, such as residency and how many live out and how many live in (Thomasville).” Truell, a former journalist who

Melda Holder, 80 Hobert Peace, 77 Bernice Proctor, 98 Vassie Sanders Betty Smith, 72 Carlos Smith, 94 John Smith, 70 Judy Webster, 67 Obituaries, 2B



went to work for Thomasville police in 1963, said he was given 60 days to move into the city limits of Thomasville when hired by the department. When he was promoted to chief in 1980 by Thomasville’s city manager, Truell was told again that he would have to live within the city limits, which he already did. “We went to a take-home car plan while I was chief,” he said. “My plan was, if you lived in the city, you could take a car home. If you lived outside of the city, you didn’t take a car home. I did that honestly and mainly to give them an incentive to move into the city.” Ronald Bratton, a Thomasville councilman who retired last year as the city’s police chief after more than 30 years with the agency, said the


Thomasville Police Department’s residency policy “sort of loosened up” over the years. Bratton estimates about 40 percent of Thomasville officers lived in the city when he became police chief in 2006, while about 25 percent lived in Thomasville when he retired. “It wasn’t a large number,” he said. “We are a more of an urban type community now. We have had people who live in Concord or Kannapolis work here.” Current Chief Jeff Insley, a Salisbury resident who replaced Bratton as chief last August, said the Thomasville’s police department’s current policy states that officers should have a working phone so they can be reached when needed, but there is no specific requirement for residency. Insley, who noted that only on-call investigators and K-9 officers can drive their company cars home, said he has chosen to drive his personal vehicle to work every day, as his company vehicle is only for police business. dignasiak@hpe.com | 888-3657

Sunny, cooler High 64, Low 37 8D


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County reports 6th rabies case ENTERPRISE STAFF REPORT


Dusting up In preparation for a media preview of the new North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, Stacey Kirby, conservation technician, dusts the pollen off of “Naked Muse”, a statue by Auguste Rodin, in a garden at the facility. The 127,000-square-foot expansion opens to the public April 24.

GUILFORD COUNTY – A rabid skunk found on Bunch Road in Summerfield became the county’s sixth case of rabies this week, health officials reported. The skunk had contact with three dogs. North Carolina law requires that all domestic pets 4 months of age and older to have vaccinations against rabies and that their vaccinations are kept current. The law applies even if pets are exclusively kept indoors. Barnyard pets such as goats, horses and cows should also be vaccinated against rabies for their protection against this deadly virus. Unvaccinated pets ex-

Guilford commissioners focus on budget additions BY DAVID NIVENS ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER


GUILFORD COUNTY – Four county commissioners focused sharply Thursday on the additional $6.4 million Guilford County Schools Superintendent Mo Green wants for the 2011 school district budget. Green presented his $651.5 million budget to the Board of Education on Tuesday. The budget includes a request for $187.4 million for the operations budget, up $3.4 million, to cover increased expenses, and $7 million for repairs and maintenance, up $3 million. The district wants the increase in maintenance funds partly to replace money from a discontinued state program. Commissioner Bruce Davis of High Point, joint budget committee co-chair, focused on emergencies, how the district uses the money and how fast. The district has money remaining from the $4 million commissioners provided last year for repairs.

State: $348.2 million Federal: $71.4 million Local: $187.4 million Local capital outlay: $7.0 million Child nutrition: $30.9 million After-school care enrichment services: $6.6 million Total: $651.5 million “Let’s get the $4 million out of the way,” Davis said. “If there is an emergency, then we could look at it when it happens. Maybe we should define an emergency.” Most school buildings are repaired during summers and vacations when classes are not in session. “We’ll use the $4 million,” said school board Chairman Alan Duncan. “We have several emergencies every year.” Green ruled out using a $3 million reserve fund set aside to cover any state givebacks. During the 200809 school year, the state reclaimed


Rain may lower count FROM PAGE 1

more than $8 million from the school district. “If we did not get the $4 million, we’d be at your door for every emergency,” Green said. “This is a respectful request. We need the funds.” “We don’t want to be pests with this,” Duncan said. Republican Commissioner Steve Arnold of High Point suggested the school board sell vacant buildings to raise money and consolidate some operations with the county. “Everybody else in the county is getting cut, so hold-the-line on the budget is generous,” he said. The additional $3.4 million for operations would cover the cost of enrollment increases and $162,000 for the summer opening of the new $33 million Jamestown Middle School and nearby $10 million Haynes-Inman Education Center. “Last year we did cuts to cover expenses in these areas,” Green said. dnivens@hpe.com | 888-3626

State cuts threaten driver education BY DAVID NIVENS ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER

GUILFORD COUNTY – A group of county commissioners and educators agreed on one thing this week. The state should continue support for drivers’ education programs in the public schools. The state stopped funding while an effectiveness study was under way. Experts have debated for years whether the train-

ing reduces accidents among teen drivers. School district leaders said the district can’t afford to pay the $1.7 million it would cost to continue the free classes. The Department of Transportation has paid $33 million a year statewide for the program. Meanwhile, legislators have started the debate over whether the money should go to roads as they stare at a possible $1.2 billion budget shortfall.

“If the state does not put the money back, we can’t put it up,” Guilford County Schools Superintendent Mo Green said during a Thursday budget discussion with four commissioners. Teens have taken the courses for decades. “We want our students to be good drivers,” Guilford County Board of Education Chairman Alan Duncan said during a Tuesday school board budget discussion.

“It is a shame to be in this spot.” Many states, including North Carolina, require teens to complete a driver’s education course to get a provisional license. “This will be a hot issue for young drivers,” said Democratic Commissioner Kay Cashion. “I suspect the program will be sustained. We want youngsters trained.” dnivens@hpe.com | 888-3626



The High Point Enterprise strives for accuracy. Readers who think a factual error has been made are encouraged to call the newsroom at 888-3500. When a factual error has been found a correction will be published.

San Francisco’s Meat-Free Mondays gets shrug



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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Besides approving rules against using plastic grocery bags, mixing recycling with compost, and smoking in sidewalk cafes, San Francisco supervisors have passed a resolution asking residents to observe meatless Mondays. San Francisco su-

pervisors passed the resolution Tuesday for no-meat Mondays in their latest legislative endorsement of healthy, eco-conscious living. It cannot stop the city’s residents from eating meat. Instead, it is meant to call attention to the relationship between diet and climate change.

To some, the resolution is a welcome reminder of the small part that residents play in solving a larger problem. Others, however, were left asking for Board of SupervisorFree Fridays. Most shrugged it off as another one of those “only in San Francisco” initiatives that many forget about soon after passage.

day and 3,099 grains per cubic meter on Tuesday, the Division of Air Quality’s central office reports. Those numbers might seem small compared to the 9,632 grains per cubic meter recorded Tuesday in Winston-Salem, according to the Forsyth County Environmental Af fairs Department. Pollen levels Wednesday in Winston-Salem were listed as “very high” and also surpassed the 9,000 cubic meter mark at one point. Laura Pagano, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service, contributes the increase to heavy rainfalls in the past two months and above-average temperatures that may have jump-started the pollination process. “This year we’ve had a stretch of very dry and very warm conditions,” Pagano said. “It was just during that time that the trees started to bloom, and they started to bloom very fast.” The cold winter also

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phaynes@hpe.com | 888-3617



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could have delayed some trees that normally flower earlier in the spring, so that more different tree species are flowering at the same time, said the DENR. The rain that came through the area Thursday night may lower today’s pollen count, weather officials said. “The rain should bring the pollen count down some,” said Andrew Ulrich, a meteorologist with Accuweather. “It doesn’t look like it’s going to be a substantial change, but it should at least wash it off of our cars for the day.” But more dry weather is on its way, leaving little hope for relief next week, Pagano added. “It’s gotten a lot out of its system,” she said about the pollination process, “but we’ll have another stretch of dry weather that will allow it to continue.”


WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT US The High Point Enterprise

posed to a rabid animal must be euthanized or confined for six months in a veterinarian’s facility at the owner’s expense. As the weather warms, health officials warn that more will be out and close to yards. The Department of Public Health has scheduled a series of $5 animal rabies vaccination clinics starting at 4 p.m. April 2 at WGHP FOX 8 studio, 2005 Francis St., High Point. For a complete clinic schedule, visit www.guilfordhealth.org or www. askguilfordhealth.com. Contact the Guilford County Department of Public Health at 641-7777, Guilford County Animal Control at 641-5990 or visit www.guilfordhealth.org

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DOT closes bridge over Yadkin River ENTERPRISE STAFF REPORT

DAVIDSON COUNTY – The N.C. Department of Transportation has closed the Wil-Cox Bridge over the Yadkin River to traffic. DOT officials said the bridge would be closed to traffic as of 3 p.m. Thursday. The closure of the bridge, which the Davidson County Board of Commissioners recently decided to take ownership of, comes

after a special bridge inspection completed Wednesday found exposed rebar, deteriorating concrete and deep cracks in the structure. “Safety is our No. 1 priority,� said Pay Ivey, the DOT’s Division 9 engineer who oversees projects in Davidson County. “As soon as we learned how concerning the problems with the Wil-Cox Bridge were, we made plans quickly to close it down and reroute traffic.�

straints continued to push that project back, the department took a proactive step and scheduled a special inspection to update the analysis of the bridge’s current condition. The monthlong, in-depth inspection began in March and concluded Wednesday. Engineers found conditions had changed significantly enough to warrant closing the bridge. During the closure, a detour will be in place. Motorists

During a routine inspection in December 2008, engineers noted cracks and areas where concrete was coming off the bridge. The DOT determined the findings did not require immediate attention and would not need to be repaired since the bridge was scheduled to be taken out of service as part of the I-85 Corridor Improvement Project. According to a DOT news release, when funding con-

should follow I-85 South for three miles and take Exit 79 to Spencer. Turn right onto Andrews Street and then go about 1.25 miles and turn left onto U.S. 29/70 at the traffic signal. Signs will guide motorists along the route. The department is forming its plan of action for addressing the safety concerns and has not determined how long the bridge will be closed at this time.

Man mistakenly released from prison turns himself in MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE

RALEIGH – An Apex man charged with murder who was mistakenly released from prison this month has turned himself in, according to the Wake County Sheriff’s Office. Shortly after 11:00 a.m. Thursday, William Otis “Jabo� Bryant was arrested without incident at his parents’ home on Sheffield Street in Apex. Bryant’s parents had called the sheriff’s department to tell deputies he was at the house. Authorities had been looking for Bryant, who along with his brother is charged with killing a taxi driver in 1999. Wake County sheriff’s deputies and members of the U.S. Marshals Service went to his parents’ house earlier this week. His mother told them Bryant had stayed there the previous three nights but refused to let them in to see whether he was still there, according to court documents. Investigators secured a warrant and returned to search the house Tuesday, but Bryant was not there. In February, Wake sheriff’s deputies charged Bryant and his brother, Eric Reney Bryant, with first-degree murder in the 11-year-old case. William Bryant, however, was being held at the Bertie Correctional Institution, where he was serving time for felony drug convictions. On April 2, Bryant was released from Bertie after serving less than two years. The Department of Correction said it never received notice of the murder charge against Bryant, so it did not notify Wake County to come pick him up.


Brush fire rages John Chiles (top) watches a controlled burn used to contain a brush fire off Tunnel Road in Asheville Wednesday. Crews were hoping that rain Thursday would tamp down the outbreak boosted by high temperatures and dry weather in the past week. Harold Parker (left) with the Riceville Fire Department digs trenches and clears brush away from the brush fire.




Items to be published in this column must be in the offices of The High Point Enterprise no later than seven calendar days before the date of the event. On the Scene runs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

SPECIAL INTEREST A community health fair will be held 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday at Divine Restoration Ministeries Inc., 120 W. State Ave. Screenings include blood pressure, sickle cell, blood-sugar and HIV.

Second lawsuit by ConAgra workers hits contractors RALEIGH (AP) – About two dozen factory workers are accusing more than a dozen design, manufacturing and installation firms of negligence in a deadly explosion that ripped through a Slim Jim production plant in North Carolina last year. Their lawsuit also accuses inspectors for the town of Garner


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he thought the town shouldn’t be accused. “We believe that including the town is improper and there’s no basis for that,� Watkins said. “It’s unfortunate that some have decided to include the town in this matter.� Neither this lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday, nor one filed

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of failing to properly oversee the installation of a commercial water heater. The plant is located in Garner. Garner Town Manager Hardin Watkins said Thursday afternoon that the town’s attorney hasn’t seen the lawsuit and advised officials not to make any comments on it. Watkins did say

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last summer targets plant owner ConAgra Foods Inc. Federal inspectors said contractors installing the water heater likely purged a gas line inside the building, allowing natural gas to collect before the explosion. The blast killed four people and injured more than 70.

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KRISTINE KAISER: Israel gives the U.S. quite a few surprises. TOMORROW

Opinion Page Editor: Vince Wheeler vwheeler@hpe.com (336) 888-3517


Apply tighter regulations to drivers of scooters On March 27, a tragic accident claimed the life of a young woman and unborn child when the woman was thrown from the back of a scooter driven by a man who was charged with driving while impaired. Or was it an accident? Is it an accident when tragedy occurs in situations when unlicensed, uninsured people are allowed to operate motor vehicles on our streets after DWI convictions? The slogan at the scooter store should be “DUI? No license? No insurance? ... No problem!” When will the powers that be figure out the insured, licensed, taxpaying citizens in our state are paying for these “scooter people” to menace our roads? The laws must be changed to protect us all from the drunks that continue to find a way to drive. SARAH WALTON Jamestown

Install videotape systems for disciplinary purposes The candidates for election to the Guilford County Board of Education all pretty much agree that one area that needs more attention is that of discipline in the schools. I am one of those candidates. As a former teacher, I can tell you that, in general, parents have more control over a student’s behavior than teachers do. So we must involve parents much more than we do at present. I propose that a teacher-controlled video monitoring system be installed in four or five discipline-plagued classrooms as a test. These systems could be installed at a very nominal cost. When a student undermines and disrupts the learning process of other students, a visual recording of his actions could be used in a meeting with the parents of that

see people loved by God. The black race was done wrong. It breaks my heart because what wrongs were done. I try to see others’ points of view. Leonard Pitts does want us to go forward. He writes about injustice regardless of the victim. Sometimes looking back helps us not make the same mistakes in the future. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream ... some of us share that dream. We should all be raised not to see color. SHERRY BROWN High Point



An independent newspaper Founded in 1885 Michael B. Starn Publisher Thomas L. Blount Editor Vince Wheeler Opinion Page Editor 210 Church Ave., High Point, N.C. 27262 (336) 888-3500 www.hpe.com

Right to health care trumps right to wealth disruptive student to insist that they take action to correct their child’s behavior. Disruptive students usually deny any wrongdoing to their parents – a videotape would remove all doubt. It’s time we stopped holding our teachers responsible for instructing students on right and wrong behavior. That lesson belongs at home. RICHARD BECKER High Point The writer is a candidate for the board of education in District 2.

Politicians use ‘chain of command’ to insulate them Mighty oaks from little ACORNS grow, but Chicago politicians are not the only “mighty” who line their pockets with dollars and power. Popular sports figures and others let popularity cloud their vision. Two past N.C. governors got really special real estate deals. One of them was N.C. attorney general when Bald Head Island had an unfortunate incident, ruled a suicide by the news media, of an officer



Be careful with drilling compromise


resident Obama seemed clearly in the mood for compromise last week when he announced he’ll lift the ban on offshore drilling for oil and natural gas along much of the eastern U.S. coastline, including off North Carolina’s Outer Banks. Call the president what you wish, but among all the labels, we certainly see shrewd political operator as one that describes him very well. Truth be known, Obama probably detests the idea of once again allowing oil and gas exploration along part of the nation’s coastline. But with this move, he’s surely throwing a political bone to a number of Republicans – including North Carolina’s Richard Burr – and maybe even some conservative Democrats, in hopes they will support other energy and climate/environmental legislation now before Congress and to come. Offshore drilling is a reasonable avenue in a broad approach to achieving energy independence for this nation. Also, this lifting of the ban will have positive economic impact along parts of the nation’s coastline in addition to increasing energy supplies. But just as surely as lifting the drilling ban is a positive action, approval of an energy and climate/environmental bill that is overly restrictive and driven by radical environmentalist theory will have a negative impact on the nation’s economy. Burr, Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and others cannot allow themselves to be roped into supporting bad energy/climate legislation just because President Obama is reaching out to them through offshore drilling. Let’s hope they remember that.



The High Point Enterprise is committed to this community ... and always will serve it by being an intensely local newspaper of excellent quality every day.

there. That governor’s attorney general had his prosecutor let the press convict Duke University lacrosse young men. That governor blamed his assistant, and the present governor said she just found out about large contributions, and a present elected congressman says if it is found that his people have gotten illegal donations he will return same. Most executives have learned to use a chain of command which keeps them informed. Please remember that these things that fall from trees do not fall far from same. JACK W. GOURLEY High Point

Pitts writes about injustice

I am so grateful to Rep. Brad Miller, D-13th, and others who were courageous enough to stand up for health care reform. This debate has often been framed in terms of taking money away from wealthy to pay for coverage for the poor. I believe that there’s something wrong with a society in which an individual’s right to keep money he doesn’t need is more sacred than another’s right to care (health or otherwise) that he can’t afford. The Christian Bible says that the love of money is the root of all evil, and by passing health care reform, America has shown its commitment to its citizens. DANIEL SHIRLEY Greensboro

regardless of victim I am a 44-year old white female and I love Leonard Pitts. He is my favorite columnist. I can’t wait to read his next column. I cut a lot of them out to keep or share with friends. I don’t see Leonard Pitts as a racist or sexist, but then again I am not a racist. I was not raised to see color. I was raised to



N.C. Rep. Jerry Dockham wants to repeal the smoking ban that took effect in North Carolina on Jan. 2. In 30 words or less (no name, address required), e-mail us your thoughts to letterbox@ hpe. com.

Have proper documents when dealing with VA


often am asked “What do I need to file a claim with the VA?” So I just thought it would be a good idea to list the documents that most often might be needed in order to apply for veterans benefits. I know it is easier to start off with this material in hand; the wait time can be long enough without having to send documents in at a later date. When you apply for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs, be sure you have the following documents with you: • Discharge or DD-214 • Death certificate • Marriage license • Adoption papers • Divorce decree • Military medical records • Birth certificates of children • Civilian medical records. Benefits available to veterans are: disability compensation, pension, free health care, dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC) and many more. All of these documents may not be needed when applying for a specific benefits program. But it’s still a good idea to have them all in one safe, convenient place. Here is another helpful bit of information: Taryn Davis and Nicole Hart are two young military widows who learned that in leaning upon each other they found the strength to build new lives. They started a nonprofit American widows project in 2007, and they reach out to other young war widows. Their Web site is AmericanWidowProject.org. There are so many helpful veterans organizations and groups of volunteers available to help veterans, spouses, survivors and families. So if you should happen to need any help at all, don’t hesitate, they are waiting to give you assistance in any way. Many of you may already know about The Carolina Field of Honor at Triad Park. This is a joint initiative by Forsyth and Guilford Counties to honor those who

serve this great nation. In the years of Triad history, our residents have answered the call to duty in every conflict from World War I through today in Iraq and Afghanistan. This service to our Triad area and to AmeriVETERAN’S ca has not gone without great sacrifice. VIEWS Upon completion, this special place in the middle of Stan the Triad will have a refuge Spangle Sr. of solace for all of us to pay ■■■ honor and respect to our brave men and women who served and are presently serving in the armed forces. Future generations will see that “All gave some, some gave all” … for our freedom. Remember please, this is a duty that we cannot neglect. There are no facilities in the Triad that provide such a respectful tribute. The Carolina Field of Honor at Triad Park, will provide both counties a ceremonial platform that can be used by veterans, active duty military units in the area, law enforcement, Boy Scouts and many other community groups. This Saturday, we will be serving lunch to veterans and their guests at Highland United Methodist Church located at 1015 Mill Ave. We are easy to find, just off W. Green Drive between Ward Street and Market Center Drive. We start at 11 a.m., and most of the time, we finish up around 2 p.m. If you are trying to work through benefit problems, perhaps we can help. We will have Disabled American Veterans volunteer members there to help answer your questions. Hope to see you there, and tell other veteran friends about this luncheon. Semper Fi, and God bless America and all other nations. STAN SPANGLE SR. is a 21-year veteran of the Marine Corps, serving in Korea and Vietnam. He’s a member of numerous veterans organizations.




School board Allan Thompson, 2622 W. Center Street Ext., Lexington, NC 27295; 249-1886; althompson@ lexcominc.net Kenny Meredith, P.O. Box 24097, WinstonSalem, NC 27114; 764-4676; kdm@ rymcoinc.com Alan Beck, 300 Butler Dr., Thomasville, NC 27360; 472-9438; suburbanone@ northstate.net Karen Craver, 477 William Carter Lane, Lexington, NC 27295; 764-4075; karencraver2004@ yahoo.com Carol Crouse, 260 Burkhart Road, Lexington, NC 27292; 3572211; cbcrouse@ lexcominc.net



The Enterprise welcomes letters. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for length and clarity and decorum. Writers are limited to 300 words and to no more than one letter every two weeks. Please include name, home address and daytime phone number. Mail to: Enterprise Letter Box P.O. Box 1009 High Point, NC 27261 Fax to: (336) 888-3644 E-mail to: letterbox@hpe.com

Friday April 9, 2010

ICE IMPACT: EU satellite checks data at earth’s poles. 8D

Managing Editor: Sherrie Dockery sdockery@hpe.com (336) 888-3539




Kyrgyz opposition says it will rule for 6 months BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan – Consolidating their victory after a bloody uprising, opposition leaders declared Thursday they would hold power in Kyrgyzstan for six months and assured the U.S. it can keep a strategic air base here – at least for now. There were signs of instability, though, as deposed President Kurmanbek Bakiyev refused to relinquish power after the revolt, which left at least 75 people dead and hundreds wounded. As he spoke, gunfire broke out after nightfall in the capital, Bishkek. With darkness descending, roving bands of armed marauders trawled the streets of the capital.

Man injured by elephant at Belgrade Zoo


BELGRADE, Serbia – A man was attacked and seriously injured Thursday by an elephant as he rescued his grandchild who had sneaked into the animal’s enclosure at the Belgrade Zoo, doctors and local media said. The man had several broken ribs and severe injuries to the abdominal area and chest, but was in stable condition after surgery, Belgrade emergency hospital spokesman Drago Jovanovic said.

US envoy says vote is going ‘awry’ in Sudan UNITED NATIONS – U.S. Ambassador Susan Rice brushed aside Sudan’s assurances that it will hold fair elections this month, telling reporters Thursday that what she heard about the situation at a U.N. Security Council briefing was troubling. “Unfortunately, the trends on the ground are very disturbing,� Rice said after a closed-door briefing by U.N. peacekeeping chief Alain Le Roy on Sudan’s first multiparty elections in more than two decades, set to begin on April 11. “The larger picture is that much is awry in this process, and that is a real concern.�

Lunch-only beer policy prompts Carlsberg strike COPENHAGEN – Scores of Carlsberg workers walked off their jobs in protest Thursday after the Danish brewer tightened laid-back rules on workplace drinking and removed beer coolers from work sites, a company spokesman said. The warehouse and production workers in Denmark are rebelling against the company’s new alcohol policy, which allows them to drink beer only during lunch hours in the canteen. Previously, they could help themselves to beer throughout the day, from coolers placed around the work sites.


Odong Obong, barely 3 days old, is tended to by his mother, as he lays under a mosquito net with his triplet brothers Opiew and Ochan.

Emaciated children signal crisis in Sudan AKOBO, Sudan – Three-day-old Odong Obong lay in the hospital bed, his pencil-thin arms almost motionless and his shriveled, gaunt face resembling that of an elderly man. Emaciated babies and young children throughout the ward bore the signs of hunger: exposed ribs and distended stomachs. Outside, old villagers reclined motionless in the shade, too frail to walk. The U.N. calls this the “hungriest place on Earth� after years of drought and conflict, with aid agencies already feeding 80,000 people here. A doctor says the worst is yet to come. ENTERPRISE NEWS SERVICE REPORTS

US President Barack Obama (right) greets Hungary’s Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai (left) before a dinner with Central and Eastern European leaders at the US Ambassador’s Residence in Prague, Czech Republic, Thursday. Obama and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev signed a nuclear arms reduction pact.

Obama signs nuke deal Treaty with Russia cuts arsenals to lowest level since 1960s PRAGUE (AP) – The nuclear weapons cuts President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed on Thursday would shrink the Cold War superpowers’ arsenals to the lowest point since the frightening arms race of the 1960s. But they won’t touch the “loose nukes� and suitcase bombs seen as the real menace in today’s age of terrorism. “This ceremony is a testament to

First talks start on new Iran sanctions UNITED NATIONS (AP) – Ambassadors from China and five major powers met for the first time Thursday to discuss possible new sanctions against Iran, which is refusing to suspend uranium enrichment and start negotiations on its suspect nuclear program. Heading into the meeting with U.N. envoys from the United States, Britain, Russia, France and Germany, China’s new Ambassador Li Baodong said this was a “very important negotiation.� China and Russia traditionally oppose sanctions, even though both backed the first three sanctions resolutions against Iran. Both countries have repeatedly said they believe there is still room for negotiations with Iran.

the truth that old adversaries can forge new partnerships,� Obama declared. “It is just one step on a longer journey.� The warheads covered by the treaty are lethal relics of the Cold War, and even with the planned reductions there will be enough firepower on each side to devastate the world many times over. And of more immediate concern are attempts by terrorist groups such as al-Qaida and nations such as Iran

200 dead in Rio mudslide NITEROI, Brazil (AP) – They are all gone. The Evangelical church where worshippers were praying. A daycare center where kids were playing. The pizza parlor where a family was eating. All were buried under a mountain of mud, garbage and stone when yet another landslide hit metropolitan Rio de Janeiro late Wednesday. AP This one swept through A home lays in ruins after a landslide in the Morro do the Morro Bumba slum, Bumba neighborhood of Niteroi near Rio de Janeiro. engulfing as many as 200 people and 60 homes. minutes, my community tary Sergio Cortes said it Nothing was left behind collapsed,� said Patricia was hard to say how many but a massive crater of Faria, 28, crying as she people were buried in the blackened, sodden earth watched heavy machin- latest slide. “A worse-case and the remnants of flim- ery dump the remains scenario is 200,� he told sy brick shacks. of her life into a waiting The Associated Press. “We “I had just picked truck. “All I have left is know that about 60 houses up my 10-year-old son what you see on me – and were buried.� from the day care. We my son. Thank God, I Already 161 people have walked down the hill to have my son.� been confirmed dead in the street, and within 10 Rio state health secre- the heavy rains.

Is your hearing current? 211 W. Lexington Avenue, Suite 104, High Point, NC



Afghan police: 5 suicide bombers arrested in Kabul KABUL (AP) – Acting on an intelligence tip, Afghan police said they arrested five would-be suicide bombers Thursday as they tried to enter Kabul, thwarting a major attack and capturing the largest such team ever in the capital.

Police believe the bombers were sent by an al-Qaida-linked insurgent group based in Pakistan, and their capture follows widespread rumors that militants were planning attacks in the diplomatic quarter of Kabul.

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and North Korea to acquire or use nuclear weapons. Obama and Medvedev showed solidarity for a spring showdown with Iran. Beginning Monday, leaders of 47 countries will gather in Washington in an effort to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, crack down on illicit nuclear trafficking and lock down vulnerable nuclear materials around the world.

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Friday April 9, 2010

KERRIGAN CHARGE: Brother of figure skater charged in dad’s death. 8B

Managing Editor: Sherrie Dockery sdockery@hpe.com (336) 888-3539


Mine rescue stalls; teams eager to resume search MONTCOAL, W.Va. (AP) – Rescuers running on adrenaline waited Thursday for a massive drill to vent noxious gas so they could safely resume the underground search for four coal miners missing in an explosion that killed 25 colleagues. They had spent more than four hours working their way through the Upper Big Branch mine by rail car and on foot, but had to turn back because of an explosive mix of gases in the area they needed to search. Crews at the surface resumed drilling in an effort to get fresh air into the mine and hoped 32 rescuers could return by about 7 p.m. They had made it within 500 feet of an airtight chamber with four days

worth of food, water and oxygen where they hoped the miners might have sought refuge after the worst U.S. mining disaster in more than two decades. Chris Adkins, chief operating officer for mine owner Massey Energy Co., said the rescue teams were “very angry� when told to abandon the mission, but their safety was paramount. He said the teams are off their feet and resting, but too anxious to sleep. Massey’s chief executive officer, Don Blankenship, continued to defend his company’s record and disputed accusations from miners that he puts coal profits ahead of safety. “To some extent the fact that there were more survivors than those that


The family of deceased coal miner Josh Napper mourns Wednesday at a candlelight vigil in Cabin Creek, W.Va.. Seated is his mother, Pam Napper, (center) with his daughter Jenna Leigh Napper, 20 months, his father Scott Napper (top right) and the mother of his child, Jennifer Ziegler (top left). Napper was among the 25 miners killed on Monday including his uncle Timmy Davis Sr. and his cousin Cory Davis at an explosion at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch Coal Mine in Montcoal, W.Va.

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are lost suggests that the mine was in pretty good shape relative to what mines would have been in the past and hopefully by today’s standards,� he told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday. There were 61 min-

ers in Upper Big Branch when it was rocked by the blast. Despite the increasingly slim chance of finding anyone alive, Adkins said he considers the effort a rescue mission. “I still believe in God, I

believe, and I’m not gonna give up,� he said. The rescue crews did not get far enough to see the bodies of the dead or if anyone had made it to the chamber. They knew where the bodies would be because rescuers made it that far

before gases forced them out of the mine after the explosion Monday. Officials were not sure what caused the high gas levels this time but said a drop in barometric pressure as a storm rolled in might be to blame.


NEW CALLING: Minister serves God’s servants. 1C KIDS NEWS: Solve a crossword puzzle about ladybugs. 5B

Friday April 9, 2010 City Editor: Joe Feeney jfeeney@hpe.com (336) 888-3537

DR. DONOHUE: Blood poisoning is often fatal. 7B

Night City Editor: Chris McGaughey cmcgaughey@hpe.com (336) 888-3540

Traffic stop leads to cocaine bust BY PAT KIMBROUGH ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER

of the nicest reduced pieces,” Scott said. “I hope they go for enough money that carvers get some of their value back for it, but I really think it’s going to be a buyer’s market. They may see a $2,000 piece that may be able to get for $1,000. They may see a $800 piece that they can get for $300 or $400.” After the competition, some of the pieces will be placed in businesses in Thomasvillle, according to Scott. “We think we have got the event and something that will help revitalize downtown and help with tourism throughout the year,” Scott said. Scott and Randy Everett, a carver from Colfax, have been promoting the event. “(Randy) has been helping us put this together,” Scott said. “He is a very good carver. This is his living. He gave us eight or nine pieces to put around town to promote our event. He needs to have them around other places selling them, but he is just that nice of a guy.” For more information on the event, contact Scott at 472-4422.

