Saturday March 13, 2010
TIME TO BUY: Take advantage of tax credit before it’s too late. 2R
To place a classified ad, call (336) 888-3555
Don’t wait to take advantage of tax credit I
am sure that so many of you have consistently heard about the tax credits that are available for first-time homebuyers and for current homeowners as well. Well, you would be surprised at how many people have either not heard about it or are just simply unsure as to whether they are eligible. In fact, just this week, I was working with a buyer who had been told by a relative that she would not receive any money from the government, that it would only help to reduce her tax liability if she actually owed any. It sounded to me as if her relative was confusing the tax credit with a deduction, which it is not. I want to take this time to go over the importance and historic nature of the tax credits that are available. The first thing that I would like to reiterate is that the tax credits include not just first-time home-
buyers, but current homeowners as well. This has never before happened. When in our great history has the federal government given its citizens REAL ESTATE money to purchase a Ken home? I can’t think Wall of any other time ■■■ in history. To not take full advantage of these tax credits as well as the current low interest rates is like throwing money right out of your window. With the deadline to be under contract for a home and to obtain the credits looming around the corner, I am sure that many people are thinking “Oh, it will be extended again.” Why take the chance? There were many people who were given a second chance when the last extension came about. At this time, the federal government
Allred appointed to NCAR committee SPECIAL TO THE ENTERPRISE
ARCHDALE – Karen Allred, Broker/Owner of Allred & Co., Realtors in Archdale, has recently been appointed to serve another 3-year term on the Professional
Karen Allred will serve another 3-year term. Standards Committee of the North Carolina Association of Realtors. This committee promotes Realtor adherence to the Code of Ethics and maintains the Grievance
and Professional Standards hearing process. Members serve a 3-year term. Allred has served on this committee since 1999, with Allred the exception of one year. She has also served as a state director and on the Grievance Committee for NCAR as well as vice president of the High Point Regional Association of Realtors, treasurer and dDirector of the Realtors Commercial Alliance and a director for the High Point Regional Association of Realtors.
has given absolutely no indication that the tax credits will be extended. April 30th has been set as the day that all contracts must be “fully executed.” This means that all parties involved in the transaction must have agreed to terms and have signed the contract. If you are planning to use one of these great programs that are available, like the Down Payment Assistance and Renovation Funds from the city of High Point (NSP), make sure you give plenty of time for the city of High Point to do their part. Even if you are not using the city of High Point’s NSP, you may still decide to purchase a foreclosure and it often takes longer to negotiate with a bank than it would with an individual owner. Once the negotiations are complete, we have seen it take up to two weeks for the bank to get the “fully executed contract” back to the buyer so they can complete the lending process. So as you can see, you are much
better off starting your home buying process now, instead of waiting until the last minute. If you don’t start the process now, you may not only miss out on the possibility of up to an $8000 tax credit, but with the possibility of rising interest rates, you may also lose your dream home. Your local Realtor is knowledgeable about all of the programs currently available and can assist you in your search for your dream home. Please don’t wait, call your local Realtor today. Ken Wall is president of the High Point Regional Association of Realtors, one of more than 1800 local boards and associations nationwide that comprise the National Association of Realtors (NAR). The Association is an advocate for property rights and the “Voice of Real Estate” in the Triad area of North Carolina. HPRAR represents more than 700 members in all aspects of the residential and commercial real estate. industry.
Cathi Zichi joins Allred & Company SPECIAL TO THE ENTERPRISE
ARCHDALE – Allred & Co., Realtors in Archdale is proud to announce that Catherine (Cathi) Zichi has joined the firm as a sales associate. Originally from Ohio, Cathi and husband Mark have been residents of Trinity for the past 24 years where they have built a successful construction business known as Anthony Builders. Zichi’s knowledge that she has gained over the past 20 years as she works side by side with her husband is an asset to Allred & Co., Realtors.
Cathi and Mark have 2 children and currently reside in Trinity. They have been members of Thomasville Church of Christ for the past 20
years. Zichi is eager to assist you in your home real estate needs, and her past experience in the construction business will obviously be a benefit to anyone seeking the assistance of homeownership. If a move is in your future, call her at 336-847-8868.
High Point Regional Association of Realtors Inc. hprar.com Address: 1830 Eastchester Drive, High Point, N.C. 27265 Phone: 889-8181 President: Ken Wall Email address: kenwall@triadhomefinder.com Executive Vice President: Ed Terry Email address: eterry@ hprar.com
Do you think you have something to contribu t e ? We ’ d l i k e to hear from you. If you have an idea for a story concerning new subdivisions, agent or agency achievements or news that affects the local real estate community, please contact Andy English at Aenglish@hpe. com or feel free to call us at 8883635.
