Saturday February 13, 2010
RECOVERY EFFORT: Signals show home sales picking up. 2R
To place a classified ad, call (336) 888-3555
Recovery ... it all depends
High Point Regional Association of Realtors Inc. hprar.com
The signals are out there as home sales are picking up
he signals are out there. Home sales are picking up and prices are slowly ascending. However, recovery isn’t obvious everywhere yet. Most markets are still seeing the cheapest homes selling fastest, while mid-range homes are taking longer, and upper-end properties are languishing. Whether buying or selling, your best strategy in this dynamic marketplace depends on which tier your property sits. This column will begin by offering advice for that bottom tier of the most affordable homes. My next column will discuss the mid-range market, and then finally we’ll get
around to those most expensive properties at the top. Most of the two million recent foreclosures have made up the bulk of the least expenREAL ESTATE sive homes on the Ken market. Bargain Wall prices and a fed■■■ eral tax credit have lured investors and first-time buyers into the fray, increasing sales of $100-$250K homes by 9 percent over the last year. Buyers should act quickly and submit their offer with due haste. If your offer
Sellers can increase their odds of success by offering their home in “model condition” at a fair price. isn’t accepted, keep checking back, because deals commonly fall through. While it’s hard to compete against foreclosures in the pricing category,
Foreclosure rates in High Point area increase SPECIAL TO THE ENTERPRISE
points compared to Decem- al foreclosure rate which ber of 2008 when the rate was 3.16 percent for DeGREENSBORO – Foreclo- was 0.70 percent. cember 2009, representsure rates in High Pointing a 1.69 percentage Greensboro increased for point difference. the month of December Also in Greensboroover the same period last High Point, the mortgage year, according to First delinquency rate has inAmerican CoreLogic. creased. According to According to newlyFirst American Corereleased data from First Logic data for DecemAmerican CoreLogic on ber 2009, 6.50 percent of foreclosures for the Greensmortgage loans were 90 boro-High Point area, the days or more delinquent rate of foreclosures among compared to 3.62 percent outstanding mortgage for the same period last loans is 1.47 percent for Foreclosure activity in year, representing an inthe month of December, an Greensboro-High Point crease of 2.88 percentage increase of 0.77 percentage is lower than the nation- points.
Foreclosure activity in Greensboro-High Point is lower than the national foreclosure rate.
Address: 1830 Eastchester Drive, High Point, N.C. 27265
they’re often in dire need of repairs. Sellers can increase their odds of success by offering their home in “model condition” at a fair price. Whether you’re a buyer or a seller, watch this space for more advice on making your sale or purchase work.
Phone: 889-8181 President: Ken Wall Email address: kenwall@triadhomefinder.com
Ken Wall is president of the High Point Regional Association of Realtors, one of more than 1800 local boards and associations nationwide that comprise the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The Association is an advocate for property rights and the “Voice of Real Estate” in the Triad area of North Carolina. HPRAR represents more than 700 members in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate industry.
Looking forward Pulte Homes hopes for better days ahead LOS ANGELES (AP) – Pulte Homes Inc. saw orders pick up starting last summer amid low mortgage interest rates and a tax credit for homebuyers. But many industry experts question whether the fragile housing recovery will sputter once the tax credits – $8,000 for new buyers and $6,500 for current owners – expire at the end of April. Recent housing data have stoked those doubts. Sales of new homes fell 7.6 percent in December for the second month in a
row. The results were the weakest since March and were only 4 percent above the bottom last January. And sales of previously occupied homes fell nearly 17 percent. Still, the number of people preparing to buy a home in December rose slightly from November, a positive sign heading into the spring home buying season. Many builders and industry analysts anticipate a lift in home sales in the spring, followed by a drop in demand the second half of the year.
Executive Vice President: Ed Terry Email address: eterry@ hprar.com
Do you think you have something to contribute? We’d like to hear from you. If you have an idea for a story concerning new subdivisions, agent or agency achievements or news that affects the local real estate community, please contact Andy English at Aenglish@hpe.com or feel free to call us at 888-3635.
Five financial habits to help wannabe homebuyers E
ver since the Great Recession began battering the U.S. economy, many people have tried to straighten out their personal finances. Many are motivated by a strong desire to buy a first home while prices are still moderate. “Homeownership remains a top financial goal for countless people,” says Gerri Detweiler, a consumer advocate and personal finance author. In the past, poor financial management skills, along with excessive debt loads, have stopped numerous households from moving forward toward a home purchase, says Detweiler, whose books include “The Ultimate Credit Handbook.” One major factor that’s held many people back is the absence of financial education programs in the U.S. educational system, according to Eric Tyson, author of “Personal Finance for Dummies.” “Classes in money management are now making their way into the curriculum at more schools, from elementary through college. But most people have never had a course in the subject and are clueless on the basics,” he says. In fact, Tyson, a former financial planner, says he’s met many highly educated people who lack even the most fundamental know-how on personal finance. Nevertheless, for most people strong money management skills, along with a solid savings plan, are necessary prerequisites to buying a first home. Here are five financial practices that
could help you gain membership in the homeownership club: • Stop shopping for entertainment. Ever since the economy slid downward in 2008, many Americans have SMART MOVES fought a strong cultural Ellen tendency to shop for fun, Martin which often results in ■■■ overspending and a buildup of personal debt. “Twenty years ago, frugal living fell out of favor. Yet now, frugality is becoming chic again,” she says. Even so, it’s tough for people to retreat from overspending if they make frequent shopping trips. “The term ‘retail therapy’ is widely used by people to mean they view shopping as a mood booster. But, obviously, this can be a very expensive mood booster,” Detweiler says. Some people can spend a full Saturday at a mall without spending a dime. But most people find it difficult to resist the allure of attractive merchandise. They’re better off finding new hobbies outside of shopping, so their discretionary money can go for a larger goal, like homeownership, rather than a lesser one, like ownership of a fancy new handbag. “To stop recreational shopping, the best thing is to come up with a list of alternative activities ahead of time,” Detweiler says, such as having friends over.
