Architecture Portfolio by Baihaqi Abdullah

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selected works 2020-2023


A passionate architectural designer who interested on how historical value that emboddied in the urban landscape affected sustainable design of the future.

Name : Baihaqi Abdullah

Date of Birth : 8 january 1998

E-mail :

Telephone : +62 821-3870-0232

Adress : Depok, Indonesia

/Skill /Language English (IELTS Test with Overall Band Score 7.0) Professional Working Proficiency Indonesian Native Proficiency Public Presentation Concept Development Time Management Critical Thinking
Hello, my name’s Haqi

May 2022 - Present

October 2021 - April 2022

July 2020 - January 2021

June - August 2020

October - November 2019


Architect at Urbane

PT. Urbane Indonesia

Architect Intern at Urbane

IAI Apprentice Program - PT. Urbane Indonesia

Architectural Research Asistance

Reconstructing Pasar Gambir - University of indonesia

Architectural Designer

Rumah Cilegon - Freelance

Architectural Designer

Sayembara Ibukota Indonesia - University of indonesia


August 2021 - Present

January - December 2019

January - December 2018

August 2018

January - December 2017

August 2019


The Association of Indonesian Architects / Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI)

Vice Head of Sponsorship

Ekskursi Arsitektur UI 2019 ‘Orang Laut’

Vice Chairman

IMA FTUI 2018 (Student Council)

Student Mentor

MADK Arsitekur 2018 (Freshman Orientation Program)

Head of Islamic Division

IMA FTUI 2017 (Student Council)

Student Mentor

MADK Arsitektur 2017 (Freshman Orientation Program)


September 2020 - August 2021

Professional Program for Architect (GPA : 3.76)

University of Indonesia

September 2016 - August 2020

Undergraduate Architecture Program (GPA : 3.32)

University of Indonesia

July 2013 - May 2016


SMAN 1 Depok

/Award & Achievements

June 2022

3rd Place of Representative House / Legislative Buildings IKN Nusantara

Ministry of Public Works and Housing of The Republic of Indonesia (KemenPUPR) & Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI)

June 2021

People’s Choice Award - Armadihouse

Mobitecture | Extreme Architecture Competition

October 2020

Presenter at Architecture & Scarcity Webinar

University of Indonesia & VibiBuzz

September 2020

4th Place of Archasia Student Competition

ARCHASIA ( Architects Regional Council Asia)

“The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future.”
Wendell Phillips
/Ruang Retorika Art & Parking Space
/Armadihouse Mobile-Architecture
/Heaven Heel’s COVID-19 Monumental Museum
/Peranakan Lifestyle C Adaptive-reuse Commercial
2021 /Legislatif IKN Government
2022 27 15 1 39 43 51
/Pasar Gambir Colonial-influenced Heritage

/Peranakan Lifestyle C.

Type : Masterplan & Commercial

Year : 2021

Area : 2500 sqm

Location : Pasarbaru, Jakarta, Indonesia

Facilitator : Dr. Ir. Hendrajaya Isnaeni, M.Sc

Ir. Achmad Sadili S, M.Si Ir. Endy Subijono, IAI., AA Ar. Nur Hadianto, S.Ars. .

The project consist of two designs; pasar baru masterplan & heritage commercial building. the heritage commercial design aim to be cultural heritage building conservation using the adaptive-reuse method in Toko Kompak and Resto Tropic. The concept of the building is a commercial function that has the character and spatial atmosphere of the Peranakan Traditional Shop-house.

The Masterplan

The total area of designing Pasar Baru Masterplan is 130 Ha. Pasar Baru famous as a centre of trade and culture of India since then until now. This area already served in transit by BRT TransJakarta Harmony as a TOD area; KRL Juanda; And in the future, there will be MRT Harmoni and Sawah Besar. Development now within the region has variety and quality various, in general is low density development in the form of commercial offices, hotels, real estate, apartments, shop houses, and village.

Making decades of heritage tied to the region a key investment in sustainable development.

Heritage Public & Green Space

More than 30% of new open space in the form of plazas, squares, urban forests, pedestrian enclaves, green corridors, riverside gardens, and street views were created to add value and to enhance the area’s amenity and identity.

Development Connectivity

Approximately 130 ha of new commercial and mixed development is planned in this new market area. Density is maximized, while parking is limited to all developments within the area, and provides lots of public open space.

The main road that connects the west-east side facilitates human movement to reach the entire area, the availability of tram facilities can facilitate east-west access without the use of motorized vehicles.

3 Professional ProgramDesign Project 2
Peranakan Lifestyle Center | 4 2021 LEGEND Residential Office Commercial Heritage Building Public Facility Choosen Site
5 Professional ProgramDesign Project 2
Located in Pasarbaru, the design highlighted two heritage buildings with strong historical presence in the area. Toko Kompak and Resto Tropic was one of the first settler in Pasarbaru when its first open in 1820. The Program is to inject new retail function above and make the heritage buildings as its lobby frontage. Traditional pitched roof deformated to become the iconic fluid and wavy roof.

Site Context

2021 Peranakan Lifestyle Center | 6
7 Professional ProgramDesign Project 2 Programming Historical Research
Peranakan Lifestyle Center | 8 01. 04. 02. 05. 03. 06. F O R M I N G
Peranakan Lifestyle Center | 10




2021 Peranakan Lifestyle Center | 12
13 Professional ProgramDesign Project 2
Peranakan Lifestyle Center | 14


Place of Archasia Student Competition

ARCHASIA ( Architects Regional Council Asia)


/Heaven Heel’s Museum

Type : Museum & Pavillion

Year : 2020

Area : 11.200 sqm

Location : Wuhan, China

Facilitator : Dr. Ir. Hendrajaya Inaeni, M.Sc

Farid Aditama Rakun, S.Ars, M.Ars Verarisa Anastasia, S.Ars, M.I.A.