DAVIDSON COUNTY – A Winston-Salem man faces drug charges after a traffic stop by Davidson County sheriff’s deputies. Vice & Narcotics Unit officers from the sheriff’s office on Wednesday stopped a vehicle driven by Rodney Lee Lindsay on Hinkle Lane at Stephanie Drive near Lexington and seized 5.6 grams of cocaine, deputies said. Lindsay, 41, was charged with possession with intent to sell and deliver crack cocaine and possession of drug paraphernalia and was booked into the Davidson County Jail under a $5,000 bond. In an unrelated case investigated by the sheriff’s office and the Lexington Police Department, two men were charged with carrying out several vehicle break-ins in which money, medication and electronic equipment were stolen. Lexington police responding to the Waffle House restaurant on Piedmont Drive at 3 a.m. Wednesday in response to a call about two suspicious subjects. Both men were found in possession of medication that didn’t belong to them. After an investigation, they were accused of breaking into four vehicles on Greensboro Street Extension. Douglas Mitchell Smith, 30, of Bristol Street, Lexington, was charged with four counts of breaking and entering to a motor vehicle and four counts of larceny from a motor vehicle and was booked into the Davidson County Jail under a $50,000 bond, deputies said. Alexander Cornelius Flowers, 18, also of Lexington, was assessed the same charges as well as two counts of resisting, obstructing or delaying an officer after he allegedly escaped custody, according to the sheriff’s office. Deputies used a K-9 to locate him hiding in a Dumpster behind Lexington Senior High School, deputies said. He was also jailed under a $50,000 bond.

dignasiak@hpe.com | 888-3657

pkimbrough@hpe.com | 888-3531


Director of Thomasville Tourism Mark Scott looks over this 6-foot chain saw sculpture of a black bear in the foyer of Thomasville Medical Center.

Chain saw mania Carving competition comes to Thomasville AT A GLANCE


THOMASVILLE – Woodworking enthusiasts will not have to look any farther than Thomasville to enjoy a unique art form. Thirteen carvers from across the country, including several from North Carolina, are set to compete in the first Thomasville Tourism, ECHO Power Equipment Company Chainsaw Sculpting Invitational that is set for Thursday, April 29, April 30 and May 1, said Mark Scott, director of Thomasville Tourism. The event coincides with Thomasville’s annual Spring Daze – an event that attracts about 2,000 people each year and allows vendors to peddle food, crafts and jewelry, “I really think this is going to be a big deal,” Scott said, adding he didn’t know of another such an event in the Southeast. “The carvers are from New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania ... All of the guys have placed high in national competitions. These are accomplished people.” The event will begin with

What: Thomasville Tourism, ECHO Chainsaw Sculpting Invitational. Where: Clock Tower parking lot across from the Big Chair on Main Street in Thomasville. When: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 29 and April 30; starts at 10 a.m. May 1. Admission: Free. Highlights: Thirteen carvers are set to compete in the competition, which coincides with Spring Daze. The public will be given an opportunity to purchase sculptures during an auction Saturday. carvers working on sculptures 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. April 29 and April 30. On May 1, the day of Spring Daze, carvers will have 45 minutes for a “quick carve” starting at 10 a.m. and the public will have the opportunity to buy sculptures at 2 p.m, Scott said. “They are going to get some


HIGH POINT – Organizers of Saturday’s Great American Cleanup hope High Point will be a few thousand pounds of trash lighter after this weekend. The event is open to anyone who wishes to volunteer a few morning hours to clean up trash and debris around the city. City officials prioritize target areas that need cleaning – such as trash dump sites in wooded areas, areas along roads that are heavily littered, streams and

lakes – and direct volunteers to those places. Volunteers also can choose where they want to go. Last year, state prison inmates took part and helped clean about 10 miles of roadway. The program that provided the inmates for this type of work has since been eliminated, officials said. “We won’t have 10-mile coverage this year, but we should have a good number of volunteers,” said Melanie Bruton, superintendent of the city’s Material Recovery Facility. “The biggest priority area I have for the spring


The Great American Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to noon. Volunteers who wish to take part are asked to meet at the High Point Bank operations center at 1300 E. Hartley Drive, across from Oak Hollow Mall. Groups and individuals are invited. Supplies will be furnished and pizza will be served after cleanup. For more information, call 883-3517 or e-mail melanie.bruton@highpointnc.gov.

cleanup are the main thoroughfares. We want to get those clean before the furniture market.” Last year, 316 volunteers took part and collected 4,180 pounds of trash. They also planted

about 4,000 flower bulbs. Nationally, 64 million pounds of litter and debris was picked up, much of which was recycled. More than 243 million plastic bottles and 6.9 million pounds of electron-


ics were collected. Volunteers kept 14.5 million pounds of aluminum and steel out of landfills and 36 million pounds of newspaper were collected for recycling as well. “It’s a coast-to-coast cleanup, and over 3 million people participate every year,” Bruton said. After volunteers bag the trash, city trucks come to the locations and pick it up. The city disposes of the trash and crews will recycle what they can from the pick-ups, Bruton said. pkimbrough@hpe.com | 888-3531



Research conducted by Dianne FeslerBirch, an associate professor in the School of Nursing at North Carolina A&T State University, was accepted for publication in the spring issue of Quality Management in Healthcare, a peer-referred journal.

Do you know anyone who deserves some extra attention? You can submit names and photographs of people who could be profiled in the daily “Who’s News” column in The High Point Enterprise. Send information to: Who’s News, The High Point Enterprise, P.O. Box 1009, High Point, NC 27261. E-mail versions with an attached color photograph can be sent to whosnews@hpe.com.



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Melda Holder..............High Point Hobert Peace..................Archdale Bernice Proctor..........Athens, Ga. Vassie Sanders.......Kernersville Betty Smith............Thomasville Carlos Smith..Wedgefield, S.C. John Smith............Thomasville Judy Webster...................Trinity The High Point Enterprise publishes death notices without charge. Additional information is published for a fee. Obituary information should be submitted through a funeral home.

Judy Webster TRINITY – Mrs. Judy Carolyn Overby Webster, 67, a resident of 8613 Hillsville Road died Wednesday, April 7, 2010, at her residence. She was born in Moore County, January 15, 1943, a daughter of William Harvey Overby and Pearl Whitaker Overby and had been a resident of Trinity most of her life. She was of the Baptist faith. She was married to Arthur Lee (Jack) Webster who preceded her in death. Surviving are two daughters, Teresa Hutchens of Trinity and Lisa Hagar of Archdale; three sons, John Webster and wife Mitzi of Thomasville, Russell Webster and wife Rita of Trinity, and Terry Webster of Conover; three sisters, Joan Andrews and her husband Jimmy of Trinity, Clara Martin and her husband Ralph of Thomasville, and Brenda Straungh and her husband Charlie of Trinity; two brothers, Hal Overby and Clifford Overby and his wife Henrietta, both of Trinity Also surviving are nine grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 11 a.m. at Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting in Hillsville by the Rev. Randy Quate and the Rev. Jimmy Andrews. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The body will remain at J.C. Green & Sons Funeral Home in Thomasville until placed in the church 30 minutes prior to the service. The family will be at the funeral home Friday from 7 until 9 p.m. In lieu of flowers memorials may be directed to Liberty Hospice, 1007 Lexington Avenue, Thomasville, NC 27360. The family would like to thank Liberty Hospice for their warm and loving care. Online condolences may be made to www.jcgreenandsons.com.

Vassie Evans Sanders KERNERSVILLE – Mrs. Vassie Evans Sanders died April 8, 2010, in Kernersville. Funeral arrangements will be announced by Cumby Family Funeral Service in Archdale.

Hobert Rayford Peace ARCHDALE – Hobert Rayford Peace, 77 of 5278 Jessica Drive, Archdale died Tuesday at the VA Hospital in Salisbury. Funeral will be held 11 am Saturday at Prospect United Methodist Church. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Visitation will be Friday from 6 until 8 pm at Cumby Family Funeral Service in Archdale. Arrangement by Cumby Family Funeral Service in Archdale

Is your hearing current? 211 W. Lexington Avenue, Suite 104 High Point, NC


Melda Tucker Smith Holder HIGH POINT – Melda Tucker Smith Holder, 80, died Wednesday, April 7, 2010, at Westchester Manor and formerly of Piedmont Christian Home and Wakefield Place. She had been a resident of High Point for more than 50 years and was a member of Green Street Baptist Church. Mrs. Holder was born in Monroe, and was the daughter of the late Arthur and Connie Hargett Brown. She was first married to Rev. Clyde Tucker, pastor of Reavis Memorial Baptist Church in High Point for over 18 years before his death in 1975. In 1986, she married G. Dewey Smith of High Point. She retired, after 20 years, from High Point City Schools, where she had worked at Andrews High School and Fairview Elementary School. After retiring, she and Dewey enjoyed traveling and spending time in the mountains. After Dewey’s death in 1993, Melda devoted herself to her family and friends. Once again she demonstrated her ability to overcome difficult circumstances. In July 2000 she married long time family friend, Roy Holder, of Boone who survives her. During their years of marriage they were devoted to each other and divided their time between High Point and Boone. Melda enjoyed sitting in a rocker on the porch enjoying the view or sitting by the fire. In addition to her husband, Roy, Melda is survived by four daughters: Brenda Oxford, and her husband Steve, of High Point; Peggy Johnson, and her husband Philip, of Maldonado, Uruguay, South America; Sherri Thomas, and her husband Jackie, of Archdale; and Terri Tucker of Banner Elk. Other survivors include

her three grandchildren: Andrew Johnson of Raleigh, James Johnson of Davidson, and Adam Thomas of Archdale; and two step grandchildren: Stephanie Jackson, and her husband Wiley of Greensboro and Scott Oxford of Archdale; Roy’s two children: Jimmy Holder, and his wife Trish of California and their children, Josh and Katie; Julie Robertson, and her husband Roger of Blowing Rock, and their children, Brock and Jesse; and Melda’s sister Gerry Vaughan and her husband Ken of Poquoson, VA: niece Karen Stone and nephew Alan Vaughan. Her funeral will be held on Saturday at 11:00 a.m., at Cumby Family Funeral, 1015 Eastchester Dr., High Point, NC, with Rev. Frank Hensley officiating. Interment will follow at Floral Garden Park Cemetery. The family will greet friends Friday evening from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m. at the funeral home. Memorial gifts may be made to Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, International Mission Board, PO Box 6767, Richmond, VA 23230; Baptist Children’s Home of NC, PO Box 338, Thomasville, NC 27361, or Hospice of the Piedmont at 1801 Westchester Drive, High Point, NC 27262. The family would like to express special thanks to Dr. Sam Woods, the staffs of Piedmont Christian Home, Westchester Manor and Hospice for their love and support during her illness. Melda was a loving wife, a wonderful mother, a devoted grandmother, and one who lived her faith, loved her family, and cherished her friends. Online condolences may be made through www. cumbyfuneral.com. Arrangements by Cumby Family Funeral Service in High Point.

John Winford Smith THOMASVILLE – Mr. John Winford Smith, 70, a resident of 108 Hilltop Rd. died Thursday, April 8, 2010, at Forsyth Medical Center. He was born in Gloucester County, VA on January 22, 1940, to Wilson Baker Smith and Edna Pearl Haywood Smith. He retired from Landstar Trucking. On April 6, 1958, he married Magdalene “Maggie” Leonard, who survives of the home; also surviving are his sons, Floyd Dwight McKenzie of Thomasville, Mark Hodgin Smith and wife Dawn of Asheboro, and John Winford “Tink” Smith, II and wife Sandi of Archdale; daughters, Mary Annette Smith Gray and husband Benny of Greensboro, Drema Starr Smith Smith and husband Clay of High Point, Lora Belle Smith Luther and husband Roy

of Thomasville; brother, Wilson B. Smith, Jr. of Gloucester, VA; sisters, Mary Esther Smith Hogge and Joyce Ann Smith, both of Gloucester, VA; eleven grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, April 10, 2010, at 3:00 p.m. at the J.C. Green & Sons Funeral Home Chapel in Thomasville with Rev. David McLeese officiating. Interment will follow in Holly Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. The family will be at the funeral home on Friday from 6-8 p.m. and at other times at the home. Memorials may be directed to Lakeview Mission Building Fund, 108 Hilltop Rd. Thomasville, NC 27360. On-line condolences may be sent to www.jcgreenandsons.com.

Sex Pistols’ former manager McLaren dies at 64 LONDON (AP) – The former manager of the Sex Pistols and one of the seminal figures of the punk rock era, Malcolm McLaren, died Thursday, his son said. He was 64. Joe Corre said his father died of an aggressive form of cancer in Switzerland, declining to give the exact location because he said he wanted to avoid a media scrum. “He was the original punk rocker and revolu-

tionized the world,” Corre told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “He’s somebody I’m incredibly proud of. He’s a real beacon of a man for people to look up to.” The multitalented McLaren rose to fame as the colorful manager of The Sex Pistols, but the art college dropout is also known for the infamous clothes shop he opened on London’s King’s Road.

Carlos Roger Smith WEDGEFIELD, S.C. – Carlos Roger Smith, 94, entered into eternal rest on Wednesday, April 7, 2010, at the Veterans Victory House Nursing Home in Walterboro after an extended illness. Born February 3, 1916, in Stokes County, North Carolina he was a son of the late Millard James Smith and Virginia Adeline Vinable Smith Mr. Smith accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and served as deacon, Sunday school teacher in several churches in North and South Carolina. He was the retired owner and operator of Smith’s Upholstery. He was a U.S. Army veteran. Carl is survived by Louise Willis Smith of the home. He was first married to Mary Lois Rebel Smith and leaves three children, Susan Marie (Richard) Lewis of Seagrove, NC, Ted (Gina) Smith of Ramseur, NC; Paul (Sarah) Smith of Little River, SC; five granddaughters, Andi (Jason) Lamb, Beth (Kevin) Langley, Jamie (Ken) Jordan, Lyn Smith, Emily Smith; two grandsons, Kevin(Lisa) Lewis, Ethan Smith; and eight great-grandchildren; one sister, Lestie Watson; several nieces and nephews; two step-daughters, Sherrell Horton of Columbia and Rose (Lee) Holland of Pinewood; three stepgranddaughters, Rebecca (Roger) Dennis, Angela (Stevie) Wheeler, Brittany (Rob) Raleigh; two step-great-grandsons; two step-great-granddaughters. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Wedgefield Baptist Church with Rev. Paul Goff and Rev. Neil Poole officiating. The body will be placed in the church at 2 p.m. Burial with military honors will be in the church cemetery. Pallbearers will be Kevin Lewis, Lee Holland, Ken Jordan, Kevin Langley, Sidney Smith, Noah Lamb and Jason Lamb. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the Elmore Hill McCreight Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Wedgefield Baptist Church, P. O. Box 265, Wedgefield, SC 29168. On-line condolences may be sent to www.sumterfunerals.com. Elmore Hill McCreight Funeral Home & Crematory, 221 Broad Street Sumter is in charge of the arrangements (803) 7759386.

Bernice Proctor ATHENS, Ga. – Bernice Proctor, 98, died Wednesday, April 7, 2010. Mrs. Proctor was a resident of High Point, NC for many years and was a member of Wesleyan Church. Funeral services will be Saturday, April 10, 2010, at 2:00 p.m. at Christian Life Worship Center. Entombment will be in Evergreen Memorial Park. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law, Sue and C. B. Wagoner of Athens, GA; sons and daughters-in-law, Jerry and Ernestine Proctor of Orlando, FL and Ronnie and Daisy Proctor of High Point, NC; seven grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren; eight great-great grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Odyssey Hospice. Lord and Stephens, EAST, Athens, GA, is in charge of arrangements.

Betty Jean Payne Smith THOMASVILLE – Mrs. Betty Jean Payne Smith, 72, a resident of 1115 Forest Ln. went to be with the Lord on Wednesday, April 7, 2010, at The Henry Etta & Bruce Hinkle Hospice House. She was born on June 23, 1937, in Thomasville to James Floyd Payne and Maggie D. Chandler Payne. She retired from Thomasville Furniture Industries. She was a member of Central Wesleyan Church and The Willing Workers Class. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband of 54 years Samuel Richard Smith on January 22, 2007. Surviving are two sisters, Shirley Ikard of Newton, and Brenda Kay Payne of the home; brother, James Lee Payne of New Port Richy, FL; special nieces and nephews, Debbie Sylvester, Lora Evans, Keith Baxter and wife Kimberly, Chad Baxter and Kristin Rogers and husband Brandon; special friends, Phyllis and Donald Rheuark; very special young man, Matthew Hill; and her pet dog, Baby. A funeral service will be held on Saturday, April 10, 2010, at 12:00 p.m. at Central Wesleyan Church with Rev. David Albertson officiating. Interment will follow in Holly Hill Memorial Park Cemetery. Mrs. Smith will remain at the J.C. Green & Sons Funeral Home in Thomasville until taken to the church 30 minutes prior to the service. The family will be at the funeral home on Friday from 6-8 p.m. and at other times at the home. Memorials may be directed to Central Wesleyan Church, Family Life Center, 300 Hinkle St. Thomasville, NC 27360 or to Hospice of Davidson County, 200 Hospice Way, Lexington, NC 27292. On-line condolences may be sent to www.jcgreenandsons. com.

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NC GOP wants national party head to quit


Jenny McLamb (far right), boarding manager and riding instructor at Foxwood Farm, is comforted by friends after a fire destroyed a horse stable at the farm near Chapel Hill early Thursday morning. Thirteen horses died in the fire, though nine other horses in a nearby barn were unhurt.

Fire roars through NC stable, kills 13 horses about 1,000 feet away. “I thought I was having a nightmare. It’s just unbelievable,” said Wheeler, who lives in a house on the farm, which has been a riding school for young girls since 1996. The dead horses had about 10 different owners who boarded the animals at the farm, Wheeler said. Nine other horses in an adjacent stable were removed to safety in a pasture and that building was saved from the fire, Wheeler said. The blaze also consumed about five acres of woods on the property, which ignited easily after days of low humidity and steady winds, Holmes said. “The leaves or any material in

the woods burn real easy right now,” Holmes said. “The tops are dry as powder.” He said a crew of firefighters remained on the scene Thursday afternoon in case strong winds blowing through the area rekindled the blaze. The cause of the fire was not immediately determined. The county’s fire marshal was investigating, and the State Bureau of Investigation had brought out a dog to check for the presence of any fire accelerants, Holmes said. Wheeler said the barn contained no straw and little sawdust, and his barn manager had turned off the lights hours earlier when closing the stables for the night.

Grandma’s late nights take toll on grandkids D

ear Abby: My sister “Carole’s” husband died a year ago, and her oldest daughter passed away four months later. Carole now has her daughter’s two oldest children, ages 10 and 14. Carole has been going out with men she meets on the Internet, drinking and partying on weekends and neglecting the kids. The 10-year-old had been receiving psychological help since before her mom died and was on medication, but Carole has dropped all of this help for the child. The girl had been molested by a relative years ago, and now with her mother gone, she’s not moving forward in school or in life. Some of us are willing to take the children from her. She seems not to care what happens to them. She devotes all her attention to the next guy she can be with. She has left the kids alone all night when she was spending the night with men. I’m not supposed to know this, but my adult niece found out from the kids. What can our family do to bring Carole back to earth and help these kids? – Deeply Concerned in Pennsylvania Dear Deeply Concerned: Bringing Carole back to earth and helping the kids may be two separate issues – and you may not be able to accomplish both. It is possible that Carole would be open to others in the family taking in the children if you approach her as a group and “sympathetically” offer her that option. Explain that you all can see the stress she’s under trying to find herself as a widow and grieving mother. It appears that she is in need of counseling – if she’s open to it. Make it plain that her children would be welcome to stay with you on a temporary or permanent basis. If she agrees, fine. However, if she doesn’t, contact Childhelp USA, which can give you information about agencies that can help. Contact them by logging onto

www.childhelpusa.org or calling toll-free: 1-800422-4453.

Dear Abby: My son was killed in a car accident five years ago. His wife, who was pregnant ADVICE at the time, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy a Dear few months later. Abby Last month, I received ■■■ a phone call from a woman we barely know who told me – very politely – that she had a “surprise” for me. She then informed me that I have another grandchild, a little girl! She claims my son got her granddaughter pregnant six years ago, and that she had the DNA checked to prove my son was the father. Needless to say, my wife and I were floored. Abby, I don’t know how to react. My wife, who is level-headed, told me not to react right now and to think things through. Do I go to this grandchild with open arms? It doesn’t feel right. The child’s mother has not reached out to us at all. I need your help. – Man With No Plan in New York Dear Man With No Plan: Your wife is an intelligent lady. I, too, find it odd that you would be contacted – five years after your son’s death – by someone other than the child’s mother. The person you should go to “with open arms” is your attorney. If there is DNA evidence, your attorney can help you determine if it’s authentic and what your next move should be. Because you have not heard from the mother, you should not approach the child unless you have first made certain your attention is welcome. DEAR ABBY is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www. DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

NC legislative panel rolls out draft of ABC bill RALEIGH (AP) – A General Assembly panel examining North Carolina’s liquor system doesn’t sound interested in privatizing sales but want to keep the current local ABC store method largely in place. Instead, the Joint Study Committee on Alcoholic Beverage Control discussed draft legislation on Thursday that would require poorly performing ABC stores to meet profitability or operating efficiency standards or face seizure by the state ABC commission. Some members questionned a proposal that would require no more than one local ABC board per county and force mergers in multi-board counties.

donors upset about his leadership. Fetzer, a former mayor of Raleigh, said local activists have been upset in North Carolina over the past few weeks about Steele’s leadership. He told Steele he should step down because “recent events, regardless of who is to blame, have made it difficult if not impossible for you to lead the party in the direction that it needs to go.” Steele said earlier in the week he would not resign and defended his stewardship of party affairs. He dismissed criticism — some of it centered on spending on flights, limousines and high-dollar hotels — as griping by GOP figures uncomfortable with his “streetwise” managerial style. Responding to Fetzer’s letter, RNC spokesman LeRoy Coleman said Steele “has maintained broad support from RNC committee members, who have been pleased with the proactive measures put in place for greater accountability. Most importantly, the RNC remains focused on raising money and winning elections in North Carolina and across the country this fall.” The national GOP also attempted to rebut Fetzer by releasing comments of support for Steele from Tennessee chairman Chris Devaney and RNC member Bruce Ash of Arizona.

Cunningham gets union backing despite stance RALEIGH (AP) – While two leading Democratic U.S. Senate candidates support a proposal making it easier for unions to organize, a third candidate who won a major union endorsement is taking a more conservative stance. Cal Cunningham said in an interview with The Associated Press that he supports elections as the sole way for there to be unions created, but opposed so-

called “card check” organizing. He clarified in a later interview that he would be open to hearing arguments about “card check” but felt it could not pass. The laborbacked idea would allow workers to form a union by signing cards instead of by secret ballot. The Teamsters recently endorsed Cunningham. Candidates Elaine Marshall and Ken Lewis both said they support card check organizing.


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CHAPEL HILL (AP) – Thirteen horses died in a raging barn fire early Thursday that the owner of a riding school and boarding center first thought was a nightmare come to life. The fire was reported at 3:37 a.m. at Foxwood Farms, about 15 miles northwest of Chapel Hill. The blaze had burned through the barn and the horses were dead by the time the first of about 40 volunteer firefighters arrived about 10 minutes later, said Orange Grove Fire Chief Tommy Holmes. Layton Wheeler, who owns the stables, said he awoke early Thursday to his dog barking, then ran to the window of his home to see flames shooting from the barn

RALEIGH (AP) – The head of the North Carolina Republican Party asked Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele to step down Thursday, saying the resignation is the only way to end scrutiny of the national party over lavish spending. A day earlier, national party leaders had a conference call with Steele but didn’t bring up the prospect of his resignation — seen as a positive sign for the embattled national chairman. North Carolina’s Tom Fetzer is the first state party chairman to call for Steele’s resignation, a spokesman for Fetzer said. Fetzer said the move would ensure Republicans maximize gains during the mid-term elections. “I believe that the best service you can render to your party at this critical juncture is to graciously step aside and allow the party to move on from this current quagmire,” Fetzer wrote in a letter to Steele. Steele, who has been a lightning rod for criticism since taking the job last year, has come under renewed scrutiny recently after the committee paid a nearly $2,000 bill at a sexthemed nightclub in Los Angeles. The RNC fired a staffer it blamed for the outing. Also this week, Steele accepted the resignation of his chief of staff and allowed one of his senior advisers to leave in an attempt to reassure GOP



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GTCC The following students at Guilford Technical Community College were recognized on the Honors List during fall 2009 semester: Honors list: Colfax - Jennifer Alvarado, Calin Fletcher, Justin Grubb, Erik Massengale and Bonnie Younts. High Point - Jeremy Abbott, Nneoma AhamIroetugo, Ghulam Akhunzada, Gail Almatarneh, Hajim Almatarneh, William Anderson, Heather Angell, Amith Arrieta, Deve Astrop, Michael Bailey, Chan Baker, Tiffany Baldwin, Paul Barbry, Amber Barkley, Kimberly Becton, Micaela Bermudez, Bonnie Blackwell, Mary Boles, Charles Boyles, Celeste Bradley, Keesha Brown, Kathleen Campbell, Audra Carr, Angela Carriere, Linda Cecil, Martha Chambers, Abrianna Cody, Asmaria Cohen, Tiffani Congialdi, Lervetris Cook, William Cooke, Kamara Copeland, Sheila Cosper, Theophilius Crawford, Bradford Crumpler, Alfred Davies, Stephanie Dewitt, Laura Dey, Thomas Doan, Ernest Dubose, Agnes Duku, Eric Eisele, Thomas Elder IV, Broadus Embler III, Sherry Fields, Terrence Floyd, Morgan Foster, Katina Galloway, Bryce Gardner, Richard Gillard, Michael Grant, Tracy Greenfield, Mary Hardin, Amanda Harris, Gary Haver Jr., Danny Hayes, Anthony Hayworth, Irina Hedgpath, Michael Helleckson, Trinidad Hilario, Bobbe Hoke, Seth Holden, Crishauna Horsley, Amy Iott, Donna Jackson, Shannon Jessup, Quindalyn Johnson, Catherine Jones, Kerri Jordan, Melissa Joslin, Passy Kabizo, Michael Keshguerian, Elka Ketewa, Jawad Khan, Mohammad Khan, Murtaza Khan, Donna Kimrey, Lashonda Kirby, Tracy Knoll, Gloria Koonce, Kenneth Koonce, Shannon Kreuser, Kimberly Krone, Trung Le, Gattis Long, Adarely Lopez, Maria Lopez, Penelope Lucas, Paulina Madison, Dendra Marcus, Howard Martin III, Richard Martin, Myoshia Mason, Sylvia Maynard, Maria McBaine, Tabitha

McCall, Erica McCauley, Monica McCorkle, Mary McIntyre,Melissa McMaster, Shana McMasters, Denisa McNeil, Nicole McRae, Pamela Miller, Leonardo Mitre, Adam Montgomery, Catina Moore, Shan Moore, Cassandra Morgan, Jacob Morgan, Michelle Morrison, Munir Muhammad, Wes Murphy, Tina Neal, Sandra Neeley, Donna Niemela, Marcus Nordbladh, Victoria Obanner, Kelly Olmeda, Felicia Owens, Rosemarie Paoli, Jessica Perkins, Megan Pickler, Allison Plitman, Patsy Portis, Corey Prohaska, Adnan Raja, Hannah Ratcliff, Jaime Raymond-Cheek, Bruce Renko, Brian Rettie, Neil Rice, Ross Richardson, Sharon Richardson, Leslie Rierson, Dustin Robertson, Elizabeth Roever, Zachary Rollins, April Ross, Sandra Royals, Brooke Ryals, Somphat Saenthongkham, Wilhelm Schmidt, Krista Schmidtner, Kevin Schroder, Charissa Schroeder, Sheryl Scott, Devon Seltzer, Brittany Serrano, Hong Li Shi, Erin Shoaf, Roshan Shrestha, Nichole Siler, Jennifer Silver, Princess Simmons, Celso Sison, Jason Sizemore, Nevena Skavo, Linda Smith, Steven Smith, Jason Spangler, Deborah Speight, Cheri Spencer, Haley Stanley, Deborah Staples, Stephanie Steele, Herbert Stukes, Laveda Sturdivant, Lauren Teal, Melissa Thompson, Tammy Tillison, Hoang Tran, Lytelia Turner, Sambhavopaya Visishtadvaita, Christina Walker, Tevin Watkins, Sandra Weathers, Jason Weaver, Tony Weeks, Travis Wheeler, Tamika Whitworth, Demetria Williams, Roxanne Williams, Karenetta Wilson, Rachel Winberry, Clyde Wood, Mary Wood, Samantha Woodroof, Evelyn Wooten, Jessica Wright, Askalemariam Yigzaw, Michelle Manning, Valerie Baldwin and Santino Baak. Jamestown - Pamela Baker, Lauren Benjamin, Lauren Birch, Michelle Blanton, Torie Cherry, Joshua Coleman, Dane Cory, Adrian Davis, Thomas Doggett Jr., Jessica Donnelly, Adam Ehrhardt, Chris Fannon, James Gilliam,Amanda Greenway, Erica Gunter, Stephanie Hamil-

ton, Lauren Harms, John Hayes, Margaret Hukill, Rossel Kateeb, Shannon Litchfield, Naara Lopez, John Lucas, Khen Ma, Victoria Maguire, Deborah McCoy, Marcie McKinney, Brittney Penn, Brita Price, Deborah Sabatelli, Caitlyn Short, Daniel Smith, Pamela Smith, Barry Sutton, Sandy Thompson, Timothy Thompson, Theresa Turmenne, Lyssa Twomey, Alyssa Ward, Joanie Ware, Monica Washington, Joey Wolter, Christa Wykoff and Kurt Zander. Kernersville - Melissa Bellow, Mariea Abee, Bobbi Arthur, Madelina Brown, Shelby Carpenter, Daniel Cassidy, James Castle, Julie Cefaratti, Cherie Culpepper, Wanda Daubenmeyer, Leslie Detwiler, Erynn Ellington, Stephanie Flowers, William Gray, Melissa Lundberg, Jonathon Lyles, Chris Maynard, Jeffrey Phillips, Cynthia Poupard, Ariel Spillane, Rebecca Taylor, Angela Teague, Jesse Travers, Michael Williamson and Jonathan Zeigler. Lexington - Nancy Bellemore, Casey Berrier, Kimberly Hodgson, Caylin Jones, Sophanara Khoeun, Drai Ksor, Andrew Little, Amy Lowe, Wesley Scott and Laura Yountz. Randleman - Derek Burrows, Johnathan Cagle, Stephen Grooms Jr., Gregory Layton, Brittany Merritt, Jimmy Parker, Stephanie Price, Crystal Warren and Mark Warren. Sophia - Tanya Davis, Susan Farnsworth, Stephen Grooms, Christopher Roberts and Nicole Stewart. Thomasville - Erin Allred, Kathy Altman, Janice Ball, Evelyn Baxter, Kenneth Cain, Taylor Cole, Chastity Hill, Charles Jenkins, Angela Keitt, Amy Little, Eric Maldonado, Jared McGuire, Christine McHenry, Robin McLain, Robert Meindl, Christopher Mustian, Shannon Newby, Joyce Sanders, Stephen Schaefer, James Schipman, Genny Tejada, William Turner Jr. and Christy Williams. Trinity - Christian Bowman, Paige Fletcher, Jessica Hyatt, Gregg Jarrett, Katina Lackey, Jacqueline Rush, Rhea Samples, Kimberly Spence and Kevin Whitehart.