• Monitor your accounts regularly. If you use debit cards rather than checks to make most purchases and fail to track your account balance, you could end up paying sizeable overdraft fees if your balance drops too low. To avoid this potentially costly scenario, Detweiler urges you to monitor your checking account activity at least once a week, via the Internet. Also, she says that anyone who uses credit cards routinely should also track their activity in these accounts regularly. • Reach out for money management help. Many financial planners aren’t set up to do budget counseling for middle-income people. The majority assist those who have already amassed significant wealth. However, Detweiler says wannabe homeowners have access to very lowpriced or even free financial counseling through nonprofit housing counseling services. And she urges them to take advantage of this option. “From these sources, you can often find great pre- purchase educational seminars or one-on-one budget assistance that should help you reach your goal,” Detweiler says. To find housing counseling services in your area, she recommends you visit the Web site of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (www.hud.gov). Or call HUD’s toll-free housing referral hotline: 800-569-4287. • Cut back on fine dining. Obviously, overspending in any
category could impair your plans to make a first home purchase. But one very common and especially expensive pitfall for many involves eating out. Your savings plan probably won’t sink under the weight of a few fast food meals, Detweiler says. But eat out several times a month at expensive restaurants and you can easily put a major dent into your home-buying plans. • Plan your purchases in advance. Once upon a time, before the baby boomer era, many people used the “envelope system” to allocate money. For instance, as soon as they bought a new car, they started tucking away bills toward the purchase of their next car. This envelope system was a prudent money-saving strategy because it helped ensure that priority items (such as food or housing costs) were covered. Also, it increased the odds that money would be available when needed to make big ticket purchases. A few people still use the envelope system to allocate money. But you can also achieve your savings objectives by making automatic withdrawals from your paycheck to your savings account on a regular basis, Detweiler says. “When you plan ahead and save, whether for a house or a car, you gain a lot of control over your spending priorities. This can make an immeasurable difference to your financial future,” she says.
To contact Ellen James Martin, e-mail her at ellenjamesmartin gmail.com.
Beazer Homes posts $48 million profit for first quarter ALEX VEIGA AP REAL ESTATE WRITER
Homebuyers spurred by low interest rates and government incentives helped lift Beazer Homes USA Inc.’s sales in the last three months of 2009, but the builder only turned a profit because of a hefty tax gain.
Management said this week it expects to reel in more home shoppers this year, but stopped short of forecasting a profitable year. “We want to see how the market comes out,” said Ian McCarthy, Beazer’s president and CEO. Like other builders, the Atlan-
ta-based company saw orders pick up last summer thanks to low mortgage rates and a tax credit for homebuyers. But many industry experts question whether the fragile housing recovery will sputter once the tax credits – $8,000 for new buyers and $6,500 for current owners – expire at the end of April.
McCarthy argued sales may not necessarily slow at that point if home prices remain stable and unemployment declines. “Having said that, we are planning for a softer second half of the year, but hoping for something better,” McCarthy said.
For now, however, Beazer is benefiting from a surge in business that hasn’t let up. “Momentum has continued in January, so that is very, very positive,” he said. Beazer earned $48 million, or $1.17 a share, in its fiscal first quarter ended in December.
4R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2010 2050
Apartments Unfurnished
APARTMENTS & HOUSES FOR RENT. (336)884-1603 for info.
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Quality 1 & 2 BR Apts for Rent Starting @ $395 Southgate Garden & Piedmont Trace Apartments (336) 476-5900 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Apartments Furnished
3 ROOM APARTMENT partly furnished. 476-5530 431-3483 Jamestown Manor 2br, renovated, central heat/air, Prices start at $475.00 454-5430 or 408-2587
Now Leasing Apts Newly Remodeled, 1st Month Free Upon Approved Application, Reduced Rents, Call 336-889-5099
Need space in your garage?
Commercial Property
5000 sq. ft. former daycare with a 5000 sq. ft. fenced in yard. Well located in High Point. Call day or night 336-625-6076
The Classifieds
Apartments Unfurnished
1br Archdale $395 1br Lassiter $375 2br Archdale $485 Daycare $3200 L&J Prop 434-2736
Raintree Apartments Carefree living Convenient location No Security Deposit. (336) 869-6011
1, 2 & 3 BR Homes For Rent 880-3836 / 669-7019
Looking to increase or decrease your office size. Large & Small Office spaces. N High Point. All amenities included & Conference Room, Convenient to the Airport.
2BR, 1 1 ⁄2 B A Apt. T’ville Cab. Tv $450 mo. 336-561-6631 2BR. Applis, W/D conn. Clean, Good Loc. $450. 431-9478
WE have section 8 approved apartments. Call day or night 625-0052.
across from Outback, 1200-4000 sq. ft. D.G. Real-Estate Inc 336-841-7104 Retail Off/Warehouse 2800 sqft $650 10,000 sqft $1600 T-ville 336-362-2119
February 14, 2-4 p.m.
Highly Motivated Seller, Home Well Below Tax Value
2BR/1BA, 202 W Bellevue Dr, N High Point, $550/mo. Call 336-869-2781 3BR/2BA, Fenced in yard. Carpeted. Nice $950mo, 454-1478 Need space in your garage?
Call The Classifieds 3BR Homes available in High Point area, Section 8 approved. central H/A. Starting at $500/mo. Call 336-625-1200 Benjamin James Prop
GUARANTEED RESULTS! We will advertise your house until it sells
400 00
Open House Sunday,
Buy * Save * Sell
Almost new 10,000 sq ft bldg on Baker Road, plenty of parking. Call day or night 336-625-6076
T’ville 2BR/1.5BA Townhouse. Stove, refrig., & cable furn. No pets. No Section 8. $440+ dep. 475-2080.
Place your ad in the classifieds!
Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics
The Classifieds
Buy * Save * Sell
70,000 ft. former Braxton Culler bldg. Well located. Reasonable rent. Call day or night. 336-6256076
Medi cal Off/ Retail/ Showroom/Manufac. 1200-5000 sqft. $450/mo. 431-7716
1116 Wayside-3br 318 Charles-2br 883-9602
600 SF Wrhs $200 400 SF Office $250 T-ville 336-561-6631 Where Buyers & Sellers Meet
Homes Unfurnished
• 2X2 Display Ad (Value $64.60/day) • Ad will run EVERYDAY • Ad will include photo, description and price of your home • Ad runs up to 365 days. • Certain restrictions apply • This offer valid for a limited time only
Call The High Point Enterprise! 888-3555 or classads@hpe.com For Sale By Owner, Realtors & Builders are Welcome!
Price reduced $75,000
3515 Square feet
$525,000 2803 Swan Lake Drive Features: • Four bedrooms on main level • Stainless appliances • 3.5 baths • Double oven • Hickory hardwood floors • Detailed brick work • Tile in baths, laundry • Three-car garage and sunroom • Tankless hot water • Custom cherry cabinetry • Over-sized Jacuzzi • Custom molding throughout • Irrigation system • Vaulted, coffered and • Central Vac tray ceiling • Alarm system • Large bonus room upstairs • Wired for surround sound • Granite countertops • Three separate HVAC systems • Gas log fireplace in large • Ledford Schools great room
Don’t delay. Offer must be accepted by April 30 to qualify for $6,500 tax credit. Contact: Nancy Laney of Coldwell Banker Triad at 336-410-6821
3 Offices To Serve You High Point Office
Archdale Office
Wendover at Eastchester Office
1220 N. Main 812-3161
118 Trindale Road 861-7653
3815 Tinsley Drive 883-7200
Locally Owned & Operated!
W W W . E D P R I C E T R I A D . C O M
299 Tom Rd.
1001 Tipton Street
2208 Lake Forest Drive
109 Lindsay Drive
3 bedrooms and 2 baths located on 39 acres and a Horse Farm.