Tips for value-conscious first-time homebuyers A
couple in their mid-20s – a registered nurse married to a truck mechanic – vowed to move from their cramped rental unit to a house of their own by taking advantage of the buyer’s market in their area and without spending more than necessary. “Buying a nice house within their budget was their highest priority,” recalls Tom Early, the long-time real estate broker who represented the pair. Early, a past president of the National Association of Exclusive Buyers Agents (www.naeba.org), helped the couple navigate the market to find just the sort of property they wanted for a rock-bottom price. For little more than the cost of rent for their apartment, the couple bought a pristinely kept tri-level house with all the primary features they’ve been seeking. “In the end, they spent $50,000 less than their mortgage lender would have let them. Yet they were thrilled with their choice,” Early says. Though many wannabe homeowners are still waiting on the sidelines for the economy to improve, others are trying to take advantage of market opportu-
nities while they’re still available. “Savvy buyers know this could be the chance of the lifetime to get a great deal on a house,” Early says. Here are some pointers for first-time buyers: SMART MOVES • Ask a mortgage lender to help define your spendEllen ing boundaries. Martin Real estate specialists ■■■ are nearly universal in their advice to homebuyers: find out your mortgage borrowing capability before heading out to look at property. That way you won’t get your heart set on a property way above your means. “Before they start kicking bricks, savvy buyers head for a lender’s office to get pre-approved. This means the lender will verify your income and assets and also check your credit history,” Early says. He advocates that you meet face-toface with a lender and spend enough time to ensure that all your questions are answered. When it’s over, the lender should also issue you a pre-ap-
proval letter that indicates your full borrowing capacity. “This is just a starting point. Obviously, you don’t have to go to your top limit,” Early says. • Do a household budget before you start looking at property. Prior to giving you a pre-approval letter, your lender will review your income statements and also go over your ongoing obligations, such as payments on your credit cards and car loans. “In establishing your borrowing limits, the lender often doesn’t know the full picture. That’s why I recommend you sharpen your pencil and create a serious spending plan for yourself,” Early says. Novice buyers should take into account the expenses they’ll inwevitably face to get any property they buy into move-in condition, such as paint or new carpet. Also, remember to include your carrying costs going forward, such as utility bills. • Insist on a fixed-rate mortgage rather than a variable one. Fred Meyer, a consumer advocate and
real estate company owner who sells properties around Cambridge, Mass., says there are few instances that justify a first-time buyer taking an adjustablerate mortgage. Granted, many first-timers see that initial property as a stepping stone to a fancier home. They intend to stick around no longer than five years and then move to a larger place. That would seem to justify taking an ARM with a low introductory rate that can’t adjust upward for several years. But, “your plans could easily change. For instance, a job you thought of as temporary could easily become a long- term position, causing you to stay in the house years beyond your expectation,” Meyer says, adding that “a fixed- rate mortgage, which guarantees that your principle and interest stays constant for the life of the loan, is one of life’s great pleasures.” • Keep resale in mind when buying your first home. No matter how long you plan to stay in your first place, Early says it’s smart to pick out a property that should be easy to resell when it’s your turn to liquidate.
Home sales event benefits Habitat for Humanity SPECIAL TO THE ENTERPRISE
WINSTON-SALEM – BB&T Corporation (NYSE: BBT) and The Atlas Companies announced that Habitat for Humanity will be the beneficiary of the unique home sales event, “Score Your Home,” scheduled for March 2021 and March 27-28 across the Triad. “Score Your Home,” a twoweekend schedule of open houses, will feature 10 new communities in Forsyth, Guilford and Alamance counties. In conjunction with area real estate agencies Ed Price & Asso-
ciates, Coldwell Banker Triad, RE/MAX, Lewis & Clark and Allen Tate, the organizations will host basketball conference-themed open houses in the neighborhoods each weekend from 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. daily. For every home sold during the event, BB&T will make a donation to the Habitat affiliate where the home is located. Additional funds will be raised through a raffle awarding one lucky winner a decorative exterior lighting package for their home. Proceeds will go to the local Habitat affiliates in Alamance and Forsyth counties as
well as to those in Greensboro and High Point. “Habitat has a long history of making affordable homes possible and we are proud to offer our financial support to help strengthen neighborhoods across the communities we serve,” said T. Shane Shuler, a BB&T commercial real estate development officer. “‘Score Your Home’ is a wonderful opportunity for families to investigate new residential properties within their own communities,” said Robin S. Wintringham, executive director Habitat for Humanity of Al-
amance County, N.C., Inc. “The event will offer an extra special advantage with the donations that BB&T makes to local Habitat affiliates for each home sold during these two weekends. ‘Score Your Home’ will be a real boon for the local building market, both the for-profit and non-profit sectors.” Homebuyers will also benefit from the “Score Your Home” sales weekend. The neighborhoods offer a wide selection of price points as well as building lots, condos, townhomes and new homes. BB&T and Atlas are offering savings and
practical incentives that are only available during these two weekends. Incentives include: • 5 percent reduction in list price • Home warranty and 10-year structural warranty • Special financing with no closing costs • Flat-panel televisions to watch the next big game For more information about the “Score Your Home” sales and fundraising event, as well as a list of all 10 communities, please log onto www.scoreyourhome.com.
4R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2010 2050
Apartments Unfurnished
★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Quality 1 & 2 BR Apts for Rent Starting @ $395 Southgate Garden & Piedmont Trace Apartments (336) 476-5900 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
Raintree Apartments Carefree living Convenient location No Security Deposit. (336) 869-6011
Apartments Furnished
Ambassador Court Apts. Up to 2 Months FREE! 336-884-8040
3 ROOM APARTMENT partly furnished. 476-5530 431-3483
T’ville 2BR/1.5BA Townhouse. Stove, refrig., & cable furn. No pets. No Section 8. $440+ dep. 475-2080.
Where Buyers & Sellers Meet
WE have section 8 approved apartments. Call day or night 625-0052.
The Classifieds
Apartments Unfurnished
Ads that work!!
1br Archdale $395 Daycare $3200 L&J Prop 434-2736
Commercial Property
5000 sq. ft. former daycare with a 5000 sq. ft. fenced in yard. Well located in High Point. Call day or night 336-625-6076
2BR Apt in Archdale, $450 month plus deposit. Not pets. Call 336-431-5222 APARTMENTS & HOUSES FOR RENT. (336)884-1603 for info.
600 SF Wrhs $200 400 SF Office $250 T-ville 336-561-6631
Commercial Property
70,000 ft. former Braxton Culler bldg. Well located. Reasonable rent. Call day or night. 336-6256076 Almost new 10,000 sq ft bldg on Baker Road, plenty of parking. Call day or night 336-625-6076 Medi cal Off/ Retail/ Showroom/Manufac. 1200-5000 sqft. $450/mo. 431-7716
It;s all in here today!! The Classifieds Retail Off/Warehouse 2800 sqft $650 10,000 sqft $1600 T-ville 336-362-2119
Condos/ Townhouses
Condo for Rent Westbrook Ct. $600. mo. + dep. 689-6772
Homes Unfurnished
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Homes Unfurnished
Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics
Homes Unfurnished
Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics
Homes Unfurnished
Make your classified ads work harder for you with features like Bolding, Ad Borders & eye-catching graphics
2-3BR houses for rent. 1-$675. mo., 1$600. mo. 9892434/987-4934 Need space in your garage?