Odyssey of the Mind winners Members of the Odyssey of the Mind team at High Point Friends School earned first place in the column structure problem at the Odyssey Regional Competition on March 6. They advance to the state competition Saturday at Wingate University. Odyssey of the Mind is a creative, problem solving competition in which students devise solutions without input or help from adults. Shadybrook Elementary School’s team won second place in the same problem and also will

attend the state competition. The High Point Friends team had to design and build balsa wood columns that functioned together to balance and support as much weight as possible. Their columns held 25 pounds and weighed less than 18 grams. Team members pictured (from left) are Jerod Hartsoe, J.B. Fulton, Sebastian Bivins, Katie Kennett, Ellie Wheatley, Ethan Barbour and Erin Hughes. Coaches are Kim and John Kennett, and Katie Nance is staff adviser.



Nominations sought for best bus driver TRIAD – Children may enter The Children’s Choice School Bus Driver of the Year essay contest, sponsored by Thomas Built Buses. Students in kindergarten through sixth grade across North America may submit 90-word essays to nominate their favorite drivers. In their own words and illustrations, students may descºribe what makes their school bus driver special. The winning essays will be posted on the Thomas Built Web site. The grand-prize winner will receive a

laptop computer and a $1,000 educational savings bond. The winning driver will receive a $1,000 gift card. Winners and runners-up also will receive jackets and school bus lunch boxes. Rules and an entry form are online at www.thomasbus.com/contest. Entries must be postmarked by June 30. 2010. Completed forms and typed or legibly printed 90-word essays may be mailed to: Children’s Choice Essay Contest, HMH, 1435 W. Morehead St., Suite 140, Charlotte, NC 28208.

Contestants needed for Ms. Randolph County Pageant Contestants are being sought for the 2010 Senior Ms. Randolph County Pageant, which this year will feature the theme “A Celebration of Today’s Senior Woman.� The entry deadline is April 16. The Senior Ms. Randolph County Pageant is an annual event that honors Randolph County women 60 years of age and older. Contestants must

reside in Randolph County; they may enter themselves or be nominated by a group or organization. There is no entry fee. Entry forms are available at all four Senior Centers in Randolph County – Archdale, Asheboro, Randleman and Liberty. For more information, contact Donna Dickens at (336) 625-3389.



Yesterday’s Bible question: Which disciple betrayed Jesus? Answer to yesterday’s question: “And Judas Is-

cariot, one of the twelve, tion: Did Jesus tell Peter went unto the chief beforehand that he would priests, to betray him deny Him thrice? unto them.� (Mark 14:10) BIBLE QUIZ is provided by Today’s Bible ques- Hugh B. Brittain of Shelby.

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Republicans gear up for run at Obama



Authorities: Texas bomb suspect mad at Fed TYLER, Texas – A man accused of dropping more than 30 explosive devices into mailboxes and other locations across east Texas did so out of anger toward the government and was acting alone, federal authorities said Thursday. Larry Eugene North was indicted Wednesday on charges of possessing an illegal firearm or destructive device. Authorities said they would evaluate whether to pursue more charges. Authorities believe North is responsible for planting 36 devices between Feb. 5 and Wednesday, said Robert R. Champion, an agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) – Let the 2012 race begin. Little more than a year into President Barack Obama’s first term, Republicans considering a challenge to the Democrat in his re-election bid were gauging their political strength at the first GOP candidate “cattle call� far from Washington – the three-day Southern Republican Leadership Conference. Yet as Sarah Palin, Haley Barbour, Newt Gingrich and several others gather in Louisiana, they face a stark reality: The Republican Party’s task will be tough no matter who wins the GOP nomination. Toppling Obama is all but certain to be difficult, judging by history. Only five times in the last century has an incumbent lost

Man with cleaver shot by cops in Sikh temple CLEVELAND – A man entered his Sikh temple in suburban Cleveland early Thursday, raised a meat cleaver near two members preparing for morning prayers, and was shot and killed by police, authorities said. Police don’t believe Ravinder Nijjar, 41, of Bedford, had a religious motive for his behavior at the temple, where he worshipped, Police Chief Greg Duber said.

3 girls in bullying case plead not guilty HADLEY, Mass. – Lawyers for three teenage girls accused of participating in the bullying of a 15-year-old girl who committed suicide entered not guilty pleas Thursday on their behalf to charges including civil rights violations and criminal harassment. Ashley Longe, Sharon Chanon Velazquez and Flannery Mullins, all 16, did not appear in Franklin-Hampshire Juvenile Court for their arraignments.

Stepdad defends 3 accused of rape TRENTON, N.J. – A horrifying case – a gang rape of a 7-year-old allegedly sold by her teenage stepsister to armed men – grew more bizarre when the girl’s stepfather showed up outside the Trenton courthouse Thursday to say that three of the five accused men had actually tried to help the girl. He was summoned to the courthouse by family members of the suspects. “These three had nothing to do with nothing; I don’t know why they locked them up,� the stepfather said of Gregory Leary, 20; Timear Lewis, 19; and a 17-year-old whom authorities have not identified because of his age.

Prosecutors: Pelosi feared for family after calls


On the edge A firefighter looks at an 18-wheeler truck dangling over the eastbound side of Highway 121 in Lewisville, Texas, on Thursday. No serious injuries were reported in the crash, but it snarled traffic for miles after authorities closed the northbound lanes of Highway 121 and the ramps from northbound I-35E.

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SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – The man charged with threatening House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was so livid over the health care overhaul that he made at least 48 calls to her offices and homes, leading the Democrat to fear that her family might be in danger, federal prosecutors said Thursday. Gregory Lee Giusti, 48, of San Francisco cried and looked disheveled in a gray

T-shirt and khakis as he appeared for the first time before Magistrate Judge Bernard ZimGiusti merman, who said Giusti may have bipolar disorder and should be receiving treatment. Zimmerman initially refused a request by Giusti to be released to a halfway house.

Official: Diplomat was headed to meet jailed terrorist WASHINGTON (AP) – A Qatari diplomat was on his way to an official visit with an imprisoned al-Qaida sleeper agent when he touched off a bomb scare by slipping into an airline bathroom for a smoke, officials said Thursday as the diplomat prepared to leave the U.S. The diplomat, Mohammed Al-Madadi, was going to pay a consular visit to the prisoner, said Alison Bradley, a public relations executive hired to speak for the Qatari

Embassy, and a State Department official. The prisoner, Ali AlMarri, a citiAl-Madadi zen of Qatar, is serving eight years after pleading guilty last year to conspiring to support terrorism. Al-Marri was arrested after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, accused of being a sleeper agent researching poisonous gasses and plotting a cyberattack.

Consular officials frequently visit foreigners held in the United States to make sure they are being treated well. Bradley said Qatari diplomats have made multiple visits to AlMarri in prison since he pleaded guilty. The right to such visits is guaranteed by international agreements, and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons had approved this visit by Al-Madadi in advance, Bradley added. Questions remained


An unidentified woman looks for an open kiosk after a disturbance on an incoming United flight at Denver International Airport. about why a diplomat on an official trip, like AlMadadi, would apparently flout airline security rules. Law enforcement officials said Al-Madadi

later joked that he had been trying to light his shoe – an apparent reference to the 2001 so-called shoe bomber, Richard Reid.

Transcript: Pilots were musing about sports cars WASHINGTON (AP) – Two pilots were musing about their dream sports car moments before running off a West Virginia runway, according to a cockpit voice recorder transcript The transcript released Thursday by the National Transportation Safety Board shows the pilots of US Airways Express

Flight 2495 were talking about Corvette convertibles as they prepared for take off from Yeager Airport in Charleston on Jan. 19. Federal Aviation Administration rules prohibit any cockpit conversation during takeoffs and landings that’s not directly related to flying the aircraft.


Full Service Hand Wash Detail Shop Shine to the Fullest

re-election. Still, giving Republicans hope in these polarized times, a m o n g Palin those who lost re-election were two of the last five presidents – Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1980 and Republican George H.W. Bush in 1992. And neither was as personally popular as Obama, who became a cultural phenomenon long before he was elected the nation’s first black president. Plus, the GOP has longterm institutional challenges; its ranks have shrunk and the South is the only region Republican nominee John McCain won in 2008.

5? OS %IF> 1CFP?L ;H> .F;NCHOG CH ;HS @ILG Call for Quote.

336-885-4556 3793 Samet Drive Suite 160

Wendover Landing at Sutton Way Station (behind DJ’s Restaurant)

About a minute and a half later, as the plane was speeding down the airport’s main runway, there is the sound of a flap handle being pulled followed by an audible warning alerting pilots to a problem with flaps of the Bombardier regional jet. If flaps are not properly positioned, a plane may not

have enough lift for takeoff. The captain immediately tried to abort the takeoff, the transcript shows. The plane the ran off the end of the mountaintop runway, halting only about 100 feet short of the edge of a steep hillside. None of the 30 passengers and three crew members aboard was injured.



Blood poisoning is often fatal ear Dr. Donohue: My mother passed away a few years ago. On her death certificate, it stated that the cause of death was sepsis. Can you give me some information on it and what causes it? – P.R.



Sepsis, also known as septicemia, is popularly called blood poisoning. Bacteria or the toxins (poisons) they make get into the blood and pose a grave threat of death. Around 700,000 Americans develop sepsis yearly, and of that number, at least 30 percent die in spite of heroic efforts to fight it. Signs of sepsis are a high temperature, a rapid heartbeat, panting for air and a rise in the white blood count. The patient is often quite confused. If the offending bacterium can be recovered from the blood, an antibiotic effective against that germ is given in large doses. Sometimes, when a bacterium cannot be identified, antibiotic combinations have to be given based on the most likely germs involved. Even with treatment, some patients go on to develop septic shock – a drop in blood pressure accompanied by organ failure. The kidneys stop making urine. Liver cells die. The heart pumps weakly. The mortality rate from septic shock is very high, even when treatment is given to restore blood pressure and minimize organ damage. You probably wonder how the bacterium got into the blood. That















question cannot always be answered. At times, it can be a bacterium that’s part of the HEALTH colon’s bacterial Dr. Paul populaDonohue tion, and ■■■ it enters the blood through some minor breach in the colon wall. Or a person might have a hidden abscess from which bacteria spread into the blood. Or an illness that saps the immune system of its strength might allow bacteria to proliferate in the blood. Dear Dr. Donohue: I am still hoping to see in your column why a woman should not use talcum powder on her privates. You stated that it could cause cancer. – M.B. Dear Dr. Donohue: If a woman can’t use talc, what can she use? – W.B. Talc dusted on the genitals can migrate upward to the ovary and possibly give rise to cancer. The risk is small, and the possibility is slim, but why take any chances? If a woman feels it necessary to use a dusting powder, use one with cornstarch. Dear Dr. Donohue: I am a 47-year-old woman in good health. I am 5 feet 7 inches and weigh 145 pounds. I have a pretty active lifestyle. I

play tennis twice a week and do Pilates two to three times a week. However, I have a lot of cellulite on my legs and buttocks. It seems that diet and exercise do not help. I understand that cellulite is due to toxins in fat cells. Is this true? Could it be a circulation or constipation problem? – M.M. The only difference between cellulite and ordinary fat is that cellulite has a dimpled appearance. It’s not due to toxins, bad circulation or constipation. One explanation is that fibrous bands that hold skin to deeper tissues crisscross fat and produce the lumpy appearance of cellulite. This is a genetic thing. Another explanation has it that tiny blood vessels in fat become damaged. Those vessels leak fluid that puckers the fat into cellulite. Most cellulite appears on the thighs, hips or buttocks. Exercising leg muscles promotes muscle growth, which can smooth out cellulite. Weight loss is a necessary ingredient too. Dear Dr. Donohue: Peanuts are grouped as nuts. Isn’t that a mistake? – N.B. Peanuts are legumes, pods with seeds in them. Who cares about the classification? A peanut by any other name would taste as great – a direct quote from William Shakespeare (private communication).




Kate Gosselin returning to TLC with new twist which collapsed last fall as the couple’s marriage fell apart. This week, Jon Gosselin sued his ex-wife for primary custody of their eight children. Gosselin’s attorney, Anthony List, has previously accused Kate Gosselin of neglecting the children because she appears on ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars,” a charge her attorney rejected as “patently false.”

Wife of Prince Charles breaks her leg


In this 2009 file photo, Britain’s Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, arrives for a visit of Sanssouci Castle in Potsdam Germany.

LONDON (AP) – Camilla, the wife of Prince Charles, has broken her left leg while hiking in Scotland, royal officials said Thursday. The 62-year-old royal was walking in the hills Wednesday when she slipped and fractured the leg, Clarence House said in a statement. The break was confirmed by an X-ray Thursday. Clarence House said that while Camilla would be wearing a plaster cast for the next six weeks, she still intended to carry out her official engagements. Clarence House declined to say at which hospital the Duchess of Cornwall was being treated or where exactly she fell. Camilla has been staying at Birkhall, Prince Charles’ private home on the queen’s Balmoral estate in Scotland. He and Camilla typically spend their summers there, fishing and walking in the Scottish countryside, according to Charles’ Web site.


Mark Kerrigan, 45, has been charged in Massachusetts with manslaughter in the death of his father.

Nancy Kerrigan’s brother charged with manslaughter BOSTON (AP) – The brother of figure skater Nancy Kerrigan was charged with manslaughter in the death of their 70-year-old father in what prosecutors called a drunken rage during a trivial argument over use of the family telephone, the Middlesex district attorney’s office said Thursday. Mark Kerrigan, 45, was indicted by a Middlesex Superior Court grand jury in the Jan. 24 death of Daniel Kerrigan. He had already been charged with assault and battery on an elderly person resulting in serious bodily injury. Since being released on bail after a psychiatric evaluation, he has been

Oprah plans nighttime show on her network


NEW YORK (AP) – Calling her new venture “the network built on great intentions,” Oprah Winfrey says her sleeves are rolled up to make the Oprah Winfrey Network “all that I know it can be.” What will those great intentions look like? Speaking to

media buyers Thursday at a presentation by partner Discovery Communications, Winfrey filled in a few of the gaps that have left people wondering just what her round-theclock network will be since she announced it in January 2008.

She took her audience through a dozen or so new shows planned for OWN after its launch next Jan. 1, and offered reassurance that she would be appearing on the 24-hour network she’ll also be guiding from behind the scenes.

Box Office Combo:

living with his mother in the family’s Stoneham home, where the alleged assault took place. Mark Kerrigan’s “reckless actions and complete disregard for his father’s safety and well-being” led to his death, District Attorney Gerry Leone said. “This defendant should have known that the cruel acts that he committed against his elderly father, including grabbing him by the neck with enough force to cause a fracture, were highly likely to result in substantial harm and endanger his father’s life.”

Chicken Pie Sale

Spring Hill United Methodist Church

240 Spring Hill Church Rd. High Point (off W. Lexington Ave.)

Saturday April 10, 2010 8:00am-12:00 9” Deep Dish Double Crusted All Chicken (no Veggies) Reservations not required Over 800 pies available Pies - $8

Sourdough Bread Available For more info call: 869-2581 or 882-6014

2 Tickets - 2 Small Drinks 1 Large Popcorn - $11.50

VALENTINE’S DAY PG13 4:00 6:45 9:30 THE IMAGINARIUM OF DR. PERNASUS PG13 4:00 6:45 9:30 REPO MEN R 4:30 7:00 9:45 CRAZY HEART R 4:15 7:00 9:45 DEAR JOHN PG13 4:30 7:00 9:30 The Tooth Fairy PG 4:30 7:00 9:30 Avatar PG13 5:00 8:30 BOOK OF ELI R 4:10 6:45 9:20


The single mother of young twins and sextuplets, Gosselin will also revisit her Gosselin family life for a series of “Kate Plus 8” specials beginning in June. Kate and her then-husband Jon starred for several seasons in the hit reality series “Jon & Kate Plus 8,”


NEW YORK (AP) – Kate Gosselin is launching a series that will profile everyday women facing personal challenges. “Twist of Kate” will follow the reality star and supermom as she visits the homes and workplaces of her subjects, where she will exchange insights for living. The 12-episode season will premiere in late summer, the TLC network said Thursday.

SOPHISTICATION: You can win favors, but don’t annoy people, Libra. 4E


Friday April 9, 2010

5 ACROSS: Reportedly, his wife was unable to eat lean. 2E CLASSIFIED ADS: Look for bargains on all kinds of items. 3E

Life&Style (336) 888-3527

Market approaches quickly




ith everything else that’s been going on around town these last couple of weeks, Nancy Bowman of High Point Convention & Visitors Bureau finds it wise to remind you that some 75,000 people may be registered to attend the High Point Market April 17-22. Most of you recognize that plenty of visitors already are here and market prep activity has been going HERE & on for some THERE time. Tom Blount ■■■


Guilford Interfaith Hospitality Network will present the “Kids Helping Kids” concert at 4:30 p.m. April 24 at Starmount Presbyterian Church, 3105 W. Market St., Greensboro. It will feature the Greensboro Youth Chorus, Greensboro Symphony Youth Strings and the Ben L. Smith High School Gospel Choir, benefiting GIHN’s work to shelter homeless children and their parents. Admission is free, but a love offering will be received for GIHN’s work with the homeless in Greensboro and High Point. Executive Director Clarke Martin calls Guilford Interfaith Hospitality Network a faith-based community that eliminates family homelessness. For more information, call (336) 574-0333 or visit www.GIHN.org. A few weeks later, GIHN will hold its fourth annual golf outing at Grandover Resort’s East Course. The captain’s choice, best ball event gets under way with an 8:30 a.m. shotgun start May 14. Contact Martin at (336) 339-4593 or Clarke@ GIHN.org for more details. Golfers must register so GIHN can plan.

ARBOR DAY HERE, THERE National Arbor Day is celebrated the last Friday in April, but Arbor Day will be celebrated at High Point University – with a special tribute to the late Roy Epperson – at 4 p.m. April 22. Everyone who joins the Arbor Day Foundation during the month of April will received 10 free 6- to 12-inch shade trees, according to the foundation’s Mark Derowitsch – mderow itsch@arborday.org. The red oak, sugar maple, weeping willow, bald cypress, thornless honeylocust, pin oak, river birch, tuliptree, silver maple and red maple trees will be shipped postpaid at the right time for planting in April or May, with planting instructions enclosed. You can become a member of the foundation by sending a $10 contribution to TEN FREE SHADE TREES, Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Ave., Nebraska City, NE 68410 by April 30 or visit www.arborday. org/april. tblount@hpe.com | 888-3543


Pat Ray shows off a room full of items donated to Saturday’s yard sale for Serving God’s Servants.

Serving those who serve others Pat Ray wants to lend ministers a hand BY JIMMY TOMLIN ENTERPRISE STAFF WRITER


IGH POINT – After decades of being one of God’s servants, the Rev. Pat Ray felt a new calling on his life – serving God’s servants. Thus was born in late 2004 the aptly named Serving God’s Servants, a nonprofit ministry – founded by Ray and his wife, Margaret – that assists people who are either in full-time Christian ministry or preparing for the ministry. “For years, I’ve loved to help other people – missionaries, preachers, people in Christian ministry – so this just seemed to be a real natural thing for me to do,” says Ray, the former longtime pastor of Woodlawn Baptist Church. Specifically, the ministry provides assistance in three areas: • Temporary housing for those who are ministering in the Triad. • Food assistance for Bible college students and other Christian servants. • Cars that have been donated and refurbished for use by those in the ministry. “I was praying about this, listing the things I love to do more than anything else,” Ray says. “I zeroed in on these three things – groceries, automobiles and housing – and I asked God if He would allow me to work on those three things. Within just a few days, I had the name – Serving God’s Servants.” Ray draws no salary from the ministry and Margaret does the bookkeeping, which allows more funding to go directly into the ministry itself, according to Ray.



Serving God’s Servants will sponsor a fundraising yard sale Saturday, from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m., at 208 Green Point Court. Items include a wicker sofa with end tables, recliner, occasional chair, sofa, bedroom suite, mattresses and boxsprings, three dining tables, six chairs, an exercise bike, a kitchen double-sink, books, clothing, toys and other miscellaneous items. Proceeds will benefit Serving God’s Servants, a nonprofit organization that serves people who are in full-time Christian ministry or preparing for Christian ministry. For more information, call Pat Ray at 869-9259 or 847-0270, or e-mail him at cray86@triad. rr.com. The ministry’s Web site is www. servinggodsservants.org. One area the organization has targeted is helping students at Bible colleges in North Carolina, such as John Wesley College in High Point, Piedmont Baptist College in Winston-Salem, and others. “We give a lot of grocery baskets at Thanksgiving and Christmas,” Ray says, explaining that the ministry provides laundry baskets stocked with $50 worth of groceries – primarily nonperishable staples – as well as a $50 grocery gift card and a $25 or $35 gift card to Walmart or Target. “We give at other times, too,”


Ray continues. “If we hear of a need, then we give, but it’s mostly at Thanksgiving and Christmas.” Serving God’s Servants also provides temporary housing and refurbished automobiles for people involved in Christian ministry. “We’ve provided 20 vehicles in five years,” Ray says. “We receive donated vehicles, get them in good shape, fill them up with gas and give them away.” According to Ray, the ministry is funded through memorial gifts, as well as individual, corporate and church donations. The organization also sponsors occasional yard sales to raise additional funds, such as the one that will be held Saturday at the Rays’ home. Ray says Serving God’s Servants fills a need that he perceived within the field of Christian ministry. “When people go into the ministry, because of God’s calling on their life, sometimes they leave good-paying jobs, and sometimes Christian ministries don’t pay as well as other professions,” Ray says. “Don’t get me wrong, because I have loved the ministry, but there are needs sometimes because of that. I’m sensitive to that need because I grew up in such a large family (he’s one of 10 children), and because we (he and Margaret) both went to Bible college and were helped by others. I just saw a need for this ministry, and I can do in turn what others did for us.” jtomlin@hpe.com | 888-3579

A movie about traumatic brain injury and a discussion with a panel of neuroscience experts from Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center and the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina will be held Monday at 6:30 p.m. at Big Shotz Tavern on S. Stratford Road, WinstonSalem. Admission is free. The movie is “Post Concussion,” an award-winning 2000 release that portrays one man’s journey after a serious head injury. Panel members who will lead the discussion following the movie are Dr. David Lacey, (neurorehabilitation), Dr. Charles Tegeler, (neurology), Mike Tytell, Ph.D., (neurobiology and anatomy), all from Wake Forest Baptist, and Susan Fewell, outreach coordinator for the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina. The event is part of “Neuroscience and a Movie,” an outreach series sponsored by the Wake Forest University Brain Awareness Council, a group of graduate students from a variety of scientific disciplines. The council’s mission is to encourage neuroscience education in the community and to expand the community’s overall familiarity with basic science research. The event is geared toward adults, but throughout the year the council also visits local schools and museums to share knowledge about the brain with students of all ages and to cultivate a desire for higher learning.





CROSSWORD ACROSS 1 __ away; erode 5 “Jack __ could eat no fat...” 10 Cosmetic brand 14 Friendly nation 15 From Dublin 16 Copenhagener 17 __ of Capri 18 Support given in words, but not in deeds 20 Golf ball peg 21 Costs 22 Greased 23 Monotonous, dreary routine 25 Existed 26 Display haughtily 28 Adorn 31 Made of a cereal grain 32 “Guilty” and “Not guilty” 34 Owned 36 Heartburn cause 37 Loose 38 Italian money of old 39 Zodiac sign


Friday, April 9, 2010 CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Kristen Stewart, 20; Leighton Meester, 24; Keshia Knight Pulliam, 31; Cynthia Nixon, 44 HAPPY BIRTHDAY: There are more options than you realize. Consider some of the things you have done in the past and implement them into what you are trying to do now. You will find a way to utilize all your skills to the fullest. Offer help to someone you know has something to give you in return. Your intuition will guide you down a path that will help you gain confidence and greater status. Your numbers are 4, 10, 19, 22, 28, 37, 43 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Do something special for someone you are trying to impress. Expect to face jealousy if you present an idea that is well-received by your peers and colleagues. Holding back to spare someone’s feelings will not help either one of you. ★★★★ TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You cannot expect others to do things the same as you. Try new things and visit new places. The knowledge and experience you pick up will help you put a relationship you have with someone into perspective. ★★ GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Give whatever you do your best shot and don’t worry about the people who don’t appreciate what you have to offer. Resentment will mount if you are in competition with someone. Don’t let pettiness stand in your way. ★★★★★ CANCER (June 21-July 22): Keep the past where it belongs. Loss, anger and upset will get the better of you if you dwell on things you cannot change. Look forward with optimism. Change is upon you -- embrace it. ★★★ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Do not deviate from the truth or someone will question where you got your information. A money matter will be riddled with emotional deception and the possibility of loss. Be upfront about how and what you are doing. ★★★ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You may have to use a bit of force to get your way but, in the end, you will achieve what you set out to do and others will be thankful for your efforts. Don’t let the changes someone makes upset your plans. Stay on course. ★★★ LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Your savvy, sophisticated way of dealing with others will win favors from acquaintances but may annoy those closest to you. A money matter should be cleared up to ease tension between you and someone you care about. ★★★★★ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Emotional troubles will escalate if you haven’t been pulling your weight. Find a way to surprise the person who means the most to you. Your vision and help will revive some of the lost charisma you shared. ★★ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You may find it easier to upgrade your skills and pursue a higher position. Overreacting to a situation you are faced with will only make matters worse. A job you had in the past may be perfect for you now. ★★ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): If you feel a deal being offered isn’t right for you, say so. Back away from anyone pushing you to become a partner in a project that doesn’t interest you. Put your time, effort and energy into your own projects. ★★★ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Self-deception will lead to mistakes. View your life objectively if you want to move in a positive direction. Hanging out with people who are a poor influence will cause confusion and upset the people who love you the most. ★★★ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You may have to check references or do a background check on someone you aren’t certain you can trust. Avoid inconsistency. Don’t share your plans until you are 100 percent sure you are going to follow through. ★★★





In the Blue Ribbon Pairs at the ACBL Fall Championships, South often got to open one spade, North bid two spades, and many Souths then jumped to four spades, perhaps taking too dim a view of the slam prospects. North might have had 7 5 4 3, K 6 5, K Q 2, 8 7 3, and even the actual North hand offered a play for slam. When West led a diamond, South won with the ace and cashed the A-K of trumps, dropping East’s honors. South next took two winning heart finesses.

DIAMOND RUFF When East discarded, some Souths took the ace of hearts, returned a club to the ace and ruffed the last heart in dummy. But if South led a club next, East won and gave West a diamond ruff, holding South to 11 tricks. After the second heart finesse wins, South must lead a diamond. West can’t gain by ruffing since South can save dummy’s king for a club discard. If the king wins, South takes the ace of hearts, comes to the ace of clubs, ruffs a heart, ruffs a diamond high, draws trumps and makes a vital second overtrick.

DAILY QUESTION You hold: S 8 7 3 H K 8 6 5 2 D 2 C Q 5 4 2. With neither side vulnerable, your partner deals and opens one heart, and the next player bids two diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: Bid four hearts, not because you expect partner to make it (though he may if he has a good hand) but to make it hard for the opponents to assess their prospects. For instance, if you let left-hand opponent bid spades cheaply, the opponents may find that they’re cold for four spades. East dealer Neither side vulnerable


ONE STAR: It’s best to avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes or read a good book. Two stars: You can accomplish but don’t rely on others for help. Three stars: If you focus, you will reach your goals. Four stars: You can pretty much do as you please, a good time to start new projects. Five stars: Nothing can stop you now. Go for the gold.

It’s play time Rowan Abernethy (left), 1, enjoys the spring weather as she’s secure in a high-chair outside Seven Stars Bakery on Broadway in Providence, R.I., as Isaiah Webb (center), 1, and nanny, Tracy Finn, relax in background.


40 Remove corn husks 41 Part of USNA 42 Asps & adders 44 Turn 45 Cover 46 Donutshaped roll 47 Slowmoving creature 50 Clark Kent’s love 51 Steal from 54 Means of support 57 Vatican leader 58 Shortly 59 Chili con __ 60 Colors 61 Cat cries 62 Firstborn of two 63 “__ this where I came in?” DOWN 1 Be patient 2 Otherwise 3 Criminal charge 4 Bread variety 5 Noiseless 6 Used a lever 7 Tears 8 Pack animal 9 Definite article 10 Give

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ers’ riding mate 37 Get rid of 38 Overdue 40 Talent; ability 41 Yuletide drinks 43 Outer Space creatures 44 Oakland athlete 46 Singer Pat 47 Close noisily 48 Bank opening hour, frequently 49 Declare 50 Actor Jack 52 Unlocked 53 Finest 55 Cold cubes 56 __ Holbrook 57 Greek letter

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This the 26th March, 2010.

This the 8th April, 2010.

Paul Diane Sparks Hall Executrix of the Estate of Jessie Sparks Fisher 3925 Abbotts Creek Church Road Kernersville, NC 27284 March 26, April 2, 9 & 16, 2010

Further information pertaining to this request is available at the Planning and Development in the Municipal Office Building, 211 South Hamilton Street, Room 316, High Point, North Carolina, 336/883-3544 or FAX 336/883-3056.



FOUND: Dog on Turnpike Ct in Thomasville. Please call to identify 336-259-4479

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Notice is hereby given that the Trinity City Co uncil wi ll hold a public hearing on Tuesday April 20, 2010, 7:00pm at the Trinity Council Chambers, 6703 NC Hwy 62, for the purpose of reviewing t h e f o l l o w i n g requests:

Persons wishing to be heard either for or against the said street closing are asked to be present for the hearing. The meeting facilities of the City of High Point are accessible to people with disabilities. If you need a special accommodation, call 336/883-3298 or TDD# 336/883-8517.

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Ann S. Duncan Administrator of the Estate of Charlie Lawrence Satterfield 2300 Brandt Village Greensboro, NC 27455

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NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE COUNCIL declares its intent to consider the abandonment of the street above described and sets Monday, April 19, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. as the date for said public hearing before the Council of the City of High Point, in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Building, High Point, on the closing of said street.


Repeal of the Watershed Ordinance (superseded by ado pted Sto rmwater Ordinance) and text a mendmen ts to the Zoning Ordinance, including deletion of references to the Watershed Ordinance and inclusion of references to the S t o r m w a t e r Ordinance; also, corrections to the permitted uses chart and special use permit conditions. Drafts of these o r d i n a n c e amendments are available at the City’s websi te www.t rinitync.gov.

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April 9 & 16, 2010

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PT CUSTOMER SERVICE CLERK WEEKEND ONLY The High Point Enterprise is seeking an individual that enjoys interacting with the public. Candidate must have good verbal skills and be very organized. This position will be answering incoming calls as well as calling past and current subscribers to The High Point Enterprise. Position hours are Saturday 6am-11am and Sunday 6am-12pm. Must be flexible in scheduling. Please apply in person at The High Point Enterprise Monday thru Friday 9am3pm. No phone calls please. EOE.

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The Classifieds Accepting Applications for Class A & B CDL, in home delivery drivers. Clean driving record. No criminal history. 3 year minimum experience. Call for interview 476-8001 Class A CDL Driver for OTR, 99% No Touch Freight. Must be at least 23 yrs old. Min 2 yrs exp. Current Med Card. Ref’s a must. Fax resume or app. to: 474-2305 or Call 474-2215 Leave Msg Ads that work!! Class A OTR driver. 1 year experience. Clean MVR & Criminal history. 336-870-1391

Buy * Save * Sell



Upholster needed with at least 5 yrs.experience. Apply in person at IoA Healthcare Furn., 1010 Blair St., Thomasville. Ads that work!!