Updated duplex w/2BDRMS/1BATH per side. New tile and vinyl siding. Great investment opportunity!
Endless possibilities w/3BDRMS/2BATHS +office. Great backyard. $5,000 Buyer Incentive!
3 bedrooms and 2 baths located on a nice lot w/ fenced backyard. 2 car garage.
Investment or starter home w/ 2 bedrooms and 1 bath. Convenient location.
Donna Lambeth 240-3456
Angela Brown 689-4559
Angela Brown 689-4559
Caroline Burnett 878-7542
Scott Myers 906-4069
7002 Arden Street
2952 Pine Ridge Road
5278 Finch Farm Road
819 Russell
103 Maryland Drive $169,900
3 bedrooms and 1 bath brick home with many updates. Privacy fence. Must see!
Karen Dietz 688-6539
Tidy ranch with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Quiet area. Ranch home w/3BDRMS-2BATHS. 1+acre lot, deck, covered porch and more. Conveniently located across Randolph County. from Steeplegate. Foster Ferryman 253-8888
Good investment opportunity! Quiet neighborhood.
Foster Ferryman 253-8888
121 Dorothy Street
New 3BDRM/2BaTh floorpan. 2 car garage, screened porch, lawn maintenance. Ready for you now!
Amber Doyle 878-7026
Janice Wilson 442-1859
2538-2578 Old Cox Road $34,900 916 Grace Street $13,500 Investment property. 1 bedroom and 1 bath. Gas circulator heat.
Brick ranch with 2.5 acres in Randolph County.
1937 Chestnut Street
3813 Marble Drive
Duplex apartment building. Double lot 100’x150’. Apt. A 1BDRM/1BATH, Apt. B 2BDRMS/1BATH
Brick ranch w/3BDRMS/2BATHS. Large den w/fire- 3BDRM/2.5BATH community w/clubhouse, pool, exerplace. Davidson Co. schools and taxes. 3/4 acre lot. cise room. Ask about down payment assistance!
Scott Myers 906-4069
Foster Ferryman 253-8888
Scott Myers 906-4069
Sharon Sink 688-2122
Lisa Sherman 878-7011
1109 Guilford Avenue
123 Albertson Road $114,900
510 Hayworth Circle $139,900
112 Battle Drive
506 Shamrock
Immaculate brick home w/3BDRMS-2BATHS. Full basement, enclosed porch and screened porch.
Charming w/3BDRMS-2BATHS. Front Porch, hardwood floors, beautiful landscaping.
Lower level condo with 2 bedrooms and 2 baths located in Archdale.
Vic Sanniota 878-7587
Debi Bryant 215-4236
Karen Dietz 688-6539
New paint and refinished floors. Large 23x8 screened 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Ranch with basement with porch. All appliances remain. lots of potential. Davidson County.
Larry Guy 880-6767
1026 Grace Street
Foster Ferryman 253-8888
$8,000 TAX CREDIT FOR 1ST TIME BUYERS! Char Bivins Pat & Bill Colonna Saddlebrook & Weston 906-2265 Woods 870-0222 Heritage Ridge
Amber Doyle Beverly Hardy 880-1789 803-1793 Colonial Village Cambridge
Sallie Ledford 456-8690 Ashebrook
Kristi Lucas 870-0421 Hickswood
Mariea Shean 687-9464 Water’s Edge
Lisa Sherman 847-1142 Whitestone
Linda Solando 878-7007 Planters Walk
Susan Woody 689-3819 Westover
3 Offices To Serve You
Wendover at Eastchester Office
Archdale Office
High Point Office
3107 Wynnfield Drive
Incredible price for this attractive home located in Austin Downs. 4 bedrooms and 3.5 baths. LL bedroom could be game room or office. You must see to appreciate! $235,000
1220 N. Main 812-3161
Locally Owned & Operated!
118 Trindale Road 861-7653
3815 Tinsley Drive 883-7200
w w w . e d p r i c e t r i a d . c o m OPE N
2 - 4
Homes from the 180s In Archdale
Ask About ! ls Specia
2208 Lake Forest Drive
$5,000 Buyer incentive! 3BR/2BATH with office. All Brick! Great backyard! $139,900 Directions: Hwy68/Eastchester Drive to right on Lake Forest. Angela Brown 689-4559
194 Freemont Drive
4229 Rock Bridge
Beautiful Breckenridge Past Colonial Country Club. Spacious 2br/2bath Townhome W/Many Upgrades. Directions: I-85 Take Finch Farm Rd. Exit And Go North Across Hwy 62 To Unity St.Past Colonial County Club. Right Into Breckenridge. Road Will Dead End Into Freemont. Your Host: Rick Vaughn • 803-0514
“Going to Auction” Auction on site at 12:30 on 2/22. Come for a preview! Call Foster for more information. 253-8888 Directions: W. Lexington to right on Swansgate, left onSwanlake, right on Rock Bridge.
Directions: Conveniently located just off North Main St. in High Point. Quick access to highway 311 By-Pass. From Main Street turn onto Westover Drive. Westover Ridge will be on your right just after you cross the Davidson County line. New Builder is PHD Builders. SUSAN WOODY 689-3819 • LAURIE EDWARDS 906-0555
Call Mariea Shean 878-7577 Open Daily 11-5 • Sat. & Sun. 2-5
Too Many Specials To List! Open Daily 11-5 • Sat. & Sun. 2-5 Call Pat Colonna 841-7001 or 906-2265
South on Main St. into Archdale. Left on Tarheel. Right on Wood Ave. Follow to the end.
Main St. to left on Fairfield. Left on Brentwood. Right on Granville and you will enter Spring Brook Meadows
Now selling New 2 & 3 BR Plans
2113 Rosemont Dr $180,760 Located in Saddle Brook
Call Sallie Ledford 841-7022 From WS: I-40E to Hwy 311 R Old Plank, R on Ashebrook Dr. into entrance. From High Point: N. Main to Old 311 L on Old Plank, R on Ashebrook Dr. into entrance.
North Main to Old 311. Left on Hedgecock. Right on Ansley
From High Point: Skeet Club to right onto Sandy Ridge 2 mi. on left. From WS: I-40 E to Sandy Ridge Rd exit Right onto Sandy Ridge Rd. 2 mi. on right. From GSO: I-40 W to Sandy Ridge exit left onto Sandy Ridge Rd. 2 mi. on right.
201 Weston Woods $144,375 Located in Weston Woods
From High Point: 311S to Archdale Rd. Then a right on School Rd. Neighborhood on left.
The Villas
Covent Gardens
140s From $00s to $2
Let Us Show You Single Family Home in Our Upcoming Phase!
• 3BR,2BA, 2 car garage • Designer ceilings • Corner fireplace • Optional sunroom or screen porch Live across from the Country Club Model Open Daily 11-5 • Sun. 1-5 Closed on Monday
Beautiful Townhomes
OPEN DAILY 11-5; SAT. & SUN. 2-5 • Ledford Schools • 13 plans to choose starting in the $140s • Neighborhood pool plus sidewalks Directions: National Highway to Hasty School Rd. Right on Joe Moore Rd. Right on Burton Road. Right on Paul Pope Road.