Call The Classifieds 2BR, 1BA, House or Duplex Move in Specials. Call 803-1314
across from Outback, 1200-4000 sq. ft. D.G. Real-Estate Inc 336-841-7104
Homes Unfurnished
212 Edgeworth-1br 1116 Wayside-3br 883-9602
OFFICE SPACES Looking to increase or decrease your office size. Large & Small Office spaces. N High Point. All amenities included & Conference Room, Convenient to the Airport.
1711-B Welborn St., HP. 2BR duplex w/stove, refrig., dishwasher, like new, W/D conn. $515/mo 248-6942
2BR Central Air, carpet, blinds, appls., No pets. 883-4611 LM 3BR/2BA Brick Huge Rooms, Applis, 3432 Imperial Dr. $800. 847-0960 after 5pm 3BR/2BA, Fenced in yard. Carpeted. Nice $950mo, 454-1478 3BR/2BA Goldfish Pond in Garden, Cent H/A. $895 472-0224 3BR/3BA, Archdale, Work Shop. FP, Deck, Gazebo w/spa. Fnce. $1295. 472-0224
Have some time to spare?
OPEN 2-4 AUTUMN TRACE TOWNHOMES 627 BRECKENRIDGE DR HAW RIVER 2BR 2BA (528754) Teresa Smith 266-0284 From $100’s Directions: I-40 E, Exit #147 Hwy 54, South,(R) 3.1 miles to Hwy119 (3rd traffic light) L Hwy 119, R Northrop, L Breckenridge.
OPEN 2-4 1520 BENJAMIN PARK CONDOMINIUMS GREENSBORO 2BR 1BA (528855) Elizabeth Castelda 269-1051 $109,900 Directions: Wendover to Benjamin Pkwy N., R @ for, travel 1/2 mile on the right.
OPEN 2-4 152 MEADOW FIELDS CRT PEABODY FOREST COLFAX 3BR 3.5BA (561578) Valarie York 462-6963 $455,000 Directions: I-40 Exit 203 S Hwy 66 to Bunker Hill/Sandy Ridge Rd, 1.4 miles, R Peabody Rd., R Peabody Forest Trail 2nd R Meadowfiedls Ct. HOME FACTS 1-888-456-4725-561578-2
OPEN 2-4 1007 WICKLIFF AVENUE EMERYWOOD HIGH POINT 4BR 3.5BA (558340) MM Councill 4570701 $299,000 Directions: Eastchester to Westchester. Left on Wickliff (just past Country Club Dr). House is on the right.
OPEN 1-3 8207 CHESTERSHIRE RD HUNTCLIFF OAK RIDGE 3BR 2BA (566333) Linda Faircloth 410-7150 $229,900 Directions: Take HWY 68N (2 miles north of Oak Ridge Military Acad), R Haw River, R Chestershire, house down on left.
OPEN 2-4 637 TARA DRIVE HUTTONS LAKE HIGH POINT 3BR 2BA Homebuyer Ready (525049) Paul Johnson 410-6846 $228,500 Directions: Eastchester to Skeet Club-go past Johnson S, L Saint Johns, R Tara-2nd home on right
OPEN 2-4 2909 WALBROOK TERRACE WELLINGTON BROWN SUMMIT 3BR 2.5BA (567910) Lynda Evans 545-4636 $299,900 Directions: Hwy 29 travel 150W towards Summerfield, R Fairgrove Church Rd. 0.8 miles, L Bevill Oaks Dr, L Cripplegate, L Dorwood, R Walbrook Terr.
OPEN 2-4 1222 KENSINGTON DRIVE EMERYWOOD FOREST HIGH POINT 5BR 3BA (568169) Nancy Laney 885-8357 $219,900 Directions: W. Lexington to left on Kensington
OPEN 2-4 3307 QUAKER RUN DRIVE QUAKER RUN GREENSBORO 3BR 2.5BA (558095) Jim Dorety 848-0343 $214,900 Directions: New Garden to Horsepen Creek, R Quaker Run
OPEN 2-4 3898 FAIRSTONE PLACE HAMPTON PARK HIGH POINT 3BR 2.5BA (565361) Ronald Alt 558-5846 $189,985 Directions: Skeet Club to South on Johnson, L Scarlett Ct, L Fairstone Place.
OPEN 2-4 3922 NORTHROP AUTUMN TRACE HAW RIVER 3BR 2BA (567626) James McBride 430-3272 $166,000 Directions: I-40/85 to exit 148E, R Hwy 54 approx 3 miles, L Hwy 119,R Autumn Trace on Northrop Dr. House in on the left.
OPEN 2-4 2225 LANE ROAD OAKMONT GREENSBORO 3BR 2BA (527988) Larry Story 327-1841 $155,500 Directions: From Battleground, turn on CONE, L Branchwood, R Lane, 1st house on right on corner
OPEN 2-4 4106 SILVER FOX COURT TRAPPERS RUN HIGH POINT 3BR 2.5BA (568908) Jay Metzger 545-4647 $150,000 Directions: Skeet Club Road, R Braddock, L Timberwolf, R Silver Fox Court, House on Right.
OPEN 2-4 302 SPRINGTIME DR FRIENDSWOOD GREENSBORO 3BR 1.5BA (528139) Larry Story 327-1841 $136,900 Directions: West Wndover; R Meadowood St; L Buddingwood Dr; R Springtime Dr.
Buy Now! 48 Days Until Tax Credit Expires! Must have a signed contract by April 30, 2010 to qualify. Call a Sales Associate to learn more.
We didn’t think so.
for photos and detailed maps.