Equipment/ Building Supplies Electronic Equipment/ Computers Farm & Lawn Flowers/Plants Food/Beverage Fuel/Wood/Stoves Furniture Household Goods Jewelry/Furs/Luxury Livestock/Feed Corner Market Merchandise-Free Miscellaneous Musical Instruments Office Machines/ Furniture Sporting Equipment Storage Houses Surplus Equipment Swimming Pools Tickets Wanted to Buy Wanted to Swap


F/T Property Manager needed. Multi-Family HUD experience a must, tax credit preferred, not required. Basic computer skills, and a good attitude a must. Fax resume with desired salary to 1-866-924-1611. EOE

Airplanes All Terrain Vehicles Auto Parts Auto/Truck Service/ Repairs Autos for Sale Boats/Motors Classic/Antique Cars Foreign Motorcycle Service/ Repair Motorcycles New Car Dealers Recreation Vehicles Rental/Leasing Sport Utility Sports Trucks/Trailers Used Car Dealers Vans Wanted to Buy



Britthaven Of Davidson has the following positions available: Full Time RN or LPN (2nd Shift and weekend) Full Time Certified Nursing Assistant (2nd and 3rd shift) Please apply in person at Britthaven of Davidson 706 Pineywood Rd. Thomasville AAE/EOE/Drugfree Workplace. Maid Service seeks honest, mature, hardworking women. Weekday hours. Comp. includes base pay, car allowance, bonus, & tips. Apply 131 W. Parris Ave., Ste. #14, High Point. NOW accepting applications for F/T P/T. Salary plus commission positions available for Sales Associates. Requires: HS diploma or GED, customer service skills, bondable, reliable transportation. Spanish speaking a plus. Hiring for for both locations. Apply to First National Pawn, 110 East Fairfield or Pawnway, 1185 E. Lexington Ave. Call (336) 4347296 or (336) 8837296.

Buy * Save * Sell Place your ad in the classifieds! Buy * Save * Sell




Text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance: Article XIII Parking and Transportation Section 13-12 General Parking Requirements for large freight vehicles. Persons having an interest in the aforementioned items are encouraged to attend the public hearing and make their views known.



Lost Sm. silver gray Schnauzer, wearing red collar, around Hillsville FD. She is on medication and needs it immediately. REWARD 861-1381 or 689-2683

FOUND: Small dog near Avis Jewelry in Thomasville. Please call to identify 336476-3236

Ads that work!!

WHEREAS, G.S. 160A-299 requires the Council to first adopt a resolution declaring its intent to close the street and calling a public hearing on the question;

By Order of the City Council This the 18th day of March, 2010.

April 2010




Ads that work!!

WHEREAS, the City Council is requesting to close the following right-of-ways: 1) Case# SA10-04: An unimproved portion of Sheldon Court, lying south of Eugene Avenue between Fala Street and Prospect Street; 2) Case# SA10-05: An unimproved alley (15 feet in width), lying east of N. Hamilton Street between Guilford Avenue and Louise Avenue.; and 3) Case# SA10-06: An unimproved right-of-way (identified as “E. Commerce Street“ on Plat Book 5 Page 327) lying north of Franklin Avenue between Brentwood Street and New Street; 4) Case# SA10-07: An unimproved rightof-way (identified as “Chester Street“ on a map titled, “Clark - Lambeth Property“ as recorded in Plat Book 6 Page 208) lying south of E. State Avenue between N. Hamilton Street and Johnson Street; 5) Case# SA10-08: An unimproved rightof-way (identified as “10-foot Alley“ on a map titled, “Johnson Place“ as recorded in Plat Book 3 Page 10) lying south of E. Lexington Avenue between N. Main Street and Johnson Street; 6) Case# SA10-09: An unimproved right-of-way (identified as “Dedicated Right-of-Way“ on a map titled, “Evermore Estates“ as recorded in Plat Book 78 Page 16) lying north of Bowers Avenue between S. Scientific Street and Jamestown Road (private).

March 26, 2010 April 2, 9, 16, 2010


THE UNDERSIGNED, having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Charlie Lawrence Satterfield, deceased late of Guilford County, this is to notify all persons, f i r m s , a n d corporations having cla ims agai nst said Estate to present t h e m t o t h e undersigned on or before the 8th day of July, 2010, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment to the undersigned.


Petition Submitted By: City of High Point


THE UNDERSIGNED, having qualified as Executrix of the Estate of Jessie Sparks Fisher, deceased late of Guilford County, this is to notify all persons, f i r m s , a n d corporations having claims against said Estate to present t h e m t o t h e undersigned on or before the 28th day of June, 2010, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment to the undersigned.

The Classifieds

Lisa B. Vierling, City Clerk

1079 1080 1085 1086 1088 1089 1090 1100 1110 1111 1115 1116 1119 1120 1125 1130 1140 1145 1149 1150 1160


The Classifieds Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics

1030 1040 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1060 1070 1075 1076




2010 Apart. Furnished 2050 Apart. Unfurnished Accounting/Financial 2090 Assisted Living/ Nursing Administrative 2100 Comm. Property Advertising Agriculture/Forestry 2110 Condos/ Townhouse Architectural Service 2120 Duplexes Automotive 2125 Furniture Market Banking Rental Bio-Tech/ 2130 Homes Furnished Pharmaceutical 2170 Homes Unfurnished Care Needed 2210 Manufact. Homes Clerical 2220 Mobile Homes/ Computer/IT Spaces Construction 2230 Office/Desk Space Consulting 2235 Real Estate for Rent Cosmetology 2240 Room and Board Customer Service 2250 Roommate Wanted Drivers 2260 Rooms Employ. Services 2270 Vacation Engineering 2280 Wanted to Rent Executive Management REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Financial Services 3000 Furniture Human Resources 3010 Auctions 3020 Businesses Insurance 3030 Cemetery Plots/ Legal Crypts Maintenance 3040 Commercial Property Management 3050 Condos/ Manufacturing Townhouses Medical/General 3060 Houses Medical/Dental 3500 Investment Property Medical/Nursing 3510 Land/Farms Medical/Optical 3520 Loans Military 3530 Lots for Sale Miscellaneous 3540 Manufactured Operations Houses Part-time 3550 Real Estate Agents Professional 3555 Real Estate for Sale Public Relations 3560 Tobacco Allotment Real Estate 3570 Vacation/Resort Restaurant/Hotel 3580 Wanted Retail



Sales Teachers Technical Telecommunications Telemarketing Trades Veterinary Service


Please check your ad the first day it runs. If you find an error, call DEADLINES the first day so your Call before 3:45 p.m. ad can be corrected. the day prior to The Enterprise will publication. Call give credit for only Friday before 3:45 the first for Saturday, Sunday incorrect publication. or Monday ads. For Sunday Real Estate, PAYMENT call before 2:45 p.m. Pre-payment is Wednesday. Fax required for deadlines are one all individual ads and hour earlier. all business ads. Business accounts may apply for preDISCOUNTS approved credit. For Businesses may earn your convenience, lower rates by we accept Visa, advertising on a Mastercard, cash or regular basis. Call for checks. complete details. Family rates are YARD SALE available for individuals RAIN (non-business) with INSURANCE yard sales, selling When you place a household items or yard sale ad in The selling personal vehicles. Call to see if High Point Enterprise you can insure your you qualify for this sale against the rain! low rate. Ask us for details!


Card of Thanks Happy Ads Memorials Lost Found Personals Special Notices

1170 1180 1190 1195 1200 1210 1220



Assistant needed for Financial Services Company. Excellent communication and organizational skills are required. If you ar e life an d health insurance licensed or securities licensed, that is a plus. Duties w i l l i n c l u d e a p p o i n t m e n t management, client communication, client servicing and general office management. We are a growing business with 5 locations which are administer ed out of our High Point office. Please email me your resume Kevin@ nccrep.com

Advertising Sales The High Point Enterprise is accepting applications in the advertising department for the following position:

Advertising Consultant. A highly motivated marketing consultant who understands the difference in selling advertising versus delivering solutions. The right candidate is goal oriented, understands the requirements of achieving goals and meets that expectation through prospecting, finding and delivering solutions for the customer and providing exceptional customer service after the sale. Position is full-time with an opportunity to grow with a highly successful media company. On-the-job training provided, excellent benefits including 401K and major medical. If you thrive in a fast-paced, deadline driven environment, take your responsibilities seriously and delight in helping others this could be just what you are looking for. Send cover letter and resume to Lynn Wagner, Advertising Director High Point Enterprise, 210 Church Ave., High Point, NC 27262 or email to lwagner@hpe.com. Only serious candidates looking for a longterm career need apply. Paxton Media Group LLC is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, age, national origin or disability. No phone calls please!

515740 ©HPE


4C www.hpe.com FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2010 1120


Y ard Work needed, needs tree and limbs cut. Call Carl Pratt 919-937-0768



P/T position 3 days a week, Fri, Sat & Mon. Retail Exp a plus. Heavy Lifting req’d. Send resume & references to: Personnel Director 2937 South Main, HP, NC, 27263


Restaurant/ Hotel

Cooks experienced only. Austin’s Restaurant 2448 N. Main St. Waits taff exp erience wanted at Austin’s Restaurant- 2448 N. Main St. HP Place your ad today & do not forget to ask about our attention getters!!



High End Upholstered F u r n i t u r e Manufacture Seeking Exp Furniture Product D e v e l o p m e n t Person/Patter Maker. Please send resume to Human Resources Department. PO Box 7103, High Point, NC 27264 HVAC experienced residential service technician. Must have a clean driving record and criminal record. Good pay & benefits. Call 4316868 or 869-6851 .

1220 Veterinary Science Licensed Veterinary Technician needed for fast paced Veterinary Hospital. Fax resume to 336-4750140


Apartments Unfurnished

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Quality 1 & 2 BR Apts for Rent Starting @ $395 Southgate Garden & Piedmont Trace Apartments (336) 476-5900 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Now Leasing Apts Newly Remodeled, 1st Month Free Upon Approved Application, Reduced Rents, Call 336-889-5099

Raintree Apartments Carefree living Convenient location No Security Deposit. (336) 869-6011 Spring Dep. Special! Limited Time! Freshly Renovated 1 & 2 BR Apts & Single family homes. Staring at $400, Section 8 accepted. Philip 267907-2359 Today Up to 2 Months FREE! 336-884-8040 Ambassador Court Apts. Now open 7 days/wk T’ville 2BR/1.5BA Townhouse. Stove, refrig., & cable furn. No pets. No Section 8. $440+ dep. 475-2080. WE have section 8 approved apartments. Call day or night 625-0052.


Commercial Property

1,000 sq. ft retail space near new 85. Reasonable rent & terms. Phone day or night 336-625-6076. 600 SF Wrhs $200 400 SF Office $250 T-ville 336-561-6631 70,000 ft. former Braxton Culler bldg. Well located. Reasonable rent. Call day or night. 336-6256076 Almost new 10,000 sq ft bldg on Baker Road, plenty of parking. Call day or night 336-625-6076

Buili ng 5,000 -10,000 sqft. 5413 Surrett Dr, Hig h Point. Contact Casey Hearn, 336259-4396


Apartments Unfurnished

1br Archdale $395 2br Chestnut $395 Daycare $3200 L&J Prop 434-2736 2BR Apt Archdale, $450 month plus deposit. No Pets. Call 336-431-5222

714-A Verta Ave. Archdale 1BR/1BA Stove, refrig., w/d conn. $350/mo. + dep. Call 474-0058 APARTMENTS & HOUSES FOR RENT. (336)884-1603 for info.



Medi cal Off/ Retail/ Showroom/Manufac. 1200 sqft. $425/mo. 431-7716

OFFICE SPACES Looking to increase or decrease your office size. Large & Small Office spaces. N High Point. All amenities included & Conference Room, Convenient to the Airport.



across from Outback, 1200-4000 sq. ft. D.G. Real-Estate Inc 336-841-7104 Retail Off/Warehouse 2800 sqft $650 10,000 sqft $1600 T-ville 336-362-2119 Very nice 1000 sq. ft in small center off S. Main. Good parking. Reasonable rent & terms. Phone day or night 336-625-6076

FOR RENT 618 N. HAMILTON William & Mary Apts. Close to Senior Center & Cloverleaf Supermarket on bus line. Apt. 19A. 3 rooms, stove, refrig., heat, air conditioning unit, water, hot water, ................................................................................ $375 APT. 12-A 1 room ....................................................$298 211-G DOROTHY Westwood Heights Apts. 4 rooms & 1 1/2 baths. Electric heat & air, carpet, stove, refrig. w/d conn MOVE IN SPECIAL. .......................................................................$360 1602 I LONG. Donrovin Apartments. Efficiency unit, stove, refrig, water, hot water, heat, a/c unit ..........................................................................$300 1003 N. MAIN. Rowella Apartments. Efficiency unit Apt. #2, stove, refrig., heat, water, hot water.......................................................................$298 APT #6. 3 rooms ..................................................... $379 824-H OLD WINSTON RD. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat, central air, stove, refrig., D/W, disposal, hardwood floors, W/D conn., covered patio........................................................................$550 320-G RICHARDSON. Downtown apts. 3 rooms & bath. Stove, refrig., water, elec. heat & air, carpet ............................................................$335 900 A SOUTH ELM Cedar Apartments. 4 rooms, 1 1 ⁄ 2 bath, electric heat, W/D conn ................................................................................$298 511 & 515 E. FAIRFIELD. 4 rooms and bath, Electric heat, a/c unit, stove, refrig, carpet, W/D connect........................................................... $410 406 SUMMITT. 5 rooms, 1 1 ⁄ 2 baths, gas heat, central air, carpet, outbuilding, large fenced yard, (no pets), carport........................................... $750 211 E. KENDALL. 3 rooms and bath, electric heat, central air, stove, refrig., water, W/D connect...................................................................$345 2600 HOLLEMAN. 4 rooms & bath, gas & electric heat, just renovated, some carpet, W/D conn................................................................$398 612 A CHANDLER. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat, central air, stove, refrig., brick, W/D connect, paved drive .............................................................$335 209 GRICLAR. (off English St.) 4 rooms and bath, gas heat, carpet, W/D connect ......................$350 604 PARKWOOD. 5 rooms & bath, electric heat, W/D conn.......................................................$450 1614 N. HAMILTON. 5 rooms & bath, gas heat, W/D conn................................................................$325 523 GUILFORD. 5 rooms & bath, carpet, gas heat, W/D conn.......................................................$450 1705 WORTH. 5 rooms & bath, gas heat, central air, carpet, W/D conn ........................................$598 706-C RAILROAD, THOMASVILLE. 4 rooms & bath, stove, refrig., electric heat .............................$345 804 WINSLOW. 5 rooms & bath (2BR), hardwood floors, gas heat, W/D conn ...........................$335 1500-B HOBART. 4 rooms & bath, electric heat, washer conn., brick....................................... $298 2709 E. KIVETT. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat, cental air, W/D conn., carpet, large paved drive in rear .............................................................$398 1301 & 1305 BENCINI. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat, W/D conn., brick ............................................$325 231 CRESTWOOD CIRCLE. (off Greensboro Rd.) 4 rooms & bath, elec. heat & air, W/D conn........................................................................$425 1108 HICKORY CHAPEL RD. 5 rooms & bath, gas heat, carpet, W/D conn .................................... $375 305-A PHILLIPS. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat ................................................................................$300 3228 WELLINGFORD. (Oakview). 5 rooms & bath, gas heat, A/C.................................................$450 1609 PERSHING. 5 rooms & bath, gas heat, air, W/D conn ..........................................................$500 1423 COOK. 5 rooms & bath (2 bedrooms), gas heat to each room, stove, refrig., W/D conn........................................................................$420 313 HOBSON ST. 5 rooms & bath, gas heat, W/D conn................................................................$335 705-B CHESTNUT. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat, W/D conn................................................................$390 1605 & 1613 FOWLER. 4 rooms & bath, oil heat.........................................................................$400 1407-A E. COMMERCE. (Colonial Court Apts.) 4 rooms & bath, gas heat to each room, brick, washer conn., hardwood floors.....................$325 302 AMHURST. 4 rooms & bath gas heat ................................................................................$350 810 B ENGLISH. 3 rooms & bath, water, stove, refrig., gas heat ............................................ $198 100 LAWNDALE. 5 rooms & bath, electric heat, W/D conn.......................................................$450 1009 TRUE LANE. 5 rooms & bath. Electric heat & AC unit. Hardwood floors, w/d conn ................................................................................$450 1015 TRUE LANE. 5 rooms & bath, electric heat, W/D conn.......................................................$425 1101 CARTER. 4 rooms and bath, gas heat, W/D conn................................................................$350 304-B PHILLIPS. 4 rms., bath, gas ht., W/D conn........................................................................$300 900 MEREDITH. 4 rooms & bath. Gas heat, new flooring, w/d conn ............................Sec. 8 or $298 614 EVERETTE LANE. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat, carpet, clean ................................. Sect. 8 or $498 2823 CRAIG POINT. 5 rooms & 1 1 ⁄ 2 baths, gas heat, central air W/D conn ..................... Sect. 8 or $500 1106 GRACE. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat ............................................................Section 8 or $425 406 GREER. 4 rooms & bath, gas heat, W/D conn....................................................Section 8 or $325 2600 HOLLEMAN. 4 rooms & bath, gas & electric heat, just renovated, some carpet, W/D conn................................................ section 8 $498

600 N. Main St. Ph. 882-8165


Homes Unfurnished

2BR/2BA, 1 acre, DW, Small Storage Bldg. T-ville, $600/mo. Call 336-870-0654 2BR, Big w/trees, No $495, 882-9132

Yard Pets,

302 Lawndale-2BR 210 Edgeworth-1BR 883-9602 3215 Welllingford HPNice 3 BR/1 BA. Hse. New paint, carpet. Stove, ref furn. WD hookup. NO pets, no smoking. $595 mo. + SD. Call 434-3371. 3 BEDROOMS 603 Denny...................... $750 601 E. Lexington............. $725 602 Lake ........................ $575 1014 Grace ..................... $575 281 Dorothy.................... $550 116 Dorothy .................... $550 1414 Madison ................. $525 5437 Uwharrie................ $525 205 Guilford ................... $495 1439 Madison................. $495 205 Kendall .................... $495 920 Forest ..................... $450 4846 Pike ....................... $400 1215 & 19 Furlough ......... $375 2 BEDROOMS 2847 Mossy Mdow ........ $850 1100 Westbrook.............. $650 3911 D Archdale.............. $600 285 Dorothy ................... $500 1806 Welborn ................. $495 8798 US 311.................... $495 8798 US 311 #2............... $495 3612 Eastward ............... $465 302 Avery....................... $450 5653 Albertson .............. $450 330 Hodgin .................... $450 410 Friddle...................... $435 215-B W. Colonial........... $400 600 WIllowbar ................ $400 1035 B Pegram .............. $395 304-A Kersey................. $395 108 F Thomas ................ $375 1418 Johnson ................. $375 1429 E Commerce ......... $375 517 Lawndale ................. $375 415 B White Oak............. $350 502 Lake ........................ $350 802 Barbee .................... $350 503 Hill St ....................... $350 913 Howard.................... $325 606 Wesley.................... $325 1311 Bradshaw ...............$300 1730 B Brooks ................ $295 1 BEDROOMS 313 B Kersey .................. $340 311 E. Kendall ................. $325 205 A&B Taylor .............. $285 1007 A Park .................... $250

KINLEY REALTY 336-434-4146

3BR, 2BA,1650 sqft. 5367 Jennifer Ct, Archdale, $800 mo + dep. 336-434-1117 3BR/2BA, 2100sqft. Pilot School Area. No Pets. $750/mo + dep. Call 336-408-1304 3BR, 3BA, $988. mo., n i c e h o m e i n e x c l u s i v e neighborhood. Call 408-6006 423 Carey Ave. HP – Nice 3 BR/1 1⁄ 2 BA hse. Sto ve, ref. furn/WD hookup, fenced yard, storage bldg. No pets, no smoking. $625 mo + SD. Call 434-3371. 4 BEDROOMS 112 White Oak.........$1195 3700 Innwood ........$1195 622 Dogwood ........ $895 3 BEDROOMS 2457 Ingleside........$1100 1000 Ruskin............ $895 1312 Granada ......... $895 2705 Ingleside Dr ....$725 222 Montlieu .......... $625 1700-F N.hamilton ... $625

813 Magnolia .......... $595 726 Bridges.............$575 1135 Tabor...............$575 2415 Williams ......... $550 1020 South ............. $550 2208-A Gable way .. $550

601 Willoubar.......... $525 1605 Staley............. $525 324 Louise ............. $525 1016 Grant .............. $525 919 Old Winston ..... $525 2209-A Gable Way .. $500 2219 N. Centennial.. $495 609 Radford ........... $495 127 Pinecrest...........$475

1019 Montlieu ..........$475 1606 Larkin............. $450 502 Everett ............ $450 328 Walker............. $425 322 Walker............. $425

4BR/ 2BA, carpet & hrdwds, $750. + dep., HP area 869-8668

T-ville 627 Knollwood Dr., 2BR house w/ heat pump-CA, stove, W/ D connec t., 1BA, hardwood flrs, No pets, $475. mo, $475. S/D. 472-4710


1206 Adams ................$350 1227 Redding...............$350 305 Barker...................$350 406 Kennedy...............$350 311-B Chestnut............$350 1516-B Oneka..............$350 309-B Griffin ................$335 4703 Alford ..................$325 313-B Barker ...............$300 1116-B Grace ...............$295 1711-B Leonard............$285 1517 Olivia.....................$280 1515 Olivia.....................$280

Mobile Homes/Spaces

Mobile Homes & Lots Auman Mobile Home Pk 3910 N. Main 883-3910



A-1 ROOMS. Clean, close to stores, buses, A/C. No deposit. 803-1970. A Better Room 4U HP within walking distance of stores, buses. 886-3210/ 883-2996 AFFORDABLE rooms for rent. Call 491-2997 LOW Weekly Rates a/c, phone, HBO, eff. Travel Inn Express, HP 883-6101 no sec. dep.

Rooms, $100- up. No Alcohol or Drugs. Incld Util.. 887-2033 Private extra nice. Quiet. No alochol/drugs 108 Oakwood 887-2147 Walking dist.HPU rooming hse. Util.,cent. H/A, priv. $90-up. 989-3025.

More People.... Better Results ...

The Classifieds 2270


N. Myrtle Beach, Shore Dr area. 2 BR, 2 BA. Ocean view condo. Weeks ava. 336-476-8662



12 Blue Pitt Puppies. Parents ABDA & UKC Reg. Call for information 336-307-3757 or 336-989-0430 41/2 mo old Shih Tzu Female. AKC Reg. Groomed & Shots UTD. $500 obo. 336587-6776 Boston Terriers AKC, 8 wks old. Adorable! 1st shots/worme d. $400. Call 336-674-1513 or 434-222-9918.

More People.... Better Results ...

The Classifieds Ads that work!!

Lab Pups, AKC top knotch, hunting/sport/loving pet, $500-$600, Call 869-8782 Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics

Buy * Save * Sell

Buy * Save * Sell

Cemetery Plots/Crypts

2 Plots at Floral Garden Cemetery, Section S, Lot # 1 0 1 6 , V a l u e $6,400. Selling for $5,000. Call 336886-5278

2 Plots Holly HIll Cemetery on Slop facing Mausoleum. Call Freddie wood 828-734-4008 or 828-400-4854 Floral Garden, 2 plots. Sells for $6400 asking $5000. Call 610-698-7056 Nice Plot section T in Floral Garden Cemetery. $2500. 882-9132


Commercial Property

1800 Sq. Ft. Davidson County, Conrad Realtors 336-885-4111 30,000 sq ft warehouse, loading docks, plenty of parking. Call dy or night 336-625-6076


Maltese Male Pup AKC Snowwhite So Beautiful. $400 cash Call 336-431-9848


Free to good home only, 9 wks old, 2 Brown M, and 2 Black, and 1 Brown F. 476-6562 689-9331 Free to good homes, Medium sized Mixed breed puppies, 3mo. old, blue eyes, 3F, 1M. Call 336-247-3718 Lab Mix Puppies Free to Good Homes Only. Great Outdoors Pet.. Call 336-803-1251 for more information

2 & 3 BR homes Sophia, Randleman & Elon plus Handyman Homes Fix it and it’s yours! Sophie & Randleman 336-495-1907 Elon 336-449-3090

1 BEDROOM 1123-C Adams ........ $450 1107-B Robin Hood........ $425

GARAGE SALE Fri 4/9 & Sat 4/10 8AM-Until 126 Tricia Court Off Will Johnson Rd


Glenola Baptist Church Women on Mission Yard Sale. Sat. 7a-1p Fellowship Building. 311 S. Glenola Lots of good stuff!

PO‘ BOX 7344 HIGH POINT, NC NCAL#211 336-887-1166

Indoor/Outdoor Moving Sale, Sat. 4/10, 8am-? neat items, 224 E. Parkway Ave.



Girls White Wash Qn Sz BR Suite, Dresser & Mirror, Nightstand, Chest of Drawer, EC. $500. Call 687-6424 Kincaid Bedroom Set, Queen Hd board, night stand & dresser, $295. Great condition, 861-5317


Household Goods

A new mattress set T$99 F$109 Q$122 K$191. Can Del. 336-992-0025






USED APPLIANCES Sales & Services $50 Service Call 336-870-4380



AUCTION- SATURDAY, APRIL 10- 9:00AM, 204 Dartmouth St, Greensboro. 3500 Pieces of Jewelry & Loose Stones & Antique Furniture. John Pait & Associates, Inc. N C A L # 1 0 6 4 N C F L # 5 4 6 1 , www.johnpait.com


Yard/Garage Sale

Spring Yard Sale, Jamestown Friends meeting. Corner of East Fork & Guilford Rds., 8-12 Rain or Shine. Appliances, Toys, clothes, Household items, Decorative items, Sausages Biscuits, Drinks & Bake Sale. Priced to Sale!

Sunventure Sample & Junk Sale, Sat 4/10, 7am-Until. 1625 Old Plank Rd, Suite 101 sunny49@mac.com West End Ministries Thrift Store, large selection of furn, clothing, home furnishings, Fri . 3-6, Sa t. 8-12. New Items Added Weekly. 903 English Rd., donations always welcome. For more information Please call 336-884-1105 Yard Sale Sat. 4/10, 6:45am-11am, 116 Daveler Dr. HP, Baby items, kids/adult clothes, etc.

Yard Sale, Sat 4/10, , 7am-12Noon. 718 Old Mill Rd, Beside of Elks Lodge. Furniture, Accessories & Tools Yard Sale Sat. 4/10, 7am-12pm, Fairgrove Community, look for signs. Yard Sale Sat 4/10, 7am-1pm. 330 Taft Hedrick Rd, T-ville. Miscellanous Items.


Large Yard Sale 3612 Kreamer Dr. Archdale Sat 4/10 7 AM End of Driftwood off 311 so of Archdale Library. Lg yd sale, lots misc, clothes,vintage decor etc. .

Yard Sale Sat 4/10, 8am-Until. 116 don Vick Dr. End of South Rd, R. at Grave Yard

Large Yard Sale, Sat. 4/10, 6am-1pm. 200 Beech Ridge Road. Tville. To much to list!!


Place your ad today & do not forget to ask about our attention getters!!

Need space in your garage?

The Classifieds

Movies, DFTG table, HH & Misc., Sat. 4/10 8am-1pm, 4212 Cr eekview Dr. Kynwood Villiage

Miscellaneous Movies, DVD’s and VHS all $1. each, wide assortment. Sat. 4/10 6am-until. 902 Ferndale HP.

Wanted to Buy

Yard/Garage Sale

113 Aldridge Ln 2 family yard sale. Fri/Sat 8am until. Aldridge Farms Ads that work!! 2 Family Moving & Neighborhood Yard Sale. Furniture, Clothing, Numerous Misc Items, Computer Corner Desk, Dishes, Sat 4/10, 7am-?. 146 Green Haven Dr, Archdale.

3 Family yard Sale, 4/10, 8am-1pm. 1913 Fox Creek Ct. Across From Dam


Manufactured Houses

Estate Garage & Yard Sale. 50 + years accumul ation, 2 108 East Green Dr. corner of Green and Twin Oaks. Fri. 9am-until, Sat. 8am-2pm

FREE to good home only: 4 year old Lab Mix Males. Neutered w/Shots. Medium Sized. Call 870-3706


L o t f o r S a l e 100ftx150ft, Tarheel Dr, Archdale. Call 336-434-5479

DON’T MISS IT 1ST YARD SALE AT WESTCHESTER KEY W. Lexington & Westchester Sat 4/10, 8am-12pm. Collectibles, Crystal, Porcelain, Pictures & Lamps, Dishes, Set Glasses, HH, Jewelry, Linen, Clothes All Sizes, VGC

Pets - Free

1.3 ac. 2400 sf. house $89,900. David. Cty. brokr-ownr 4752600 FSBO 1 acre, 3BR, 11⁄ 2 B A , c a r p o r t , $10 2,900. C all 336472-6599


Dave Ramsey says if sell it and sell it cheap! Multi Family Yard Sale , Rain or Shine, Sat. 4/10, 7am1pm at 718 Litwin Dr, Thomasville Assembly of God, (just off business 29/70 across from Pilot School).

Yorkshire Terrier Male Pup AKC No Shedding a Beauty $400 Cash Call 336-431-9848


Yard/Garage Sale

Community Yard Sale, in North High Point, 1526 Skeet Club Rd, Covenant Church UM. Sat 4/10, 7am-Noon. Furniture, Concessions, crafts, Kids Clothes & more. A Must Stop!

BUYING ANTIQUES. Old Furn, Glass, Old Toys & Old Stuff. 1pc or all. Buy estates big/small. W/S 817-1247/ 788-2428

Maltese Male pup Snow White. Easter Baby. $500 Cash. Call 336-431-9848


CLEAN HOUSE SALE MULTI FAMILY. Kids items, women’s clothes 16-24, appl., f urn. & mo re. 1778 Market Dr. off 311 in Sophia. Sat. 4/10, 7am-1pm

Sat. April 10th. @ 10:00am Sun., April 11th. @ 12:00noon High POint, NC (1950 W. Green Dr) 2,000 + Pcs. BED RM FURNITURE DINING RM FURNITURE LIVING RM FURNITURE ENTERTAINMENT CENTERS, HOME BARS, BAR STOOLS, WINE RACKS, WRITING DESKS, LEATHER SOFAS, 50+ CURIOS, 100’S OF CHAIRS, MIRRORS, BOMBE CHESTS, CHEST OF DRAWERS, BABY BEDS, CHILDREN’S FURNITURE, BUNK BEDS, DRY SINKS, and much more... (Name Brand Showroom Samples) Inspection: Fri., April 9th. 12:00noon-6:00pm Terms: Cash, Certified Check, Company Check accepted w/current bank letter of credit, VC/MC accepted. 13% Buyers premium applies, 3% discount when paying w/cash or approved check. NC Sales tax applies to all purchases. Announcements made day of acution supersede any written material. Everything sold As Is/Where Is. *Go to Website for more information & Pictures. www.Mendenhall Auction.com

Tesoro Corquistzdor Metal detector, used 4 times, $190. Call 336-869-6119

Place your ad in the classifieds!