Call Amber Doyle 878-7026
I-85 to Finch Farm Rd. Exit. Right on Finch Farm toward Thomasville. Community on left across from country club.
Cambridge Oaks Starting at $219,900
WhiteStone Single family homes from the $140’s. Townhome plans w/2 car garages. Community lawn maintenance, pool and clubhouse. 3 & 4 BDRMDS w/master on main level available. Open Monday-Thursday 11-5, Friday&Sunday1-5, Saturday 10-5. Directions: Eastchester Dr. to right on Deep River Rd. Whitestone is on the left.
Single family and townhomes with new builders, floor plans and pricing! Open Friday-Sunday 1-5 Directions: Main St. to Westover L on Chestnut St. Past Davidson Co. line
Donise Bailey 442-0012 • Beverly Hardy 803-1793 Karen Boulware 906-0091
Lisa Sherman 878-7011
Phase 1 Lot Prices start in the $40’s. Construction has now begun! Randolph County! Adjacent to Kynwood Village! Large lots! Quiet country setting! Directions: HWY 311 South to right on Tom Hill Rd. Left on Archdale Rd. Approx. 3.5 miles from I-85.
Chris Long 689-2855
A premier, luxury townhome community offering one and two levels with the Master Suite and guest bedrooms on the main level. directions: Westchester Dr. to right on Country Club, left on Kippenshire. Two-car garage and walk-in attic storage standard. Pam Beeson 848-7560.
Lots of Amenities such as Granite, Hardwoods, Tile and all Masters on Main Level. 3 Different Floors Plans 3 Bedrooms 2 to 2.5 Baths and Finished Bonus Rms. Brick and Stone Exterior • 2 Car Garages Convenient location between Greensboro and High Point Prices starting at $ 145,900
Price range is $330,000 & up.
Donise Bailey 336-442-0012 • Karen Bouleware 336-906-0091
Donise Bailey 442-0012
Marti Baity 240-3996
Vida Bailey 906-0132
Janice Barker 442-2338
Carla Berrier 442-4578
Dianna Baxendale 870-9395
Jennifer Beacom 442-4950
Pam Beeson 848-7560
Kathy Blakemore 883-7200
Karen Boulware 906-0091
Paul Bowers 878-7568
Deborah Bryant 215-4236
Shelby Brewer 707-8629
Angela Brown 689-4559
Stacy Brown 399-4868
Janet Brown 906-2108
Carolina Burnett 803-1970
Pam Carter 210-4241
Sheila Cochrane 259-4932
Karen Coltrane 442-0555
Sam Cosher 471-8826
Christy Cox 442-1042
JoAnn Crawford 906-0002
Fidel Davila 687-5804
Laurie Edwards 906-0555 Westover
Shane Earnhardt 669-6849
Karen Dietz 688-6539
Foster Ferryman 253-8888
Lynn Finnegan 413-6158
Woody Grady 687-8111
Larry Guy 880-6767
Linda Hamilton 345-1911
Rodney Hamilton 345-1911
Sue Hoult 689-4381
Sharon Johnson 870-0771
Joan Kennedy 240-8145
Donna Lambeth 240-3456
Chris Long 689-2855
Stan Martin 889-5319
Aaron Mattern 669-9096
Juanita Miller 880-5113
Barbara Moore 878-7565
Barbara Montgomery 442- 3011
Scott Myers Broker In Charge 906-4069
Mike Pugh 471-1129
Vic Sanniota 906-2875
Kristy Schrock 847-6899
Sharon Sink 688-2122
Janice Spainhour 681-2791
Robert Smith 215-4465
Kathy Sprague 307-0877
Jeanne Stewart 878-7584
Rick Vaughn 803-0514
Linda Weaver 878-7004
Janice Wilson 442-1859
Jay Wood 442-7274
Beverly Hardy 803-1793 Cambridge
Sallie Ledford 456-8690 Ashebrook
Charles Willett 327-5225
Char Bivins Saddlebrook and Weston Woods 870-0222
Pat & Bill Colonna 906-2265 Heritage Ridge
Amber Doyle 880-1789 Colonial Village
Kristi Lucas 870-0421 Hickswood
Mariea Shean 687-9464 Water’s Edge
Lisa Sherman Whitestone 847-1142
Linda Solando 878-7007 Planters Walk
Susan Woody 689-3819 Westover
Janie Avant 509-7223
24 lots to choose from to suit your plan! 2 to 3 bD homes available five - 1 story plans w/double garage starting from $314,900 Rick Vaughn CALL 803-0514
• Exceptional standard features • Convenient to I-85 • 4 New Plans
• 3,4,5 bedroom plans • Large front porches and patios • Ask about $50,000 in assistance Open Tuesday-Saturday 1-5 & Sunday 2-5
Char Bivins 870-0222
Ask about Specials!
• 2 & 3 bedroom plans with garage • 1 level with gas log fireplace • Sunroom, Screen Porch, Bonus Room options
Best Kept Secret in Davidson County
The Commons at
Condos starting in the 80’s Townhomes starting in the 120’s Model Hours: Open Daily 1pm to 5 pm. Closed on Tuesdays.
202 Magnolia Lane
Bradford Downs w/3BDRMS and 2.5 baths. All brick, 3 car garage, 2800sqft, hardwoods, large bonus room and more! Reduced $40k, now $289,900. Directions: Hyw 311 S., L on Tarheel Dr. R on Wood Ave, L on Bradford Lane, R on Shady Oak Lane, R on Byron Lane, L on Magnolia. Home on right. Michael Pugh 471-1129
Join us for sweet treats and preview the latest plans for two of the area’s most affordable new home communities.
From $120s Single Level Townhomes
Prices Starting in the low $100s
Sweetheart Dessert Party Sunday, February 14 ~ 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Van Boyles 878-7573 Commercial
Alex Field 442-0744 Commercial
Ivan Garry 878-7541 Commercial
Ron Hinkle 878-7544 Commercial
Van McSwaim 906-5240 Commercial
Jerome Pappas 991-8919 Commercial
John Parks 906-0657 Commercial
Todd Peacock 878-7553 Commercial
Gary Snipes 880-5727 Commercial
Dennis Speckman 442-2000 Commercial
Ed Price 812-3161
Vic Sannioata 878-7587
8R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2010
3 Offices To Serve You
Locally Owned & Operated!
High Point Office
Archdale Office
Wendover at Eastchester Office
1220 N. Main 812-3161
118 Trindale Road 861-7653
3815 Tinsley Drive 883-7200
W W W . E D P R I C E T R I A D . C O M
941 CROYDEN STREET $239,900
808 MUIRFIELD COURT $399,900
944 SAINT ANN DRIVE $109,900
3412 GREENHILL DRIVE $165,000
Open and airy floor plan. 2 masters - main and second floor. Large backyard on cul-de-sac.