OPEN Sun 2-4
OPEN Sun 2-4
OPEN Sun 1-5
Heathgate 1307 Swanner Ct MLS# 563677 • $349,500 • 4BR/2.1BA Carol Young 883-0069
Heathgate 1608 N Heathgate Point MLS# 520851 • $308,500 • 4BR/3BA Carol Young 883-0069
Jordan Creek 103 Jordan Creek Dr MLS# 525484 • $297,100 • 3BR/2.1BA Betty Smith 273-7771
OPEN Sun 2-4
OPEN Sun 2-4
OPEN Sun 2-4
Emerywood Forest 1407 Wales Dr MLS# 521405 • $165,000 • 4BR/2.1BA Lisa Hollins 883-0069
Oak Forest 107 Treetop Ct MLS# 555379 • $119,900 • 3BR/2BA Carrie Greeson 315-2000
D S Hedgecock 3428 Pine Valley MLS# 567853 • $104,900 • 3BR/2BA Melissa Shelar 644-1238
Job Loss
High Point open until 5:00pm Mon.- Sun. Greensboro open until 5:00pm Mon.-Sun. Commercial Real Estate Relocation
889-5300 282-4414 410-6858 1-800-327-4398
Before you drive to an Open House, drop by allentate.com for photographs and other details. Look for the teal “Open House” symbols on TateMap or use the customized Open House Search. Then, contact your Allen Tate Realtor® for all the additional information you need.
©2010 Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark of Coldwell Banker Corporation. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each office is Independently Owned and Operated.
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Open Sunday 2-4 941 Croyden
Open Sunday 2-4 105 Brighton Village
Open Sunday 2-4 4005 Millstone Court
Brick ranch w/full finished basement! 4BDRMS/3.5BATHS. Great for a large family. Emerywood Forest location w/privacy and lots of trees. Please stop by-you will be pleased. $239,900. Directions: Westchester to R on Chestnut to L on Nottingham to R on Croyden. Look for signs and balloons.
Like new! Open floor plan with 3BDRMS/2.5BATHS, plantation blinds throughout. Community w/sidewalks and street lights. Professional landscaping. Directions: Business 311 South - Hwy 62. Left on Brighton Village.
2 MSTR BDRMS- Main level and 2nd floor. 4BDRMS/3.5BATHS. Large backyard and peaceful setting located on a cul-de-sac. Directions: Hwy 68 to Skeet Club Rd. cross lake and L on Waterview, R on Old Mill, R on Millstone Ct.
JoAnn Crawford 906-0002
OPEN 1-5 ANGUS RIDGE 3BR 3.5BA (525426) From $300’s Open Fri-Sun 1-5. cbtr.com/ angusridge Directions: I-40W, exit 203 Hwy 66, South on Hwy 66, R Old Salem, L Angus Ridge.
Linda Sherrill 403-5093
Janice Spainhour 681-2791
Open 1-4 4313 Plantation Ridge $209,000.00 Better than new, many upgrades HW / Tile Flooring, Vaulted Ceiling 2 BR 2 BA End Unit, Cul-de-sac, Privacy. Directions: Wendover west, right Piedmont Parkway, left on Tarrant. Right in Deep River Plantation
Pickett and Baugh Realty, Inc.
(336) 292-0999
Larry Guy 880-6767
Open Sunday 2-4 1634 Lake Road, Thomasville • $179,000 Well kept 3 BR, 2 BA home with an open floor plan, cathedral ceilings and palladium windows. Directions: Hwy 311 South; take 85 South towards Charlotte; take exit 102 Lake Road & follow sign for Lake Road.
Century 21 Wilson Realty Group Rhonda Wayne 978-621-7693
OPEN 1-5 THE RESERVE AT ROCK CREEK SINGLE FAMILY $170’s 3BR 2.5BA (531805) Directions: I-85/I-40 East to Rock Creek Dairy Rd., L Rock Creek Dairy, R Reserve Pkwy. Model in clubhouse - open W-Sat 1-6PM, Sun 1-5PM.
Jim McBride 430-3272
Open Sunday 2-4 4273 Lumsden Lane Great value almost $14,000 less than tax value. All brick, new paint and carpet. Ready to move in! Established neighborhood. Directions: Hwy 68, take Skeet Club Rd. past Johnson St. St. Andrews Townhomes and Lumsden Lane on left.
Larry Guy 880-6767
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 4516 Treebark Lane Gorgeous 3BR/2.5BA Kensington floor plan w/tons of upgrades. Spacious master suite on main level, granite countertops, stainless steel Kitchen Aid appliances, central vacuum, hardwired security, irrigation system, privacy fence and more. Great location convenient to High Point, Greensboro or Kernersville. Neighborhood pool & clubhouse. $224,900. Directions: Skeet Club to Kendale, right on Alderbrook, right on Treebark Lane.
Debra Murrow 669-4714
OPEN 2-4 WEATHERSTONE TOWNHOMES 2BA . Mon Sat 1-5 PM, Sun 2-5PM CC paid w/preferred lender. (550293) Lisa Pfefferkorn 996-8538 From $120’s Directions: 311 toward Winston-Salem, R @ High Point Rd exit, R Union Cross Rd.
Lisa Pfefferkorn 996-8538
6R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2010
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 127 Cartridge Ct. The perfect site for your future! This new construction in Hasty/Ledford area offers spacious rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, quality construction you can count on! Dual Vanity in Master Bath, get the most for your money. $114,900 Directions: National Hwy to Right on Hasty School Rd.Left on Will Johnson.Left on Cartridge Ct..home on left.
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 917 Creek Crossing Trail Saint Andrews/Stoney Creek Whitsett 2BR 2.5BA (569227) $111,900 Directions: Hwy 70, L Golf House (West)(1st street pass Shopping Center), L Double Eagle, L Creek Crossing Trail.
Claire Phillips 545-4628
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM Kingsfield Townhomes
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 1505 Stoneybrook Drive
All Brick. Luxury. Location. It is all here at Kingsfield in Archdale! These single story townhomes offer 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garages. private patios, no yard maintenance, fireplaces & more. Our standards are others Upgrades. Priced from $167,900 to $184,900 Directions from High Point: 311 S, Rt Hwy 62 towards Trinity, Rt Sealy Dr, Lt Surrett Dr, Turn Rt into Kingsfield T/H’s.
HUNTINGSFORD CREST HIGH POINT 3BR 2BA (561832) $122,000 Directions: North on Eastchester. R Lassiter, R Guyer., R Stoneybrook.