Spacious 2BR, 1BA, W/D Hook ups Move in Specials. Call 803-1314


1635-A W. Rotary ....... $350


2BR Central Air, carpet, blinds, appls., No pets. 883-4611 LM

2640 2D Ingleside $780

1048 Oakview......... $650 213 W. State........... $600 503 Monnell ........... $550 101 #6 Oxford Pl ..... $535 1540 Beaucrest ...... $525 1420 Madison......... $500 204 Prospect ......... $500 920 Westbrook ...... $495 419 Peace ...............$475 215 Friendly ............ $450 1198 Day................. $450 1707 W. Rotary ....... $450 111 Chestnut ........... $450 1101 Blain ................ $450 700-B Chandler...... $425 12 June................... $425 205-A Tyson Ct...... $425 1501-B Carolina ...... $425 1100 Wayside ......... $400 321 Greer ............... $400 324 Walker............. $400 713-B Chandler ...... $399 2406 Dallas ............ $395 611-B Hendrix ......... $395 204 Hoskins ........... $395 2903-A Esco .......... $395 1043-B Pegram ...... $395 908 E. Kearns ........ $395 1704 Whitehall ........ $385 601-B Everett ..........$375 2306-A Little ...........$375 501 Richardson .......$375

Homes Unfurnished

5TH ANNUAL POLE CAT CREEK CRAFT & YARD SALE. Sat 4/10, 8a-2p. Rain or Shine. 561 Hodgin Valley Rd, Pleasant Garden. Admission $1. Food Available

Moving Sale Sat 4/10 Home & Office Furn & Decor, Table Saw, Kitchen items, patio Table w/chairs and accessories, TV & Cabinet, much more. DIRECTIONS: Skeet Club, St Andrews Pl., turn in on Lumsden Rd to 1036 Braemar Ct Multi Family Yard Sale, From T-ville Walmart take Kennedy Rd to Buddys Mart, L on Fuller Mill Rd, L on Blakes Court. 0-2T Boys & Adult Clothes, Toys, HH, Dresser, & Much More, Sat 7-1 Multi Family Yard Sale. Sat. 4/10, 7am12noon, Antiques, Furn., HH items, Santas, Angels, Too many items to list. 101 Lake Dr. off Hwy. 62 Archdale

Multi Family Yard Sale, Sat 4/10, 8am-12pm. 4472 Kendale Rd, Kid’s Clothes, Toys, HH , Air Hockey Table, TV’s, Stereo Equip Multiple Family School Rummage Sale, Sat. 4/10, 7am-11am, 815 Old Mill Rd. HP Neighborhood Yard Sale, Diana Dr. T-ville. 7am-12pm, HH items, and clothes. Sat. 4/10 One day Estate sale8:00 am un til 2:00 pm, Sat. April 10th. Antique Furniture and assorted household items. Located at 5572 Hwy 62 N in Trinity. 2 miles from Trinity Middle School on left. Sign in Yard. Sa t 4/10, 7 am-1pm. Estate & Yard Sale, 3824 Beverly Hills Dr, Washer & Dryer, Furn, Dishes, Children’s Clothes & toys & Much More. Sat 4/10, 7am-Until, 608 Brookdale Dr, Thomasville. Misc Items.

6112 Tory Court, High Point Friday and Saturday, March 9-10. Laurel Oak Ranch. Baby & Adult Clothes, Baseball Cards, Diecast Racing Cars, HH items. Sat 4/10, 7amUntil. 3880 Wood Ave, Archdale 27263 3 City Flea. Surrett Dr. Fri, Sat, Sun. Deals.

Moving Sale, Sat 4/10, 7am-Noon. 318 Blair Dr. Robins Nest. Furn, HH, Clothes, , etc

2509 OPEN Great

Sat. 4/10 8am -until, 1323 Cedar Dr. T-ville, 109 S, take R on Cedar Lodge, 1 mile L on Cedar Dr., Whicker Resin Set, mirrows, pocket books, sm. furn., & misc. items, exercise equip., etc.


Autos for Sale

04 Pontiac Grand Am, 44k, Exc Cond. $4400. Call 336-4316020 or 847-4635 06 BMW X5, V6, AWD, Prem. Pck, 58K, $24,300. Call 4727343 or 687-0184 07 Chevy Malibu, 35k mi, auto, 4 cylinder, new Michelins, $9,350. 510-8794 88 Chevy Corvette , auto, very good cond., Call if interested 472-5560 96 Ford Crown Vic. 56,000 actual miles, Nice, $2,600. Call 431-6020/847-4635 98 Lincoln Continental Mark VIII, 171k miles, VGC. Blk EXT & INT, loaded, $3995, obo. 336-906-3770 99 Chevy Lumina 95k miles, V6, clean dependable car, $2800. 689-2165 AT Quality Motors you can buy regardless. Good or bad credit. 475-2338 Cadilliac Sedan Deville, 01, wife’s car, looks new, loaded, $7995. 889-2692


Classic Antique Cars

FORD ’69. SELL OR TRADE. 429 eng., Needs restoring $1000/Firm. 431-8611 PLYMOUTH Concorde 1951. Sale or TradeNeeds restoring. $2100 firm. 431-8611



03 Harley Davidson Road King, 565 miles, $15,000. Call 336870-5127 95 HD Road King. Less than 18K. Lots of Chrome. Blk & Silver w/hardbags. Reduced $9,500.obo 345-4221 1995 HD, Sportster, Lots of Chrome. $4,000. Call 336289-3924 98 Kawasaki Vulcan. 1500cc, 15k mi. Black. Lots of Chrome. $4800. 859-0689 EC 2002 HD, Electra Glide Standard. Lots of Chromes. LN. $8,000. 289-3924

1107-C Robin Hood . $425

620-A Scientific .......$375 508 Jeanette...........$375 1119-A English......... $350 910 Proctor............. $325 305 E. Guilford ........$275 309-B Chestnut ......$275 502-B Coltrane .......$270 1228 Tank............... $250 1317-A Tipton.......... $235 608-A Lake ............ $225 CONRAD REALTORS 512 N. Hamilton 885-4111 901-A Thissell 1br 415 Cable 2br 804 Forrest 2br 904 Proctor 1br 313 Windley 2br 2508 Kivett 2br

200 325 375 295 300 375


885-6149 House for Rent. $550 month, $500 deposit. (1) 3BR/1BA. 653 Wesley, (1)1BR/1BA, 522A Roy, $325, $300 dep. Call 1-209605-4223 HP , 3BR/1B A, Brick Ranch. $575, New Flooring, Cent Air, Gas Heat, Sec 8 ok. Call 210-4998

Jamestown, 3BR, 2BA, Lake Front, 2000sqft. Fncd Bkyd, $1300 mo + $1000 dep. 336-906-9643 Lease or Sale, 4BR 2.5 BA. Oversized 2 car carport, 1 ac., $1000 mo, $500 dep. 475-6839

New Home 3BR, 2BA, section 8 accepted, NO deposit. $750. mo., 345-2026



Computer Repair

SCOOTERS Computers. We fix any problem. Low prices. 476-2042


Lawn Care

We will advertise your house until it sells

C & C Lawn Care. Mow, trim, aerate, fert., etc. Res & comm. 434-6924 Mowing & Trimming. Archdale, Trinity & Sophia. Reasonable Rates. Call 861-1803


Painting Papering



400 00


Secretarial Services

See king emp loyment as Personal/Social Secretary. Please call 336-887-5583 to schedule an interview. Prior employmen t information is avail upon request


• 2X2 Display Ad (Value $64.60/day) • Ad will run EVERYDAY • Ad will include photo, description and price of your home • Ad runs up to 365 days. • Certain restrictions apply • This offer valid for a limited time only

Call The High Point Enterprise! 888-3555 or classads@hpe.com For Sale By Owner, Realtors & Builders are Welcome!



2002 Screaming Eagle, Road King. 6,000 miles. Lots of Extras. If interested call 336-475-9256. Serious Inquires Only 2005 Yamaha 50 & 1985 XR80 (rebuilt motor) $550 each. Call 336-431-6025


Recreation Vehicles

’01 Damon motorhome. 2 slides, 2 ACs, 10k, loaded. 36ft. Very good cond., $52,000. Back-up camera. 431-9891 94’ Camper, new tires, water heater, & hookup. Good cond., sleeps 7, $6,400. Call 301-2789

Motorhome, Ford Chateau 1977, Runs Good. $1,500. Call 336-431-7498 1990 Southwind Motorhome. 33ft, Full Body Paint. 454 C h e v y , J a c k s , Generator, $9250. Call 336-847-3719


Large Comm. Van, ’95 Dodge Van 2500, new motor & trans., 883-1849 $3000 neg

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Wanted to Buy



Want... Need.... Can not Live Without?

Sport Utility

The Classifieds

’90 Winnebago Chiefton 29’ motor home. 73,500 miles, runs



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98’ Jeep Wrangler 4WD auto, a/c, cruise, ps/ brakes, ex. cond. , $9000. 215-1892 2000 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer, 129k miles, 4WD, V8, 5.4 liter, 3rd row seat, t o w i n g p c k g , premium sound. $6700. Call 336-2072253


Call 888-3555

Buy * Save * Sell

or email: classads@hpe.com

Place your ad in the classifieds!


Buy * Save * Sell


Trucks/ Trailers

94 Chevy Silverado Extd Cab, Step Side. VGC. Black exterior, Grey Leather Interior. All Power, Remote Entry, Tow Package. $6600. 847-6751

Fast $$$ For Complete Junk Cars & Trucks Call 475-5795 Top cash paid for any junk vehicle. T&S Auto 882-7989


Fairgrove/East Davidson Schools. Approximately 1 acre $15,000. More wooded lots available. Call Frank Anderson Owner/Broker


Lots starting at $34,900 Homes starting at $225,000 Special Financing at 4.75% (Certain Restrictions Apply)


Water View

Builders personal home with many upgrades: hardwood floors, jetted tub, separate shower, beautiful granite counters, fabulous kitchen, 2 story family room AND DRAMATIC VIEWS!! Plus much, much more….


3152 WINDCHASE COURT 3 BR 2 BA 1164 SF, New carpet & paint, New HVAC, GE Appliances. End Unit $96,900



7741 Turnpike Road, Trinity, NC 1844/1846 Cedrow Dr. H.P. New construction, 3BR, 2Bath, city utility, heat pump, Appliances included $99,900.00

CALL CALL CALL 336-362-4313 or 336-685-4940

*PRICE REDUCTION-POSSIBLE SELLER FINANCING! Quality built custom home on 40+ acres of beautiful woodlands & pastures. Many out buildings including a double hangar & official/recorded landing strip for your private airplane. Home features 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, sunroom, brick landscaped patio, hardwired sound system, 4 car carport, covered breezeway. You must see to fully appreciate this peaceful, private country estate -- Priced to sell at $579,000


3930 Johnson St.

A Must See! Beautiful home set on 3 acres, New cabinets, corian countertops, hardwood, carpet, appliances, deck, roof. Home has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, formal living room, dining room, great room. $248,900.

Contact us at Lamb’s Realty- 442-5589.

6 Bedrooms, Plus 3 Home Offices Or 8 Bedrooms 19 Forest Dr Fairgrove Forest, Thomasville New Year New Price. $1,000. cash to buyer at closing. 1.5 Ac. landscaped. 3br. 2baths, kitchen, dining room, livingroom, den & office. 2 Fireplaces with gas logs, crown molding, attached over sized garage and a 50 x 20 unattached 3 bay garage. 2400 sq. ft. $250,000. 336-475-6839

HOME FOR SALE 1014 Hickory Chapel Road, 2br, Florida room, dining room, fireplace, garage, new heatpump, completely remodeled. Great for starter home or rental investment. Priced Reduced $59,900


Call 336-886-4602




725-B West Main St., Jamestown Call: Donn Setliff (336) 669-0478 or Kim Setliff (336) 669-5108 (Owner is Realtor)



398 NORTHBRIDGE DR. 3BR, 2BA, Home, 2 car garage, Nice Paved Patio Like new $169,900 OWNER 883-9031 OPEN HOUSE MOST SAT. & SUN. 2-4

8 Unit Apartment Building Available

All Brick Exterior Built 1987. Paved Parking. Each unit 2BR, 1BA (Approx. 750 square Ft.) Electric Heat & Air Conditioning. Many Upgrades and new appliances, floor coverings, cabinets, paint. Public water & sewer (individual meters). Fully rented with annual rents of $44,400.00 Conveinent to public transportation and downtown. Asking price $350,000.00. For additional information call (336)833-6797.



Office Condo For Sale – Main St., Jamestown, 1400 Sq. Ft. 1st Floor, 3 Offices, Break Area, Storage, Plus 1/2 Bath, 2nd Floor 2 Offices, Another 1/2 Bath, Good Traffice Exposure, Divided so that you may rent Part of Offices.

- 1.1 Acre – Near Wesley Memorial Methodist – - Emerywood area “Tell your friends” $239,900. Priced below Tax & appraisal values. Owner Financing

Greensboro.com 294-4949

Directions: Westchester to West Lexington, south on Hwy. 109, Community is on the left just past Ledford Middle School. Quality construction beginning at $169,900! Eight Flexible floorplans! - Three to seven bedrooms - 1939 square feet to 3571 square feet - Friendship/Ledford Schools - Low Davidson County Taxes - Basement lots Available. No City Taxes, No Slab, All Crawspace Construction MORE INFO @ PattersonDaniel.com Marketed Exclusively by Patterson Daniel Real Estate, Inc.

Debra Murrow, Realtor New Home Consultant 336-499-0789

3 bedroom/2bath house for sale, Fairgrove Area, Thomasville. Half basement, 2-stall garage, also detached garage. Call 472-4611 for more information. $175,000. For Sale By Owner 515 Evergreen Trail • Thomasville, NC 27360

2 Bedroom/ 2 Bath Condo $82,000. Excellent High Point location convenient to Winston-Salem and Greensboro. Apprx. 950 square feet. Spacious bedrooms and closets. Garden tub in the master bath. Tray ceilings and crown molding in the living room. Private balcony overlooking a wooded area. Includes: Refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, microwave and washer/dryer connection MOTIVATED SELLER. **Will rent for $650 per month.

Call 336-769-0219


189 Game Trail, Thomasville

406 Sterling Ridge Dr Beautiful home in the Trinity school district. 3br/2.5 bath, walk in closet, garden tub/w separate shower, hardwoods, gas logs and more. $177,500.

Lamb’s Realty 442-5589


164 Emily Ann Drive, N. Davidson County-FSBO Desirable Davidson County Schools, gorgeous, custom brick home built in 2005, 2,864 SF, quiet cul-de-sac,3BR,2.5BA,possible 4th BR in unfinished space, spacious modern open floor plan on one level, HW floors, bonus room over garage, custom kitchen w/granite countertops, maple cabinets, SS appliances, and beautiful tile floor, wonderful master suite with HUGE walk-in closet, tons of storage, too many extras to list here. See our ad at http://www.InfoTube.net/236019 for more details or call 336-201-3943. Shown by appointment only. $389,900.00

Enjoy living in a quiet, distinctive neighborhood with no through traffic. 3 BR 2.5 BA, 2300 sq’, open floor plan, vaulted ceilings & lg. windows, Oak floors & carpeted BRs, marble tiled bathrooms, lg. large master bath with separate shower, double fire place in master BR & LR w. gas logs, kitchen w. granite counter tops, double oven, stereo system. 2 car garage, large patio overlooking a beautiful back yard. Low taxes. $329,000 $321,000 Visit www.forsalebyowner.com/22124271 or call 336.687.3959

Over 4,000 Sq. Ft. Brick home with 4 Bedrooms & 4 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, 2 master suites, fenced yard. Grand dining room – Priced at $319,900!!



Located at 1002 Barbee St, High Point 4 Bedroom, 2 Bath Fireplace, New Vinyl, Completely Remodeled. Garage & Storage. $89.900. Have other homes to finance. Will trade for land.

360 Hasty Hill Rd All New inside, Remodeled, 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath. Vinyl Siding, Large Lot. $47,900. Will trade for Land. Other Homes for sale with Owner Financing from

Call 886-7095


505 Willow Drive, Thomasville

Wendy Hill 475-6800

$30,000 to $80,000.

1812 Brunswick Ct. Chestnut Oaks High Point, NC TOWNHOUSE One Level w/front porch 1760 SQ Ft, 2 BR w/ walk-in closets 2 BA, Laundry RM, All Appliances, Eat-In Kitchen w/ lots of cabinets, Large Dining & Family RM w/ Fireplace & Built-In Storage & Bookcases, Private 2 Car Garage w/storage RM, Large Deck $159,000.


Call 888-3555 to advertise on this page! 530071

6C www.hpe.com FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2010






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This N That Furniture

Creative Lamps & Repair


Twin Mattress Set


Full Mattress Set (mattress and box spring)




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Painting & Pressure Washing

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Thrift -N-

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35 Years Experience

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885-9233 or 880-1704

1240 Montlieu Ave

Wedding & Special Occasions Email: JKing017@triad.rr.com or 336-431-9245


1261 Westminister Ct High Point, NC 27262



Get It Done Right Call All Right

CALL MIKE ATKINS 336-442-2861 (cell) • 336-431-9274

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(mattress and box spring)

(mattress and box spring)

Chauffeur Service in a Rolls Royce


Terry W. Speaks - Owner

Queen Mattress Set


the Backyard Medic


16x16 Storage Building Built on your lot. $2,490. tax included Other sizes available. Also Garages, Decks, Vinyl, Roofing, Flooring & All types of home repairs.




Limited Time Only


Landscaping & Lawn Care • Mowing • Aerating • Fertilizing • Pruning • Mulching • Seeding • Hauling - Gravel, Mulch Pine Needles, Misc.

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***Extra Special*** on 12x24 $2199.95 Also Rent To Own. Carolina Utility Bldgs, Trinity 1-800-351-5667

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10X20 ....... $1699 8x12.......... $1050 10x16........ $1499

336-909-2736 (day) 336-940-5057

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We are insured and can provide references!


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Green Foot Trim • Mowing • Handyman • Bobcat Work • Bush Hogging • Pressure Washing • Remodeling Services • Pruning & Tree Removal • Demolition & Junk Removal • Gutter Cleaning $75 Single Story $125 Two-Story • Painting • Detail Cars • Hauling Free Estimates Please Call: 336-442-8942 or 336-472-0434 537283


LOOKING UP: Fred Couples tops Masters after 18 holes. 3D

Friday April 9, 2010

PLAYOFF BOUND: Charlotte savors Bobcats’ first trip to postseason. 5D Sports Editor: Mark McKinney mmckinney@hpe.com (336) 888-3556

UNWELCOME CLIMB: Jobless claims rise unexpectedly. 6D

Dash to the finish line H

ard hats outnumbered batting helmets. Paint rollers were in view instead of slow rollers making their way across the diamond. The heavy hitters gave way to the heavy machinery still out there grading the infield dirt – just seven days before the debut of the Winston-Salem Dash at BB&T Ballpark. “It’s every day changing, and with SPORTS the anticipation of opening day, cerSteve tainly adrenaline Hanf is going to carry ■■■ us through,” Dash team president Geoff Lassiter said during a media gathering Tuesday. “But we’re certainly excited.” The advanced Class A affiliate of the Chicago White Sox opened the Carolina League season Thursday night at Kinston. The big opening, however, comes Tuesday when the Dash plays host to the Potomac Nationals – a long-awaited day considering the ground-breaking ceremony for the project came in October of 2007. A much-publicized feud between current Dash owner Billy Prim and former partner – and brotherin-law – Andrew Filipowski led to work on the stadium stopping for part of 2008 and much of 2009. Prim then asked Winston-Salem officials for another $15 million in funding to finish the project on top of the city’s initial $12 million investment. That – and the still-unresolved issue of parking around the stadium – rankled many city residents, but Tuesday’s game is a sell-out, and the last few hundred tickets remaining for the opener were sold online in 25 minutes earlier this week. “It’s now reality that we have a brand-new, state-of-the-art, $48-million stadium in downtown Winston-Salem – that has had some bumps along the way,” Las-

ing ON the field should be pretty good, too. “They’re going to be able to enjoy a ball club that goes out and plays hard,” McEwing said. “The fans are definitely going to enjoy watching.” Twenty-two players on the 25-man roster played on a strong Kannapolis Intimidators crew in the low-A South Atlantic League last summer. Catcher Josh Phegley, a supplemental firstround draft pick last summer, is the 11th-ranked prospect in the White Sox organization according to Baseball America. Third baseman Jon Gilmore is another first-rounder, taken by Atlanta in 2007 and sent to the White Sox as part of the 2008 Javier Vasquez trade. Infielder Seth Loman also figures to thrill the fans again after clubbing 23 homers last summer. The pitching rotation includes lefty Justin Edwards and righthander Nevin Griffith, both of whom are recovering from Tommy John surgery to repair ligament damage in their elbows. Right-hander Dan Remenowsky went from an undrafted free agent from Division III Otterbein (Ohio) College to one of the franchise’s best bullpen prospects. He went 7-3 with 24 saves and a 1.99 earned run average last year in Kannapolis. McEwing, who enjoyed a nineyear big-league career with four different clubs, said he likes his DON DAVIS JR. | HPE team and is eager to hit the field. Especially this field. Andy Biggers applies signage atop one of the dugouts at BB&T Ballpark, “It’s beautiful. To be able to call home of the Winston-Salem Dash. this place home, play 70 games siter said. “But the response from dead center. The 34-story Wacho- here, it’s going to be a treat,” via Tower, with its distinctive the community and the media McEwing said. and their support have been phe- domed roof, can be seen in the And with the final preparations nomenal since I came on board in distance beyond right field. being checked off the list one by Inside, fans will find stadiumJanuary. We’re looking forward one in advance of opening day, to this facility being a great asset style seats throughout the facilLassiter has just one request. ity, a lawn section in left field, to Winston-Salem and the sur“Sunshine,” he said with a home run porch seating area in rounding communities.” laugh. “That’s the only thing right and a 12,000-square foot The 5,500-seat stadium sits just that concerns me right now. We Kids Zone beyond the wall in off I-40 business at Peters Creek need to make sure the good man center. Parkway. The 21-story GMAC upstairs gives us sunshine on Oh, and about the baseball Insurance Tower can be seen beApril 13.” yond the left-field fence, while the team, second-year skipper Joe 30-story Winston Tower looms in McEwing said what’s happenshanf@hpe.com | 888-3526

Carolina lands 2011 NHL All-Star game


Let’s talk turkey This is a sure sign of spring and a sight to gladden the heart of any turkey hunter. Gobblers fanned out as they try to impress a flock of hens. The gobblers are getting revved up as turkey season approaches. Saturday will be opening day in those counties that have a season. This flock of birds was attracted to a feeder. Those must be turned off at least two weeks before the season arrives to be a legal hunting area. Good luck and happy hunting!

RALEIGH (AP) – The NHL awarded the 2011 All-Star game to the Carolina Hurricanes on Thursday, coming through on a pledge commissioner Gary Bettman once made to the franchise. “You have all been asking me for years when the All-Star game was coming to Raleigh,” Bettman told a crowd of about 1,000 Hurricanes fans who packed the RBC Center’s lawn. “I did make a promise a number of years ago. So, today, I will fulfill that promise.” Next year’s game originally was to be played in Phoenix, but when the Coyotes filed for bankruptcy, the league re-opened its

options. Bettman estimated that 14 teams applied either to host All-Star games from 2011-13 or upcoming NHL drafts. Telling the other franchises that “your time will come,” Bettman said awarding the game to Carolina “is a testimony to the strength of this franchise.” Bettman credited the Raleigh area for making the improvements to the infrastructure. He cited a renovated airport terminal, a new 500,000-squarefoot convention center that opened in September 2008, and the addition of nearly 800 four- and fivestar hotel rooms in the past three years.




ow that I’ve had a few days to think about it, I’m more convinced than ever. Duke’s heart-stopping 61-59 victory over Butler ranks as the best national championship game I’ve seen in the last 30 years. Seven ties, 15 lead changes and the game was played within a three-point window either way for nearly 37 minutes. Duke’s biggest lead was six – for about 30 seconds. Butler’s biggest lead was two. And the final 15 seconds featured two near-misses on potential game-winners by Butler’s Gordon Hayward. Whew!

Apparently, television viewers shared my interest. Twenty-four million viewers watched this epic. That’s the largest TV audience for a national-title game since 1999, when Connecticut nipped Duke in another memorable final watched by 26.3 million. I’ve thought long and hard about this, and rating NCAA championship games for startto-finish drama and intensity since 1980, I’d put this one first, North Carolina’s one-point win over Georgetown in 1982 at No. 2 and N.C. State’s amazing upset of Houston in 1983 at No. 3.

All three provided unforgettable action and suspense and I can see a strong case for putting them in any order. Granted, there were other terrific finals during that span. Villanova’s upset of Georgetown in 1985, Kansas’ overtime win over Memphis in 2008 and Indiana’s onepoint victory over Syracuse in 1987 just missed my top three. For pure possession-for-possession excitement, I’ll put Duke-Butler up against any of them.






6 5


2 1


3 1



In 31 seasons on the bench, Don Nelson has clashed with players, management and ownership, leading to much debate about the legacy he will leave when he finally walks away. There is no arguing this: ol’ Nelly is the NBA’s winningest coach. Nelson surpassed Lenny Wilkens on the career list with win No. 1,333 in the Golden State Warriors’ 116107 win over the Minnesota Timberwolves late Wednesday. Nelson’s career started in 1976 when he took over the Milwaukee Bucks 19 games into the season. He has also coached in Dallas, New York and with Golden State twice, but has never made it to the NBA finals.



Noon, ESPN2 – Motorsports, NASCAR Nationwide Series practice from Avondale, Ariz. 1 p.m., Speed – Motorsports, NASCAR Cup practice from Avondale, Ariz. 3:30 p.m., Speed – Motorsports, NASCAR Cup practice from Avondale, Ariz. 4 p.m., ESPN – Golf, Masters, second round 4:30 p.m., FSN – Baseball, Braves at Giants 5 p.m., ESPN2 – Motorsports, NASCAR Nationwide Series qualifying from Avondale, Ariz. 7 p.m., Speed – Motorsports, NASCAR Cup qualifying from Avondale, Ariz. 7 p.m., WGN – Baseball, Cubs at Reds 8:30 p.m., FSN – Basketball, Bobcats at Rockets 9:30 p.m., ESPN2 – Motorsports, NASCAR Nationwide Series 200 from Avondale, Ariz. INDEX SCOREBOARD PREPS GOLF BASEBALL HOCKEY COLLEGE HOOPS NBA MOTORSPORTS BUSINESS STOCKS WEATHER

2D 3D 3D 4D 4D 4D 5D 5D 6D 7D 8D

SCOREBOARD 2D www.hpe.com FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 2010 THE HIGH POINT ENTERPRISE ries. ... Hamlin had surgery last week on his left knee. He was injured playing basketball in the offseason. Next race: Samsung Mobile 500, April 18, Texas Motor Speedway, Fort Worth, Texas.



NATIONWIDE Bashas’ Supermarkets 200

Major Leagues

Site: Avondale, Ariz. Schedule: Friday, practice (Speed, 11 a.m.1 p.m.), qualifying (ESPN2, 5-6:30 p.m.), race 9:30 p.m. (ESPN2, 9 p.m.-midnight) Track: Phoenix International Raceway (oval, 1.0 miles). Race distance: 200 miles, 200 laps. Last year: Greg Biffle won the second of his two 2009 victories, holding off Jason Leffler over several late restarts and a final two-lap sprint to the finish. Last week: Kevin Harvick raced to his second series victory of the year, holding off Reed Sorenson at Nashville Superspeedway. Harvick has 36 Nationwide victories.

All Times EDT AMERICAN LEAGUE East Division Tampa Bay New York Toronto Boston Baltimore

W 2 2 2 1 0

L 0 1 1 2 2

Pct 1.000 .667 .667 .333 .000

GB — 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 2

Detroit Minnesota Chicago Cleveland Kansas City

W 2 2 1 1 1

L 1 1 1 1 2

Pct .667 .667 .500 .500 .333

GB — — 1/2 1/2 1

Oakland Los Angeles Texas Seattle

W 3 1 1 1

L 1 2 2 3

Pct .750 .333 .333 .250

GB — 1 1/2 1 1/2 2

Atlanta Florida Philadelphia New York Washington

W 2 2 2 1 1

L 1 1 1 2 2

Pct .667 .667 .667 .333 .333

Milwaukee Pittsburgh St. Louis Chicago Cincinnati Houston

W 2 2 2 1 1 0

L 1 1 1 2 2 3

Pct .667 .667 .667 .333 .333 .000

GB — — — 1 1 2

San Francisco Arizona Colorado Los Angeles San Diego

W 3 2 1 1 1

L 0 1 2 2 2

Pct 1.000 .667 .333 .333 .333

GB — 1 2 2 2

WCGB — — — 1 1 1/2

L10 2-0 2-1 2-1 1-2 0-2

Str W-2 W-2 W-2 L-2 L-2

Home 2-0 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-0

Away 0-0 2-1 2-1 0-0 0-2

L10 2-1 2-1 1-1 1-1 1-2

Str W-1 W-2 L-1 W-1 L-1

Home 0-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 1-2

Away 2-1 2-1 0-0 1-1 0-0

L10 3-1 1-2 1-2 1-3

Str W-3 L-2 L-2 L-3

Home 3-1 1-2 1-2 0-0

Away 0-0 0-0 0-0 1-3

L10 2-1 2-1 2-1 1-2 1-2

Str L-1 W-2 L-1 L-2 W-1

Home 2-1 0-0 0-0 1-2 1-2

Away 0-0 2-1 2-1 0-0 0-0

L10 2-1 2-1 2-1 1-2 1-2 0-3

Str W-2 L-1 L-1 W-1 W-1 L-3

Home 2-1 2-1 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-3

Away 0-0 0-0 2-1 1-2 0-0 0-0

L10 3-0 2-1 1-2 1-2 1-2

Str W-3 W-1 L-2 W-1 L-1

Home 0-0 2-1 0-0 0-0 0-0

Away 3-0 0-0 1-2 1-2 1-2

Central Division WCGB — — 1/2 1/2 1

West Division WCGB — 1 1 1 1/2



NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division GB — — — 1 1

WCGB — — — 1 1

Westchester 7, Calvary 4 (6) Winning pitcher: Messiah Henderson Leading hitters: WCDS – Donnie Sellers 2-3, 3B, 2 runs, RBI; George Lindner 1-3, 2B, 2 runs; Matt Howell 1-3, 3B, run, 2 RBIs Records: WCDS 4-2 Next game: WCDS at Caldwell, today, 4 p.m.

Central Division WCGB — — — 1 1 2

West Division

AMERICAN LEAGUE Wednesday’s Games

WCGB — — 1 1 1





Q. Who won the first Masters Par-3 competition, held in 1960?

NATIONAL LEAGUE Wednesday’s Games Milwaukee 5, Colorado 4 San Francisco 10, Houston 4 Pittsburgh 4, L.A. Dodgers 3, 10 innings Philadelphia 8, Washington 4 Atlanta 3, Chicago Cubs 2 Florida 7, N.Y. Mets 6, 10 innings St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 3 Arizona 5, San Diego 3

Tampa Bay 4, Baltimore 3 N.Y. Yankees 3, Boston 1, 10 innings Toronto 7, Texas 4 Cleveland 5, Chicago White Sox 3 Kansas City 3, Detroit 2, 11 innings Minnesota 4, L.A. Angels 2 Oakland 6, Seattle 5

Thursday’s Games

Thursday’s Games

Toronto 3, Texas 1 Detroit 7, Kansas City 3 Oakland 6, Seattle 2 Baltimore at Tampa Bay, late Cleveland at Chicago White Sox, late Minnesota at L.A. Angels, late

Today’s Games

San Diego (Richard 0-0) at Colorado (De La Rosa 0-0), 4:10 p.m. Atlanta (Hudson 0-0) at San Francisco (Sanchez 0-0), 4:35 p.m. Chicago Cubs (Silva 0-0) at Cincinnati (Bailey 0-0), 7:10 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Kuroda 0-0) at Florida (Volstad 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Washington (Mock 0-0) at N.Y. Mets (Pelfrey 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Philadelphia (Happ 0-0) at Houston (Norris 0-0), 8:05 p.m. St. Louis (Lohse 0-0) at Milwaukee (Bush 0-0), 8:10 p.m. Pittsburgh (Morton 0-0) at Arizona (R.Lopez 0-0), 9:40 p.m.