Brick ranch w/finished basement. 4BDRMS/3.5BATHS. Great home for large family.
Custom built in Willow Creek. 4BDRMS/2.5BATHS w/updated features. Cul-de-sac.
3BDRM/2BATH ranch. Fenced yard w/storage building. Davidson County Schools
3 bedroom and 2.5 bath home in High Point
Larry Guy 880-6767
JoAnn Crawford 906-0002
Sharon Sink 688-2122
Pam Beeson 878-7567
Pat Colonna 906-2265
120-2D JAMES ROAD $78,900
2613 ERNEST STREET $75,500
453 JAMES COURT $110,000
1810 N. CENTENNIAL $77,500
623 W. LEXINGTON AVE. $116,500
Better than new 2BDRM/2BATH Condo. N. High Point location w/open floor plan. Secure building.
Starter home w/3bDRMS - 1BATH. Hardwoods, gas logs and fenced backyard.
Exceptional home w/3BDRMS/2BATHS. All appliances, paint recently updated.
3BDRMS/1.5BATHS. Many appliances remain. Covered carport and patio. Walk to University!
Colonial charmer w/3BDRMS-1.5BATHS. Double lot. Hardwoods and replacement windows.
Pam Beeson 878-7567
Pam Carter 210-4241
Vida Bailey 906-0132
Mariea Shean 687-946
Pat Colonna 906-2265
992 JESSE GREEN ROAD $1,500,000
505 MONTLIEU AVENUE $169,500
1412 E. RUSSELL AVENUE $77,000
3609 OLD LEXINGTON RD. $37,500
4128 KENNEDY ROAD $395,000
Spectacular 7400+ Sq.Ft. home in Davidson Co. 5BDRMS/4Full Baths & 2 Half Baths. 22 acres of privacy.
Updated 1920’s home w/4BDRMS/2.5BATHS. Hardwood floors, granite countertops & more.
A great opportunity for you to own a 3 Bedroom and 2 Bath home!
3 Bedrooms and 1 Bath. Fixer upper! Needs TLC!
Custom built 3BDRM/2.5BATH home. Hardwoods, 2 fireplaces, sunroom bonus room and more!
Pam Beeson 878-7567
Sharon Sink 688-2122
Caroline Burnett 803-1970
Caroline Burnett 803-1970
Donna Lambeth 240-3456
105 PEARCE DRIVE $359,900
3863 FOX MEADOW $149,500
1372 BAYSWATER DRIVE $119,500
3776 SPANISH PEAK DRIVE $119,900
Beautiful open floor plan w/5BDRMS - 2.5BATHS in Whittington Hall. Hardwoods, sunroom and much more!
3Bedroom/3Bath home in Trinity. Finished Basement with Den, Laundry room plus a Bonus room.
One of a kind Townhome w/2BDRMS/2BATHS, Hardwoods in LVRM and Bedrooms. Garage. Davidson Co. Location.
Open floor plan 2BDRM/1.5BATH Townhome Large living room w/gas log fireplace, 1 car garage, plus a utility room.
Model for sale w/3BDRMS/2.5BATHS, Main level Master, Patio area w/privacy fence. Ask about $5000 Down payment assistance!
Shelby Brewer 707-8692
Pamela Carter 210-4241
Mariea Shean 687-9464
Sue Hoult 689-4381
Kristi Lucas 870-0421
4005 MILLSTONE COURT $199,900
Van Boyles 878-7573 Commercial
Alex Field 442-0744 Commercial
Ivan Garry 878-7541 Commercial
Ron Hinkle 878-7544 Commercial
Van McSwaim 906-5240 Commercial
Jerome Pappas 991-8919 Commercial
John Parks 906-0657 Commercial
Todd Peacock 878-7553 Commercial
Gary Snipes 880-5727 Commercial
Dennis Speckman 442-2000 Commercial
Ed Price 812-3161
Homes Unfurnished
It;s all in here today!! The Classifieds
Homes Unfurnished
It;s all in here today!! The Classifieds
Homes Unfurnished
It;s all in here today!! The Classifieds
Homes Unfurnished
It;s all in here today!! The Classifieds
Homes Unfurnished
It;s all in here today!! The Classifieds
Homes Unfurnished
It;s all in here today!! The Classifieds
Sunday, February 14 ~ 2:00 - 4:00 pm Join us for sweet treats and preview the latest plans for two of the area’s most affordable new home communities.
From High Point: Skeet Club to right onto Sandy Ridge 2 mi. on left. From WS: I-40 E to Sandy Ridge Rd exit Right onto Sandy Ridge Rd. 2 mi. on right. From GSO: I-40 W to Sandy Ridge exit left onto Sandy Ridge Rd. 2 mi. on right.
201 Weston Woods $144,375 Located in Weston Woods From High Point: 311S to Archdale Rd. Then a right on School Rd. Neighborhood on left.
Locally Owned & Operated!
Homes Unfurnished
4 BEDROOMS 103 Roelee ..................... $950 3 BEDROOMS 603 Denny...................... $750 601 E. Lexington............. $725 216 Kersey ..................... $600 281 Dorothy.................... $550 1511 Long........................ $525 1414 Madison ................. $525 205 Guilford ................... $495 1439 Madison................. $495 205 Kendall .................... $495 3613 Eastward #3 .......... $450 920 Forest ..................... $450 522 Flint ......................... $400 707 Marlboro.................. $400 1215 & 19 Furlough ......... $375 1005 Park ....................... $350
Sweetheart Dessert Party
2113 Rosemont Dr $180,760 Located in Saddle Brook
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitations, or discrimination” based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin, or intention to make any such pre-ference, limitation, or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this news-paper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Char Bivins 870-0222 Saddlebrook
2 BEDROOMS 2847 Mossy Mdow ........ $850 1100 Westbrook $750902-1A Belmont...... $600 228 Hedgecock ............. $600 216 Liberty...................... $550 500 Forrest .................... $525 8798 US 311 #2............... $495 1806 Welborn ................. $495 906 Beaumont ............... $475 320 Player...................... $425 2715-B Central ............... $425 215-B W. Colonial........... $400 600 WIllowbar ................ $400 283 Dorthy ..................... $400 913 Howard.................... $375 502 Lake ........................ $375 608 Wesley .................... $375 1418 Johnson ................. $375 1429 E Commerce ......... $375 802 Hines ...................... $350 802 Barbee .................... $350 503 Hill St ....................... $350 3602-A Luck .................. $350 415 A Whiteoak.............. $325 286 Dorthoy................... $300 1311 Bradshaw ...............$300 1223 A Franklin............... $270 1 BEDROOMS 311 E. Kendall ................. $350 205 A&B Taylor .............. $285 911-A Park ...................... $250 Storage Bldgs. Avail. COMMERCIAL SPACE 11246NMain 1200s.......... $850 227 Trindale 1000s ......... $700
KINLEY REALTY 336-434-4146 Where Buyers & Sellers Meet
Homes Unfurnished
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Open Sunday 2-4PM 5800 Hidden Valley Road
Open Sunday 2-4PM 4516 Treebark Lane
Open Sunday 2-4PM 4229 Rock Bridge
Open Sunday 2-4PM 2208 Lake Forest Drive
Stately colonial with covered porch and columns. Open great room with rock fireplace. Hardwoods and ceramic tile. Fabulous master suite with updated bath. 2.82 acres with 3 outdoor living areas. Guest suite, guest house and pool with gazebo. Two car garage with workshop. Directions: Guilford College Rd. to R Vickery Chapel Rd., L Graymont, R Hidden Valley, at end of road.