Susie Lentz 689-4972
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 273 Sunset Lane, Thomasville
3BR 2BA (566813) $115,900 Directions: National Highway to Hasty School Rd, L Hasty Hill, L Big Buck, R Buck Forest. OR Hwy. 109 to Hasty School Rd. R Hasty Hill, Big Buck. R Buck Forest.
Linda Faircloth 410-7150
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 2 Homes 1211 Paul’s Airport Road
OPEN SUNDAY 2-5PM Robertson RIdge Townhomes Incredible Bank Financing Available on All Units at Archdale’s Affordable Single Story Townhomes on Weant Rd. You get 3.89% interest rate! Save upto $300 a month. Two plans to choose from: 2 or 3 bedroom plans with 1 or 2 car garages. Priced from $139,900 to $169,900. Only 3% Down Payment & seller pays all closing costs! Act fast to get your tax credit also! Directions: Hwy 62 toward Randleman, cross over I-85, take 1st right onto Weant Rd, Townhomes down on left.
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 2 Homes & 20 Lots 1209 Paul’s Airport Road Existing Home Owner Credit $6500. 1st Time Buyer Credit $8000.
Lots starting at $34,900. Homes starting at $225,000. Special Financing at 4.75%
Builders personal home with many upgrades: hardwood floors, jetted tub, separate shower, beautiful granite counters, fabulous kitchen, 2 story family room AND DRAMATIC VIEWS!! Plus much, much more.... Directions: I-85 to Hwy 109 South, turn left on Ben Lee Road, turn right on Kennedy turn right on Paul’s Airport Road, Homes on the left.
Directions: I-85 to Hwy 109 South, turn left on Ben Lee Road, turn right on Kennedy turn right on Paul’s Airport Road, Homes on the left.
(Certain Restrictions Apply) WENDY HILL REALTY
CALL 475-6800
CALL 475-6800
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 125 James Road Chandler Place High Point 2BR 2BA (525832) $79,900 Directions: Eastchester (toward town) turn Right on Hartley, 2nd street to the Right.
3BR/2BA/2CAR/BSMT/1GAR/11.56ACRES Well maintained Brick home tucked away on deadend street, spring-fed creek, wired outbuilding on concrete, fruit trees, grapevines & garden spots. Recent updates include hi-eff pump, auto generator, HW heater, freshly painted. Walkout basement with workshop & bay. Horses welcome! USDA eligible $199,500 DIRECTIONS: I-85S to Exit 120(Lake Road), right at ramp, left on Lake Road, right on Johnstown Road, left on Upper Lake, right on Sunset Lane.
Linda Faircloth 410-7150
Call 888-3555 to adverise your Open House! 531545
OPEN SUNDAY 2-4PM 3 Buck Forest Buck Forest Thomasville
8R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2010
Showcase of Real Estate More wooded lots available. Call Frank Anderson Owner/Broker
NEW HOMES DAVIDSON COUNTY Lots starting at $34,900 Homes starting at $225,000 Special Financing at 4.75% Directions: I-85 to Hwy 109 South, turn left on Ben Lee Road, turn right on Kennedy, turn right on Paul’s Airport Road, Homes on the left.
(Certain Restrictions Apply)
OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4 2 Homes Open
Water View
Builders personal home with many upgrades: hardwood floors, jetted tub, separate shower, beautiful granite counters, fabulous kitchen, 2 story family room AND DRAMATIC VIEWS!! Plus much, much more…. Directions: I85 to Hwy 109 South, turn left on Ben Lee Road, turn right on Kennedy, turn right on Paul’s Airport Road, Home on the left.
3152 WINDCHASE COURT 3 BR 2 BA 1164 SF, New carpet & paint, New HVAC, GE Appliances. End Unit $96,900
7741 Turnpike Road, Trinity, NC 1844/1846 Cedrow Dr. H.P. New construction, 3BR, 2Bath, city utility, heat pump, Appliances included $99,900.00
CALL CALL CALL 336-362-4313 or 336-685-4940
*PRICE REDUCTION-POSSIBLE SELLER FINANCING! Quality built custom home on 40+ acres of beautiful woodlands & pastures. Many out buildings including a double hangar & official/recorded landing strip for your private airplane. Home features 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, sunroom, brick landscaped patio, hardwired sound system, 4 car carport, covered breezeway. You must see to fully appreciate this peaceful, private country estate -- Priced to sell at $579,000
3930 Johnson St.
A Must See! Beautiful home set on 3 acres, New cabinets, corian countertops, hardwood, carpet, appliances, deck, roof. Home has 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, formal living room, dining room, great room. $248,900.
Contact us at Lamb’s Realty- 442-5589.
6 Bedrooms, Plus 3 Home Offices Or 8 Bedrooms 19 Forest Dr Fairgrove Forest, Thomasville New Year
New Price.
$1,000. cash to buyer at closing. 1.5 Ac. landscaped. 3br. 2baths, kitchen, dining room, livingroom, den & office. 2 Fireplaces with gas logs, crown molding, attached over sized garage and a 50 x 20 unattached 3 bay garage. 2400 sq. ft. $250,000. 336-475-6839
HOME FOR SALE 1014 Hickory Chapel Road, 2br, Florida room, dining room, fireplace, garage, new heatpump, completely remodeled. Great for starter home or rental investment. Priced Reduced $59,900
CALL 336-870-5260
- 1.1 Acre – Near Wesley Memorial Methodist – - Emerywood area “Tell your friends” $249,900. Priced below Tax & appraisal values. Owner Financing
1812 Brunswick Ct. 406 Sterling Ridge Dr Beautiful home in the Trinity school district. 3br/2.5 bath, walk in closet, garden tub/w separate shower, hardwoods, gas logs and more. $177,500.
Lamb’s Realty 442-5589
Chestnut Oaks High Point, NC TOWNHOUSE One Level w/front porch 1760 SQ Ft, 2 BR w/ walk-in closets 2 BA, Laundry RM, All Appliances, Eat-In Kitchen w/ lots of cabinets, Large Dining & Family RM w/ Fireplace & Built-In Storage & Bookcases, Private 2 Car Garage w/storage RM, Large Deck $162,000.