This Design aim to be modern heritage that show the reflection of virus outbreak that afflicts wuhan city through Museum that consists 10 plots of different emotional narratives from the memory of virus victims perspective (Government, Patients, Doctors, Citizen).

17 Undergraduate ProgramFinal Project

This exploration shows that gratitude is a journey of human reflection, where our sensory system and mind receive information about conflict that happening into a pathway that direct our thoughts to the past, and return to the present to be grateful.

2020 Heaven Heel’s Museum | 18
19 Undergraduate ProgramFinal Project

The forming process is done by breaking down the elements presented in the spatial explorion of Covid-19 Pandemic narrative into boundary, movement direction, and spatial symbolism. Then abstracted into architectural form.

2020 Heaven Heel’s Museum |20
21 Undergraduate ProgramFinal Project
2020 Heaven Heel’s Museum | 22

The idea of the design is to reconstruct the Coronavirus Pandemic through each victims representative that effected by it into a new, multi-perspective narrative that trigger the memory of every human who experienced it on a journey that reflects the phenomenon of Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak through victims sensory and emotion memories.

23 Undergraduate ProgramFinal Project
2020 Heaven Heel’s Museum | 24
2020 Heaven Heel’s Museum | 26

/Ruang Retorika

Type : Art & Parking Space

Year : 2020

Area : 1.920 sqm

Location : Blok M, Jakarta

Facilitator : Dr. Ir. Hendrajaya Isnaeni, M.Sc Ir. Achmad Sadili S, M.Si Ar. Nur Hadianto, S.Ars.

This design aim to be the face of development of social culture that happening in jakarta without forget about betawi heritage roots. Kebaya house culture that deconstruct in minimalism way shows adaptive development towards future.

Ruang Retorika aims to be the face of socio-cultural developments that occur in Jakarta without forgetting the roots of the Betawi cultural heritage. Minimalist deconstructed components of Rumah Kebaya reflect adaptive cultural developments. The site located in the intersection between Jl. Joko Sutono and Jl. Cililin is busy being visited by road passers, students and local residents. Together with the presence of the Kebayoran Baptist Church which provides a unique view and atmosphere, this location is strategic as a public space.

29 Professional ProgramDesign Project 1.3
2021 Ruang Retorika | 30
31 Professional ProgramDesign Project 1.3
2021 Ruang Retorika | 32
33 Professional ProgramDesign Project 1.3
2021 Ruang Retorika | 34
2021 Ruang Retorika | 36

The deconstruction method is carried out by breaking the kebaya house into various architectural components, then modifying it by reducing cultural elements to be more minimalist and emphasizing only certain components. The presence around the site, such as housing, pedestrians, churches, and others, was also a consideration in the deconstruction process.

2021 Ruang Retorika | 39

/Pasar Gambir

Type : Public Exhibition

Year : 2020

Area : +/- 105.000 sqm

Location : Gambir, Jakarta

Team : Amani Tedjowongso

Facilitator : Dr.-Ing. Yulia Nurliani Lukito, ST, MDesS

This project is a reconstruction and visualization of Pasar Gambir in the colonial era that began with an ethnographic and handicraft exhibition held in 1853 in Batavia. After that, Pasar Gambir, which began in 1906, was held to celebrate Queen Wilhelmina’s birthday.

41 KemenristekArchitecture Historical Research
Pasar Gambir | 42 2020
Ministry of Public Works and Housing of The Republic of Indonesia (KemenPUPR) & Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) 3rd Place of Representative House / Legislative Buildings

/IKN Legislative Building

Type : Government Building

Year : 2021

Area : +/-10 sqm

Location : Kalimantan, Indonesia

Team : PT. Urbane Indonesia

by the people and for the people.

The design of this legislative building is the result of a competition held by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and the Association of Indonesian Architects. The concept of this design takes the values and essence of the democratic system implemented in Indonesia, by adapting it to the local context of Kalimantan, both from the natural environment and from the culture of the people of Kalimantan.

45 Architectural CompetitionUrbane Indonesia
IKN Legislative Building | 46 2022
47 Architectural CompetitionUrbane Indonesia
IKN Legislative Building | 48 2022
49 Architectural CompetitionUrbane Indonesia
IKN Legislative Building | 50 2022

People’s Choice Award - Armadihouse

Mobitecture | Extreme Architecture Competition



Type : Mobile-Residential

Year : 2021

Area : +/-10 sqm

Location : Conceptual

Team : Farah Augusta Pusparosa

To overcome the unpredictable disasters occurring on this planet, Armadicar – the moveable and adjustable habitat inspired by Armadillo – provides an adaptive dwelling in a minimum space. With costumizable interior elements, openings and boundaries, Armadicar accommodates four-member family activities during days and nights, on land and water surface. Sustainable features also applied in this prototype to make this model independent while moving.

53 Architectural CompetitionMobitecture
Day Mode 07.00 am - 09.00 pm Night Mode 09.00 pm - 07.00 am
Main Concept Biomimicry Approach on Armadillo
Foldable Facade
Foldable Furniture
Armadihouse | 54 2020

selected works 2020-2023

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