Gorgeous 3BR/2.5BA Kensington plan with tons of upgrades. Spacious master on main, granite countertops, stainless appliances, central vac system, hardwired security system, irrigation system & more. Conveniently located. Neighborhood pool and clubhouse. $224,900. Directions: Skeet Club to kendale, right on Alderbrook, right on Treebark Lane.
“Going to Auction” Auction on site at 12:30 on 2/22. Come see before auction. Directions: W. Lexington to R on Swansgate, L on Swanlake, R on Rockbridge.
$5,000 Buyer incentive! 3BDRMS/2Baths with office. All brick home with great backyard! $139,900. Directions: Hwy 68/Eastchester Drive to right on Lake Forest.
Sherry Craven 392-8204
PATTERSON DANIEL REAL ESTATE 336-472-2700 PattersonDaniel.com
Call Foster for more info. at 253-8888
Angela Brown 689-4559
The Classifieds
10R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2010
More wooded lots available.
NEW HOMES DAVIDSON COUNTY Lots starting at $34,900 Homes starting at $225,000 Special Financing at 4.75%
Call Frank Anderson Owner/Broker
(Certain Restrictions Apply)
H I G H Greensboro.com 294-4949
398 NORTHBRIDGE DR. 3BR, 2BA, Home, 2 car garage, Nice Paved Patio Like new $169,900 OWNER 883-9031 OPEN HOUSE MOST SAT. & SUN. 2-4
Water View
7741 Turnpike Road, Trinity, NC 1844/1846 Cedrow Dr. H.P. New construction, 3BR, 2Bath, city utility, heat pump, Appliances included $99,900.00
CALL CALL CALL 336-362-4313 or 336-685-4940
19 Forest Dr Fairgrove Forest, Thomasville $1000. Cash to buyer at closing. 1.5 ac Landscaped, 3BR, 2Baths, Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room with Fireplace, Den with Fireplace, Office. Carpet over Hardwood. Crown Molding thru out. Attached over sized double garage. Unattached 3 bay garage with storage attic. 2400sqft. $260,000.
*PRICE REDUCTION-POSSIBLE SELLER FINANCING! Quality built custom home on 40+ acres of beautiful woodlands & pastures. Many out buildings including a double hangar & official/recorded landing strip for your private airplane. Home features 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, sunroom, brick landscaped patio, hardwired sound system, 4 car carport, covered breezeway. You must see to fully appreciate this peaceful, private country estate -- Priced to sell at $579,000
HOME FOR SALE 1014 Hickory Chapel Road, 2br, Florida room, dining room, fireplace, garage, new heatpump, completely remodeled. Great for starter home or rental investment. Priced Reduced $59,900
CALL 336-870-5260
3930 Johnson St.
A Must See! Beautiful home set on 3 acres, New cabinets, corian countertops, hardwood, carpet, appliances, deck, roof. Home has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, formal living room, dining room, great room. $248,900.
6 Bedrooms, Plus 3 Home Offices Or 8 Bedrooms
- 1.1 Acre – Near Wesley Memorial Methodist – - Emerywood area “Tell your friends” $249,900. Priced below Tax & appraisal values. Owner Financing
Call 336-886-4602 OPEN TUES-SAT 11AM-5PM OPEN SUNDAY 1PM-5PM Directions: Eastchester to West Lexington, south on Hwy. 109, Community is on the left just past Ledford Middle School.
406 Sterling Ridge Dr Lamb’s Realty 442-5589
TOWNHOUSE One Level w/front porch 1760 SQ Ft, 2 BR w/ walk-in closets 2 BA, Laundry RM, All Appliances, Eat-In Kitchen w/ lots of cabinets, Large Dining & Family RM w/ Fireplace & Built-In Storage & Bookcases, Private 2 Car Garage w/storage RM, Large Deck $162,000.
Wendy Hill Realty Call 475-6800
Beautiful home in the Trinity school district. 3br/2.5 bath, walk in closet, garden tub/w separate shower, hardwoods, gas logs and more. $177,500.
Builders personal home with many upgrades: hardwood floors, jetted tub, separate shower, beautiful granite counters, fabulous kitchen, 2 story family room AND DRAMATIC VIEWS!! Plus much, much more….
Contact us at Lamb’s Realty- 442-5589.
1812 Brunswick Ct.
3152 WINDCHASE COURT 3 BR 2 BA 1164 SF, New carpet & paint, New HVAC, GE Appliances. End Unit $96,900
Quality construction beginning at $169,900! Eight Flexible floorplans! - Three to seven bedrooms - 1939 square feet to 3571 square feet - Friendship/Ledford Schools - Low Davidson County Taxes - Basement lots Available MORE INFO @ PattersonDaniel.com Marketed Exclusively by Patterson Daniel Real Estate, Inc.
Debra Murrow, Realtor New Home Consultant 336-499-0789
273 Sunset Lane, Thomasville
GET OUT OF TOWN! Immaculate brick home 3br/2ba/bsmt/carport tucked away on a deadend st. w/ room to roam on 11.56 acres. Spring-fed creek along back of property, fruit trees, grapevines, several garden spots, greenhouse, workshop, Updates include HW heater, windows, hi-eff heat pump, whole house generator, vinyl flooring & freshly painted rooms. Full bsmt w/workshop, fireplace, one bay garage. MH site on property may be leased for additional income. Horses welcome! Priced to sell @ $199,500-call today.
PATTERSON DANIEL REAL ESTATE - 472-2700 MORE INFO @ PattersonDaniel.com
Located at 1002 Barbee St, High Point 4 Bedroom,2 Bath Fireplace, New Vinyl, Completely Remodeled. Garage & Storage. $89.900. Have other homes to finance. Will trade for land.
Call 886-7095
Call 888-3555 to advertise on this page!
Fairgrove/East Davidson Schools. Approximately 1 acre $15,000.
Existing Home Owner can build and get up to $6,500 tax credit! Plus the first 3 buyers can get their lot at 1/2 price!!
Showcase of Real Estate LAND FOR SALE 5.9 Acres of privacy and seclusion with its own creek. Ready for your dream home, or you can renovate an existing home on the property. The property is located at 829 Hasty Hill Rd. between High Point and Thomasville. Davidson County Ledford Schools $59,000.