Directions: Westchester to West Lexington, south on Hwy. 109, Community is on the left just past Ledford Middle School. Quality construction beginning at $169,900! Eight Flexible floorplans! - Three to seven bedrooms - 1939 square feet to 3571 square feet - Friendship/Ledford Schools - Low Davidson County Taxes - Basement lots Available. No City Taxes, No Slab, All Crawspace Construction. MORE INFO @ PattersonDaniel.com Marketed Exclusively by Patterson Daniel Real Estate, Inc.
Debra Murrow, Realtor New Home Consultant 336-499-0789
Greensboro.com 294-4949
398 NORTHBRIDGE DR. 3BR, 2BA, Home, 2 car garage, Nice Paved Patio Like new $169,900 OWNER 883-9031 OPEN HOUSE MOST SAT. & SUN. 2-4
273 Sunset Lane, Thomasville
GET OUT OF TOWN! Immaculate brick home 3br/2ba/bsmt/carport tucked away on a deadend st. w/ room to roam on 11.56 acres. Spring-fed creek along back of property, fruit trees, grapevines, several garden spots, greenhouse, workshop, Updates include HW heater, windows, hi-eff heat pump, whole house generator, vinyl flooring & freshly painted rooms. Full bsmt w/workshop, fireplace, one bay garage. MH site on property may be leased for additional income. Horses welcome! Priced to sell @ $199,500-call today.
PATTERSON DANIEL REAL ESTATE - 472-2700 MORE INFO @ PattersonDaniel.com
Located at 1002 Barbee St, High Point 4 Bedroom,2 Bath Fireplace, New Vinyl, Completely Remodeled. Garage & Storage. $89.900. Have other homes to finance. Will trade for land.
Call 886-7095
Call 888-3555 to advertise on this page!
Fairgrove/East Davidson Schools. Approximately 1 acre $15,000.
Open House 2-4 2 Homes & 20 Lots
Showcase of Real Estate FOR SALE BY OWNER 2 Bedroom/ 2 Bath Condo $82,000. Excellent High Point location convenient to Winston-Salem and Greensboro. Apprx. 950 square feet. Spacious bedrooms and closets. Garden tub in the master bath. Tray ceilings and crown molding in the living room. Private balcony overlooking a wooded area. Includes: Refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, microwave and washer/dryer connection MOTIVATED SELLER. **Will rent for $650 per month.
Call 336-769-0219
FOR SALE BY OWNER 3 bedroom/2 bath house for sale, Fairgrove Area, Thomasville. Half basement, 2 stall garage, also detached garage. Call 472-4611 for more information. $175,000. For Sale By Owner 515 Evergreen Trail Thomasville, NC 27360
Sell the House. Live the Dream.
189 Game Trail, Thomasville
725-B West Main St., Jamestown Office Condo For Sale – Main St., Jamestown, 1400 Sq. Ft. 1st Floor, 3 Offices, Break Area, Storage, Plus 1/2 Bath, 2nd Floor 2 Offices, Another 1/2 Bath, Good Traffice Exposure, Divided so that you may rent Part of Offices.
Call: Donn Setliff (336) 669-0478 or Kim Setliff (336) 669-5108 (Owner is Realtor)
Enjoy living in a quiet, distinctive neighborhood with no through traffic. 3 BR 2.5 BA, 2300 sq’, open floor plan, vaulted ceilings & lg. windows, Oak floors & carpeted BRs, marble tiled bathrooms, lg. large master bath with separate shower, double fire place in master BR & LR w. gas logs, kitchen w. granite counter tops, double oven, stereo system. 2 car garage, large patio overlooking a beautiful back yard. Low taxes. $329,000 $321,000 Visit www.forsalebyowner.com/22124271 or call 336.687.3959
Buy and sell the easy way with the Classifieds.
505 Willow Drive, Thomasville
Over 4,000 Sq. Ft. Brick home with 4 Bedrooms & 4 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, updated kitchen, 2 master suites, fenced yard. Grand dining room – Priced at $319,900!! Directions: Bus. 85 to Hwy. 109 exit, turn left off ramp, then left on Unity St., left on Huntsford, right on Valley, turn onto Willow.
Wendy Hill 475-6800
164 Emily Ann Drive, N. Davidson County-FSBO Desirable Davidson County Schools, gorgeous, custom brick home built in 2005, 2,864 SF, quiet cul-de-sac,3BR,2.5BA,possible 4th BR in unfinished space, spacious modern open floor plan on one level, HW floors, bonus room over garage, custom kitchen w/granite countertops, maple cabinets, SS appliances, and beautiful tile floor, wonderful master suite with HUGE walk-in closet, tons of storage, too many extras to list here. See our ad at http://www.InfoTube.net/236019 for more details or call 336-201-3943. Shown by appointment only. $389,900.00
Only $50 includes photo
Price $205,500-SF1930 1036 Braemar Ct. (St. Andrews Pl.) High Point, NC 27265 • Phone: 336-869-0386 3bdrm, 2½ ba, 2 car gar, LR, DR, Sunroom, lg kit., Breakfast rm, wood flrs, tile in ba. & utility. All appl. stay. Patio & fenced rear. Many other extras.
Call 888-3555 to advertise on this page!
Some Restrictions Apply.
Call 336.888.3555
10R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2010
Homes Unfurnished
Homes Unfurnished
4 BEDROOMS 103 Roelee ..................... $950
3 BEDROOMS 603 Denny...................... $750 601 E. Lexington............. $725 281 Dorothy.................... $550 1511 Long........................ $525 1414 Madison ................. $525 205 Guilford ................... $495 1439 Madison................. $495 205 Kendall .................... $495 920 Forest ..................... $450 4846 Pike ....................... $400 1215 & 19 Furlough ......... $375 1005 Park ....................... $350
2 BEDROOMS 2847 Mossy Mdow ........ $900 1100 Westbrook.............. $750 3911 D Archdale.............. $600 208 Liberty ..................... $550 1806 Welborn ................. $495 906 Beaumont ............... $475 3612 Eastward ............... $465 320 Player...................... $425 215-B W. Colonial........... $400 600 WIllowbar ................ $400 283 Dorthy ..................... $400 1035 B Pegram .............. $395 304-A Kersey................. $395 5496 Uwharrie ............... $395 502 Lake ........................ $375 1418 Johnson ................. $375 1429 E Commerce ......... $375 913 Howard.................... $365 10812 N. Main................. $350 802 Barbee .................... $350 503 Hill St ....................... $350 606 Wesley.................... $325 415 A Whiteoak.............. $325 1311 Bradshaw ...............$300 5496 Uwharrie 1............. $295 1607-A Lincoln................ $275
1 BEDROOMS 311 E. Kendall ................. $350 313 B Kersey .................. $340 205 A&B Taylor .............. $285 1007 A Park .................... $250 Storage Bldgs. Avail.