Saturday’s Games

⁄ 2 2 2 1 1 Blevins A.Bailey ⁄ 1 0 0 1 0 B.Anderson pitched to 2 batters in the 7th. WP—Fister 2, Colome. PB—K.Suzuki. Balk—Fister. T—2:50. A—12,464 (35,067).

All Times EDT Thursday’s Games

Today’s Games

Cleveland (Huff 0-0) at Detroit (Porcello 00), 1:05 p.m. Toronto (Morrow 0-0) at Baltimore (Bergesen 0-0), 3:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees (Vazquez 0-0) at Tampa Bay (Price 0-0), 7:10 p.m. Seattle (Vargas 0-0) at Texas (Lewis 0-0), 8:05 p.m. Boston (Wakefield 0-0) at Kansas City (Davies 0-0), 8:10 p.m. Minnesota (Liriano 0-0) at Chicago White Sox (Danks 0-0), 8:10 p.m. Oakland (G.Gonzalez 0-0) at L.A. Angels (Palmer 0-0), 10:05 p.m.

2 3 2 3

South Atlantic League

L.A. Dodgers 10, Pittsburgh 2 Cincinnati 2, St. Louis 1 Washington 6, Philadelphia 5 Chicago Cubs 2, Atlanta 0 Florida 3, N.Y. Mets 1

Hagerstown 1, Hickory 0, 6 innings Augusta 2, Greensboro 0, 5 inn., susp., rain Charleston 5, Lexington 2 Rome at Kannapolis, ppd., rain Delmarva at Greenville, late Lakewood at Asheville, late West Virginia at Savannah, late

Today’s Games Augusta at Greensboro, 5:30, comp. of susp. game Rome at Kannapolis, 6:05 p.m., 1st game Hickory at Hagerstown, 6:35 p.m. Delmarva at Greenville, 7 p.m. Augusta at Greensboro, 7 p.m. Lexington at Charleston, 7:05 p.m. Lakewood at Asheville, 7:05 p.m. West Virginia at Savannah, 7:05 p.m. Rome at Kannapolis, 8:35 p.m., 2nd game

Saturday’s Games

Saturday’s Games

Cleveland at Detroit, 1:05 p.m. Minnesota at Chicago White Sox, 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees at Tampa Bay, 3:10 p.m. Seattle at Texas, 3:10 p.m. Toronto at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Boston at Kansas City, 7:10 p.m. Oakland at L.A. Angels, 9:05 p.m.

West Virginia at Savannah, 6:05 p.m. Hickory at Hagerstown, 6:35 p.m. Augusta at Greensboro, 7 p.m. Delmarva at Greenville, 7 p.m. Rome at Kannapolis, 7:05 p.m. Lexington at Charleston, 7:05 p.m. Lakewood at Asheville, 7:05 p.m.

Chicago Cubs at Cincinnati, 1:10 p.m. Washington at N.Y. Mets, 1:10 p.m. St. Louis at Milwaukee, 3:10 p.m. Philadelphia at Houston, 7:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers at Florida, 7:10 p.m. Pittsburgh at Arizona, 8:10 p.m. San Diego at Colorado, 8:10 p.m. Atlanta at San Francisco, 10:05 p.m.

Carolina League Cubs 2, Braves 0 Chicago Theriot ss Fukdm rf D.Lee 1b ArRmr 3b Byrd cf Colvin lf JeBakr 2b K.Hill c R.Wells p ASorin ph Marshll p Caridd p Grabow p Marml p Totals

Atlanta ab 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 0 1 0 0 0 0

r 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

h 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

bi 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ab MeCarr lf 4 Prado 2b 4 C.Jones 3b 1 Infante 3b 2 McCnn c 3 Conrad pr 0 D.Ross c 0 Glaus 1b 4 YEscor ss 4 Heywrd rf 4 McLoth cf 3 Hanson p 2 OFlhrt p 0 Diaz ph 1 JChavz p 0 Hinske ph 1 30 2 4 2 Totals 33

r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

h bi 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0

Chicago 010 100 000 — 2 Atlanta 000 000 000 — 0 E—R.Wells (1). DP—Chicago 3. LOB—Chicago 5, Atlanta 10. 2B—Prado (2). HR—Byrd (2), Colvin (1). S—R.Wells. IP H R ER BB SO Chicago R.Wells W,1-0 6 6 0 0 2 1 2 Marshall H,2 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 Caridad H,1 1 1 0 0 0 1 Grabow 0 0 0 0 1 0 Marmol S,1-1 11⁄3 1 0 0 1 2 Atlanta Hanson L,0-1 51⁄3 4 2 2 3 7 O’Flaherty 12⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 J.Chavez 2 0 0 0 0 2 Grabow pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. T—2:45. A—27,443 (49,743).

Nationals 6, Phillies 5 Philadelphia ab Rollins ss 4 Polanc 3b 5 Utley 2b 5 Howard 1b 4 Werth rf 5 Ibanez lf 4 Victorn cf 4 Schndr c 3 Kndrck p 1 Gload ph 1 Contrrs p 0 BFrncs ph 0 Figuero p 0 Dobbs ph 0 Bastrd p 0 Herndn p 0 Totals 36

r 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5

h 2 2 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12

bi 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

Washington ab Morgan cf 3 CGzmn ss 4 Zmrmn 3b 4 Dunn 1b 3 Wlngh lf 3 Tavers rf 0 WHarrs rf-lf 3 AKndy 2b 4 Nieves c 4 Stmmn p 2 SBurntt p 0 Clipprd p 0 AlGnzlz ph 0 Bruney p 0 Dsmnd ph 1 Capps p 0 Totals 31

r 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 6

h bi 1 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6

Philadelphia 011 021 000 — 5 Washington 300 200 10x — 6 E—Morgan (1). LOB—Philadelphia 11, Washington 6. 2B—Rollins (2), Polanco (2), Utley (1), Werth 3 (3), C.Guzman (1), Zimmerman 2 (3), A.Kennedy (1). 3B—Morgan (1). HR—W.Harris (1). SB—W.Harris (1). S—Schneider, Morgan. SF—Rollins, Willingham. IP H R ER BB SO Philadelphia K.Kendrick 4 6 5 5 0 2 Contreras 1 1 0 0 0 0 Figueroa L,0-1 2 1 1 1 3 0 2 Bastardo ⁄3 0 0 0 0 1 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 Herndon Washington Stammen 5 9 4 4 0 1 1 S.Burnett H,1 ⁄3 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 Cliprd W,1-0 BS 12⁄3 Bruney H,1 1 1 0 0 1 0 Capps S,1-1 1 1 0 0 1 0 HBP—by Clippard (B.Francisco). T—2:46. A—20,217 (41,546).

Reds 2, Cardinals 1 St. Louis


ab Schmkr 2b 4 Ryan ss 4 Pujols 1b 3 Hollidy lf 4 Rasms cf 2 FLopez 3b 4 Craig rf 4 TMiller p 0 Motte p 0 LaRue c 3 Penny p 2 Ludwck ph 1 Boggs p 0 Stavinh rf 0 Totals 31

r 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

h 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4

bi 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Stubbs cf OCarer ss Votto 1b Phillips 2b Rolen 3b Bruce rf Gomes lf Hanign c Arroyo p Corder p


ab 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 3 0

r 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0

h bi 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 0

31 2 8 2

St. Louis 000 000 100 — 1 Cincinnati 000 010 001 — 2 One out when winning run scored. E—Rolen (1), O.Cabrera (1). DP—St. Louis 2, Cincinnati 1. LOB—St. Louis 6, Cincinnati 7. 2B—Hanigan (1). HR—Holliday (1), Gomes (1). IP H R ER BB SO St. Louis Penny 7 6 1 1 2 4 Boggs 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 T.Miller Motte L,0-1 0 1 1 1 0 0 Cincinnati Arroyo 8 4 1 1 3 6 Cordero W,1-0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Motte pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. T—2:40. A—13,445 (42,319).

Dodgers 10, Pirates 2 Los Angeles ab Furcal ss 5 RJhnsn lf 4 Kemp cf 4 Loney 1b 5 Bellird 3b 5 GAndrs rf 3 JCarrll 2b 5 Ausms c 4 Blngsly p 2 JefWvr p 0 Troncs p 0 MRmrz ph 1 Mnstrs p 0 Broxtn p 0 Totals

Pittsburgh r 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

h 2 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

bi 0 0 2 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

ab Iwamr 2b 5 AMcCt cf 4 Raynor ph 0 GJones 1b 3 Doumit c 4 Jarmll c 1 Church lf 4 DlwYn rf 2 AnLRc 3b 4 Mahlm p 2 Clemnt ph 0 Penn p 0 Tschnr p 0 Milledg ph 1 JaLopz p 0 Crosby ss 4 38 10 16 10 Totals 34

r 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

h bi 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8 2

Los Angeles 101 020 402 — 10 Pittsburgh 000 001 010 — 2 E—Belliard 2 (2), G.Jones (1), Crosby 2 (2). DP—Los Angeles 2, Pittsburgh 1. LOB— Los Angeles 6, Pittsburgh 11. 2B—Furcal (1), Re.Johnson (1), Kemp (3), Belliard (1), Ausmus (1), Delw.Young 2 (2). 3B—Belliard (1). HR—Belliard (1). S—Re.Johnson. SF—Kemp, G.Anderson, Clement. IP H R ER BB SO Los Angeles Bilingsly W,1-0 512⁄3 5 1 1 4 7 Jef.Weaver ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0

Troncoso 1 0 0 Monasterios 1 2 1 Broxton 1 0 0 Pittsburgh Maholm L,0-1 6 6 4 Penn 1 6 4 Taschner 1 0 0 Ja.Lopez 1 4 2 T—3:09. A—9,352 (38,362).

0 1 0

0 0 1

0 1 1

4 4 0 2

2 0 0 0

3 0 0 1



r 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

h 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

bi 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0

ab Pagan cf 4 Castillo 2b 4 DWrght 3b 4 Bay lf 4 Francr rf 4 Tatis 1b 4 Barajs c 4 RTejad ss 2 MthwsJ ph 1 Niese p 2 Igarash p 0 Catlntt ph 1 Takhsh p 0 Nieve p 0 Felicin p 0 35 3 9 3 Totals 34

r 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

h bi 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1

Florida 100 011 000 — 3 New York 000 100 000 — 1 DP—New York 1. LOB—Florida 9, New York 7. 2B—Cantu 2 (3), R.Paulino (1), G.Sanchez (3), Francoeur (2). IP H R ER BB SO Florida NRobrtson W,1-0 5 6 1 1 0 4 Badenhop H,1 3 1 0 0 0 2 Nunez S,1-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 New York Niese L,0-1 6 8 3 3 2 3 Igarashi 1 0 0 0 1 0 Takahashi 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 Nieve ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 2 Feliciano ⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 Takahashi pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. HBP—by N.Robertson (R.Tejada). T—2:48. A—25,982 (41,800).

Blue Jays 3, Rangers 1 Toronto

Winston-Salem 7, Kinston 1 Myrtle Beach 4, Wilmington 1 Frederick at Lynchburg, ppd., rain Salem 1, Potomac 0, 2 innings, susp.,

r 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0

h 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0

bi 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0

ab Borbon cf 4 MYong 3b 3 Garko 1b 3 C.Davis 1b 0 Guerrr dh 4 N.Cruz rf 3 DvMrp lf 3 J.Arias 2b 1 Tegrdn c 4 ABlanc 2b 2 Hamltn ph-lf 1 Andrus ss 3 34 3 9 3 Totals 31

r 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1

h bi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0

Toronto 000 000 003 — 3 Texas 000 000 100 — 1 DP—Texas 1. LOB—Toronto 9, Texas 7. 2B—Bautista (1), Ale.Gonzalez (1), N.Cruz (2), Dav.Murphy (1). 3B—Overbay (1). HR— V.Wells (4). SF—Encarnacion. IP H R ER BB SO Toronto R.Romero 7 5 1 1 2 4 Janssen W,1-0 1 0 0 0 1 3 Frasor S,2-3 1 0 0 0 1 2 Texas C.Wilson 7 5 0 0 2 9 N.Feliz H,1 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 4 3 3 1 1 FFrncsc L,1-1 BS ⁄3 O’Day 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Oliver ⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 O’Day pitched to 1 batter in the 9th. WP—R.Romero 2, Janssen, Frasor 2. T—2:45. A—14,707 (49,170).

Tigers 7, Royals 3 Detroit ab AJcksn cf 5 Damon dh 4 Ordonz rf 4 MiCarr 1b 5 CGuilln lf 4 Santiag 2b 0 Raburn 2b-lf4 Kelly 3b 2 Inge ph-3b 3 Laird c 4 Everett ss 3 Totals 38

r 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 7

h 2 0 3 4 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 12

bi 1 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 7

Kansas City ab DeJess rf 4 Pdsdnk lf 5 Callasp 3b 4 BButler 1b 2 JGuilln dh 4 Aviles pr-dh 0 Ankiel cf 3 YBtncr ss 4 Kendall c 4 Getz 2b 4 Totals

r 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

h bi 2 0 4 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0

34 3 11 3

Detroit 000 001 033 — 7 Kansas City 101 000 010 — 3 E—Ankiel (1). DP—Detroit 3, Kansas City 1. LOB—Detroit 9, Kansas City 8. 2B— A.Jackson 2 (3), Inge (2), Everett (1), J.Guillen (1). HR—Ordonez (1), Mi.Cabrera (2). SB— Getz (2). CS—Mi.Cabrera (2). SF—Ankiel. IP H R ER BB SO Detroit Willis 6 7 2 2 2 4 Bonine W,1-0 1 3 0 0 0 0 Perry H,2 1 1 1 1 1 0 Valverde 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kansas City Bannister 6 6 1 1 0 3 D.Hughes H,1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 5 5 1 1 Mendza L,0-1 BS112⁄3 Colon ⁄3 1 0 0 1 0 D.Hughes pitched to 1 batter in the 8th. HBP—by Colon (Raburn). WP—Willis, Bannister 2. T—3:06. A—10,909 (37,840).

Athletics 6, Mariners 2 Seattle ab ISuzuki rf 4 Figgins 2b 4 FGtrrz cf 3 Bradly lf 3 MSwny dh 4 JoLopz 3b 3 Tuiassp 1b 4 Moore c 3 Ktchm ph 1 JWilson ss 3 Totals 32

Oakland r 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

h 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 7

bi 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2

ab RDavis cf 5 Barton 1b 4 RSwny rf 4 Kzmnff 3b 4 KSuzuk c 4 EChavz dh 3 Pattrsn dh 0 Ellis 2b 4 T.Buck lf 3 Pnngtn ss 4 Totals 35

r h bi 1 2 0 0 3 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 6 11 6

Seattle 000 000 002 — 2 Oakland 001 102 02x — 6 E—Barton (2). DP—Oakland 2. LOB—Seattle 6, Oakland 10. 2B—F.Gutierrez (2), R.Sweeney (1), Ellis (1), Pennington 2 (2). SB—Patterson (1), Pennington (1). IP H R ER BB SO Seattle Fister L,0-1 4 6 2 2 3 2 Colome 3 3 2 2 1 4 Texeira 1 2 2 2 1 0 Oakland BAndrson W,1-0 6 3 0 0 1 4 2 Gaudin H,1 1 ⁄3 1 0 0 0 3



Frederick at Lynchburg, 6 p.m., 1st game Salem at Potomac, 6:35 p.m. Winston-Salem at Kinston, 7 p.m. Wilmington at Myrtle Beach, 7:05 p.m. Frederick at Lynchburg, 8:35 p.m., 2nd

Sunday’s Games Salem at Potomac, 1:05 p.m. Winston-Salem at Kinston, 2 p.m. Frederick at Lynchburg, 2:05 p.m. Wilmington at Myrtle Beach, 3:05 p.m.

International League All Times EDT Thursday’s Games Syracuse 8, Lehigh Valley 7 Louisville 5, Toledo 3 Gwinnett 8, Charlotte 6 Pawtucket 11, Rochester 3 Indianapolis at Columbus, late Buffalo at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, late Durham at Norfolk, late

Today’s Games Lehigh Valley at Syracuse, 2 p.m. Louisville at Toledo, 5:30 p.m. Rochester at Pawtucket, 7:05 p.m. Buffalo at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, 7:05 p.m. Indianapolis at Columbus, 7:05 p.m. Charlotte at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m. Durham at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m.

Saturday’s Games Buffalo at Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, 1:05 p.m. Rochester at Pawtucket, 1:05 p.m. Lehigh Valley at Syracuse, 2 p.m. Louisville at Toledo, 6 p.m. Charlotte at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m. Indianapolis at Columbus, 7:05 p.m. Durham at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m.



NHL W 46 45 40 37 34

GP 80 80 80 81 81

W 44 44 37 39 29

L OT Pts GF GA 27 7 99 213 189 27 7 97 244 228 34 6 86 231 220 33 10 84 217 213 35 10 78 213 244 L 26 31 30 33 38

OT Pts GF GA 10 98 229 203 5 93 220 229 13 87 198 195 9 87 214 219 14 72 210 264

Southeast Division GP z-Washington 80 Atlanta 80 Carolina 81 Florida 80 Tampa Bay 79

W 53 34 35 32 31

L 15 33 36 36 36

OT Pts GF GA 12 118 310 227 13 81 231 251 10 80 228 252 12 76 204 237 12 74 206 253

WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division y-Chicago x-Detroit x-Nashville St. Louis Columbus

GP 80 80 81 80 81

W 51 42 46 39 32

L OT Pts GF GA 22 7 109 264 204 24 14 98 225 214 29 6 98 223 224 32 9 87 218 218 35 14 78 216 258

Northwest Division GP y-Vancouver 80 x-Colorado 80 Calgary 80 Minnesota 80 Edmonton 80

W 48 43 40 37 26

L OT Pts GF GA 27 5 101 263 215 29 8 94 241 226 31 9 89 200 201 36 7 81 214 241 46 8 60 208 274

Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA y-San Jose 80 49 20 11 109 257 211 x-Phoenix 80 49 25 6 104 220 197 x-Los Angeles79 45 27 7 97 234 211 Anaheim 79 38 31 10 86 226 240 Dallas 80 35 31 14 84 230 249 x-clinched playoff spot; y-clinched division; z-clinched conference Wednesday’s Games N.Y. Rangers 5, Toronto 1 Detroit 4, Columbus 3 Chicago 6, St. Louis 5 Edmonton 5, Colorado 4, OT Phoenix 5, Nashville 2

Thursday’s Games Boston 3, Buffalo 1 Carolina 5, Montreal 2 Florida 3, New Jersey 2 N.Y. Islanders at Pittsburgh, late Ottawa at Tampa Bay, late Anaheim at Dallas, late Minnesota at Calgary, late Phoenix at Los Angeles, late Vancouver at San Jose, late

Today’s Games

Saturday’s Games Carolina at Boston, 1 p.m. Edmonton at Los Angeles, 4 p.m. Toronto at Montreal, 7 p.m. Buffalo at Ottawa, 7 p.m. N.Y. Islanders at New Jersey, 7 p.m. Pittsburgh at Atlanta, 7 p.m. Florida at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. St. Louis at Nashville, 8 p.m. Dallas at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Calgary at Vancouver, 10 p.m. Phoenix at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.

Hurricanes 5, Canadiens 2 0 0

1 2

Pct .628 .487 .359 .333 .141

GB — 11 21 23 38

W 55 49 44 42 24

L 23 29 34 36 54

Pct .705 .628 .564 .538 .308

GB — 6 11 13 31

W 61 44 37 30 25

z-Cleveland x-Milwaukee Chicago Indiana Detroit

L 17 34 40 48 53

Pct .782 .564 .481 .385 .321

GB — 171 23 ⁄2 31 36

WESTERN CONFERENCE Southwest Division W 51 48 40 39 35

x-Dallas x-San Antonio Houston Memphis New Orleans

L 27 30 38 39 44

Pct .654 .615 .513 .500 .443

GB — 3 11 121 16 ⁄2

Northwest Division x-Denver x-Utah x-Oklahoma City x-Portland Minnesota

W 51 51 48 48 15

L 27 28 30 30 63

Pct .654 .646 .615 .615 .192

GB — 1 ⁄2 3 3 36

Pacific Division W y-L.A. Lakers 55 x-Phoenix 51 L.A. Clippers 27 Golden State 24 Sacramento 24 x-clinched playoff spot; z-clinched conference

L Pct GB 22 .714 —1 27 .654 4 ⁄21 51 .346 281⁄2 54 .308 311⁄2 54 .308 31 ⁄2 y-clinched division;

Wednesday’s Games Indiana 113, New York 105 Boston 115, Toronto 104 Orlando 121, Washington 94 Detroit 90, Atlanta 88 Miami 99, Philadelphia 95 Houston 113, Utah 96 Milwaukee 108, New Jersey 89 Golden State 116, Minnesota 107 Charlotte 104, New Orleans 103 Denver 98, Oklahoma City 94 Dallas 110, Memphis 84 Portland 93, L.A. Clippers 85 Phoenix 112, San Antonio 101

Thursday’s Games Cleveland at Chicago, late L.A. Clippers at Sacramento, late L.A. Lakers at Denver, late

Today’s Games Milwaukee at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. New York at Orlando, 7 p.m. Toronto at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. Washington at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Indiana at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m. Detroit at Miami, 7:30 p.m. L.A. Lakers at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Utah at New Orleans, 8 p.m. Phoenix at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m. Chicago at New Jersey, 8 p.m. Charlotte at Houston, 8:30 p.m. Memphis at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Dallas at Portland, 10 p.m. Detroit at Charlotte, 7 p.m. New Jersey at Indiana, 7 p.m. Atlanta at Washington, 7 p.m. Philadelphia at Memphis, 8 p.m. Boston at Milwaukee, 8:30 p.m. San Antonio at Denver, 9 p.m. Dallas at Sacramento, 10 p.m. Golden State at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m.

2010 WNBA Draft

1 3

— —

Thursday At Secaucus, N.J. First Round 1. Connecticut (from New York through Minnesota), Tina Charles, C, Connecticut. 2. Minnesota (from Connecticut), Monica Wright, G, Virginia. 3. Minnesota, x-Kelsey Griffin, F, Nebraska. 4. Chicago, Epiphanny Prince, G, RutgersBotas Spor(Turkey). 5. San Antonio, Jayne Appel, C, Stanford. 6. Washington, Jacinta Monroe, C, Florida State. 7. Connecticut (from Tulsa), Danielle McCray, F, Kansas. 8. Los Angeles, Andrea Riley, G, Oklahoma State. 9. Atlanta, Chanel Mokango, F, Mississippi State. 10. Seattle, Alison Lacey, G, Iowa State. 11. Indiana, Jene Morris, G, San Diego State. 12. Los Angeles (from Phoenix), Bianca Thomas, G, Mississippi. x-traded to Connecticut for 2011 first- and second-round draft picks.

Second Round 13. New York, Kalana Greene, F, Connecticut. 14. Washington (from Minnesota), Jenna Smith, C, Illinois. 15. Connecticut, Allison Hightower, F, LSU. 16. New York (from Chicago) Ashley Houts, G, Georgia. 17. San Antonio, Alysha Clark, F, Middle Tennessee State. 18. Washington, Shanavia Dowdell, F, Louisiana Tech. 19. Tulsa, Amanda Thompson, F, Oklahoma. 20. Los Angeles, Angel Robinson, F, Georgia. 21. Atlanta, Brigitte Ardossi, F, Georgia Tech 22. Seattle, Tanisha Smith, G, Texas A&M 23. Indiana, Armelie Lumanu, G, Mississippi State. 24. Phoenix, Tyra Grant, G, Penn State

Phil Mickelson Y.E. Yang K.J. Choi Anthony Kim Nick Watney Ian Poulter Tiger Woods Ricky Barnes David Toms Sandy Lyle Trevor Immelman Charl Schwartzel Adam Scott Francesco Molinari Soren Kjeldsen Zach Johsnon Yuta Ikeda Matt Kuchar Bernhard Langer John Senden Steve Marino Dustin Johnson Mike Weir a-Matteo Manassero Ernie Els Hunter Mahan Robert Karlsson Ben Crane Nathan Green Heath Slocum John Merrick Jerry Kelly Marc Leishman Bill Haas Ryo Ishikawa Robert Allenby Ryan Palmer Ryan Moore Sean O’Hair Kenny Perry Miguel Angel Jimenez Scott Verplank a-Brad Benjamin Angel Cabrera Ben Curtis Steve Stricker Brian Gay a-Nathan Smith Geoff Ogilvy Luke Donald Todd Hamilton Retief Goosen Kevin Na Soren Hansen Thongchai Jaidee Camilo Villegas Rory McIlroy Sergio Garcia Padraig Harrington Louis Oosthuizen Graeme McDowell Mark O’Meara Rory Sabbatini Tim Clark Alvaro Quiros Paul Casey Justin Leonard Steve Flesch a-Ben Martin John Rollins Jason Dufner Shingo Katayama Martin Kaymer Larry Mize Vijay Singh Edoardo Molinari Lucas Glover Stewart Cink David Duval Simon Dyson Ben Crenshaw Ross Fisher Oliver Wilson a-Byeong-Hun An Chris Wood Craig Stadler Chad Campbell a-Chang-won Han Anders Hansen Jim Furyk Henrik Stenson Ian Woosnam Michael Campbell

35-32 35-32 35-32 33-35 34-34 34-34 33-35 36-32 35-34 35-34 36-33 35-34 37-32 35-35 33-37 35-35 37-33 33-37 33-38 36-35 33-38 37-34 36-35 35-36 35-36 37-34 36-35 36-35 36-36 36-36 36-36 35-37 38-34 35-37 35-37 39-33 35-37 36-36 36-36 36-36 37-35 36-37 38-35 33-40 38-35 37-36 34-40 35-39 40-34 39-35 35-39 35-39 37-37 39-35 37-37 37-37 37-37 37-37 37-37 36-39 40-35 38-37 36-39 35-40 36-39 36-39 37-38 40-35 36-39 34-41 36-39 38-37 38-38 37-39 38-38 37-39 37-39 35-41 35-41 38-39 40-37 39-38 40-38 39-39 41-37 42-37 38-41 39-40 39-41 36-44 41-39 41-40 41-42

— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —

67 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 83

Masters tee times All Times EDT At Augusta National Golf Club a-amateur Today 7:50 a.m. — Ben Crane, Simon Dyson, Michael Campbell 8:01 a.m. — Larry Mize, Ryan Palmer, Chris Wood 8:12 a.m. — Sandy Lyle, Justin Leonard, Kevin Na 8:23 a.m. — Ben Crenshaw, Steve Flesch, a-Ben Martin 8:34 a.m. — Ryan Moore, Ross Fisher, Nick Watney 8:45 a.m. — Trevor Immelman, Soren Hansen, John Rollins 8:56 a.m. — Vijay Singh, Jason Dufner, Sean O’Hair 9:07 a.m. — Thongchai Jaidee, Ben Curtis, Soren Kjeldsen 9:18 a.m. — Camilo Villegas, Kenny Perry, Rory McIlroy 9:29 a.m. — Zach Johnson, Henrik Stenson, a-Chang-won Han 9:40 a.m. — Fred Couples, Sergio Garcia, Shingo Katayama 10:02 a.m. — Miguel Angel Jimenez, Edoardo Molinari, Lucas Glover 10:13 a.m. — Charl Schwartzel, Stewart Cink, Padraig Harrington 10:24 a.m. — Yuta Ikeda, Ian Poulter, Steve Stricker 10:35 a.m. — Tiger Woods, Matt Kuchar, K.J. Choi 10:46 a.m. — Adam Scott, David Duval, Ricky Barnes. 10:57 a.m. — Nathan Green, Heath Slocum, Louis Oosthuizen 11:08 a.m. — Craig Stadler, John Merrick, Jerry Kelly 11:19 a.m. — Ian Woosnam, Brian Gay, Marc Leishman 11:30 a.m. — Bernhard Langer, Scott Verplank, a-Brad Benjamin 11:41 a.m. — John Senden, David Toms, Graeme McDowell 11:52 a.m. — Mark O’Meara, Rory Sabbatini, a-Nathan Smith 12:14 p.m. — Martin Kaymer, Geoff Ogilvy, Luke Donald 12:25 p.m. — Tom Watson, Tim Clark, Steve Marino 12:36 p.m. — Bill Haas, Todd Hamilton, Anders Hansen 12:47 p.m. — Dustin Johnson, Oliver Wilson, Alvaro Quiros 12:58 p.m. — Mike Weir, Lee Westwood, a-Matteo Manassero 1:09 p.m. — Chad Campbell, Francesco Molinari, Paul Casey 1:20 p.m. — Ernie Els, Anthony Kim, Ryo Ishikawa 1:31 p.m. — Angel Cabrera, Jim Furyk, aByeong-Hun An 1:42 p.m. — Phil Mickelson, Robert Allenby, Y.E. Yang 1:53 p.m. — Retief Goosen, Hunter Mahan, Robert Karlsson

25. New York, Cory Montgomery, F, Nebraska. 26. Minnesota, Gabriella Marginean, F, Drexel. 27. Connecticut, Johannah Leedham, G, Franklin Pierce. 28. Chicago, Abi Olajuwon, C, Oklahoma. 29. San Antonio, Alexis Rack, G, Mississippi State. 30. Washington, Alexis Gray-Lawson, G, California. 31. Tulsa, Vivian Frieson, F, Gonzaga. 32. Los Angeles, Rashidat Junaid, C, Rutgers. 33. Atlanta, Brittainey Raven, G, Texas. 34. Seattle, Tijana Krivacevic, F, Hungary. 35. Indiana, Joy Cheek, F, Duke. 36. Phoenix, Nyeshia Stevenson, G, Oklahoma.

GOLF 2 5

First Period—None. Penalties—Harrison, Car (tripping), :11. Second Period—1, Carolina, Staal 27 (Jokinen, LaRose), 1:24. 2, Carolina, LaRose 10 (Staal, Kostopoulos), 4:51. 3, Montreal, Gionta 27 (Moore, Markov), 11:21. Penalties—None. Third Period—4, Carolina, Staal 28 (McBain, Rodney), 2:42 (pp). 5, Montreal, Bergeron 12 (Gomez, Gionta), 3:03. 6, Caro-


The Masters

Thursday At Augusta (Ga.) National Golf Club Yardage: 7,435; Par: 72 (36-36) First Round (a-amateur) Fred Couples Tom Watson Lee Westwood

34-32 — 66 34-33 — 67 35-32 — 67

WTA MPS Group Thursday At Sawgrass Country Club Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Purse: $220,000 (Intl.) Surface: Green Clay-Outdoor Singles Second Round

Olga Govortsova, Belarus, def. Anna Tatishvili, Georgia, 6-2, 6-2. Elena Vesnina (4), Russia, def. Julia Goerges, Germany, 6-3, 6-2. Varvara Lepchenko, United States, def. Angelique Kerber, Germany, 6-1, 6-1.

Doubles Quarterfinals Sarah Borwell, Britain, and Raquel KopsJones, United States, def. Julia Goerges, Germany, and Barbora Zahlavova Strycova, Czech Republic, 6-3, 3-6, 10-8 tiebreak.