336-869-0398 Call for appointment
Homes Unfurnished
4 BEDROOMS 112 White Oak.........$1195 3700 Innwood ........$1195 622 Dogwood ........ $895 3 BEDROOMS 306 Northridge........$875 509 Langdale ..........$750 934 Londonderry ....... $725 2705 Ingleside Dr ....$725 1728-B N. Hamilton . $695
813 Magnolia .......... $595 2415 Williams ..........$575 726 Bridges.............$575 1135 Tabor...............$575 403 Snider.............. $550 1604 W. Ward ........ $550 1020 South ............. $550
3 bedroom/2 bath house for sale, Fairgrove Area, Thomasville. Half basement, 2 stall garage, also detached garage. Call 472-4611 for more information. $175,000.
2208-A Gable way .. $550
601 Willoubar.......... $550 324 Louise ............. $525 1016 Grant .............. $525 919 Old Winston ..... $525 409 Centennial....... $500 2209-A Gable Way .. $500 127 Pinecrest.......... $495 2219 N. Centennial.. $495
912 Putnam .............$475 1606 Larkin............. $450 114 Greenview ........ $450 502 Everett ............ $450 1614 Connor ........... $425 1725 Lamb ............. $395
For Sale By Owner 515 Evergreen Trail Thomasville, NC 27360
1048 Oakview......... $650 213 W. State........... $600 1540 Beaucrest ...... $525 204 Prospect ......... $500 1420 Madison......... $500 16 Leonard ............. $495 419 Peace ...............$475 1198 Day................. $450 1707 W. Rotary ....... $450 1100 Wayside ......... $450 111 Chestnut ........... $450 1101 Blain ................ $450 12 June................... $425 205-A Tyson Ct...... $425 322 Walker............. $425 204 Hoskins ........... $425 1501-B Carolina ...... $425 321 Greer ............... $400 1206 Adams ........... $400 324 Walker............. $400 713-B Chandler ...... $399 305 Allred............... $395 1043-B Pegram ...... $395 908 E. Kearns ........ $395 1704 Whitehall ........ $385 606 Martha .............$375 601-B Everett ..........$375 2306-A Little ...........$375 501 Richardson .......$375 305 Barker ............. $350 406 Kennedy.......... $350 311-B Chestnut....... $350 1705-A Rotary ........ $350 1516-B Oneka......... $350 3006 Oakcrest ....... $325 909-A Old Tville...... $325 4703 Alford ............ $325 308-A Allred ........... $325 1633-B Rotary ........ $300 313-B Barker .......... $300 314-B W. Kearns .... $295 1116-B Grace .......... $295 1711-B Leonard ....... $285 1517 Olivia............... $280 1515 Olivia............... $280
189 Game Trail, Thomasville
Call: Donn Setliff (336) 669-0478 or Kim Setliff (336) 669-5108 (Owner is Realtor)
Enjoy living in a quiet, distinctive neighborhood with no through traffic. 3 BR 2.5 BA, 2300 sq’, open floor plan, vaulted ceilings & lg. windows, Oak floors & carpeted BRs, marble tiled bathrooms, lg. large master bath with separate shower, double fire place in master BR & LR w. gas logs, kitchen w. granite counter tops, double oven, stereo system. 2 car garage, large patio overlooking a beautiful back yard. Low taxes. $329,000 $321,000 Visit www.forsalebyowner.com/22124271 or call 336.687.3959
164 Emily Ann Drive, N. Davidson County-FSBO Over 4,000 Sq. Ft. Brick home with 4 Bedrooms & 4 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, 2 master suites, fenced yard. Grand dining room – Priced at $319,900!! Directions: Bus. 85 to Hwy. 109 exit, turn left off ramp, then left on Unity St., left on Huntsford, right on Valley, turn onto Willow.
Wendy Hill 475-6800
SPACIOUS TOWNHOME FOR SALE BY OWNER NEAR GREENSBORO, HIGH POINT, WINSTON-SALEM Price $205,500-SF1930 1036 Braemar Ct. (St. Andrews Pl.) High Point, NC 27265 • Phone: 336-869-0386 3bdrm, 2½ ba, 2 car gar, LR, DR, Sunroom, lg kit., Breakfast rm, wood flrs, tile in ba. & utility. All appl. stay. Patio & fenced rear. Many other extras.
Desirable Davidson County Schools, gorgeous, custom brick home built in 2005, 2,864 SF, quiet cul-de-sac,3BR,2.5BA,possible 4th BR in unfinished space, spacious modern open floor plan on one level, HW floors, bonus room over garage, custom kitchen w/granite countertops, maple cabinets, SS appliances, and beautiful tile floor, wonderful master suite with HUGE walk-in closet, tons of storage, too many extras to list here. See our ad at http://www.InfoTube.net/236019 for more details or call 336-201-3943. Shown by appointment only. $389,900.00
Call 888-3555 to advertise on this page!
1 BEDROOM 1123-C Adams ........ $495 1107-B Robin Hood........ $425 1107-C Robin Hood . $425
620-A Scientific .......$375 508 Jeanette...........$375 910 Proctor............. $325 309-B Chestnut ......$275 502-B Coltrane .......$270 1228 Tank............... $250 1317-A Tipton.......... $235 608-A Lake ............ $225 CONRAD REALTORS 512 N. Hamilton 885-4111
505 Willow Drive, Thomasville
1700-F N.hamilton ... $625
2640 2D Ingleside $780
Office Condo For Sale – Main St., Jamestown, 1400 Sq. Ft. 1st Floor, 3 Offices, Break Area, Storage, Plus 1/2 Bath, 2nd Floor 2 Offices, Another 1/2 Bath, Good Traffice Exposure, Divided so that you may rent Part of Offices.
Homes Unfurnished
922 Forest ..............$675
725-B West Main St., Jamestown
600 N. Main 882-8165 Davidson Co 2BR /1BA. AC, $650 mo. 1661 West Lexington Ave. Call 884-4555 HP, 3BR/1B A, Brick Ranch. $600, New Flooring, Cent Air, Gas Heat, Sec 8 ok. Call 210-4998 2BR Central Air, carpet, blinds, appls., No pets. 883-4611 LM Ads that work!!
Mobile Homes/Spaces
2br/2ba, Adale, newly remodeled, cent. h/a $515 mo 442-9437 2BR MH, For Rent. EC. No Drinking. References Required. $85/wk. 431-7359 3BR/2BA Mobile Home in Randolph County. Call 336-4750577 Mobile Homes & Lots Auman Mobile Home Pk 3910 N. Main 883-3910
A-1 ROOMS. Clean, close to stores, buses, A/C. No deposit. 803-1970. Where Buyers & Sellers Meet
The Classifieds A Better Room 4U in town - HP within walking distance of stores, buses. 886-3210.