Homes Unfurnished
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COMMERCIAL SPACE 11246NMain 1200s.......... $850
KINLEY REALTY 336-434-4146
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10468 N. Main, Suite B, Archdale, NC 27263
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing act of 1968 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitations, or discrimination” based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, or national origin, or intention to make any such pre-ference, limitation, or discrimination. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this news-paper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Debet Durham 215-8032
Kelly Grooms 687-5654
(336) 861-9119
3310 Longview Dr - New to the Market! This 3 BR/1BA Brick Home features large fenced yard, central air, 1 car garage in Archdale area. Priced $98,900. Claim Your $8000 Tax Credit.
100 Emily Ct - Reduced $20k! This Custom Brick home at the Bluffís at Willow Creek offers 5 BR/ 4BA, Game room, office, 3 car garage, ingound pool, screened in porch & over 5200 heated sqft. Must see this one! Priced $719,900
108 Brighton Village - New 6217 Pinebrook. 3BR, 1Bath Construction w/$8000 Tax Credit Brick home in Archdale with Available in Brighton Village! This carport. $74,900. 3BR/2BA home offers a spacious kitchen with eat at bar, formal dining rm & an open floor plan. Nice Covered Front Porch. $154,900
6913 Flint Hill Rd - Buy w/No Money Down! This New Home with 2+ Acres is USDA Approved in Sophia. Pick Colors now on this 3BR/2Ba Home with split Brís, open plan w/eat in kitchen & bar. Tree Shaded Yard. $162,900
1521 Pecan Drive - Need a Workshop?? This brick ranch offers 3BR/1.5Ba, 30x30 metal workshop, 1 car garage, H/W flrs, located on a quiet dead end street. Immaculate condition. Priced $116,900
104 Clydesdale - Just listed in Archdaleís Premier S/D Parker Place. All Brick home offers 2600sf, ML Master Suite, Bonus Rm, Granite Tops & Stainless steel appliances. Covered back porch. $276,900
4407 Spring Meadow - Just Listed in Jamestown. This home offers a great convenient location for shopping & dining. 3BR/2.5BA, oversized garage, fenced yard & more. $172,900
102 Hope Court master suite a huge 122 Erica Drive - John Lawrence kitchen sunrm, gas logs inground pool Schools & Close to Park. This Split Bedroom home in Rush Hollow offers great corner lot. $249,900 3 br/2ba, fenced in yard, fireplace, spacious kitchen w/eat at bar and you can enjoy your own private hot tub on the back deck. Priced $162,900
105 Preston Court - Rush Hollow Special in Cul-de-sac offers an eat in kitchen w/Island Bar, deck, split bedroom plan, stone & vinyl, front porch, new carpet & ready to move into. Priced $154,400
337 Christine Ln - Reduced & Priced $19k below Tax Value. If privacy is something that you long for then look no further. Seller says bring an offer! It has an unfinished basement, 3BR/2Ba, wrap around porch & acre lot. $175,000
1020 Sagewood Ln - Brick Beauty in Bradford Downs! This split bedroom (3) home offers hardwood & tile floors, bonus room, formal dining rm, granite countertops & priced to sell at $229,900
7857 Hillsville Rd - Builders Personal Home offers 3.5+ Acres of land, private setting & driveway, brick, 3 bedrooms, 2.5BA, office, 2 bonus rooms & large kitchen with eat at bar. Priced $314,900
510 English Ct Condo $67,900 116 & 610 Shamrock from $87,900 3 two acre lots Randleman Lake $64,900/each
424 Aldridge Rd $159,900 105 Simmons Creek $164,900 206 Oakmont Townhome $102,900
112 Brighton Village $141,750 Greenhaven Hills/Longview $159,900 402 Belgian Dr $307,900
4360 Huff Rd $183,900 39 Emily Ct $169,900 104 Liberty Place Condo $68,900
To view our listings, go to www.StanByrdRealtors.com
Homes Unfurnished
4 BEDROOMS 112 White Oak.........$1195 3700 Innwood ........$1195 622 Dogwood ........ $895 3 BEDROOMS 1108 English............ $895 1312 Granada ......... $895 509 Langdale ..........$750 2705 Ingleside Dr ....$725 1700-F N.hamilton ... $625
813 Magnolia .......... $595 2415 Williams ..........$575 726 Bridges.............$575 1135 Tabor...............$575 1020 South ............. $550 2208-A Gable way .. $550
601 Willoubar.......... $550 1605 Staley............. $525 324 Louise ............. $525 1016 Grant .............. $525 919 Old Winston ..... $525 2209-A Gable Way .. $500 127 Pinecrest.......... $495 2219 N. Centennial.. $495
1019 Montlieu ..........$475 1606 Larkin............. $450 502 Everett ............ $450 328 Walker............. $425 322 Walker............. $425 2 BEDROOM 2640 2D Ingleside $780
1048 Oakview......... $650 213 W. State........... $600 101 #6 Oxford Pl ..... $535 1540 Beaucrest ...... $525 204 Prospect ......... $500 16 Leonard ............. $495 419 Peace ...............$475 215 Friendly ............ $450 1198 Day................. $450 1707 W. Rotary ....... $450 1100 Wayside ......... $450 111 Chestnut ........... $450 1101 Blain ................ $450 700-B Chandler...... $425 12 June................... $425 205-A Tyson Ct...... $425 204 Hoskins ........... $425 1501-B Carolina ...... $425 321 Greer ............... $400 324 Walker............. $400 713-B Chandler ...... $399 2903-A Esco .......... $395 1043-B Pegram ...... $395 908 E. Kearns ........ $395 1704 Whitehall ........ $385 601-B Everett ..........$375 2306-A Little ...........$375 501 Richardson .......$375 1635-A W. Rotary ....... $350