WTA Andalucia Thursday At Club de Tenis Puente Romano Marbella, Spain Purse: $220,000 (Intl.) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Second Round Sara Errani, Italy, def. Anabel Medina Garrigues (7), Spain, 6-1, 7-6 (1). Simona Halep, Romania, def. Sorana Cirstea, Romania, 6-4, 7-6 (4). Beatriz Garcia Vidagany, Spain, def. Kim Clijsters (3), Belgium, 7-5, 4-6, 6-4. Carla Suarez Navarro (8), Spain, def. Polona Hercog, Slovenia, 6-4, 7-6 (2). Flavia Pennetta (2), Italy, def. Laura Pous Tio, Spain, 6-2, 6-2. Victoria Azarenka (1), Belarus, def. Estrella Cabeza Candela, Spain, 6-2, 6-4.

Doubles Quarterfinals Maria Kondratieva, Russia, and Yaroslava Shvedova, Kazakhstan, def. Lourdes Dominguez Lino and Arantxa Parra Santonja, Spain, 6-0, 6-4.

ATP Grand Prix Hassan Thursday At Complexe Sportif al Amal Casablanca, Morocco Purse: $537,400 (WT250) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Second Round Stanislas Wawrinka (1), Switzerland, def. Martin Klizan, Slovakia, 6-0, 4-6, 6-4. Victor Hanescu (3), Romania, def. Jarkko Nieminen, Finland, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2. Reda El Amrani, Morocco, def. Jan Hajek, Czech Republic, 6-3, 2-6, 6-2. Richard Gasquet, France, def. Andrey Golubev, Kazakhstan, 6-1, 6-1.

Doubles Semifinals Rohan Bopanna, India, and Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi, Pakistan, def. Philipp Marx, Germany, and Igor Zelenay, Slovakia, 6-3, 6-4. Robert Lindstedt, Sweden, and Horia Tecau (3), Romania, def. Marcel Granollers and Marc Lopez (2), Spain, 6-4, 6-3.

ATP US Men’s Clay Court Thursday At River Oaks Country Club, Houston Purse: $607,200 (WT250) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Second Round Horacio Zeballos (6), Argentina, def. Dudi Sela, Israel, 6-3, 6-2. Wayne Odesnik, United States, def. Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan, 6-1, 7-5. Lleyton Hewitt (4), Australia, def. Somdev Devvarman, India, 1-6, 6-0, 7-6 (2). Sam Querrey (3), United States, def. Blaz Kavcic, Slovenia, 6-2, 6-1.

Doubles Quarterfinals Nathan Healey and Lleyton Hewitt, Australia, def. Denis Istomin, Uzbekistan, and Alessandro Motti, Italy, 6-4, 7-6 (5).

Semifinals Stephen Huss, Australia, and Wesley Moodie (3), South Africa, def. Horacio Zeballos, Argentina, and Mischa Zverev, Germany, 6-3, 6-3.



BASEBALL American League

OAKLAND ATHLETICS—Claimed OF Jai Miller off waivers from Florida and optioned him to Sacramento (PCL). Transferred LHP Josh Outman to the 60-day DL. SEATTLE MARINERS—Selected the contract of RHP Jesus Colome from Tacoma (PCL). Designated OF Ryan Langerhans for assignment. TEXAS RANGERS—Placed C Jarrod Saltalamacchia on the 15-day DL. Selected the contract of C Matt Treanor from Oklahoma City (PCL). Transferred RHP Warner Madrigal to the 60-day DL.

National League MILWAUKEE BREWERS—Agreed to terms with RHP Yovani Gallardo on a five-year contract. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES—Optioned RHP Andrew Carpenter to Lehigh Valley (IL). PITTSBURGH PIRATES—Released INF Ramon Vazquez unconditionally.

BASKETBALL National Basketball Association OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER—Assigned G Kyle Weaver to Tulsa (NBADL).

FOOTBALL National Football League CLEVELAND BROWNS—Signed OL Eric Ghiaciuc. DALLAS COWBOYS—Signed DE Jason Hatcher and NT Junior Siavii.

Canadian Football League WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS—Added LB Chad Nkang and DL Jarrell Chandler.

HOCKEY National Hockey League ATLANTA THRASHERS—Recalled D Arturs Kulda from Chicago (AHL). BUFFALO SABRES—Signed F Luke Adam to a three-year contract and assigned him to Portland (AHL). Recalled F Mark Mancari from Portland. MINNESOTA WILD—Recalled D Maxim Noreau from Houston (AHL). OTTAWA SENATORS—Recalled D Jared Cowen from Spokane (WHL). ST. LOUIS BLUES—Recalled F Lars Eller and D Jonas Junland from Peoria (AHL).

SOCCER Major League Soccer CHICAGO FIRE—Signed D Deris Umanzor.

Third Round

Philadelphia at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m. Atlanta at Washington, 7 p.m. Detroit at Columbus, 7 p.m. Anaheim at St. Louis, 8 p.m. Chicago at Colorado, 9 p.m.

Montreal Carolina

L 29 40 50 52 67

Southeast Division y-Orlando x-Atlanta x-Miami x-Charlotte Washington

Northeast Division y-Buffalo x-Ottawa Boston Montreal Toronto

W 49 38 28 26 11

y-Boston Toronto New York Philadelphia New Jersey

Saturday’s Games

All Times EDT EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP x-New Jersey 80 x-Pittsburgh 79 Philadelphia 80 N.Y. Rangers 80 N.Y. Islanders79

NBA All Times EDT EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division

Today’s Games


ab McCoy 2b 5 Bautist rf 4 Lind dh 5 V.Wells cf 3 Overay 1b 4 Encrnc 3b 2 AlGnzlz ss 4 JMolin c 3 J.Buck c 0 Snider lf 4 Totals

All Times EDT Thursday’s Games

Saturday’s Games

New York

ab Coghln lf 5 Maybin cf 4 HRmrz ss 3 Cantu 3b 4 Uggla 2b 4 RPauln c 4 C.Ross rf 4 GSnchz 1b 3 Nunez p 0 NRrtsn p 2 Barden ph 1 Badnhp p 0 Helms 3b 1

lina, LaRose 11 (Staal, McBain), 17:22. 7, Carolina, Staal 29 (LaRose), 18:45 (en). Penalties—Moen, Mon (tripping), 1:51; T.Conboy, Car (tripping), 8:13. Shots on Goal—Montreal 7-9-16—32. Carolina 10-14-9—33. Power-play opportunities—Montreal 0 of 2; Carolina 1 of 1. Goalies—Montreal, Halak 26-13-4 (32 shots-28 saves). Carolina, Ward 18-22-5 (3230). A—18,680 (18,680). T—2:16.

Central Division

Frederick at Lynchburg, 6:05 p.m. Winston-Salem at Kinston, 7 p.m. Salem at Potomac, 7:03 p.m. Wilmington at Myrtle Beach, 7:05 p.m.

Marlins 3, Mets 1

Middle school Baseball




Weekend glance All Times EDT NASCAR SPRINT CUP Subway Fresh Fit 600

Site: Avondale, Ariz. Schedule: Friday, practice (Speed, 1-3 p.m., 3:30-5 p.m.), qualifying (Speed, 7-9 p.m.); Saturday, race, 7:30 p.m. (FOX, 7-11 p.m.). Track: Phoenix International Raceway (oval, 1.0 miles). Race distance: 375 miles, 375 laps. Last year: Mark Martin raced to the first of his five 2009 victories, snapping a 97-race winless streak. At 50, Martin became the third-oldest winner in Sprint Cup history. Tony Stewart finished second. Last race: Denny Hamlin won the rain-delayed race at Martinsville Speedway on March 29, giving up the lead to take four tires, then rallying from ninth in a pair of two-lap sprints. Joey Logano, Hamlin’s Joe Gibbs Racing teammate, was second. Fast facts: Jimmie Johnson, the winner this year at California, Las Vegas and Bristol, leads the season standings with 898 points — 14 more than second-place Greg Biffle. Johnson won the November race at the track, his fourth victory in the last five races on the mile oval. He has 50 career Sprint Cup victo-

BUTLER—Signed men’s basketball coach Brad Stevens to a 12-year contract through the 2021-22 season. GEORGETOWN, D.C.—Named David Patenaude offensive coordinator and Matt Dence receivers coach. IONA—Named Tim Cluess men’s basketball coach. LIPSCOMB—Announced junior F Adnan Hodzic will enter the NBA draft. MISSOURI—Named Robin Pingeton women’s basketball coach. OKLAHOMA—Announced sophomore G Willie Warren will enter the NBA draft. PENN STATE—Announced junior G Talor Battle will enter the NBA draft. ROBERT MORRIS—Signed men’s basketball coach Mike Rice to a one-year contract extension through the 2016-17 season. SOUTHERN CAL—Named Dieter Horton men’s assistant basketball coach. Promoted Bob Cantu to men’s associate heda basketball coach. SUSQUEHANNA—Named Derek Pope running backs coach and Frank Duffy defensive backs coach. TEXAS—Announced freshman G Avery Bradley will enter the NBA draft.


---A. Sam Snead.




Southwest Guilford and High Point Central battled Thursday night in a match that ended just before heavy rain pounded the area. In photo at left, Central’s Maria Garcia (left) and Krystal Connor look to defend the Cowgirls’ Morgan Jackson (right). Jackson scored two goals as Southwest won, 3-0. In photo at right, Southwest’s Maggie Clark and Central’s Evelyn Cabon leap into action. Clark dished an assist for the Cowgirls.

Cowgirls blank Bison in PTC 4A clash ENTERPRISE STAFF REPORTS

SOCCER SW GUILFORD 3, HP CENTRAL 0 HIGH POINT – Morgan Jackson booted two goals and Kate Lamar added a goal and an assist as Southwest Guilford defeated High Point Central 3-0 on Thursday night. Michelle Casserman and Maggie Clark each dished an assist for the Cowgirls (37-1, 2-4 Piedmont Triad 4A Conference). Kayla Kruger and Rebecca Mortensen shared the goalkeeping duties for Southwest. Laura Galanti made several big saves in goal for the Bison (4-7). Central plays host to Ragsdale on Tuesday at 7 p.m. Southwest plays at Northeast Guilford today at 7 p.m.

CALVARY 4, WESTCHESTER 0 WINSTON-SALEM – Calvary Baptist picked up a 4-0 win against Westchester Country Day School in a match that ended just 12 minutes into the second half due to bad weather. Thursday’s defeat dropped the Wildcats to 4-2-1 overall and 2-2-1 in the Triad Athletic Conference entering today’s game at Gaston Day.

BASEBALL SW GUILFORD 13, ANDREWS 1 HIGH POINT – Matt Brandsema and Brock Hudgens each went 3-for-3 to lead Southwest Guilford to a 13-1 win over T. Wingate Andrews in five innings Thursday. Brandsema drove in two runs, while

Hudgens scored three times and clubbed a pair of doubles. Matt Dale ended 2-for-2 with two RBIs, Davis Inman was 2-for2 with a double and two RBIs, and Matt Orth finished 2-for-3 and scored twice. Andrew Madden got the mound win, striking out four in four innings. Austin Cole wrapped up the night by striking out the side in the fifth. The Raiders’ run scored when Jamar Jimmerson followed Caleb Collins’ triple with a sacrifice fly. Southwest (13-3) visits Northwest Guilford on Tuesday to start the second half of play in the Piedmont Triad 4A.

son also had an RBI for the Bison (4-11). 1 with an even-par round. Garrett WyCentral plays host to East Forsyth today dysh added a 41, with Colin Burnett at at 7 p.m. 45 and Chase Runyan at 46. The next PTC match comes Monday at Pine Knolls in Kernersville. SOFTBALL


TRINITY – Wheatmore stopped Thomasville 15-0 in Thursday’s nonconference game. Cat Tupper didn’t allow a hit and walked just one in four innings to go with nine strikeouts for the win. Tupper also was 3-for-4 at the plate with a double and three RBIs. Betty Denny paced the Warriors with two doubles and four RBIs, while Taylor Walker had a triple WESTCHESTER 14, CALDWELL 5 GREENSBORO – Terrence Hearst and two runs driven in. Wheatmore (10-2) plays host to Trinity smashed a three-run homer and finished with five RBIs Thursday night to on Tuesday. lead Westchester Country Day to a 14-5 win over Caldwell. GOLF Hearst homered in the second and later added an RBI double and sacrifice fly AT BLAIR PARK to finish 2-for-3. George Lindner doubled HIGH POINT – Northwest Guilford took and scored twice for the Wildcats, while top team honors and Ragsdale’s Gabe Matt Howell tripled, scored a run and Snyder was the individual medalist in drove in two. Thursday’s Piedmont Triad 4A ConferMessiah Henderson got the win on the ence match at Blair Park. mound for Westchester (12-2, 3-0 Triad Northwest shot a 149 to beat East ForAthletic Conference), which plays host syth by eight shots and Ragsdale by 10. to Calvary today. Glenn took fourth at 168, followed by High Point Central (168), Southwest Guilford (169) and Parkland (185). HP CENTRAL 15, T.W. ANDREWS 4 Snyder’s 3-under-par 34 sparked the HIGH POINT – High Point Central pounded visiting rival T.W. Andrews 15- Tigers, who also got counting scores 4 in a game that ended late Wednesday from Charlie Thompson (38), Kevin Herron (41) and Josh Boyce (46). night. Sam Smotherman had eight strikeSam Duckett led the Bison with a 40, outs for the pitching win. Evan Aguilar followed by Houstin Butler (41), Justin had a two-run triple, Alex Bridges drove Franklin (43) and Matthew Krawczyk (44). in two runs and doubled, and Will JohnFor Southwest, Davis Hoke was No.

Woods back, better than ever to start Masters AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) – Tiger Woods played like the last five months never happened. Even more surprising, he felt that way, too. No longer the same person after he was caught cheating on his wife, Woods looked every bit the same golfer Thursday when he opened with a 4-under 68 – his best first round ever at Augusta National – that left him only two shots behind 50-year-old Fred Couples on an extraordinary opening day at the Masters. It just didn’t seem that way to Woods. Standing on the first tee, looking down a fairway lined with thousands of spectators curious to see how he would respond to a sex scandal that shocked the world, Woods didn’t flinch. “It felt normal,� he said. “Try to hit a little fade off the first tee, try to take something off of it and make sure I got it in play. That was about it. From there, I just went about my business.�

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Indeed, he was the same Tiger. He pledged to control his emotions on the course, yet there was little change. Woods twirled his club after a good drive, slammed it after a few bad ones. He pumped his fist after making the first of two eagles and sunk to his knees when he missed a birdie putt on the 16th that slowed his climb up the leaderboard. And just like always, he complained about not making enough putts. “Otherwise, it could have been a very special round,� Woods said. Yet it was special in so many ways. Couples, who played a practice round with Woods on Monday, sauntered along in tennis shoes and no socks and shot a 6-under 66. It was his best score ever at the Masters and made him the oldest player to be the outright leader for any round. “I never really thought about what I was shooting,� said Couples, who already has won three times this year on the 50-and-older Champions Tour. “It was a fun day for me. I still think I can play, and if I

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putt well I’ve got to be some kind of factor in my mind.� Tom Watson, at 60 the oldest player in this Masters, picked up from his amazing ride at last year’s British Open with a bogey-free round of 67 that left him tied with Lee Westwood, Phil Mickelson, PGA champion Y.E. Yang and K.J. Choi. “My goals were to play better than I’ve played in the last five or six years, and I achieved that – for the first round,� Watson said. “I’m playing pretty well. I’ve said I have to play better than 90 percent to be successful on this golf course.� Still, this day was always going to be about Woods. He had not hit a competitive shot in 144 days, since winning the Australian Masters on Nov. 15 for his 82nd victory around the world. A four-time Masters champion, he has never come to Augusta National with so much uncertainty – about his game, and mostly how fans would respond to a player whose image had been shattered by tawdry tabloid tales of sex.

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AT WILSHIRE WINSTON-SALEM – Ledford won the Davidson County championship by 13 shots and actually had five players earn all-county status after Thursday’s 18hole match at Wilshire Golf Club. The Panthers covered the par-71 layout with a 302 to best North Davidson (315). Central Davidson took third at 321, followed by West (322), East (334) and Thomasville (406). Will Essick highlighted a 1-2-3 finish for Ledford, shooting a 3-over-par 74 to best Taylor Ray by one shot and Chad Miller by two. North’s Jordan Fritts, also with a 76, was the only player to stand in the way of a Panthers’ sweep, as Aaron Abts finished fifth with a 77. Steven Fuquay, Ledford’s No. 5 scorer, shot 79 and tied for ninth overall to earn all-county honors.

AT CEDARWOOD CHARLOTTE – Providence Day School won Thursday’s match against Wesleyan Christian Academy, although the Trojans boasted the individual medalist. Davis Womble shot a 2-under-par 69 to spark Wesleyan. Jamie Canaday added a 79 for the Trojans, just ahead of Michael Hunter (83) and Andrew Welborn (85). Providence Day shot a 299 for a 17-shot win over Wesleyan, which returns to action Tuesday at Tanglewood against the Forsyth Home Educators.



AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) – A glance at Thursday’s first round of the Masters: Leader: Fred Couples, who shot a 6-under 66. Just behind: Five players were a shot back, including Phil Mickelson, Tom Watson, K.J. Choi, Y.E. Yang and Lee Westwood. Where’s Tiger? He’s back, shooting a 68 in his return to competition for the first time since he was sidelined by a sex scandal. Woods carded two of the day’s nine eagles. Senior moments: Couples is 50 and plays on the senior tour. So does Watson, who is 60. Youth movement: Matteo Manassero, an amateur from Italy who is the youngest player in the field at age 16, shot a 71. Television: Today, 4-7:30 p.m., ESPN.

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Stevens signs 12-year deal with Butler


Cincinnati’s Jonny Gomes jump onto home plate after hitting a walk-off solo home run against the St. Louis Cardinals in the ninth inning of Thursday’s game in Cincinnati. The Reds won 2-1.

Gomes sends Reds home happy with home run THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

CINCINNATI – Jonny Gomes hit a solo homer with one out in the bottom of the ninth inning Thursday, sending the Cincinnati Reds to their first win of the season, 2-1 over the St. Louis Cardinals. Gomes connected on a 2-2 pitch from Jason Motte (0-1), brought into the game to face him. Francisco Cordero (1-0) pitched a perfect ninth in relief of Bronson Arroyo, who went the first eight innings and singled home a run. After scoring 17 runs in the first two games, the Cardinals managed only four hits in the series finale, including Matt Holliday’s first homer. Brad Penny, who signed a one-year, $7.5 million deal last December with the Cardinals, gave up six hits and one run in seven innings.

the victory with 12⁄3 innings of relief. Matt Capps worked around Chase Utley’s leadoff double in the ninth for his first save with Washington. Figueroa (0-1) was added to the roster Thursday after being waived by the Mets.


NEW YORK – Nate Robertson pitched five solid innings in his first start for Florida in eight seasons, and the Marlins beat the New York Mets 3-1 on Thursday night to win their season-opening series. Jorge Cantu hit a tiebreaking RBI double in the fifth and Gaby Sanchez added a runscoring double in the sixth for Florida, which took the last two of the three-game set after losing 7-1 on opening day. The Mets wasted an effective outing by Jonathon Niese, who made his first start at Citi Field since he tore his right hamstring during a victory over St. Louis last August. CUBS 2, BRAVES 0 The 23-year-old left-hander allowed three ATLANTA – Randy Wells pitched six runs and eight hits in six innings. scoreless innings, Carlos Marmol stranded two baserunners in the ninth inning and the DODGERS 10, PIRATES 2 Chicago Cubs beat the Atlanta Braves 2-0 on PITTSBURGH – Ronnie Belliard homered Thursday night. among three extra base hits and drove in Rookie Tyler Colvin and Marlon Byrd hom- four runs, and Los Angeles avoided being ered for Chicago, which had only four hits. swept in a three-game series by the Pirates Wells, who combined with four relievers for the first time in 10 years. on the eight-hit shutout, outpitched Tommy The Dodgers got 16 hits off four Pirates Hanson in a matchup of top 2009 rookies. The pitchers, including 10 from their No. 1-4 hitCubs avoided a three-game sweep. ters. Reed Johnson doubled among three hits Atlanta’s Chipper Jones left the game after and scored twice, and Matt Kemp, James the third inning with a sore right side and is Loney and Garret Anderson drove in two listed as day to day. runs each. John Grabow, who gave up Jones’ two-run Belliard hit a two-run homer off Paul Mahomer in the eighth inning of the Braves’ 3- holm (0-1). 2 win on Wednesday night, was called on in Chad Billingsley (1-0) limited the Pirates to the eighth again. a run over 51⁄3 innings before being lifted after throwing 107 pitches. The right-hander gave NATIONALS 6, PHILLIES 5 up five hits, striking out seven and walking WASHINGTON – Ryan Zimmerman drove four. in the tiebreaking run off new Philadelphia reliever Nelson Figueroa with a blooper to TIGERS 7, ROYALS 3 shallow right that landed inches fair, and KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Miguel Cabrera homthe Washington avoided a season-opening, ered and drove in four runs and Dontrelle three-game sweep. Willis turned in six solid innings in his first Willie Harris hit a two-run homer for the regular-season start in almost 10 months, Nationals, and Tyler Clippard (1-0) earned leading the Detroit Tigers to a 7-3 victory

over the Kansas City Royals on Thursday. The Royals bullpen blew three saves in the season-opening three-game series against the Tigers. Willis, plagued with chronic wildness during his shortened 2009 season, walked the first batter he faced on four pitches. But the former two-time National League All-Star issued only one more base on balls and had four strikeouts, giving up two runs on seven hits. Eddie Bonine (1-0) pitched an inning of relief, giving up three hits. Reliever Luis Mendoza (0-1) gave up Cabrera’s three-run shot.

ATHLETICS 6, MARINERS 2 OAKLAND, Calif. – Brett Anderson pitched shutout ball into the seventh inning of a strong season debut, Daric Barton drove in a career-high four runs and the Athletics beat Seattle to take three of the first four in the AL West rivalry. Anderson (1-0) allowed three hits, struck out four and walked one. Seattle starter Doug Fister (0-1), on the opening day roster for the first time after making 11 appearances last season, gave up two runs and six hits in four innings, struck out two and walked three.

BLUE JAYS 3, RANGERS 1 ARLINGTON, Texas – Vernon Wells hit his fourth homer in three games and Toronto rallied for three runs in the ninth against closer Frank Francisco. Rangers starter C.J. Wilson struck out nine and allowed five hits over seven innings in his return to the rotation, but Francisco (01) failed in his first save opportunity of the season. Francisco gave up a leadoff homer to Wells, Lyle Overbay followed with a triple and Overbay made it 2-1 when he scored on Edwin Encarnacion’s sacrifice fly. Rookie Mike McCoy added an RBI single to make it 3-1. Casey Janssen (1-0) struck out the side in the eighth, and Jason Frasor got three outs for his second save in three chances as the Blue Jays took two of three from the Rangers.

Staal leads Hurricanes past Montreal, 5-2 RALEIGH (AP) – Eric Staal had three goals and two assists and the Carolina Hurricanes beat Montreal 5-2 on Thursday night to prevent the Canadiens from clinching a playoff berth. Chad LaRose had two goals and two assists in his first career four-

point game. He and Staal scored 31⁄2 minutes apart in the second period to help the Hurricanes win their second straight. Brian Gionta and Marc-Andre Bergeron scored for Montreal, which could have wrapped up a postseason berth with one point but

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instead lost its second straight. Bergeron pulled the Canadiens to 32 with 16:57 left with a blast from the blue line 21 seconds after Staal’s second goal. LaRose made it 4-2 by tapping in Staal’s rebound with 2:38 left. Staal then polished off his 10th career hat trick with an empty-netter.

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) – Brad Stevens is content to keep coaching the Butler way. The 33-year-old coach, who came within a buzzer-beating shot of winning the NCAA men’s basketball championship, signed a 12year deal Thursday that extends through the 2021-22 season. Team spokesman Jim McGrath declined to say how much the deal was worth, though Stevens had a total compensation package of $750,000 last season. Athletic director Barry Collier acknowledged Tuesday that Stevens was in line for a pay raise. The Bulldogs got the man they wanted to stay. “Brad has demonstrated that he’s the right fit for Butler University,” Collier said in a statement. “Our program has grown under his leadership, and we’re excited about our future under his direction.” Stevens is expected to answer questions at a news conference Friday morning. The move should end, at least temporarily, speculation that Stevens would jump to a BCS-conference school. Jobs at Oregon, of the Pac-10, and two ACC schools, Clemson and Wake Forest, are open. But Stevens had said Tuesday that he would speak with Collier, a Butler alum and former head basketball coach, before entertaining thoughts of leaving. Collier never gave Stevens, one of college basketball’s best young coaches, a chance to reconsider.

Vanderbilt’s Ogilvy enters NBA Draft NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – Vanderbilt junior center A.J. Ogilvy will skip his final season and enter the NBA Draft. The Commodores announced Thursday that the 6-foot-11 Sydney, Australia native will also hire an agent in advance of the June 24 draft, ending his collegiate eligibility. Ogilvy was an AllSoutheastern Conference honorable mention this season and averaged 15.3 points and 6.7 rebounds per game in his three-year career. Also, Penn State junior guard Talor Battle is entering the NBA draft. Battle said Thursday he won’t hire an agent, meaning he has until May 8 to decide to withdraw his name from consideration and return for his senior season.



Swaim stands alone atop Caraway points BY GREER SMITH ENTERPRISE SPORTS WRITER

was 22nd with Max Papis 24th.



New Orleans’ James Posey (41) and Charlotte’s Raymond Felton race for a loose ball in the final minute of their game in New Orleans on Wednesday night. The Bobcats won 104-103 to clinch the first playoff berth in team history.

Bobcats savor playoff breakthrough NEW ORLEANS (AP) – D.J. Augustin’s clutch shooting, so familiar to basketball fans in his hometown of New Orleans, sent the Charlotte Bobcats into uncharted territory: the NBA playoffs. Shortly after congratulating the current Louisiana state champions from his old high school, Augustin hit three 3pointers in the fourth quarter, including one with 16 seconds left to give Charlotte the lead for good in a dramatic 104-103 victory over the Hornets on Wednesday night. That secured the first playoff berth for the Bobcats, in

their sixth year since joining the NBA and first with Michael Jordan as their majority owner. “Great year,” Augustin said. “The Bobcats have never made the playoffs and it’s historic. But we want to stay focused and get ready for the playoffs and try to go farther than just the first round.” Stephen Jackson scored 29 points for Charlotte, which blew a 26-point lead and trailed by as much as eight in the fourth quarter. Bobcats coach Larry Brown termed the Bobcats’ victory, “a miracle.”

“I’m not a happy man,” Brown said, more annoyed about the blown lead than pleased by the late rally. “I’m happy for our fans. I’m happy for our franchise. I’m a coach. I always say, ‘Celebrate the wins because the losses hurt.’ That (performance) hurt.” New Orleans’ last lead was 100-99 after Darren Collison’s driving layup with 44 seconds to go. Neither team scored again until Augustin’s big 3. Collison had a chance to tie it, but his leaner in a crowd of defenders in the lane missed in the final seconds.

Travis Swaim is alone at the top again. Swaim took over sole possession of the points lead at Caraway Speedway by winning a 150-lap late model race last Saturday. He is six points ahead of Brad Brinkley, who was tied with Swaim coming into the night and now stands third. Jason York, who finished third, is another two points behind. Dan Moore finished second. Harrison Rhodes of High Point was seventh, with Pete Stewart of Sophia ninth. Josh Lowder made it two wins in two Limited Late Model races. Junior Kendrick of Thomasville finished second and moved into second in the standings, six points behind. Keven Wood remained unbeaten after two Legends Car races. Darrin Free won the Pure Stock race and tied second-finishing Perry Haines for the points lead. Ray Chriscoe got his first Super MiniTruck victory as second-finishing Scotty York took the standings lead from Glenn Chriscoe. A 60-lap Sportsman race is set as the feature this Saturday. The late models return on April 17.

MORE MODIFIED TV NASCAR has reached a deal with Versus to televise Modified and Southern Modified Tour races on a delayed basis. Southern Modified races to be shown include those at Bowman Gray Stadium, Caraway Speedway, Langley Speedway and Tri-County Motor Speedway. The 199-lapper at Bowman Gray on Aug. 7 will be shown for the first time on Aug. 18. The Aug. 28 race at Caraway will be shown starting Sept. 1. Langley’s race on Sept. 4 will air Sept. 8, and a Sept. 15 event at Tri-County gets played Sept. 29. James Civali moved into the lead in Southern Modified standings with his win Saturday at South Boston. He is 18 points ahead of Andy Seuss with Tim Brown trailing by 29. The series’ next race is July 2 at Caraway.

BLANEY COMES CLOSE Ryan Blaney finished third in the 150-lap PASS South race at Hickory Speedway after losing the lead to Jay Fogleman with 18 laps to go. Preston Peltier got around both of them to score his first victory of the season. Peltier also took the lead in driver standings by 18 over Blaney. Fogleman is another 26 back heading to the next race April 24 at Orange County Speedway. Bill Elliott’s son Chase finished seventh. Cup driver David Ragan

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Clint King of Denton failed to become the youngest driver to win two straight races in the UARASTARS Series. Battling handling troubles, King finished sixth in a race won by Coleman Pressley at Dillon Motor Speedway. Junior Johnson’s son Robert was 13th. King is fourth in points, 52 behind Pressley.

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Airlines operate fewer on-time flights NEW YORK (AP) — The Department of Transportation says U.S. airlines operated fewer on-time flights in February, as massive snow storms hampered operations at some of the largest East Coast airports. Sixty-one flights were delayed for at least three hours during the month— triple the number of those delays in January. It was the highest number of 3hout tarmac delays since August 2009.

Tech recovery may be under way

Jobless claims rise unexpectedly WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of newly laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits rose last week, a sign that jobs remain scarce even as the economy recovers. The increase also may result from the difficulty the Labor Department has in seasonally adjusting the claims around the Easter holiday, which falls on different weeks each year. “This is ... a volatile time when the numbers move around quite a bit,” a department analyst said. The Labor Department said Thursday that firsttime claims increased by 18,000 in the week ended April 3, to a seasonally ad-

justed 460,000. That’s worse than economists’ estimates of a drop to 435,000, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters. California also closed its state offices for a holiday on March 31, which likely held down the claims figures. On an unadjusted basis, claims rose by 6,500 to nearly 415,000. Initial claims have dropped four out of the past six weeks and many economists say they are likely to soon resume their decline. “Not everything goes in a straight line,” Jennifer Lee, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets, wrote in a research note. “Definitely not the claims data.”

Separately, retail sales jumped last month as warmer weather and the Easter holiday brought out shoppers in droves. Discounter Target Corp., department store Macy’s Inc., clothier Gap Inc. and Victoria’s Secret parent Limited Brands Inc. posted double-digit increases that beat Wall Street analysts’ expectations. Overall, sales in stores open at least a year rose 9 percent in March, based on an index of 31 retailers compiled by the International Council of Shopping Centers. The stock market dipped in midday trading. The Dow Jones industrial av-

erage fell 16 points while broader indexes also edged down. Economists closely watch unemployment insurance filings, which are seen as a gauge of layoffs and a measure of companies’ willingness to hire new workers. The four week average, which smoothes volatility, rose to 450,250. Two weeks ago, the average fell to its lowest level since September 2008, when Lehman Brothers collapsed and the financial crisis intensified. Jobless claims peaked during the recession at 651,000 in late March 2009. The figures underscore that the job market remains weak even as the economy

Retail gains continue

NEW YORK (AP) — A new study says the technology industry has started to recover from the economic downturn and will see worldwide growth this year. Forrester Research said Thursday that the fourth quarter marks a turning point worldwide, setting the stage for growth in 2010. Forrester expects the U.S. information technology market to grow by 8.4 percent this year to $550 billion. The worldwide tech market, meanwhile, will grow by 7.7 percent to $1.6 trillion.