Buy * Save * Sell Place your ad in the classifieds! Buy * Save * Sell AFFORDABLE rooms for rent. Call 491-2997 Furnished bedroom, hdwd floors, ceiling fans, 68 channels. No deposit. Extra clean. 816-9660 Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics
Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics
LOW Weekly Rates a/c, phone, HBO, eff. Travel Inn Express, HP 883-6101 no sec. dep.
4BR/2BA home, Fncd Workshop, Dead End St. $795 472-0224
Walking dist.HPU rooming hse. Util.,cent. H/A, priv. $90-up. 989-3025.
Private extra nice. Quiet. No alochol/drugs 108 Oakwood 887-2147 Rooms, $100- up. No Alcohol or Drugs. Incld Util.. 887-2033
Cemetery Plots/Crypts
2 plots at Floral Garden, $2000. each. Please call 336-4315900 Where Buyers & Sellers Meet
The Classifieds
More People.... Better Results ...
The Classifieds Ads that work!! Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics
4 plots in Floral Garden, desirable section AA, valued at $9,900 Call 931-0594
Mausoleum Crypt True Companion Guilford Memorial, $10,000obo 476-4110
Commercial Property
1800 Sq. Ft. Davidson County, Conrad Realtors 336-885-4111
Buy * Save * Sell Place your ad in the classifieds! Buy * Save * Sell
30,000 sq ft warehouse, loading docks, plenty of parking. Call dy or night 336-625-6076
1 ac. lot Davidson Co. Fairgrove Sch $15k brokr-ownr 4752600
Manufactured Houses
2 & 3 BR homes Sophia, Randleman & Elon plus Handyman Homes Fix it and it’s yours! Sophie & Randleman 336-495-1907 Elon 336-449-3090
Jim McBride 430-3272
VILLAS From $150’S
Amy Nolen 339-5290
The Reserve At Rock Creek Open Wed-Sun 1-5
Build your own Windsor or Rock Creek home starting in the $130’s Directions: I-85/1-40 East to Rock Creek Dairy Rd., L Rock Creek Dairy, R Reserve Pkway. Office in clubhouse
OPEN 1-5 ANGUS RIDGE KERNERSVILLE 3BR 3.5BA (525426) Linda Sherrill 4035093 From $300’s Open Fri-Sun 1-5. cbtr.com/angusridge Directions: I-40W, exit 203 Hwy 66, South on Hwy 66, R Old Salem, L Angus Ridge.
OPEN 2-5 WEATHERSTONE TOWNHOMES 2BA . Mon Sat 1-5 PM, Sun 2-5PM CC paid w/ preferred lender. (550293) Lisa Pfefferkorn 9968538 From $120’s Directions: 311 toward Winston-Salem, R @ High Point Rd exit, R Union Cross Rd.
OPEN 2-4 3000 COLONY DRIVE COLONY PARK JAMESTOWN 4BR 2.5BA (565137) Darrell Hagan 404-6315 $199,900 Directions: Dillon Road to Left Pineburr Rd., Right Colony.
OPEN 2-4 6956 N. NC HIGHWAY 109 WINSTON SALEM 3BR 2BA (563568) Sharon Young 996-8521 $194,900 Directions: I-40 to South on Hwy 109, House on left past Wallburg Fire Dept.
g win ard Dra ift C G for OPEN 1-5 BENJAMIN PARK CONDOMINIUMS GREENSBORO 2BR Live in the Heart of GSO with the feeling of seclusion! (528850) Jay Metzger 337-6906 From $99,900 Directions: Wendover to Benjamin Pkwy N. Bear R @ fork & travel 1/2 mile, community on R.
OPEN 2-4 2803 SWAN LAKE SWANSGATE HIGH POINT 4BR 3.5BA (556934) Drawing for Outback Steakhouse Gift Card Nancy Laney 885-8357 $525,000 Directions: W. Lexington to Swansgate, Right on Swansgate Lane, Right on Swan Lake Drive, house on Right.
OPEN 2-4 6315 HABERSHAM DRIVE ABINGTON KERNERSVILLE 4BR 2.5BA 1.3AC (562723) Sharon Young 996-8521 $249,900 Directions: Kerner Rd to Abington Dr, R Habersham. Last house on right.
OPEN 2-4 1705 PLATEAU COURT BANOAK HEIGHTS HIGH POINT 4BR 3.5BA (553682) Susie Lentz 689-4972 - Jim Dorety 848-0343 $229,900 Directions: Eastchester to Skeet Club, L White’s Mill, R Banoak, R Plateau
g win ard Dra ift C G for
g win ard Dra ift C G for OPEN 2-4 3898 FAIRSTONE PLACE HAMPTON PARK HIGH POINT 3BR 2.5BA (565361) Ronald Alt 558-5846 $194,500 Directions: Skeet Club to South on Johnson, R Scarlett Ct, R Fairstone Place.
OPEN 2-4 123 SAGEWOOD ROAD CEDARWOOD JAMESTOWN 4BR 2.5BA (555200) Nancy Hamilton 802-0468 $179,900 Directions: Guilford College Rd, RThornwood, R- Sagewood. Corner of Fairidge and Sagewood.
OPEN 2-4 140 OLD WOOD LANE WOODBRIDGE KERNERSVILLE 3BR 2BA (563820) DRAWING FOR OUTWEST GIFT CARD Wanda Speer 996-8548 $154,900 Directions: I-40 Bus East, R @ Linville Rd Exit, R West Mountain Street, R Hastings Hill, R Woodbridge, R Old Wood.
OPEN 2-4 1713 BRITTANY RIDGE DR ROSE HILL ESTATES KERNERSVILLE 3BR 2BA Home Facts 1-888-456-4725 (567838) Cindy McGee 996-8529 $153,900 Directions: I40 to Kville, exit Hwy 66, Pass Bishop McGuiness. 2nd Cant Estate entranceStonehaven. R-Twin Pines, L-Brittany Ridge.
OPEN 2-4 3956 COBBLESTONE BEND DRIVE EAGLE GLEN HIGH POINT 3BR 2BA (517895) Doris Porter 410-6856 $152,900 Directions: W. on Wendover, L Penny Rd, R Eagle Glen, R Cloverwood, L Cobblestone Bend Dr.
OPEN 2-4 903 LONDONDERRY DRIVE WESTOVER PARK HIGH POINT 3BR 2.5BA Drawing for Outback Steakhouse Gift Card. (555955) Nancy Laney 885-8357 $147,500 Directions: West Lexington to Shadow Valley, right on Londonderry, house on right.
g win ard Dra ift C G for OPEN 2-4 1812 KILDARE WOODS DR KILDARE WOODS GREENSBORO 3BR 2BA Drawing for Outback Steakhouse Gift Certificate (567664) Sunni Lauten 870-2755 $137,500 Directions: I-40 E, Wendover Exit #214, R- W. Wendover Ave, Guilford College Rd ramp toward Jamestown, R- Guilford College Rd -2mi, L- Mackay Rd, L- Kildare Woods.
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