1206 Adams ................$350 1227 Redding...............$350 305 Barker...................$350 406 Kennedy...............$350 311-B Chestnut............$350 1516-B Oneka..............$350 309-B Griffin ................$335 3006 Oakcrest ............$325 4703 Alford ..................$325 313-B Barker ...............$300 314-B W. Kearns.........$295 1116-B Grace ...............$295 1711-B Leonard............$285 1517 Olivia.....................$280 1515 Olivia.....................$280 1 BEDROOM 1123-C Adams ........ $450 1107-B Robin Hood........ $425
1107-C Robin Hood . $425
Homes Unfurnished
1800 Sq. Ft. Davidson County, Conrad Realtors 336-885-4111
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600 N. Main 882-8165
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30,000 sq ft warehouse, loading docks, plenty of parking. Call dy or night 336-625-6076
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2br gas
2br, E. Kearns $490., 5 lg. rms & Utility Rm. Complete remodel, Sec 8 ok 882-2030
Mobile Homes/Spaces
2br Mobile Home-Old Thomasville Rd., $110. week, dep. req’d, Call 841-8071 / 687-0449 5496 Uwharrie #1, 2BR. $295 mo. 5496 Uwharrie #6, 2BR, $395, Randoolph Schools, Water & Trash incld. Call Kinley Realty. 434-4146 Mobile Home for rent Archdale and Thomasville area. Weekly or monthly. Call 883-8650
Buy * Save * Sell Place your ad in the classifieds! Buy * Save * Sell Mobile Homes & Lots Auman Mobile Home Pk 3910 N. Main 883-3910
AFFORDABLE rooms for rent. Call 491-2997
Affordable 2BR/1BA W/D Hook Up. $500 mo No Pets. Call 336-880-1771
Commercial Property
N E E D S P A C E ? 3BR/1BA. CENT H/A CALL 336-434-2004
CONRAD REALTORS 512 N. Hamilton 885-4111
518 Elwood. 2BR/1BA, Newly Renovated. $450 + deposit. Call 336-869-2963
Need space in your garage?
A Better Room 4U in town - HP within walking distance of stores, buses. 886-3210.
Furnished Rooms, Women Only. W/D, Cable, Near Hospital area. 336-987-1798 Rooms, $100- up. No Alcohol or Drugs. Incld Util.. 887-2033 Walking dist.HPU rooming hse. Util.,cent. H/A, priv. $90-up. 989-3025.
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Nice & clean hrdwood flrs, heat/air, 442-7211
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A-1 ROOMS. Clean, close to stores, buses, A/C. No deposit. 803-1970.
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Vacation/ Resort
NC MOUNTAINSOwner must sell. Log cabin w/covered porch & large deck on 1.5 private acres. Ready to finish and EZ access. Reduced to $79,900. Call brkr 828-286-1666. Won’t last!
600 N. Main 882-8165
620-A Scientific .......$375 508 Jeanette...........$375 1119-A English......... $350 910 Proctor............. $325 309-B Chestnut ......$275 502-B Coltrane .......$270 1228 Tank............... $250 1317-A Tipton.......... $235 608-A Lake ............ $225
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N. Myrtle Beach, Shore Dr area. 2 BR, 2 BA. Ocean view condo. Weeks ava. 336-476-8662
BENNETTSVILLE, SCG r e a t l e a s e opportunity! $1.00 NNN 40-250,000 sq. ft. available, 20’ ceiling height, sprinklered, dock height. 1hr from Florence, 2hrs from Charlotte. 818-5087034, x12.
FSBO Desired Davidson County, Friendship/Ledford Schools. Updated t h r o u g h o u t , 3 BR/2BA. Off Burton Rd in Burton Oaks Sub. 2032 Priya Street. $144,000 By Appt. ONLY. 336307-3080 INVESTMENT HOME (New Listing) Very good investment home for the price. Good condition for an older home. 3BR. 6 rooms, large front porch, enclosed rear porch, storage garage. Convenient, close to town location. 908 Carter St. Very reasonably priced at $21,000. Henry Shavitz Realty 882-8111. 1.3 ac. 2400 sf. house $89,900. David. Cty. brokr-ownr 4752600
Investment Property
OPEN HOUSE, Tues Mar 23, 10am - 3pm Commercial Real Estate Former 84 Lumber location 3874 Bethel Drive Ext, High Point for more information contact Jamie Jones @ 724-228-3636 or jamie.jones@ 84lumber.biz. Hope to see you there!
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L A N D O R DEVELOPMENTS WANTED. We buy or mar ket deve lopment lots. Mountain or W a t e r f r o n t Communities in NC, SC, VA, TN, AL, GA, FL. Call 800-4551981, Ext.1034.
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12R www.hpe.com SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2010
Plus, still qualify for $6,500 to $8,000 government home buyer credits.
One of High Point’s Most Desirable Addresses 2803 Swan Lake Drive Price already discounted $75,000, Well below Tax Value
$525,000 Plus , still time to qualify for home buying credit”
Features: s:
• 3515 Square re Feet • Priced well below tax value • Four bedrooms on main level • 3 1/2 baths • Hickory hardwood floors • Tile in baths, laundry and sunroom • Custom cherry cabinetry • Custom molding throughout • Vaulted, coffered and trey ceilings • Large bonus room upstairs • Granite counter tops • Gas log fireplace in large great room
• Stainless appliances • Double oven • Detailed brick work • Three-car garage • Tankless hot water • Over-sized Jacuzzi • Irrigation system • Central Vac • Alarm system • Wired for surround sound • Three separate HVAC systems • Ledford Schools
Don’t D on’’t delay. dellay Offer must be accepted by April 30th to qualify for tax credit.
Contact Nancy Laney (336)410-6821 531437