Boeing delivers 108 jetliners in 1st quarter SEATTLE (AP) — Boeing Co. says it delivered 108 commercial jets in the first quarter of 2010. The number announced Thursday is down from 121 jets in first quarter 2009 and 122 for the fourth quarter of last year. Boeing Commercial Airplanes spokesman Jim Proulx (Proo) says that’s due to normal variation and customer needs. He also points out that Boeing stopped delivering 747s late last year, as it starts building the new and larger 747-8.

Yum CEO earns 45% less in 2009 CHICAGO (AP) — The CEO the company that owns KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut received compensation the restaurant company valued at $9.6 million during the most recent fiscal year, a decrease of 45 percent as sales edged down, according to a regulatory filing. David Novak, who is also chairman and president of the Yum Brands Inc., earned $17.4 million in 2008.


recovers. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Wednesday that high unemployment is one of the toughest challenges the economy faces. While layoffs have slowed, hiring is “very weak,” he said. “We are far from being out of the woods,” Bernanke said in a speech in Dallas. “Many Americans are still grappling with unemployment or foreclosure or both.” On a more positive note in the Labor Department’s report, the tally of people continuing to claim benefits fell by 131,000 to 4.55 million, the lowest level since December 2008.


Former Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, who was a senior adviser and chairman of Citigroup during the mortgage and financial crises (right) and former Citi Chief Executive Officer Charles Prince, prepare to testify on Capitol Hill on Thursday.

Citigroup execs face grilling WASHINGTON (AP) — Robert Rubin, a senior adviser to Citigroup Inc. at the time of its deep losses from subprime mortgages, and former CEO Charles Prince said Thursday they learned belatedly that Citi had $43 billion in high-risk securities on its books. But the head of an investigative panel pressed them on why they didn’t monitor the bank’s growing risk-taking and why it wasn’t brought to their

attention earlier despite frequent management meetings. The high-risk securities were deemed safe, and they were not discussed at those meetings before September 2007, Rubin said. He was testifying at a hearing by the panel investigating the roots of the financial crisis. Rubin, Prince and other former Citigroup executives have been sharply criticized for allowing heavy investments in

high-risk mortgage securities. Citi was a major subprime lender. They said they didn’t learn until September 2007 that the bank had held onto the investments composed of repackaged mortgage bonds. The next month, Citigroup publicly estimated it would lose $8 billion to $11 billion in the fourth quarter that year from those securities. A $43 billion bet “may

sound like chump change” for a company of Citigroup’s size, but it was a significant exposure to risk, the chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Phil Angelides, told Rubin and Prince. Rubin, a former Treasury secretary, insisted: “There isn’t a way ... that you’re going to know what’s in those (bank) position books,” he said. “You really are depending on the people who are there to tell you.”

Judge awards families over Chinese drywall NEW ORLEANS (AP) — A New Orleans federal judge on Thursday awarded seven Virginia families $2.6 million in damages for homes ruined by sulfuremitting drywall made in China, a decision that could affect how lawsuits by thousands of other homeowners are settled. It remains to be seen how

the plaintiffs can collect from Chinese companies that do not have to respond to U.S courts, although some have talked about getting orders to seize U.S.-bound ships and cargoes from the drywall companies. Thousands of homeowners, mostly in Florida, Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana, have

reported problems with the drywall, which was imported in large quantities during the housing boom and after a string of Gulf Coast hurricanes. The drywall has been linked to corrosion of wiring, air conditioning units, computers, doorknobs and jewelry, along with possible health effects.

U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon ruled Thursday that the drywall needs to be removed and the plaintiffs’ homes need to gutted because of the ruinous effects of corrosion. He said all electrical wiring, the heating and air conditioning system and other household fixtures damaged by corrosion would have to be removed.

NEW YORK (AP) — Warmer weather and an earlier Easter enticed shoppers into stores for spring merchandise in March, helping retailers post strong sales gains for the month. Discounter Target Corp., department store Macy’s Inc., clothier Gap Inc. and Victoria’s Secret parent Limited Brands Inc. posted double-digit increases that beat Wall Street analysts’ expectations. Overall, sales in stores open at least a year rose 9 percent in March, based on an index of 31 retailers compiled by the International Council of Shopping Centers. Sales in stores open at least one year are an important measure of retailers’ health because they exclude the effects of stores that open or close during the year.

Cigarrette taxes rise in 14 states ATLANTA (AP) — Fourteen states, the nation’s capital and the federal government hiked their cigarette taxes last year, but health officials worry tobacco company discounts are keeping prices down. State increases ranged from 10 cents per pack in North Carolina to $1 in Connecticut, Florida and Rhode Island. But manufacturers devote billions of dollars of their marketing and promotional spending to reducing cigarette prices. Health officials say raising the price of cigarettes is one of the most effective ways to discourage people from smoking.

Apple sells 450,000 iPads in a week CUPERTINO, Calif. (AP) — Apple CEO Steve Jobs says the company has sold 450,000 iPads since its launch Saturday. Jobs, looking thin in his signature black turtleneck, jeans and wirerimmed glasses, gave out

the information at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif., on Thursday as the company was releasing details of its next operating system for its iPhone and iPad. The company earlier said it sold more than

300,000 iPads on its first day, though that included pre-orders and units shipped to retail stores such as Best Buy but not necessarily purchased right away. That figure was in line with analysts expectations.




A United Airlines jet takes off from Seattle-Tacoma International Airport in Seattle in April 2008.

US Air, United may join forces MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — News that United Airlines and US Airways are in talks about combining was met with approval by shareholders and analysts Thursday. Passengers may feel differently, however, if a combination ends up leading to higher airfares. Shares of both companies rose in morning trading. US Airways gained 83 cents, or 12.2 percent, to $7.65, and United Airlines parent UAL Corp. rose $1.38, or 7.3 percent, to $20.33. News that two airlines are talking broke Wednesday afternoon. Both carri-



EU plan fails to halt Greek crisis ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Greece’s borrowing costs spiked to a record high Thursday, intensifying the country’s debt crisis and suggesting a eurozone and International Monetary Fund rescue plan is providing little support for Athens’ struggle to avoid default. The higher interest rates demanded by bond investors are potential poison for the Greek budget; unless they fall, the government will pay a massive premium to borrow and face a vicious cycle where higher borrowing costs fuel fresh default fears.

Energy prices slide across the board NEW YORK (AP) — Energy prices headed lower Thursday as the stock market sagged and natural gas storage levels rose for the third week straight. Benchmark crude for May delivery fell 22 cents to $85.66 barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

QVC licensed for Smithsonian jewelry WASHINGTON (AP) — The Smithsonian Institution said Thursday that it has licensed its renowned gem and jewelry collection to create a line of bracelets, brooches and other baubles with the TV shopping network QVC. The jewelry line expected to launch this fall will be based on the National Gem and Mineral Collection at the National Museum of Natural History, which includes the famous Hope Diamond and Marie Antoinette earrings among 375,000 specimens.

ers have tried for combinations in the past. United Chairman and CEO Glenn Tilton and US Airways Chairman and CEO Doug Parker were both involved when their companies talked about a tieup in 2008. They walked away then citing high fuel prices, but didn’t rule out a future deal. That same year, Continental Airlines Inc. rejected United’s attempt at a combination. Neither airline has confirmed the talks. It’s far from certain that a deal will actually take place. Antitrust regulators would have to clear

it, and pilots from different unions would have to be integrated. Still, “the merits of a potential (United-US Airways) marriage are considerable, in our view,” J.P. Morgan analyst Jamie Baker wrote. UBS analyst Kevin Crissey wrote that he thinks a major combination such as United-US Airways would reduce capacity as much as 3 percent, mostly in the U.S. With fewer seats and competition, fares should rise, he wrote. Travelers wouldn’t like that, but money-losing airlines would.

Geithner visits Beijing amid dispute BEIJING (AP) — U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner met with a Chinese vice premier Thursday and discussed economic ties in a sign the two sides might be trying to cool their rhetoric in a dispute over China’s currency controls. In a statement after their meeting, the Treasury Department did not say whether the two sides discussed currency. And phone calls to China’s Finance Ministry were not answered. But Geithner had been expected to press Washington’s case for Beijing to ease exchangerate controls that critics say distort trade and keep China’s currency artificially low. An undervalued Chinese currency makes Chinese goods cheaper for American consumers but hurts U.S. exporters

by making their products more expensive in China. Geithner, who stopped in Beijing after a twoday visit to India, left for Washington after the meeting. The decision to hold such a high-level encounter suggested Washington and Beijing are trying to narrow their differences over currency, which threaten to overshadow cooperation on the global economy, Iran’s nuclear program and other issues. “The two sides exchanged views on U.S.China economic relations, the global economic situation and issues relating to the upcoming economic track dialogue of the second U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue, to be held in Beijing in late May,” the Treasury statement said.

Pace executives to face creditors MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE

WINSTON-SALEM — The top executives of a failed Pace Airlines Inc. will face creditors, including potentially more than 400 employees, for the first time on May 3. Edwin Allman III, the U.S. bankruptcy trustee in the case, has filed subpoenas with William Rodgers Sr., the chairman, chief executive and co-owner of the airline, and Darrell Richardson, its president. The meeting will take place at 9 a.m. in the creditors meeting room of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court,

226 S. Liberty St. in Winston-Salem. The majority of the more than 500 creditors are former employees of the company, along with government tax and transportation agencies, customers and suppliers. “At a first creditors meeting, a company’s top officers will appear, be put under oath and give testimony,” Allman said. “They will be asked what went wrong with the company and caused the bankruptcy. We will take about the assets of the company and why some were transferred in the manner they were.”



% Chg.

50-day Average

200-day Average






- 0.17%




- 0.12%




- 0.09%




- 0.41%




















- 0.08%












- 0.08%




- 0.54%














- 0.42%












- 0.03%




- 0.20%




- 0.14

- 0.37%




- 0.09%
























- 0.09%












- 0.06%












- 0.13%




















Strong retail report boosts stocks NEW YORK (AP) — The stock market recovered from an early slide after an increase in retail sales overshadowed concerns about Greece’s debt problems and the job market. The Dow Jones industrial average finished with a gain of 30 points after being down 53 points. Broader indexes also rose. The market turned higher around midday after sales gains at the nation’s major retailers raised expectations for the economy as well as the corporate earnings reports that start to arrive next week. Improved weather and an early Easter lifted sales at stores open at least a year by 9 percent, based on results from 31 retailers compiled by the International Council of Shopping Centers. The stock market began the day lower following drops overseas. Greece’s borrowing costs rose to a record level Thursday, signaling that a rescue plan from other European countries and the International Monetary Fund might not be enough to prevent a default. The Dow rose 29.55, or 0.3 percent, to 10,927.07. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index rose 3.99, or 0.3 percent, to 1,186.44, while the Nasdaq composite index rose 5.65, or 0.2 percent, to 2,436.81. Advancing stocks narrowly outpaced those that fell on the New York Stock Exchange, where volume came to 1 billion shares.

STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST AT&T Aetna Alcatel-Lucent Alcoa Allstate AmEx AIG Ameriprisel Analog Devices Aon Corp. Apple Avon BB&T Corp. BNC Bancorp BP Bank of America Bassett Furniture Best Buy Boeing CBL & Asso. CSX Corp. CVS Caremark Capital One Caterpillar Inc. Chevron Corp. Cisco Systems Inc. Citigroup Coca-Cola Colgate-Palmolive Colonial Prop. Comcast Corp. Corning Inc. NameInc. Culp Daimler AG Deere & Co. Dell Inc. Dillard’s Inc. Walt Disney Co. Duke Energy Corp Exxon Mobil Corp FNB United Corp. FedEx Corp. First Citizens Bank of NC Ford Fortune Brands Furniture Brands Gap Inc. General Dynamics General Electric GlaxoSmithKline Google Hanesbrands Harley-Davidson Hewlett-Packard Home Depot Hooker Furniture Intel IBM JP Morgan Chase Kellogg Kimberly-Clark Krispy Kreme La-Z-Boy LabCorp Lance


26.02 33.67 3.1 14.87 33.1 43.69 37.59 46.01 28.99 43.18 239.95 33.83 33.68 8.25 58.97 18.65 6.2 44.66 72.28 14.79 52.98 36.47 43.99 64.48 77.66 26.28 4.47 53.76 84.56 14.1 17.68 19.82 Last 12.29 47.39 60.62 15.76 25.75 35.67 16.24 67.86 1.19 90.72 204.52 12.63 49.58 6.75 24.59 76.81 18.56 38.86 567.49 29.24 31.83 53.63 32.97 16.76 22.31 127.61 45.76 52.31 61.33 4.55 13.93 76.13 23.13

0.37 -0.63 0.05 0.13 0.33 1.32 -2.1 0.72 -0.47 0.11 -0.65 0.05 0.46 0.13 0.19 0.03 0.06 0.46 0.18 -0.1 1.06 0.81 0.84 0.01 0.29 -0.06 0.11 -0.06 -0.55 0.18 0.15 -0.25 Chg. -0.45 0.35 0.22 0.07 -0.19 0.35 -0.13 0.52 -0.05 0.05 -1.79 0.05 0.17 0.04 0.73 0.34 0.06 0.1 3.95 0.17 0.6 0.34 0.36 0.69 -0.14 -0.87 0.44 -0.34 -0.21 0.13 0.65 -0.33 0.05

26.06 34.39 3.11 14.9 33.13 43.84 40.8 46.07 29.4 43.25 241.54 33.99 33.91 8.25 59.04 18.84 6.25 44.88 72.46 14.95 53.11 36.72 44.16 64.65 78 26.39 4.49 53.78 85.25 14.38 17.73 19.94 High 12.68 47.49 60.78 15.78 26.11 35.75 16.4 68.23 1.24 90.94 207.78 12.71 49.65 6.88 25.02 77.13 18.65 38.99 569.85 29.51 31.85 53.75 33.08 17 22.41 128.23 45.97 52.58 61.62 4.62 14.03 76.56 23.19

25.6 33.42 3 14.5 32.53 42.06 37.52 45.03 28.75 42.98 238.04 33.35 33.03 7.87 58.08 18.31 6.12 43.7 71.21 14.51 51.52 35.57 42.77 63.55 76.63 26 4.31 53.44 84.41 13.78 17.39 19.56 Low 12.17 46.6 59.71 15.43 25.45 35.14 16.21 66.85 1.18 89.82 203.18 12.34 48.66 6.51 24.33 75.94 18.25 38.74 560.05 28.6 30.7 52.77 32.4 16.23 22.16 127.2 44.81 52.24 61.18 4.3 13.01 75.92 22.83

Legg Mason Leggett & Platt Lincoln National Lowe’s McDonald’s Merck MetLife Microsoft Mohawk Industries Morgan Stanley Motorola NCR Corp. New York Times Co. NewBridge Bancorp Norfolk Southern Novartis AG Nucor Old Dominion Office Depot PPG Industries Panera Bread The Pantry J.C. Penney Pfizer Pepsico Piedmont Nat.Gas Polo Ralph Lauren Procter & Gamble Progress Energy Qualcomm Quest Capital RF Micro Devices Name Red Hat Reynolds American RBC Ruddick Corp. SCM Micro Sara Lee Sealy Sears Sherwin-Williams Southern Company Spectra Energy Sprint Nextel Standard Micro Starbucks Steelcase Inc. SunTrust Banks Syngenta AG Tanger Targacept Inc. Target 3M Co. Time Warner US Airways Unifi Inc. UPS Inc. VF Corp. Valspar Verizon Vodafone Vulcan Materials Wal-Mart Wells Fargo Yahoo Inc.


30.92 21.68 31.9 25.59 68.76 36.78 45.5 29.92 53.96 30.88 7.43 15.22 11.4 3.56 58.46 52.22 47.49 34.91 8.1 67.93 82.67 14.7 30.98 17.14 65.97 27.46 88.84 62.56 39.23 42.4 1.42 5.18 30.48 Last 53.93 58.76 32.19 1.81 13.99 3.75 106 70.84 33.51 23.14 4 26.02 24.83 6.76 28.56 53.42 43.12 21.03 55.64 82.95 32.2 7.55 3.87 64.27 82.08 29.54 30.16 22.92 48.08 55.38 32.23 17.35

-0.33 0.15 0.54 0.34 1.06 -0.01 1.42 0.57 0.75 0.86 0.2 0.05 0.12 0.01 0.78 -0.03 -0.12 0.25 0 0.48 0.95 0.41 -1.81 0.07 -0.02 -0.45 -0.02 0.06 -0.31 -0.37 0.04 0.03 0.14 Chg. 0.05 0.24 -0.13 -0.06 -0.08 0.02 -0.11 0.99 -0.05 0.08 0.12 1.87 -0.08 0.13 0.03 0.64 0.01 -0.67 1.63 -0.71 0.11 0.73 0.05 0.6 -0.05 -0.03 -0.08 0.25 0.15 0.1 0.24 0.48

31.08 21.73 32.04 25.69 69.03 37.02 45.62 29.98 54.09 30.95 7.45 15.28 11.5 3.64 58.56 52.32 47.59 34.97 8.12 68 83.33 14.92 31.99 17.16 66.19 27.75 89.21 62.85 39.43 42.72 1.43 5.23 30.5 High 53.95 58.85 32.37 1.85 14.06 3.75 106.5 71.26 33.58 23.19 4.03 26.74 25 6.83 28.6 53.43 43.62 21.74 56.44 83.6 32.32 7.87 3.9 64.39 82.21 29.56 30.28 22.99 48.32 55.7 32.41 17.41

30.66 21.27 30.68 25.13 67.87 36.62 43.85 29.3 52.33 29.73 7.15 14.99 11.08 3.46 57.38 51.65 46.96 34.18 7.96 66.87 81.05 13.91 30.93 17.02 65.62 27.41 87.62 62.12 39.11 42.09 1.34 5.04 Low30 53.62 57.53 31.87 1.81 13.88 3.62 104.8 68.92 33.35 22.8 3.81 25.75 24.63 6.57 27.72 52.65 42.9 20.83 54.26 82.77 31.59 7.44 3.76 63.03 81.39 29.25 29.86 22.45 47.2 55.16 31.56 16.9

METALS PRICING NEW YORK (AP) — Spot nonferrous metal prices Thursday. Aluminum - $1.0536 per lb., London Metal Exch. Copper -$3.5866 Cathode full plate, LME. Copper $3.5920 N.Y. Merc spot Wed. Lead - $2262.00 metric ton, London Metal Exch. Zinc - $1.0835 per lb., London Metal Exch. Gold - $1148.00 Handy & Harman (only daily quote). Gold - $1152.30 troy oz., NY Merc spot Wed. Silver - $18.155 Handy & Harman (only daily quote). Silver - $18.185 troy oz., N.Y. Merc spot Wed. Platinum -$1705.00 troy oz., N.Y. (contract). Platinum -$1717.20 troy oz., N.Y. Merc spot Wed.

Report finds problems with Alaska oil leases ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A report by the federal Government Accountability Office says the Minerals Management Service has not properly considered the environmental effects of offshore petroleum lease sales in Alaska. The GAO, Congress’ investigative arm, says the Minerals Manage-

ment Service did not available to environprovide consistent pol- mental analysts was icy to guide staff mem- withheld. In its official rebers in environmental the agency reviews of petroleum sponse, to make drilling, and that has promises left the agency vulner- changes. But environmental able to litigation and allegations of scientific groups say the report is proof that the agency misconduct. The report released has made poor deciWednesday says pro- sions in conducting prietary information lease sales in sensitive that should have been Arctic waters.


High Point Enterprise Weather Today





Mostly Sunny




Mostly Sunny

64º 37º

68º 40º

74º 46º

76º 47º

73º 49º

Local Area Forecast Kernersville Winston-Salem 64/36 64/37 Jamestown 64/37 High Point 64/37 Archdale Thomasville 64/37 64/37 Trinity Lexington 63/37 Randleman 64/37 64/38

North Carolina State Forecast

Elizabeth City 64/44

Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows.

Asheville 59/32

High Point 64/37 Charlotte 66/37

Denton 65/38

Greenville 67/40 Cape Raleigh Hatteras 67/39 63/49


Wilmington 69/45 City

Hi/Lo Wx

ALBEMARLE . . . . . .65/37 BREVARD . . . . . . . . .62/33 CAPE FEAR . . . . . . .69/45 EMERALD ISLE . . . .67/46 FORT BRAGG . . . . . .68/40 GRANDFATHER MTN . .45/29 GREENVILLE . . . . . .67/40 HENDERSONVILLE .60/33 JACKSONVILLE . . . .70/41 KINSTON . . . . . . . . . .67/40 KITTY HAWK . . . . . . .63/46 MOUNT MITCHELL . .53/32 ROANOKE RAPIDS .66/39 SOUTHERN PINES . .67/38 WILLIAMSTON . . . . .67/40 YANCEYVILLE . . . . .64/37 ZEBULON . . . . . . . . .67/40

s s sh sh pc pc pc s sh pc t pc pc s pc s pc

70/39 67/35 69/45 68/45 70/40 54/34 68/40 65/36 70/41 68/40 59/45 60/34 67/41 70/39 68/40 69/37 68/39

s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s

Across The Nation Today


Weather (Wx): cl/cloudy; fl/flurries; pc/partly cloudy; ra/rain; rs/rain & snow; s/sunny; sh/showers; sn/snow; t/thunderstorms; w/windy

ALBUQUERQUE . . ATLANTA . . . . . . . BOISE . . . . . . . . . . BOSTON . . . . . . . . CHARLESTON, SC CHARLESTON, WV CINCINNATI . . . . . CHICAGO . . . . . . . CLEVELAND . . . . . DALLAS . . . . . . . . DETROIT . . . . . . . . DENVER . . . . . . . . GREENSBORO . . . GRAND RAPIDS . . HOUSTON . . . . . . . HONOLULU . . . . . . KANSAS CITY . . . . NEW ORLEANS . .

Hi/Lo Wx . . . . .

.76/39 .67/44 .50/31 .60/41 .69/50 . .61/42 . .56/34 . .53/43 . .49/37 . .75/52 . .51/37 . .62/39 . .64/37 . .50/31 . .73/52 . .81/71 . .71/48 . .73/58

s s s sh sh s s s rs s mc s s mc s s s s



Hi/Lo Wx


76/39 71/45 60/39 56/44 70/47 70/44 69/42 65/49 62/43 76/56 61/48 62/43 67/40 63/43 75/58 82/69 75/54 74/56

LAS VEGAS . . . . . . .81/59 LOS ANGELES . . . . .72/53 MEMPHIS . . . . . . . . .71/49 MIAMI . . . . . . . . . . . .83/69 MINNEAPOLIS . . . . . .62/43 MYRTLE BEACH . . . .69/45 NEW YORK . . . . . . . .65/42 ORLANDO . . . . . . . . .76/57 PHOENIX . . . . . . . . . .85/58 PITTSBURGH . . . . . .46/33 PHILADELPHIA . . . . .61/41 PROVIDENCE . . . . . .61/40 SAN FRANCISCO . . .67/50 ST. LOUIS . . . . . . . . .67/43 SEATTLE . . . . . . . . . .51/38 TULSA . . . . . . . . . . . .72/48 WASHINGTON, DC . .61/42 WICHITA . . . . . . . . . .73/47

s s pc s s s s s s s pc s s s s s s s

Hi/Lo Wx s s s mc s sh t sh s mc sh sh s s sh s s s

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . .

.6:55 .7:49 .4:16 .3:32

a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m.

UV Index for 3 periods of the day.

8 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 4 p.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5


79/58 66/51 74/52 81/71 62/41 70/45 62/48 79/63 85/58 57/42 64/43 58/41 59/51 73/50 53/41 75/54 70/44 75/51

s mc s s pc s s s s s s s mc s pc s s s

New 4/14

0-2: Low The higher the UV 3-5: Moderate index, the higher the 6-7: High need for eye and 8-10: Very High skin protection. 11+: Extreme

First 4/21

Last 5/5

Full 4/28

Lake Levels & River Stages Lake and river levels are in feet. Change is over the past 24 hrs. Flood Pool Current Level Change High Rock Lake 655.2 654.4 -0.2 Flood Stage Current Level Change Yadkin College 18.0 2.77 -0.05 Elkin 16.0 3.09 -0.22 Wilkesboro 14.0 3.13 -0.16 High Point 10.0 0.73 -0.02 Ramseur 20.0 1.45 -0.05 Moncure 20.0 18.67 0.00


Hi/Lo Wx 90/73 55/40 82/60 67/49 58/37 75/57 65/49 50/39 75/58 89/62

pc pc s s pc s sh pc s s



Hi/Lo Wx

COPENHAGEN . . . . .48/39 GENEVA . . . . . . . . . .63/43 GUANGZHOU . . . . . .72/67 GUATEMALA . . . . . .79/62 HANOI . . . . . . . . . . . .79/72 HONG KONG . . . . . . . .72/69 KABUL . . . . . . . . . . .73/53 LONDON . . . . . . . . . .64/42 MOSCOW . . . . . . . . .61/38 NASSAU . . . . . . . . . .81/70

mc pc pc t pc pc pc pc pc pc


Hi/Lo Wx 49/39 63/41 74/69 84/62 82/73 75/64 73/53 61/43 57/36 79/69

pc s sh t pc sh mc pc s sh



Hi/Lo Wx

PARIS . . . . . . . . . . . .63/42 ROME . . . . . . . . . . . .63/46 SAO PAULO . . . . . . .69/61 SEOUL . . . . . . . . . . .63/46 SINGAPORE . . . . . . .91/78 STOCKHOLM . . . . . . .43/32 SYDNEY . . . . . . . . . .73/61 TEHRAN . . . . . . . . . .71/56 TOKYO . . . . . . . . . . .58/50 ZURICH . . . . . . . . . . .58/41

s ra sh s t pc s ra mc pc

63/42 66/47 71/63 59/46 89/78 40/31 77/62 71/56 63/51 56/37

Air Quality

Today: Very High Predominant Types: Trees


Hi/Lo Wx Pollen Rating Scale


pc pc s s mc s sh pc s s

. . . .

UV Index

Pollen Forecast

Hi/Lo Wx

ACAPULCO . . . . . . . .89/71 AMSTERDAM . . . . . .56/38 BAGHDAD . . . . . . . .86/64 BARCELONA . . . . . .68/48 BEIJING . . . . . . . . . .57/45 BEIRUT . . . . . . . . . . . . .71/58 BOGOTA . . . . . . . . . .68/50 BERLIN . . . . . . . . . . .55/41 BUENOS AIRES . . . .75/58 CAIRO . . . . . . . . . . . .79/61

Statistics through 6 p.m. yesterday at Greensboro

Hi/Lo Wx

Around The World City

24 hours through 6 p.m. . . . . . . .0.02" Month to Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0.02" Normal Month to Date . . . . . . . . .0.93" Year to Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12.45" Normal Year to Date . . . . . . . . .11.42" Record Precipitation . . . . . . . . . .1.50"

Sunrise . . Sunset . . Moonrise Moonset .


Hi/Lo Wx

Precipitation (Yesterday)

Sun and Moon

Around Our State Today

Temperatures (Yesterday) High . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Normal High . . . . . . . . . . . .68 Normal Low . . . . . . . . . . . .43 Last Year’s High . . . . . . . .58 Last Year’s Low . . . . . . . . .32 Record High . . . . .88 in 1929 Record Low . . . . . .25 in 2007

s s sh sh t rs pc sh pc s




151-200: 201-300: 301-500:

50 25 0






0: Absent, 1-25: Low, 26-50: Moderate, 51-75: High, >75: Very High

Climate talks could pick up from failed summit BONN, Germany (AP) – Climate change negotiators convening this weekend are hoping to renew momentum on a new global warming treaty after setbacks at the Copenhagen summit four months ago – but the talks could easily turn into a round of recriminations. Delegates from 175 countries begin a threeday meeting in Bonn, Germany, today with an open session meant to be a stocktaking. But it could turn bitter over blame for the failure to deliver a firm agreement in the Danish capital on limiting manmade emissions of greenhouse gases, the cause of the Earth’s rising average temperatures. The biggest environmental summit in history, attended by 120 world leaders, was rescued from total collapse in its final hours with a frantic round of diplomacy led by President Barack Obama and a few dozen other heads of government. The main task this weekend is to set a schedule of talks for the rest of the year leading up to another major conference in Cancun, Mexico, starting Nov. 29. “If they are serious, they have to put together a work plan that will deliver,” said Kaisa Kosonen, a climate policy adviser for Greenpeace. “It’s not the number of meetings, but the mandate of those meetings, what they are trying to achieve.”

Today: 48 (Good) 0-50: 51-100: 101-150:

Good Moderate Unhealthy (sensitive) Unhealthy Very Unhealthy Hazardous

Air quality data is provided by the Forsyth County Environmental Affairs Department.

Astronaut asked about career, hair on talk radio


April snow A cyclist makes his way along Crescent Park in Sitka, Alaska, during a snow squall. About two inches of snow fell Wednesday.

EU satellite to check climate impact on ice DARMSTADT, Germany (AP) – The European Space Agency launched a new high-tech satellite Thursday to measure the effects of global warming on Earth’s polar ice and gather data on rising sea levels, information that could prove crucial to millions on the globe’s coasts and islands. ESA said at its European Space Operations Center in Germany Thursday it received a signal from CryoSat 2 after it took off on a Russian launcher rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, meaning lift-off was successful. “So far, everything went fantastically,” said Volker Liebig, ESA Di-


Image provided by the European Space Agency Thursday shows the launch of the new high-tech satellite CryoSat2 at the the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. rector for Earth Observation Programs. In 2005, ESA lost its first CryoSat when the launcher rocket failed, causing a five-year-delay

of the mission, which has been eagerly awaited by glacial scientists since the late 1990s. “If anything, this mission is even more impor-

tant now than a decade ago when we first proposed it,” as changes in Earth’s polar ice sheets are accelerating, said Duncan Wingham of University College London, CryoSat’s principal investigator. ESA said the 700-kilogram (1,543-pound) CryoSat 2 is designed to pinpoint the effects of global warming on the Arctic and Antarctic ice, which cover about ten percent of Earth’s surface and prove crucial for the Earth’s climate. “The polar regions work like the refrigerators of the climate system,” German glacial scientist Heinrich Miller explained.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) – Discovery’s space station visit took a sudden pop-cultural turn Thursday when one of the four record-breaking female astronauts went on talk radio from orbit to chat about her career, iPod selections and even her hairdo. Stephanie Wilson was a good sport as she answered questions from nationally syndicated talk show host Tom Joyner, whose shows Wilson are broadcast on blackamericaweb. com. He noted there are more women in orbit right now than ever before, then asked: “Did you get your hair done before you went up in space?” Wilson threw back her head and laughed. “Of course, I always try to represent NASA as best I can,” she said. “So hopefully, I’m looking pretty good.” Wilson, among only a handful of black women to fly in space, turned serious when answering Joyner’s questions about how she got into “the business of space shuttling” and how parents can encourage their children to follow her example. The 43-year-old engineer said it was important to study hard and be exposed to as many opportunities as possible, in order to “dream big dreams.” She’s one of three women who flew up on Discovery and joined one already at the International Space Station, making for the biggest female crowd ever to circle the planet.

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